The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 22, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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1 1 1 fff HjEw?ffii!frsK.
Wc have just received u new .shipment
i - i ii. ii . i t
(HUCCUiWOKH TO klllttt ft IIOkTOM)
(From Wednesday's Pally.)
P. II, Wilson of Dry l.itko lu trans-
nctliiK business In tho city,
II. A. Hhnplun of Portland la In
th o city transacting IiusIih'm,
ClinrltiH Pitcher of Hllvor Lnko la
r'Kltur'l tit tho l'llot Ilulto.
Mr. ami Mr it, C. 10. liny of Hllvor
I.nku urn visiting with frlomla In the
K. HolKiKithalnr of Prlnovlllo was
tmnanctlni; IiuhIiicmh In tho city yes
toriluy. Mr. anil Mra. C. I. Martin of For
it, Washington, tint In tho city mill
will roinnln horn for auvoral weeks.
Mra. Roscoo llowaril of Dmchule
la In tin) city visiting with frlinids ami
makliiK arnitiKomenU for tlm lawn
party which Ik to lio luilil on hur lawn
tomorrow ovnnlUK for thu bciiollt of
tlm Red Cross.
Tho Library elub will hold nn
other llowor alo on Saturday, ami
,ll who will contrlhiito How urn for
tho aalo nro rmiuostml to liiavu them
at Thompson's muilc atom early In
tho forenoon.
(From Tuesday's Dully.)
II. A. Hoxton of Portland la trans
nctliiR hutlne In tho city.
A. K. Richardson of Htirna woh a
business visitor In tho city yesterday.
Miss KUId Grant of Culver waa In
lU'lid ycaturdny visiting with frliinda.
Dan Hnlnlng of Midway rnn;' on
tho Mnlollus la In tho city on hual
Max llullmnn of Saginaw, Mlchl
Kan, la trnnaaclltiK business In thu
Mr. and Mra. F. I). Honnymnn of
Portlund nro In thu city on n short
Mr. und Mra. II, W. Jones of Wnlln
Walla, Washington, woro In Hand
Fred fihlntafMr waa down from hla
resort nt Knat l.ako yesterday trans
nctliiK liualnuaa.
Charles A. Htiiinnon of Fifo, Oro
koii, wna n hiialnuaa vlaltor In tho
city thin morning.
Mr. nnd Mra, H, W. Mooro ipont
tho week-end on tho Mutollun with
L, J, (Into nnd family of Tho Dalles.
Hiirgoant Ilnrvuy of tho army re
cruiting atutlon linn secured n wuok'a
furloiiKh und will spend It on a fish
ing vncntlou In tho inountnlna,
Mr. nnd Mra. V. T. Weaver of
Portland arrived lu Ilonil Saturday
tilK'it. They hnvo rented a houao
nod will iniiko (hla tholr homo thla
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Mr. mid Mra. T, 0. Union of Auto
topo nro lu tho city.
Mr. nnd Mra. W. B. Sylvester of
I.n Pino nro vlaltliiK with, frluuda lu
tlm city.
Mra, Charles Van Huron of Du
rango, Colorado, arrived In Hum! thla
mornliiK uml will visit huro fur sev-
urn I duya with frlomla.
(From Frldny'a Dally.)
Dr. Tumor, Iho nyn apoclallat, ar-
rlvi'd In Horn! yesterday.
Mr. nnd Mra. K. It. Itnnkln of Pilot
Itock nro visiting with frluuda in tho
Mr. nnd Mra. 11. D. Porrymnn of
West wood, California, nro registered
nt thu Coxy.
W. H. delger nnd It, II. Rcauguard
of Ht. Joseph, Mo., aru huatneaa via
Itora In tho city.
H. W. Sawyer returned thla morn
InK from n week's business trip to
Cooa liny nnd Portland.
A. Whlannut returned Inat night
from Murshfli'ld, wlmro ho nttuudad
tho Htato Kdltorlal niaoclntlon meet
Mnko n rent man of your aon. Mt.
Angel College, Ht. Benedict, Oro.
Address Rev, K. L. Mclor. Adv.
(From Moudiiy'a Dally.)
F. I.. Crnln or Prlnovlllo wna
tho city Hiiudny.
Dr. O. N, Coghlan of Portland
vlaltliiK In thu city,
(luy Hhiifror of Mllllrnu wna n Run
day vlaltor In tho city.
C. 8. Wood of llmlmoud la n busl
uona visitor lu tho city,
(linn llohliluii of Antolopo la trans
net Iiik hualnoaa In tho city,
Mr. nnd Mra. liny Mitchell of Ft,
Itock woro vlaltliiK with frlomla lu
tho city Sunday.
(From Thursday' Dally.)
A. I). Norton of Mllllcun la In the
city on biialnuaa.
Mr. nnd Mra. J. W. Mooro of Port-
land nro In thu city.
It. J. KiiiRiuy or rortinnd la n
hualnoaa vlaltor In tho city.
I). II. Look of Sink, Oregon, la
trnuanctliiK hualiiVHa In tho city.
Mr. nnd Mra. C, I, Taylor of Pals-
luy nro registered nt tho Ilotol Cory,
D, i:. Clark, nn ofllclnl of thu
Union Pnclllc rnllrond ayatum, la n
hualnoHa vlaltor In Ilond.
Mr. nnd Mra. W. J. Cottroll or
Portlnnd woru In llond yesterday,
registered nt tho Pilot Huttu.
Mr. and MrH. It. A. Wnrd roturncd
to Itodmond thla mornliiK after
apumlliiK yoaturduy In tho city.
i.MIhh (lurtrudu Mualck of HuriiH
pnaaod throiiKh Ilnud ycatorday on
hor return homo after xpondlng bov
oral wooka with frlondn In Portland.
Mr. mid Mra, J, L, Ilockloy, who
liavo boon spending tho aummor
inunthii on a farm near Prlnovlllo,
returned to their homo nt Klmnuth
Falla yt'Htordny.
II, K, Poulterer of Portlnnd, trnvol
Imi: freight iiKout for tho O.-W, It.
& N,, arrived lu llond Thuraday and
will remain hero aovoral daya to look
after freight Hhlpmonta from thla dla
News in Brief.
(From Wodnuaday'a Dally.)
VMtN Old IVIiiiiU J, N. Mcl'hull
of Lnwlaton, Idaho, la in tho city
vlaltliiK for auvurnl dnya with Mr.
mid Mra. H. II. (Jruhnt? nt tho Wright'
hotul. Mr, McPlull and Mr: Urnhmn
woro cloao naaoclutca when both of
thorn woro llvlnt; at Mi)(1f6rd auvoral
yenra two,
(in to Kliimatli I'nlU. II. H. Do
A rm ond and Dr. J. C. Vnndovort loft
thla mornliiK fur n bualncaa trip to
Klnmnth Falla. They will return to
morrow ovenliiK,
Vlill Mra. I)'. Mra, A. I Andor
aon of Mnupln arrived lu llond thla
mornliiK nnd will upend aovural daya
heru vlaltliiK nt tho homo ot Mra.
J. L. Ivy.
Will Od to I'firtlniiil. J. D. Hoy
buru will lenvo tonight tor Portland,
where ho will apund auvoral daya on
(From Tuoaday'a Dally.)
Hon la Injunil. Mra. M. J. Mc
Cannon left thla morning for hor
homo In Pendleton, where alio had
been called by tho acrloua Injury or
her aon. Mra. McCarmon wna ono or
n pnrty travellnn from Pendleton to
Portland by uuto, mid upon hor ur
rlvnl huro learned of tho accident to
hor aon through n tele;rnm.
Windows !
"This Hot Water Bottle
I bought at Magill &
Erskine's Drug Store
b a regular furnace"
Prices Right.
Wonderful Array of
In all the new up-to-the-minute crcationi. The
material arc Wool Sergei, Satini, Taffetai, anJ
eumbinationi of Vool Seric anil Satin, braiJ and
button trimmeJ. Very d 1 tf ""
moJerately priceJ at... tjl I 4Stjj upward
New Fall and Winter Coats
- " ""
1 YY
Just Remember
Magill & Erskine
i (From Mondny'a Dally,)
Jlullcllii Want All llroiiKlit lUfuilla.
W I'rntt of Jtodmond ndvor
threo dozen Ilrown Leghorn
chlckena for sale in laat Monday'a
odltlon of Tho liulletlri, An n reault
of thla ad, Mr. Pratt alatod ho could
hnvo Hold ton tlmea tho number of
chlckena ndvortlaod. Ho received 1C
lottora nnd aovornl tolephono calla.
Thla Im tho aecond tlmo Mr. Pratt baa
uaed tho want ad columria of Tho
Ilulli'tln with equal kucceaa on each
HiibHirlboa for Tobiu-co I'uiiil
With u aon who la among tho boya
"ovor tbero" helping to whip tho
kalaor, T. O. Orlmatcd rcallzcn tho
appreciation ot tho boya for tho good
thlnKM dotio at homo, and, nn ifreaulf
today HUbHcrllirii' f' ijrw'afd'' -iThti
Uuiletln tobacco fund. There in now
a total or 1 2 4 . 7 r In tho fund, which
will bo sent out within tho next fow
Ocxi to Aablaiiil. G. C. Urlggn,
formerly conducting a aecond hand
Htoro hero, left thla morning by auto
for Klamath Falla, where .ho will
vlait for tiovcral daya, after which he
will ko to Aahland, Oregon, where
ho oxpecti to cnKaBO In Itualneaa.
HniiiIn Vacation Hit;. Dr. 0. A.
Maaaey of Turner, Oregon, accom
panied by ,Mra. Maaaey nnd tho chil
dren, la apending two wceka' vaca
tion in Bond and left thla morning
for a flahlng trip to the Metollua, ex
pecting to return tomorrow.
Go to Kuxrnc Mr. and Mra. J. C.
Rhodes, Mr. and Mra. Harper 8kuHo
and Mr. and Mra. Frank Kelleher
left Saturday evening for Eugene,
where they vlaltcd until thU morn
ing. They will mnko tho return trip
homo today.
FKIi Not ItKliiK- Several flahlng
partlea returning from tho varloua
flahlng haunta laat night and thla
morning report (lulling aa poor. Tho
trout oro not taking tho fly, and aro
Intereatcd but allghtly In cither bait
or apoona.
(Uh to Portland. N". G, Jacobscn,
roreat aupurviaor, left yesterday for
Portland, where ho waa called on
bualnosa connected with hla office.
Ho expects to remain away from his
dutiea hero about a week.
Hrtuni to IUmiiI. Mr. and Mra.
Andrews liavo returned to Ilcnd alter
aponding the summer In Washington.
Mra. Andrews waa formerly Misa
Paulson mid a teacher In the Dend
(From Saturday'a Dally.)
Itcturn from Trip. Mr. and Mra.
H. D. Mcllrlde, former residents of
llond, arrlvel yesterday rrom an ex
tended auto trip in Utah and Colo
rndo, having been absent from here
for moro than two months. Mr. and
Mrs. McUrldo were formerly the
owners ot McHrlde's confectionery,
now known aa Chllders & Armstrong.
From liond they will go to Medford,
whero they will make their home.
IcnU-tt on Tuinulu. O. F. Allen
of Spokano arrived in Dend yester
day aftornoon, making arrangements
to rcsldo in this acctlon in tho fu
ture. Mr. Allen has purchased con
aldorablo property near Tumalo. It
la understood that theru arc about 10
other families who will also come to
Dnachutos county rrom thu Spokane
district, Mr. Allen acting ns their
purchasing agent.
Missionary Worker Coming. C. F.
Swandor, state secretary ot tho mis
sionary work or tho Christian church,
with hcndiiunrters in Portland, and
Wc lmyc n lnre stock of Men und Boys'
Quality Muckinuws moderately priced
The Famous Patrick Mackinaw
at $13.75 to $18.50
Other Patrick Make Maekinaws, from
310.50 to $12.50
Boys' Maekinaws, $4.75 to $9. 7 5
i iiini'
'Kllll 'J
t .'T
!t,ll I -
Our Stock of Boys' School Suits
it now complete Voritd"i, Canimere, Corduroy.
from $4.50 to $13.75 v
New Sammy Soldier Outfits, made of 7-oz:
Khaki, with Cap and Spiral Puttees, $8.75.
Boys' and Girls' School Shoes in every
wanted style and weight. Our Shoes are
the dependable kind and will give satisfac
tion, and at no greater outlay than you'd
be asked to pay for ordinary kinds. Priced
from . $2.25 to $4.50
Let us outfit your boy or girl for ichool. Our stock
are carefully (elected and our priect are right.
of all kinds are here and ready
In cndleis variety Plualie. Velvet, Pom Pom,
Broadcloth, Cylinder Cloth, Baby Lamb, Cheviot,
Silver Tone Velour, Karaka Lamb; ome lined
throughout, other half lined many are fur trim
i ii i .'fii . ! 1 n -.1 .v
meu, all are oeauiiiuuy lauurcu, itilcu 10 mt
$14.50 to $78.00
The Peoples Store
Aseat for R U G CorwU nd Armor Plate Hoiiery
Composition Books
Spelling Books
Drawing Books
" Crayons
Paints, Etc.
Dresses, Stockings, Underwear
and Hats
You Will Find What You Want Here.
11 I
Dr. Massy ot Turner, Oregon, are
ozpoctcd to arrlvo In Dend this even
ing or tomorrow morning tor a visit
with Hev. 0. E. Williams ot this city.
Tho men aro driving In over the Mc
Kcnzlo pass. - ..
Will IxKuto Here. Mrs. A. 0.
O'Hrlcn ot Seattle arrived in Dend
yesterday and will make her tuture
homo here. As soon as she has se
cured a house and is located her
daughter, now residing in Seattle,
will Join her here.
I'Ynnrlx to I.eiivo Sunday. Lieut.
H. C. Francis will leavo tomorrow
night tor Ft. Wlnflcld Scott, Call-
rornla. It was his Intention to leave
today, but ho was unable to get his
affairs straightened out sufficiently.
Hero frum Lebanon. Mrs. Alice
Stuckor and 'Miss Flossie Catchell ot
Lebanon, Oregon, aro visiting with
Itcv and Mrs. G. E. Williams. Miss
Catchell will sing at tho services to
morrow at tho Christian church.
Itetunm to Hums. Mr. and Mrs.
J. II. Heed and daughter, who havo
been visiting in Portland tor several
weeks, passed through Bend this
morning on their return to their
homo In Durns.
Visits with Ron. Mrs. O. C. Stein
or Spokano and daughter Marian ar
rived In Dend this morning and will
visit hero tor several weeks with
Mrs. Stein's son, Ray Leonard.
Vllts in Portlnnd. Miss Floronco
Gllson, cashier tor the telephone
company, is taking her vacation in
Portland this week. She is expected
to return Sunday evening.
Hero rroinSji Pine. Mrs. W. G.
Fordham and son Wilfred and Miss
Schultz, all or La Plue, nro visiting
with frlends'iu the city.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Hears from Son. Jan JJyrd, rorm
erly a resident of Dend, but now of
Sanger California, has a son in tho
aviation division ot the United States
army, according to n report pub
lished in tho Sanger Herald, which
roads ns follows: "Jun Uyrd, fore
man or tho composing room in the
Sangor Herald office, Is lu receipt ot
n letter this wook from his son, Wlu-
ford Hyrd. who Is in tho aviation,
that ho had arrived satoly in Franco
and was favorably Impressed with
tho beauty ot tho country and that
tho trip across was nuulo without any
excltomout. Ho has been In tho
sorvlco nearly two years and was lo
cated at Fort Morgan, Alabama, in
tho coast artillery, but rocontly was
given a transtor to tho aviation and
sent to San Antonio, from which
placo ho wont 'across.' "
Sljjnwl Nlon's Ximie. T. W.
Shannon, arrested Wednesday at
Lakoview for passing worthless
chocks whllo In Dond, put ono over
on L. A. W, Nixon, chiet ot police.
Shannon, ropresoutlng himself to bo
a member ot the Orogon military po
llco, spent sovoral days in Bond, mak
ing tho polico offico his headquarters.
During Nixon'a absence, Shannon
wrote out a rocommondation tor a
local man to Join tho stato police,
using tho polico court stationery and
signing Nixon's name.
Viit Mm. HondcThofDr. and
Mrs. R. W. Hcndershott have as their
guest Mrs. Jfcndershott's cousin.
Miss Lucy Lowo or Urbana, Illinois.
Miss Lowo will remain hero until tho
first of September, when she will re
turn to Chicago, where she will study
during tho coming season. She has
been heard this- season In recital
work and has also been assisting In
V. M. C. A. and camp welfare work
in tho camp near her home.
llcllcTCH KnlUtmcnt to It Per
mitted. Roth Sergeant Brooks of
tho Marine recruiting station and
Sergeant Harvey of tho Army recruit
ing branch in this city are ot tho
opinion that enlistments will be per
mitted following the registration of
all men between 18 and 21 and 32
and 45 early next month. Neither ot
theso men have yet received official
notification of this tact; nor have
they been ordered to report tor other
Had Whiskey, Aro Fined. Otto
Mooro, H. E. Goodman and W. A.
Beaver pleaded guilty before Judge
Eastes this morning to having In
toxicating liquor in their possession
and wero fined $10 and costs each,
amounting to about $20. Tho arrests
were mado last night.
A Basket of Sweets. A basket ot
sweets rrom the American Bakery
will bo given away on Labor day top
tho benefit of the knitting depart
ment ot tho Red Cross. It Is now on,
display in the window a iho bakery..
Tho contribution will bo mado by
Mrs. Shrlner personally.
Moi-kiui Receive Appointment..
G. C. Morgan has received his ap
pointment trom tho tedoral court aa
refereo In bankruptcy for the coun
ties of Deschutes, Crook and Jeffer
son, tho credentials arriving this
ltoid XelKlibora Meeting. Tho
Royal Neighbors of America meet tho.
first and third Tuesdays of each,
month at Sather's hall at 8 o'clock.
Tho noxt regular meetlug night will
bo Tue3day, August 20. Mrs. Maudo
McGlbbon is recorder.
Return to Wa-.lilnj;ton.T Mr. anrt.
Mrs. J. J. Wedol, who havo been
spending tho week visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. M. A. Hamilton, loft this
morning tor tho return drlvo to their
homo in Monroe, Washington.
Y. AV. C. A. Worker Hero. Mrs.
Folsom, representing the Y. W. 0. A.,
is in Bend, whoro sho has beon con
ferring with local roprcscutativea
regarding tho work ot the organization.
State Fair, Salora, Orogon, Sep
tember 23-28. Splondld exhibits, ex
cellent music, high class entertain
ments and a superb racing card. For
particulars writo A, H, Lea, secre
tary, Salem, Oregon.- Adv.
Thorough business, high school
and college courses at Mt. Angel Col
lego, St. Denedlct, Oro. Address.
Rev. E. L. 'Melor. Adv.