The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 01, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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"ttKNn nUM-KTIN, RKN1 0RKC30N, THU HMD AY, AtfOUHT 1, 1018
Supply to Mcivlinnt-, Is A No Cut Out"
Third tyiptr lVrmltw for
Homo Canning Will
lie Ksucil.
(From Tucsday'a Dally.)
Limited purchases of sugar in Ore
Ron have again bcoti reduced, accord
ing to a tolrgrara received by the
county food administrator's office
this morning. Under tbo now ruling
the ratio has beon placed at two
pounds per verson per month. This
applies to restaurants, hotels and
gating houses and families, tho only
exception -being In the case ot lagging
camps or Institutions engaged In
Kovornmcnt contracts whoro the
tormor ruling of threo pounds Is
Tatlll maintained.
Retail dealers aro also effocted by
tho new ruling. Under tho provi
sions of tho former rulings, dealers
were permitted one-third of their
monthly sales total for May, June or
July, or an averago for ono month
ot tho threo (months' sales, hut this
lias been reduced to two-thirds ot
one-third. In ono Instance, where a
-dealer nad applied to tho food ad
ministration office for 1,800 pounds,
his allotment tor the month was cut
to 1,200 pounds. Similar cuts were
mado in crcry instance.
AVU1 Mako Up Difference.
It Is tho opinion of tho food ad
ministration that placing the maxi
mum amount to bo used by each per
son at two pounds por month Instead
Mt threo will mako up the difference
In tho sales to justify tho cut on the
retailers. This will hold good in
every instance except canning, where
special provisions havo been made.
whereby tho dealer can secure cer
tificates for additional sugar upon
submitting evidence that his stock
lias been used for domestic canning.
More Sugar for Canning.
In an offort to increaso tho supply
t)t sugar so that tho amount neces
sary tor domestic canning will not
tall short ot tho mark, candy manu
factures and commercial canners are
further restricted. H. C. Hartranft,
county food administrator, stated to
day that permits for sugar -will be
Issued during -the month of August,
the samd as previous, contrary to a
former rbport, tho only restrictions
"being that evidence -will havo to be
mado to tho food administrator's of
fice thnt tho supply is being used
Judiciously and as groat an amount
as posslblo ot food being canned.
Feeder cattlo are to bo in demand
this fall, according to the opinion
of It. A. Ward, county agriculturist.
Tho corn crop in the middle west has
been greater this year than for a
number ot years, and It Is expected
that this will create a demand for
the lower grade of cattle.
About two hundred head of cattle
are to bo fed In this county this
year as an experiment, tho corn be
ing shipped in from outside points.
At the Close of Business June 29. 1918
Loans antl Discounts 8501,805.20
Bonds and Warrants 78,782.00
Stock in Federal Reserve Bank 1,500.00
Banking House Furniture and Fixtures 32,101.11
Other Real Estate Owned ( 4,105.27
JFive Per Cent Redemption Fund 025.00
Cash and Exchange J 280,008.10
i $008,040,89
v ' " " .. LIABILITIES
'Capital $25,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits 01,117.01
Circulation ;jf.j. 1'- 12,500.00
Deposits'.'---:.- V- :.A1T.1. 870,020.88
'itf !'T' $008,040.80
Captain Russell to Deliver
Address at the Gymnasium
-All Drafted Men Musi Go
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
All registered men In Dp-
schutcs county are required to
roport at tho (l)uinnalum at 8
o'clock Friday evening, August
2. This Includes nion of all
clashes among 1917 and 191S
Chairman Local Hoard.
Captain B. M. Durke, representa
tive ot tho Oregon Social Hygiene
society, arrived In He ml this morn
ing and Is, making arrangements for
tho meeting ot tho dratted men ot
tho county which is to bo held In this
city at tho aymnnnjum at 8 o'clock
Friday evening. Captain Uurko In
an lntcrviow this morning stated that
tho work was belrvg taken up under
tho supervision of tho government
In an effort to mako it known to tho
registrants what Is expected of them
previous to and following their in
duction Into tho service.
Ho wan very emphatic In his state
ment that all draft men are required
to bo in attendance, for "tho govern
ment is not sending out officers to
tho various towns throughout tho
nation to talk to empty houses. If
it wero not Information required by
the men, there would bo no necessity
of tho meetings." Tho term "regis
trants" Includes all men who have
registered in tho county and mon ot
other boards who are residing here
or may bo visiting here.
On Friday ovonlng tho main
speaker ot tho evening will bo Cap
tain Itlchard Russell, who Is sent out
from Camp Lowis by tho war do-
(From Wednesday's Daily.)
Slight relief can bo expected from
tho present sugar situation, and for
several months to come, possibly un
til tho next sugar crop more than a
year hence, tho people of America
will havo to rigorously conserve tho
supply. This was the statement
made by Arthur M. Churchill ot the
state food administrator's office, who
has been in Bond since Sunday morn
ing checking up on the county office
and aiding tho county food adminis
trator, H. C. Hartranft, In preparing
a method of propaganda which will
bring moro clearly to tho people of
the county tho truo conditions.
Over fifty million pounds ot sugar
havo been sent to the bottom of the
Atlantic by tho submarines, thereby
cutting off from the supply ot the
allies and this country this amount.
Besides tho enormous loss In sugar
alone, tho ships havo been put out
ot commission and aro sorely needed
for tho purpose for which they were
used. Without those ships Cuba's
sugar supply is not available fpr the
Unl'ed States, the greater amount
already having beon contracted to be
sont to European countries, and all
Hr.7! v H
partment, but spoaklng throughout
Oregon under tho auspices of the
Oregon Social Hyglono society. John
Kollock, secretary ot tho Stato Coun
cil of Dctcnso, will also ho in attend-
anco and will address tho meeting,
and also Colonel Hlbbard ot Port
land, at tho hend ot tho Homo Quant
organizations throughout tho state.
Captain Uurko stated this morning
that whllo tho meeting had been
called requiring nil registered men to
bo in atteudancq, it Is open to all men
who dcslro to hear tho talks that are
to bo given by tho speakers ot tho
evening. Ladles will not bo per
mitted. necessary vessels are tied up ou this
Much Less nt Home.
At homo tho condition Is moro
critical. Tho average consumption
ot sugar In America during tho pre
war period averaged a por capita of
eight pounds. To supply this de
mand America had been compelled
to utlllzo tho greater part ot the
Cuban output, together with that of
tho Hawaiian islands. Qormauy dur
ing that tlmo produced about one
fourth ot tho world's supply, and It
was from this country that England
secured the amount noccssary for
homo consumption. Francaproduccd
a sufficient amount tor her own uso.
Undor tho war conditions, the Urltlsh
supply from Germany has been en
tirely rut off and tho rich sugar pro
ducing belt of Franco Is now In tho
hands ot tho Germans or has been
devastated by tho war. This loaves
It up to America, Cuba and the Ha
waiian Islands to supply tho demand
of all three countries, and with a
supply which previously had been
consumed by tho people of tho United
States alono. Tho need for saving Is
Hint ul Inn Crop Uniiwillnhle.
Mr. Churchill stated that thoro Is
at the prosent time a supply of sugur
bolng held in tho Hawaiian Islands to
Insuro enough for homo consumption
under tho prosont reduced rations,
but this Is not avallablo bora use of
lack ot vessels for transporting it to
this country. In his opinion tho gov
ernment -will mako arrangements to
havo this supply moved as soon as
tho vossols aro turned from tho ways
on tho Pacific coast, but such a pos
to drop in and see our attractive
new home. ; We are now estab
lished in our hew quarters in the
Reed-Smith building, and will be
glad to serve our patrons at all
sibility Is nt least several moutliB
Not Drown Tighter.
Mr. Churchill stated thnt ho did
not belluvo that the present uiuountii
permitted, of two poiiiuIh per person
per month, would ho drawn tighter.
Arrangements havo been mndo uiul
tho consumption of each section
scheduled so that the apportionment
Is iniuto from tho amount of sugar
nvallablu at thii present thm, and
any surplus which may eventually he
ndd'ul to this supply will take care
of futuro submarine losses. Under
tho present plan whore the coiisumor
Is regulated to two pounds per per
son per month, the retailer, the
wholesaler, manufacturer and state
aro all regulated on tho same basis.
Tho stato of Orogon, under govern
ment regulation, will receive only
sufficient sugar for tho needs ns com
piled by the stato food administra
tion. This Is truo ot every stato in
thu union.
This regulation ot the mipply to
each stato will do away with tho con
dition which exlstod last yenr when
thu east was suffering tor want ot
sugar and thero was a surplus on
tho Pacific coast.
KinmI Conditions (IihmI.
In other supplies, Mr. Churchill
stated that the conditions, while they
would not pormlt of waste ou tho
part at tho American public, was
ignod. Undor thu CO-GO basis there
will bo ampU wheat flour (or tho
needs ot tho armies and our nllles,
and substitute prices will bo reduced
greatly within the next tow months,
n drop of 20 per cent, already having
boon effocted.
"I wnnt to know how to mi recoil It.
the world," said the joiing limn to the
ilder one.
"Young fellow," said the grny-halrcd
iudUlduul, "right now you've got no
iulueH worrying about your own mie
rem. All you've got to do Is to got n
oli In the iirmy or navy ami help to
win the wur. After that I'll lie glad to
'lvi you n tin on how to become rich
or famous."
".Mr. Milliliter hus been n rich man
for years, yet lie still standi In uwo
of hh butlcV."
"And how ciin jou account for
"I can't explain It unless It's be
rouse the butler Is n much better
gnimmnrlan than Mr. Hlobster." Bir
mingham Age-Herald.
Something to soil? Advertise In
The Bulletin's classltlod column.
It Does the Work
. Wrlit Watches Afloat
Wrist watches nt neu, with their
luminous dials, mo nt oncu u conveni
ence, n siifcguuid mill u peril, You can
(ell the time without tenting your
clothes to pieces or going to u light.
When you walk along the deck at night
you can hold your foieunu so that thu
dial glows In the sight of nil who uro
punning along the deck and thus pre
vent collisions. If you don't piny up
your wilst wutch, jou uro supposed to
uhlstlu "sweet nnil low" In the dark us
you piiKi along. But If you uro not
passing along thu deck, only Hugcilng
along tho deck tall, utid nro fortunate
In lowing one of the few women who
uro crossing as jour companion In that
lingering, owr luminous dial at rest
on the deck rail Is apt to wreck tho
wonderful seme of seclusion that dark
ened decks give these war times. Ono
heartless patrol n trip or two ago step
ped to the rail and risked u dismayed
subaltern not to huu his wrist watch
"qujtu so far around," whatever thnt
meant, because It might he detected by
a submarine. Nelson Collins In thu
Century Magazine.
"The fool Hath Said."
This Is n message from ono who
kuows Conlngshy Dawson to lltosu
who do not realize. It Is a message
droct from the trenches In Franco by
a soldier and writer to us behind tho
lines. He says:
"Life has swung hack to a primitive
dsclslon since the war commenced.
The decision Is the sninu for both
men and nations. They can choose thu
world or achieve their own souls.
They can cast mercenary lots for tho
raiment of a crucified righteousness or
tnko up their martyrdom as disciples.
Those men and tuitions who have been
disciples together can scarcely fall to
remain friends when tho tragedy Is
ended. What the fool says In his
heart nt thii present moment Is not
of any lasting ImjKirtnnco." Bed
Cross Magazine.
Italy's Qrettatt Harvest.
Italy's soil, which has been cultivat
ed continuously for thousands of years,
promises this year to produce thu
greatest harvest of wheat ever reiipwl
In that country. An Itullnn professor,
n member of n university delegation
which visited Ixindon recently ns
guests of the ministry of Information,
announced that owing to the abundant
harvest expected In 11)18, he had rea
son to believe that Italy would ho for
tho first time self-supporting In the
matter of grnln.
- I
K)it ham:.
fob saw-: on tbadi: roil auto-
MOBILi: Confectionery, front
end of pnstofflco Write or see
J. W. Moore, Bedtuoud, Ore.
KOIt SAM: G2 acres of timber land
In township 1? south. $10 mi
acre. I). V. Dietrich, Tuiunlo,
Ore. UK-2l-24p
FOB BALK rilBAI'- One horso. Hue
Chief of Pollen Nixon. 32-22tfc
FOB HAI.K-Kmpty lard barruls. UOc
and 7Ge each Flour sacks 00c n
dozen. American Bakery, 27-22e
FOB 8AM: Empty lard barrels, r,0e
and 7Go eaclr. Flour sacks. fiOc a
dozen American Bakery. 23-22e
TO TBADIO $20,000.00 Income
property for grazing or farm land
In Central Oregon. This Is good
clean property and bringing In
17f.00 per month and has steady
tenant. For full particulars, see
Win. Brown, Thu Beat Kst.itn Man,
Bodmoml, Ore. 13-22-23e
FOB HAI.n U head of rnttlu and
ono work team. II. A. Oosuey,
Union barber shop. I'liono 2171.
FOB 8 AM: Why homestead when
you can buy a deeded ranch ou
tho Tumalo project, 100 nrros, for
$6 nor ocro? Housn and bnru;
good outside range. Address Lock
Box 2, Tumulo, Ore. l)2-0tfc
to thadi: ou i:ciiANrji:
TO TBADi: - Three hend of horses
and harness as part payment ou
house utid lot In Bend. Inquire
Threo Sisters Hotel. 37-22p
G0O BKWAUI) for following horses:
Bay mare, branded M and letter 8
with horizontal Una through can
tor ou loft stlflo; also ono brown
jnare, two gray mares and two
yoarllng colts. Notify I'. I), John
ston, Mllllcun, Ore, lOtfo
I.08T Two gray mares, wolght
about 000 each, Halter on ono
and both shod, ulso forotop
trimmed, Branded on loft shnul
dor, ono LF and otio U and hori
zontal P, Kindly notify J. O.
Hagan, Box G40, Bond, Oro.
Brand Directory
Mllllcun, Oregon,
Bight sldo; right oar crop.
v pou; waina rigui ninu tog,
V 11. T.. TONIO. Hlntitra. nro.
T .. i- f , . . . . .
p. n. JoirNHON,
Classified Ads.
iJVJUJ wivuixijvuuixi
ItcsiitiKliiiii to ll Kent to Of lire of
Colonel Bisque Will Not
Hlgn Agieemeiit
(From Monday's Dally.)
Protesting against any action
which might ho tukeu by Col. Dlsijun
to form a dual organization, and de
stroy tho Tlmberworkurs union', tho
local oigunlzatlou In regular meet
livg In this city yesterday afternoon
passed resolutions which nro to bji
forwarded tn Col, Dlsijue.
Thu octlon was taken hern follow
ing the lead ot the International
Tlmberworkers In protesting to tho
government officials, and other locals
throughout the Northwest, where
the members of the organization nro
employed In tho spruce and yellow
pluo production, and camo ns a di
rect result of resolutions passed by
tho Northwest operators wherein the
open shop Is upheld and Col, Dlsiiiu
named as arbitrator of all troubles
betweou thu operators and employes
Bay Canterbury, secretary of the
Bend local, this morning staled that
the men had mario the protest not nut
of unpatriotic feeling, but rather
with tho thought of the nation and
the nation's welfare foremost, Tho
men, he declared, went on record as
protesting the stand of the operators
and also tho stand taken by Col.
Bisque regarding the arbitration pol
icies and the matter of forming a
dual organization nut of'the Timber
workers and the I.oal l.eglon That
tho Tlmberworkers' organization has
been recognized by tho government
was brought to the attention of Col
Dlsiiuo and the formation of n dual
organization would create dlncoutent
among the workers, bringing about
confusion ami unhurinuulous rela
tions between the employe and em
ployer, which at tho present time Is
at thu best,
At the meeting It was announced
that within a short time cards would
be circulated among the workers by
tho employers, to lie Nlgned by Urn
employe, whereby he will agree to
remain with his present situation un
til pence hus been declared This Is
also protested by tho workers, and
a vote was taken whereby the men
agreed to sign no cards until after
the matter had bu taken up with
the union direct This action Is
tnksn because of tho fact that It Is
believed that the men as a body aro
butter prepared to cope with tho
situation than as Individuals.
Ono cent a word Is all a llltlo
Want Ad will cost you.
notici: or rovnssT.
Department of the Interior, United
States I.und Ofllee. L.ikovlow.
Oregon, July 22, 1918.
To Joseph Olza, care of B 1' Mlutor,
Bend, Oregon, Contestee:
You nro hereby untilled that An
tonl Hzndzlowlcz, who gives Homstrd
Valley, Oregon, ns his pnstnfllrii ad
dress, did on July 22, lb 18, Die In
this ofllCH his duly corroborated ap
plication to contest and soeuru tho
cancellation or your homestead entry,
serial No. 07-105, made March 27,
10H, for HI-:",, lUiHWlt, Hoc. 30,
W4HWU. Her 20, towuuhlp 22 H
Ban go 17 i:, Willamette Meridian,
and ns grounds for his ho
alleges that said Joseph Oizn has
abandoned said claim for moro than
six months last past; that mild entry
man's absence from and falluro to
cultivate Hald land was not duo to
his employment In tho army, navy n
Marino corps, or other organiVutlnl
described In the Act of July 28, 1017,
or elsewhere, and thnt said absence
from tho land wns not duo to thu on
trymnu'H employment In military
sorvlcn rendored in connection with
opnrntloim In Moxlco, or along tho
bordorH thereof, or In mobilization
cntnpH olsowhero, in tho military or
naval organizations of tho United
Htates or tho National (Juuril of any
of tho several Htntes.
You aro, therefore, further notified
that tho said allegations will bo
taken as confessed, and your said
entry will bo canceled without fur
ther right to bo hoard, olthor before
this ofllco or on appeal, If you fall
to fill! Ill IIiIm nfMi-ii lull I, In I..,,,.,,.,
-" - ... .,..... ,...t...a vwuiltjr
duya after tho fourth publication of ',
llllu ..fills... m. .tin I.aIa... .. r
' "w'i "n nun i ii iiiiiuw, your
answer, under oath, spoclllcnlly re
sponding tn thosa allegations ot con
tost, togothor with duo proof that
you havo sorvod n copy of your an
Bwor on tho said onntostniit olthor in
porson or by roglstornd mall.
You should Btnto In your nnswor
tho iiamo of tho postofflco to which
you doslrq furthor notices to ho Bout
to you,
r. . . . Boglstor.
inPo10 of nrflt Publication, August 1,
..P,at0 'f . ocontl publication, Au-
HUSi o, J0I8,
lBD1018f tl,,, pu1),,cat,on ABUHt
ofyn.2f fourlh Publication, August
25. 1018. 22-2Co