The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 29, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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(The ConfeSSidns
of a Gerrffcif
Written b$ a Prussian Officer-?
iirms 4 aiiiLiymcu ui uic ixdvdy-i
l ju a mayiny vf joetgatm,
Orrt h ZWw Wm,
The scene of the slaughter could
now be surveyed nt leisure. Dead -and
wounded were strewn all around, and
oyer them clouds of smoke and flames
made the air thick. Hut w were at
ready too hardened to feel much pity.
Humanity was thrown to tha winds
and the cries and begging of the
wounded left everybody cold.
8ome Catholic sisters lay dead la
front of their convent The only build
ing that was spared In Donchery was
the armory of tho Twenty-third French
There was not much time in which
to do anything, for at seven o'clock
the French began to hurl shells Into
the village We fortified ourselves be
hind a thick garden wall directly In
front of the Meuse. The river bank
at this point was (Int. but on the oppo
site side It was steep. Here the French
Infantry had dug Itself In and estab
lished three lines, one above the other.
The artillery firing was too far. We
did not come within Its range, so that
we were able to observe the effect of
the shelling of our own artillery on the
enemy Infantry positions before us.
Tfie 21-ccntlraeter shells raced by
above our heads and burst with a fear
ful nolso In the enemy's trenches.
The French could not resist this hall
of sliot Tcry long. They soon aban
doned all the heights on the river
bank. They abandoned Soudan with
out a fight and It was left Intact, which
had not been the case with Donchery.
Hardly a house had suffered.
When the bugles sounded In Don
chery, It was discovered that our com
pany had lost S3 men In battle. A po
sition was taken behind the dragoon
armory and our company, which now
was reduced to 00 men. was ordered
i to attempt tho building of a pontoon
bridge over the Meuse. After we had
been re-enforced by 60 men, we
marched In small detachments In or
der not to draw the enemy's attention
to us. After an hour's march we
stopped In a small forest about 200
meters from the Meuse to rest until
darkness set In. At twilight a division
bridge train was driven up close to
our hiding place. This was soon fol
lowed by a corps brldgo train as a re
serve. After all preparations were
nade and the main advance work,
rach as setting up the bridge stays and
landing platforms, were ready, the
single pontoon wagons drove up. They
were speedily but silently unloaded.
We completed four pontoon that Is.
20 meters of bridge, without the enemy
discovering anything.
Then suddenly the searchlight of
the enemy was set In action and
scanned the river. Wc dropped to the
ground at once. The enemy must have
seen us, for the searchlights played
here and there and kept our bridge
position under continuous glare. We
were discovered hardly before we
knew what had happened, and a rain
of Ore fell In the water In front of
us. Wc continued to lie flat on the
ground as four more shots struck the
water, this time a little nearer to the
bridge and one shot hit the bank. At
once a third rain of shot followed and
two struck the bridge. Two men fell
In the water and two lay dead on the
bridge. Those In the water, swam
ashore and escaped none the worse for
their experience except for n bath.
In spite of the continued volume of
artillery fire, we brought the two dead
men to land. The bridge was now
greatly damaged and there was no
choice except to replace the damage'
pontoons by new ones. We hognn this
difficult task as soon as the artillery
Are let up. Hardly had we begun It
again when a salvo struck and greatly
damaged the bridge. Fortunately we
had no losses. We were now ordered
to retire, and after a half hour begin
anew. The enemy's searchlights were
now dark. We brought nbout ten pon
toons up without Interference and then
we were suddenly bombarded again.
We had attracted the attention of the
enemy's patrol.
Several bnttertesuow opcacd fire on
We will give you value for
your money in what can be
procured in the markets and
we adhere strictly to all
Food Administration Rules
Baker's Grocery
ST ) ..',
i ss
.IV. "
jV - tkV
ns at one time nTfil lifter u-u iiiluulcs
the entire work was only n pile of
wreckage. Two more men were killed.
The order now catuo to retire. Eight
men were detailed to attend to the
dead and.wouhdcd and we were taken
out of this danger tone. After we
marched about two kilometers up tho
river, we were halted, and discovered
that the corps brldgo train was In
place. We were told that we would
get the bridge ready on land. Sections
consisting of two pontoons each wcro
firmly fastened together, equipped with
anchors, everything else made rendy
and then put In tho water. The loca
tion for the bridge was Indicated to
us and we rode with all our might
down to the bridge position. The en
emy dtd not see through these tactics
and did not interfere, so that all tho
parts reached the position In a very
short time, where they were fastened
together. In less than twenty min
utes tho bridge was completed and
the Infantry stormed over It.
The bridge was covered with straw
In order to dull the noise of the troop
movements. At the same time, at dif
ferent places, transports with pontoons
were assisting the army to cross nnd
before the French found out what had
happened our troops had occupied the
opposite hank nnd established them
selves Orally there.
The French artillery and Infantry
now opened a terrible fire on tho pon
toons. Our units, which had defended
the pontoons, were relieved and re
placed by Infantry. I wns made a
lender In the pontoon and with four
meu at the paddle and 18 Infantrymen
as a crew, wo started our first cross
ing In a veritable hall of shell, but
with only ono minor casualty, we
reached the opposite bank. A com
rade took my place at the steering
gear. On the return trip, our pon
toon was struck by bullets but fortu
nately above tho water tine. All about
us the pontoons crossed, several In
a sinking condition. The men who
manned them, nil of whom could swim,
tried to swim to the bank, but many
Infantrymen were drowned.
We landed, and took a new pontoon,
which, by a superhuman effort, we
managed to get across the river a sec
ond time. This time we arrived with
two dead and one wounded Infantry
man. Long before we reached the
bank the Infantrymen jumped Into the
shallow water and waded to land.
Arrived With Two Dead and One
With the two dead left In the boat, we
turned around. Our crew ached as a
result of the continuous rowing nnd
their hands were soon covered by blis
ters, but nevertheless we had to row
on Tbere wns no rest.
saaw" V'vw?f MTAyT .
fMJSssssssssssss? trlssssisffify ssffy
When we were 20 motors from Iho
bank, our pontoon wns lilt below tho
water lino by several bullets. When
the bullets struck our hunt they tmulo
only n tiny hole, hut ns It emerged on
the bottom, It tore nn opening us largo
ns a plate. A n result our pontoon
settled rapidly nnd them was n. lilting
else for us to do except to Jump into
the Icy water nnd swim. Ilnrdly luiil
we left the bout when II sunk, hut vn
nil reached the other bunk safe fur the
In spite of our wet clolhlng wo had
to lake n new boat nt unco, nnd'wltb
our blistered hands hud to mini the
nurs again. In the middle of the river
we collided with another boat. Till'
bont hml but Its pilot and two rowers.
It rammed us nnd our pontoon tipped
over nnd IS Infantrymen inn) one mem
ber of the crew were thrown Into the
water. Wo were saved along wllh
four men from the other pontoon and
tnken to the left hank, Ilnrdly had
we landed before we were nrdcied to
take over a pontoon loaded with am
munition. About live more times we crowed
thu Meuse. Mennwlillr tiny broke
and thej, a terrible battle developed
between the troop, which hud crossed
and the French. The 'Jenr.nns hud the
best lu this vucouuter becuusu they
could not be shelled by the French ar
tillery. We were given a short rest nnd lay
In our water-soaked clothing In nn old
nbandoned trench shivering with cold.
Our hnnds were swollen to twice their
normal size. They imlned so greatly
thnt wo could not hold n bottle to our
lips. It was a terrible sight to see
young nnd strong men lying on the
ground helpless nnd broken.
After n short rest we were ordered
to seek for wounded In the hurtling
houses but we did not find tunny, for
moM of thoe who had been bndly
wounded nnd unable to save them
selves, were burned to denth. Only
the buttons of their uniform nnd their,
weapons Indicated to us to which side
they hnd belonged.
In some cases, there were not even
these vestiges. Only a little heap of
ashes within the ruins of n liouo. was
nil that was left of whole families for
whole streets. During the search most
of us behaved ns If we had not taken
part In the terrible events of the last
hour, as If we hnd not seen the hor
rors of this encounter nnd ns If no
had forgotten entirely the danger we
had Just escaped.
As to honoring tho dend. something
which had been taught us by our moth
ers from Infancy, or a fenr which the
average "person feels toward a body,
thcro was no sign. My pen would bnlk
If I tried to recall the expressions, to
describe the acts soldiers as well as of
ficers committed to determine the na
tionality or sex of tho dead. In the
meantime, tho battle between our
troops nnd the French had reached a
climax. Our troops hod suffered great
losses but now our turn enmc.
Tho German artillery shelled as we
crossed the enemy's position with
great fury. Our artillery succeeded In
silencing the enemy's bntterlcs and we
tried to tnko his high positions by
When we wero within 200 meters of
the enemy's defenses, the Freuch ma
chine guns were turned upon us and
wo wcro driven buck with enormous
Ten minutes Inter, wo stormed a
second time nnd hod to rctlro again
with great losses. Wo again formed
for attack within tho shelter of our
trenches, but the lighting spirit was
gone. Hut wo dared not lose courage,
although tho victims of our useless
storming nttacks covered the field anil
we were nblo to look at our dead com
rades all about us.
The artillery started up again; re
enforcements arrived; after half nn
hour, we stormed a third time, over
tho bodies of our fallen comrades. As
we halted about 20 meters from the
enemy's trench, ho withdrew his en
tire first line. Soon after wo saw the
(crinnns udvance along the wholo line.
The reason for this unexpected retreat
wns explained Inter when wo learned
that the main part of the French army
had retired some time before. Tho
heuvy toll of life among our comrades
was taken In a mere renr-guurd action.
During the next hour tho enemy
abandoned all tho heights of tho
Meuse. As we reached the crest of
theso heights, wo could easily over
look the roads over which the French
hnd retreated. They wero departing In
close formation, In long columns. Our
company nnd others received orders
to assemble and soon we pursued tho
fleeing enemy. It was our work to re
pair ronds which hod been destroyed
so that they would bo passable for our
armies, a task that wns harder In tho
burning midday sun, owing to the fact
that the dead and wounded had first to
bo disposed of.
Tho dead bodies were seized by two
men, one ut the head and the other nt
the feet, nnd thrown Into tho ditch.
Corpses wero bundled exactly as wus
n board to be used In building a bridge.
Legs and arms wero tossed llkcwlso
Into tho ditch. Dead horses and dam
aged batteries had to be removed, Wo'
were not strong enough to remove dead
horses. Wo managed to capture a horse
which wuh running wild and hitched
him to tho carcasses. Corpses hanging
In tho trees wero left there. No one
cared anything about them.
Canteens and knnpsnrks of tho dead
wero Hi-urched for food and drink und
whatever wo found was eaten with the
greatest relish.
French soldiers who hnd died of
sunstroke covered tho road. Others
crawled to right and left of tho road
and waited thero for relief or denth.
Wo did not daro to help them. The
order was to advance and wo had to
march on and on. The captain told us
we hap; to pursue the. flielng enemy
(From Frldny'a Dally.)
Army llfo agrees with Lester .
Lowo, formerly of this city hut now
with the remount depot at Ft, llllsv,
Texas, Private I. owe has written n
letter to Sheriff 8. E. ltoherts. "Army
llfo Is fluo for n man's health It ho
will do whnt Is propor," writes Lowe.
"I havo done, so. so far, mid havo
learned that they only ask that n
man does tho beet ho known how. It
n man Is not capable of doing ono
thing they put him nt another where
ho has n hotter chnnco to nt In, nnd
will iglvo all n fair chance. I havo
Knitted 15 pounds since 1 onturod tho
army Insplto of tho fact that I have
done somo hnrd work, It has put
me In condition and I fool Just ns
good at night ns I do In tho morning.
Wo box nnd run foot races and
wroatlo every night.
"The only Horn! boy thnt Is In this
en tn p besides myself Is Peck Crolgh
ton, Wo hnvo been together nit of
thu time, nnd It looks ns though wc
might cross tho pond together, llo
Is well and getting fat. Looks llko
a now man. I expect wo will go
across In about six weeks with thu
pack train."
I Vult Juices.
Sec that nil equipment Is ready.
2. Prepare fruits by donning,
stemming, etc.
3. Heat slowly In nn ncld-proot
kettlo until fruit Is tender. Iloforo
beginning to cook berries, mash, A
little water may bo added If neces
sary. Cut hard fruits, such as apples,
Into ploccs and add halt as much
water as fruit.
4. Placo In dampened bag; press
to remove nil Juices.
G. Drain through closoty woven
bag, dampened; do not press.
G. Pour fruit Juice Into hot Jars,
or tin cans.
7. Placo scalded rubber nnd cap
In position.
8. Partially tighten tops; seal tin
cans completely.
9. Sterlllio 40 minutes at a tern-
poraturo of ICC degrees F. (Simmer
ing.) 10. Homovo Jars from cannor;
seal completely.
11, Invert to tost Joints for pin
hole leaks.
12. Cool, label, wrap and store
for winter uso.
Use for flavoring and beverages.
with all our strength ami" much" dis
content was munlfcst on receipt of this
After being on our feet day nnd
night, slaying like burbarlnns, taking
no time to eat or rest, wo continue) to
receive cotr.munds to mntntnlii the pur
unit with all haste. Thu captain un
derstood how we felt nnd tried to
puclfy us by friendly conversation.
(To Do Contlnttod.)
Fully eiiipiel 1 1 lie nil ciilOironnd
(mining in (,'oiiiiiicrce, .loiiriwiliHiu, Arrliilecliire, I.iw, Medicine
Trnriiluc. Library WorM,Mulc,llmirnoiu
Mllllarx Ktlriw In c bari l AmmtUmm J llrllUb lllr. Drill, llrr 1 lM wm
oil op-l-"!!!, ImiwJ ""l""r l '' war. CoialH lm ! Irf. lWr.
fir, MJI trtmmndA lot GuaiMtL.loia. OlUfUl rml II, O.T. C,
TutlUn I'll UK. MWarr ol (IIMIOO vdviara.
i4a K'" lowr.l. niwh pMirlaaMr I"' wbI4 a wax,
irl W.ll. Iluitur, Offiaa. I.r koakWI.
' ' H M I
Here's a spice
for puddings
Crcucent PudMing Spice is a combination
of well known spices for pudding', to
proportioned as to produce in every case
the aame delightful taite
Tho frequont uso of this und othor Cres
cent Spleen, hucIi us oIovoh, nutinoj,', clnu
mod, etc., not only mukos food more upjio-tlslng-
but furnishes un uttrnctlvo wuy to
"uso Joft-ovors"
Your grocer soil thorn,
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Eight forest tiros, throo of them
covering nn area of more than 200
acres unoh, havo been reported tn
thu hondijunrtors ot tho forout service
hero as a result of thu electrln storm
ot Sunday afternoon and nig hi. Four
ot thu fires havo hoeti located In tho
Pino mountain district, under thu
supervision ot Forest Hanger Harold
8mlth, who sent In n call lato last
night tor men tn aid In fighting tho
flames, which nro gradually spread
ing. It Is In this district that throo
of thu largest fires havo occurred, tho
greatest damago bolng dona In town
ships 21 and 22, range 1C, east, on
tho property of tho Northwest Tim
ber company, which has largo hold
ings In that region.
Another flro Is reported In tho Ft.
Hock, district, two near Crescent nnd
ono near Hnarks ako. Mon unvu
been put Into servlco ut every avail
nblo point to meet tho demands for
fire fighters, but tho forest servlco Is
still In need of several men to nld
In tho work of fighting tho tinmen,
"I wns sick lu bed with kidney
trouble." writes C, F. Hoynolds, El
mlra, N. Y. "I commenced taking
Foley Kidney Pills and In n few days
was out of bed, Kueplug up tho
treatment, I wns nblo to go to work.
Hlnco then I hnvo had no mom back
aches." Foloy Kidney Pills stop
sleep-disturbing bladder ullmouts.
Sold everywhere. Adv.
With n college education your son
Is bound to deliver tho goods. Mt
Angel College, St llonrdlct, Ore
Address Hov. E L. Meier. Adv.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Hoys nt the front run from nit di
rections when smoko kits aro re
ceived, says a post card received by
II. M. Orclnor of this city from Cor
poral Andrew II. Treffs, member of
tho flold artlllory, ono of those to rfv
celvo n contribution from Mr. Urolnor
through Tho Ilulletln tobacco fund.
Thu cards reads;
"It is with plcnsuro that I ac
knowledge tho receipt of your
smokes. I am In tho artillery at the
front. All of tho boya nro pleased
and hnppy to rccelvo theso packages,
and run from all directions whetf
tho gifts arrive." -
When Children Start to School,
School opons nt u time of year
when tho chango ot seasons In likely
to cause coughs, colds, croup, hay
fovur and asthma. Prompt action ut
tho first sign of Infection mny keep
children lu prlino good health and
help the in tn avoid losing tlmu
Foley's Honey and Tar Is nn Ideul
homo remedy. Sold everywhere. -Adv.
TrsUUf fr ElllcUacy ,
Is rase r la War
wcteiillficdcpnrliiiciifH. Special '
Arm. i-iiyiri i riniii.M iinnri.
Drlurla (or man mni wowa.
Committee Will lluw Cluirito of HI.
HltrtHMiiontM Arising Wllliln Their
Territory All Endorso
Col, I)IniIik,
(From Thursday's Dally.)
A maximum ulid minimum wagn
srnlo as decided upon by tho 22i!
dulngnto of thu Loyal Logluu of
Loggurs nnd Lumbermen from thu
four dlfforoiit districts lu thu ftilnml
Empire, which was held In Bpukann
on August 12, will ho received hero
from Colonel Dlsquu's ofllcu within
n few days, according lu n report
in a ilo by tho delegates from thu
Hroukri-Hcnnloii Lumber company,
who, In company with Tho Hhnvllti
Hlxou delegates, wero lu uttuudatico
nt tho mooting.
Tho report, which Is signed by J.
Hlow, C. L. HlmpMoti and A. I). Nor
ton, states that tho mooting was
called for thu purposu of organizing
tho supnrato districts so that uarh
local could handle Its own uffalrs,
relieving Colonel Dlmiuo of a heavy
burden of work which lu thu past
has fallen to his office, und yul nt tho
snmu tlmo ho more satisfactory to
thu men, giving them thu ontlro
chnrgo of the matters arising within
lliolr Jurisdiction,
From tho llonit district three men
were elected at both thu Hlmvllu
lllxon nnd llrooks-Hcanlun plauts,
with uddltlnual representation from
tho woods. Theso rummllloos aro
to act for tho employes lu Iho cnmi
of disagreement with the companies.
In tho event such a disagreement
nrlses, und the committed represent
ing thu men nt either of thu plants
tins mot with thu cuinpiuiy officials
and cannot coinu to an agreement,
tho matter Is then referred to a com
mittee representing both thu plantH
and tho woods, This committee Is
elected by thu other members, and
Is composed of tho following men:
Charles Hughes, Shnvllu-lllxoti com
pany logging camp; Thomas Murphy,
Hhovlln-lllxon company mill, and C.
L. Simpson ot tho Ilrooks-Scanlon
Should this committed not lie ablo
to como to an agreement with tho
operators, thu mutter Is then re
fer red to n committee composed of
tho chairmen ot tho four district
making up thu Inland Emplro divi
sion. From thero It would necessar
ily go to Colonel Dlmiuo' office for
final settlement.
In closing, tho report reads: "Tho
meeting was brought to a closo by
everybody present endorsing Colonel
Dlmiuo to tho fullest extent, all dele
gates being perfectly satisfied that
thu colonel wns Just as fair for tho
employe as ho was for thu employer."
Where others fall a college man
succeeds, Mt, Angel College. St.
Ilunedlct, Ore, Address Huv. E. L.
Melor. Adv.
l.klnr OrxtUt for ClII-CIIKft-TltRft
DIAMOND Ilk A HI) I'lI.UI la HSU anil
OOLII mrlalllc IMIIM, Malta
Tltilmn Tick hu nfliam. H
....!. .4 rk. (IIIIX'H
p l a u on it iikanii rn.i.B. lor
I year rrgardtu iwn, uaicf I, Aiwajrt we name.
aiJUtiU " " " " " ' M9 4nt'
A ViIior
A Dtiniture
A With -
A Death
An Accident -1
An lllncii
Any New Building..
Social Funclioni
A Real Ettite Tliniaction
Any Improvement!
Any tiling lint it of Intcrett
Phone It to
The Bulletin
r.Antns " r
ma uiutvy
Ta-Tu m S