IIBND IIULLKTIN, IIKND ORKOON, THURSDAY, 8ICPT. 12, 1018 PAGE 7 B I f Efecfion to be Held in the Next Few Weeks to Vote Bonds for Fire Protection ' (From Tuesday's Dally.) Flans for rushlriK ttio npnclnl nine tlon (or tho purpono ot voting bonds for tlm lnntnllntlon and inalntnnanco of a flrn dopartrnont for tho city woro formulated at a inootliij? of tho oxocu tlvn cnmmlltoa of tlio Commercial club nml city offtctnln, held last oven I iik. At tho mooting It wnn pointed out (lint thorn worn no available (undo for tho tnnlntonanco of oven a lorn Iiornry organization at thin tlmo, and in order to not hucIi fundn ntopn would hnvo to bo taken Immediately to plnco tho bond Issuo throunli. II. 0. Kills mndn tho motion that tho committed and tnoinborH ot tho city council bo Inatructod to net at onco nml determine whoro tho bondii might ha plncttd, and nil noon as thin wnn accomplished tho election to bo Iinld. II, J. Overturf Informed tho rnnm- GUSTAVO WRESTLES AT KLAMATH FALLS Former llrml Wrmtlrr Will Moot wltli Hurt I Mmi nt Hint I'laro Will Return to Ilrtul Hxtn. (From Monday' Dally.) Ad Ouslavo, who dofondod tho lo cal honor for Ilond In wroitllng featn Iioro tant month when hn dofontod Youivg Nnrbeck In two successive rnatchf, In now located at Klamath Falln and ban agreed to moot one ot tho (attest men in tho ntato thoro In tho near future, according to word rocelved from him. After leaving Klamath Falln Gustavo expects to go What i a Branch House? The Branch House is the place in the packing organization where what the packing plant does for you is put where you can use it Both are the natural result of growth and development in the living thing they belong to. Swift & Company Branch Houses are located in distributing centers all over the country. They are fitted out with refrigerating equipment to keep meat cool, sweet and fresh. Each one is in personal charge of a man who believes in what Swift & Company is doing for people and wants to help do it They are directed by men who have spentyears learning how to get better meat cheaper to the places where it is needed. Meat is shipped to the branch houses direct from the packing plants in Swift & Company's refrigerator cars, in such quantities that it can be disposed of while fresh and sweet. Your meat dealer comes here to buy your meat for you unless some one else can treat him better then we can. So you need the branch house in order to live well; and the branch house and the packing plant need each other,in order to be useful to you. Swift & Company, U. & A, born of tho mooting that unload ac tion on the bond Innuo wnn token prior to Boptorntior 28, and tho bondn votnd, aftor that dato It would bo nocemary to nubmlt tho plana for bond luiun to a Kovorumont board, and with tho lioavy runh of business now boforo all government officials It would porhapn bo novoral monthn boforo thin pnrmlnnlon would bn granted. Ilowavor, If tho oloctlon In hold prior to tho 28th no such action In nocemary. Concluding tho mooting, It wan recommended by alt prennnt that tho Commercial club mombnrn carry an a cninpnlgn until tho tlmo of election, Intruding tho taxpayorn an to tho need ot tho organization and equip ment an a protection for tho city. Tologrnmn woro sent lnnt night by city offlclaln to various bonding hounon to loam whoro tho bond could moit readily bo placed. to Wood, California, aftor which ho will return to (lend. COUNCIL AND FIRE COMMITTEE TO MEET (From Monday'n Dally.) For tho purpono of completing tho plans for tho organization of a vol unteer flro department In Ilond, tho Commercial club commlttoo and tho city council will meet thin avenlog at C o'clock In tho now city rent room quartern. It In expected thnt nt that tlmo T. W. Carton will havo doflnlto plana to plnco boforo tho council tor tho temporary organization and alno for tho purchnno of cqulpmont. All preliminaries for tho proponed bond Innuo aro to bo taken up. BANK DEPOSITS SHOW DECREASE PORTLAND ONLY CITY IN STATE TO INCREASE. Ovw Ono Million and Half Dollar J,rftN on DupoMlt In Juno Tlinti Durlfitc tho Month of November. (From Thuraday'i Dally.) (RpUI t-i Th. llullMln.) HALBM, Bopt. 5.- Deposits In Eastern Oregon bankn at tho call on Juno 20, 1018, amounted to $35,- 288,4CG.3G, according to figures com piled by Superintendent of Banks Ilennott for Tho Ilond Dullotln, thin allowing n docroaio of $7,991,599.10 from tho call of November 20, 1017, for tho 80 bankn In tho G4 town claimed an Eastern Oregon. InWcst orn Oregon bankn deposits Hhowod an Increase of f 1,629,244.40 In a aim liar length of tlmo, theno doponltn In cluding 17C bankn In 100 townn. In Portland's 24 Inntltutlonn tho do ponlU allowed an Incroano of 3, 274,740.35. Thin Indlcatcn that tho doponltn In Wontorn Oregon banks outnldo of Portland had n decreano of 11,045, 601. 8G, tho Incrcano gener ally In bank doponltn falling In Port land where great shipbuilding and war Industrie havo been built up. In hln ntatomont allowing tho bank nltuatlon Superintendent Dennott nnyn: "On November 20th, M917, thoro woro 2G1 banks in 1C2 towns In Oregon 178 ntato bankn and 83 national banks. Ot thin number 84 banks In 02 townn aro classed an be ing In Kantorn Oregon, namoly 40 stato banks and 35 national banks. "Tho deposits In Eastern Oregon bankn 84 banks In 02 towns on November 20, 1917, woro $43, 280.0C4.C2. "Tho doponltn In Wcstorn Oregon banks 17G banks In 100 towns on Juno 20th, 1018, were J15G.305, 955.37, an Incroano ot $1,029,244.49 nlnco Novombor 20, 1917. "Portland, with 24 Institutions, had deposits on Juno 29th, 1918, of 1103,079,739.00, an Incrcano of $3, 274,740.35 nlnco November 20, 1918. "Thus tho bankn In Western Oro- gon, outsldo of Portland, havo had a lonn In deposits ot $1.045,501. SO slnco Novombor 20, 1017." Hank dopoilts In tho Hastcrn Ore gon towns having over $1,000,000 on deposit woro as follows at tho last call: Baker, $2,042,522, threo banks; Dend, $1,240,578.05, two banks; Huron, $1,070,069.02, two banks; Heppncr, $1,358,110.48, two banks; Klamath Kails, $2,152,380.55, throo banks; La Grando, $1,084. 2889,07, two banks; Lakovlow, $1, 223,030.04, four banks; Ontario, $1, 342,120.18, two banks; Pendloton, $6,000,888.70. two banks; The Dalles, $2,280,785.20, two banks; HooTl Klvor. $1,2S1.G38.41, two banks. PRINEVILLE TO VOTE ON BONDS LA1U1E BUM YKT TO IIK IIAISKD HKFOItK RAILROAD INTO THAT CITY CAN 11K COMPLETED KliKCTIO.V TO UK IIKI.I) SOON. (From Saturday's Dally.) Tho nnswor to tho question ot why trains havo not boon oporatlng over tho now Prlnovllla railroad Is In tho following report ot tho lack ot finances nocossary to tho completion ot tho road, as published In tho Crook County Journal: "A proposed bond Issue In tho sum ot $78,350 may bo submitted to tho pooplo ut a special oloctlon to bo sot for nn early dato. "This matter wan discussed at council mooting laBt ovonlng, at which conBldorablo figuring concern ing tho amount that will bo roquired to complete tho road and other mat tors connoctod with tho construction was doiio, "It was first consldorod that n less amount would do tho work, but tho mooting finally adjourned until noxt Monday ovonlng, nt which tlmo n comploto audit ot tho railroad fund will bo submitted, ami nn estimate of nil tho work thnt 1$, yot to bo dono will bo consldorod." Dr. Tumor, oyo Bpoctallst ot Port land, will bo in nond again Wednes day and Thursday, Sept. 11 and 12, nt Thorson's Jowolry storo. Dr. Tur nor Is a specialist ot oxporlouco and standing and you will mako, no mis tako in consulting him nbout your oyos and glasses, Headaches ro ltnvod. Cross-oyea stralgbtonod. Sat isfaction gunrantood, Consult him. Don't forgot tho Uato.AdY.27 WANT PLEDGES FOR RED CROSS PEOPLE AHKK1) TO MAKE FINAL PAYMENT TO LOCAL CIIAITKIt HEFOItK COMMENCEMENT OK FOURTH LIBERTY IOAN. (From Thursday's Dally.) An effort In bolng excrtod by local Hod Croon officials to havo those sign ing plodgos to tho Hod Cronn in tho socond war fund drlvo to complete tho payment on these pledges boforo tho comrnoncomont of tho fourth Liberty loan drlvo. This action Is taken following a request made by tho district office at Seattle that tho balances duo bo cleared beforo that time so that Hod Cross workorn and othorn will havo frco reign to dovoto their efforts to aid In putting tho fourth loan over. Final payments on theno plcdgen woro to havo been tnado on October 1, so that In asking thoso signing to mako payments a tow days previous to tho expiration of their pledge Is 'not thought llablo to cause a hard ship. Payment on theso pledges may bo made at tho offtco of tho secretary, J, C. Ithodcs, at his offlco In tho Deschutes Investment Co. building. A. G. CLARK AGAIN VISITS IN BEND (From Monday's Dally.) A. O. Clark, field manager for the fourth Liberty loan, arrived in Dend this morning. It was not learned what Mr. Clark is planning on his visit hero at this time. CLOVERDALE. (Continued from Pago 2.) fit hnd tho mlsfortuno ot tipping their separator over last Monday evening. Tho cause was a broken drlvo shaft on tho ctvglno letting tho rig back down tho Woodruff hill. Thoro was considerable damago dono to tho separator, but tho thrcshcrmen think thoy can o. k. tho machine all right. Thoro has been qulto a llttlo rye threshed In this community, consid ered a fair yield and good, quality, which wo needat this time. Tho Clovcrdalo school was suc cessfully started on tho 3rd, with Miss Morris from Tcrrcbonno at tho head, with an enrollment ot 19 pu pils and an expectation ot moro. Mrs. A. E. Peterson, II. C. Miller, II. Kllgoro and Mrs. Hlllory woro at tho Fullerton ranch on Squaw crook Friday for vegetables. J. B. Miner of Bond has been qulto successful in Clovcrdalo tho past week. Ho sold tho W. W. Van Matro ranch and tho Sam Davis ranch. Both purchasers woro stock nion from tho Silver Lake country. W. W. Van Matro moved his fam ily to his nowly purchased home in Redmond Saturday and Sunday tor tho purpono of getting tho children In high school. 0 oo. F. Cyrus has rented a houso In Redmond for his wife's sister, Mrs. Waymoyer, and his daughter Ladona, whG"lntcnds to attend tho Rodmond high school. Tho Clovcrdalo Sunday school had an attondanco on ,17 last Sunday. Proachlng sorvlco followed with Roy. McVlcker as tho pastor. Preach ing services will bo hold agin on the 29th of this month. Miss Inez McKlnney ot Sisters and Verno Skelton spent Sunday ovcnlng with Mr. and Mrs. Dean Van Watro. W. W. Van Matro and wlfo and son Dean motored to Bend Saturday on business. R. D. Woodworth and H. K. Boyd wore In Bond Saturday. Mrs. W. Ffi Fryroar and Madison Holton woro in Bend Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Skolton and Vorn and W. F. Fryrear woro In Bond last weok. Mrs. H. R. Kllno is boarding tho school toachor this year. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 014(114. Department of tho Iutorlor, United States Land Office at Tho Dalles, Orogon, August 38th, 1018. Notlco Is horoby glvon thnt Michael M, Mackoy of Bond, Oregon, who on Juno 18th, 1915, made Homestead Entry No. 014044, for lots 1-2-SW NEU, SEtf . Section. 5, Township 20, South, Hnngo 14 East Willamette Meridian, hna filed notlco ot Intoution to mako final thrco-year proof to es tablish claim to tho land nbovo de scribed boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. com missioner, at nond, Orogon, on tho 18th dny ot October, 1918, Claimant names as witnesses: A, J. Dyor. D. C. Rogors, Frod Klgor, Clifford Evans, nil of Mllllcan, Orogon. II. FRANK WOOODCOCK. 37-31o Roglstor. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orogon, for Doschutos County. Goongo D. Clomonts, Plaintiff, vs. Holon V. Clomonts, defendant. To Holon V, Clomonts, tho nbovo named dofondant: In tho name of tho Stato of Oro gon, you aro horoby roquired to ap pear and nnswor tho complaint filed against you In tho abovo ontltlod suit on or beforo tho 24th day of Octobor, 1018, which la moro than six weoks aftor tho 5th day ot September, 1918, tho dato ot tho first publication of this summons, and If you tail to ap pour and anBwor, for waut thoroof, tho plaintiff will apply to tho court for a decree dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing botwoorr plaintiff and defendant, and for a furthor docreo awarding tho futuro care, custody and control of Clarence Clomenta to tho plain tiff horcln, as prayed for In said com plaint, and for such other and fur thor relief as to tho court may ap pear just and oqultablo. Tho sorvlco ot thin summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof in Tho Hcnd Bulletin, a newspaper of gonoral circulation, for six connccu tiro and succesnlro weeks, by virtue of an order mado and entored by tho Hon. T. B. J. Duffoy, judgo of tho nbovo entitled court, on tho 31st day of August, 1918. E. O. BTADTER, Attorney for Plaintiff, Bend, Oregon. Dato of first publication, Septem ber 5, 1918. Dato of last publication, October 24, 1018. 27-33C NOTICK. Notlco it hereby given that under and pursuant to Sec. 25 of Chapter 367, Laws of Oregon for 1017, tho board ot directors of tho Squaw Crook Irrigation District will meet Oct. 1st, 1018, at tho offlco of tho secretary In Ilond, Oregon, an a board of equalization for the purpose of revlowlng and correcting Its an nennmont and apportionment of taxes to bo levied in the district for tho onnulng year. All owners ot land within tho district aro Invited to bo present. H. H. DE ARMOND, d224 W27-28 Secretary. Brooks-Season Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of SusduA Ska. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sates Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron, Bronxe and Semi-Steel Cutiatf for Power TranimuMon Machinery; "Wood Pipe Fitting, Grate Bars. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-16 First National Dank Did?. Tel. 611 (Dr. Co'i Former OOe.) H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kane Building, Dend, Oregon n. O. JELL IS Attorney-at-Law United 8Uta CommUsloaer First National Dank Building DEND. OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 6-8-10, O'Kane Building Bend, ... Oregon DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, ot Portland Visits Bend Monthly, , in - Watch Paper for Dates, or inquire ot THORSON, THE JEWELER Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, President Most Comploto Abstract Plant In Central Oregon. Special Attention Glvon to Federal Loan Abstracts. First Nmlonol DnnK Bldrf.. DEND. ORE., Cor. noxt to Alloy Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Fnrrn Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Fuit Nlnl Bank Building 124 Oiegoa Stietl Bend, Oragea POUND NOTICK. Notlco fs horoby glvon that tho City ot Ilond has taken up tho fol lowing described Uvo stock, to-wlt: Two cows, brnndod L. F, on loft hip and various ear brands, Tho cost of redoemlng said llvo stock will bo $1.00 por day In addition to actual exponso of keoplng and cost of ad vertising and all othor necosaary ex penses. In cano ot failuro to redeem on part of owner, said llvo stock will bo sold as provided by the charter of tho City of Bend on tho 13th day of Soptombor at 3 p. m. at city pound. L. A. W. NIXON, Chief of Police and ex-Otflcio Poundmastor. 27-8o NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, August 12th, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that Wil liam A. Bahn, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on January 20th, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 014400 for EV4 (East half) Section 11, Township 20, South, Rango 15, East Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten tion to mako final throo-year proof to establish claim to the land abovo described boforo H. C. Ellis, United States commissioner, at Bond, Ore gon, on tho 11th day of October, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Peter B. Johnson of Mllllcan, Ore gon. John J. Holland, Mllllcan, Oregon. Charles 11. Oraffenberger, ot Mllll can, Oregon. Leo B. Keller of Mllllcan, Oregon. 25-290 H. FRANK WOODCOCK. Register. BEND. OREGON. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 3-4 O'Kane Building BEND --- OREGON O. P. NISWONOER, Dead, Ore. UNDERTAKER Lteeaeed Bsafealsaer, FueraJ Director. Phone Red 431. Lad AsL DR. R. D. 8TOWELL NaprapatbJc Physlciaa Orer Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 8 Pkoao Red 48a THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY BUrac ui FnntUx, Guuil Ota Iwloa If trcktnU. W carry Oil. GmUm, Bicmr, nar, Btlt UtU. Still, Bc a&J Lard. MISS B. OSTERMAN PIANOFORTE SCHOOL Baptist Sunday School Room Phono Rod 101 1