The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 19, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Central Oregon
MILLICAN, Sept. 13. Frank
and E. Kooal carno out Saturday otter
another load of Alox. Feoal'a house
hold goods, which thoy took In Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs, F. Tauscher and L. D.
Kcllor and family woro Sunday vis
itors nt tho J. J. Holland homestead.
R. R. Kollor mado a business trip
to Bond for Goo. Cook Saturday.
Geo. Cook camo out with Leo
Keller Saturday, returning with him
Sunday evening, to visit with his
Leo Kollor And family. Mrs. J.
Holland and Mrs. F. Tauschor callod
at tho R. R. Keller homo Sunday
C. H. Graffonberger visited with
his family sovoral days this week.
Mr. Shaver called at ho Holland
homo Monday.
Mr. Holland was an over-Sunday
guest of his family.
J. J. Holland callod at tho R. R.
Kellor ranch Monday forenoon.
Clydo Shaffer .made a business
trip to Bend this week.
T. E. doing and son Tom camo out
irom Bend Saturday. Tuesday w. A.
Rahn helped tho Going family move
to Bend. Mr. Rahn returned Thurs
R. R. Kellor went to Bend Thurs
day, whore ho will bo employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Prossly called
at ho Johnson home Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Smith alio
called at he Johnson place Thursday.
Mary Holland will bo a guest at
tho Wm. Roam home Friday night,
while Mr. Roam makes a business
trip to Bond.
Florence Ream called at tho
Smith ranch, J. J. Holland and R. R.
Keller homes Thursday.
Mary Holland called at tho C. M.
Rosin ranch Wednesday.
Mrs. C. M. Rosin and children
moved to Bend Thursday. Mr. Owen
moved them In.
Mrs. Holland was employed at tho
R. R. Koller place Thursday.
1'. B. Johnson has been quite til
several days this week.
Mrs. F. Klgor's younger brother Is
staying with them at tho Smith
Fred Klger Is busy hauling hay
Irom tho ryo patch.
Mrs. Ream orpects to bo homo next
Mrs. Leo Koller and children vis
ited with her parents several days
this week.
When Children Start to School.
School opons at a time of year
when the change of seasons Is likely
to cause coughs, colds, croup, hay
fever and asthma. Prompt action at
tho first sign of infection may keep
children in prime good hoalth and
help them to avoid losing time.
Foley's Honor and Tar Is an ideal
homo remedy. 8old everywhere.
largo number of Powell Butto peoplo
attended tho danco at Terrebonno
Friday night. They report an excel
lent time.
Mrs. E. A. Bussett visited several
days In Redmond this week with
A large number of boys registered
at tho Community hall, the appointed
tilaco of registration. It was esti
mated that there were about 150
Miss Gladys White, who has been
visiting at tho homo ot A. W. Bayn
anil with friends In Bend, returned
to her homo in Brownsvllo last
Mr. and Mrs. Roevcs Wlllcoxen
were dlnnor guests at tho home of
John Driscoll last Friday.
Miss Crystal Sturdlvan spent the
week end with her parents In Red
mond. Miss Sturdlvan has her
Bchool nicely started and there are
now 17 pupils enrolled.
Allen Wlllcoxen has mado several
trips to his sheep camp, above Bend,
David Still Is building a very nice
now bungalow on his ranch. Ho ex
pects to havo it completed soon.
Miss Kotch returned from Port
land Thursday and has again ro
mimed her duties as teacher ot tho
Wilson school.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Bussett, Mrs. E.
A. Bussott, Mrs. Reeves Wlllcoren
and Fay Bussett motored up to the
dam above Prlnevlllo Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Shearer and mother wero
down from tho Orewcller mill Sun
day visiting Mrs. Shearer and re
turned in tho evening,
Ruth Shearer is staying with Mrs.
"K. A. Bussott attending school at the
Shepard (school.
ITNrr7n3'CIVV,f OWFSrVNT Tr!.bIforHncU0cy1
W14 W aM-7-. A vrs. vMll in Peac or In War
Fully equipped libernl cnlliire jiiidncionliNc(lcpnrlineii(H. Special '
training in Commerce, Joiiriinlium,
i TrnchlnC Library Work, Munlr.HouiteluiltlArlH.PhyiilciilTrulnliiiSaBiil'IiieArU.
Military brlrura la cliarja ul Auicriruii and Ilrlluli ulllrcrn. Drill, Irclurca and Held work
ull up-lo-Jalr, baard on aaparlrure In prraral
ale mudrala rrfurasuraord lor CowinUalona.
Tulllou I'll 1212. Library ol rJO.000 volumta.
carload ot sulphur was shipped Into
Doschutcs this week. Sovcral ot the
farmers in this vicinity purchased r
quantity of this sulphur to use on
their land to tncrcaso tho produc
tion, i
Earl Woods and Miss Etta Chaso
visited Mrs. Leo Houghtnllng at tho
Pino Treo mill Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson enter
tained tho following guests Monday
ovonljg: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gray,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar Miller, Henry
Johnson, Paul Mlllor and Johnny
Jim Bonham and Mr. Deblng woro
helping O. E. Anderson hay this
Mrs. Catherine Johanscn enter
tained tho following ladles Thursday
afternoon: Mrs. Hans Mlkkelson,
Mrs. W. H. Gray, Mrs. O. E. Ander
son and Miss Hilma Nelson.
J. W. Peterson mado a business
trip to Bend Monday.
Anton Ahlstrom did some grading
on tho Deschutes road this week.
J. E. Williams ot Arlington, Ore.,
was a caller in this neighborhood
Mr and Mrs. Frank Rlobhoff ot
Redmond called at tho W. H. Gray
homo Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar iMIUer. Paul
Miller, Henry Johnson and Johnny
Johnson left for tholr homo in Moro,
Ore., after spending about two wcoks
visiting at tho Gray homo.
A number ot men from this neigh
borhood went to Deschutes Thurs
day to reglstor tor tho next draft.
Anton Ahlstrom was a business
visitor In Redmond Saturday aftor
noon. Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Anderson woro
Bend visitors Saturday evening.
Gust Nelson ot Bend called at tho
homo of Anton Ahlstrom Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Brandenburg
returned from Wycth, Ore., Thurs
day night after spending sovoral
days visiting their son Everett and
daughter Mrs. Roy Gllson.
"I was sick in bed with kldnoy
troublo," writes C. F. Reynolds. El
mlra, N. Y. "I commenced taking
Foley Kldnoy Pills and in a few days
was out ot bed. Koeping up tho
treatment, I was ablo to go to work.
Since then I havo had no more back
aches." Foloy Kldnoy Pills stop
sleep-disturbing bladder ailments,
Sold everywhere. Adv.
For farm land loas see J. Ryan
ft Co. Adv.
PINEHURST, Sopt. 14. Silas
Dloterlch left for Portland Sunday
morning to consult with an eyo spe
cialist. Miss Ruth Bayley, Mr. and Mrs.
F. V. Swisher and family and Miss
Ethel Snyder wero dinner guests at
O. W. Snyder's Sunday.
O. E. Blackwood was a caller at
tho King homo Sunday morning.
Lloyd Root, accompanied by Reg
inald Bayley and Alva Silvers, was
riding for horses Sunday.
C. H. Spaugh and Blaln Dovors
were calling at D. W. Dlctorich'a
Mrs. Garner left Monday afternoon
to spond somo time at Helslng's
ranch on tho Metollus.
Mrs. Nelta McGulro and sister,
Nellie Howell, were Tumalo visitors
Mrs. C. Pederscn spent Monday
afternoon with Mrs. G. M. Couch.
Mrs. P. A. Dovers and son motored
to Bond Monday and spent tho
afternoon shopping and attending to
business matters.
'Mn. G. M. Couch has been on tho
sick list several days tho past week
Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dloterlch woro
In Bond Tuesday trading and attond
ing to business matters.
Miss Elder was over from De
schutes Wednesday to sccuro a
boarding placo for tho following term
of school.
Will Searcy was called to Bond
Wednesday aftornoon by tho serious
illness of his wife, who is spending
tho week with frlonds there.
Mrs. Jones and children wore
dinner guests at C. Pedorson's Fri
day. Ethel Snyder spent tho wook-end
with Ruth Bayley.
Mrs. F. v. Swisher was in uend
Friday having somo dontal work
Carl Woods ot Redmond was rid
ing for cattlo In this neighborhood
Mrs. W. D. Clark passed through
hero on her way homo from Bend
ArchUecuire. Law. Modicino
war. coiuplrla myrnitm ol Irrnrbr a, bridfta.
(initial tfovcrninaiil Jl. U.T.u.
DvrmUorlra lor men aod woinra.
G. M. Couch, accompanlod by Mrs.
A. J. Hartor, wbb a county sent vis
itor on Wodnosday.
F. V. Swisher, C. 11. Spaugh, I. K.
Wlmor nnd Hnrry Simpson woro
among those from Plnohurst who
rogintorod In Tuninlo Thursday,
llluln Dovors spout Saturday
night with frlonds In Bend.
William Root, n former resident
of this placo, arrived Thursday from
Mcdtord and expects to spend tho
wlntor hore.
J, L. Couch is employed nt tho
Pino Treo mill and makes tho trip
dally In hln car.
Lester Snyder, Vlolot Spaugh nnd
Myrtlo Spaugh woro guests nt I. E.
Wlmor's Sunday.
Mosdamcs A. It. Rood, G. W. Sny
dor, C. M. Phelps and Grand in r
McNnnamon comprised n party ot
ladles who wore shopping In Hand
Mr. nnd Mrs. Phil Smith attondod
tho Red Cross bazaar at Plnlnvlow
Saturday evening.
Mrs. McNnnamon was n callor nt
D. W. Dlotorlch's Wodnosday after
noon. Miss Lola Clark left Wednesday to
spond tho wlntor In Bond and will
enter high school tor tho following
Miss Elder nnd Mrs. Frank
Swslhcr wero callers at tho King
homo Wednesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs, Clnreuco Phelps nnd
daughter motored to tho Motollus
Wednesday to moot Harry Simpson,
who camo over to spond a tow dnys
at tho Pholps homo nnd to reglstor.
Mrs. J. L. Couch spent Tucsdny
with Mrs. O. M. Couch.
Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adv.
Foloy Cathartic Tablets keep tho
bowels regular, sweeten tho stomach
and tono up tho liver. J. O. Gaston,
Newark, lnd says ho used a great
many kinds ot cathartics, but Foloy
Cathartic Tablets gavo him more
satisfaction than any othor. He says
they aro tho best cathartic tablots
made. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
PLAINVIEW, Sept. 16. A flno
crowd ot 75 or moro peoplo attended
tho bazaar and dance at tho old Gist
placo last Saturday ovonlng, given by
the O. D. O. club to ralso money to
buy a knitting machlno and for other
Red Cross activities. Mr. Razor hold
tho lucky number and received tho
club quilt after moro than $20 worth
of chances had been sold. The quilt
was roturncd to tho club to bo sold
again at auction. Ono ot tho most
popular attractions ot tho evening
was the kaiser swatting contest,
though plenty of Intorcst was exhibit
ed In tho fish pond, tho junior girls'
stand and tho good supply of vory
cxcollont "eats." About ICO wero
realized from tho various stunts.
Guests prcsont from Tumalo woro:
Mr. and Mra. F. N. Wallace and
sons, Mlssos Ruby nnd Lola Marlon,
Miss Slss, Mrs. M. Howard and Fred
Wilson. Thoso present from Clovor-
dalo wero: Mr. and Mrs. Andris,
and from Bend, Misses Ida Nlswon
gnr and Constanco Knlrkorbockor.
A numbor of ladies met with Mrs.
J. A. W. Scoggin last Wednesday
aftornoon to finish tho club quilt.
Thoy wero refreshed by a dainty
lunch of tea and rolls boforo return
ing homo.
P. Mahaffey and party of Bend
wero callers in Plalnvlow Saturday.
A. E. Hobs and F. O. Powers mado
a business trip to Redmond Friday
Mrs. It. T. Hartloy has been In
Redmond tho past weok.
There was no school held at Plaln
vlow last Thursday as tho school
houso wob usod as hoadquartora for
tho draft registration.
Miss Nollle Scoggln spent tho past
wook at tho Edglngton ranch near
Lucllo Elklns was vory sick with
tnnsllltls several days last week, but
Is reported much bettor.
iMrn. Grover Pulllam and llttlo
son Georgo havo bcon visiting tho
past weok at tho homo ot Alox
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scoggln saw
"Cannon of tho Yukon" In Bond last
Friday evening.
Jack Hartloy Is spondlng a fort
night with Mr. and Mrs. Claude
Knapp ot Sisters.
Twenty-seven men between tho
ages of 18 and 4C woro registered at
Plalnvlow last Thursday. M. W.
Knickerbocker was asslHted in tho
registration by Georgo Cyrus and
II. A. Scoggin.
Mrs. John Stnhllo served dollght
ful tea and cakes to tho mombora of
tho fish pond commltteo, who mot
with hor Wednesday aftornoon.
Mr. Dawson was a Bend callor
P. A. Scoggln mado a busnoRB trip
to tho Glazo placo near Black butte
on Saturday.
A. E. Hohh, Mth. Emma Patterson
and Mr. and Mrs. James ElkiiiH mado
a business trip to Bend last Wednes
day evening.
A. W. Armstrong was a Bend
callor Tuesday morning,
Mrs. Louzotta Pulllam and MrB,
J. A. W. Scoggln spent Wednesday
aftornoon with Mrs. F. W. Lovoronz.
MIsHes Ma Nlswongor and Connlo
Knickerbocker of Bend woro wook
end guests at tho Pino Lawn ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong and
daughter Wllma and Mr. and Mrs.
And Investigate our price
before buying your groceries.
Wo can wave you money,
1. A. Scoggln worn dlnnor guontn nt
tho Box A rnnch Sunday,
Ida Hobs, Wllmn Armstrong nnd
Kmmott KJnleluirbnckor enjoyed
lunch nt tho Van Tnsitol ranch Inst
Mrs. Loumtta Pulllnm and Jim
Pulllntn woro nhopporn In Bond Frl
day. Hownrd Hartley wna thn guest of
tho Knickerbockers Saturday evuli
lug nnd Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. F. W. Lovoroni! nnd
family spent Sunday at tho A. Lev
orotic ranch.
Who Is Plorcy ft Sons, TumaloT
44p Adv.
Cut Thin Out It In Worth Mono
DON'T MI83 THI8. Cut out this
slip, onclofln with Ro to Foloy & Co.,
2S36 Shofflold Avo Chicago, 111.,
writing your name and address
cloarly. You will rocolvo In return a
trial package containing Foley's
Honoy nnd Tar Compound, for
coughs, colds nnd croup, Foloy Kld
noy Pills and Foley Cathartic Tab
lots. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv.
SISTERS, Sopt. 17. Tho Sisters
division ot tho StHtora-MutolluB Live
Stock association hold a mooting In
Forostor Porry South'n office Satur
day aftornoon. Tho mooting was
en 1 1 o I for tho purpose of determin
ing tho amount ot charges to bo as
sossed oach mombor for ench head
of cattlo on tho forest resorvo for
riding. It was agreed to assess oach
mombor 10 cents a head for bringing
his cattlo homo from tho resorvo. It
wns ngrocd to uso a system of reci
procity in delivering stray cattlo. It
was agrood to assess each mombor
$1 a head who docs not ride and
help bring cattlo homo from tho ro
sorvo. All assessment money Is to
bo paid to Georgo E. Altkon boforo
tho first of October. A cabin Is to
bo built on Trout creek from lumber
to bo hnulod from tho Tum-A-Lum
mill. An assessment ot 2V4 cents n
h end on cattlo on tho resorvo was
levied to build tho aforesaid cabin
All grubstnkn money Is to bo paid to
Kills Edglngton ot Sisters, director
for Squaw and Trout creeks. An an
scBsment of 15 cents a head was
levied on thoso who did not dlstrlb
uto their portion of salt on tho ro
Borvo. C. L. McClollln. who In In thn
plumbing business nt Rodmnnd,
transacted business nt Sisters Thurs
J. C. Hagon and T. J. Reed, ship
yard workora of Scattlo-aro visiting
with G. I. Arnoson. Mr. Arncson will
return with thorn to Seattle to work
In tho shipyards.
Mrs. Harold Kllnn nnd Miss Roxlo
Morris of- Cloverdalo woro shopping
at Sisters Thursday.
Lynn Wilson, who has bcon em
ployed In tho forest aorvlca fighting
fires during tho summer months, linn
boon sent to I,a Pino by Forest Super
visor Norman Jacobsen to build n
house nnd oroct somo telephone lines,
which will be completed by tho last
of October.
Mrs. II. E. Vincent of Bond was
visiting with Mr. nnd Mrs. George
Wilson Friday and Saturday.
A. R. Sottor, Georgo Cyrus, II. C,
Mlllor. R. J. Skolton. Vorn Skolton.
A. J. Weston, Donn Vnn Mntro and
John W. Gottor woro In from Clover
dale Saturday.
Tho following peoplo registered nt
tho Sisters hotel during tho past
wook: C. R. McClollon and Thomns
South of Redmond. Dr. Turner and
wife, W. K. McCorralck. M. E.
Becker, Prlco Mitchell, Sidney C.
Whlto. of Portland; B. J Rood and
J. C. Hagon of Scattlo; II Sandman
and J. Meyer of Philadelphia; W. M.
Garbock and wlfo of McMinnvlllo;
Jerry Groszkrougor of Lower Bridge;
J. M. Mitchell of Prlnevlllo; P. E.
Frailer of Antelopo; Rov. L. P.
Bolchor mid wlfo of Portland; A. R
Sottor ot Dcsort Springs; E. P Ma
haffoy and H. M. Stephens or Bond;
Paul Scogglns or Plalnvlow; Chns. P.
Doran, Dan Anglnnd and tho FrlHco
Playors, consisting of .Mr. nnd Mth.
Harry Lewis and son Thayer nnd
Billy Mack.
Rod Foster and E. M. ParkH woro
In from tho Motollus Thursdny.
Tho registration board ot thn Sis
ters district enrolled 36 men Thurs
day who aro subject to tho 'draft call.
J, M. Lewollyti, mannigor of tho
Portland 'Bolt & Mtg, Co., camo to
Slstors In his Cadillac rar by way of
tho Mackonzlo pass and returned by
way of Tho Dalles.
Tho show givon by tho Frisco
Playora Friday and Saturday even
ings in Farthing's hall wero well
attondod. Tho characters consisted
of Harry Lowls, magician and com
edian; Master Thayor LqwIh, tho
youngeet trap drummor on tho
American Btago; Bordlo Lowls, ono
of America's flvo lady ventriloquists
and singing comediennes, nnd Billy
Mack, eccentric and novelty musi
cian. TIiIb show has tho roputatlou
of being tho cleanest It not tho best
small show touring tho mnallor con
tort) of amusomont producing n fix
act program of comedy nnd novelty
foaturo acts without a rovorsljn of
tho old-tlmo omul.
Frank Wllholt of tho Crooked
rlvor roglon, near Prlnevlllo, who Is
visiting with Frank Arnold of Clover-
$500,000 $2,000,000
NONE $100,000
Fallen breads or eakes arc strangers
to Crescent Making Powder.
All irocer. ,t it 25c lb.
dale, wan nt Slstors Sunday.
E. P. Mahuffey, vice president, and
H. M. StopheiiH, enshlur of thu Cen
tral Oregon bnuk; Paul SroRglns of
Plnlnvlow nnd Chns. P. Dnrau and
Dnn Anglnnd mado a trip through
tho llvn stock parts ot Black llutto
and Sisters Saturday.
Tho Hov. L. P. Hotelier or Port
laud, Free Methodist, Is conducting
revival meetings at thn church every
evening nt 8 o'clock.
Arnold and Joseph llrtnly havo
enrolled In tho upper grndeM and
Clnudlo McKlnney In the first grade
ut school during tho past week,
which makes tho total enrollment 20,
of which 17 are In thn primary room
and 12 In tho upper room.
J. W. ItobblitN nnd family, Potor
Hughes and family and A. It. Cun
ningham from thn Willamette valley
croHsed tho Cascades nt tho Meclcen
zlo pass and enmo to Sisters Sunday
on their wny to Bend to secure in
ployment nt tho mills.
W. F. King, who Is In thn hard
warn biistnoss at Prlnevlllo, wns nt
Slstorn Sunday,
Buell Hathaway went to Band
Thursday and returned Friday,
Dr. Manning nnd wlfo of Bend
woro nt Slstors Sundny on their way
to tho Motollus for nil outing.
Mm. C W. Allen and daughters
Motola and Louise worn ut the Allen
dalo resort on thn Metollus Saturday
and Sunday
BEND It. F. I). No. 1, Sopt. If..
There will bo an nil-day service nnd
nnzanlzntlon ot tho .Mountain View
Union church on September 20th.
Prcnrhlng will bo held at 10:30 In
the morning nnd at noon (hero will
bo a bnsket dlnnor. Sunday school
nt 2, nnd preaching again nt 3 In
tho afternoon. Evoryono como with
n full basket.
Elinor ami Cecil Young went on
The Oregon Farmer
Both for the Price of One
By a special arrangement with The Oregon Fanner yon eaa
euro The Oregon Farmer with this paper at tho price of this
aper alone. In other words, when you subscribe for TOUR
OME PAPEB, or renew your present subscription, you an
entitled U
Receive The Oregon Farmer
for the Asking
THE OKOON FASMEK is Oregon's great state farm papa
iaeaed every week and devoted to the Oregon farm and the
Oregon farm home, just as thU paper is devoted to the people,
asd to the iotersta ox thia local community.
This Opportunity May Not Last Long
Tho gniduul, steady olinibiiwj notion
of Crescent liukinp; Powder raises the
dough and keeps it raised until baked
oxaetly as you wish.
I (-)
it Hulling trip Sunday.
Mr, mid Mrs. J, Mnlosh hnvo been
staying at J, T, Newberry's, helping
do thn chores while Mr. Newberry
Is gone,
Mm. Myers nnd Mrs. Strlrklnml,
who havo been spending tho Niiiuiunr
with tho (' L. Smith fniully, left
Monday evening for their homes In
the east.
Tho Ladles' Aid or thn Orange
hall tllntrlrt met last Thurndny with
Mrs. Holgernon. Tim next meeting
will be hold at tho homo ot Mrs.
S. A Dutt.
Tho following were dinner (guests
nt tho C, L, Smith homo Monday
livening; Mr. and Mr. Leo Young
nnd sons Cecil nnd Elmer and Mary
nnd Minnie Llnster from llend.
Frncox lleilleul has been ntnylng
with (lernldlnn Thoriilhwnltn and at
tending school.
Mr. nnd Mrs. It II, Doyartnnnd of
Bond worn dlnnor guests ut Leo
Young's Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, A. Nnff, Ruth and
Eunice Nnff, Mrs. (I. L. Monro, Dor
othy Moore, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L.
Coffey nnd Gertie Coffey nttntidod
evening services nt thn Presbyterian
church Sunday.
Thn Hooch school started Septem
ber 2, with an enrollment of nine
scholars. Miss Vera Sherwood Is
learning. ,
Mr. mid Mrs. Leo Young nindn n
busliicNii trip to Iledmond Hatiirdny.
Eunlco Neff Is staying with her
sister, Mrs. W. L. Coffey, and attend
ing school In llend.
C. I., Smith nnd Mr Hoover went
up to Summer lake Monday on u
Halting mid hunting trip.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. L. Coffey ami
Mrs. Donk and daughter Zntta called
at tho A. Nnff homo Sunday
Myrtlo. Eunlco, Ray mid Roy Neff
nml Courtney Pontlous wero Sundny
visitors at C. L. Smith's.
Mr. mid Mrs. Italrlgh Chase were
business visitors In Bend Monday.
J, T. Newberry went over on tho
coast tho past week to took up a location.
' i
r 1
Uxprnaa lowrat, oiucli opportunity tor working ona'a way.
Wrlla llrglalrar, V.uteur, Orron, lur booklet.
P. B. Johnson's
MilUcan, Ore, Telephone
Igh: slE.