The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, September 05, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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h ..
vol, xvi.
No. 27
I-MJiiuitml TlnU Ovrr 2MM Workers
Tiiki' Prt Plwro l)rllvT Al-
dims -Hundred" Knjuy
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Kvnry unionized triido and Indus-
try In tho city of llutitl won rnpro
wrntott In thn parade staged by union
labor yesterday, opening tho festiv
ities for tho first Labor tiny celebra
tion avur hold In thin city, Load
tiy thn union band, thu parndn formml
nt tho foot or Division street and,
iiiarchliiK through (ho principal
MtrnvtM of tho city, wound In and out
until tho picnic Kroundi on tho
rlvor worn reached, wltnro tho pro
cratn for tho day was hold.
Ilnnnora of thu vnrlouii organiza
tions and patriotic emblems emblaz
oned tho divisions, everywhere tho
national colors showing n prodomln
(tnro, demonstrating that patriotism
iind labor were linked hand In hand.
It was Mtltimtftl by union laborers
horn that 2000 persons wuro In tlio
At tho picnic ground many hun
dred other persons had nthori'd bo
font thn arrival of tho parado, and
tho MatM which had boon provldud
previously with tho expectation of
being arnplo to seat tho crowd worn
commandeered for tho unci of tho
ladle only, and tho unoccupied
tinnnhna on tho speakers' stand worn
used tor tho same purpose. Men
worn enmpolled to stand up or And
Miintit on ronta of tri'i'a and olhor ob
structions during tho speaking which
followed, but did It wlthuul resent
tnont. Following tho ndilrosH of wolcomo
by A. K. Kdwardu, Mr. J)lxon, fluid
nrgaulziir for tho Snlvittlnti Army
oversea fund, ntldrnsaml tho meet
ing, giving those present an Iden of
tho work which had boon .nccoin
pllshod by thn Army In Its' help In
tho comfort of tho aoldlnra. Ilo
lwnlt with considerable emphasis on
tho necessity of thn work of tho Red
Cross, thn Knights or CnlumbUN, tho
V. M. C A. and thn Salvation Army
In keeping tho mon overscan In fight
ing trim, concluding hla remarks
with an nutllnn of tho drlvo to ho
conducted In thli city during tho
present wook. ' .
At-tho clone of Mr. Dlxon'a re
marki mombora of ,the labor organi
sation passed among thn crowds,
gathering lit tho contrlbutlonn'offorod
by Hi oho prosunt, nnd $107.10 was
oonntod. Many ot Ihoao present
plnrod aa high an $Wn tho hats,
whllo othera wrote outjrtholr personal
checks. '
Aftor Mr. Dixon had concluded hla
remarks, nnd whllo tho niomhora of
tho cnmmlltoo worn counting tho
funds collected, Waltor M. Plerco,
wtnto imitator nnd democratic cnnul
lalo for govomor of Oregon, waa
Introduced by tho chairman na tho
Mpoakor of tho day. 'Mr. l'lorc,o
oponoil hla remarks with n compli
ment for lloud nnd tho laboring olu
mout, HtutliiK that ho had boon
plensod to obHorvo tho patriotism ox
liroHHod by tho mon In tho parado,
mid Impressed upon thn labor or
KitnlzatlotiK roproHontod tho noccsslty
of maintaining (hla patriotism, buck
ing tho govurnmnnt with both muscln
nnil money In tho conlllc't In which
tho tuU4ln In oiiKO(Jrt ". ..
Ho mitllncil In glowing torms that
which had beon uccompllBhod by
labor Hlui'o tho commonconiont of tho
yar, urging tho laboring mon to
maintain their organizations, but to
uvold abovo all olso at tho present
tlmo HtrlkoH, Ho oulORlzoil IToaldcnt
AVUson to tho hlghost oxtout, declar
ing tho nation's lender to bo a man
who hnd ovor shown hlmsolf to bo a
lrlonrt of organized labor and ndvlBod
that should It bo nocossory by or
ganized labor to tako up dlfforoncos
with tho employer Instoad ot effect
ing a Btrlko to gain thoBo onils, tho
Presldont bo modo acquainted with
tho qondltloiiB, and loavo It to his
judgniont ae ft man fair nnd un-
(Oontlnuod on pago 4.)
Mm Am II-uIiimI to Know Tholr
l'nvlurt NiiiiiImt, Homowt Will
Kllminwto Piwmlblllly of Con-
(jrnUm 111 Oilier Pliwvi.
(From Wodimaday'a Dally.)
Hoglatrarn at larRo for tho con
voulonco ot men worklnx In tho
mills nro to bo vatabllihod In the
offices of tho lirookn-Hcaulon Lumber
company and Tho Kliovlln-Hlxon
Lumber Company on Huptnmbor 12
for tho purposo of rogUtorlng tho
omployns of tho mill during tho day.
This unnouncHiuunl waa madn this
morning by mombora of tho registra
tion boards which havo boon appoint
ed by tho Dcschuten county scloctlvo
norvlco board,
This action was taken by tho regis
trant ot tho flvo preclutn In tho city
In ordor to rntlnvo tho conguatlon
which would bo bound to occur wnro
tho mon required to rnglator either
boforo leaving for their labors In tho
morning or after tholr return from
their work In tho uvonlng. It takes
several minutes to register each man,
na the Hit of questions on tho now
registration card la longer than thoso
asked of tho 1917 registrant. Pro
clncts In tho mill districts would bo
swamped between tho hours of 7 nnd
8 o'clock In tho morning and after C
at night.
Whllo tho registrar for tho mill
havo not yet been named, It Is pre
sumed It will bo somn one of tho
office forco In each place. Tho only
requirement" are that tho men who
register at either of tho mills bo sure
of tho product lu which ho lives. This
will bo written upon his card and
these cards assembled and placed lu
thn proper precinct piles before tho
registration number Is nsslgned.
Thn various registration places will
bo made public within thn noxt day
or two. It not ynt being dstormlned
whrn some of tho registrars aro to
hold forth.
Wnr OIlfrM Hi'lii) Sending of Mini
for Ono l)n Vrv Mobllleil
lleni VoMeriwy.
(From Wodiiosdoy'a Dnlly.)
Through n counter ordor received
by tho local hoard from tho war de
partment, tho Deschutes county
draftees who wero mobilized In this
city yoHtorday will not bo entrained
until tomorrow morning. Tho mon
are In tho city, tho guests of tho local
board until that tlmo. Tho following
nro tho uamoa of thoso leaving an
tomorrow morning's train; Guy O,
Bhuffer, Mllllcan; Dow Dobklns, lied
moud; Isaac D. Veddor, Lower
Ilrldgo; elms, h Luco, Hedmoud;
Donald Morris, Horn!; Jny P. Spencer,
Ilond; Warren Kvans, La Pino; Algor
W. Davis, Tutnalo; ltood A. Wlnklo,
Unnil; Kugono a. ConiBtogk, Hed
moud; Chris Kostet; Hubert W.
Pease, Lakovlew; Jno. O. Williams,
llurna; Lowla 13. Hawson, Lnkovlow.
(lly United I'rrM to The llnl bulletin.)
WASHINGTON. Sept. 4. Oonoral
Crowdor, provost niarshiU, has an
nouncod that hnnkorti and othor em
ployes of thoso Institutions not pro
vlously regarded ns warranting de
ferred claBslllcatlon may now apply
for oxoinptlon on tho 'grounds that
tholr work la necessary to tho na
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
A 30-Inch doll, real hair and oyo
lashoa, Is bolug oxhlbltod In tho dis
play window at tho Owl Pharmacy
nnd will 1)0 dlspasod of, with tickets
Boiling tor 10 conts oach. Tho pro
cooda from tho tmlo of thoso tlckota
will bo turned ovor tq tho Hod Cross,
Tho douor's namo lu bolng withhold,
Ifriivy Koroat Flro In IUk ICIver Hx:
llou OiIIm Out All Member of
I'oriwt Hrrvlro mill HUty
Mun from Mill.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Ovor 4000 acres of timber and sev
eral homesteaders' homes aro burned,
together with tho Fall Hlver school
house, as a result of a forest fire In
thn Dig Hlvor ranger district, which
broke away from tho men In charge
of It flaturday morning, and before
a crow could bo secured of sufficient
slzo to hold It, It had gained six
Haturday morning Forest Super
visor Jacobsen, In company with tho
ranger, in a do a survey of tho lira,
then covering less than GOO acres. It
was thought at that tlmo that It
could be hold with a small crow of
mon, as It did not appoar to bo dan
gerous. Loss than two hours later
u high wind had sprung up, and It
was only by tho amsllest chance that
tho supervisor and those; with him
savod their automobiles from de
struction. From a small blazo In thn anaga
and dry timber, In tho high winds
tho blazn leaped to tho crowns and
covorod thn surrounding timber
rapidly, driving boforo the wind.
As soon na the condition was de
termined, Mr. Jncohseu came to Ilond
and commenced recruiting men to
Oioko a fight In saving tho heavy
timber In this region. Moro than
CO men wero sent out from llend In
cars Saturday night, and besides this
number all the men from tho forest
stations that could be sparod, about
12 In number, wero rushed to tho
scene. Flro linos woro Immediately
established and by morning, when
most of the mon wore weary nnd
worn out from hard work and loss
of slop tho llro was fairly well
under control.
Sunday morning moro men worn
sent from The Hhevlln-IHxon and i
Hrooks-Scanlon mills to relieve those
who had gone out tho night previous,
with tho result that this morning tho
llro was ontlroly surrounded nnd
can bo easily held. Mombora of the
mill crow sent out Sunday morning
aro still on tho flro lino.
Tho groater portion of tho t'.mbor
bumod ovor Is on tho nntlonal re
servo, although thero was aomo pri
vate ownod timber In tho path of tho
blaze. Just how many homesteaders
wero rendered homoloR In tho Itlg
Hlvor and Fall Hlvor districts Is not
known, but It Is expected thero wero
Bovorul, although It Is not bolluvod
that any cnaunlllos wero suffered.
Flro offlclala this morning declared
that nt times tho llamea from tho
flro rcachod a height of nearly GOO
feet and lit up tho country for miles
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Intorost In tho night school project
waa not manifested to any RroAt ox
tent nt tho mooting called by J, A.
Monro, superintendent of schools, to
bo hold In tho high school last night,
Tho attondanco was vory light, bo
much so that no attotnpt wns made
to formulate plana for carrying on
tho project In tho future. It will
probably bo further discussed by tho
board of directors nt tho rogular
mooting to bo hold tbla ovonlng.
Whv should it be necessary, in times like the present,
for anyone to solicit funds for a war cause?
The question was asked here last week and it may be
portinently repeated in connection with the present Sal
vation Army drive.
Bend has to raise only $275,
Why make someone wear out his shoe leather and
time in calling on you for your subscription to the fund?
Do your share by volunteering.
Sent! your subscription to The Bulletin office or to
one of the drug stores.
Would Make All Office In HUito Ap
pointive, Vtltli tlio Kxt-cptbm of
Oow-nior, Who Khould I to
ed vo Moro Pay.
(HlW.I b Tb IlulMln.)
8ALK.M. Hopt. n. Now that tho
final report of tho consolidation com
mission has beon allowed to pass
from tho sacred precincts of tho
chambers within which It was drawn
and to bo barod to tho glaring light
of publicity, tho audacity of ono Prof.
Matthews, who drew tho report, be
comes qulto appalling. Aaldo from
tho fact that ono statu official reports
a qulot bit or scandal to me oncci
that tho University of Illinois pro
fessor didn't chango his shirt all tho
tlmo ho was In Salem, othor Interest
ing details of tho working of tho
Prof.'a mind havo como to Hht.
For Instance, ho says In his re
port that all ot tho state offices but
ono or two should bo nppolntlvo be
cause such appointments would "re
Ilovt tho voter of a burden too great
for'l Im to bear" (Hear! Hear!)
ot satisfied with framing up a
lltllo airtight autocracy which would
deprive tho voter of all of tho fun
ho has in llfo, tho Prof, adds Insult
to Injury by calling our electorate
n bunch of low clnss boobB. Just
think of tolling an Oregon voter that
casting his ballot is too great a bur
den for him to bear. If thero Is a'
raco of professional ballot casters onjthat , havo oyor 8Ccn hQ dodarcd.
earth, that has boon attuned to the 0 a,g0 acrtcd that formcr Adju
ripplo of the folded ballot sllpplnRtant Gonora, Wllllama had neglected
Into tho receptive slot, It Is ho oltho homo gUBrd 0f the itato. but that
Oregon who has voted on all kinds ; tho now,y nppolntod a,ijutant. Ueebe,
or measures, ami an Kinus oi oincmis
nnd all kinds of fads and fancies.
And a llttlo old Prof, who wns barely
r. feot tall comes wny out from Illi
nois to tell tho broad shoulderod Ore-
gonlan" that' his voting Is ton much
of a burden for said Orcgonlan's
nuuy nnd sickly political mind. And
the worst part of It Is that tho Ore
gon votor has been paying sold Protf
200 n month nnd granting him tho'dutJ. ollhor a8 otRcen or wnen called
privilege of calling the voter a poorijn lll0 ,jrat
simp nt tho ond of tlio spasm, we
gram mni mo voier wns a p .or ....
for paying tho Prof, tho 200 Iron mon
per, but otherwise wo havo qulto a
wholesomo respect for tho voting
capacities of tho full-fledged Ore
gonlan. '
Tho Prof, avers nolomnly that the
voter Is too much of a low-browed
intellectual pruno to detormlno who
shall bo dog catcher, but that his
mind is suddenly elevatod to a great
pitch when It comes to electing a
governor who Is to namo all tho dog
catchers, ot coteray. Ho evidently
would hnvo tho votor concentrnto all
of his fooblo energies on tho selec
tion of a govomor. Ho also sug
gests that tho governor recolvo moro
salary than any othor Btato official.
Llttlo suggestions llko theso which
havo so far been commented upon
probably will set woll with tho nvor
ago votor, although apparently tho
Prof, was counting on tho gnat-like
tcorobrums of tho ballot casters be
ing unablo to grasp tho meaning ot
his university stylo,
Tho report of tho Prof, only com
prohonds Bomothlng llko 300,000 or
400,000 words moro or less. It Is an
interesting document to road boforo
breakfast in tho morning If ono Is In
a hurry to reach his work. If the
state official's auriulso Is truo about
tho Bhlrt, It Is moro than likely that
tho Prof, didn't havo tlmo to mako
(Continued on Pago 4.)
Horn! Iakuo Xecoasnry to Ituy Proper
Kqulpmeiit and Organlzo De
partment to Ilo Vp to
Poop I c.
(From Wednesday' Dally.)
Flro protection matters In Dcnd
progressed from tho conversational
sUgo nt tho Commercial club lunch
eon thlsnoon 'and are"'apparcntly
entering tho stage of real activity,
importing for the council, Louis Den
nett said that a special election
would bo called on tho day of tho
gcnoral election In .N'ovombor for tho
purposo ot voting on a bond issuo
to buy necessary equipment and
that the council desires, In the mean
time, to have the ConnneTclal club
deal with tho matter. Following
Mr. Iionnett'a remarks, on tho motion
of Carl A. Johnson, it was voted that
T, W. Carlon be placed In chargo of
a temporary department. Mr. Carlon
has already begun organization.
President Foley, who has Just re
turned from the training camp at
Kugeno, lent a military touch to tho
luncheon by calling tho meeting to
order with tho command, "Atten
tion," Ho also told ot tho work
dono by Major Comfort ot tho uni
versity staff, who is hero to drill tho
Dcnd homo guard for tho next thrco
Major Comfort praised the spirit
and "pep" of llend.iand asked tho as
slstanco of tho business men of tho
city for tho homo guard. "Thero is
iinn rip! mainriai iur liiu kuuiu iiuiu
had promised to do better.
Tho only other speaker waa E. B.
Lemon of Corvallls, representing
O. A. C. Mr. Lemon asked that
every effort be mado to send qualified
youths to collego to becomo enrolled
n ,ho 8tudent8. arm. training corps.
All so enrolled will receive pay at
tho rato of $30 per month and will
,,. . aneclal training for military
V lliht 11 UAHUiN
fFrora Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho flro situation on tho Deschutes
national forest is again normal and
with tho exception, of slight danger
from tho lato flro In tho Dig River
and Fall River districts tho balance
of tho torrltory Is well covered, tho
few small blazes causing no worry.
Plans woro mado this morning for
putting on two hnddle horso patrols
to cover tho nig River torrltory,
eliminating several men from tho
Job. At tho prosent tlmo tho flro
lino Is far too lorig to bo covorod on
foot, except by a largo number ot
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
For tho purposo of hearing two dl
vorco suits and a. civil action, a apo
dal session of tho district court com
menced In this city this morning and
will contlnuo until Friday. Judgo
T, B. J. Duftoy Is in attendance, com
ing ovor from Prlnovlllo this morn
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Mrs. C. S. Hudson was elected
presldont and Mrs. Clydo McKay vlco
president and Mrs. K. M. Thompson
socrotary and trcaBuror ot tho Li
brary club at a meeting of tho club
hold yesterday attornoou,
IPy United Pr to Th PnJ Bulletin.
army rocrultlng hoadquartors ot
Northorn California and Nevada havo
boon permanently closod, releasing
15,000 recruiters tor actual service
Timber LnndA Also Contribute Lnrfio
Hum to Uuj Tax Rolls I'crsonul
IYopcrty Hhows Difference of
Xoarly Half Million. .
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Tax values In Deschutes, county for
tho present year show a net gain ot
$743,610 ovor tho year 1017. W. T.
Mullarkoy, county assessor, has
mado public a summary of tho as
sessment rolls for tho year 1918, giv
ing tho total valuation ot taxabto
property within tho county as 5,
843, 2C0, against $5,090,640 for the
year previous. These amounts do
not Includo tho public utilities tc
levied by tho state tax commission, v
which amountod to $432,397 last
year, bringing the total valuation to
Assuming a like amount from this
source for tho present year would
Increase the 1918 valuation to $6,
316,647. Cultlvntrd Land Increase.
Tho effect ot tho Increased demand
for farm products and the back to tho
land movement Is shown In tho laFgu
Incrcaso ot cultivated lands in tho
county, almost 7000 additional acres
with an assessed valuation ot $11.68
per acre being added to tho number
under cultivation last year. During
the year 1917 thero were 43,646 cul
tivated acres within the county, hav
ing a taxabto valuation ot $102,310.
For this year the. summary ot tho tar
rolls shows 55,'5SS cultivated" acres,
with a taxable valuation of $649,
0S0, a net gain of 6912 acres and an
Increase In taxable property In tho
county amounting to $36,770.
Uncultivated lands havo shown a
marked docreasc, both In acreage and
taxablo values, due largoly to tho
larger number under cultivation.
but tho amount lost to tho county
through this decrease when sifted
down to a matter of dollars and
cents has more than been offset
through a higher valuation ot tho
cultivated area. Tho assessment ot
uncultivated land is rated as low as
$3.9S por acre valuation, whllo for
tho cultivated lands a valuation ot
Jll.CS is set. While tho loss at first
appoarances on the raw lands la
$27,540, the ultimate gain to the
county through tho Incrcaso in culti
vated lands has been $9,230 net.
Tho loss from tho uncultivated
lands would havo appeared to be
much lower had tho tax valuation
remained tho same for this year at
last. Rut instead ot theso raw lands
being assessed at $4.13 per aero this
year as thoy were tho year previous
tho board lowered tho tax valuation
to $3.68, giving a further decroass
ot ovor $5,000. Adding this amount
to tho differential In favor ot the
cultivated areas wpuld glvo an In
crease ot oyer $15,000 sustained by
tho county through tho additional
cultivated acroago for this year.
Timber Value IiicmtiHo.
Another gain ot $234,445 Is shown
In tho timber lands. Whllo tho num
bor of acres for the current year Is
glvon na over 3000 less than that of
a yoar ago, an increased valuation
ot from $6,10 to $7 per aero on the
305,439 acres is responsible for tho
A gain ot approximately 16 por
cent, is Bhown In tho improvements
on dooded lands, thero bolng tho dlf
forenco botwoon $204,9S5 for 1917
and $237,295 for this year, a total
gain ot $32,310.
Ilond Property Incrwwcn.
Dead property has Increased $83,
280, according to Mr. Mullafkey.
For 1917 tho assessment rolls show
a total valuation for improvod and
unimproved city lots ot $612,140.
Tho 1918 valuation for tho same
proporty la sot at $695,470.
All ot tho increase In tax valuation
In tho county has not beon contned
to roalty values and Improvement.
Personal property has come In for a
big sllco ot th,o total am,ounL with
a gain ot $417,415, or an Jcrse
from $8,238,365 laBt year to $3,
655,770, for tho current year.'