The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 08, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    J1KND llULLKTIN, BRD pilKflONivTUUliqilAy, vAVQUW ,B,iII8
i i ' i I -
" 'T " "I "' "
The Bend Bulletin
i ' ftsfabllshod 1002.
' Edltor-Mnnngor.
An Independent nowspapor stnnd
Cng (or tho squnro deal, clonn busi
ness, elenn politics and tho best In
terests of Uond nnd Contrnl Oregon.
Ono Year 12.00
Six Months 1.00
Threo Months GO
From tho battlefields In Franco
thoro conies an unspoken call that
Bhould find on answer In every Amer
ican's heart. Tho recent great events
in HureneiUhcjauoofcases of American
Arms on tho fields of Franco should
npur overy Amorlcan to greater ef
fort Our peoplo at homo should not rest
on tho laurels of our soldiers In
France. Every death on tho field of
honor In tho lino of duty and for our
country's causo should bo a call to
us for overy sacrlflco and overy exor
ilon to aid the cause for which our
soldlora aro fighting, for which our
soldiers havo died.
Increase production, decrcaso con
sumption, save, and lend to tho gov
crnmont. Every cent lent to tho
United States Is used to support,
strengthen and aid our soldiers In
Tho charges brought against Food
Administrator Hartranft In tho peti
tion reported In Tho Bulletin yester
day aro of a very general nature. Wo
doubt if tho officials to whom tho
petition is addressed will consider it
without moro detailed speclflcat oiu
of dereliction of duty, and Mr. Hart
ran ft Is entitled to know in detail tho
charges against him. Tho general
public, if it Is to be asked to form an
opinion In tho matter, is also entitled
to know tho facts so that It can
make up Its mind.
As tho matter stands now no facts
aro alleged. There aro simply gen
eral charges of discrimination and
partiality. If any of theso can bo
proved, Mr. Hartranft ought to be
removed; if they cannot be proved
bo ought to stay on the Job and be
given the assistance of every citizen
In tho county. In the meantime,
until the facts are brought out it is
duo him that Judgment be suspended.
man in college, conscientiously train.
Ing themselves for tho sort of serv
Ico tho. government most needs, as
slackers which has boon a favorite
dlvorslon of Bomo small minds. This
sort of thlngi ivs a matter of fact, has
been ono factor In keoptng high
school boys rostloss and unablo to
sottlo'down to tho steady, hard grind
of study nocdod If thoy nro to be
come of any value to tho country In
lines needing trained minds.
It will not bo tho policy of tho war
department to call for service at tho
front theso young mombors of tho
Students' Army Training corps, ex
cept In caso of gravo emergency.
Evon on reaching tho draft ago, tho
moro promising students In special
lines of scientific work will bo fur
loughed until thoy cotnploto their
courses, when , thpy .may bo traits
forrcd to thos0foiat HltWtvtor whlfcjt
Uiclr tralnlnjthUVm. )
In tho meanttnio all tho' mombors
of tho corps will bo receiving Intens
ive military instruction simultane
ously with their collegiate work.
This instruction will bo In chargo of
regularly appointed commissioned
and non-commlssloneil otficors of tho
United States army, with whom will
co-oporato a considerable body of
faculty members and undergradu
ates who aro now taking training
thomsolvcs In ono of threo camps In
various parts of tho country, fitting
themsolves to act ns assistant in
structors. Ono of theso enmps, at
tho Presidio, has nt prcsont moro
than ono hundrod university and col-
lego men of Oregon preparing them
solves to help In this military In
struction work.
Tho plan has been well thought
out by tho war department, and tho
details havo been announced by tho
adjutant general. It Is tho young
student's duty to follow tho course
mapped out for him by tho war de
partment. Ho should bo encouraged
In this sane, constructive, patriotic
To quoto Secretary Raker: "Tho
importance of this plan for combined
military and colleglato training. If
wo aro to meet In tho futuro the
urgent needs of tho army for highly
trained men, is so great that tho war
department earnestly requests tho
colleges, councils of defense and
other patriotic societies to co-opcrato
in bringing it to tho attention of the
young men of tho country and In
urging them to do their part to mako
It a success."
Aerophuto Miner Known by Any
Wonl Among Them but "Can"
Easy to Set It Allro If You
Aro Not Watching.
Ono of tho first things to bo dis
closed by the recent Introduction of I
tho sugar card was the fact that
-various people wero moro Interested
In trying to get a good supply for
themselves than In co-operating with
tho food administration, and denying
themselves in order that our soldiers
and our allies might bo cared for.
The sugar rules, liko all the other
food regulations, are designed to
treat overyono alike. The individ
uals who break them, or who try to
get an advantage over their fellows,
aro slackers of the worst sort. They
deserve tho most severe penalties
that can bo given them.
Every time you stick a thrift or
war savings stamp on your card you
aro mailing money to yourself to be
received later with Interest. Cashing
in theso stamps Is going to bo better
than "getting money from home,"
for with tho money comes the re
minder that you contributed to the
great victory which then will havo
been completely won.
How pan I best servo my country,
is tho question that recurs, again
and again, to the patriotic young man
below the draft age.
Tho war department, through Sec
retary Uaker, has undertaken to
answer this question through tho or
ganization of the new Students'
Army Training corps, a branch of
tho United States army, which will
bo installed In all universities and
colleges having more than ono hun
dred malo students, in September,
Tho department is asking that the
young men below draft age enter
collego or contlnuo their work there,
join tho new corps, and fit themselves
as thoroughly as possible for the
Jiighest typo of service for which thoy
aro capable
Danger of depletion of the supply
of trained men In arts and sciences,
nooded both in war nnd peace, has
nppoaled strongly to the secretary of
war. In common with tho President
of tho United States, the secretary
liolds It to bo a patriotic duty for
tho young men to contlnuo their
training until called.
Members of tho now corps, it is
nnnoun'cddwlll b6 regularly enlisted
soldiers' 'of1 tho United States army,
subject "lb' call for service at any
tlmo shduld' thoro be an emergency.
It will be impossible, therefore for
the thought, to pojnt to young'
. tt '
Wo do not know Just what form
of action or inaction first drew down
on an Individual the opproblouB namo
of slacker, but It could not have
been much worse than tho business
of signing pledges for Red Cross sub
scriptions and then failing to pay
them. It Is easy to sign a pledge to
pay, and fine to see your namo In
tho paper and have your neighbor sco
It and think what a generous fellow
you are. It is also easy to forget
about it right away and to pay no
attontion to notices. And since tho
names of the ones who do not pay
are nover published you may rest
secure in tho publicity you gained
when your namo was first published.
Publish tho names of thoso who
do not pay, wo say. When a man Is
a slacker ho ought to be branded as
one, and especially ho ought not to
havo such credit as may havo come
from having his name In a list of
Namo the slackers.
How the Great Lakes Joined In Their
Wondrous Leap Over the Fa.
mo us Ridge.
In old, old times, on the highest
peak of a great mountain, there dwelt
u hunter nnd his five sparkling daugh
ters. Their lodge was of bright l;tuln
bark nnd on clear days they could Beo
the distant ocean flushing like a silver
band. "Come out I Come out I" cried
the youngest daughter, the little Er.
"Come Sul Come Hu Come Mil Como
Clal (The names stand In order for
Erie, Superior, Huron, Michigan and
St. Clulr). Let us awny to tho sen,
where tho foaming breakers rourl" So
they left their lodge nnd leaped nnd
sang with happy henrts. Their robeH
wero of blue nnd chryHollte green nnd
floated on tho breeze. Their moccuslns
wero of frozen water drops und their
wings of painted wind. And they scam
pered and romped across tho plain or
floated beneath the filer, or rushed pnst
valley and hill and field, singing und
shouting with glee. At lust they enmo
to a precipice of Jnggcd rocks nnd
moss. "AJasl" cried Er, "whnt n dread,
ful leap! Rut wo have como so fur
that wo roust go on or our fnthcr will
laugh nt us I So come Sul Como IIul
Como Ml Como Cln I nnd follow mo I"
So over tho steep they sprung nnd
floated down on their pnlnted wings.
They leaped and they sang like happy
hearted birds. Then tho little Er cried :
"Let us up and down tho steep ugnln I"
And up and down tho five maids'
skipped and laughed at tho sport and
foam and called It Niagara Falls, And
today, through tho rulnbow mist, you
may see their robes of blue and chryso
llto green and their painted wings and
their twinkling feet, ns tho five piny
Jn tho waterfall. New York Evening
IN FRANCE. July 10. (lly Mall.)
"We'd bettor 'tririslntb"9tin,u"tof tills
glmpor talk Into honest '"to 'gosh
American, or tluv United Press road-
ors won't bo nblo to step It," ob
served Lieutenant Eddlo lllckon
bachor, American nco and former
automobile rncor, as ho bogan some
"glmpor talk," which is tho aviation
word tor aero slang.
"Wo'll start out with tho rudi
ments of tho aviators' language,"
said Rlckonbacher. "It completely
Ignores tho study of grammatical for
mations. Tho only formations wo
know aro aoro formation, which Is
group flying.
"First of nil, thoro's nn nlrplano.
With us It Is novor nn nlrplnno It's
always known an a 'can.' Probably
wo call Is that becauso It carries such
big gasollno tanks nnd when you stop
,to think of how easily tho Germans
could set tho can aflro It wo didn't
let thorn hnvo It first, you under
stand why an airplane Is a 'can.'
" 'Letting them havo It' Is Just the
aviation way of saying yoif'ro tiring
tho machlno gun as fast as it will
go, Into Holnlo. You almost always
havo a chance when you go to n pink
" 'Going to n pink tea' Is going up
In tho air after a German. Cuckoo
birds aro always talking about pink
toas, though they nover lmvo them.
A cuckoo bird Is nn aviator who does
all his fighting while nono of tho
glmpors aro around, and then comos
back and tells about It.
"If you spot something, which Is
scolng another plane, you Jockey for
position. That Is trying to get whero
you can shoot nt him without his
shooting you. Usually you try to
'get under his tall,' which Is behind
and under him and coming after him. I
Ho can't shoot then, and you can,
"Ho would probably 'zoom' or
'dlvo' or 'vrlllo' then. If ho zooms
ho runs for home; If he dives he
goes straight groundward without
turning, while If ho vrlllcs ho dives,
turning around like a top, so It's
difficult to shoot him.
"If It's a glmper you'vo piqued
on and plquo Is' only tho aviation
way of saying attacked or charged at
ho wobbles his flappers frantically,
probably to signal you. That means
ho moves his wings up and down.
You know ho Is American then bo
causo you can soo tho allied coquards
on his wings.
"If ha wero a Uocho ho would be
lotting you havo It, probably and
you'd probably, gotInto tho I) if ml
spot. That Is a -point hot ween him
and the sun, where ho can't soo you
but you can sco him. It Is n point of
vantago, technically speaking.
"Good luck and your gun doesn't
Jam and you'vo 'got a Uocho,' which
means bringing him down. Let him
get away to Hunland and the glmpors
will razz you with tho serpent action,
which Is going up and down by mov
ing tho wings abruptly. '
"Probably by this tlmo tho archies
havo discovered you and bogln to
popper you. That means tho German
nntt-alrcraft guns aro shooting
they're called archies and thoy pop
per you because of tho clouds thoy
leavo behind you aro llttlo black
ones. You can kid them along, If
you wish, which Is getting first out
of rango and then doing stunts, usu
ally loops. It's bad form, though
unless you aro trying to draw their
flro from some other activity of an
other glmpor.
"Doing stuntB over archies Is tho
worst insult you can glvo the Ger
mans, and they novor fall to poppor
you. If you aro wlso you will zoom
on for iiomo nnout mat time, or
you'ro llablo to bo en punne, which
means tho same us cuckoo. Cuckoo
Is aero slang for broken down some
where. "It's all right if soma Holnlo hasn't
shot out of his holly at you, unex
pectedly, beforo you could zlz-zag
out of rango. Klg-zagglng usually
fetches him, ns wo say. Anywuy
you want to bo near enough to tho
lino when your motor cuckoos on
you so you can glldo back. Then
tho mechanics can como out and got
their esklmo, as thoy call tho avia
tors In their fur suits, and if you
haven't scared Holnlo to death maybo
there'll bo a pink tea at tho ren
dezvous noxt day when tho can Is
humming again."
Certain Birds and Animals Make tha
Oest Kind of Sentinels That an
Army Can Employ,
A wounded soldier, asked what had
surprised htm most In the buttle rone,
told of finding it robin's nest In nn
empty shell case.
Am n rule birds nro the lines t sen
tinel In the iiuluml kingdom, They
become nwnro of approaching aircraft
long before ninn hours nnythltig. Early
In the war parrots were kept nt tho
Eiffel tower ns sentinels, but they
grew accustomed to tho sound of en
emy planes nnd were no longer of use.
Pheimints always grow restless nnd
chatter noisily If 'eppellnt nro ap
proaching, even when they nro far
nwny, so fnr that man can hear no
Whnt It perhaps stronger Is tho fact
thnt'MUPhbViHtmrV'i'H-nthres ni plgl
should sight n bnllomi At hen It Is coin
ing over. The "blister" makes no
sound, yet, should one appear against
the sky, miles from n fnrnt.vitrd, tho
farmer will bo miulo nwnro of the fact
by the curious unties of his pig and
the clucking of his hens.
Toy dogs always nn susceptible to
the presence of danger, nnd ninny n
pet Bhmva uneasiness beforo n mid.
Cats, too, show fear of gunfire and
seem to know when danger threatens.
Dogs, til nN and horses are very sen.
sltlve to sound. Wittch the birds dur
ing it dnyllght raid, listen to the dngs,
nnd visit the stable where the horse
restively stomps up nnd down. Rut
that nil nnlmnls can accustom them
selves to sounds Hint cihiko fear Is
proved by our cnvnlry horse, dogs
thnt accompany their mniters Into tho
firing line, nnd the robin's nest In tho
empty shell ense.
Where Dependable Merch
andise Is Sold at Prices
Lower Than Any Other
Store in Town !
Irvln 8. Cobb Writes of Work of Deatt
of Uerlln, as Ht Saw It In
London Hospital.
In n London hospltnl I saw n llttlo
girl who had been most terribly
maimed In nn nlr rnld. I nm not going
! to dwell on tin stnto of this child.
When I think of her I hnve not the
words to express the feeling that I
hnve. Hut one of her hands wns gone
nt the wrist nnd the other hand wns
badly shattered; so she was Just n
wan llttlo brutally abbreviated frag
ment of humanity, n living fraction,
mot grlevotnly nflllcted.
Her wounds had censed to pnln her,
tho head nurse told me before we en
tered, nml for the rest of the time sho
wns a good patient, ono of tho best In
the wnrd.
She wns lying, when I saw her, with
her head propped upon n pillow thnt
wns no whiter thnn her face wns, nnd
there wns n pitiful wrolth of n smllo
on her poor llttlo pinched common
plnce face, nnd to her brenst, with tho
bandaged stump of, ono nrm and with
her remaining hand that wns swathed
in n clump of wrapping, she cuddled
tip n painted chlnn doll which some
body had brought to her, und sho was
singing to It.
Tho sight, I tnke It, would have been
very gracious In the eyes of his Impe
rial mnjesty of Prussia except, of
course, that tho llttlo girl still lived;
that nnturnlly would be a drawback to
his complete enjoyment of tho spec
tncle. Irvln S. Cobb In tho Saturday
Evening Post.
THERE is it certain satis
faction in watching tho
unwrapping of all the
lovely new Fall Garments,
knowing that theyMeannot be
equaled in uauty-or. i-ricem,,
I A ...I l.,...f nl' ..II !'
IWiywilfJI-J, Jiliu iiw.-l w nut
that which makes us doubly
'proud, is the fact that shrewd
cash purchasing has enabled
us to quote you prices which
some of our merchants will
have to pay wholesale for in
ferior goods.
See Our First Showing of
Fall and Winter Street Hats,
Coats, Suits, Dresses and
Skirts if you want Quality
Style and Low Prices.
The Parisian
Pringle BuilJintf
Cor. Wall and Oregon Sti.
Daily Schedule liencl Ama
teur Athletic Club.
Move to 8ave Wild Turkeys.
Tho prisoners In the stnto penltcn
tlory of Wnshlngtnn run, nmnng other
things, n gnmo bird farm. Until Intely
they hnve raised wild turkeys fnr tho
Thanksgiving dinner for tho convicts.
The fact thnt wild turkeys lmvo been
killed In such numbers In the forests of
the western part of tho statu that they
have almost disappeared has cntiscd
tho statu gamo wnrden to decide to
take up tho business of raising them
on n larger wale and (locks will here
after bo liberated each summer to
populate tho woods.
Tho wild turkeys nro larger nnd
hardier than tho domestic breeds, and
tho wnrden, whose nnmo Is L. It, Dar
win, l experimenting with cross
breeds. Ho hopes to develop n bird
thnt will bo useful to poultrymcn and
yet be able to sustain Itself in tho
Iloxlng, Wrestling, Physical Develop
ment Classes. Senior, C to C p. m.
Senior Swimming Hours, 1 to 2 and
7 to 11:30 p. m.
Family Tlckot, Children In Plunge
ClasHOH. Girls, gym, 3 to i p. in.;
plunge, 4 to C.
Ladles' Oym and Plunge, Pool and
Howling. Oym, 2 to 3; plungo,
2 to I; pool, 2 to 4; bowling, 2
to 4.
Iloxlng. Wrestling nnd Physical De
velopment Classos, Senior, 1 to 2
p. m.; Junior, 1 to 4 p. m.
Sonlor Swimming Hours. 1 to 4
p. m.
Junior Swimming Hours. 4 to 0
p. in.
Social Night. Club thrown open to
man and women. Pool nnd bowl
ing, "COO" and brldgu tables in
club room, pink tlckot dancing In
(llr tJnltnl 1'rr to Tt HnJ llulltlln.)
WA.SHINOTON. Aug. 7. Hlght
hundred and seveiity-uun casualties
wero announced this morning, mak
ing tho total reported from tho bite
drive 2,644,. Of today's list 292
were mnrlnes.
News in Brief.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
.MooM'heurl Nolle .Mi"et, Thoriv
will ho n meeting of tho MoosehearL
ladles tonight at 8 o'clock nt Hathor'it
hnll. Social meeting nt U:30. Mooxo
men nro Invited,
IMikn Out Hheep. Atnvn Vnncy
of Prlnevlllo passed through Ilnrul
today eu routo to his sheep range
on tho nntloual forest to look after
his herds.
Crook ,niMir Ht H A. Fos
ter, assessor of Crook county, was
In the city today on business.
flit. Angel Collego, St. Benedict,
Ore, tho placo for your boy, Address
Key, B. L. Meior. Adv.23.
Tommy Sized It Up.
Tom's kindergarten toucher took her
class to sec the chickens In tho school
yard. A homely brown hen was moth
ering a brood of fancy chickens
hntched In nn Incubntor. Tho aristo
cratic chicks had tufts of feathers on
their heads. Tommy quickly noted tho
difference between hen nnd chicks nnd
blurted out : "Pshaw, she can't bo their
mother." Then, nfter u moment'H con
sideration, ho added with an nlr of con
viction: "Oh, I guess shu'H only tho
Chlneso Admitted to Bar.
Chnng Chung Wing, u native of
California, In nn attorney nt law, tho
'first ChtncHc-Amcrlcun to bo admitted
to tho bar In tho stnto. Ho was given his
legal papers by tho district court of
nppenls, beforo which ho was exam
ined, having passed with u percenttigo
of 00 out of a pnsslblo 100, Ho was ono
of tho threo highest men In tho tiuss of
80, of whom 40 passed tho examinations
Importance of Canned Tomatoes.
Canned tomatoes fill such nn Impor
tant placo In feeding our army thnt
tho government auks for nn lucreiiso
of 60 per cent from tomato-cunning
states. In addition to furnishing food
value for energy, tho tomato quonches
tho thirst of men and calls for leas
water consumption in tho camp or on
tho march, Peoplo's Homo Journal.
MR. WORKINGMAN, is a thing you should not pass
up now, with prices continually advancing. We are
ottering you a few Golden opportunities this week.
See Our Window Display !
$2.00 Men's Medium Weight Cotton Ribbed Union
Suits. Jnst the thing for fall wear.
Ecrue and gray colors. Closed
crotch. Special
i tviDoeu union
Union Special Overalls, Indigo Dye C f gt E
Union Made. Extra Special P X .OO
Men's Black Sateen Work Shirts- Black Bear
Brand. Guaranteed Full Cut (t f
Special M 1 mVJ2
Blue and Gray, same as abovo, 98c
Engineer and Fireman Sox, black and
tan. Best Work Sox made. Special
141 865 Wall Street
Phone R 141