The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 29, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    IlKND nUM.RTIN, BRN1) OUKflON, TllUItftDAY, AUOUHT JM, 11)18
Ciooil Government l.c-tuno to Make
KfTort Uitlllnrn ."Men in OMeo ,
nnil TlicrwifJcr Hold
Them Hospoii'dble.
(From Tuesday's Dully.)
Taxes In tyeachutos county arc 20
per cent, higher than thoy should be
becauso the pooplo aro unfamiliar
with the lawn and tnako no effort to
kep chock on public officials; boot
legging In Iho county must be
Htjunped out, and a nearer rotation
b'atween tha. larmors and laboring
men of tho nation aro necossary to
a true democratic government.
These wore tha salient points In tho
opening address ot L. A. Hunt of
Lcwcr II rid go boforo nearly 100 deto
gates ot tho Central Oregon Good
Government toaguo, which opened Its
convention horo at 11:30 o'clock this
Tho convention was called to order
by Frank W. Weber ot Slstors, tem
porary chairman ot tho organization
lHvtho county, who upon a voto ot
tho delegate present was made tem
porary chairman for tho convention.
Following tho appointment ot a com
mittee on organization, another on
credentials nd a third on resolu
tions, Chairman Webor introduced
Mr. Hunt as tho speaker tor the
Mr. Hunt opened his address by
giving a history ot tho organization
ot the Good Government lc.aguo in
this county, and tho purposes for
which tho organization had been ef
fected, finally arriving at the main
topic ot his, discussion as outlined in
tho commencement ot this article.
Tho speaker advocated that people
ot the stato and nation familiarize
themselves with tho laws which are
enacted and placed upon tho statutes.
If these laws 'aro for the benefit of
the people as a whole, koep thorn
there; if thoy are for the benefit ot
one class ot Individual, have them
repealed. ' Ho attributed the lax
Methods of government to Ignorance
ot the laws oh the part or the peo
ple. Ho Advocated that the Good
GeverBmest leagTH either endorse or
itaJnato. iti, candidates, and after
they'-iadr''ie Romiaated to Hand
Wto4 ..tfceii B(f so that they are
$etl,-a4. ta eveiugq beyond the
4toiju'Wnd .1hat after they
hiJjU& In office by the
people, the'Veople stand over them
and'demaBd tkelr enforcement of the
Jawtf of tha state and nation. He
asked" the league exercise cau
tteR'fa tfwjsholce ot men for the
various offices, being careful to make
70 nomlnattons or aid In any elec
tions that -aUght at a later date re
flect discredit upon tho organization.
He denied most emphatically that
tho local organization bad any con
nection with tho Non-Partisan cle
ment or tho I. W. W., as had been
charged repoatedly by its enemies,
but that it was standing for tht
benefit ot the laboring class and the
farmora with the purposo ot doing
a Justice to these classes.
At tho close of Mr. Hunt's address
tho meeting, adjourned to meet this
afternoon, at which time the nom
ination of officers will take place.
f$iK3S!iXwi5!i?vvl r?&ssE!Qf&a
final Installment of 40 o on
Third Liberty Loan Bonds
was due August 15th. Pay
ment should he made immediately.
. TheFirst National Bank
a .r
m .!'-
gS&U -Vjr, JjigL
rOM.MKItriAli Clil'll OK l'liAN'S
(From Wednesday's Pally.)
Remarks by A. G. Clark of Port
land, ninnngor of tho Homo Industry
loaguo and Held representative for
this district tor tho c6mthg Liberty
loan campaign, fonturod tho Commer
cial club lunchtioh. this noon. Tho
main point oMr Clark's talk was
that in times like tho prcaont It
should not bo necessary for ono citi
zen to havo to go to another to ask
support for tho government in Its
war program and to obtain tho
tnonoy to carry It on.
For tho coming drivo, Mr. Clnrk
said, arrangements havo boon mado
to furnish speakers as requested by
tho dtfTorcnt counties. They will bo
accompanied by soldiers. It Is do
sired that oven moro subscriptions bo
secured than on tho last loan that
tho proportion ot subscribers to
population bo higher, ho continued,
and It is desired also that a fund bo
raised to pay for display advertising
for tho loan.
"With a record of 202 per cent,
on tho last loan," Mr. Clark declared,
"thoro can bo no doubt as to the
bucccss ot Deschutes county In the
coming drive."
Following Mr. Clark's address,
County Agent Ward outlined to tho
club tho work that was bolng done
in demonstrating tho valuo of sul
phur on alfalfa lands in this county.
It has been shown, Mr. Ward said,
that sulphur is a necessary food for
alfalfa and land on which it has been
applied has produced over 100 per
cent, moro hay than before. As a
result of tho experiments carried on
hero flvo carloads of sulphur have
been ordered for distribution, which
should mean $40,000 moro money In
tho county another year. Sulphur
fertilized alfalfa also produces better
wool, Mr. Ward asserted.
Tho only othor business to come
boforo the meeting was a discussion
ot tho expected visit ot Colonol
Leader from Eugene, T. H. Foley
having written that ho expected
Colonel Loader to return with him
on Sunday.
No mention was mado ot tho fire
protection business expected to bo
rcported,on. today.
Ono cent a word Is all a llttlo
Want Ad will cost you.
Prepare for Changrahlo Woatlicr.
H. D. Miller, It. F. D. 10, Wooster,
O., writes: "By the changing of
beds and tho weather, I took a very
bad cold and sore throat. Four doses
of Foley's Honoy and Tar put mc
right In a day's time." It pays to
get tho genulno Foley's and avoid
substitutes and counterfeits. Con
tains no opiates. Sold everywhere.
Stato Fair, Salem, Oregon, 8eo
tember 23-28. Splendid exhibits, ex
cellent music, high class entertain
ments and a superb racing card. For
particulars write A. H. Lea, secre
tary, Salem, Oregon. Adr.
One cent a word la all a little Want
Ad win cost you.
(From Wednesday's Dally,)
Kfforta of n hlKltwnyintut to rob
L, A, Shaw lit tho lattor'a homo on
Franklin nvomio woro only frustrated
by Mr. Shaw's ability to protoU him
self. Ito had completed Ills business
at IiIh store on Uond street about 9
o'clock and going to his homo un
locked tho door and mopped Inside.
Ab ho turned to closo tho door nftur
reaching tho Interior of tho building
it man Jumped from bnhlnd him nnd
grabbed him by tho throat demand
ing his money. Shaw Immediately
put up n tight nnd succeeded in
loosening his opponent hold and tak
ing n strangle hold himself when his
toot slipped over a projection on tho
porch nnd tho assailant managed to
escapo, but not until ho had left be
hind his hat and sovoral buttons from
hln clothes. Thcso nrn now In tho
hands ot tho authorities, who wero
called Immediately following tho en
counter. Mr. Shaw suffered no ill effects
from his oncountor with tho high
wayman other than n few minor
bruises about tho faco.
Notice is given by tho County
Court that it is forbidden by law to
lot Irrigation water waste in a
county road. Sections 6427 nnd
6429 of Lord's Oregon Laws provide
for procedure and ponaltlcs I if cases
where laudownors fall to stop tho
ilowngo of Irrigation water In roads
nnd It Is tho intention of the. court
to seo to tho enforcement of those
sections. Notlco Is especially en Rod
to soctlon 6429, providing as follows
"Upon tho completion ot said
work, tho road supervisor wll fllu
with tho county clork ot tho county
In which Buch road or roads arn stu
nted, an Itemized statomont of tho
time occupied by him and his. as.
slstants, and tho rcasonnblo compen
sation for diverting and removing
said water from said county road or
roads, together with tho nnmo of the
owner and occupant ot tho land on
which said irrigation or other ditch
which brought said water to said
county road or roads, Is situated, to
gether with tho dato and hour wncn
said notlco was served on such owner
or occupant of said land, verified by
his oath, and when said statomont Is
filed, tho county clork shall causo tho
same to bo entered upon tho Hen
docket prepared for that purposo.
and tho amount ot such chargefljAnd
expenses, whon so docketed ahall
constltuto a first Hon, prior at) (J su
perior to all othor Hens or charges
on said land or premises, excepting
taxes. Adv.2Sc.
(Continued From Page 1.)
man. II. C. Hartranft gained the
honor, and in a speech which used
up tho flvo minutes which had been
allotted to each speaker on tho sub
ject, told tho convention what ho be
lieved to bo true of tho condition of
affairs in tho prosecuting attornoy's
office at tho present tlmo, declaring
that ho was able to back up his ac
cusations with affidavits. Tho
creator portion of his romarks waa
directed to tho alleged failuro of tho
present incumbent in onforclng tho
law regarding tho shipment of al
cohol to tho pharmacies of tho coun
ty, and tho filing ot tho necessary af
fidavits.. All Want to Talk.
By tho tlmo that 3!r. Hartranft
had concluded his address it ap
peared that at least one-half of tho
dolegatcs In the building were Book
ing tho floor at tho samo tlmo, Tho
chairman rapped for order twico, and
whon tho nolso had somowhat 'sub
sided It. It. Canterbury was lvon an
opportunity to talk.
He immediately placed A. J. Mooro
in nomination for tho office, assort
ing that if District Attorney Do Ar
mond had made mistakes he had at
Dramatic Art, Languages
Mme, Lucie Valalrlale of Parts, France,
SoprariO'Soloht, Director,
A (acuity oi beit trained Artfit Teachers for Private and
Clan Lcnoni in All Branchci. Piano, Voice, Violin,
Cello, Harp, Dancing. Elocution and Acting, taught on a
real .rage. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Free Cl.a.
Leiion included in regular tuition. Artistic environment!,
inspiration and dormitory privilege.
Send for dialogue or Information to E. RICHMOND, SecrtUry
234 10th Street, Portland, Oregon. Main 7398
is sewed into every garment we sell
No mutter what the price may he, you're assured of oho tiling
your money is always ready if you are not satisfied. It. should
he a keen satisfaotion for you to know'
You take no olmneqs when you purchase anything from us.
That's safety lust---nii(l is economy
You owe it to yourself
to at least investigate
Quality is
toast mado thorn whllo bolng nrtlvo,
whllo Mr. Karnhnm had nevor been
even active.
Do Artnoml NoinluatiMl.
Then In tho moloo which followed
somoono nominated Do Armond and
received a second. When tho mo
tion was mado that tho nominations
closo tho nolso subsided somowhat,
only to bo revived again when after
tho first ballot It was learned that
Farnham had received lnsu(llclent
votes to nominate, a former resolu
tion having boon passed requiring a
two-thirds majority. Tho first bal
lot stood 45 for Farnham, 18 for
Mooro and 16 for Do Armond.
Necessary to elect, S3. On tho sec
ond ballot Farnham gained ono voto,
giving him a total ot 46, while Mooro
captured all of tho do Armond votes,
giving him a total ot 34.
Real. Hlorra Ilfoaku,
It was at this period that tho real
storm broke It was evident that
tho backers of Farnham had rolled
on capturing tho votes ot tho low
man, Do Armond, who was droppod
after tho first ballot, and tho failure
to do so meant defeat so far as a
two-thirds majority was concerned,
Parliamentary docorum was droppod
and all talked at onco, Two of tho
dolegatcs taking tho floor at tho samo
tlmo shook their Angora at ono an
other and demanded to know "Why"
of each othor. An effqrt to break
down tho two-thirds ruling nnd otcct
by a majority brought to tho mir
faco tho Iro of Chairman Dakor, who
rulod that tho motion was out of
order, that tho body must abldo by
tho decision made befofe'tho ballot-Ir-x
was commenced. An appeal was
takon from tho ruling of tho chair
and voted down, Chairman Maker's
ruling being sustained.
At iongth, after heated words woro
frequently passed botwoon tho dole
gatoa, L. A. Hunt brought tho meet
ing to a somblanco of order In his
remarks as to tho duty ot each mom
bor of tho organization, following
tho talk with a motion that only ono
additional ballot bo taken, and if a
docltflon could not bo arrived at In
that ono voto tho raattor ot prosecut
ing attorney bo dropped. Tho final
voto gave Farnham 43 and Mooro 33.
Necessary to elect, CI. No prosecut-
The Owl Pharmacy
In huying Clothes, do not mistake cheapness for economy-'-the
two do not go together especially in these days4 of adulterated
fabrics descriptive substitutes for lUO'o quality, '
and you get it her 100 9i proof at the price you wish to pay.
Suits or Overcoats in interesting varieties from which to select.
Maurice P. Cashman
Home of Hurt Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Ing atturnoy will ho on tho ticket.
Fox KnttorMil for HIirrlrT.
Tho remainder of tho county of
ficers woro voted upon with llttlo dls
cuiiion. It. II, Fox wan nominated
for county shorltT nnd J, Alton
Thompson was nominated for county
superintendent of schools.
J. (I. Manor was placed In tho field
by L. A. Hunt of Iowor Ilrldgo as
nomlnco for county rlnrk, while
John P. Lundberg wns nominated by
If, C Hartranft. Ono ballot decided
this nomination, Haner receiving 28
votoa against 11 for Lundborg.
C'iiiinlrllirrn Nominal til,
Taking up tho matter of commls-iloneraz-tho
houso again divided, but
only for a short tlmo, tho light over
tho prosecuting attornoy apparently
having winded tho majority of those
presont, A. 8. Holmes and Meredith
Bailey woro pUeod In nomination for
tho four-year term, and K, K. Varco
and Both Htookcy for tho two-yoar
term. Holmes was nomlnatod on tha
first ballot, receiving a total of CO
votes against his opponent's 4, but a
second ballot was nocessary to
achiovo success for Varco over
Upon motion by h, D. Wloat, It
was decided to placo n man In tho
field from tho Twenty-first legisla
tive district, and It la to bo rccom
monded by tho loaguo that P. II.
Dancer of this city bo tho nominee.
Petitions nro to bo circulated
throughout tho district asking to
havo his namo placed on tho ballot,
and a commltteo of flvo Is to bo so-
loctod who will boo that tho peti
tions aro circulated. This action
will ho taken Immediately In order
to got tho mattor thoroughly com
plotod In tho tlmo required by law
for placing Mr. Donror'a nnmo upon
tho ballot.
Tho division of ITond Into two dis
tricts with tho creation of an addi
tional offlco of Justfeoj)f tho pence
was also recommended $iul atrcttolu
Mon adopted asking thttt ,a petition
to this effect bo sent to" flio county
In tho nominations mado by tho
loaguo tho namo of J. uM.t I.awronco
wns votod upon for Justlco ot tho
pcaco for Uond.
5 AT OUR 5
Suction Feed
It Does the Work
A to
Wrlto to Ml, Angel Cnllttgo. Kt.
Ilonedlct, Oro. Addroits Ilov. K. I,.
Meier. - Adv.
NOTH'i: 11)11 Pl'ill.K'ATIO.V.
Department of Iho Interior, United
Hlati-n I.nnd Office lit Tho Dalles,
Ori'gun, August 1 2th, 1918.
Notlco Is hereby given that Wil
liam A. llnhn, of Mllllrnu, Oregon,
who, on January 20th. 19 16, mado
Hmupstnad I'nlry No. 014400 for K&
(Kast half) Koctlnn II, Township 20,
Houth, itango in, Kast Wlllainnttn
Meridian, has filed notice of Inten
tion to makn filial throe-year proof
to establish claim to Uo laud nboro
described boforo II. C, r'ili4,"Unltei!
fitaten commissioner, at lluml, Orn
gon. on tho 11th day of Octonrr,
Claimant names ax witnesses:
Pntnr D Johnson ot Mllllcnn, Ore
gon. John.Vi. Holland, Mllltcan, Oregon.
Charles H. Oraffonborger, of Mlllt
can, Oregon.
I.00 D. Koller of Mllllran, Oregon.
. . Iteglstar.
.-.,.. tt , ,
FOK fiALR .llolstoln hull calf: dam
,mnd Jfi.000 lbs, milk, 670 lbs.
fat at four years. P. O. Hurt,
Hand, Oro. Gl-2Ctfo
FOIt HAI.B Oood. sound, small
apples, Hy parrol post, I1.2C pur
box. Albert Harper, Freowator,
Oro. 47-2C-7p
Como and see. i.Must glvo up on
nccotint of boy leaving for nrinv.
40 acres Irrigated. Household
goods, stock and machinery for
sale. J. K, Davis, Tumalo, Oro.
FOIt 8AI.K B0 Huff Leghorn pul
lots, 4 monlhn old, GOc each; 30
2 months old, 2G(ig each, K. W.
Pratt, Ilodmnnd, Oro. 32-2Cp
FOIt HAM2 About 30 head of cnttlo,
mostly young utufT. Huo or wrlto
P. II. Johnson, Mllllcan, Oro.
FOIt HALF: Ono C-yoar-old more,
weight about 12G0, and colt by
iildo; ono G.yoar-old gelding,
weight about 11 GO; ono inaru,
nbout 9 yearn old, wolght about
1100. Would consider trailn tor
Ford car. K. A. Klldeo, Shovllii
Hlxon Camp 7. 22-20p
FOIt BAM? OH RAP Ono horso. o
Chlof ot Pollco Nixon. 32-22tfc
FOIt 8AM? 14 head of cattloond
ono work team. H. A. Oosnoy,
Union harbor shop. Phono 2171.
FOIl 8AM? Why homestead wjrou
you can buy a doodod ranch on
tho Tumalo project, 1G0 acres, for
15 por aero? Houso and barn;
good outaldo rango. Addrosn Lock
Hox 2, Tumalo, Ore, 92-dtfo
WILL LIOASI? for n torm of years,
120 a, nonr DoHchutos and 80 a,
near Alfalfa, Hoth plocos arn
fenced and under tho ditch, Itontor
to pay wator and tnxoa and Im
prove tho land, or will sell long
tlmo. Copt, J. M. Ilenilornoii, Kast
Lansing. Mich. ll-2G-20o
Brand Directory
'Mllllcnn, OrcKOii,, ..
HlBht sldo; right oar crop-
pod; wnttlo right hind log,
H. h. TONH, HlHtem.'OnT,
Mllllcan, Oregon.
I, i l
t H