I1HND IIULLKTIN, IJKNI) OHKttON, TIIURHDAV, AVUVHT 8, I01H PAOK 7 I 3 LAUNER LAUDS AND CONDEMNS PRAISES WILSON AND DAMNS OPERATORS. Deliver HtlrrliiK Atldnvm itrforc Cnmil of Owr Two lliimtml I Union ,Mtu nt 1IIimmIiiiiio (From Katimlny's Daily.) Coiidoiuniitlou or llio offlulnlH nml tho timtluiiln wuployod by thinn of- ilrliitn In (lii)lr uffortit to bronk up thn Pulp and I'opur Mnkiirn' union nl Oroijou City, and IiIkIx-hI prulnii (or l'rnalituiit Wllnou, tho fmlnrnl wnr labor board nml iiii'dlntlon commit torn built tint foundation for tint ad IrouM of K. Kd. Iauunr, corrnnpond lng nocrntury for thu MtrlkliiK work urn nt tli lllppodroinii ItiHt iiIkIiI. Mr. 1. minor commwicud Ii!h uddroit tiy tuldiiK up Hi" dntulU of conditions which luid IdiI to tho orK'iiilzutlon of tlio unlonn. He Htiitwl tho twin had bona workliu: II and 13 hour pur day, mivmi duys noch wcok, and In tlwlr ulTort to socuru bnttor condl tloim tho roriuatlou of tin union wan oouiuinucitil, mill an noon ntt tint opnr ntorx hmird of thin tho mtrii worn lm iiiudlnlidy dlHclinrK"d. All iifforU, bo doclitrml, to sucuro a InmrhiK with thoiu had luMtn In vain, thu offlrlnU rttfiiHluK to intuit with a eomtnlttfii of tho workluRtiiitn or to conditio any points, I'ntvlnun to lb" Htrlkn, tint workum uppwilud to tho KOVitruuiDUl inodln tlou couiuilttiiK, which wim tlniu on thu count, ankliiK tlntlr Inti'rei'iwloii and tho rkht to oritniilzo, duclnrliiK that limy weni not In favor of Mrlk liiK durltiK a war purlod. Membitrn of tho cotiitulttitit nddriiNHiid nwiitliiKS of tho ntrlkim, hut rould not obtain pli'dtiON frojn lint mill iipnratorn, who worn brliiKliiK non-union mini Into tho Hold to tnko tho placim of thu union uii'ii, iivnn novrral wuvl: bo font tint Htrlku hnd biiun di'clnritd. TIiimiii unii-uulnn inmi worn com linlli'd to nlr.ii voutrartH whiTidiy thity iiKri'inl not to bt'loiic to a union dur liiK thnlr employ by tint company. Aftnr lint Htrlku had boon forced upon i bo men In October of limt year. ucrordliu: to Mr. I.nuuer, tint mattur wiih I ak nil up with tint federal labor board, ,who Hunuuonnd thu operator to appear bnfont tint board. TIiIm, bo declared, tho operator bad ro fused to do, flmt on tint prctiuiHu that a rail hnil iiuvnr biiun litnuml to llioin, and Intur when thin wan disproved thoy duclarod tbny woubr not appear linforu any board, "l)nvelopinintn, bownvnr," Mild tint speaker, "how that they did apponr Iwforo tho board, bncauiio whini Unci" Hanimy tolls some mi" to do MOinuthliiK tlntae days, It linn to bo doint." Mr. I.iiunur duclured that In thulr npptKil to tint war labor board, tho' moil bad promlMdd that any provlitlon iiiado by tho board would bo odhiirred to by tliHin. Tlmy would Kit hack under any conditions named by tint fndornl authorltluH, hu mild, nnytlilni; to Htop tint Htrlku unit troublu dur Iiik war tlmoM. In closing IiIh romarks Mr. Launnr paid hlKh trlhutu to l'rimldnnt Wll tton and tho war labor board and thu lundliitlon I'ommlttLMiH, which had on dorsud tho iIhiuiiuiIk nmilci by tho ttlrlkurs, mid brundud tint mill own or aH utipiilrlotlc, II" told of thu linrilHlilpN which had bnon Hiirftirod by thu HtrlkiTH, and thulr loyalty to thu cniiHU, k'vIuk InHtnnnm of whom inon had nold tlmlr furulturu In ordor to kiMiji up thulr nml and whnruothur tuui hnd kIvuii thu umt of tliolr auto mohlluH fruo of chnrKU In convoyliiK thu Htrlkom to work In Portland at thu HhlpyardM nud nthur pliu'im. Tho npuakor Hpoku vnry brlully on tlio actlvltlPH of tho Ij. I.. L. I... inuk Iiik no roniarkH which wore not to bo vnnnldnrtid prnlHu. At thu coucliiulnn of tho addrcHH, thu union nion In nt titiulaui'u, Homo 1!00, miulu cnutrlbii- tlona to thu hnniillt of thu utrlkurs. SAYS SAGEBRUSH ORCHESTRA COMING (Itarni-y County Trillium.) Tho fliiKubruuh orchoHtru Iiiih boon Invited to fumlsli iiuihIo for a IiIk ntlilotlo occiihIoii Suptombur 1-1, nc oonlln.t; to A. WhlHiinut, Hucrotnry of tho Ilond Athtutlo olub, who wuh Intro Tuohdny for tho purposo of mnk Iiik tho nuccusiiry nrraneomouts with IMrs. Dodco. Tho fa in o of tula wonderful mimi cal orKiiiilzntlnn In rapidly Bprcadliu; und Invitation to play at Ilond In rocoKiiltlon of thulr ability. Kn "lilt; nthlotlo occasion" In jilanuod by tho 1). A, A, 0. for Sop tombor 14, according to Carl A. Johnson, ltroatdont of tho club, FAMOUS FILMS COME TO GRAND MA.VAMKK IK.'DOW IIOOKH !OIl "MM .MIHHKAIIIiKH," "HAIXJMK" and i:.i'iii:h. iio()Hi:vi:ir in rATIUOTIO I'KATUUKH. (Krom Tunmlny'H Dally,) K. L, Murk, mpmHontatlvo of thu Vox Film corporation, wan In Ilitnd yimtnrday vMUIiik with h. C. Iludow, mauiiKur of thu Grand thuatru. Dur ing Mr. Ilurk'H ntay Intro Mr, Iludow hook ud "Loft MlmiarhloH," tint ncroon production of Victor IIiiko'n nmiitor plitco. Thin In a plcturo production that will nppimt to all, Thu Ktory linn bitnn trannlntod Into nil lanKUOKon and In rocoKnUud by nil niitlonn an oiio of tint nmatonl ntorlun nvnr writ tun, and In ono of tho mont vivid draman of humanity ovor portrayid, Ono of thu bent characturn In thu hlntnry of lltunituru In Juan Vnljuan, Intro of thn Ktory. Thin part In por trnyod by William Knrnum, ono of tho Kri'atnnl nctorn In ncronn llfu to day, Whllo no dcflnlto dntu hnn yot bui'ii nrrnnKcd for thu nhowltiK of thin plcturo, It In uxpuctud that It will ar rlvn within tint iinnr futuru, llonldi'ri "Lon MlHiirublun," Man ai;itr Itudow ban hIno nrratiKud for tint pntHciitiitloii of "Halomo." Thin In iinotbcr Krcat film portrnynl, of a woudurful hook. In addition to thin, itx-l'runldnnt Itoonuvult li to bo nuvn nl tint nn in it tlnutru In nuvural patrU otic plcturcn, Mount of which aro "Foar (Jod but Do Your Part" and 'Tut tho Flnx on thu FlrliiK l.lnu." BOY SCOUTS TO AID UNCLE SAM .MANV WAH ACI'IVITIIM A HK ria.NNi:ii iok Tin: coming WINTKH OIUJANIZ.TION IS COMI'MCT! Dllll.li Tl'IDAV. (From Thurndny'fl Dally.) Mnuy activities of n war nature, whereby tho Hoy Kcoutn nru to nhow thu wplrlt of thu tlmun and aid In tint wluuliiK of tho war, wore planned nt n im-utliiK of thu orKnnlznllon In thin city Tucnday night. At thu nanio mnutlitK tho final and cnmpluto or Kanlratloti of tho Hoy Kcoutn took idacu, thu rankn buliiK flllud. In tho futuru no mumhurn will bu received uxcopl an vncnncleH occur. On Ttiunday evenliiK of next week tint boyn will mrut for thulr weekly drill, and provision hnvn been umde for thu admittance of thu pttrontii and frluudn of tho boyn to bu present nt thin meotliiK. Thu followliiK per Houuiil of tint patrol nml patrol load urn linn been announced by Scout mnntur V. (. .Stewart: Coyoto I'atiol, No. 1. Ilonnld Helium, patrol leader; I.oyd Illakoly, Ovid Kvann, I.onter Hiultli, Harold Dnvln, Mertou Keller, lluhl Orel), Paul DnnlelH.. Owl Patrol, No. 2. llrtico Mc OnKOr, patrol leader; Gerald Nil in born, l.avoruo Whltmore, Warren lllrdsall, Aulln Strand, Tlioinnn Go Iiik. Duncan McKay, Gerald lllckn. KiikIu Patrol, No. II. Kdmoud Kellor, patrol loader; Merrill lloovor, Jiihho HexburK, Ted Gllnou, David Green, I.oydo Smith, ChnrleH Corbett, LuhIIo HalvurHOii. Wolf Patrol, No. 4. Paul Hoy nolilH, patrol lender; Cocll Fish, Her bert HouKutallluK, Stewart Itae, Loo nard Govo, Hollo White, Leu IlaiiK man, Krwln Wolnecku. Lion Patrol, No. G. Dalit Uarnra, patrol leader; Illiino Orell, Jamca Ilond, Ted MeiiKher, Lylo Audoraoii, Klinor Smith, John Culdwoll, Arnold Johuann, Hear Patrol (Junior), No. C Ilrlco Schull, patrol leader; ICarlu IlarnoH, VIpkII Ilonklo, Hoburt Koyea, I.ylo Weat, lOnrl Oorkett, Dick Cnn nam, Konnoth Solea, illanley Palmer. JIUKlnnliiK AiiKUHt 1 tho boys will pay UG routH pur month duea. Tills will go Into a Konoral fund to bo paid out UB needed. Tho troop moeta each TucHilny ovonlnu nt 0:110 to 8. Drills of nil aorta are hold, MARINE AGE LIMIT AHEAD FOUR YEARS (From Baturday'a Dally.) Tho ngo limit in tho Marines has boon raised four years. Thla wna tho notification rocotvod by Sorgoaut Drooka of tho local Marino recruiting station, 20 O'Kano building, thla morning. Applicants up to 40 yoara of ngo may now bocomo mombora, whllo 30 wua thu former limit, SULPHUR CLUB IS HKHIIrH OK I'ltKHKNT HKAHO.N HIIOW IT TO III: O.VK OK TIIK lllT AM'AM-'A l'i:KTII,IZi:it.H UHICI) IN THK COUNTV. (From Mondny'H Dally.) A nulpliur-nlfnlfit club ban boon formed by County Agricultural AkoiiI It. A. Ward for thu purpose of IncrnaHliiK thu una of sulphur an an alfalfa fertilizer nml Increasing thn nlfnlfa production of Central OroKon. Tim prenent Hoanon's rrnultH nhow It to bu a wonderful fertilizer for nlfnlfa, nml nupurlor and cheaper to other crop ntlmulnntn now in unit. Farmers who havo boon usIiik both sulphur and land planter havo decided to discontinue thu una of land planter provided thu sulphur can hn secured at a reanonnblo flKuro, Thu results obtained on throe of tho ranches where thu sulphur was ap plied over n year uro, and whoro without a second application tho first cutting of nlfulfa thin year showed nn Increased yield ratiKliiR from 80 to lift per cent., havo won many al falfa farmers to tho sulphur Idea. Am a result of tho county agent's co-operallvo sulphur demonstrations, orders for over 10 tons of sulphur for UNO next sprliiK hnyn been re celved by Mr. Ward. One of tho mont enthusiastic sulphur users In It. K. Grimes of thu Pilot Ilutto ranch, near Ilond. Mr. Grimes has used several tons of sulphur und is thu largest shipper In next spring's shipment. As a result of his activ ities with 'sulphur, Mr. Grimes hnn been mndo president of tho Sulphur Alfalfa club. Tho vlcu prosldent of tho club and nlso ono of tho directors Is M. )-:. I.nndls of Itndmond, on whose ranch thu phenomenal cutting of alfalfa on sulphur treated ground wan obtained this spring. Thin plot, although treated with sulphur in May, 1017, gavu n yield showing nn Increase of MC per cent, over tho untrontod check plot. County Agent Ward In secretarytreanurcr and busi ness mnuaxcr of tho now organiza tion. ICnch mombor agrees to purchase at leant G00 pounds of sulphur, pro viding tho price does not exceed $5 per hundred pounds, and to apply It nt thu j-ntu of 100 pounds to thu acre on five ncren of good alfalfa. Tho mombor also agrees to compare his results on tho sulphur trontod plot with a flvo-acru untreated check plot of nlfnlfa nud to report tho yields to tho county agricultural agent. Tho memborshlp campaign closes January 1, 1919, and by that time It Is hoped ovary progrosslvo alfalfa grower In Crook nud Deschutes counties will become n member. Tho movement If actively supported will mean nn In crease of soverul thousand tons of nlfalfn hay next fall, which will, of course, menu more money to the farmers, more money In tho banks, morn Htock nud bettor business con ditions generally,. Gained 15 Pounds and Troubles End Only Wclt-lntl VJM Pounds When lie lliKuii TnkliiK Tnulnc -Now Weighs 111. "Hesldes getting complete relief from my awful suffering I have actu ally gained llfteen pounds, so you may know by that what I think or Tnnlac," said Nicholas Zimmerman, recently. Mr. Zimmerman la em ployed nt tho Anderson shipyards and lives In Klrkland, Just across tho lnko from Seattle, Wnah, "For yoara," ho continued, "my stomach was In such n bad condition that I could hardly digest anything. What I would eat seemed to lodge about half way down my cheat, form a lump t lint felt about as big as my list and would Just flay there. Tho pain was terrible, und I could hardly boar to touch myself nt thn pit of my stomach nt nil. I couldn't work, nud was Just barely ublo to stay around my llttlo plnce, whoro I rained chickens. My back, right under my ahnuldora hurt mo, and I had such fearful headaches that I couldn't koep still. I got bo I could hardly oat anything nud was bo nervous I could scarcely sleep nt nil. I had fallon off until I weighed only ono hundred and twenty-six pounds, nud was In auuh n bad fix that I hadn't boon nblu to do any work for some time. "Then Tniilao camo along nnd nftor rendliiig aomo of tho testi monials describing cases similar to inliio I decldod to try it nud It has nlmoHt mndo n now man of mo. lto foro I had finished my llrat bottlo I commoncod to fuol good roaulta nud ovor aluco thou things havo gone nlong lino with mo. I don't bollovo I havo had a hoadaoho since I finished that drat bottlo ami my norvoa are atondy na n clock, I sloop na sound ns n dollar, my nppotlto la great, nnd I can oat Just nnytiung I want witn nnt HUfrorlnir n nnrtlclo nttorwnrd, I havo boon back on tho Job now for1 ORGANIZED Mix weeks, novor missing n day, and I don't mind my work In tho least. I now -weigh ono hundred nnd forty ono pounds, which gives mo n gain of fifteen poundn, I simply feci splendid and Tnulnc gets nil the credit Tanlnc In great modlclno, nud I can conscientiously recommend It to everybody becauno of whnt It lion done for mo." Tnnlac In sold In Ilond by tho Owl Pharmacy, and In Sinters by Geo. K, Altkon Adv. GIVEN FINE OF $15 AND COSTS (From Monday's Dally.) Dell Guffy was fined $1G and costs In Judgo Kantes' court Saturday, after being arraigned on a charge of nnnault nnd battery, tho charges be ing preferred by J. V. Wilson, whom Guffy attacked on Friday morning, following an altercation about load ing n wagon. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK OK CONTKHT. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office, Lakevlow, Oregon, July 22, 1918. To Joseph Olza, cam of II. P. Mlnter, Ilond, Oregon, Contested You nru hereby notified that An tonl SzadJowlcz, who gives Homstad Valley, Oregon, as his postofflco ad dress, did on July 22, 1918, file in tins ornco His duly corroborated ap plication to contest and securo the cancellation of your homestead entry, serlnl No. 0740C. mado March 27, 19H. for SKU. BBWM. Sec. 30, Wl48Wt, Sec. 29, township 22 8.. Hango 17 I-:.. Wlllamotto Meridian, nnd as grounds for his contest ho alleges that said Joseph Olza has abandoned said claim for moro than six months last past; that said entry man's nbsenco from and failure to cultivate nnld land wan not duo to his employment In tho army, navy or Marino corps, or other organization described In tho Act of July 28, 1917, or elsowhero, and that said nbsonco from tho land was not duo to tho entry-man's employment In military service rendered In connection with operations In Mexico, or along the borders thereof, or In mobilization camps elsowhero. In tho military or nnval organizations of tho United States or tho National Guard of any of the several states. You are, therefore, further notified that thn said allegations will bo taken as confessed, nnd your said entry will bo canceled without fur ther right to bo heard, either before this offlco or on appeal. If you fall to fllo In this offlco -within twenty days after tho fourth publication of this notlco, as shown below, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to theso allegations of con tost, together with duo proof that you havo sorved a copy of your an swer on tho said contestant either In person or by registered mall. You should state In your answer tho nnmo of tho postofflco to which you deslro further notices to bo sent to you. JAS. F. nUItGESS. Rcclster Dato of first publication, August 1,1 1918. Dato of second publication, Au gust 8, 1918. I Dnto of third piiblloatlon, August; 1G. 1918. I Dato of fourth publication, August 22, 1918. 22-2GC NOTICi:. ' In tho County Court of the Stato of Oregon, for Deschutos Countv. ' In tho Mnttor of tho F.stato of Jesslo Menu Thayor, Doceasod. Notlco la hereby gives that the undersigned was on tho 12th dnv of July. 1918, duly appolntod executrix of tho last will nud testnmont of Jesslo Hello Thayor, doceasod. All persons Having claims ugn Inst tho estatu nru horebv not lied to nrosont tho anmo duly verified In tho manner provided by law within s x months from tho dntu of tho first publication or this notlco nt tho office of II. C. Kills, In tho First National Dank building, Ilond, Deschutos county, Oregon, Dato of first publication, July IS, 1918. MA11KL K. STHINGEH. Kxocutrlx or tho Last Will and Tostamont or Jessie Hello Thayor, Doceasod. 20-23t NOTICi: TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court of tho Stnto of Oregon, for tho County of Do achutea. In tho Matter or tho Estate or Mary J. Canada, Deceased. Notlco la hereby Iven that tho undersigned has been appointed exec utrix or tho eatnto or Mary J. Cannda, deconsod, nnd nil porsona having clalma ngnlnat tho ostato or tho said Mary J. Canada aro hereby notified to preaont tho aamo. duly verified ob required by law, nt tho olflcu or E. O. Stndtor In tho First National Hank Hulldlng in Ilond, Deschutes county, Oregon, within six months from tho dnto or tho llrat publication or this notlco, Dato or tho drat publication of thl3 notlco, August 1, 1D1S. ELLEN D. SANDERSON, Executrix, E. O. STADTER. 22-2Ge Attorney ror Executrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho County Court or tho Stato or Orogon, ror tho County or Do Bchutos, In tho 'Mnttor or tho Eatnto or Vernon A. Forbes, Deceased. Notlco is horoby lvon that Anno Forbes was, on tho 23rd day of July, 191S, appointed administratrix of tho oatato of Vernon A. Forboa, doconaed, nnd nil poraous having clalma against oald oatato nro horoby notified to pro sent Bamo to said administratrix nt Ilond, Orogon, vorillod as roqulred by law, within six months of tho dato of tho llrat publication ot this no tice Dato of llrat publication, July 25, 1018. , , ANNH FORnES, Administratrix ot tho Eatnto ot Ver non A. Forboa, Doconaod. 21-25o N'OTICIJ. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of tho Kstnto of Ed ward C. I'onroso, Deconsed. Notlco Is horoby gives that tho undorslgncd wan on tho 12th day of July, 1918, appointed administrator with tho will annexed of tho cstato of Edward C. Ponroso, docoanod. All pnmons having clalmn against tho ostato aro horoby notified to prcsont tho sarno duly verified In tho manner provided by law within six months of tho dato of tho first publication of this notlco at tho oMco of A. J. Mooro, In tho Log Cabin building, Dend, Deschutes County, Orogon. Dato of first publication. July 18, 1918. II. C. ELLIS. Administrator with tho Will Annexed of tho Estate, of Ed ward C. Ponroso, Doceasod, 2023c SUMMONS. In tho Justlco Court for the District of Ilond, Deschutes County, Oro gon. Mary E. Hoover, doing business as tho Universal Garage, plaintiff, vs. F. P. Drako, dofondant. To F. P. Drako. tho above named defendant: In tho Namo of tho Stato of Oregon you nro horoby re quired to appear and answer tho com plaint In tho above entitled action on or beforo August 8th, 1918, that dato bolng six weeks after tho first pub lication of this summons, or for -want thereof tho plaintiff will take Judg ment against you for $14.24 with in terest thereon at C from Jan. 1st, 1918, and tho costs and disburse ments of this action. J. A. EASTE8, Justlco of tho Peace. A. J. MOORE, 17-23p Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for tho County of De Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Luth, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd nil kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Suod-xd Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Catting for Power Trammiiaton Machinery; Wood Pipe Fitting. Grate Bar. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards R. S. HAMILTON ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Rooms 13-1C First National Rank Dldg. Tel. 511 (Dr. Co Former OOlcf.) H. H. DeARMOND Ii A W Y E It O'Kano Building, Bond, Oregon H. O. 23 L LI 8 Attorney-t-LT United SUtca Commissioner First National Bnnk Building BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Sulto C-8-10, O'Kano Building Bond, ... Orogon DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire ot THORSON, THE JEWELER Eastes-Anderson Irrigated Farm GENERAL First National Dank Duildiog 124 schutes, C. S. Hudson, plalntlfT, vs. John W. Hakor, Alllo N, Uakor. also known, as A. N. Ilnkor; William Snell, Hedmond Bank of Commorco, a corporation; George W. WImor, trustee nnd C. W. Bhrot, O. N. Ehrot nnd II. Ehrot, co-partnora doing business undor tho firm namo nnd stylo or Ehrot Ilros., de fendant:!. To C. W. Ehrot, C, N. Ehrot and II. Ehrot, co-partners, doing bustnoss undor tho firm namo nnd stylo of Ehrot Ilros.: In thn Namo of the Stato of Oregon, you nro horoby re quired to appear and answer tho com plaint filed against you In tho nbora ontlttcd suit, within six wooks after tho dato of tho first publication ot this summons, to-wlt: On or boforo tho 9th day of August, 1918, nnd If you fall so to do. for want thereof tho plaintiff will tako Judgment against you and will apply to the court for the roller demanded In tho complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decrco that tho plaintiff Is tho ownor In fco slraplo of tho 8W4 of Section Twenty (20), Township Sixteen (16) South of Range Elevea (11) East, W. M., Deschutes County, Orogon, and that tho defendants havo not, nor either of them, or any other person, other; than tho plaintiff, any right, title, estate. Interest In or Ilea or clalm upon tho said roal proporty, or any part thereof, and that plain tiff's titlo to said real property bs sllonccd against said defendants and each of them, or any persons claim ing any Interest therein, and for rack other relief as to tho court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof la tho Dend Bulletin for slz successive weeks by vlrtuo of an order mado by T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo of the abovo en titled court, on the Cth day of June, 1918. Date of tho first publication, Juno 27, 1918; last publlcatloa August 8, 1918. 17-23c VERNON A. FORDE8, Attorney for tho Plaintiff. Postofflco Address: Bond, Oregon. BEND. OREGON. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. LL. Arcliltcct 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND --- OREGON O. P. NI8WONOER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady Asst DR. R. D. STOWELL Nnprapathlc Physician OTor Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 5 Phone Red 402 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Htortf tat Forwirdlnt;, Gtairal C nlulaa VtrclunU. W ctrrr OU, GtMUnt, 8nr, rUor, Ball UtaU, Utmi, Uacea end Lard. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGB ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITH3 Farm Land Co. Lands a Specialty INSURANCE Oregon Street Bend, Ortgoa