IIKND RULLKTIN, I1KNW OIIKOON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, lfJ VAGK 9 5 t ) I. ? t TEACHERS FOR COUNTY HIRED ALL VACANCIES IN THE DISTRICTS FILLED. J'mv PoknIIiIo (.'limine Mtiy V-t lit; JUndo In (ho lli'tiil LlM Ono )h. Iflrt U'kh In tint Count)' OhIiik In Consolidation, Hnptombor 0 Vorn Hhorwood. District No, 2l, Kolynl; turm corn mmicon Hoptiinibor 0 Mlimlo Jtuil dulz, Dlntrlct No, .'10, Deschutes; to rm commences Hiijilcimbnr 0 Alice MC-LOIUI. GOVERNMENT TO NEED TYPISTS Sergeant Hosmer Tells In a Letter His Troubles As a War Stenographer Willi lull fow exceptions teachers Jmvo boon cIiohuii for nil ncIiooIn In lit i) county, tho majority or which commence thu school year on Hop lumber l, although In olio or two ' lllHtllUCOH tho ilutu has huun MUt ono wnok enrllnr thnn thin, anil In an other ItiHtaiico ono week Inltir. Thero In oiiu limn school dlitrlct In tho county IIiIh your than IiimI, school district No, 27, Hmlth Itock, having consolidated with dlHtrlct G, Torre bonne, ami nildltiK a now toucher In tho Intttir district. Tho teachers (or thu Horn! schools hnvo not yet boon elected to nil nil vacancies, mill for thin reason tho llnnil lint In not available Tho fol IowIiik In thu lint of teachers for tho ritinnlnliiK districts In thu county, to Mother with tho iluto on which tho school tufin commence: DlHtrlct No. 2, Redmond: school starts September t. Superintendent, I,. I,. (loodlug; hi uti nchool faculty, Cliilro Dunn, Hlmor I,. Hlionk and l.uolu Kwbiiuk; .grammar irlnclial, John Tuck, DlHtrlct No. 3, Tuiualo; term corn moil ecu September a. -Minn Klmor Hmlth, principal; Minn l.iiollu Palmer ton, Minn Prances Thoiupiiou. DlHtrlct No, 4, ,n I'Jtin; turm com moiices September I). .Mm. Catlow DUtrlct No, r, Terrebonne; term commences HtipUimbor 2, Mm, (lor trudo Whltol. prluclpnt; Duwlt WIN Hams, nrtnn ICuonuy, Adullnu Diet rich, Nolllo Itnlntou. Dlntrlct No, C, Sinters; turm com mence Sept. 3 -Principal, Prank W. Weber; Allen Kappnlu. Dlntrlct No, 7, Itcdmond Rural; turm command) Hojitotnber 9 -Lot tin Kuril. Dlntrlct No. 8, Cllno Falls; turm rommuiicon September 15 Mabul Alton, Dlntrlct No, 9, I'luuhumt; turm commence September 0 Anna HI. dor ut I'luuhumt; Avn Mooro at i'lne Troo In samo dlntrlct. Dlntrlct No. 10, Ploaaont Valley; turm comuieucuN September 2 Ituth KacHiuuyur, Dlntrlct 12, Lower Bridge; term commoncon Hupturnbcr 9 Mm, Klnlo I'. Ilounor. Dlntrlct No. 14, Homo HIiIko; term commoncon September 2 Hulda Mornu, Dlntrlct No. 1C, Impurlal; term commoncon Hoptombcr 9 C. W. Mil iar. Dlntrlct No, 17, Hampton; term commnucvn Keptumbur ! Mary II I'rulnhoir. Dlntrlct No. 18, Clovurdalu; turm commences September 3 Itoxlu Mornu, Dlntrlct No. 20, Arnold; term com moucoH Boplumbor 0 Itonu llunuull. Dlntrlct No, 21, Yoiiiik nchool; turm commoncon Kuptumbor 9 Mm. Itanmunnun. Dlntrlct No. 22, Ulchnrdnon; turm commuueun Huptumbor !)- Mm. Olon lllack. Dlntrlct No, 23, Plalnvluw; turm commi'iicoH September U Ituccluiul Knickerbocker. Dlntrlct No. 24, Alfalfa; lorui coin moncoM Huptumbor 16 JohhIo Hart loy. Dlntrlct No. 26, Mllllcan; turm commuueun September 9 Mis Muy Cunobuur. Dlntrlct No, 28, term cnmmoucoH MK.V ytMl.llll.l) IN HTKXOCJ. HAPIIY WOHK WITH LKUAL KXI'KltlKNCi: WILL III. PKR. .MITTKD TO K.VLIHT. (From Friday ' Dally.) Stenographer who liavo legal training, quullflnd for npuclnl or Hm Itud nurvlcn, may bo accepted In tho army, accordliift to uti order roculvod by thu local draft board thin morn I ii It In a bulletin from tho adjutant general's officii In Portland. Tho government rcijulron tho norvlcon of thuno inon In tho Judico advocate's offlco of thu army, to report on court tnurtlaln and othur bunluoni of ii like nature. There are to bo no Induction under thin call, all men buliiK permitted to volunteer their Murvlcun, which ut thu prunont time opens up thu only avunuo of volun tary cnllntinout In tho army. No men lire to bo ucenptud who hovo not pruvlounly registered, or who liavo not had tho required cz purluucu In k-Kal and stenographic practice. Men desiring to uiillnl In thin nnrvlco nro required to report before tho local board bnforo Auk. 31. RAINBOW READY TO DISTRIBUTE U 10,000 Altl. TO 111: LIIIIMtATKD i.v Tin: laki:s and htuka.mh op ckntral oucdo.v laruk Nf.MllKK joi:h to kaht i.aki:, (From Friday's Dally.) Two hundred nod forty thousand rainbow trout hatched from eggs taken from OdnlPuud Crencent lakun aru now ready for distribution from tho hatchury hoip. Twauty-dvu thousand wore taken to Kant lako on Wudnunday and Thurnday of thin wuuk by Fred HIilntufTor and Mr. I.ynun, nupurvlnor of tho hatchury has ntatad that as noon an flnh cans aro procurable thu remainder of tho hatch In to bo distributed In thu varl- taken and ntruamn In thin dlntrlct. Fifty thousand of thorn will ho re leaned In Odull and Crescent laken, 35,000 to 40,000 In thu Mutollun and possibly 100,000 liberated In tho Du-Hchutns, CHECJC SENT OUT FOR TOBACCO FUND (From Thursday's Dally.) Tho monthly chock for contribu tions to Tho llullutln tobacco fund wan malted yentorday ttf tho national ofllcen of thu Ited CronH, from whoro tho tobacco In distributed. Thu fol lowing amountH had boon donated hIiico thu mallliiK of tho last chock, July 26: Frank iMasslni-alo $ i.oo A Friend j.oo F. O. (Irlnistoad 2,00 J, P. Honuurisuy c.OO W. K. Van Allun C.OO Hoy Camliiu 1.00 A Friend 1,50 V. 8. (lardnor 25 Total .110.70 BUCKHECHT ARMY When you walk Into a dependable noe store ana a-K lor a pair ot BucKiircitT Army Shoes, you can be sure Tint this Army Shoo It up to nanilaru tlut lc U matle by workmen who luvo turncU out mora than , 600,000 Army Short under expert (iipcrvislon and that ' ic u backed by a record of more thnn fifty yert of honest ihoc manufAuring. Look for our registered tradu namo DuCKllicirr (tamped on the sole of every Shoe for our mutual protection. Mm &j?rJ2g5mi jtirtr&fiGzsi Tlierc's just one thing to remember ask for the DucKiiiiciiT Anny Shoe by name and be jure that you gt it. Then you will appre ciate why ic is worn by thousands of Office Men Attorney I'hyilcUn Hiker Hunter Former Orchard!! Motormen Conductor and others in every walk of life. II not obtainable from your dealer, send name and your order direct to DUCKING II AM MANUPACTURKK (21 HE CUT HAN l'RANCISCO $6.50 to $8.00 rlhoultl your donler bo unablo to supply you, Bond his nanio to tlio ninnufacturorrt lltickliiKltum & llocht, Hun Francisco. Unclose price of sIiooh you ilonlro Rial wo will liuvo your order fUlod. Ono of tho most IntarontliiK IctterH to bo recolved from tho boyn "ovor thoro" comun from HorKonnt P. II. llonmur, 11 fornior stanoKruphor at Tho Hhuvllu-lilxon Company plant In thin city, who Ik now nerving 'with tho 2nd company, A. P. 0 717, Tourn, franco. HurKoant Iloiunor'n ruforuncu to "Frank" In tho letter In meant for Frank Prlnco, a former Jlond man, Thu totter wan received by Minn Hazel Htuvunn, and reads an follown: Tourn, France, Juno 17, 1918. My Dear Hazel: I started a letter to you tho othur nlKht, but I wan Interrupted so many times that I Anally gavo It up In din KUtt and went homo to bed. You will huvo to oxcuno tho una of thin machine In thin letter, but I can probably et thin letter ovor with bo foro anybody kuIh a chuueo to talk to mo If I wrlto It on a typewriter, but If I have to drill It out with a pen It will tako tho rent ot tho night. Alno I don't logo my train of thought, so to speak, no easily with this thing. Another thing In that It gives mo good practice. I'm winning tho war from an offlco now, way back of the UnvH where I am perfectly safo and not troubled with cootlcn or othor livestock which gavo uh some anxluty u fow months ago. I hated llko tho douco to come way back to Tourn to gut shoved Into an offlco, and still uiiriK mo government in making a mistake In keeping mo horo under n bushel while thu other boys aro out In tho open, but It seems that I'm to lie doomed for tho rest of my llfo to always run Into noma kind of a Job whoro they havo to havu a typo writer. Tho next war I 0 Into they will never know that I over saw a typewriter from tho Information I put on my classification card. I'm going to bo a common laborer In all my future warn. Kvory time a soldier moves flvo miles from his original company It take all tho way from three months to a year to got his mall again. No body has an yut figured out Junt where they do send It to when they don't And you at homo, but noma of that malt does nothing but rldu day after dny for mouths at a tlmo. Frank told mo ouco that hu had been In Franco before, and I'vo been wondering why It was that ho enlist ed when ho kuuw beforehand that ho would havo to coma over bore again. Thin In a good country to came from, and I havo absolutoly no respect tor tho man who dullboratoly pays money to travel through Franco. 1 could wrlto pages of tho things I don't llko about this placo. I am In what Is supposed to bo tho second largest city In Franco, but I can't say It In anything to ravo about. Tho bunt store In tho city Isn't any bettor than Smith's In llond. Tho French people aro still living In tho 12th century so thoy haven't yet Invented tho leu cream sodn. Any American soldier In Tours would willingly glvo his llfo for r real old chocolato lea cream soda and dlo with a grin on his face. Tho beer you gut horo would mako you cry. Tho French aro Just learning that an Amorlcnn likes to oat and thoy aro trying to learn how to servo a real dinner, but somo ot thorn need a good dual ot coaching yot. It takes about two hours or bo to get n good meal. Tho wnltrosnos go out and deal a fow hands of sovun-up or something between each courso and you only got ono thing at a tlmo to cat no matter It you get right down on your knoos and beg for beofstoak and potatoos at tho samo tlmo. You can havo buufstoak or you can havo tho potatoes, but to sorvo both ot thorn at tho samo tlmo would nhnttor tho dour old Kronen custom thoy had of eating that way about tho tlmo that ColumbiiH was flirting with his nurso nnd couldn't possblly bo dono In good socluty. Thoy all drink vln bla'no or vln rougo, tho samo being n mixture of nlno parts water nnd ono part vine gar, as near 11s I can figure It out by tnsto. It Is protty poor stuff, I think, but a Frenchman would dlo If ho wandered forty foot from hia back doorstep and found out ho had for gotton his llttlo bottlo ot rod eye. It Is what koops tho French nation on Its foot, I guess. All thoHO protty French girls that you hoar so much about In nil tho Into musical comedies nro tho bunk, so don't ballovo tho next Bhow you go to. Thoro are boaucoup madomol boHch horo all right, but thoy put so much paint nnd powder on you can't mako out their original comploxloiiB at nil and I wouldn't bo surprlsod but what somo of thorn woro black If you could got undor tho camouflage, Thoy wear somo flashy clothes, but that Is something I don't know much about; howovor, tho ouly thing I uotkod particularly In that lino In that thoy seem to bo wearing th6m higher or lower tin tho cns6 may bo, dopondlng on which way you nro looking, I'll bo darned If I haven't boon foolod a dozen tlmen on somo chicken who wasn't a day ovor 4 15 yearn old. From behind they knock you dizzy, but when you pnnn them, why you pans them, that's all. A gold tooth In thin country in worth Itn wolght In radium. That, of course, in ono reason I am no popular with tho ladlos. They llko to hco mo grin. Of course, it In about tho same an It used to bo around tho Hip In llond It don't affect mo any and I'll speak to my frlonds when I gut back tho samo as usual no amount of popularity .goes to my head. Now and then when I get a llttlo tlmo I walk around town and glvo tho ladles a treat by letting them look at tnc. I can speak pretty good French now and can ask for almost any kind of a drink. I can ask for them, but nlno tlmen out of ten, after picking out a nice looking ono and pronounc ing It very carefully, thoy go rushing nway and bring me back n bottle of beer, no I judgo that maybe there In a llttlo flaw In tho way I mako tho language behave. Tho last I beard from Frank or about him ho wan In Paris. He al ways was n lucky stiff. I'vo been seeing Franco on a tour conducted by tho government for about two months and I'vo been every placo but Paris and thoy won't send mo there. It makes mo pretty sore, too, as that Is ono placo I would like to seo be fore going homo. When I got out of school 1 wan going to over here I wrote to Frank and asked him to get mo Into his company. That was three months ngo and I haven't had a letter from unyono yet, so I don't know whether ho ever got it or not. Ono thing Is sure: I didn't get Into his company. 1 wish I would get shot In tho finger or something like that and get sent back to Dend to recuperate now. From tho last I heard thero must bo somo grand little openings tor a young man back thero now. The war must bo terrible for you young but terflies without any men to take you around. Do they have any moro dances? I get very llttlo news from llend and don't know what is going on. I'd certainly llko to get back and go fishing and tako a couple of hunting trips. It In nigh unto the tlmo Hint I went out after my regular Fourth of July bear. There Is going to bo somo tcrrlblo casualties amongst tho bear when I get back an I'm going to duck for tho moun tains and stay thero for a month Just lying on my back In a nlco comfort able placo and telling all tho buglers In tho world to go to tho devil. 1 haven't as mucn hatred for a German as I havo for a bugler. Every time a man gets good and comfortable a buglo blows in the army and he ban to get up and do something. fiim.nx lMlk Jtm HJUt lM-isswwf smf "rrCl You'll find more tobacco sat isfaction in the condensed Real Gravely Chewing Plug than in a thick piece of ordi nary tobacco. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10ca pouch and worth it . aaaLr JsnnnnV ""MBBsa saW llaBasB ssal HHsasaH UXXZ3C GraclylaU$omachtonatritcot no morm to chtwthan ordinary Jag' UIIIIB P. B. Gravely Tobacco Corepnnjr Danville, Virginia IlmilltlllMBjiia J van AUGUST DRAFT MEN ENTRAINED HKVK.V OUT OF CALh OF TKN J.K.1VK OX T1IIH MOUNIXO'S TIM IX SIX FOK CAMP I.KWI8 AXI) OXK FOK FT. M'DOWKLL. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Seven draft men, six of them cilted for Camp Lewis. Washington, and ono for Ft. McDowell, California, wcro mobilized by S. E. Roberts, chairman ot tho local draft board, yesterday and left this morning. This is tho only contingent of draftees that has been called for Camp Lewis during tho month, tho call being is sued for ten men, four of whom were Inducted into tho service by other boards. Among those leaving for Camp Lowls wero Fred J. Marchend, who held order No. 1 of the 1918 regis trants and Is tho first man ot this class to bo called from this county. Oustavo IJerry of Alfalfa, who Satur day purchased tho limit in war sav ing stamp certificates, giving him tho distinction of being tho only member of the limit club In tho county out- sldo of tho city of llend; R. L. Covey, a homesteader ot La Pine, and named as captain ot tho squad by the local board; Valdemar Peterson, Charles Hansen nnd Floyd L. Cleveland. Ralph Clinton Curtis was tho only man entraining for Ft. McDowell, California. SHOOTS SELF WITH SHOTGUN DISCHARGE FROM 12-GAUGE GUX ENTERS SHOULDER ACCI DEXT HAPPENED NEARLY OO MILES FROM MEDICAL AID. Twenty Men Called From this County to Report September 3 County Filings. Deschutes County Abstract com pany's ruport of Instruments filed for record In DcMchutes county: Deschutes Whlto Pino Lbr. Co. to Edward Canoosc, Bale contract, $450. James II, Ashley to G. S. Smith, warranty deed, ?10. Statu of Oregon to Chns. W. Mc Clung, deed. liarnoy Ferrell to Ross Farnham, warranty deed, 10. llond Park Co. to Anna K. Merrill, warranty deed, $10. A Woman Hearty Recommendation. Worry and ovorwork causo kidnoy trouble, and women suffer equally with mon. Miss Sara Weston, llehi- iluru, 111., wruus: "I could not stoop ami wtion down I had to crawl up by a chair. I was so tamo I suffered agony, Now I fool llko a now por son, atrongor and bettor in ovory way, I heartily rocommond Foloy Kidnoy Pllla." Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. (From Friday's Dally.) Twenty men from Deschutes coun ty navo Dccn summoned to appear boforo tho local draft board on Sep tember 3, on a call received by that body lato this afternoon. This is tho first heavy draft calls mado upon tho county since tho early part of July, tho number leaving during tho pres ent month aggregating less thnn this ono call. Tho following Is the list of men called, all being in class 1, to ontraln for Camp Lewis: Christian W. Hoist, Pulouse, Wash ington, Ouy O. ShafTor, Mllllcan. Dow Dobklns, Redmond. Isaac D. Vedder, Lower Rrldge. Francis M. Cites, Palouse, .Wash Ingtou. Frank L. Andrews, Portland. Chestor F. Luce, Redmond. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Dan Cook, son of W. L. Cook, a stock grower on tho high desert, was, brought to Rend yesterday afternoon suffering from a gun shot wound in tho shoulder. He was taken to tho llend surgical hospital and Is under tho caro of Dr. Vandevert. His con dition Is serious. Tho accident occurred Sunday ovcnlng lato as young Cook was re turning to his home from a drivo to ono of tho other sheep camps. Ho was In a Ford machine and noticed a number of sago chickens near tho road. Stopping the car he attempted to draw tho 12-gaugo shotgun out from tho rear of the machine, and In doing so It was accidentally dis charged, tho charge lodging in tho man's shoulder. "" Realizing that he was seriously in jured man called to his father, who was at the homo less than 300 yards away, and then fell to the ground unconscious. His father heard tho call, and, rushing to his aid. took him to the house and then went to the nearest neighbor, threo miles distant, for help. First aid was rendered and then one of the men from tho camp drove to Ft. Rock, a distance ot 45 miles, tor a physician, making the round trip in about threo noun. Yesterday morning after tho wounds had been dressed, his father and another party placed the man in an automobile and brought him to this city, a dlstanco ot 65 miles. Tho trip was rough and It was feared several times that Cook would not survive tho rldo, tho wound bleeding profusely. Upon their ar rival here tho wound was probed by Dr. Vandevert and tho wads from tho gun and several shot removed.. Donald Morris. Bend. Jay A. Spencer, Dend. v Alfred H. Shultz, Susnnville. Cal. Lawrence Walcher, Toledo, Ohio. Wm. S. Hunnoll, Portland. Warner Evans, La Pine, j Alger W. Davis, Tumalo. i Jim O'Nell, nend. Lawrence Rooney, Dend. Everett J. Mace, Portland. Reed S. Winkle, Dend. Eugono O. Comstock, Redmond. Ralph N. McClaln, Bend. While You ShopjWe Do Jour Washing! Bring in the wash when you come to town in an hour and a half it's done Jlny Kind of Finished Work SANITARY Laundry Shoes for Real Service OUR SPECIAIrY IS TO MAKE SHOES TILAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE J. E. TILT SHOE A. HANSON LOGGER. BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN DEND OREGON War Economy! Instead of Buying New Clothes, Have Your Old Ones Made Over and Renovated. I GUARANTEE SATISFACTION AT REASONABLE TRICES Central Oregon Cleaning Works H. HARRIS, Proprietor 1020 Wall Street