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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1918)
WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. VOL. XVI. IJI3N1), DEHOHUTKH COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, UHH No. 25 EXPERT WOULD i REDUCE TAXES MIKE MURGE IS FOUND GUILTY Miss Blodgett Writes of Trip to France, and Gives Opinion Regarding Protection of Boys CLUB WORKERS FOURTH LOAN DRIVE PLANNED MAKE SHOWING N - HEE-HAW CLUB START ED AT SALEM. &a Efficiency Expert for Consul Committor) Hay Having ofk $rWfl,0 Caii Ho Effected t, J In HUlo Hut How? (Rpeelat tn Th IlulUtio.) 8ALHM, Aug. 22. Not Jong nico a nurabnr ot veterinarian tn Portland determined conclusively Hint by cut tlnK a trifling cord In a donkey' (nil thn voclferou Animal automatically became deprived of Ha braying func tion. ThU operation waa hallod by i1enlien of tlio night life an the harbinger of peaceful and aleopful mornliiRii. flomn way the operation evidently waa overlooked around tho capttol, or poHilbly the report of tho govern ment efficiency export to tho con Holldatlon communion would never hnvo been turned In. A It la tint report ha been responsible for the formation of the Hoo-Hnw club, which will probably work overtime between now and tho next m-aMon of the leglvlnture, Tho report Mate that the connoll Italian commission rati effect n nav Ing of JHK.GOO If the numerouii recommendation In n vnluinluuu re port are carried out. Mitten to a fow of thorn: Tho ro. port would hnvo the counties pay lirtlf of (ho nnlarleH of district attor ney, thun effecting n iinvlng of 372,000 How thin would nave any money to tho taxpayer In a feat In mathematical ledxerdemaln yet un- nccomplUhed. Of cnuro, by tho counties paying It, the humble tax payer probably would nqt have to nholl out. The board also would hnvo motor HcemieH paid hlennlnlly and thui nave $28,000 on material. The humble motor owner would bo called upon tn pay twice n much at any given period than ho doe now, which would no doubt plcnio that rather useful Individual, who Just now la building all of our stnto high way. Home saving In contemplated by the very nntlsfnctory proportion of reducing appropriation. Hero It might be remarked a gllmmor of rea eon ttcomn paramount In tho report. Another contemplated wiving I neon In tho propoed creation of tho offlco of Htnto Architect. It I entlmatod 37,000 could bo waved till way In two yuar. A fow year ngo n atnto architect wan fired bodily because hi offlco wiir conNldered too exponlvo. Tho peculiar part of thl ltuallon I that tho only tlmo n Htntu Architect ran nave money la when thuro In a t-nrnlval of now building going on. Tho new building cost much moro tlinn the archlteel'n feo. that Ir ennv eldcred n cinch. Th.oojiort failed to mention that probably moro money could be nvod by cutting out u fow of thp now buildings,, , AIko 1(6,000 I tho estimated av Ing In the abolition of boards. Tho oommlNNlon falls to comment upon tho oxtru expense, which will bo en tailed by tho croatton of 10 or 12 now offlcoH. Tho grand genoral plan or tho com mission I to require that nil Htnto office ho appointive by tho governor, tXvo tho governor hltiiHolf, tho socrok tary of Htnto and tho atnto treasurer Thnro would bo nlno grand do linrtmoiita, Including tho govornor mid, tho departments of gonurat nd mlnUtratlnn and fluanqo, nducatlon, labor, ngrlculturo, trailo and com- morco, puhlla work and domain, public hoalth and public wolfnro. Knch onu of theao ynul(i bo undor n Hnlnrlod dlroctnr. Apparently tho nnlary would bn Btifflclout In each enso, In light of n romnrk dropped by puo ot tho cnmmlHHlonura that "wo wnnt hlggor mon than wo hnvo now," Moro mill (letter Kularlos, TIiIh batch ot dlroctors would ndd to tlio grnud suhomo of moro nud bolter Hiilniit'H. Ah n concroto cnHo: Tho ngrlculturnl dopnrtmont would lmvo four high snlnrlod omployoH, In eluding tho dlroctor nnd throo dop utloH, ono doputy onch over throo burcnuH. TIiobo hureiuiH would bo gonerul ngrlculturo, nulnml huHbnnd ry nnd tho Btato fulr. Undor tho present urrnngomont thnro la u bocto. tary of tho Htnto fair board, who (Oontlnuod on laat pago.) JURY RETURNS VERDICT WITHIN FEW MINUTES AFTER CONOI.U HION OK AIUJUMKNTH 4900 'JiwifffillsCQiWH IMPOSED. (Prom Wodneaday'a Dally.) After acarcely moro than throo mluutoa' deliberation tho Jury drawn In the caio of tho fltato v. Mlko Murgo, charged with operating a dUordorly hnuso, waa found guilty, a flno ot 1300 and cost being ira poied by Judgo Easte. The case attracted considerable at tention and tho court room waa filled from tho commencement of tho trial to tho decision of tho Jury. Several wltnoiaea wore called by Prosecuting Attorney II. H. Do Armond, all ot whom teatlfled that Murgo had brought a woman hero from Klam ath Fall and that iho had operated In the Dopot hotel, owned by Mnrgo, for moro than n month, Tho woman wan tho chief witnc for tho state, and ll wa upon her complaint that tho arrest wa made. It. H. Hamilton, attorney for tho defene, called auvoral wllncasoi, but their testimony In favor of tho de fendant wa not aufflclent to convlnco tho Jury that Murgo wa not ullty of n violation of tho law. Murge pnld I2T.0 ot tho flno laat night and wa given 30 day In which to rulio the additional SCO. when, where and how .men who iiavi: iiecome 21 YEARS OLD SINCE JUNK fl MUST REGISTER. ' Who Mutt Ilrglkfrr. All malo peraona (cttltena or allena) born hotween Juno 6, 1897, and August 24, 1807, both date Inclusive, except of- fleer And enlisted men of tho regular army, navy and marina curp, and tho national guard whllo In federal aorvlco, and of- - fleer In officer' rcsorvo corps, and enlisted men In enlisted ro- ervo carp whllo In actlva -ncrvlco. - WIiimi. On Saturday, August -24, 19(8, between 7 a, in. und 9 p. m. WhtTV. -At offlco of local board hnvlug Jurisdiction whoro -poron to bo reglntered perma- nently rctdde, or other placo -dealgnatod by that local board, (At county court housa in Ilend -nud I)(chutc county.) How. Qo In porVon on Au- gut 24 to your rogltratlon pjao. It ypuiixnoct to ho ab acnt from homo on August 24, go'nt onco to tho offlco ot tho Jocal board happen Jo bo; Hnvo your registration rarl 'flllod out und cnrtlfled. -Mall It to tho local board hnvlug Jurisdiction whoro you porina- nently reside. Inclose a aelf- nddresied, stampod ouvolopo, with your reglHtrntlon enrd, for tho return of your registration cortlllcnto. Knlluro to get this certlflcato may causa you aerl- ouh Inconvenience, You must mull your registration card In tlmo to roach your homo local 'hoard ou'Auguat 34. It you ore Hick on Aiwmt 24 nud un- nblo to prcsont yourself in por- son Bond aoina compotont frlond. Tho clerk may doputlzo him or her to propnro your card. Iiiforinution. If you am In doubt ah to what to do or whoro -to regUtor, consult your local bonrd. I'ouuliy for Not ItcKl.itorliiK. Knlluro to register Is n nils- douionnnr puulHhnblo by 1m- - prlHoiiuiont for ono yoar. It mny roHiilt In loss ot vnlunblo rlghtH nud prlvllogeu nud Innno- dluto Induction Into military aorvlco. Caution. Do not coufiiHO thlH call for roglstrutlou, which la only for mon who hnvo - reached their 2lBt birthday - bIiico Juno 5, with tho coming roglstrntlnn ot mon from 18 to 20 nud from 32 to 45, Inclusive, which will bo hold sotnotlmo early In Soptombor. - -- -- - People in America noed not worry abdut tho safety ot tho boy crossing tho Atlautlo under the iirotcctlon Aof "Old dlory,'' fn Uio opinion of Mtea MaflO Ijlodgfrtt, who la now aUtlonod wllh the 1ibo hoapltal unit No. 40 In Franco. Mia Illodgott was form erly In tho offlco of Dr. Vandevort in this city and loft early In May for training, Tho following Interesting loiter from her, ono of tho first slnco hor arrival In. Franco, ha been ro colvod by Dr. Anna Ilels-Klnlny under dato of July 21, and Is descriptive of ber voyago across. It follow, In part: "Doar Doctor: Will try to bo truo to my promlao and wrlto you from' omowhoro In Franco. Our voyago was pleasant and uneventful from a military standpoint, yet full ot In terest and wonderful sight and hap pening from a personal standpoint. I am sorry to tell the world that I neglected to feed tho llttlo flshc as did moHt of my fellow travelers. We had a amooth ca, but, oh my, what a big ono! "Wo were woll taken caro of and f wish that I might toll you how our Undo Sammy protects hi noldloru. Do not loso nny sleep over tho ub Ject for I assuro you that all will bo well for all who cross tho sea under tho prntoctlon of Old Olory nnd all that aim stands for. Tho trip through (deloted) wan Indeed wonderful, and word cannot express tho beauty of landscape. (Deleted) wo thought beautiful, but Franco Is perfect. "France has tho most uunlnt nnd 32 DIVISIONS NOW READY 88O.000 MK.V HIJADY IOK TIIK rilONT MNK TKKNCHKS IN 1'KANCB WIM. NKKI) AM. TIIK HHIP8 IMIOCUHAIILK. (Djr United rrr to The IWnd Ilullrtln.) WASHINGTON, Aug. 21. Oqnornt March, chlot of staff, haa announced that 32 completed American divi sions are now In Franco. To accom plish thl romarkablo task It was necessary to scour tho world for ahlps, nnd to maintain the present progress and to nchluvo tho projected four millions within another year will roqulro tho gathorlng ot still moro shipping. Thirty-two Amorlcan divisions roady for tho lighting lino with 27, COO mon to tho division, total 880,000 American equipped for tho front lino work. MILITIA DANCE HUGE SUCCESS rouii HUNDitci) PKoi'u: ahi: i:s- TI.MATKI) TO 1IAVK HKKN IN ATTKNIUNOK MIMTIAMKN PAIIADK HTItCICTS. (From Wednesday's Dally.) With nearly four hundred persons in nttondnnco, tho military lm)l glvun at tho gymnasium Inst night ,by tho two companies of Dond mllltla was tho most successful uvont ot Its kind hold In thla city during tho season. Qtvon tor tho purposo ot raising funds for tho mllltla, nvoryono on tercd into tho spirit of tho occasion and holped in making tho affair a 8UCC08H, Preceding tho dnnco tho mllltln mon mnrchod through tho Btrcots of tho city, headed by tho nonil band. Tho grand march was started promptly nt 9 o'clock, Mrs. Uoscoo Ilownrd ot Deschutes nnd Alex. Mnckontosh lending, followod by noarjy two hundred couplos. Otllrors of tho mllltla today stntod thoy doslrod to oxprosa tho apprecia tion of tho mon for tho muslo fur ulahod by tho toti-ploco orchustrn which wna donated for tho occasion. Tho mnount rnlsod will bo suffi cient to dofrny tho oxponsos of tho companlos and to ndd now equip ment which la nocossary at thla tlmo. picturesque archltecturo, and every vlllago I exactly tho same, but the roads,, are perfect. Hard surfaced fMm'ono fcxtrcm&yof the country to tho other; winding in and out a par. fect plcturo. It i hard to reallzo that tho people of Franco pursue their peaceful occupation within tho nound of tho cannon' roar, and, ob, so calmly and perfectly composod. Woll, an perfectly unconcorned as tho pooplo of Bend and vicinity. "Wa liavo had good now from tho front for the last throo day now, and maybe thla big Job will not last so long. "Wo arc very pleasantly situated in a quaint little vlllago and have all tho modern convenience, and are vory comfortable. Don't worry about mo for tho only thing that can dampen my spirit now Is a bomb or a cannon ball, and I will steer clear of thoso evils. "Perhaps you wonder why I do not toll you more about tho big fight, but will toll you when I return to Dond. I often think of you and all friend thera and all I ask I plenty of letters and good wishes. I wltl try and do my share to help tho boy 'over tho top.' Tho wholo unit of nurse mado tho trip without any in convenience whatever, and at the present writing all aro woll and happy." Th- Ilullrtln ( do I rout of printing Itttro ml crd r-lrrd from tb boyi "oyrr thrrr." Car twill U rirrel.Kl In th rrturn of th mlxltr la thlr ownrr. and the elimination of any portion which the rrcipltnt dor not dwilrc to have In print.) RUNS LINE AROUND KLAMATH FOREST FIRE (From Monday' Dally.) W. G. Sproat, government aur voyor, left this morning for tho Klamath Indian reservation, whoro ho will remain for several days for the purpose ot running lines around the forost flro which has been raging on tho reservation for several weeks and determining the exact area ot ground which has been burned over. AMERICAN SURPRISES 'THE WHOLE WORLD (0 United Ireu to The IWnd Bulletin.) LONDON, Aug. 21.- "The Ameri can ontry into tho war has removed all doubts and fears ot cortaln vic tory for tho alllos, but wo novcr Imagined that America could tako suclun splendid part ao quickly," said Ambassador Lord Heading In his address to a Luncheon club hero to day. RED CROSS UNIT IS NOW IN SIBERIA (Dr United Pre to The Ilend Bulletin.) LONDON, Aug, 21. Amrelcan Red Cross units hnvo arrived nt Vlad ivostok from Toklo, bringing 70,000 pound ot hospital supplies and pro visions, SPAIN TO SEIZE HUN TONNAGE ONE OF INTKHNKD VESSELS WILL HE COMMANDKKUED FOU EVERY SPANISH HOAT SUNK 11Y THE HUN 8U1JMAHINES. (Dy United Vnvt to The Bend Bulletin.) MADIUD, Aug. 21. Tho mlnlator ot tho Intorior has announced that Spain has sent a uoto to Gormnny doclarlug that slio will temporarily replace nil tuturo submarine sinkings from German tonnngo now lutomod In Spanish porta. Tho minister donled tho rumor that Gormnny had broken off diplo mntla rolntlona with Spain. Ho stat ed that tho "decision is but natural nud au obligatory dofonso ot our untlonnl Interests. Wo cannot fur ther risk prejudicing our national dignity and life. Wo tool assured that Gormnny will recogitlzo that our decision ngroes with loyal neutrality. Tho final Bottlomout ot tho status ot tho commnmloored vessels will bo settled whon poaco has boon do-clared." LAItOKIt NUMIlEIt OK VVORKKKH ITHIH COUNTY FINISH WORK - i-THAfc-IN ANY OTirEIPCOTNTY, HAY8 OKFfciAU; . v - . (From Wednesday's Dally.) More children who haro entered tho Industrial club work in Deschutea county will complete their work sue cossfully than In any other county in tho state, according to a statement by A. I. O'Reilly, fltato Industrial club loader, ot Corvallls, who haa been checking up the work in the county during the paat week. Mr. O'Reilly declared that tho showing in this county had been far above the average, and la urging that the ar rangements bo made for an exhibit at tho state fair, held in Salem. The percentage of children finishing tho work has been high, much more ao than in othor counties ot the state. SHOOT THE KAISER THURSDAY NIGHT (From Wednesday's Dally.) On Mrs. Roscoo Howard's lawn at Deschutes, which is to bo decorated with lantorns and bonfires, tomorrow night at 8:30 people of Deschutea county will havo an opportunity to "shoot tho kaiser" and at the name tlmo enjoy numerous other forms ot amusement besides aiding tho De schutes branch ot the Red Cross in purchasing knitting machines and knitting needles. Everyono is ex pected to bring their lunch in a shoe box and then tho shadow will be sold, at auction, the high bidder to tako the box and Its owner. All of tho necessary arrangements havo been completed for ono ot the big events ot the summer months, and auto parties from all-sections ot the county havo signified their will Ingncss to be in attendance. a DEVIL DOG m GETS SMOKES PARKER RECEIVES CARD FROM MARINE WHO GETS TOBACCO K(T WHILE UNDER SHELL FIRE AS NECESSARY AS FOOD (The Bulletin U deelrou of printing letter and cant rrcelred from the bojra "over there." Care will m exercUed In the return ot theae miailre to their owner, and the elimination ot any portion which the recipient doe not ueairc to nave in print.) Private Douglas Mlllburn, ono of tho "Devil Dogs" somewheVo in Franco, has recolved ono ot The nullotln tobacco kits and haa writ ten a card to F. T. Parkor, tho donor, thanking him tor tho donation. Pri vate Mlllburn's card is especially in teresting becauso ot tho fact that it was written July 2S, after tho allies had boon chasing tho "Hun in tho Solssons-Rhelms salient," and reads as follows: "I thank you, Mr. Parkor for a packago ot tobacco ro eolved whllo undor shell Are. Smokes aro as much ot a necessity for some ot us as food. Will gladly write you any dotalls you caro to know, It I am still In tho running and tho censor pormlts." - KEEPING YOUR PLEDGE S. 8. - Ruy your stamps early. Thoso - you purchase are evidence that - - you nro keeping your plodgo. You also nlodgod yourself to - economize during tho war. Tho - government Is requesting that - you do not buy articles not -- - necossary for your health and -- - efficiency. You will, theroby, reloaso both labor and material for tho manufacture of articles neodod to Biipport our bravo - boyB "ovor thoro," who are Just -- now so horolcnlly driving tho Huns back. They mako good tholr plodgo. Aro you kooplng YOURS? Buy all you can at- ford. R. W. SAWYER, County Chairman. WOULD PUT OREGON IN LEAD IN NATION. '- ';- t-a-i . Drive WJH Ha Hiudlod 'frt lUchutai Coanty Throw gft tho Wat Com mit trtcDdcgaUn From Each Hank la County WU1 Aid. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Plans announced at tho recont Llborty loan conference In Portland for putting Oregon in the lead in tho coming fourth loan drlvo were re ported to the Commercial club by C. 8. Hudson, Deschutes county chairman, at tho club lunchoon this noon. The drive will be handled through tho county war committee, according to Mr. Hudson, and the co-operation of every business man In tho city was asked. For the purposes of this drive a representative from each bank in the county will bo added to the committee. Although no quotas have yet been announced, Mr. Hudson stated that he expected to bo allottod about tho same amount that tho county had subscribed last April, and that with crops in and money easier It should not bo difficult to meet tho allot ment. Tho business session oponcd with a report from J. A. Eastcs of the fire protection committee, who suggested that a Portland flro apparatus dealer be invited to come to Dend and rec ommend what was needed in tho way ot flro protection. T. W. Carlon of the commlttco reported that ho had found tho city fire apparatus in bad shape. This apparently ended the discussion of this subject tor tho mooting, Mr. Hudson's statement following and Judge Eastes then bringing up the matter ot restocking our lakes and streams and maintain ing a fish hatchery. He moved the appointment of a committee, but in tho discussion that followed tho sub ject was lost, all tho spoakors turn ing back to the Are protection ques tion. This was brought to a bead by an offer ot President McKay ot tho city council to call a special meeting to go. over Are questions with tho Com mercial club commlttco, and whon Carl Johnson asked him to name his tlmo he set this ovonlng at 7:30. FLOWER SALE BRINGS SUM TO R. C. AUXILIARY (From Monday's Daily.) Salo ot flowers on tho street Sat urday afternoon and evening by young ladles tn Red Cross costume, representatives ot tho Arnold auxil iary of tho Bend chapter ot the Rod Cross, netted a sum ot ?5G for that branch. Tho sale commenced early in the afternoon and continued until lato In tho evonlng. Tho sum of ? 9 was raised by Mrs. Sottong from tho salo ot a bouquet ot roses which wero donated by & conductor on the S. P. & S., whose homo is at The Dalles. ENGALLS BACK FROM AN EVENTFUL TRIP Return From a Three Weeks' Jour ney to Huston IniprcMterf with War Activity In East. (From Wednesday's Dally.) W. T. Engalls, operator at tho Grand theatro, has Just returned from an eventful trip to Doston. Slightly ovor three weeks ago Mr. Engalls left for tho east for tho pur pose ot having an operation per formed and at tho same time visit with frlonds and rolatlvos In his boy hood homo. Ho mndo tho trip east without mishap, and undorwout tho operation. During his recovery tho doath ot two relatives occurred. He commenced his return Journey and was compelled to travel from Chi cago to Portland In a chair car, It being impossible for him to procuro stooping privileges on account of tho congestion of traffic. Mr. Engalls was much Improssed with tho military activity In tho east. Everything bears a military aspect, ho declares, and ono is Impressed with the magnitude ot the war on overy hand. W i.J.1