BKND HUM.KTJN, nftltt) 01 . A. DRIVE IN COUNTY ENDS 170 PER CENT. RAISED ON QUOTA. Total Hum Kwurrtl In tlio County AriiiMinlH to 9710,00, AKnl'iL a (Junta of f KM) (,'lnik Aro Hcut In. (Prom Monday's Dally.) With rnturiiH from all dlstrlcta In, tlio Deschutes county HIlllHCrlptlOII to t ho Hulviitloti Army fund I shown In ho 1710.00, itKnliiNt ti 1)110 1 u ot $400, or it total of morn than 170 per emit. Checks amounting to $000 luivo ulrmidy been forwarded to campaign liDailijunrtorH In Port html ami thu balance, after thn small local oxiioiino Iiiih boon deducted, will ho mailed toility, Tlio subscriptions from tlio ro maiding illHtrlctH worn received on Hiitunlay anil worn: Tiiinalo, 20, ami l.n Pino, $10.40. Tlio total of $710.09 U in a (Id up tin follows: Labor itay collection flGH.lfi Iloml NUliNcrlptlonii 303.01 ALL SCHOOLS NOW OPENED pim: 'Mini-: lumiikh company laht in county to com m i-:n jkattknoa nci: hhowh increase over j0i7. 1Iinl total $SC1.10 District subscriptions: lownr llrlilK" $ C00 Cloviirdalo 10.00 Mllllcan COO Olitt 10.03 Tiirrobouuo COO (Jllno Falls 17.00 Itnilljllllltl M 4 3.00 Dl'ltClllltM 11.00 HlMiirit 10.00 I.a Pino ... 10.40 Tiimnlo 20.00 Hampton 6.60 (From Monday's Daily,) All tho iicIiooIh of thu county oro now In session, tho lanl onu being ushered In thin iiiornliii; at thu I'luo Truo liiimbor company plant, with MIhh Ava Mooro oh tonchur. Thuru aro still miinii of thu achools on tho high desert which havo not opened, but no toachur Iiiih boon iihhIkiiuiI to tliDKo places, anil no nchool will bo linlil HiIh year. Reports from tho county superin tendent's ofllco aro to thu effect thut practically every nchool In thu county bun iihowu a marked i;alti In attend ance. In tho Ilniiil schools, Hupor liitiiiiilunt uMooro ban stated that thu iiuiiilior of pupllH attending thu Hold nchool at thu uloitu of thu week lost Friday aftortioou wan In excess of tho number In tho hulldliiK durltwc thu namii purloil lant year, dcsplto thu fuct that tho eighth grade ban boon mnilo a part of thu IiIkIi nchool upd In now attending thu high nchool prnpnr. Thorn aro from 40 to 00 pupils who havu boon changed to thu IiIkIi nchool, nhowliiK a gain In nttonilaucu at tho Hold nchool over lant year of approximately that many poplin, SERIAL NUMBER NOW ALLOTTED lAH'M, IIOAItl) HAH COMPLETED THU WORK OK AKITXINH NUM HERH TO EACH OK THK RE01H TUANTH OK LAHT THURSDAY. (From Monday's Dnlly.) Work of afflxlm: tho nurlal n um ber to all registrants hotwoon tho nito.i of 18 anil 21 anil 32 and 4G, In tho .registration of lant Thurnday, Iiiih boon completed by thu local druft board, and thu iimnwi uro now being prepared for publication, to appear within thu next fuw dayn. Thu total nurnbur of men renin tered In thu county may exceed 1400, members of thu draft board stated thin morning. Already n total of 1388 havu been chocked up on and thuru nro yet moro namen to bu added to thin lint. Thu work of aerially numbering thu registration cardn connumud a loHHor tlmu than It wan II rut antici pated, and It In poxnlblu that thu qtiuntlonnalrca may ho mailed out oven noouur than wan announced lant week. WILL TAKE UP NIGHT SCHOOL MKIiTI.NO TO UK HELD AT THK IIIOII SCHOOL AUDITORIUM , NEXT WEDNESDAY EVENING TO COMPLETE AHUA.NOKMKNT. COUNTY QUOTA SET AT $6,500 County total $719.01) From thn total of $719.09, ex potmen havu been deducted amount lug to $7.3C and thu nut Imlanco re mitted to ntatu headquarters. Expenses worton follown: Km inn for tamhnurluu collec tion $C7C Polng CO Clerical work 1,00 Total expenses ..$7.30 TOBACCO FUND CHECK MAILED 1.1.11. 1H AMOUNT Ht'ltKCIllltKI) I'tiii tin: iii:.ni:i-'it ok the HOVH THROUGH OFFICES OK NATIONAL lti:i CI tOSS. II. Foley, Chairman for U'nr Work Relief Drlw, Hrturim from riirtlnnil. (From Tuesday's Dnlly.) Denchuten county linn been allotcd n ijuotn of $CC00 In thu war rullof work drive, which ban been not for iiomo tlmu In Novornbur. Crook couuty'n quota In $4 1C0 and Joffer non 13060. Thin aniiouiicoment wan made by T. II. Foluy; chairman for Denchuten county, who returned from Portland thin morning, whom ho at tended a meeting of thu war workers of thu ntatu yenterday, which wan held for the purponu of determining thu manner In which thu drive In to be carried on, With Mr. Foloy nt thu mooting from Hum! weru J. P. Hennenuy and I). P. Hunter. Plaim for tho drlvu aro to bu an nounced lator. TM RANCHES ARE PURCHASED J. II. MINOR COMPLETES DEAL WITH TWO PltOMINKNT 1,1 VK KTOC'K COMPANIKH IN THK COUNTY FOR HUM OK $18,100. (From Monday's Dnlly.) A nocond meeting for tho purpono of Inking up tho operation of a nlKht nchool In Uond will bo held at tho high nchool auditorium next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, Superintendent Mooro announced thin morning. Final detalln of tho opening of a night session In tho city will bu completed at that time. A nlmllar mooting wan held noveral wookn ago, at which tlmo tho at tendance wan no light that llttlo at tention waH given tho matter, It be ing thought that there would not bo a nufflclont number Interested to pay for tho troublo and expenno of main tenance, Mr. Mooro ban stated that nlnco that time, however, no many Inquiries havu been directed to him regarding thn Institution of such a nchool that thu direr torn and nchool official havo completed tho arrange- montn for a night courno, tho cournc of Htudy having already been made public. It In being especially urged that all thono who aro dcnlroun of taking up tho night courno bo In attendance at tho meeting on Wednesday evening. ma When a man gets a hankering for real tobacco satisfaction, he is on the road that leads straight to the Real Gravely Chewing Plug. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it 40H3ElJVr Gravity tatlnomttchloneer It cant no mora to chata than ordinary piag P. B. Gravely Tobacco Company Danvillo, Virginia (From Tuendny'n Dally.) Hubncrlburs to Tho llulletln to bacco fund for tho mouth ending today havu contributed a nurn of $ 1 3 . 2 r for thu b eiiu lit of thn boyn In France, and thu chuck has been mailed to thu national ofllcen of the lied Cronn, which Ih handling thu fund, Thin amount In but nllghtly lower than that for hint mouth, when $10 wan mailed out, Those who havo nubncrlbed to tho fund during October and tho lattor part of Keptumber were: Mm. N. 0. Dnvln, lleud $ ,C0 Carl Clow, Iloml 51.00 JiiIIiih Pediirnon, Uond 1.0C Mrs. Canine, lleud .CO Mm. Oeo. lIutoH, lleud 1,00 Carl II. I.Ivoh!)', DctichutcB.'..... COO Frlond, Mllllcan 1.20 J, C. Penney Co., Uond 2.00 Total $13.2C MERKITT HOOVER PASSES AWAY (From Monday'n Dally.) (loorgn Morrltt Hoover, aged 13, nun of Mr, and Mm. O. F. Hoover, died at thu homo of bin parents Sat urday evening. Death wan caunod from mountain fever, caused by a bltu of a tick, from which tho youth had been nufferlng for noveral days, although IiIh condition wan not con sidered norlouH until late lant weok. Fuuoral mirvlccn will ho held to morrow morning nt 10 o'clock. (From Frlday'n Dally.) Through dealn cIohoiI yestorday afternoon and thin morning two De nchuten county alfalfa ranches havo changed hands at a total considera tion of $18,400. Ono of tho ranches Involved In tho nalu, which was madu by J. II. Minor, Included tho Van Matro holdings at Cloverdalo, connlntlng of 1C0 acres of Irrigated land, which wan taken over by Illack Ilrothcrn & Harris, stock ralsom of Hampton Ilutto, and will bo uned by thusu gentlemen In their ntock In dustry for tho production of alfalfa. Tho nocond ranch nold was tho Will Davis farm. This was pur chased by tho Hampton Uvcntock company, and a In tho rasa of thu Van Matro placo will bo used for stock raising. NAVY EVER ON THE ALERT TRAINED NURSE LEAVES FOR HOME 0 (From Thursday's Dally.) MIns Molvlna M. OltxIotT, a trained nurno of Seattle, Wanhlugton, who Iiiih been visiting In thin city for noveral weokH, left thin morning tor bor homo. uMlss Qlttloff Is a mom bor ot thu Hud Cross unit now bo lug formed In Heattlu and expects to bu callod to Franco with thu unit In tho near future. BUG AR jJriiitv-ri i MlUi. V- . Hn -; MY SHOE r- The j.ifu.wArmy Shoe made from top-grade materials by ton-notch work men under expert supervision. All the more reason why you should I insist on the Duckiiucut Army Shoe and accept no other. Worn Uy thousands of men in all ; walks of lite ) OfHco Men I Attorney I I'hyildans Hiker Farmer Orchardlits Motormen Conductor Hunter I Look for the name DucKiinaiT- stamped on the sole of every Shoe. JE on t I'TriBrTI l py" 1,-gJMHP mmTW DEALERS MUST RETAIN PRICES CANNOT HKMi OLD HTOCKH OF HCOAH AT INCHKAKICD PUICK DII'I'l.MtKNCK OK U CUNTS PICK POUND. II not olitnliutile from your dealer, eiul name mid your oriltr direct to (SI II E C II T HAN l'KANCIHCO BUCKINGHAM MANUI'ACTIIHIIUS $6.50 to $8.00 Hlioulil your dealer bo umiblo to Niipply you, uond bin immo to tho lunuiifiicturorH UiiiUliiKliam Ai Heclit, Hun IVancIsco. Kuclono iirlco of hIiooh you (lonlro iind wo will liuvo your order Ailed. (From Saturday's Dally.) Merchants with old atocks ot sugar to dispose of must nell this product to tho consumer at tho old prlco, ac cording to a telegram received by II. C. Hartranft, county food admin istrator, from tho stato office of W. II. Ayer, this morning. All dealers havo boon notified ot this ruling by Mr, Hartranft'a order, and no ono Is permitted to inako a chargo for old stocks of sugar at tho now prices, These now prices, which roprcHcnt an Increase ot 2 conta per pound over thu formor 10 cents por pound, be come offoctlvo with each Individual merchant as noon as bis old stock of sugar becomes exhausted mid ho pays to tho government tho now prlco. It ban boon brought to tho atten tion ot tho statu food administrator's office that somo merchants, taking advantage of tho now prlco, havo ralBod tho prlco on tholr old stocks accordingly. In Biich casen ns those, according to Mr. Ayor, tho county food administrators nro Instructed to roijulro thono merchants to rotund to tho coiiHumcr this ovorchargo, A penalty for not complying .with tho roquost Is to bo Imposed. Case of Carelessness at Oea Is a Thing Thst Commanders Punish With Necessary Severity. With not n light showing tho trans port n plowed the Atlantic, bringing American noldlem to France, writes n naval officer In the Saturday Kventng Pont Lookouts high and low, under nnvy dlnclpllne, neurched the scan for hostilo pcrlncopen. Tho convoy, the npex of which wan n big cruiser, was Invisible In 'he black night. The vlg llnnco of tho nnvy training protected tho notdlcrn, sleeping with their life belts on. Suddenly out shot n bright light on tho lending transport; a merchant pall or, ono Jesus Fcrnnndex Mendoni, a Spanish fireman, flanhed an electric torch, fumbling about the deck. Tho light could be seen for miles. Instant ly n nnvy lookout reported tho occur rence to the nnvy officer In charge of tho nhlp. A sharp command, a scuf fle on deck, a bluejacket kicking tho torch overboard stayed tho Spaniard's den fro to fondlo nn electric flashlight In tho submarine rone. Five days' sol itary confinement ended tho lesson. Showing n light on a raan-o'-wnr nt night In tlmo of war Is a court-mnrtlul offense; even lighting n cigarette or having mntchos. The nnvy command er, In absolute charge, enforces mili tary dlsclpllno on n merchant vessel carrying troops and punishes tho guilty. JJecnut" of tho nnvy, criminal care lessness nml conduct Involving the safety of thousands of men enmo to naught and n possible catastrophe wns averted. Tho nnvy was In command. SAYS RISK IS EXAGGERATED "TOMMY" RYAN IS TO SPEAK HERE ON 27TII (From Friday 'a Dally,) Word has boon rocolvod that "Tommy" Ityan, formor, doputy dis trict attorney of Multnomah county, will bo horo on Friday, Soptombor 27, to spoak In tho Liberty loan cam paign. Mr, Ityan spoko horo aovoral times at tho tlmo ot tho last loan drlvo and mado a very favornblo Impression, LABOR COUNCIL GIVES KIDS TREAT Patriotic Picture Is Shown at the (J rami This Afternoon 1-Yeo to All YoungstcrH. (From Saturday's Dally.) Giving tho kiddles ot Ilond a treat In return tor tho disappointment ot Labor day when It was advortlsed that tho morry-go-round would bu run treo tor tholr bonoflt and Its failure, to do so, tho Central Labor council, In co-oporatlon with Man ager L. C. Uudow ot tho Grand tho- ORR TELLS OF DIVER FIGHTS TIIKKK AUK K.VCOUXTKUKD IN VOVAGK ACHOSS ATLANTIC IJV SHIP ON WHICH IIK.VW HOY IS SKHVINO. 5 o'clock as ! tO while I was washing my Official of Explosive Factory Denies That Occupation Is as Danger ous as Is Generally Believed. In a paper rend before n medical association In tho east, Dr. W. O. Hud son, medical director of K. I. IJuPont do Nemours & Co., manufacturers of explosives, recently mndo some In teresting statements concerning tho risks connected with tho manufacture of powerful explosives. Ho asserted that tho dangers of that Industry were greatly exaggerated. As it matter of fact, railroading shows much higher Injury nnd death rates than the manu facture of explosives. Of tho uccl dents which occur In explosive fac tories only n small percentage nro ac tually caused by explosives. Four fifths of tho accidents ore duo to care lessness or negllgenco of employees who disregard tho precautions neces sary wherever men nro working with tools nnd machinery. Ily increasing tho shnre of work dono by machinery nnd reducing tho number of workers In proportion to tho Increased use of mechanical nppllnnces, tho manufac turers of explosives nro striving to diminish tho hazards connected with their business, says Popular Sclenco Monthly, (From Monday's Dally.) Chasing submarines In tho middle of tho Atlantic ocean, with tho possi bilities of seeing ono ot tho divers put out ot commission Is tho experi ence of Luther Orr, a former Bend boy, who tells of tho dlvor menace In a letter to his mother, Mrs. L. L. Orr, of this city. Tho letter was written during Orr's fourth trip over from France. Tho letter reads: "I am on my fourth trip across and tho tlmo seems short when we arc at sea. "Ono evening about wo wcro coming from on tho Atlantic coast, on tho weather deck teeth and talking to somo ot tho boys all at once ono of them exclaimed: 'Sco tho wake!' Looking aft we could seo tho wake of a submarine just about ono thousand yards be hind us. Wo all ran to our battle stations, getting there just as ono of our top sldo guns started firing. They fired seven shots and every one ot them struck right In tho wake. Delleve me, wo did not see any more of tho sub. They had had enough, but wo did not wait to sco what had happened, but beat It. "On another day wo saw a perl scopo up ahead ot us. This time we went straight for It at full speed and It had to submerge to get out of our way. Wo will get a sub yet If tl)ey don't get us. "Tho other morning wo had more excitement. I was awakened by tho general alarm and running to my station I could see tho wake ot a perlscopo about 1000 yards off our bow. Wo opened fire, firing ten shots and most evory ono of them hit squaro In tho wake. When we ar rived at tho placo whero tho sub marine had been wo droped a depth bomb and, bcllevo mo, It sure did tear a bolo In tho ocean. Afterward wo could see oil upon the water, which led us to bcllevo that tho U-boat had been destroyed, although wo wero not certain." BOWLING ILL BE FEATURED SCHKDULK AM) TROPHY COM MITTEK TO MAKK UP TKAM8 KOH 1JOTH WOMK.V AND SIE.V APPOINTED LAST NIGHT. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Plans for tho formation of a bowl- Ing tournament for the coming win ter months botween teams picked from the members of tho Dend Ama teur Athletic association wero com pleted at a meeting held last night at which committees were appointed for tho arrangement or schedules and prizes. It is expected that sev eral teams will bo placed in tho schedule and many Interesting; matches will be pulled off during thn winter. Thobo appointed at the mooting; last night to proyiro for the schedulo to be carried eut for tho men's teams wcro Carl A. Johnson, W. W. Faulkner and A. M. Prlngle. On tho women schedule committee Mrs. H. II. Lamping, Mrs. J. P. Keyes, Miss E. D. Whltmore, Miss Mario St. Claire and Miss A. M. Thompson were appointed. A trophy commltteo consisting ot C. A. Uayden, R. D. Miles, L. B. Italrd and George Govo was appointed. Women aro to havo cxcluslvo uso of tho alleys under tho new schedulo on Tuesday nights from 7 until 9 o'clock and on Friday afternoon from 2 until, 6 o'clock. Commenclni; tho first Friday In October mixed bowling will be permitted every Friday evening. Ono cent a word Is all a llttlo Want Ad will cost you. atro, Is iglvlng a matinee treo to all at tho Grand this afternoon. Tho plcturo being shown portrays Jano and Katherino Leo, tho Fox kiddies. In "American IJuds," ono ot the most patriotic pictures ot tho day. While You Shop, We Do Your Washing ! Bring in the wash when you come to town in an hour and a half it's done Jlny Kind of Finhhed Work SANITARY Laundry Shoes for Real Service OUR SPEOALTY IS TO MAKK SHOES THAT STAND THK TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE J. E. TILT SHOE A. HANSON LOGGER. DOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND OREGON War Time Economy! Instead of Buying New Clothes, Have Your Old Ones Made Over and Renovated. I GUARANTF.R SATISFACTION AT REASONABLE PRICKS Central Oregon Cleaning Works H. HARRIS, Proprietor 1020 Wall Street i I '