1AGH DKND nULLKTIN, BKND OIIKGON, TllUKHDAV, AUGIMT 09, 101(1 Central Oregon Neighborhood News CLUB MEETING IS POSTPONED HAMPTON BUTTE SOLDIER RETURNS HAMPTON IIUTTK, Aug. 15. Jntucs A. Jlrlckoy returned from Cnmp McDowell, Cal., last week. Mrs. Vic Schroder nnd daughter Agnes returned from Hood River last Thursday, whero they have been working In tho cannery. Christ Tinner is back from St. Helens for a short stay. Mr. Tinner nnd Dort Mocks drove to Shlrrol val ley to got a gasoline engine which ho bought from Mr. Plnkus. Mrs. Robert McDowell Is visiting -with Mrs. II. Drooklnga this wook. Mr. Rasmusson of Uutto had his leg badly crushed whllo working with a well drill. lie was taken to Lakovlcw and It is feared amputa tion will bo necessary. Agnes Schrodor visited with Gladys Mocks last Sunday. .Mrs. V. Schrodor spent tho day with Mrs. Ilorl Mocks Wednesday. Newt Morris was a business visitor hero last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hash of Staurer havo rented Mrs. Sheppard's plnco and havo moved there for tho winter. Mary Stauffer was a passenger on the mall stngo Monday, returning from Monmouth, where sho attended the summor normal school. NEWS LETTER FROM MILLICAN MILMCAN. Aug. 1C R. R. Kel ler and family visited at tho J. J. Holland homo Friday. Mrs. AIox. Penal and Mrs. L. B. Keller and children -Kent to Rend Friday, returning with Mr. Keller Saturday evening. Mrs. Feeal spent Saturday night at tho Keller home. Tho L. R. Keller family and Mrs. Fecal called at tho R. R. Keller homo Sunday morning bctoro taking Mrs. Feeal to her liome. Tho L. B. Keller family dined at the J. J. Holland home Sunday. In tho afternoon tho two families vis ited at tho F. Tauscher home. Mrs. J. J. Holland called at tho R. R. Keler home Tuesday. Mrs. J. E. Going, Mrs. Alex. Fecal and Mrs. J. J. Holland were Wednes day afternoon visitors at the G. W. Cook home. R. R. Keller and family called at the J. J. Holland homestead Wednes day. Mrs. P. B. Johnson made a busi ness trip to Bend Tuesday. Sho vis ited at tho Forbes and Allen homes whllo there. Mrs. P. B. Johnson called at the R. R. Keller home Monday evening. Tho ClifT Evans and II. E. Smith families. visited at tho P. B. John son homo Thursday afternoon. Mary Holland is employod on the G. W. Cook ranch. Mrs. R. R. Keller spent Thursday night at tho J. J. Holland home. ine KOJier siock strayed away Wednesday and Mr. Keller and chil dren located them at tho Stanley ranch Thursday, where they were oungcu to spend tho night. Mrs. L. B. Keller and children visited with her parents Monday. F. Tauscher returned from Bend Tuesday with a load of lumber for a now barn for his cattle. Wm. Presaley, Everett and W. V. Grlnstead and their sons made a trip to Prlncvlllo Thursday. P. B. Johnson made a business trip to Bend Wednesday. P. B Johnson was repairing tele phono line Thursday evening. J. F. Denison is selling out his grocery business. They Intend to leave for Spokane tho first of September. Jack Moyors and Fred Brown will attend tho samo school. Tho reception given at tho com munity hall Tuesday night for nil of tho homo boys who are Included In tho first draft was woll attended and all reported a very nlco evening. A good program was rendered, thore being sovoral oxcollont speakers from Prlncvlllo and Redmond present. Tho refreshments planned wcro to bo sandwiches nnd coffeo, but as wo wcro pleasantly surprised by tho ico cream prcsontod by tho Prlncvlllo ladles and gentlemen, all enjoyed Ico cream Instead of coffee. Miss Bllllo Fenlmore, who has been visiting hor uncle, Will Arnold, and family, roturncd to her homo in Portland Wednesday morning. Tom Cronln returned from Port land Tuesday morning. Ho was de layed a fow days thoro as ho luul his tonsils removed. Harold Charlton writes that ho Is again In tho samo office and hard at work slnco his return to Fort Stevens. Mr. and iMrs. Bort Roynolds of Redmond roturncd from n two weeks tour to Scasldo and other points. They went overland and roport a good tlmo, only that thcro was so much rain in tho valley. Jako Brln Is tho proud owner ol n new Ford. Ho has already provon himself qulto a compctont driver and will probably help his friends enjoy life. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, living on tho Ernest Hall ranch, havo received tholr household furnishings from Hood Rlvor and aro beginning to get settled. Mrs. E. A. Bussctt. Lloyd, Fay, Bllllo Fcnnlmore and Mrs. Ross Bussctt wero entertained at dlnnor at tho homo of Mrs. Rcoves Will coxen in Redmond Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Yates and Mlsa Gladys Pauls havo returned from their trip to Tho Dalles. Ada Sears, who has been visiting at tho Yates home, roturncd to her home at The Dalles. Allen Wlllcoxen recently sold 80 tons of hay to McCormlck at $20 per ton. Georgo Beckman lost a valuable cow this week from bloat. One other was just found In tlmo to bo saved. Husband nnd Wife. Mrs. Frank P. Wood, Box IS. R. F. D. 2. Morrill. Me., writes: "Foley Kidney Pills help me so much. My husband also has received much benefit from them. Ho was so lame he could not stoop over and now ho reels no pain." Lame back, sore muscles, stiff Joints, rheumatic aches and pains quickly conquered by Foloy Kidney Pills. Sold everywhere. Adv. CLOVERDALE BOY VISITS HIS PARENTS Prepare for tho Hot Wnvi. Tho hot sun Is doubly dangerous If thcro Is a mass of undigested food In tho stomach. Foley Cathartic Tab lets give prompt and suro rollef. They act gently but do their work thor oughly. They cleanse tho bowels, sweeten the stomach and benefit tho liver. For indigestion, biliousness, bad breath, bloating, gas. Sold every where. Adv. POWELL BUTTE BOY JOINS COLORS POWELL BUTTE, Aug. 20. Lloyd Bussctt, who recently enlisted in tho mechanics' corps, left last Thursday morning for Portland, whero ho will attend the Benson Polytechnical school for somo time. CLOVERDALE, Au?. 10. Roy A. Cutler arrived at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Cutlor, last Wednosday night. He came from a training camp In Texas. Ho was called to the bedside of his sick father, but with only a five-day fur lough ho Htarted back to Texas Mon day night. Thcro was a pleasant little lawn party held on Waldron's Saturday night. Tho young folks toasted marshmallows and played games un til a lato hour, when they greeted each other goodnight and returnod to tholr homos. Those present wero: fdella nnd Fay Miller. Doan and Lil lian van Matre, Ladona Cyrus, Gladys Barberry, Billy Hathaway, Harold Allen and Lynn Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Weston motored to Redmond Saturday ovonlng. Dr. Hosch was calling at tho It. A. Cutlor homo Thursday morning. John W. Cotter and Vern Skolton returned homo Sunday evening aftor a week's auto trip to Southern and Western Oregon. "Mr. nnd Mrs. F. J. Burling and Mrs. Robert Purling wero shopping in Sisters Saturday. Olr. and Mrs. W. W. Van Matro and family spent Sunday afternoon at the Cutler homo. PLA1NVIKW, Aug. 10. Tho reg ular meeting of tho O, l). O. club will bu postponed till nun week from Thursday nnd will moot with Mrs. A. W. Armstrong on tho nftornoon of August 20. Ray Armstrong loft Plalnvlnw last Wednesday morning to go to Benson Polytechnic school In Portland for mechanical training, Mr. and Mrs. P. Van Tassel nnd son Glenn wore Bond callers Thurs day. Mr. nnd Mrs. Grovor Pulllam nro rejoicing over n llttlo son, George William, who arrived hiHt Monday morning, August 12. Miss Nolllo Scoggln is tho guest of Mrs.' Ellis Edglngton nt Sisters this wook. William Brink started to work at tho Pino Tree mill last wook. Mr. and .Mrs. James Elklns and Miles January havo returned from a sovoral days' trip to Olally mountain Mr. and Mrs. Ward and family and Mrs. Andrls havo returned from a pleasant trip across tho mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Donovan and family from Bend were guests at tho Pino Lawn ranch Sunday. A. W. Armstrong nnd pnrty spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. J. A. W. Scoggln. Miss Nolllo Van Tassel wns tho guost of Miss Ida Hoss last Thurs day and Friday. Miss Luolla Burgess nnd Mrs. II. A. Scoggln enjoyed n very pleasant day with Mrs. H. T. Hartloy last Thursday. Mrs. Alex. Lovorcnz npont four dnys last week with hor slstor, Mrs. Grovor Pulllam. Frlonds from tho Wlltamotto val ley nro guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Elklns this week. iMr. nnd Mrs. Walter Korstoter ar rived from Vnncouvor, Washington, and nro visiting tholr parents nt Gist. (Miss Mary Bonnett of Bond Is visiting hor grandmother, Mrs. J. A. W. Scoggln, this week. Last Thursday afternoon Mrs. A. W. Armstrong, Mrs. C. F. Chalfan and Mrs. F. G. Powers gathered at tho A. E. Hoss homo to sow tho last four' stars on tho Plalnvlow sorvlco Hag. Tho stars aro for Edgar Hoartt, Ray Armstrong, Loyd I'owors and J Rlggs. Thoro aro now eight stars on tho flag. , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Scoggln and Goorgo Calvorloy aro spending sov oral dnys In tho Black Butto country and camping with J. A. W. Scoggln. Mrs. Howard Hartlev wns a guest at tho Pulllam ranch Thursday even ing nnd Friday. A good attendanco met nt the school house last Sunday ufternnon for tno rogular church service. The next services will bo hold in two weeks, on Sunday nftornoon, Sep tombcr 1, nnd aftor this tho meetings will bo held regularly tho first Sun day In each month. Mrs. Phil Smith of Sunnysldo was a guost at tho M. W. Knickerbocker homo last Thursdnv. Miss Graro Rlggs Is spending n week's vacation nt tho C. F. Chalfan horn", Sho Is planning to loavo for Portland In tho near future. Mr. and Mrs. Elklns woro Bend callers last Sunday. A. E. Hoss and family enjoyed see ing "Pershing's Crusaders" In Bend Jast Sundny evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kills Edclncton wore callers at tho Pino Lawn ranch on Friday. Mr, nnd Mrs. II. T. Hartloy and Mrs. Knickerbocker were guMts nt the Box A ranch Saturday. F. B. BaiiRlimnn Is tho owner of n now Dodgo nutomobllo, Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Gray nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. O. E. Anderson spent Sun day nt Suttlo lake. Rasmus Petorson, Mrs. Cntlinrino JohniiHou, Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Chnnn and daughter Etta spout Sunday on n trip io mo mountains, Fred Soollng nnd Oust Nolsou vlsltod nt tho home of Anton Ah! strum Sunday. F. 11. IlauKhmnu Is helping Rasmus Poloison haul liny to DoschutoH to ship. , M, -to l J v A-S.fV.M'X'iC' (') h1 hit V)'AO, W sv iAt'.'.W For fnrm land loans boo J. Rynn & Co. Adv. LOWER BRIDGE RESIDENT IS ILL LOWER BRIDGE, Aug. 10. -David Mllburn watt taken very 111 Wednesday night nnd wns taken to Redmond for medical treatment. Ha Is greatly Improved now. 'Mrs. A. S. Holmes nnd fnmlly spent tho past week visiting with hor par ents nt Gntownv. Mark Forrest mado a trip toVrlno vlllo and tho Ochoco country Friday to seo to somo threshing ho Is going in (in in mm district. Joo Howard was unfortunnto to loso one of his best horses Thursday with tho colic. L. F. Rice, who has boon traveling In tho Mlddlo Wost tho past flvn months, roturncd homo Wednosday for a visit with his family. Tho Junior Red Cross mot both Wednesday and Frldny afternoons of tho past week. Tho girls nro noxious to flnluh up tholr present work boforo school starts. Paul Brooking was n visitor at tho Rico homo Wednesday ovonlng, A. 8. Holmes wns a Redmond vis itor Frldny. Marlon Hosklns wns In Redmond Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Holes' tlatichtnr trnm California Is visiting horo n fow days with her parents. Jesso Might Is binding grain for a. a. iioimes. Tho Junior Rod Cross girls will have a picnic nnd swimming pnrty on tho Deschutes rlvor Wednesday, Aug. 21. Their mothers nro Invited. Mrs. Fred Wnltors ami Darwin Walters mado a trip to Prlnovillo Saturday. 5H?& A ?IIHMI2&' .. ) 'ii umsswMW ti.i 33 ii I mi fir i - r Mmhr i KS jL riHilMIII -"1 X. J '-' will t , H 4H3Mtot y mm mm -w-?? - n i w&s" u 1 ( LEvnitKP Jvn itenAnCtxtcr Who Is Plorcy & Sons, TumaloT 4P Adv. PARTY GIVEN FOR FORMER RESIDENTS Cmiglit Cold nt Palm Heard. Southern climate Is no protection against summor colds. IIMen R. Saunders. C20 2nd Avo., W. Palm Beach, Fla., wrltos: "My sevore cold on the chost was rolloved by Foley's Honey nnd Compound." This lino old family romody can bo depended upon to rollovo summer colds, liny fever, nsthma and croup. Sold every where Adv. Locomolivo Engineer Writes. When tho kidneys aro not working properly, backacho, stiff Joints, rheu matic pains and Hiifforlng result. Goorgo McLain, Turtle Lake, N. D writes: "I am a locomotive engi neer. I had a bad pain in my back and my bladder action was very Ir regular. I took Foloy Kidney Pills and was relieved in a counlo of days. Sold everywhere. Adv. IT PAYS TO PAY CASH! Give us yo'ur Grocery Business for a month and you can add another W. S. Stamp to your book. It pays to pay cash at THE UNION CASH GROCERY Wall Stieel, Bend, Oregon Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loons. Adv. PLEASANT RIDGE NEWS LETTER PLEASANT RIDGE. Aug. 20. J. W. Peterson and Anton Alilstroni wero In Rodmond on business Mon day. Rasmus Potorson nnd Mrs. Catha rine Johanson woro Bund visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chaso called nt tho Anderson homo Tuesday evening, Mr. nnd Mrs. N. D. Wood woro In Redmond Thursday. Mrs. J. A. Chaso vlsltod Mrs. Wayno Chaso In Redmond Monday. Mr. nnd 'Mrs. 0. E. Andnrson inndo a business trip to Bend Tuesday afternoon. Those attending tho Cow Tostlng association picnic hold on tho Island nt Turnalo Thursday wero: Mr. nnd Mrs. r II. Ilaughman, Rasmus Potor son, Mrs. Cathnrlno Johanson, Mr. and Mrs. 0, E. Andorson, J. W. Petorson, Anton Ahlstrom and Mr. and Mrs, Alox, Duval, N. D. Woods purchased a Ford car last week from tho garago In Red mond. Hans Mlkkolson was In Rodmond on business Thursday, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Brandonbure wero Bond visitors Thursday. J. W. Potorson was a Bond visitor Friday. W STOP! And iiiveHtlgaU) our price before buying your groceries, Wo enn save you money. f P. B. Johnson's Mllllcan, Oro. Telephone BEND II. F. I). No 1. Auk 10 A party wns given at tho II. C Colver homo Saturday evening In honor of Vorllo and Borulco Ilodgo, former residents horo, from Portland, who have been visiting with ("divers, A very pleasant uvonlug was spent In playing games, niter which light re freshments woro served. Those pres ent woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnrchand, Mrs. Chnrloy Hoech, Mr. Senburgor, Mr. Hurbregfo, Fred Mnrchand, Na poleon Murchnn, Leonard Wagner, Loo Puctt. Raymond Mnrchand, Rob ort nnd Henry Colver, Misses Lurllo Mnrchand, Virginia Colver, Edith Hooch, Emma Mnrchand, Mnrgarotn Colver and guests of honor, Verlle and IlernlcH Hodgf. George Erlcksen. O. P. Dshl and Leo Nlckorson spant severs! days iisiiiiik ni i.avn iaxa sua report a good catch. Mrs. G. L. Monro and Mrs. A. Nff took dinner with Mrs. W. L. Coffey Monday. Roy Wornstaff, who hns boon visit ing Mr. nrul Mrs. C. W. Wnrnstsrf at Oswego, returned to his homo Wud n on day, .Mr, and Mrs. E. Bedleut mado n business trip to Redmond Saturday. Mrs. C, L. Smith's mothor. Mrs. Strickland from Missouri, and also hor slstor, Mrs. Myers from Illinois, nro here visiting. J. Alton Thompson, county school superintendent, and Mr. O'Rollly from tho Oregon Agricultural col logo, woro visiting the children's gnrdons In this district tho first of tho wook. Nick Reynolds, who hns bsen visit ing with his rolatlvos horo, returned to La (J ran do Inst week. Roy Noff, who accidentally broke hla arm last wook, Is gottlug along lino. Soth Stookey was tho unfortunate losor of a valuable horso last wook Tho horso ato somo poison which Mr. Stookey hud put out for rahhltii, Mlssos Vorllo nnd Borulco Ilodgo, uftor visiting sovoral dayH with tho neighbors hero, returnod Sunday to tholr homo In Portland, Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Car son, former residents of this neigh borhood, an 816-pound baby girl. Tho children nil onjoyod tho ser mon which Rov. Hnrtranft preached especially for thorn Sundny. Noxt Sunday tho sorvlco Hag for tho Moun tain Vlow Sunday school will bo dedicated. Tho exorcises will bogln ut 3 o'clock, Special music Is being propnrcd. Ton boys from our dis trict havo cither enllstod or been drafted. Thoso attending tho cow tostlng picnic ut Turnalo Thursday from this vicinity woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. Loo Young and sons Elinor and Cecil, Mr. Where Good Cooks Are Most Valued Surely never In the world wna honest Rood cooking of real honcnt good food enjoyed more than It Is on a farm in rush times. How tho hungry hired hclo find nelKhbora do cat How they do enjoy nnd appreciate Rood cooking! rst&tioit Milk will never decreaao your reputation na a cook. Madam. Rather It will ourcly increase it It is nothing but pure cow's milk evaporated to the consistency of cream In crcamlnR vegetables, in making bread, pastry and calces wherever you use milk In cooking It gives a flavor that ia very appetizing. Carnation can bo whipped like cream, when thoroughly chllkd of course, which proves its quality. Carnation is used by thousands of people Just as it comes from the can for cream on fruit and cereals and in tea and coffee. The sealed can preserves it, when kept in a cool dry place, sweet and pure until used. Duy Carnation by the case. Lay in a stock of it now, and you will be free of milk trouble at all times. Your Grocer Has Carnation SHI The ( H Carnation Caio y U Srima I I U 1 fl "The Answer D " to the H I mm, n..t:." II R On the Firm ." La j mi , tw A.raaiiiiKlfc "T)it Story of Carnation," containing 114 rciftt, atnt ufien rictitt of your aJan$$. Carnation Milk Products Co., Seattle, Wuk. nnd Mrs. Julius Potorson. Myrtle , N'-w berry. Mr. and Mrs Prod Roy Noff, Mr, mid Mrs. It. E. Grimes mid nolds and doughter Elizabeth, Mr. sons David and Ralph, Mr. mid Mrs. ami Mrs. lIHgorsou nnd Mr. Torkol (Joorce Erlrkunn, Mr soil Mrx J. T i son. . The BEND BULLETIN and The Oregon Farmer Both for the Price of One By a special .arrangement with Tho Oregon Fnrmor you can secure The Oregon Fnrmor with tills paper ut tliu price of thin paper nlone. In other words, when you subscribe for YOUIt HOMIi PAPER, or runow your present uubscriptlou, you ar entitled to Receive The Oregon Farmer for the Asking THE OREGON FARMER Is Union's great stnto farm panV , issued every week and devoted to tlio Oregon farm and tho Oregon farm homo, just as this paper is dovoted to tho poopU and to the intents of this local community. This Opportunity May Not Last Long GRASP IT NOW BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINGS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 Build With BRICK! BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. 4 ' - v . St zjfH