HKND BULLETIN, IIKND OHKflO.V, TIIUKHDAY, AUUUHT , 11)18 PAOR t t t f- Over the Top by Nine O'clock on Fourth Liberty Loan Day Is To Be Slogan For Oregon saturimiy wrfeS Thn nil Important "ero hour" of tho Imttk'H In Franco In to liavo ltd counterpart In thn rnmpnlKti or tho fourth Liberty loan In Oregon llaltlo In Franco nro timed from nn hour, or mlnutra of nn hour. Thin (lino U known nn tho "xoro hour" and lit n secret eloisoly guarded by tho division liradn. All tnnvomonla of troojin and nil action la baaed on llmo cnlrulntlouH tnniln from tho 'xoro hour." A cortnln Infantry ro coIvch liiNtrucllnna to take n cortnln objective lit ho many mlnuleii pant tho zero hour, In that way a wholu catupalRii ran bo workod out In do tall, with all cnniinanditm fully nwaro of tholr rotation to other movement, waltlnK only tho nccrot which I tho key to tho wholn movement. Oregon' "xcro hour" for tho next Liberty loan In 'J o'clock, September JH. Thin In to ho tho watchword of tho wholo drlvo and throuch volun tary HiiliHcrlptlniiN thin Rtatn In ex pected to havo attained nil objective iiml ngnln bn "over tho top" II rut by It o'clock of tho day whim othor Fire Protection Needs to be Worked Out by Committee Appointed (From Thurndny'n Dally.) DlvUlon of thn city Into dlitrlcl nnd tho organization of a voluntoor lire brigade In each of thvso dUtrlct tin n temporary relief from tho pro out flro hazard nnd tho compilation of a report of tho coit of purchasing nnd maintaining adequate flro protec tive facilities for the city of Ilond, to bo reported to thu Commercial club at tho meeting next Wednesday, wan the chief discussion or tho spe cial meeting of tho city council called Innt night to confer with n commit tee from tho Commercial club on this matter, Judge KaHtes, chairman of tho !omnierrln! club committee, opened tho dlnciiHHlon when hu placed before tho live memhern or the council proa out tho vlown of tho builnoH men of thn city upon tho lack of proper flro protection In Ileud, Ho made It clonr that tho committee, tho members of tho Commercial club or tho city did not deem It any fault of tho council that thn present conditions exlit, hut that It wnn tho dcHlro or tho Commor olnl club to havo thn council tako no mo nctlon tn placn tho facta hoforo tho people nnd get snmo nctlon at tho election this fall. Ho brought out tho facts that tho city had crown In olght yearn from n town or rour or flvo hundred to between hIx nnd Hovnn thousand, hut that no provision lind been inndu for tho protection of tho city from flro to offset thin Br6vth. HnnilN Am TleO. Clydo .McKay, president of tho council nnd nctlng mayor, told tho committee that tho hands of tho council wore tied no far nn tho ox liondlturo nf monoy wan concornod, and that It would, nocesHltnto a npo clnl uloctlon nnd bonding Ihhuo to lrovldo Oio funds ror tho purchnso or material cnllod for by tho Htnto flro mnrHhnrs rocommondntlon. Tho monoy could not ho rnlaod by straight taxation, ho doclnrod, bocauao ot tho DRAFTEE JOINS THE LIMIT CLUB Oiihlnvo limy of Alfalfa, Who Lome Monday for Camp 1ovIn, Taken jz 1,000 In War Having Stumps (From Saturday's Dally,) austnvo Uurry, ono of tho ton mon who lmvo boon cnllod from DoschutoH county for ontrnlumont for Cump LowIh, today purohauod tho limit in war savlngH stnmpB, amounting to $1,000. Mr. Jlorry has boon living at Alfalfa and has plncod his money nlntna will Juot bo jotting Into action, County ruannKorN nnd committee men In tholr recent mooting In Port land decided that It could bo done; that all Oregon unodod wan to bo told how much Undo Ham noedod, nnd how badly hn needed It, and Its patriotic cltlxonn would each do tholr part no willingly that tho effort of nollclllng commlttocN would not bo needed. flymbollzlng thli wholn nchotno, tato hciadauartorn han nnnt to The ricillctln a" graphic Interpretation' of tho iplrlt of tho campaign. It I a nmall clock with tho "xoro hour." 9 o'clock pointed out by tho hand. At tho top, a noldlor In nn nxpron nlon of grim determination bring homo tho nplrlt of accomplishment, while at tho bottom In Uncle Ham confidently lookliiK at thn time Indl cated. It U up to Oregon to see that ho In not dlNnppolnted. Iluttnm for nubicrlbnm to thn noxt loan havo nlNO arrived In Orogon nnd nro now being dlntrlhutud to tho county organization. Tho hutton I !xhtly nmallor than tho Innt. It In patterned nftnr tho honor fin of tho lait loan, being a rcctanglo of white bordered with red nnd crosnml by tho four blue NtrlpoH, nymbollzlng tho fourth Liberty loan. I'OHtera nnd other ndvnrtlilng mat tor nro arriving In Krent ituautltlon and prohleniN of prevloun drive with rcgnrd to alow dollvorloa of supplies havo boon ovorcomo with enrly movement from Wiifthlngton In tho way of largo pouter nnd lithograph and local production of tho smaller mnttnrN, i.ncal rotnmlttoc will get what they want when thoy need It no that they will bo nblo to offer tholr nub Nrrlbnrn uvnry Inducement to mako IiIn voluntary declaration In plenty of (lino to mako good tho plan of tho tnto committee. by City Council handicap ot tho C per cont. Ilmlta tlon, which will not under normal conditions pormlt tho raising or suf ficient taxes tn run tho city noxt year, and that already thorn would havo to bn a special tax levied to carry back indebtedness to tho amount of pos sibly $9,000. Would Ilond for Purcliiw. In his opinion, as with tho major ity of tho council, tho simplest way out or thn matter would bo to Issuo bondN for an amount sufficient to purchnso tho material needed, np proximately $12,000, and then pro vide for tho maintenance, estimated at $4,000 per year, through a apodal luvy, making In nil a totnl of between $1!,000 and $14,000 to bo raised by special taxation, Would Organlzo TemonirlIy. Carl A, JohiiHon, momher of tho Commercial club committee, In advo cating somo measure for temporary protection until tho permanent do partmont could bo orgnnlzod, sug gested that tho city bo divided Into districts and that voluntoors ho choson In each district to tako caro or tho needs in that district. It was his Idea that tho prosen. equipment could bo divided among those various districts, nnd upon nn alarm being Bont in from ono section tho men chosen thoro could handle tho blazo with limited facilities until tho vol uiitoorn from tho othor sections of tho city had arrived. Will Iloport to Club. Aftor lengthy discussion It was flnully decided that thn mnttor would bo placed with tho flro and wator committee of thu council, which wna Instructed to learn tho cotit ot tho In Htnllntlon of now equipment as roc ommonded by thn state tiro marshal, nnd nlso monHiiros for temporary ro llof, to roport to thu Commercial club at tho weekly mooting noxt Wodnos day, nt which tlmo tho support of tho club will ho nskod In getting tho moasuro on tho ballot nt tho Novem ber election. in keeping with tho government un til IiIh return from Franco. Mr, Hurry ut tho prenont tlmo Is tho only man In DeachutcH county oiltsldu ot Ilond who has purchased tho limit in wnr Havings stamp cor llllentoa and thin Buhscrlptlou places Alfalfa far alioud In her quota. TRIED .MANV, FOUND THU REST. Foloy Cathnrtto TahlutH hoop tho howola rogulnr, sweeten tho stomneh and tonn up tho llvor, J, O, (Inston, Newark, Iiul,, Biiya ho usod n groat ninny kinds of cuthnrtlcu, hut 'Foloy Cathurtlo Tahlota gavo him moro aatlHfnctlon than any othor. IIo Buys thoy nro tho lioBt cathurtlo tahlota mado, Bold ovorywhoro, Adv. BEND MAN LOST IN THE WOODS JMItltV HAYDIC.V ItKCO.MKH HKI AUATICI) I'IU).M I'AltTV AM) WANDKIIH I.V 1III,IH NKAK i:i)IH().V C'AVKH TIM .MOKMNO. (From Monday's Dally.) Harry Hoyden, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Haydcn ol this city, who was loot last night In tho vicinity or tho Kdlson Ico caves, was found today ,by members of a searching party In tho vicinity of Old Dachclor, whoro ho had wandered during tho night hours. Haydon won ono of n party of em ployes of Thu ilhovlln-Hlxon Com pany who left Haturday night for a door hunt In tho vicinity of HdUon caves. Arriving nt their destination, members of tho party spent tho day tramping over tho heavily wooded hills In Hint vicinity In quest ot daor. I,ato yestorday afternoon all or them returned to tho camp with thn excep tion or Haydon, His companions awaited his return until darkness had net In, reeling no apprehension for his tardiness, moroly thinking that perhaps ho had taken tho track of game nnd had difficulty In return Ing. Lato In tho evening tho party hoard a shot, presumably from tho missing man'H gun, nnd returned It. There was no answer and nothing wnn seen or heard or tho man from thnt tlmo until ha wns round today, although his companions remained on the scene searching nnd calling for him until nearly midnight. Homo tlmo between midnight nnd this morning members of tho party returned to Ileud nnd making up a noarchln party of woodsmen from tho milts loft again for tho district to further pursuo tho Hoarch. Today additional nutoos loaded with volun teer searching parties woro prepar ing to leave tho city when tho news ot his rescue was received here. (Continued from I'ngo 3.) object or tho trip was to gather huckleberries and hoave a good time. Sunday evening tho crAwd returned homo, tired but happy. Members ot tho party wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Howard Hartloy, M. W. Knickerbocker and dnughtorn lino and Connie nnd Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Scoggln. A. K. I loss and family snent Sun day at tho homo ot Fred Wilson, near Tumalo. Mlsi Wllma llonnctt spont laBt Friday arternoon at tho rlno Lawn ranch. Miss .Mary llonnctt of Ilond has re turned homo after spending about a month of her vacation with relatives In Plulnvlow. P. A. ScoKKln nnd Ooorco Calvor loy rodo for cattlo In tho Pino range .Monday, James Pulllam wns home from tho Pino Treo mill for tho week-end. A. W. Armstrong and A. K. Hoss woro business cnllors In Uend last Tuesday. .Misses llao nnd Connie Knlckor bockor made a business trip to Ilond Mommy, Word has been received from Hay Armstrong that ha has been plncod in tno carpentry department nt Hen son Polytochulc school tn Portland. Tho O. D. O. club postponed Kb rogulnr mooting and will hold tho noxt mooting with Mrs. A. W. Arm strong on Thursday afternoon. Au gust 29. A good attendance Is de sired ns it Is tho annual meeting ot tho club. A. W. Armstrong nnd daughter Wllma woro In Itodmoud Sunday ovenlng, Thoro will ho church Borvlces at tho school Iioubo next Sunday nftor noon, Septombor 1. LARGE NUMBER IN FISHING PARTY I1RND It. F. I). No. 1, Aug. 2C Mr. nnd Mrs. C. L. Smith. Mrs. S, Stonlgor, Mrs. Myors, Mrs, Leu louiig. Misses Isnbol and Fay Smith and Cecil and Klmor Young Bpont several days fishing and camp ing Inst week. Dowoy Mooro loft Thursday morn ing for Urush Prnlrlo to visit his brother, Alonzo Mooro. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Coffoy nnd daughter Uertrudo took dinner with J. T, Nowborry's Sunday. J, O. Williams Is cutting hu second crop of hay, riill Doucor mado n bUBlucsa trip to tho high dosort Inst week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Noff and Mr. nnd Mrs. J, MuIohIi attended tho ovonlng norvlcoH nt tho Presbyterian church Sunday. W. u, Coffoy motored to Powoll Ilutto Saturday, Tho LadloH' Aid of tho Union church will ho entertained nt tho homo of Mrs. G. I,. Wooro Thursday nftoruuon. Autonu XloBonRnrth. Jr., from Chi cago enmo horo to visit his father and nlBO to Had work In thu iuIIIb, Tho niledonu glrla woro visitors at thu Marchnnd homo Sunday. Tho OrnuKQ Hall Lndloa Aid mot nt tho homo of Mrs. Ooorgo Hrlok son laBt Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Potursnn, Mr. nnd Mrs, Ilort Torkolson, Mr, anil Mrs, George Rrloksou nnd daughter Etitor. Carl ICurkein. Mabol Dnlil and Volmu Cnldwoll all wont on n fishing trip up to Fall river Sunday, Mrs, Jumes Noisou ana uaugmor FOREST OFFICE HEAD MARRIED mihh m:i,mi: hnvdkis and s. ... JACOIIHO.V HTKAIi AWAY I'itOM KIHKNDH AND AUK MAItHli:i IN POKTIiAND LAHT MONDAY. (From Friday's Dally.) Surprising their friends and cul minating a romanco which com menced sevoral months ago. Miss Nolllo Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Snyder of this city, and N, Q. Jacobseu, supervisor of tho Deschutes national forest in this city drovo to Portland Sunday and woro married In that city tho following day, Thoy returned to Ilond, whero thoy will mako their homo, this morning, driving in over tho Macken zie pass. Miss Snyder camo to Uend sovoral months ago with hor parents, having lived previously In Albany, and Is the contcr ot a largo clrcto of friends. Mr. Jacobscn has been In tho govern ment service for a number of years and has boon stationed hero as su pervisor of tho Deschutes forest for tho past thrco years. Tho young couplo will spend the balance of tho season In tours of the Deschutes national forest, after which thoy will mako their homo In thin city, In tho homo already owned by Mr. Jacobscn. For thorough business, high school nnd college courses, send your son to Mt. Angel College, St. Ilcncdlct, Ore Address Itov. K. L. Meier. Adv. Four chairs at your sonrico at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adr. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this sill), enclose with Cc to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial package containing Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds nnd croup, Foley Kid ney Pills and Foloy Cathartic Tab lots. Sold everywhere. Adv. COMPANY B GIVES CAPTAIN SEND-OFF Uurry Slioulln In Dlnnl and Then Marched at Head of Company to ' Depot Join the Army. (From Haturdny's Dally.) Captain Harry Shoults of Company II, Uend Militia, was tendered a fare well by his company last night upon his leaving for Prlncvllle, from which placo ha will Icavo Monday for serv Ico at Camp Lewis. Early In the ovonlng members of tho company took Captain Shoults In hand and marched him to tho Pilot Ilutto Inn for luncheon. Whllo tho meal was being served tho balanco ot tho com pany arrived upon tho sccno and ns tho party camo out marched In mili tary ordor to tho depot, where tho final choers woro given. Upon tho resignation ot Captain Shoults, First Lieutenant Kollahcr has been promoted to his position Dr. Turner, cyo specialist of Port land, will bo in Horn! again Wednes day nnd Thursday, Sept. 11 and 12. at Tnorson's Jowolry Btoro. Dr. Tur ner Is a specialist of exnerlonco and standing nnd you will mako no mis tako by consulting him about your eyes nnd glasses. Headaches ro ltevod, cross oyes straightened. Sat- Israction guaranteed. Consult him Don't forgot tho date. Adv.26-7. Help mako tho world safe tor democracy by giving your son a good education. Mt. Angel Collego, St. Ileuodlct. Ore. Address Itov. K. L. Moler. Adv. Veda, who havo boon visiting tho formor'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Iloynolds, returned to tholr homo at La Grnndo Tuesday ovonlng. tMr. Wntklns ot Ilond Is building n now bungalow for E. Dutlor. LEGAL NOTICES POUND NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby given that tho City of Ilond has taken up tho follow ing llvo stock, to-wlt: Ono bluo roan pony branded S O on left stttlo. Tho cost of redeomtng said llvo stock will ho $1.00 per day In addition to actual expense ot kooplng and coat ot adver tising and nil othor necessary ex poiiBoa, In cu80 ot failure to rodoom on part ot owner, said llvo stock will bo sold as provided by tho chartor ot thn City ot Ilond on tho Gth day ot Septombor, 1918, nt 3 p, m. at tho city pound. L. A. W. NIXON, Clilof of Police and cx-Offlclo Poundmnstor. d221-w2G-7 County Hoard of Equalization. Notlco Ih horoby glvou that tho board ot equalization of Deschutes county, Orogon, will nttond nt tho office of tho county assessor In tho court housQ In tho city ot Ilond on Monday, Soptomuor 9, 1918, and publicly oxamtuo tho assessment rolls nnd correct all crrorn in valuation, description or qualities of lands, lots or othor property assessed by tho county assessor; and It shall ho tho duty of persons Interested to appear at the tlmo nnd placo appointed. W. T. MULLAIIKY, Assessor of Deschutes County. First publication Aug. 1C, 1918, 24-27c Notlco of Hearing on Final Account nnd Petition for Distribution nnd Discharge. In tho County Court of Deschutes County, In the SJate of Oregon, in Probate. In tho Matter ot tho Estate or Mary O'Donnoll, Deceased. Notlco Is hereby given that Ann O'Donnoll, executrix of tho estato of Mary O Donnoll, doeeased, has filed In this court for settlement, hor final account as such executrix, together with her petition for tho final dis tribution of said estate, and that the .hearing ot the same has been set for Monday, tho 9th day ot Hcptemuor, 1918, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. of said day at tho court house in tho city of Ilond, In Deschutes county, Oregon, and all persons interested in said estate aro notified then and thoro to appear and show cause, if any they have, why tho said account shQuId not be sottled and allowed, and why distribution of said estato should not thereupon bo immediately mado to tho persons entitled thereto, without further notlco of proceedings. Dated this Gth day of August, 1918. ANNA O'DONNELL, Exocutrlz or tho Estate or Mary O'Donnoll. Deceased. 23-27c Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Materinl, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd nil kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suodrd Size. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Iron, Bronze and Sciqi-Steel Csitlntfs for Power Trammufion Machinery: Vood Pipe Fittings, Grate Bar. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1C First National Bank Bldg. Tel. Cll (Dr. Co'i Former OITW.) H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon H. O. XL LI 8 Attorney t-Lavf Ualtod SUtea Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND. OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 6-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire of TIIORSON, THE JEWELER Deschutes County Abstract Company D. H. PEOPLES, Prealdont Mos.t Comnloto Abstract 1'lnnt In Centrul Oregon. Sioolnl Attention Glvon to Federal Loan Abstracts. First Ni.tlom.1 BunK Dldtf.. BEND, ORE., Cor. noxt to Alloy Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrignted Farm Lands n Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Fifit National Dank Building 124 Oicgon Stiert Brad, Orayoa POUND NOTICE. Notlco Is herony given that tho City or ilond has taken up tho fol lowing described llvo stock, to-wlt: Ono red pig, 0 months old. Tho cost of redoomlng said llvo stnek will bo $1.00 per day In addition to actunl cxponso of keeping nnd cost of ad vertising and all othor necossary ex panses. In caso of failure to rodoom on part of owner, said llvo stock will bo sold on Lot 5, Dlock 15, Illvurslde addition, on tho lGth day of August, at 3 p. m. L. A. W. NIXON, Chief ot Pollco and ex-Officio Poundmaster. 206c NOTICE TO CItKDITOIW. In tno County Court of tho State of Oregon, tor tho County of De schutes. In tho Matter of the Estate of Mary J. Canada, Deceased. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned baa been appointed exec utrix of the.ofltate of Mary J. Canada, deceased, and all persons having claims agalnat the estato ot the said Mary J. Canada aro hereby notified to present tho same, duly verified as required by law, at tho office of E. O. Stadter in tho first National Bank Building In Dend, Deschutes county, Orogon, within six months from the dato of the first publication ot this notice. Date ot tho first publication of this notice, August 1, 1918. ELLEN D. SANDBItSON, Executrix. E. O. STADTER, 22-260 Attorney for Executrix. Phone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Building BEND ... OREGON O. P. NISWONOER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Fatter! Director. Phone Red 421. Ladr AhL DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathlc Physician Ovor Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to E Phone Rod 48a THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY SUnc "J rrwar41, Gauml Cms BbaWa MrdknU. W carry OU. GtMUa. Baxar, Ftosr, Salt Mat. Haau, IUmb ami LarJ. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGH ADVERTISING BY THE OENERAU OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CtTIEJ