The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 19, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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11KM) ftW.liKTINr KNU'0!CnON, T1IU1W!)AY'HRIT, 10, IMS
The Bend Bulletin
Established 11)01!.
I ' Publisher
An independent newspaper stand
ing for tliu square dcnl, clean bus!
cosa, clean politics nnd tho boat ln
torostB of Hend nnd Contrnl Oregon.
Ono Year $2.00
Six Months 1,00
Thrco Months 50
What proportion of a man's net
Assets should ho contribute to war
loans ts discussed by tho Orcgonlan
In nn Illuminating editorial, from
which wo quoto ns follows:
"What proportion of a man's not
assets should ho contribute to war
loans,' Tho Orcgonlan is asked, and
should any distinction bo drawn be
tween tho man whoso assets aro In
cash or easily convertible Into cash
and tho man whoso assets aro of
equal value, but unproductive? The
best way of fixing tho proper con
tribution of tho man with cash or
liquid assets is to Include the Income
from his investments in his total in
come, and to call upon him to sub
dorlbo a percentage of tho whole.
As ho needs a certain minimum for
living expenses, this percentage
should rlso as income Is -greater. A
compilation has been mado by the
Bankers' Trust company of Now
York, according to which n roan
whoso Iricomo Is $1000 a year should
contribute $1S0 a year to war funds
in tho shapo of Liberty loan, war
savings stamps and federal income
tax, while tho contribution from a
$2000-income should bo $450 a year;
A $5000 income $2100 a year; a
$10,000 inepme $6700 a year.
"Tho man who has an Investment
that is not yet producing any return
must be, presumed to follow some oc
cupation, paying an income from
which ,ho can and should subscribe.
He may bo presumed to hold his In
vestment In expectation of future
profit and should subscribe more in
consideration of tho opportunity
which tho democratic form of gov
ernment has given him to make the
Investment and which tho mainte
nance bf' that government will give
him to realize a profit. Under auto
cratic rule he would not have either
opportunity. He would bo heavily
taxed to maintain Imperial splendor,
a great bureaucracy and a huge
army, and would probably be
squeezed by a government-supported
trust. Putting the matter merely on
the ground of cold-blooded business,
it is long-headed business for him
to protect1 his investment by support
ing ,th (government in winning vic
tory over Germany.
"But his incomo may not be suf
ficient to. permit this additional con
tribution Then he should do more
work and oarn more money In order
to increase his incomo and thereby
his contribution. In tho present
emergency there Is plenty of work
for every mn and woman, and It ts a
patriotic duty to seek It and do it.
A man may work longer at his reg
ular occupation, or1 ho may spend
eoveral hours a day at some other,
and add to his earnings. There Is
no better uso for such extra earn
ings than Investment in Liberty
bonds., They may provide means to
improve that unproductive invest
ment and make it pay interest on its
value. By doing more work and
making this uso of the proceeds, he
serves both himself and his country.
Even if he be well enough off to live
without work, tho duty to work is
etlll the same. There Is no room for
idlo hands in these times."
Sympathy, commlsoratlon, nil tho
bno-hoo stuff. Groat gouts ot weeps,
tear drops ot Ink, But (hen you
will hit that 100th golden letter ot
cheer nrd encouragement. Mnybo
It's, from snmo poor unlettered lady
from tho hill country whoso boy hns
loft and found his way Into tho
stockndn here. But bIio ts wiso with
wisdom (hat sotno more educated
don't possess.
"Why can't pcoplo have tho per
ception to absorb tho Big Idea In
nil tills business. Your doughboy,
or whatever ho Is, may think ho
likes that sympathy but he doesn't.
I know, for I fooled myself for a
iiono 6f tho ppneo that Gorninuy will
now nccodp to, Lot tho war go on
until wo can hnVo ho pence thnt wo
want a peace Hint will bo enduring,
To Hell with Gorninuy nnd her
poaco trms.
The Brouks-Scniilnn contribution
to tho Salvation Army fund wits n
splondld boost for n worthy cause.
Tho effort to scpnrato Liberty
bond holders not familiar with
stock and bond values from their
Liberty bonds has taken a new turn.
Tho manipulators instead ot offer
ing to buy tho bonds nt Inadequate
prices offer In exchnngo for thorn
the stocks nnd bonds qf various wild
cat corporations, whoso tnco value
is largo but whoso actual value Is
llttlo or nothing.
Tho safest Investment In tho world
Is a Liberty bond. For a patriotic
American, Liberty bonds aro tho best
investment in tho world. It is not
only a wiso thing to hold them It is
a patriotic thing to do, Tho soldier
that takes a tronch and then volun
tarily gives It up Is not to bo com
pared with ono who takes n trench
and holds it against the cnomy. An
American who buys a Liberty bond
nnd then sells It Is not so good an
American as ono who buys n bond
and holds it. This docs not npply.
however, to ono who sells his bond
because of real necessity; thoro Is
legitimate trading In Liberty bonds
which tho treasury recognizes.
It was a wiso and patriotic old
colored American who refused to soil
his $100 Liberty bond for $96. be
cause ho would not give up the
United States' promlso (his bond) to
pay him $100, with interest for the
United States' promlso (curroncy)
to pay him $96, and who refused to
sell tho samo bond for $102, because,
he said, that the $102 must bo coun
terfeit or olso tho would-be pur
chaser would not bo willing to give
it for only $100 It Is safe to say
that there are no gold bricks or wild
cat securities among that American's
Hint to the knlsor: A lot more pt
us registered this morning, Look
out for what Is coming.
tho truco of tho half-
Austria cries "Knmornd."
Fifteen YearsAgo
This Week
Tho body of S. P. Donkel with n
bullet hole In tho hack of his hend
closo to tho left enr wan found burled
under two feet ot earth at his camp
on tho Poltoti place, 16 miles nbovo
Bond, Tuesday night. A brush lire
had been built over tho grnvo to
obliterate nil nurtneo marks. It was
evident that murder had boon com
mitted and robbery Is supposed to
hnvo boon tho cause, ns $40 which
Donkel Is supposed to hnvo carried
nt tho time was missing.
Mr. and Mrs. John Fry of Albaur
arrived In Bond Monday, having
come across tho mountains by team.
They aro the guests ot Joseph M.
Hunter. The Fry uro looking for
a stock ranch.
(From Thursdny'a Dnily.)
A sulphur shipment nKgregntliiK
lSii.000 pounds, to bo used by (ho
farmors of tho Deschutes valley, and
representing a saving of I1S50 to
tho farmers, tins arrived nnd Is be
lug distributed by It. A, Wrnd, conn,
ty ngent. This vast shipment of (ho
product Is to bo used by (ho farmors
of this vicinity ns fertilizer for nl
falfn lands, a test which tins been
carried on for three successive years
having proven Its superiority for
this purpose, and that It might bo
purchased nt n minimum cost tho
Deschutes Valley Sulphur club was
organized, onch of tho growers agree
ing to uso a certain portion.
Eighty thousand pounds of the
shipment woro consigned to fnrmors
living within tho vlcliilly of Bend,
whllo tho balance was distributed to
growers In other sections of (ho
A. H. Kennedy, who was foreman
or tho Bulletin from Its start last
March, left Monday morning for
Prlncvlllo to take chargo ot tho Ro-view.
Tho Columbian Southern Ditch
company work Is progressing slowly
Just now for lack ot heavy teams.
Declare That There Is ii l.m-go Hum
of .Money Due County from
Pcntonnl Tmert.
Hon. Anne iM. Iang, receiver ot
Tho Dalles land office, and her !
ter, Miss Elizabeth Lang, arrived in
Bend Monday.
Tho prh'ilcge of conversion which
aroso In consequence of the issuo ot
4 per cent, bonds of tho third Lib
erty loan will expire on November 9
next and under existing law cannot
be extended or renewed. Delay In
exercising tho privilege will result in
overburdening the banking institu
tions of tho country and the treasury
department by making It necessary
to handle all conversions at the last
moment and may result In many
cases in the loss of the prlvllago of
conversion altogether.
Holders of coupon bonds are
strongly advised to exchange them
for registered bonds In order to pro
tect themselves against tho risk of
loss, theft, and destruction ot their
The banks throughout the country,
as a matter ot patriotic service, will
doubtless all assist bondholders In
converting and registering their
Georgo Simpson ot tho Simpson &
Powers Lumber company of St. Paul,
Minn., and J. E. Ilyan, tho com
pany's chief timber man in these
parts, came In from tho railroad
Tuesday night. Mr. Rynn, convinced
that this country will bo tho seat of
a largo lumber Industry, Is not so
suro tho development will bo very
Undo Jack Vandovert, reported to
bo alarmingly HI last week, has 're
covered his wonted health and Is .ex
ceptionally lively for a boy of '81
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Personal property In Deschutes
county has not been assessed to tho
extent which It should be, according
to a rommlttoo of tho Good Govern
ment leaguo, which mot with tho
board of equalization yesterday after
noon nnd last night.
Members ot tho leaguo havq de
clared thnt taxes In tho county are
cxccsslvo, and that they can bo cut
materially by placing on tho tax
rolls personal proporty, which has
In tho past bcon overlooked by tho
county officials. No tlcflnllo deci
sion has ns yet bcon arrived at.
I'irn Hnznnl In DlMrlrt lint Been
Materially DccmiMil tilth tliu
Opening of Full Itain.
News in Brief.
How frequently we are told that
the kindest thing we can do for our
boys la France or In camp here Is
to write them letters full ot the news
of home and the home town. They
must 'bo cheerful letters and they
should bo frequent and newsy. Those
Are the three essentials.
The; Importance of such letters Is
Impressed anew on us by a letter
Iroin a young lieutenant to a relative
living near Bend, which we have
been privileged to read. Having
chargo of tho prisoners at his camp,
it la his duty to read their mall and
ho thereby lias an opportunity to
comparo and to judge effects. And
hiu letter tells a llttlo of his own
feeljngs about letters that he re
ceives. Ho writes in part: "Speaking of
letter writing, I'm moved to hurl a
Pbllllufc or rather write an essay on
tho subject as It works out on sol
diers. This is tho truth, the letters
from homo aro Interesting for the
news, ! The old Swede up
la '(jajap Lowls called anyone ho
liked a'j'yolly fellor, and that's an
other thing about the letters always
Jolly, , Reading prisoners' mail is
par( of! my duty hero and I'll say
99 iteHcent. of it is the sob stuff.
Girls ar
In July, 1914, Sir Edward Grey,
at the head of tho British foreign
office, did everything possible, com
patible with tho dignity ot tho na
tion he represented, to avert the
war. Ho proposed and urged arbi
tration. Serbia was ready to accede
to the most humiliating demands
mado on her by Austria. All tho
European nations, except Italy, who
have since become allies against the
central powers, were willing, Indeed
anxious, to avoid the war and ready
to Join Britain In arbitration.
Germany rofused to arbitrate
Germany had been preparing for the
war for 40 years. Her plans were'
to put It through In six weeks. She
would not stand for arbitration.
Sho was for war.
Now after four years have passed
and Germany finds that sho is not
to win, but that, on tho contrary,
sho is daily approaching a heating
such as she had hoped to give
Franco, If not tho other allied na
tions, sho makes Austria como for
ward with a peaco feelor.
Germany was behind Austria whon
the latter mado tho demands on
Serbia that caused tho war; sho Is
now behind Austria In tho requests
for a peaco conference. Both na
tions know well enough on what
terms tho rest of tho world will make
peace. Let them offer these terms
if they aro sincere. If they will not
do so tho only peaco that can come
from their present proposals will bo
In tho namo ot raped Belgium, of
devastated France, of the Lusltanla
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Here from Terrebonne. Mr. Mar
garet Wlnfleld of Terrebonne, who
has been conducting a general mer
chandise storo at that placo slnco tho
death of her husband several
months ago, was a business visitor In
tho city yesterday. A
Goes to East Lake. Oeo. O'.ell
left yesterday for East Lako, whero
ho w.111 remain during tho coming
four weeks.
Attends Circuit Court. W. P.
Myers has hoen attending a session
or tho circuit court at Madras during
tho past two days.
Hero from Prliinvllle. M. It.
Briggs, a prominent attorney and
stockman ot Prinevlllo, was transact
ing business In tho city yesterday.
Mr. Moore la City. -Jared Moore,
postmaster at Redmond, was In Bond
yesterday transacting business.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho monaco of fires In tho
national forest has somewhat abated
after tho recent rains, coupled with
tho cold, nights, forest employes aro
being put on road work and Im
provements throughout tho national
forests. A closo lookout Is still til
ing maintained for fires, hut the
forco of men Is gradually decreasing,
many of them voluntarily quilting
tho servlco nnd going Into other Units.
Tho yoar round forco of rangers
and station men (slicing maintained.
(From Wednesday' Dally.)
Listed among tho casualties of
yesterday was Ralph Wesley Peck of
Culvor, missing In action. Private
Peck was ono or tho llrst men In
Contral Oregon to Join tho colors
aftor the outbreak of hostilities, ac
cording to acquaintances hero. He
enlisted early last year, and was as
signed to duty at Camp Lowls.
His wlfo, Mrs. Lena Peck, ono
child, father and mother, two
brothers and two sisters aro all resid
ing at Culvor, whllo a third brother
is In business at Oregon City,
(From Friday's Dally.)
Sergeant Frank Harvey, who has
for tho past year had charge of tho
army recruiting station In this city,
left last night for Portland, whero
he will rccclvo Instructions ns to
furthor duty. Contrary to llrst or
ders rccolved by him, he will not
roport at Ft, McDowell, but nt Port
land direct. Thin change was mado
ns deep ns n dry well, mul Governor
WKhyeombo Is fulljr ndvlHOd nloiwt
this score.
Consequently ho Iibh .Imliied on
mllet (hut potty Jonlouiy among (ho
prison oflUiiifs iiuiHt'ceiiim or hn will
el ca u out tho wholo shop from "cel
lar to gitrrot," ns ho expressed It In
nn niilhorlrml Htntonionl, mid will
Htnrt allow,
Thoro Iiiih boon ennsldnrnblo criti
cism off anil on About (ho nimiiigo
intuit of prison attaint. Murphy has
been subject to much carping from
many hIiIiih, and Joe Keller himself
linn not been Immune from sumo
slnniH from the outside,
But It may bo said right hern nnd
now that 10 years' experience wntcli
lug affairs nl (hn Oregon state peni
tentiary commits tho writer to the
Idea thnt tho plnco ran bo cleaned
out from rnoftron to wnshroom and
no entirely now band of guards, war
dens, pnrnlo officers, bookkeepers,
ot cetera, put on tho pnyro'l, nnd the
criticism will start In afresh with
all of Its nrcustomed vigor.
All Under Fire.
Evory man thnt hns had tho Job,
nsldo from Harry Mtuto, In tho past
eight years, has been uudor n run
ning lire. John Mluto got tired,
Harry Mlnto got shot nnd killed by
n convict, or probably ho would have
been run out beforo tho gnmn wus
Before thnt time Low son was
abused nnd manhandled, Curtis was
kicked out nnd James resigned be
foro ho got 11 red. Tho prison has
boon an eyesore slnco the memory
of man runneth not (o (ho contrary.
It soems strnugo thnt every mini on
tho Job should hnvo been Incompe
tent to handle tho affairs of the
p'neo. They wero not. Tho public
Is largely to blnmo for tho condition
nnd tho convicts nro smooth enough
to see thnt nnd take advnu(ngo of It,
No two men can ngreo on n prison
policy. Ono man says, "Hnng 'em,"
anothor says, "Bo kind to 'urn." Ono
snys a convict Is nn Irredeemable
bruto nnd anothor snys hn Is merely
n human being whoso foot has
slipped. No matter how u prison Is
handled half of the population of
tho state will bo against tho warden,
nnd tho other half, who coincide
with his (dens, sny thnt ho has the
right theory, but that hn doesn't
know how to work It out successfu'ly
In In a practical manner.
And nil tho time a shrewd hunch
of hard-bolls on the Inside Is plotting
nnd scheming to pull off some stunt
to get tho warden In bad. The result
Is that u year or two of administra
tion puts tho best warden on the
globo Into n place where ho Is anxi
ous and willing to give up and get
New Men Cui.
A now ono Is selected. Tho people
say, "Horn wo hnvo a man who will
do (ho business," and Inside of (hreo
months ho Is cussed and kicked
nround llko his predecessor.
Murphy Is tho kind of n warden
who believes that a convict has a
human heart; who believes that per
haps there aro Just ns many bad men
out of a pen as in It; nnd holluves
that because a man has made a mis
step ho Is not Irretrievably doomed
to bo a bad man to tho end of his
days, Ho believes that there aro
snmo men Insldo of tho prison who
hnvo ns good n chnnco to go to
Ho.ivon ah some outside, and he also
holluves thoro are snmo oulsldo of
tho prison who will get to n place
Just as deep In hell as snmo who uro
on tho Insldo. Mnybo his policy Is
wrong who know? But, If ho be
lieved thnt every man Insldo of the
prison was n bruto, and that they
should llvn on bread .nnd water if ml
bit liootod nlioiit liy an Iron shod ilm,
ho would ho ioi roundly enrsud nm
Villlflni! for hid bruliillly its Murphy
In roundly euwd mid vllllllnil fin
trying to ho u lllllo liiiiiiiin mid u
llttlo. decent toward tho men under
It Im ohm-go.
"Van mi Iron hmid," hoiiio full wn
say, Thnt sounds good, hut with an
old rotten prison, with n curtailed
equipment nnd no place to put (hn
liurdholls, It Is easier said thiiu done.
Mnybo Murphy linn in into hoiiio mis i
Inken, Mnyho the birds who crltlcNi
him hnvo iiiadn some mistakes lit
their lives. Hut If Murphy Im
kicked out hocnuso of the orKlclmu
directed ngnlnst him It will bo it snfo
hot ho will go out with clean, easy
Prepare for Cliitnueiihle Weather.
II. II. Miller, It. F. I), 10, Wooster.
O., writes: "By tho changing or
beds nnd tho weather. I took n very
bnd cold and sore throat. Four dose
or Foley's Honey and Tar put mo
right In n day's time," It pnys to
get tho gouulnn Foley's mid avoid
substitutes mid eountiirfnlls, Con
tains no oplntes, Hold everywhere .
FOB HALE Ono hundred tons or
alfalfa liny mid nco-acrn well Im
proved ranch; 240 acres Inlgntod,
part In alfalfa. F. Hosklns.
Lower Bridge, Ore. 222l)o
FOB HALE -It. I. It. pullets, r,
months old, Ituna Hatch. Tumnlti.
Ore. 28-2U-30
FOB HALE Pigs, a few weaners.
Phono Burnl 112, 39-2!)tfu
FOB HALE 0 pigs, Win. Henderson.
Tumnlo, Ore. 402D
FOB HALE 40 acres, well Im
proved, llvn room house, bis
barn, two root cellars, dairy house;
24 acres wnler; machinery, tools,
about fifteen Ions hay; eight mile
out; closo to school. W, C. Mc
Culstou, 1043, Bond street.
FOB HALE -Bhorthorn bull, 3 year
old; full blood. F. Perclvall, Mllll
can, Ore. 10.28-30o
FOB HALE 40 acres near Bond, 27
acres wntor right In crop, 10 acre
hay; with or without stock. In
quire Bulletin. lM-28tfa
FOB HALE Ono purebred Duroo
Jersey sow, to farrow Oct. ,3;
weight about 3S0 lbs.; also 2 milch
cows, cheap, Carl B, Llvesly, !),.
senium. 77-27-l
FOB HALE Cholro brood sows, will
farrow In October. W. M. Knlrknr
bocker. Gist, Ore. 71-27-9
FOR HALE Holsleln bull calf; dam
made 16,000 lbs. milk, 570 lbs.
fat nt four years, p. t Bur(,
Bond, Ore. 51-2fitfo
FOB BALE About 30 head of cattle,
mostly young stuff. Heo or wrllo
P. B. Johnson, Mllllcun, Ore.
FOB HALE CHEAP Ono horse. Heo
Chief of. Police Nixon, 32-:2tfo
FOB SALE 14 head of cattlo and
ono work team. II. A. Gosnoy.
Union barber shop. Phono 2171.
WANTED Fresh Shorthorn milch
cows. 11. L. Tone, Sisters, Oregon.
TAKEN UP 1 hay maro. branded
101 on right hip and II on left
shoulder. Geo, Jones, 12F2.
48-21) it
(Continued from Pago Ono.)
r'tUe worst, but nil do it. i and American dead, let us nt
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Miss Katheryn Manny, who has
beon spondlng tho summer In Bend
visiting with her sister, Miss Holou
Manny, left this morning for Hoi
Hstor, Idaho, where sho has been ap
pointed to tho position or assistant
principal or tho Holllster high school.
Holllster In about 20 miles east pf
Twin Falls, Idaho. '
Ing In tho brush somewliero, but
thoro will have to bo a lot more evi
dence produced than has so far np-
poarea uororo tno averago man
around hero will bo convinced (hat
Joo Roller has been prostituting his
office for tho sake of a few paltry
beans. Tho individual who con
siders that tho holding of a public
ofllco Is prima faclo ovldonco that
tho offlco holder Is a crook of course
has Joo hanging to tho highest gal
lows treo with his pockets bulging
and brouklng from tho weight of
b rib oh. But so far thoro has noth
ing developed to Indlcato that his
poko Is lined with convicts' gold.
Officials Aro ut Outs.
It is pretty certain, however, that
thoro has bcon considerable friction
at tho prison; that Warden Murphy
and Parolo Oflcor Kollor aro not
buying each other birthday presontu,
nor do they rail on oach other's nock
and ,weop at every opportunity.
Their lovo for each other is about
No. I0H.
In tho Circuit Court or tho Htato or
Oregon, for Doschutes County.
P. G. Rompol, Plaintiff, v. Anna
Vlens Rompol, Defendant.
To Anna Viens Rompel, tho abovo
named dofondant:
In tho namo ot tho Htato pf Ore
gon, you nro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in tho abovo entitled suit
within six weoks from tho dato oi
tho first publication of this summons,
to-wlt: on or beforo the 1st day ot
November, 1018, nnd If you fall to
answer or otherwise plead within
said time, for want thereof tho plain
tiff will tako Judgment against you
nnd a decroo of tho court for tho re
llof prayed for In tho complaint filed
herein, to-wlt: An absoluto decree
of divorce from dofondant and thnt
tho bonds of matrimony fiow exist
ing between plaintiff nnd defoiidunt
bo nnnullod and forever held for
naught; thnt plaintiff bo decreed to
ho tho ownor of the land described
In tho complaint nnd that tho do
fondant bo forever barred from any
right, tltlo, claim or Interest In and
to said lands, Including dowor and
claim of dowor, and for such other
and furthor rollot oh to tho court
may scorn Just and equitable
Horvlco of this summons Is mado
upon you by publication In Tho Bend
Bulletin for six succcsslvo and con-
feecutlvo weoks, by vlrtuo of an ordor
of tho Hon. T. K. J. Duffy, Judgo
of tho circuit court, mado on tho Gth
day or Septombor, 1018.
Dato ot first publication ot this
summons, Sept. 10, 1018.
Dato f last publication ot this
summons, Oct, 31, 1018,
j Attorney for tho Pa,lntlr.
Pqstofflco Address: Bend, Oregon: '
'' . 1 20.34
Brand Directory
' i
Mllllean, Oirgon.
I adv.89p
Right side; right oar crop
pod; wattle right hind log.
II. L. TONE, HUtom, Ore
Mllllcan, Orejjon.
The New
Suction Feed
Slili IT
WiJKtt!1 w.mte?5 -J
l , ,- " : ja .suisasjsr