VAilK A, IiKNI) IlUMiKTIN, REND OltEOON, THUHMDAV, AUOUHT 1M, II) I H ILL EXHIBIT AT STATE FAIR CLUB WORK IN COUNTY GOOD. Head of Industrial Club Work In tho State to Havo Exhibit Miuta Ut front lltU County for tJio Stato Fair. l-rr6m,'Baturdar8D11rrJ Industrial club work la Doachutci county has tieon progrcaqlng ovon be yond tho expectations of those In chargo of tho work, according to J. Alton Thompson and A. I. O'Reilly, who have been out through tho county for tho past threo daya checking up on tho work which has been dono by tho mombora of tho club. So successful has been tho work of tho youngsters that an oxhlblt front Deschutes county for tho atato fair nt Salem this fall Is now assured. White all the branches of tho organi sation In tho county bavo not yet been Tlsltod. Mr. O'Reilly, who Is at tho hoad of tho Industrial club work for tho Oregon Agricultural college. has scon sufficient already to war rant a good display for tho fair. Ho stated this morning that ho had been agreeably surprised at the progress which had been made and tho in tercst shown by tho children in their work. One of tho most Important de velopments In his tour of Inspection has been tho dlscorery of a Cotts wold lamb, rown by ono of tho members, which has exceptional merit Whllo both Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Thompson refused to disclose tho name of the grower, Mr. O'Reilly has made tho statoment that this animal will measure up to a higher percent ngo than any sheep In tho college herd, a wldo declaration consider ing tho grado of sheep produced by tho agricultural college. Tho work of inspection has not yet been completed, but will cover several days, tho party leaving for Terrobonno Monday, and from there to spend several days in that section looking over tho work of tho various clubs. WOULD MAKE ALL PAY ON INCOME TAX LAW (Dy UnltH IVnt to 1h Bend Bulletin.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. Tho 'new revenue bill will authorizo a billion dollar drive on lncomo and excess profit tax slackers to prevent future tax dodging. McAdoo has asked congress for authority to force every person In tho country to xnako an Income tax return. Internal Revenue Collector Roper, in address ing tho ways and means committee of tho house, has revealed these two tuoves. IU Kind. "They say that ut marriages In the future there will be a strictly Ameri can wedding march." "I supposo It will bo something on the order of a two-step." Paradoxical. Squabs What tnado poor Grlggaby so light headed? Bqulbbs Well, there ore differences of opinion, but ho attributes It to heavy thinking. rjl , 1 Final Installment of 40 o on Third Liberty Loan Bonds Was due August 1 5th. Pay ment should be made immediately. The First National Bank BEND, OREGON nfli i jMWBjaL Jf&$90$toiM' 'iSfolSi REAL GAS USED AT UNIVERSITY MEN AT OFFICERS' TKA1NIXO CAMP AUK COMPELLED TO (JO THROUGH (JAS CHAMBER I-O-CAL MEN OKT AITOINTMENTS. (From Wednesday's Dally.) That tho Bend men who aro at tending tho officers' training camp at Eugene aro getting a real touch of "warTlfo and war training Is tho opin ion of J. C. Rhodes, who, In com pany with Mrs. Rhodes and several other Dcnd people, spent Sunday and part ot Monday at Eugono watching tho work of tho boys thoro. Tho party arrived In Eugono on Saturday night and spont Sunday visiting with the boy. Thoro was no military activity on this day, and only tho tronches could bo visited. On Monday morning, howovor, they had tho opportunity ot soolng tho men In actual training, part ot which Included passing through tho gas chambor. For this part ot tho train ing a portion ot tho tronches aro sot oft and Impregnated with chlorlno gas, used to oxtonslvoly by tho Ger mans In their offonslvcs. Through this loaded tronch the men In train ing aro compelled to pass, with their gas masks adjusted. Tho real chlor lno gas, and no BUbstltuto, Is usod, Mr. Rhodes stating that a man Inhal ing It wltl llvo only six seconds. Tho men from Bend havo mado showing for themselves at this camp. Roy Anderson has received an ap pointment to tho field artillery train ing camp at Camp Zachary Taylor, and will lcavo for training thoro as soon as ho has completed his work at this camp. It Is expected that he will return to Bend and straighten up his affairs hero before leaving. M. II. Horton of the Horton Drug company has received his appoint ment as first sergeant at tho univer sity camp. Tho other members of tho party who went from horo, In cluding T. II. Foley, Ashley Forrest and W. G. 'Manning, aro all Interested In tho work and making a good show ing. KISS REVIVES HIS COURAGE OPERATION IS PERFORMED IN FRONT LINE TRENCH DRESS IXG STATION WITHOUT ANAES THETIC NURSE KISSES HIM. THE DALLES, Aug. 21. The wounded American was brought Into the French dressing station In tho Vosges. An Immediate operation was Imperative. Through unforeseen cir cumstances there was no anaesthetic, Then a dainty little French nurso caught tho situation. She must aid her American friend. She bent over and kissed tho wounded man, placed her cheek against his dirty, bearded ono and with her arm supported blm. The man smiled gratefully. The operation was performed with good results, although It was a serious one. Tho American's courage had i - - . r boon rovlvod to boar tho pain, This incident wns related by Sor gonnt Jorry Gorrard of Tho Dalles In n letter home. Jerry claimed to bo tho first Tho Jinlloa man ami pos sibly tho first Orcgonian to set foot on Gorman soil In this war. ills unit crossed tho border recently. Ono cont a word Is all n littlo Want Ad will cost you. What your son lacks ho will ac quire nt college. Alt. Aivgal College, St. Benedict, Ore. Address Rev. E. L. Meier. Adv. Somethtng to aolIT Advortlso In Tho Bulletin's classified column. INSECT PRODUCTS OF VALUE Many Small Creatures Make Contribu tions to th Country's Wealth of No Insignificant Amount We havo many Insect products of no small value. Most familiar are honey and wax from tho bee. There Is nlso a Chlneso bug which secretes a kind of grrnso on various treos. This hardens Into wax, nud Is collected, melted nnd purified, when It becomes whlto and glossy In appear ance, nnd when mixed with oil enn bo mado Into candles. Tho cochlncnl, a senjo Insect living on cacti In the Amer ican tropics, besides having medicinal qualities, yields tho two dyes called carmlno nud lake. Whllo nowadays most dyes aro chemically made, tho natural dye of the cochlncnl Is cm ployed In coloring soldiers' uniforms, as It stands the weather better than commercial dyes. The pupao of a Mex ican black lly which swarms In great quantities near Lake Tcxcon aro used as fertilizer. No enlargement Is need ed on tho work of tho precious silk worm n native of China which Is now raised here also. Commclal shellac Is obtained by melting lac, tho resinous substance produced by nn Enst Indian scnlo Insect and deposited In a crust on twigs to contain tho Insect nud Its eggs. Tho export value of lac from Indian ports In ono year linn risen -ns high us 33,000,000 rupees. Lnc has also been used to mnku dyes, but whllo tbo lac Industry Is u growing one, therein ployment of luc In making dyes hus probably hnd Its day. Tho best lnc Is obtained from Bengal and tho central province of Iudln. It Is ulso used us stiffening for hats, sealing wax, as an Ingredient of lithographic Ink, In elec trical work and in tho manufacture ot gramophono records. Somothlng to soil? Advortlso Id The Bulletin's classltlod column. Mil SPRING FESTIVAL IN CHINA Beginning of tho Year Is a Tlmo of Rejoicing Throughout tho Whole Country. In tho United States ono knows that ppring has corao when ho sees boys playing marbles and flying kites. - In China, says the Christian Science Monitor, there are regular spring-playing festivals that all tho people have n part In and which uru especially In teresting for children. Just when tho spring festival comes depends on tho moon. It Is the be ginning of tho year In China, and In tho first moon the magistrates unit oili er Importuut persons In the town go out in a procession "to meet tho prlng.M It is at tho lantern festival, the loth of tho first month, that tho children havo tho best time. Brightly colored lanterns are everywhere, nt the doors of shops und houses, and carried In processions. Boughs of evergreen aro ulso placed nbovo tho doors, and there Is an nbundanco of "moon cakes," lit tle round sweet rico cakes. The boys dress up In all sorts of fan tastic clothes, sing, danco and glvo lit tlo plays. They wear masks of unl mals und of human faces. Companion of them go about through tho streets of their villages, and from ono village to another. Now and then n group of maskers will be seen on high stilts. There is it very pretty dance whe'rd every dancer carries a lighted lantern. This la called the lantern dnnco, Ono cent a word Is all a littlo Want Ad will cost you. "VALAIR CONSERVATORY" for MUSIC ' "Vl' Dramatip Art, Languages , Mme, Lucie ValaUi late of Paris, France, . , , Soprano-Soloht, Director. A faculty of'brtt trained" Artist Teachers for Private and Clan Lesions in All Branches. Piano, Voice, Violin, Cello, Harp, Dancing. Elocution and Acting, taught on a real stage. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES. Free Class Lesson included in regular tuition. Artistic environments, inspiration and dormitory privileges. Send (or Catalogue ot Information to E. RICHMOND, Secretary 234' lOth Street, Portland, Oregon. Main 7398 TANLAC Fifteen Years Ago This Week Tucmlny was tho hottest and most uncomtortablo day In Bund this your, Tho government thormomotor rogln. tnrod DC, and It wns hot from early In tho morning until Into at night John Eldor returned to llund on Tuesday from l'okcgnmn, California. Ho loft ten days before with n party ot tliubor locators and sightseers and drovo them all tho way to tho now terminus ot tho Southern Pacific, a littlo farther In tact covering a dis tance ot more than GOO mllos, John C. Conn's freight toam pnssnd through Bond yesterday oh tho way to tho railroad terminus at Shanlko with 20,000 pounds ot Central Ore gon wool. Tho round trip occupies 38 days and tho sturdy mules now havo work enough ahead ot them to Inst until Now Years. Tho now mill of tho P. II, D. com pany has boon running at Intervals this wook, getting tho machinery lint borod up and In condition for rogular work. A numbor of thousand feet ot lumber has boon sawed In this pro cess. C. S. Bonson barely escaped bolng crushed by a largo rock whllo at work on tho llumo Hue Tuesday. Mr, Wolst wns working at a log at tho top of tho bluff and It became sud denly dlslodgod. thus removing what proved to bo a support to a rook that was supposod to bo attached to tho main lodgo. Benson's attention was attracted barely In tlmo for him to leap out of tho path of the (lying rock, which crashed through an 16 Inch treo as though It wus a morn silver. British Columbia's Coal. Writing of the discovery of coal In British Columbln, Johnson In ids "First Things In Caniida," states: "Ono day In December, 18 ID, nn olllccr of the Hudson's Buy company In Fort Vic toria was Informed by the foreman of tho blacksmith's shop that un old Nit iiulmo Inillnn chief hail Just stated that ho Snow where there was 'stuff llko that which the white man wns using In tho blacksmith's fire. Tho Indian was told that If ho would bring wmo pieces of tho 'stufT ho would have his gun repaired free and receive n bottle of rum. Tho chief reappeared in the" fol lowing April (1850) with his ennoe laden with con!. A prospecting party went out nnd found tho conl whero tho city of Nanalmo now stands. In 1874 the 'production of cool from tho Na nalmo mines amounted to 1.000 tons; In 1800 It exceeded 1,000.000 tons. EXPERT WOULD REDUCE TAXES (Continued From I'ago 1.) draws a salary, and a secretary ot tho livestock sanitary hoard. At least two moro salaries would be horo contemplated. And so on down tho lino. It simmers down to a prop osition ot adding a bunnh-of direc tors, and undor theso being deputies who would correspond to thu heads ot tho various departments now In existence. But, ns before stated, no montlon Is mado of tho extra salaries to bo drawn by theso oxtra hlrod helpers. l'oNlh1y One flood I'tiitim. Ono theory of tho roport Is gener ally accepted around horo as being good. That fs tho story ot so do partmontlzlng stato government that In tho futuro, no mattor what legis lation is enacted, administration ot such legislation can bo turned over to tho proper stato department with out tho creation of now boards and commissions. Ono or two citizens with moro than tho ordinary temerity havo ventured to suggost that por haps this desired ond could bo at tained by a less oxponsivo moans than that contemplated in tho cam ouflaged roport of tho .govorumant of flcloncy oxport, but they havo boon promptly hooted down In dorlslon FOR SALE BY The Owl Pharmacy SOLE AGENTS -fHID U4G1UE (gfcJUtV Summons nil the forces nnd resources of the Republic to the defenic of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the Untied Stain authorities have ranked as onn of tho filteen distinguished Institutions of the country for excellence lit military training, hss rescinded to the call. The College Is diitiiiKulthcd not only fur Its military Instruction, but DistiNouisiir.i) amo run in Krone huliiittlal courses for turn and fur women I III Atllmltuit, Cnminrif, I'.niinttiiM, lumllf lloinn I'.rnnnmki, Mliilni, I'luiMiitr. 0J ViKillonil I'.Junllon. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic collie spirit. Its succctiful graduate!. Students enrolled last year, 14$J stars on Its service flags, lljB, over forty percent representing officers. Col lag oprta let Mttl. mw llluitunJ llooiUi, ajaltitr nnd consequently havo duly retired to tho nllonco of their chambers. quslched but not mollified. Not long ago tho remark was mado In thaso columns that when tho legis lature was led up to tho consolida tion commission's trough It would tako ono whiff nnd turn away. Since tho Issuance of tho aforenmiitloned rooort thoro aro indlratlona thnt Uhero will bo difficulties encountered Kin oven getting it up to tho trough. I Something ANiiit "Big .Mm." Rovortlng for a momnnt to tho tthoory of tho "blggor mon" gives rlso to a rocollectlnn of several years' standing. Whon tho public service commission was in tho process of Croatian thoro wns considerable, talk about tho salaries to ho paid to tho commissioners. A number of people thought $3,000 a ytmr was sufficient, but a lancer numbor declared that a hlghor prlco should bo paid to get good mon. The hlghor price of $4,000 was hit upon, and tho gov ernor straightway nppolnted Oswald West, Clydo Altchlson and Tom Campbell. Now thoro Is no dispar agement meant of the commission ns all of these men unqunstlonnbly served tho commission ably, nud Altchlson Is now receiving $10,000 n yoar as n member of tho Interstate Classified Ads. for ham:. FOR 8 AM-: CHEAP One homo. Hoo Chlor ot I'ollco Nlxnn. 33-22tfc FOR SALE 14 hoad or cattlo and ono work tram. II. A. flonnny, Union harbor shop. 1'hono 2171. 19-Iltfc FOR SAMS Why hnmoatoad whon you can buy a dnodod ranch on tho Tumato project, HO acrcn, for (5 por aero? Hnuno and barn; good outaldo rango. Addronn Lock Iloz 2, Tumato, Oro. D2-Gtfe IXMJT HNR FOUND. LOST Between Hend ond Tuntalo or Long Hollow on Auk, 'J. Indy'ri milt cano. Notify Uullotlii. 87-24-2Gc f GOO REWARD for following hornoa: Hay maro, branded M and letter S with horizontal lino through con tor on loft htllto; iiIho ono brown maro, two Kray maro anil two yearllnK colta. Notify 1 IJ. John, noil, Mllllcan, Oro. lOtfc Brand Directory 4 FRANK I'KIU'IVAMj .Mllllcuu, Oregon. adv.89p Right nldo; rlxht oar crop pod; wattlo right hlud Iok. II. It. TONE, Hlntfr, Ore. adv.lOOe 8- IN II. JOHNSON, Mllllcun, Orrtcou, STOP IN AND LOOK t AT OUR $ NEW SHARPLES Suction Feed SEPARATOR , It Docs the Work F. DEMENT &CO. September 23, 1918 Informillon wrlu l Ids Rtalilrsr, Corttllli, Orttoa cnmmorcq comtulaalon. Rut tho pnr allot la found In tho fact that whon ho rocnlvod thn appnlntmont Wont wan on tho atato payroll at $1,800 n oar, Altchlson wan drawing about a much, or loan, whllo Tom Campboll wai RottltiR nothing at all, aa tar an la known. Of courao all throo of thorn worn glad to land tho H.000, but contddnrlng tho Kalarloa thoy worn gnttlng at th6 tlmo It la Jurit an roaantiahln to nupnoan thoy would havo accoptod thn $.1,000 aa thn 14,000, All of which la a good ox amplo of thn lintlnr-inun-at-a-hlghor-milary proportion. Tho ntato tax commlanlon ntlll la wroMtllng with tho prnblom of how much oxtra motiny will bo uomlnd to conduct thn nffalra ot tho atato gov ernment and how much It will nnnd to nnk tho ponplo for at tint general olnctlon In Nnromhor, In n ganornl wuy It might bo an Id that thn ntl mntita of thn varloua atato nctlvltlm an filed with thn coniiiilnlon and allowing tho coat of gnvnnimnnt for thn next hloniilum aa aeon by tlm oytm of thn hen da of dopartmniitN, ahnw a total of about $10,000,000. Thin Ik about $3,000,000 morn than tho total appropriation! for tho preannt hloniilum nnd in probably n million or two moro t tin ti tho pnopln will hn ready to award to tho buny littlo eatlmntera. Tho commlaaloti, when It aaw thn NiiipHiidoua nrray of llguren, put fur titer Ion of it over until Friday of thin wiwk, when If la thought likely mimo doflnllo voiiclu hlon will ho arrived ut. l.4uU May Vet H-iIkii. Whnthor or not Htiito Engineer I.nwla will resign In still hanging (Iro unit la dependent upon what li donn by the capital lariuoa rnminlttno an to allowing the aaln of bond for thn Warm Kprlngn project, thn project for which Mr. I.nwla will perforin It In Inborn If thn hondn am nold, From hlntn dropped by Mr. I.owU It may bo that ho will still realgn, even If thn Warm Hprlnga mutter dnen not matrnlallzo, nn thoro in Junt now a big demand for competent englnnera and It In iiudorntood a numbor of people have been angling for him. Conauquontly ho mny get a much moro untieing offer than tho proa pert hold out for him by tho atato, regardlenn of tho fact that Governor Wlthyrnmbo ban Mlgniried bin Inten tion of reappointing him If ho dnen not roalgn. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Jim. J. M. i'erry with to extend their thiiukn to tholr frlnridn of Hend and Torrurwiuiio for tho kind, nenn and aympnthy nhnwn them nt tho tlmii of their recent boreavnmnnt. MR. AND MRS. J. M. I'ERRY AND FAMILY. Adv. Tim allvo-to tho-tlmca paront given hla noil it college education. Mt, An gel College 8t. Honed let, Oro. Ad drenn Rov, IS. L. Motor. Adv. FOR HAI.E Ono 0-yonr-nld marn, weight ubuut 1 , 2 r. 0 , nud coll by Mliio; ono n-year-old gelding, about 1,1 r.0; ono inn re about 0 yeara old, weight about 1.100, Would con iildor inidii for Ford car, E. A. Kit dco, Slinvllu-Hlxon Cump 7 Slip WIM. MSASE for a term of youra, 120 a. uoitr DuaohutOM and 80 n. near Alfalfa, Roth pion'm aro fencod nnd under tho ditch. Hunter to pay water and tuxes nnd Im prove tho land, or will hoII long tlmo. Capt, J. M. HoiidorHOn, Eant I.iuihIiik, Mich. ll-2n-20o A HNAI'-I will trado a 0-yonr-old maro nnd 8-yonr-old goldlug, both In lino condition, for four tona nl falfa hay dollvurod at 1133 Nfnw port. 00-2Co FOR HAMS- A motorcyclo, $85,00. luqulro ut Unlvoranl Uarago. 08-2Gp NOTICE FOR I'UHMOATION. Dopartmont of tho Interior, United fltntoB Land Officii at Tho DiiIIoh, Oregon, Auguat 12th, 1018, Notice In horoby glvon Hint Wil liam A. Ralin, of Mllllcun. Oregon, who, on January 20th, 191C, mado IlomoBtoad Entry No. 01 -1400 for Ej (EiiHt half) Suction 11, Towimhlp 20, South, ItniiKQ 16, EiiHt Wlllumotto Meridian, hint filed notice of Inten tion to mnkn Iluul throo-your proof to OHtnblluh cliilm to tho laud nbovo doHcrlbiid hoforo If. O. EIIIh, United HtutoH onmiiilHHlniior, nt Hond, Ore gon, on tho 11th dny of October, A J 1 On ninlmnnt nrimos OHWltncHHOH: I'otor II, JnluiHiin of Millloun, Oro KOII. John J, Holland, Mllllcan, Orogon. Clinrloa H. arnffoiibort'or, of Mllll can, Oregon. Leo II, ICollor of Mllllcan, Orogon. 2C-20o II, FRANK WOODCOOIC, llob'lutor. V a W- WW