The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 08, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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3, p. Cameron of Portland Ik rcclu
toroii nt tho Pilot Ilutto.
10, (I. Woodward or Portland Ifl a
bimlneHH vlnltor in tho cloy.1-'
Claude Hlowart of Fremont in In
f lie city traiiHactliiK biiMliiCHH,
'Mm. Ha rah Abel of Hcdmond waH
In Ilnnd litNt iiIkIU vlnltlii); with
M. C Athey, ornployad on thu Ma
draH Pioneer, woh vIhIHiij; with
frlomlH In thu city yoxturduy,
F. K. Walter of IluriiH arrived In
Ilond IIiIh morning on IiIh return
homo after RpendltiK Muvorul dayn In
0UH Btadljf of Lowor Ilridsp Ifl n
bUHln,(!HH vlHltor In tho city.
A, J. nnd C, I, Hurnmom of Ho
nntizn nro In tho city on 1)iiglnc,
Lieut, H, A. PaaKO of Hurim paused
throiiKh (lend yoHturdny on IiIh way
to Portland.
H. If. Kllcoro, accompanied by
Mm. KIlKnro nnd tho children, Ih In
tho city from bin homo at Clovcrdalo.
Ilev. Weeton F, HhleldH passed
throucli Hood yoHtorday on IiIh way
to flurriH after HpendlnK Hoveral dayH
at KuRene.
Daughter's School Clothes Must be
Made, and Mother Thinks Now a
Good Time to Start
Ncwh in Brief.
Wiffl) HUMiKffN, lll4N! OllKa6S, THUIWDAY, AUGIJHT H, 4rfi8
I mil f&n $ n8 fi"0 wcath-
I HI l'iiB?v!v-. Bl er an uso an
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Dan Holsing In In the city (rum tint
MntolhiH transacting business.
J. V. Williams or Prlnovlllo WIIH ft
business visitor In (ho city yesterday
N. 0. Newblll of Orlzrloy In in
(ho I'lty today transacting business,
(). C. Ilonkln nml fuinlty hnvo goii'
to Crescent luko for several weeks'
Mr. unit Mm, Jerry Monro of Red
mond woro visiting with friends In
tho rlty last night.
It. W. Hawyor loft this rnornltiK to
attend tho Htuto Editorial nssoclu
(Ion meeting ut Marshfleld.
H. H. Ilarrnlsou of Wolnor. Muho,
urrlvoil last nlKlit nml will ronmlii
hero Homo tltno on business,
Leo A. Thomas arrived yesterday
from Portland, whnro ho him boon
for tho jiiiHt sovornl week.
It. II. Mutzlg arrived yesterday
morning from I'ortlnnd mid will ro
tiiiilu for nmnu tlmo looking after hi
business Interests hero.
Harry Monroo of Gateway, accom
panied by Mm. Monroo and tho chil
dren, juiHHcd through llutid thin
inornliiK for it several ucokn' visit on
tho upper Deschutes,
It. II. Doyarmoud and family hnvo
returned from a two mouths' auto
trip to California, comliiK l over
tho MrKunxlo pnss road. Mr. Do
yarmond reports that tho recent
ralmt hnvo mndo tho rondN on tho
v,el side of tho nuigo practically
city thin morning. Mr. Busby Ih on
IiIk way to I'orthuid, whoro ho will
onllut In tho army.
W. K, Lyllo or Paulino pnssod
throiiKh Mend thlit inornliiK on IiIh
way to Prlnnvlllo, whoro ho linn been
called by tho lornl hoard.
It. M. Hmlth loft Inm night for Chi
ciiko, whom ho expects to accept a
jiohUIou with Mamhnll Field & Co,,
probably being tislgiiod won torn tur
rit ory.
C. H. MiidKon loft lust night for
Hail Francisco to attond a Liberty
loan mooting, Instead of waltliiK until
tonklit iih orglnully planned. Mm,
Hudson accompanied him.
Dr. Tumor, specialist of I'ort
lnnd, will lio In Hood nKnln Friday,
August 10, nt Thomou'N Jowulry
Mtoro. Ohm day only. Adv 23-24c,
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
A. II. Gortson or Silver Lnko In In
tho city on business.
Jack Hnrlln or Portland Is a bust-
nemt vlNltor In tho city.
L, W, Shannon or MndniR In a
tiiiNluoNt visitor In tho city.
V. C. Derrick of Ilrothern Ih trans
acting business In Ilnnd today.
I'. (1. Moiin of Terrebonne was a
business visitor In tho city yesterday.
Tho Misses Anna and Erllo Guylord
of 1'alHloy nro In thu city for a brier
If. J. Overlurr visited tho prop
ortion of tho Oregon Nitrate company
nl Sheep mountain yoHtorday,
MIsh Katherlno FaiiHt of I. oh An
geles Ih visiting her uncle, HrnoHt
Frank, at IiIh ranch north or Do-
Mr. and Mm. Frank Weinberg
formerly of linker City, have located
In Ilond, Mr. Wolsborg will open
a Junk nhop hero,
Jack IliiHby of HuriiH wan In tho
(From Monday' Dally.)
1'. I). I'oludexter of I'rluovlMo
visiting In the city.
A. K. HutchlnNon or Portland In ft
business visitor In tho city.
Wm. JohiiNon of Klamath Falls In
a bUNluoNN visitor In tho city.
A. C. F. Ferry of Now York City
In registered at tho I'llot Ilutto.
Mr. nnd Mm. Frank I). Leo or
Portland are visiting In thu city.
Mm. C. H. IludHon and children
rutumod yesterday from a visit to
J. V. Ileudemnu left thin morning
for nn extended vlilt to Walla Walla
T. I.. Russell ol Portland In In tho
city and will remain hero tor thu
next two wvekH on a fishing expedi
tion. A. M. Reynold or Warm Springs
wan transacting business In tho city
today. Ho will loavo tomorrow
mornlnK (or u Bhort visit at Klamath
Fa I In.
Mm. M. II. Ilonkln of Ft. Kock ar
rived In Ilond yoHtorday und will re
tuiiln for dome tlmo on a vUlt with
her rather, Mr. Iluott, on IiIh ranch
nuar hero.
, MInn Clara Payler, who linn boon
vIsltlUK her aunt, Mm. L. C, Itudow,
and Mr. Itudow for tho past few
wooIch, leaven tnnlnlit nu her return
to her homo In Han DIoro, Cal.
An automobile party, In which
wero Dr. and Mm. J. C. Klllott-KliiK.
Dr. and Mm, F. A. Klehle, II. W.
Mitchell, CoiiHtanco Mitchell, Kath
leen Mitchell, and II. F. Hollmnu and
wlfo, all or Portland, OroKon, was In
Ileud over .Sunday, rcHtliiK bororo
contluultiK ItH trip Houth by way or
Crater Lake park.
(From fiatnrday'B Dally.)
W. O. Harrliuau or Ft. Hock Ih
hero on bimlneHH.
K. L. Clark of ha Pino Ih a bust-
noNH vlHltor In tho city.
Early Arrivals
of Silk Dresses
Some very clever new models in satins,
talletas and combinations of georgette
crepes and silk, colors are navy, green,
brown, tan and black. Very moder
ately priced
The Peoples Store
Agent for R & G Concti and Armor PItte Hoiiery
(From Frlday'H Dally.)
John Haycn or Hllvcr Lake
vltltltiK In tho city.
tllj:$v !. Mvorp at Htuittlu'U a Iiuni-
,noH(t vlnltor In the city. ' '
Mr. nnd Mm. K, II. Drnwer or 811
vor Lako aro In tho city.
U. C, HollluHhcad or La Pino In
traiiHAcllUK bUHluoHH In tho city.
Mr. and Mm. John HayOH of Port
laud arrlvod In tho city last nltfht,
Mr. and Mm. O. J. Bhurman of
Portland aro registered at thu Cozy
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Mm, F. H. dunning of Tho Dalles
In vIhUIiik In tho city.
The Boys
at the front
will appreciate
a letter written
on any of our
select line of
.Mm. Kwl In I'ortliiml. Mm. N. It.
Iteed of Hums, formerly of this city,
(t,.IttHt nl:ht for a brjef, ylult, Ih
j'brlland. '
(Jmw to Tim Dnllen. 0. P. M
swoner left last nlKht for Tho
Dalles, where IiIh father Ih serious
ly 111.
Hoclety tt M4. Tho Women's
Missionary society of tho Methodist
church will meet tomorrow afternoon
ut thu homo of Mm. W. H. Htaats.
Juil Remember
Magill & Erskine
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Marine IIhImj Ak Mm It- Ser
geant J. K.prookH, In charge of tho
Marino corps recruiting station,
room 2G O'Kano hulldlnK, has been
notified that tho maximum ago for
enlistment In tho Marino corps has
been raised from 3C to 40 years. Tho
minimum ago for enlistment In this
branch of tho service remains nt 18
years as formerly. Men between 18
and 21 years of ago can enlist In tho
Marino corps without obtaining per
mission of their parents. Men who
aro planning on enlisting before thu
coming registration day can secure
full Information by calling and hav
ing ft talk with Sergeant Brooks In
tho O'Kano building. Mechanics for
aviation, telegraphers and radio
operators are needed Immediately.
Bon Ih Woiindwl. Mr. and Mrs.
II. Moll, formerly or liouluvard addi
tion, but now or Spokane, Washing
ton, have been notified that their son,
Private Leroy II. Mclchlscdeck, has
been officially reported sovorcly
wounded In battle July 1G. Private
Molchlncdcck enlisted April 13, 1917,
at Minneapolis, Minn, In the Rain
bow division, 15 1st field artillery.
Ha left for over seas In October,
AtlilMTtM' Mrotlnpi. II. C. Hart
ranrt, county food administrator, re
turned this morning from tho north
end of tho county, whero he has been
since. Sunday. On Sunday evening
ho addressed a patriotic meeting at
Terrobonno and spent all day yester
day on administration business In
tho various north end communities.
Tlim Trip to Kuropo. Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Innes have Just re
ceived a messago from tholr son Hob
ort announcing his nalo arrival In
Franco. TMb makes threo trips Hob
crt has modo across tho Atlantic
She wants to play safe and
get material now.
She knows stocks and prices
But she doesn't know what
what tomorrow will bring.
---She's going to take no chances
She's going to get everything
done now.
And besides, she has more
time than she'll have later
yon hchooij imikhhkh
lUnnpcr (loth, ,'Wc Vl.
A splendid wearing material
nnd so attractive for dresses;
comes 32 Inches wide In a se
lection of over CO patterns.
About 1,000 yards of plaid
and checked Dress Gingham In
all colors. 27 Inches wide.
Itcd Seal Ginghams In plaids,
checks, stripes. A fine wear
ing gingham; in all colors,
one Vaicl
wooij matkhiamt von
3C-Inch Plaids at ORr, 7flc,
8.V, l.on, fftja, QiJiO yd.
Splendid materials for Win
ter Dresses for school wear.
Tho designs aro all good and
every girl will llko them.
O.V, ,"5c, 91.23 Yd.
A good material makes up
prettily with bright plaids or
stripes all colors.
STANDARD PATTERNS combine food" tyle and
economy, and economy i the -watchword today
slnco he finished his naval training
at Mare Island,
Icnies for Home. Frank It.
O'Urlen, who has been spending the
past several weeks with his brother,
C. A. O'Urlen, left Sunday for his
homo in Tuscan, Arizona,
Presloterlnii Guild. Tho regular
monthly meeting of the Presbyterian
guild will bo held at the home of
Mrs. A. G. Powell on Wednesday
afternoon at 2:30.
YHtft SNier. Mrs. John Ferguson
and niece, Miss Golda McGllvray, ar
rived recently to visit tho former's
sister, Mrs. E. P. Urostcrhous, for
several weeks.
vSyTor if
J- sTSvKsEiStifiK
Keep the Little Ones
Busy with their Toys
Buy Them New Ones
An Extra Big
Display Awaits
You Here. Low
Prices Prevail.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Monthly Dnncu Tonight. Tho first
regular monthly membership dance
of tho Dcud Amateur Athletic club
will be held at tho gymnasium to
night. All members aro urged to at
tond and to bring with thorn any who
wish to join tho club. Tickets will
bo $1 per couple.
Cur Is Damagril. II. K. Drooks,
driving his Colo cSght, ran Into the
supports on a bridge between this
city and La Pino yesterday atter-
noon, causing heavy damage to his
car. Passengers in the car with Mr.
Urooks wero uninjured.
Library Mtx-tlnj;. There will be a
meeting of tho library association on
Tuosday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Busi
ness of Importnnco Is expected to
come up and It Is requested that all
who can will bo In attendance.
Itoonis Ait CIo.mi1. Tho surgical
dressing department of tho Hed
Cross has been closed on account of
lack of material, Notice will be
given when tho workers aro again
cxpocted to report.
Goes to Prluovillv. Judgo II. C.
Ellis loft this morning tor Prinoville
on a business trip.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Joined tho Devil Dog. Arless F.
Winebarger, aged 21, has enlisted at
tho local Marino corps recruiting;
station at room 26 O'Kano building,
and left last night lor the Maro
Island navy yard ror training. Wino
barger's homo Is at Mitchell, Oregon.
TukcM Dr. Mnnnlng'n Practice
Dr. J. T. Walls of Portland recently
arrived hero and will ror tho next
month occupy tho offices of Dr. W. O.
Manning, who left this raornlng to
attend the university training school
at Eugeno.
Ylslts with Purcnts. Mrs. George.
R. Stapleton ot San Francisco ar
rived yesterday for a month's visit
with her parents, Judgo and Mrs.
J. A. Eastcs, who traveled by ma
chine as far as Portland to meet her.
Harrow h Trail Rough. Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Eastea returned Tuesday
evening from a pleasuro tour to Port
land. They returned over the Bar
rows troll, which is reported by Mr.
Eastes to bo exceedingly rough.
Mm. Dement Home. Mrs. Floyd,
Dement returned yesterday morning;
from Spokano, where eho has been
visiting for several months.
MIhh 'Vnrxl Lemes. Miss Graco
Ward, who has been tho guest ot
Mrs. II. E. Allen for sovcral weeks,
left last night for Portland,
n 'JiWa
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Safo ()tciea.s. "I arrived safo
overseas," Is tho word conveyed to
Tho nullotln by Private William
Glonn Cox, Supply company 34G,
Field Artillery, with tho American
expeditionary forces. Mr. Cox left
Bond early this year, and a card was
received rrom him but a tew weoks
ngo whou ho arrived at Camp Greene.
YMls with Daughter. Mrs. W.
Mnrkol arrived in Bend from tho east
this morning and will visit with nor
daughter, Mrs. V. A. Forbes, during
tho next two months. Miss Eliza
both Peasley, her granddaughter, ac
companied her.
CHvcm Tobacco to Boys. Frank
Mnsslngalo this afternoon contrib
uted ?1 to Tho Bulletin tobacco fund
for tho boys nt tho front, thoreby
helping to bwoII tho fund tor tho
'ono pleasuro'' of tho boys over
Change in Kills Offices. II. C.
Ellis ot tha Bond Insurance Agency
has onlargqd his offices in tho First
National Bank building by taking,
over ono ot tho rooms formerly oc-
I cuplod by Vernon A. Forbes.
(From Thursday's. Dally.)
Military Spirit Kvltlrnt. In tho
now literature of the University ot
Oregon, which Is just being sent out
from tho college In preparation for
tho coming school year, a wonderful
war time development In "collego ac
tivities Is noted. Nearly all of tho
illustrations show men wearing tho
uniform of the university cadet but
tallon, which during tho past year
has been training students for mili
tary sorvlco. Other pictures show
tho development ot war service
among tho women, not only In prep
aration for hospital work, but also
In training to take tho places of men
In tho Industries of tho stato.
Mr. and Mrs. Ncely Irfvmv Mr.
and Mrs. B. F. Ncely left this morn
ing for Portland after malting thec
home hero for the past six months,
during which tlmo Mr. Noely haa
been employed at Magill &.Ersklnes
W. L. Stevens, a formor employe at
tho storo, will arrive In a few dnya
to tako up his former duties and ro
placo Mr. Neoly.
Joins Merchant Marino. Thos. J,
McAndrow8 loft this morning for Se
attlo, whero ho will Join tho mer
chant marine Mrs. McAndrows and
her son James will remain In thla
city during tho absence of her hus
band and will resldo at tho homo ot
her sister-in-law, Mrs. Florence Mc-
Andrews, whoso husband Is also In
army sorvlco.
Goos to Union. Waltor .Ferguson
loft last night for Union, Oregon,
Whoro ho will join Mrs. Ferguson,
who has boon there for some time.
His stay will bo Indefinite,
Glvo your boy a chance. Mt,
Angel College, St. Benedict. Ore. Ad
dress Boy. E. L. Moler, Adv,23,