WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. t ?& VOL. XVI. MUNI), IMCHfUIIJTIM COUNTV, OllltfJO.V, 'J'lfptHDAV, Al'Ul'HT rvfitHH No. 2 1 BANK LOANS TO REST ROOM AT LAST ASSURED MUST PAY RED ILL ORGANIZE REGISTRARS IN COUNTY NAMED J. H. LEWIS MAY REMAIN ON JOB BE CURTAILED CROSS PLEDGES RELIEF SECTION t ONLY WAR ESSENTIALS TO RECEIVE FUNDS. .?. I ; C. H. HiiiImiii Outline Work of IVI- rrnl Ibwcrvfl Hnnkn l(4KinlfiifC I- hiiIiik 1'tiniU to Carry on Wnr Irrigation In DIncukmI. (From Wednesday's Dnlly.) Credits from banks In tlm twelfth reserve district will Im extended to only onnontlnls In wIiiiiIiik Dm wnr, according (o C. H. .Hudson, who wu tho mnln speaker t tha Commercial club lunch today. Mr. Hudson linit Just returned from frfnti Francisco, whoro hn nltondcd a mooting of tho linuknrn In thn twnlfth reserve dis trict, which Include nil of tho Pa cific conn stnlos. In thn futuro tint fediirnl reserve will' mnkn no recognition of thu hank's paper on lonim inndo for nny thing hut essentials, Mr. Iludnou stated thnt ho hnd alrtmdy notlriud III customer to this effect, iiutnmo. Iillo, runt tntati, Jewelry mid cloth Iiik ImiIiik Muted ah among thn non essential. In hi message to tho IiukIiuhn mini of llnnd Mr. Hudson Hpoko nt consldnrabln length on tha work which lit holriK dnini by thn fedora) reserve, and thu romoto pos nihility of thn country over. suffering n panic un long nit tho provliilonii of tho federal government In inaklnK unit accepting loans nro carried out, Ho defined clearly that tha recom mendation of thn bunkum of thn dis trict warn not mada with any Inton tlon of curtailing or Injuring busl no Industrie, but Juiit ns Impress Ivaly plari'd thn niattur boforu tha hutntN man, seeking thu curtail mont of all non-ceiitlnl credit and tint conservation of that which U rocogulxi'd an essential, IrrlKnllon Project DIwii'.wmI. II, J, Ovcrturf. 1', U. Johnson apd II. II. Do Armond nil brought to thu uttantlon of thu club thn proponed projact of Irrigating thn land of tha Mllllcnn valley wjth tint itourcu of water supply from Kant Inku. Mr. JohiiNon staled that It had boon dof lullnly learned that tho iiupply wo Hiifflrlcntly elevated to water all of thn landH of thu vnlloy, but what wait mont desired nt thn present tlmo wait usHlstiiiiro frotn tho fodnrnl govoru innnl through thu oogrnphlcnl mir vuy of determining If tho Hiipply would bu sufficient for thu purpose, Mini wnn xi'ukhiK thu co-operation of thu club In having n Hiirvuy of tho water of Kant luko madu. Upon thu motion of II, II, Do Armoiid, thn club wont on record nit being wIIIIiik to co-opornto In securing fodaral uld. l'lro CoiiiiiiIIIco llrlil Over. J. A. Hastes, chnlriniin of thu flro committee, ruportcd that ho had boon tinublo to havu n mooting of tho com mlttuu In ordar to complotu n ropart, but would inako such rupnrt nt tho noxl rtiKul.tr mooting, Frank II, (Irani of Portland wait in nttoudnuco nt tho mooting uml inndo n whorl nddrca. SCHOOL DAY ROMANCE ENDS WITH WEDDING (From TuoHdny'H Dally.) I CulmluatliiK a rnmnnco which bo Unn many yours ngo whuu both woro X'"dlnK Hchool, Mrs. A. V. Adams vtf ThormnpollH, Wyoming, nnd W, L, Cook of Fort Roclc' woro united' In wedlock yontordny nftoruoon nt tho Wright hotol In IIiIh city, llov. W. A. Wllllnms of tho Ohrlittlau church por forming tho coromony. All Men Who Have Become 21 Since June 5 of this Year Must Register on August 24 (From Wednosday'H Dally.) Tho next registration day for Amorlcnn boys who hnvo reached tho ngo of 21 yonra slnco Juno G Inst will bo hold on August 21, nccordlnu to an unnouncomont rocolvod horo by tho wnr bonrd todny. Tho tlmo of tho registration hns Just boon Hont out from tho ofllco of Gonornl Orowdor nt Washington, D. O, J, H, illnnor, saorotnry of tho po schutoa county war bonrd, announced (From Wednesday's Dnlly,) Aftor noviirnl moutliH' activity on tint part of prlvato citizens and mnmborii of tho Commurclnl club, plana worn 'completed yostordny by tha proporty nnd building commlttno of tho city council whereby u public rant room Is to ba established In tho city. Thn ninvo on thn pnrt of thn city cif Hnluln la tho outcome of n mooting hold with thu city fathom by n com mlttoii from thu Comunirclnl club nt tho Innt mooting of thu council. Yesterday afternoon, nfiur vIowIhk ninny vacant rooitiH In thu business district, tho cnuncllmun decided upon tho room formnrly occupied by tho Hunch I'rlntliiK company In tho Hphlor block on Minnesota avanuo. Thin room will bu fitted up for tho benefit of thn public, nnd nrrnngo merits mndn for their comfort. In addition to helm: used iih n rout room, thn council will relinquish lt loam on tint room In thu O'Kano building, nnd tho 1 35 pur month which In buliiK paid an rant thorn will bo diverted to tho paymuut of rant for tho rout room, thu council to hnve thu unu of tho room for thu monthly nnd special muutliiKN, No doflnltn data hn yut boon hrI whan tho roonm will bo opanud, but It In xpoctod that It will bo within a short tlmo, AMERICAN ARMY STILL GROWING WASHINGTON', Aur. H, General March, chief of titnrr, today an nounced that thuro nro now 31 com plete American iIIvInIouh In Franca. Thl it would bring thn total orKanlred furcot to oror 1,300,000 men, Uanurnl March announced thnt tho I'lcnrdy Bailout win now holnjc ro il u cod on n CO-mllo front to n H mllu dupth, niakltiK tho nuaroit point to l'arln tnoro thnn CO inllcn. (lenornl March mado an appoal for tho nllmlnatlon of tho word "Sammy" In HpoaklnK of tho American troops, declarliiR that tho Moldlorn thorn nalvim prefer to bit called "Yankn" nnd ronuntod tho flmt word, Tho 1.1 lot rcRlmnut of tha 33rd iIIvIhIoii, Illinois troops, was tho II mt Amurlcnn unit In the I'lcnrdy offens ive On July 31 In !M hours tho 2Klh division, composed of I'onriHylvaulo troops, suffurod 400 c.isuallloa near Dormnns. LOOK FOR YOUR ROY IN U. S. WAR FILMS When tho first United .States of ficial war 11 1 ut h. "PorshliiK'H Crusad ers," nro shown nt tho (Irtuid theatre you may seu your own particular 9a in my on tho screen. Others have duno ho and tho sIiowIuk of those films hns created an Immouso amount of lutorest nmoiiK those who havo relatives or friends now ut thn front. In tho recent showing of tho lllins In Cincinnati, Lieutenant It. Htanloy Davis, U. H. A., cnmmaudliiK an avia tion post "somowhuro In France," was recognized. Ills trlemlH discov ered him in thu aviation Hold pictures with u starter's Hag In his hand. Whllo tho pictures woro showing n lottor was received from him tolling of things "over thnro," Kvory mother, slator or sweothonrt with n soldier nt tho front should hud thoso latest plcturos. You may seo your boy over thuro. Look for him. this nftoruoon thnt tho roglstrntlou la to bo conducted under tho snmu ruloH as thnt of Juno ,5, All malca in tho county who hnvo attained thn ngo of 21 yonra since Juno 5 will bo compelled to roglstor nt this tlmo, nnd failure to do so will bo punish nhlo, Tho registration placo will bo ut tho circuit court rooms, in tho court Iioubo, tho doom of whloh will bo opon from 8 o'clock in tho morning until 0 o'clock tho samo ovonlng. OFFICIALS WILL TAKE ACTION. Mom Thau 97n) Itoinulim fntn 11)17 I'lodM YH. Ut Itn Paid Niimort of Tlnwo Falling Ut Vuy Will lltt PuIiIMmmI. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Payments on pledges for subscrip tion taken during thu second Itcd Cross war fund campaign In many In stances havo not yt been paid, ac cording to tho officials of tha Itcd Cross hero. Part of tho reason for this delay has been because no pub licity has been given thu matter, and tho public bus not boon informed as to whom and whoro tho payments nro to bo made. A delay In getting tha pledge cards alphabetically listed and In proper worknblo order so nn to facilitate tho work whan tha collec tions commence to coma in has mado this publicity Impossible. J, C Khodoi, secretary and treas urer of tho local chapter, who is also acting In tho capacity of war fund cashier, announced this morning that nt tho regular monthly meeting of tha cxecutlvo committee of tho Hem! chapter, August 12, ho was Instruct ed to tako whatever stops were neces sary to collect those subscriptions nnd wishes to make it known to thoso signing pledge cards that thoy can now mako their payments to him, either at his office or by mall. It was also called to tho attention of tho cxecutlvo committee that many who subscribed during tho drlva In May, 1917, had never mado their payments. There remains still outstanding about I7C0 In unpaid pledges. To a groat extont theso aro largo contributions mada by business homos nnd should have bcon paid long ago without tho local officers having to dovoto additional tlmo and work In collecting thorn. Theso sub scribers woro listed at tha tlmo along with all of tho others and recolvod duo crodlt for having mado .such do nations. It thoreforo Is an Injustice to tho many who hnvo paid ihelr plodgos for theso others to hold back and wnlt lor further nctlon to bo taken In collecting. Mr. Hhodos stntcd thnt nfter nn effort hnd been mado to collect these oldor subscrip tions ho was considering publishing tho names nnd nmnunts of thoso who had not paid, inasmuch as they had rccutved credit for giving in thu first placo and In fnlrnoss to thoso who had paid their full amounts. Tho samo condition exists In regard to thn salo of Hill, tho Ited Crocs sheep. Thnro nro sovornl who bid on Hill nnd who woro listed along with the others, showing tho amount of their bids, but who, so far, hnvo never paid in tho amount of their bids. Tho payments on tho pledges for tho last drive nro duo In four monthly Installments, bogliinlug July 1, nnd should nil bo paid In full on Octobor 1. It Is hoped thnt by this dato every subscription will have boon pnld for both drives and for tho sheep. ITALIAN OFFENSIVE , 'APPEARS IMMINENT WASHINGTON, Aug. 14, General Gugltolmottl, military attache to tho Italian embassy, mado n stntemont hero today In which ho declared that an Italian ofTonslvo in tho Alps np poars to bo Imminent. BOX SOCIAL WILL BE HELD AT DESCHUTES On Thursday evening, August 22, u box nodal will bo hold nt Deschutes for tho purpose of purchasing u knit ting machine to knit socks for sol diers. Tho nffnlr will bo given on Mrs. IIobcoo Howard's largo lawn. Kverybody Is Invited nnd tho lndlos nro nskod to bring supper for two In n box or bnskot. Instead of auction ing tho boxes, bids will bo mado on tho Bhndows of tho Indies, each gontloman choosing his pnrtnor by hor shadow on n scroon, Thu knlsor will bo thoro nnd nil who wish to destroy him will hnvo n oliaucQ to try tholr skill In killing him. Jncob'u woll will bo thoro, too, nnd Iloboccn will sorvo Its delicious noctnr. No hints will bo glvon of many of tho fentures of ontortnln mont, hut Joy is promlBOd to all. MUCH WORK WILL BE DONE LATER. Permanent Chairman niul HtxTOtiirjr Am in lio ApiwilntM letter Must Tako Hlx Weeks' Course nt HeatfJe. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Organization of n civilian rallof section of tho Hcnd chapter of tho Hod Cross was discussed nt consider able length nt tho regular meeting of tho executive board, held last night. During tho course of tho mooting It was pointed out tho no cosslty of tho organization in this county to tako caro of tho many do tails which nro arising nt home, many mora to como later as tho na tion becomes mora heavily Involved In tho world war. Working along this lino, J. P. Koycs, chairman of tho chapter, and J. C. Hhodcs, secretary, were author ized by tho board to appoint a per manent chairman and secretary for this work. When this choice is mado, whoever la appointed perma nent secretary Is required to make tho trip to Heattlo and tako n six wcoks' course In training at tho Uni vorilty of Washington, after which they will bo competent to carry on tho work expected. Tho chapter de frays all of tho expenses of tho trip nnd course, tho appolntuo being re quired to give tho tlmo only. In tho past tho work In tho county has been handled by II. II. DoArmond an chairman and Mrs. C. W. Hayes as sccrotary, but as neither of theso porsons was present at tho session It is not yet known whether thoy will accept tho permanent appointment, according to officers of tho chapter today. CARL SHUMAKER VISITS IN BEND MAKKH TOl'H THIIOUOII CKX- TitAL oui:;on o.v ins itirruiix l-'HOM 'J'ltlP OVKU KASTKH.V AND SOUTH HUN IMHTS. (From Tuesday's Daily.) On n tour of inspection of the gnmo preserves of tho stato and look ing ovor tho field with tho Intent of Improving hunting and fishing, Carl I). Shumaker, state fish nnd game wnrdou, In company with Fred Lans ing, deputy prosecuting nttoruoy of Portland, nnd Cloorso King, nrrlve.l In Hend yesterday afternoon, nnd nftor moating with membors of tho forest sorvlco nnd county officials, left this morning for Portland. Tho party had boon out from Port land for several weeks, traveling south by way of Eugeuo nnd Med io rd, thence to Klamath Falls through Southern and Hastorn Oro gon, nnd woro on their return Jour ney when thoy nrrlvod bore. In an lntervlovv last night, Mr. Shumaker showed consldorablo In terest In tho fishing haunts of Cen tral Oregon, nnd tnlked nt some length upon tho necessity of stocking tho stream nnd keeping them up to a standard whoro thoy might always bo of interest to tho sportsman. Ha had no suggestions to offor, nor would ho mako any promtsoa ns to what tho prospects for tho Immedlnto future woro. SUGAR CARD SYSTEM NOW ON OVER STATE (My United Trw to The IInd llullctln.) PORTLAND, Aug. 12. Stnto Food Administrator Ayor has announced to Oregon doalors tho establish ment of tho card systom, which Is doidgnod to provont tho ovor-buylng ot uugor nnd nlso to chock up on tho "ropontors," Tho card systom spoken ot In tho nbovo dispatch is tho samo mothod thnt hns boon omployod in Deschutos county during tho past four wooka, and sot in motion by County Food Administrator Hartrautt. (From Saturday's Dally.) All registrars for Deschutes county to havo chargo of tho registration of the. mcn bct,woon IS and 21 and 32 and 45, which In (o bo hold soma tlmo early In September, havo boon named by S. K. Ilobcrts, chairman of tho local draft board. Two dis tricts in tho county havo not yot had registrars appointed, but theso will ba mado within tho next fow days. In practically ovcry lnitanco tho mon named to fill tho places at this registration aro tho samo as those named for 1917. Mr. Hoborts has mado theso appointments becauso of tho familiarity of tho men with tho work which must bo done. Each registrar named by tho chairman of tho board will in turn namo as many assistants as ho may deem necessary to aid him in tho work, on tho basis of ono assistant for each additional 80 men to register. Tho following Is tho list of thoso named by Chairman Roberts: Bond, District No. 1, J. F. Arnold. Hond, District No. 2, W. It. Speck. Hcnd, District No. 3, J. J. Cunning ham. Hond, District No. A, J. C. Rhodes. Hend, District No. 6, W. C. Stew art. Hend, District No. C, G. L. Moore. La Pino, District No. 7, F. W. Tomes. Lava, District No. 8, Fred A. Shon qucst. West Sldo, District No. 9, not named. Awbroy, ; District No. 10, not named. Tumalo, District No. 11, Fred N. Wallace. Plalnviow, District No. 12, N. W. Knlckcnbackcr. Sisters, District No. 1', J. D. Dow man. Lower Brldgo, District No. 14, A. S. Holmes. Torrobonno, District No. 15, N'. H. Elliott. Redmond, District No. 16, Jerry Moore. Tetberow, District No. 17, J. O. Hansen. ' jM d CHno Falls, DistricrNo. 18fj. W. Wright. Deschutes, District No. 19, W. P. Gift. Alfalfa, District No. 20, George Oglo. Grango, District No. 21, Julius Peterson. Mllllcan, District No. 22, P. B. Johnson. Urothors, District No. 23, P. II. Coffey. Hampton, District No. 24, Elmer M. Peck. State Health Officer Recommends a General Cleanup for This City (From Wednesdays Dally.) That tho city officials bo Informed ot tho unsanitary conditions of Hend ns found by tho stnto, county nud city health officials on a recent tour of tho city Is tho recommendation mado by Dr. Robort E. L. Holt in a communication to Dr. J. C. Vande vort, city health office, a part of which reads as follows: I am satisfied that tho epidemic ot Intestinal troublo In your city Is nono othor than bnclllary dysontnry. SInco tho laboratory find ings rollovo tho wator supply ot tho causo, I bellovo under tho circum stances It would bo unnecessary to look beyond tho general unsanitary conditions in your city for tho causo of tho troublo. I would suggest thnt you thoreforo meet with tho city officials and acquaint thorn officially on tho unsanitary conditions found by us ot our tour ot inspection last Friday. You will urgo thorn to tako lmmcdiato stops to mako tho placo safe for children to llvo In. Should Mako Provision. "Tho city board of honlth should mako soma provision for tho city health officer, who If ho doos his duty would hnvo nothing but grlof and condemnation from nn unnppro clatlvo public, Livery Hum Monaco. "Tho llvory barn In tho contor of your city should, I bollovo, rocelvo tho most Important consideration, as THE GOVERNOR -MAKES THIS FACT KNOWN. Vrchtmt Htato Engineer Is to no R- flucUxl to Itoiain HI Present Situation After tho First of tho Year. (SpUl to Tb Ilallttln.) SALEM, Aug. 15. Governor Wlthycomba has surprised everybody with a declaration that if ho wishes It, John II. Lowls, present stato en gineer, may remain on tho Job aftor tho expiration of his present torm and receive tho appointment to tho position which will fall to tho lot of tho cxecutlvo on January 5. Mr. Lewis has been flirting with soma other Jobs and if things go right ho probably will retire from tho stato servlco after sovcral years of con stant attention, particularly to the irrigation end of engineering. Tho surpriso catno from tho fact that la tho old daya tho governor and Lowls did not Jibe a bit regardnlg hlghway mattors when Lewis was stato high way engineer as well as stato engi neer and mention of that fact brings up recollections of soma unpleasant seances at tho capitol in tho old days. Dut tho governor declares that ha will not allow his personal feelings to override tho fact that Lowls is & thoroughly capablo and efficient irri gation engineer and that his experi ence with stato projects makes him a doubly valuablo man at a tlmo whea It seems as though thcro Is really somo chanco for laying out the plans at least for extensive Irrigation de velopment. Deschutes Interested. Particularly is Deschutes valloy In terested in this appointment, as with a largo vision 'Mr. Lewis has dipped into tho future and has outlined a plan which would mean the recusa tion of 200,000 acres in Central Oregon, with Dond tho very heart and soul of the Immenso region. Mr. Lewis has tho outllno of this plan at his fingertips and tho gov ernor Is inclined to colncido with tho eventual success of such a plan, although realizing that considerable tlmo would be essential in its devel opment. At any rato the very success ot that gigantic proposition doponds largely upon who Is stato engineer, and tho selection ot tho governor will bo watched with anxious eyes by Central Oregon people. Tho cx ecutlvo states that there havo been a number of applications tor the placo nnd that among them aro somo (Continued on Pago 4.) tho brooding placo for tho billions ot tiles which visit tho opon toilets and from thoro to tho food, whore tho deadly organisms gain entrance to tho delicate Intestinal tracts ot children, who frequently succumb to tho disease, regardless of treatment. Indeed tho physicians ot Hend should bo congratulated that tho death rate among children has not beon groator than tho records show. Of course tho best way to clean tho barn la quostlon would bo to burn It with Its many months' accumulation ot man ure and piles of straw. This would bo Impossible without much time spent In an attempt to educate Its owner ot tho danger to tho health of tho community. Tho council, through, tho chlof ot police, should seo that tho placo is cleaned thoroughly not Iosb than every 24 hours, "Tho city should requlro all prem ises not -attached to regular sower to havo somo form ot a sanitary toilet, fly proof. All places handling foodstuff for salo should koop same proporly screened. " Appended tq this, Dr. Holt has quoted from tho stato law, which protects tho Doschutes river' from rubbish or pollution ot any kind. Dr, Vnndovort this morning stated that ho would tako tho matter up with tho city officials at tha earliest posslblo momont and mako an effort to hnvo tho recommendations ot tha stato hoalth pfflcor carried out-;