The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 19, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    H1CNI) 11UIXETIN, IIRim OnKflON, THUIWDAY, HKVT, If); 1018
rAOE fr.
- ' ; v
Good Hye Mother Maclirre (Harry Mardonouilli) - .
One (or All .ml All for One (Helen Clark) - - V
OKI I Hale to Got Up In The Mornmtf - - - -
Oh! Frenchy - - - (Arthur Field.) - - - -
Over There - - - - - -
Dear Old Pal of Mine
It's ifrcat, Come in
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
J. II. Antiunion returned yesterday
from u business trip to Tho l)ull;n.
Mr. mill Mm. L, II. (lurbltiit r
turnml hint nlKht from nn ituto trip
to Colorado, where limy visited for
several weeks with relatives. They
loft this city curly In Juno.
Fred Hhliitiiffor of Diitt Lake In In
thu city traiisiictliiK business. He
reports business ui his resort as be
iiut exceptionally kooi), although
somewhat ofToctod by thu coiiilltlon
of thu roads,
Mr. mill Mrs. Carl McGheo havo
returned from u several weeks' visit
to points In southern parta of thu
statu. TliD trip wuh in a do by ma
cliltiii, thu party coiiiIiik In ovur thu
McKuiulo pnmi.
L. A. Hunt of Lower HrlilKu lft
for homo thin morning after spend
Ink yesterday In tlio city, whim hu
nppistri'il before thu board of cijiuill
xntluti im ono of a commltlov to Hunk
luwur taxes In thn comity.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Anton Ahlstrom of White Hock Is
In tho city on business.
J. P. Knyos left this iiiornlnx for a
business trip to Portland.
0. II, Miller, county commissioner,
wuh lii llnnd yesterday on business.
Dr. Wood of McMlunvlllo was In
Iluiid yesterday visiting with frlrndi.
Alex. Duval of Pleasant Valley was
In thu city yusterday transacting
W. (1. Stokes or thu statu flro mar
shal's offlco arrived In Bend this
II. F. Mo.Mlckle, mnnuger or the
Itcdmond Warehouse, was In the city
F. M. Ilooth, ono of the old resi
dents of Bisters, was In Bend yvster
duy on business.
Hardy Allen and Charles Gist or
Hlstors wuro In tho city yesterday
trasnaclliiK business.
J, A. Thompson, superintendent or
schools, and W, T. Mullnrkey, county
assessor, mado a business trip to
Iti'dmond yesterday.
Allen Lewis or the firm of Allen
& Lewis of Portland passed thsiiUKh
llend this morning en route to Port
land after an outing ut Crater Lake
J. T. Hardy, traveling passengor
and freight agent of thu O.-W.- It. &
N., was In Mend yostorduy renewing
old acquaintance. Mr, Hardy has
Just been reinstated to his position
In this suction alter being placed In
New Separate Skirts
Materials tire Serges, Wool and Silk Poplins, Satins
Cheedah Cloth, Messalines and Tall etas, in black,
navy, taupe, green, brown, grey, and attractive
plaids and stripes. Very moderately priced
of Crepu de Chine, Georgette and Striped Silk. New
up-to-date models in white, flesh and all the new
fall colorings. Prices to suit every purse
$3.48 to $7-SO
ThePeoples Store
Agent for R & G Concti and Armor flstq'Hoiiry ,
- - - - (Knrico Caruso)
(John McCormack)
and hear tin's record
other work by thn government whun
tlio roads wuro tukcn ovur by thu
(From Monday'M Dally.)
M. 0. McClulu of La Pino Im In
tlio city.
J. I, Co vii ii dor of Burns la In tlio
city on business,
U. M. Cortina of I'rlnuvlllu Ih In
thu transacting business.
J. W. Nash of Hpokiuio Is In thu
city transacting business.
I). Verges of Hllver Lako Is trans
acting business In tlio city.
Mr. mid Mrs. It. Flnley of Klamath
Folia ur nmotiK thn guests at thu
Pilot Uuttc.
Mrs. Taylor or Mltcholl In In thu
city unit will rum ft I n Intra for sev
eral days visiting with friends,
(From Saturday's Dally.)
E. H. Howard or Portland Is In
tho city on business.
John M. Wtiburx or Kmniott.
Idaho, Is In tho city on business.
Miss Lurllo Itcdmond ot Itedmond
Is In tho vlty visiting with friends.
Mrs, J. A. Hodges or Culver was
In tho city yesterday visiting with
friends, Sho left on this morning's
train for Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Italpli llartlett and
fniully mid mother left this morning
by automobile for Cullforula, whore
they will spend the winter.
L, N. Vnrlun or Hums was In
Ileud this morning on his return
Journey homo from' Son Jose, where
hu had been with Mrs. Varlan, who
Is spending thu winter In the Cali
fornia city for thu benefit ot ber
(From Friday's Dally.)
W. C. Hollliigsheail ot La Pino Is
In tho city on business.
George Messpr of Hlxtors was visit
ing In tho cltyA yesterday,
Frank Porclvul or Mllllcan Is a
business visitor In thu city.
C. A. and Al Doylu of Portland
nrtt In tho city on business.
I). A, Mood or Itedmond was a
business visitor In tho city yesterday.
N. II. Elliott of Terrebounu wus n
business visitor In thu city today.
Miss Avlti Plku of Paisley, Oregon,
who lias ineii visiting with her sis
tor, Mrs. Clarenco Young, In this
ally for tho past tun days, has ro-
turned to her homo.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Illloy of La
Pino aro In tho city visiting with
Mr. mid Mrs. C. H. Oulllford of
(From Wodnmiday'M Daily.)
Ily mi embargo put In effect nt
'Midnight TiutHiliiy mill announced
to tlio lumbitr Interests of thin vicin
ity yusturduy morning, shipments of
lumber to Wisconsin ami polntH east
of tlio Mississippi river mul north of
th Ohio, Includlfifc West VlrKlnla,
ro forbidden, Tlio only clianco of
makliiK shlpmonts Into thin turrltory
until tlio embargo Im rumovitit will
hu by obtaining special shipping
authority from a government corn
tnlttito, Hiich authority cnn bo ob
tained only by a consignee.
HI i) co a largo portion of tlio local
lumber hustnesH consists of ship
tiiontfi Into tint turrltory Included In
this embargo tlio order has boon re
Portland aro In tho city visiting with
C. W. Allen of Allondala on tho
Metollus Is In tho city transacting
Mr, mid Mrs. A, B, Bgglcslon havo
returned to their homo In this city
ufter a vacation or several weeks,
Mrs. II. F. Oatman and Mrs. K. D.
Lewis, both or Hllver Lake, were
visiting with friends In tho city yes
terday. Hugh Thompson returned this
morning from Astoria, where ho has
been employed In tho shipyards this
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Prltchar'd, at
thu Oruwcller mill, aro tho parents
or a ten-pound boy, born Wednesday,
September 11,
Mrs. T. A. McCann loft this morn
ing for Crater Lako with her guests,
Mrs. B. C. Bhuvlln and Mrs. David
lowlg or Portland,
'.. A. French of Alrllc, Oregon, Is
In tho city and will remain horo for
sovural days with a view to locating
In this section. Mr. French has but
recently moved to Oregon from Mon
tana. (From Thursday's Dally.)
L. O. Ocrton of Ft. Hock. Is Intho
city on business. ' -' ' 5.V
J. W. Carlson of Prlnovlllo Is
transacting business In tho city.
W. II. Daggett of Itedmond was in
Ilond yesterday on legal business.
Mr. and Mrs, J. J. Illew aro at
Fast Lako, where they will spend
several days on a vacation.
L. A. Hunt and 0. M. Hosklna ot
Lower Ilrldgo wuro In tho city yes
terday transacting business.
News in Brief.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
lUxrcptlon for High School. A re
ception for tho benefit ot tho, pupils
and toachcrs of tho high school Is
Fill Your Needs of
Blankets and Com
forters for Winter
Just now our stock is complete and the prices
are based on purchases made months ago. A
Cotton Blankets
tnxTU, Pair. $
IV 1x7 1, Pair $2.7
(MxHO, Pair &J.:tl
Woolnap Blankets
Standard Plaids
00x70, lidr 1.00
00x80, Pair. $W.l8
72x81, Pair 97.10
Don 7 Hesitate. Come in and Look
Them Oder.
ceived horo with a flood deal of sur
prise mid apprehension. Stocks nro
understood to bo low mid for a tlrnit
tlio mills could run and All up their
ynrdH, but this could not go on In
ditflnltcly. Officials of tho mills In Bond this
afternoon worn unablu to glvo a
great dital or Unlit on tho effect It Is
to liuvo on tlio vicinity. It Is gen
orally presumed by them, however,
that tlio order Is only temporary, of
feetlvo until cortaln adjustments
havo been made, after which the
markets will again bo opened.
Tho order effects lumber alone,
and not tho manufactured product,
such as boxes, box shookn, sash and
doors and similar outputs.
to bo held at thu Christian church
next Friday evening.
tin tlxTt - I'ciira. Announcement
has Just been mado of the marriage
of Mrs. Inuz Penco and Mr. Frank
Hrobort, both of thin city, which was
solemnized Sunday afternoon at 6:30
at tho Presbyterian church by Itov.
O, II. Mayer. Uoth of tho contract
ing parties aro well known In Hend,
having resided hero for a consider
able length of time, and aro receiv
ing tho congratulations of their
Itnlly Day at M. K. Church. A
service of unusual merit Is to be
given at tho Methodist church next
Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. It is
tho occasion of tho annual Ilally day
of tho Sunday school, and a pro
gram that Is In perfect keeping with
tho day will bo given, entitled "A
Call to tho Colors." It Is of a pa
triotic nature throughout. A service
flag of 23 stars will be presented to
tho school and church.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Cluster Lights Aro In. Lamp
posts for cluster lights havo been put
In placo on the sldwalk. In front of
tho llend Amateur Athlotlc club.
Tho posts wero donated by Huff
seutnldtrDugan Ironworks and aro a
flno addition to tho appearance of
tho street in that neighborhood.
JU-ml Man Joins Service. William
Jerry, who has been running the
"Suuaro Deal" Ford repair shop on
Wall street, has sold out and will
leavo soon for Portland In prepara
tion for entering tho service. The
business will bo carried on by Mr.
Jerry's successor.
League Will Meet. A meeting of
tho Good Government league Is to
bo held In this city tomorrow after
noon, according to reports ot tho
mombers today. No announcement
la mado as to tho nature of tho busi
ness to bo transacted.
Iteturn from Trip. Mr. and Mro.
Wool Blankets
70x80 Wool Filled, pjUr,...$7.00
0(U80, Heavy Weight, Wool
Filled, pair. 98.00
n-IHiund, AU-Wool, Dark Grey,
pair 9.05
00x80, -.80 Wool, Fancy
Plaids, pair. 90.50
72x80, Same 91 1.00
Crib Blankets
n0x40, Fancy Pattern 08c
L. 0, Mrltcynolds liavo returned to
their homo In this city from an ex
tended trip to Oklahoma.
Mark from Tho Dnllcx. Mrs, C.
W. Krsklno litis returned to her homo
hero after n short visit with relatives
it Tho Dalles.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Arrive In Oklahoma. Friends of
former Postmaster Honry Ford havo
received word from him reporting
his arrival In Itnndlett, Oklahoma,
after a trip of 2160 miles, which ho
covered In 14 days, "Lots of tiro
trouble," ho writes, "but nono with
car. Am getting busy at my old
trade tho oil business."
Mrs. 1'orbe Oct Appointment.
Mrs. Vernon A. T'orbes has been ap
pointed as secretary of tho home
servlco section of the Ited Cross, It
was announced this afternoon. The
work entails tho taking over of the
regular secretarial work of tho local
chapter, togother with handling the
homo servlco work, ono of tho most
important branches of tho Hcd
Militia Me-t Twice Weekly. The
Dend militia Is meeting twice each
week, Tuesday and Friday nights.
No report has yet been received as
to the receipt of the guns, or how
soon they are to bo shipped. Major
Saltzman in a recent trip to Port
land tbok up tho matter with state
officials, but they were unable to
mako any definite statement.
Train Arw Jnte. Trains Into
Dond since Saturday havo been run
ning several hours behind schedule
until this morning, when tho passen
ger train arrived on time. The
slides on tho tracks havo been re
moved and it is expected that train
servlco in tho future will move with
out interruption.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Checked Up on Ills Men. One of
the registrars In the county who kept
a closo watch on the men who were
supposed to register on Thursday,
Sept. 12, was J. D. Bowman, regis
trar at Sisters. Before the registra
tion, Mr. Bowman, who ia well ac
quainted with every man in the dis
trict, made a list of every man In
that neighborhood and checked them
oft as they appeared before the
board. When tho day was finished
ho found ho had nine men whose
names still remained on tho list, and
making a search for them found all
of them to bo in tho service, having
voluntarily enlisted during the early
TickctM SellliiK Fust. Tickets on
tho 21-Inch doll which is on display
at tho Owl Pharmacy aro fast being
taken by tho public, and a consider
able sum of money will be raised for
the Ktd Cross and tho donor, tho
proceeds to bo divided equally be
tween them. It Is expected that the
disposition of the doll will be made
within a short time.
Kterctt Girl Weds Hero. The
marriage ceremony of Miss Aubrey
Bellows ot Everett, Washington, to
George Savey ot this city was
solemnized at the Presbyterlau
church Thursday afternoon. Rev.
Hartranft performed the ceremony.
They will mako their home at 312
Dolawaro avenue, this city.
Iteturn from Sisters. Mr. and
Mrs. N. G. Jacobsen havo returned
from a several days' outing in the
vicinity ot Sisters.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Is Taken 111. Mrs. Wm. E. Searcy
or Tumalo, rormerly Miss Lucy T.
Hicks, ono of tho Instructors in the
Bend schools, was taken qulto sorl-'
Clip Your Coupons !
Interest on Third Issue of Liberty
Bonds is due September 15, 1918
Bring us the Coupons and We
will give you the cash.
The First National Bank .
Our assortment
of Baby Foods is
complete and
the prices are
Just RtmtmbtT j
Magill & Erskine
oualy ill yesterday while visiting at
the homo ot Mrs. A. G. Allen. Sho
Is reported as being Improved thin
Goes to Ilrothcrs. Ttobcrt M.
Oroder of Drothers was trapsactlng
business In Bend yesterday. Mr.
Broder has been spending 'tho past
several weeks at Sherman, whore ho
has been aiding In tho bayflelds.
Goes to Portland. Archlo Mo
Gowan of Burns left this morning
for Portland after spending a couplo
of days in this city transacting
(From Thursday's DaUy.)
Social Night. Tomorrow night la
tho regular social night at tho gym
nasium. Tho same charge for tho
privileges ot the club will be mado
as last week. Community dancing In
the ballroom, 10 cents per daneo.
General door admission to non-mom-bers,
10 cents, entitling them merely
to entrance to ballroom. Swimming
tank open to couples and ladles
alone. Card tables to couplea in
club room. Bowling and pool tables
open to ladies and gentlemen.
Garment Department Clowed.
Through delay in transportation, tho
garment department of the Bend
chapter of the Red Cross will bo
closed. Work will bo sent to
branches and auxiliaries as well as
supplied to the local workroom upon
the arrlral of material.
To Hold Flower Sole. Tho regu
lar weekly flower sale conducted by
the Ladles' Library club will be held
on Saturday at Thompson's musla
store and Larson's jewelry store. Do
nations of flowers for the salo may
be left at either store by Saturday
To Itcnto Hero. Mrs. Mabel
Stringer ot Dry Lake Is In the city
and will reside here during tho win
ter, giving the children tho oppor-
tun't' t attending the Bend schools.
v La I