PAQR HRND nUI.tiRJ-IN, ItRND OUKflON, TKUKHIttY, AUCJUHT 1, IBM L-4Srtt3fJr3ilHRstt. 1 3ffBw MACHINE CHAPTER XXVII. I Blighty. From this flrst-nid post, after inocu lating mo with antitetanus scrum to Bircvcnt lockjaw, I was put Into an am bulancc find sent to a temporary hos pital behind tho lines. To reach this hospital we had to go along a road nbout flro tulles In length. This road was under shell Are, for now and then a flaro would light up the sky a tre mendous explosion and then the road seemed to tremble. We did not mind, though no doubt some of us wished In "Blighty." that a shell would hit us and end our misery. Personally, I was not particu lar. It was nothing but bump, jolt, rat tle, and bang. Several times the driver would turn around and give us n "Cheero, mates, we'll soon be there " fine fellows, those ambulance drivers, a lot of them go West, too. Wo gradually drew out of the flro zone and pulled up In front of an Im mense dugout. Stretcher-bearers car lied me down a number of steps and placed me on a white table In a brightly lighted room. A sergeant of the Royal Army Med ical corps removed my bandages and cut off my tunic Then the doctor, with his sleeves rolled up, took charge. 'He winked at me and I winked back, end then he asked, "How do you feel, smashed up a bit?" I answered: "I'm all right, but I'd Clve a quid for a drink of Bass." He nodded to the sergeant, who dis appeared, and I'll be darned if he didn't return with n gloss of ale. I could only open my mouth about a quarter of an Inch, but I got away with very drop of that ale. It tasted Just like Blighty, and that is heaven to tTommy. The doctor said something to nn or derly, the only word I could catch was ''chloroform," then they put some kind fof an arrangement over my nose and mouth and It was me for dreamland. When I opened my eyes I was lying on a stretcher, in a low wooden building. Everywhere I looked I saw rows of Tommies on stretchers, some dead to the world, and the rest with tfags in their mouths. The main topic of their conversation rwas Blighty. Nearly all had a grin on (tbelr faces, except those who didn't ave enough face left to grin with. I (grinned with my right eye, the other (was bundaged. Stretcher-bearers came In and bo gan to carry tho Tommies outside. You (Could hear the chug of the engines in the waiting ambulunces. I was put into an ambulance with fchreo others and away we went for an clghtcen-mllo ride. I was on a bottom stretcher. The Jad right across from me was smashed iU2goraethlng horrible. We will give you value for your money in what can be procured in the markets and we adhere strictly to all Food Administration Rules Baker's Grocery 'TO II IMF ANAMKKMSOIWER WHO VENT MHIIKlWfffflT gunher.jerying WflUlfC! 1517 OY AJtniCTKrrirtfTY "Itlgnt iiiHiteiiieTwas n man from tho Itoynl Irish rllles, while across from htm was a Scotchman. We had gone about three miles when I heard tho'dcath-rattle In the throat of tho man opposite. He had gone to rest across the Great Divide. I think at the time I envied him. The man of the Royal Irish rllles had had his left foot blown off, thu Jolting of the ambulance over the rough road had loosened up the band ages on his foot, and had started It bleeding again. This blood ran down the side of the stretcher and started dripping. I was lying on my buck, too weak to move, and the dripping of this blood got me In my unlmmluged right eye. I closed my eye and pretty soon could not open the lid; the blood hud congealed and closed It, as If It were glued tlown. An English girl dressed In khnkl was driving the ambulunce, while beside her on the sent was n corporal of the H. A. M. C They kept up a running conversation about Blighty which al most wrecked my nerves; pretty soon from the stretcher above me, the Irishman became aware of the fact that the bondage from his font had be; come loose; It must have pained him horribly, because he yelled in a loud voice: "If you don't stop this bloody death wagon uud tlx this d bandage on my foot, I will get out and walk." The girl on the sent turned around nnd In n sympathetic voice asked, "Poor fellow, ure you very badly wounded?" The Irishman, nt this question, let out a howl of Indignation and an swered, "Am I very badly wounded, what bloody check ; no, I'm not wound ed, I've only been kicked by a canary bird." The ambulance Immediately stopped, and the corporal came to the rear and fixed him up, and also washed out my right eye. I wus too weak to thank him, but It was n great relief. Then I must have become unconscious, be cause when I regained my senses, the ambulance was nt a standstill, and my stretcher was being removed from It. It was night, lanterns were Hushing here nnd there, and I could see stretcher-bearers hurrying to and fro. Then I was carried Into a hospital train. The Inside of this train looked like heaven to me, Just pure white, and wo met our first Red Cross nurses; wo thought they were angels. And they were. Nice little soft bunks and clean, white sheets. A Red Cross nurse sat beside me during the whole ride which lasted threo hours. She was holding my wrist; I thought I bnd made a hit, and tried to tell her how I got wounded, but she would put her linger to her lips nnd say, 'Tea, I know, but you mustn't talk now, try to go to sleep, It'll do you good, doctor's orders." Later on I learned that she was taking my pulse every few minutes, as I wus very weak from the loss of blood and they ex pected me to snuff it, but I didn't. From tho train we went Into ambu lances for a short ride to the hospital ship Panama. Another pulnco and more angels. I don't remember the trip ucross the channel. I opened my eyes; I was being car ried on a stretcher through lanes of people, some cheering, home waving flags, and others crying. The Hugs were Union Jacks, I was In Southampton. Bl.'ghty at Inst. My stretcher was strewn with flowers, cigarettes, and chocolates. Tears sturted to run down my cheek from my good eye. I like a booby was crying. Can you bcut It? lyen into another hospital train, a live-hour ride to Paignton, another urn bulancc ride, and then I was curried into Munsey ward of the American Women's War hospital and put Into u real bed. This real bed was too much for my unstrung nerves uud I fainted. When I caiuo to, a pretty Red Cross .nurse wus. beiidjng, over jnet bathing my forehead with cold water, then she left and the ward orderly placed n screen nrouml my bed, nnd gave mo n much-needed bath and clean pajamas, Then tho screen was removed and n bowl of steaming soup was given me. It tasted delicious. Before Mulshing my coup tho nurs camo buck to ask mo my uamo ami number. She put this Information down iu u little book and then usked: "Where do you come from?" I an swered : "From tho big town behind the Statue of Liberty," uijon hearing this she Blurted Jumping up and down, clapping her hands, and railing out to three nurses across the ward: "Come here, girls nt last we have got n real live Yitnkeo with us." They came over and besieged mo with questions, until the. doctor ar rived. UH)n learning that I was an American he almost crushed my hand In his grip of welcome. They also were Americans, and were glad to see me. Tho doctor very tenderly removed my bandages and told me, nifter view ing my wounds, that ho would hnvo to take mo to the operating theater Im mediately. Personally I didn't euro whnt was dono with me. In n few minutes, four orderlies who looked llko undertakers dressed In white, brought n stretcher to my bed nnd placing me on It curried me out of tho ward, across n courtyard to tho operating room or "pictures," ns Tom my calls it. I don't remember having tho tines thesttc applied. When I cume to I was again lying In n bed In Munsey ward. One of the nurses had draped a large American tlag over the head of the bed, nnd clasped In my hand wus a smaller flag, nnd It made me feel good all over to nptln see the "Stars and Stripes." At that time I wondered when the boys In the trenches would see the emblem of the "land of the free and the home of tho bnive" beside them, doing Its bit In this great war of civi lization. My wounds were very painful, nnd several times nt night I would dream that myriads of khukl-clothed tlguret would puss my bed and each would stop, bend oven me, and whisper, "Tho best of luck, mate." Soaked with "perspiration I would awake with u cry. and the night nurse would come over and hold my hand. This uwnkenlng got to be a habit with me until that particular nurse was transferred to another ward. In three weeks' time, owing to the careful treatment received. I was able to sit up anil get my bearings. Our ward contained seventy-live patients, 00 per cent of which were surgical cases. At the head of each bed hutfg a temperature chart and diagnosis sheet. Across this sheet would be written "O. S. W." or "S. W.." tho for mer mennlng gun shot wound anil the latter shell wound. The "S. W." pre dominated, especially among the Royal Field urtlllery and Royal engineers. About forty different regiments were represented, nnd many argument! en sued ns to the respective lighting abil ity of each regiment. The rivalry was wonderful. A Jock nrgulng with an Irishman, then n strong Cockney nc cent would butt In In favor of o Lon don regiment. Before long a Welsh man, followed by a member of a York shire regiment, and, perhaps, a Conn- dlan Intrude themselves and the argu ment waxes loud and furious. The patients In tho beds start howling for them to settle their dispute outside und the ward is In nn uproar. The head sister comes along nnd with a wavo of the hnnd completely routs the doughty warriors and again silence reigns supreme. Wednesday and Sunday of each week were visiting dnys and were looked forward to by the men, because they meant parcels containing fruit, sweets or fags. When a patient hud a regular visitor, ho wus generally kept veil supplied with these delicacies. Great Jealousy Is shown among the men an to their visitors and many word wars ensue after the visitors leave. When n mnn Is sent to a convales cent home, he generally turns over his steady visitor to the man In tho next bed. Most visitors hnvo autograph albums and bore Tommy to death by asking him to wrlto tho particulars of his wounding In same. Severn! Tommies try to duck this unpleasant Job by tell, lug the visitors that they cannot write, but this never phases the owner of tho album ; ho or she, generally she, offers to write It for them nnd Tommy Is stung into telling his experiences. The questions asked Tommy by visi tors would make a clever Joko book to n military man. Some kindly looking old lady will stop at your bed nnd In a sympathetic tolco nddress you: "You poor boy, wounded by thoso terrible Germans. You must be suffering frightful pain. A bullet, did you sny? Well, tell me, I have ulwuys wanted to know, did It hurt worse going In or coming out?" Tommy generally replies that ho did not stop to llguro It out when ho wuh hit. Ono very nice-looking, ovcrenthusl nstlc young thing, stopped lit my bed and usked, "What wounded you In tho face?" In n pollto but bored tono I an swered, "A rlllo bullet." With n look of dlsduln sho passed to tho next bed, flrst ejnculutlng, "Oh I Only a bullet? I thought It was it shell." Why sho should think n shell wound was moro of a distinction bouts me. I don't sco a whole lot of differ ence myself. Tho American Women's War hospi tal wus a heaven for wounded men. They were allowed every privilege pos sible condijeJxo. wlUl the. rules. an.d mili tary discipline. Tho only fault wn that tho mon'H pusses wero restricted. To get n puna required an net of par liament, Tommy tried muny tricks to get out, but the cuininundunt, an old Boer war olllcer, wus wise to them all, and It took u new nnd clever ruso to make hint ulllx his signature to the coveted slip of paper. as soon ns it would get dark many n patient climbed over tho wnll and went "on his own," regardless of many slgui tnrlng him In the face, "Out of bonmli for imtlents." Generally the nurses won looking w other way when one .if these night raids started. 1 hope this Information will get none of them into trouble, but I cannot resist tho temptation to let the commuudiint now that occasionally we put It over in him. One afternoon I tvcclveil a note, hrough our underground channel, from uiy female visitor, nuking me to attend party nt her house that night. I tuswercd Hint she could exRct me and to meet mo nt n certnln pluco on the rond well known by all patients, and omo visitors, as "over tho wall." I told her I would be on hand nt seven- thirty. About seven-flftcen I snenked my overcoat nnd rap out of tho want nnd hid It In tho bushes. Then I told the nurse, a particular friend of mine, thnt I was going for a walk In the rose gar den. She winked nnd I knew thnt ev erything was all right on her end. Going out of the wnrd, I slipped Into the bushes und made for tho wall. It was dark us pitch nnd I wus groping through the underbrush, when sudden ly I stepped Into spneo uud felt myself rushing downward, u horrible bump, and blackness. When I rnnie to my wounded shoulder wax hurting horri bly. I wus lying ngnltitt n circular wall of bricks, dripping with moisture, and fur uwny I could hear the trickling of water. I hud In the darkness fallen Into an old disused well. But why wasn't I wet? According to nil rules I should have been drowned. Perhaps I wus and didn't know It. As the shock of my sudden stop gradually wore off It rume to me that I wus lying on n ledge and that the least movement on my part would pre cipitate me to the bottom of tho well. I struck n mutch. Iti Its faint glare I saw that I was lying In u circular hole nbout twelve feet dee the well hud been tilted In I The dripping I hud heard came from a water pipe over on my right. With my woundeil shoulder It wns Impossible to shinny up the pipe. I could not yell for help, because the rescuer would want to know how the accident happened, and I would bo haled before the commandant on charges. I Just hud to grin and bear It, with the forlorn hope thnt one of the returning night raiders would puss and I could give him our usual signal of "slss-s-s-s," which would bring him to the rescne. Every half-hour I could hear tho clock In the village strike, each stroke bringing forth n mufllcd volley of curses on the mnn who had dug the well. After two hours I heard two men talking In low voices. I recognized Corporal Cook, an ardent "night raid er." Ho heard my "slss-s-s-s" and camo to tho edge of the hole. I ex plained my predlcnment and nmld a lot of Impertinent remarks, which at tho time I did not resent, I was soon fished out. Taking off our boots, wo snenked Into the ward. I was sitting on my bed In tho dark, Just starting to undress, when the mnn next to me, "Ginger" Phillips, whispered. "'Op It, Yank, 'ere comes tho matron." I Immediately got under the covers nnd feigned sleep. The matron stood talking In low tones to tho night nurse nnd I fell asleep. When I nwnko In tho morning the night sister, nn American, was bending over me. An uwful sight met my eyes. Tho coverlet on the bed and the sheets were n mass of mud uud green slime. She was n good sport nil right, and hustled to get clean clothes and sheets so that no one would get wise, but "on her own" sho gave mo a good tonguo lashing but did not report me. Ono of tho Canadians in the ward described her as being "a Jake of a good fel low." Next visiting day I hnd an awful time explaining to my visitor why I hnd not met her at tho appointed tlmo and place. And for a week every time I pnssed a patient ho would call, "Well, well, here's the Yank. Hope you ure feel ing well, old top," Tho surgeon In our wnrd wns an American, a Harvard unit mnn, named Frost. Wo nicknamed him "Jack Frost." He was loved by nil. If a Tommy was to be cut up ho hud no ob jection to undergoing tho operation If "Jnck Frost" wuh to wield tho knife. Their confidence In him wns pathetic. He was tho best sport I hnvo over met. Ono Saturday morning tho command ant und Homo "high up" otllcers wero Inspecting tho ward, when one of tho patients who hud been wounded In the bend by u bit of shrapnel, fell on tho floor In n lit. They brought him round, nnd then looked for tho ward orderly to curry tho patient buck to his bed at the other end of tho ward. Tho or derly wuh nowhere to lie found llko our policemen, they never uro when needed. Thu ofllcers were ut a loss how to get Palmer Into his bed. Doc tor Frost was fidgeting around In n nervous manner, when suddenly with u muflled "d n" und u few other qualifying adjectives, bo stooped down und took tho man In his urms llko a baby ho was no feather, cither and staggered down tho ward with him, put him In bed and undressed him, A low murmur of approval camo from tho pa tlSPju, eocjorjicsi tot very red. ami as noon a ho hnd finished" undrcsni; Palmer, hurriedly left tho ward, Tho wound In my face hnd utmost healed and I wits n horrible-looking sight thu left cheek twisted Into a knot, thu eye pulled down, nnd my mouth pointing In n north by north west direction, I was very downhenrt rd uud could Imagine myself durlnit the rest of my life being shunned by all on account of tho repulsive scar, Doctor Frost arranged for mo to go to tho Cambridge Military hospltul ut Aldcrsliot for a special operation to ry iiuJ make the scar presentable. I arrived nt the hospital und got nn iwful shock. The food was poor and :he discipline abnormally strict. No aatlent was allowed to sit on his bed, (nd smoking was permitted only nt rcriiiln designated hours. The fnco fpoelallst dlil nothing for me except to look nt the wound. I made ifppll ration for n transfer back to Paignton, offering to pay my transportation, rids offer was accepted, and nfter two weeks' absence, once again I arrived in, Munsey ward, all hope none. mho nexi nay niter my return woe tor Frost stopped nt my bed and said: "Well, Kmpoy, If you wnnt mo to try nnd seo whnt I ran do with that scar I'll do It, but you aro taking nn awful chance." I answered: "Well, doctor, Stove Brodle took n chance; ho hulls from New York nnd so do I," Two days after tho undertaker nquad carried me to the operating room or "pictures," as we called them because of tho funny films we see un der ether, nnd the operation wns per formed. It wus a wonderful piece of The Author Juit Before Leaving for Home, surgery and n marvelous success. From now on that doctor can have my ihlrt. More than onco some poor soldier has been brought Into tho ward In a dying condition, resulting from loss of blood and exhaustion caused by hi long Journey from the trenches. After an examination tho doctor announces that the only thing that will savo him Is n transfusion of blood. Where la tho blood to come from? He docs not have to wait long for nn answer sev eral Tommies Immediately volunteer their blood for their mnte. Three or four are accepted; n blood test In made, and next day the transfusion takes place nnd there Is another pale fuce In the ward. Whenever bono Is needed for somo special operation, there are always men willing to give some a leg If necessnry to snvo some mangled mate from being crippled for life, Store than ono mnn will go through life with another man's blood running through his veins, or a piece of his rib or his shlnbone In his own anatomy. Some times ho never even knows the name of his benefactor. Tho spirit of sacrifice Is wonderful. For all tho suffering caused this war Is a blessing to England It has mudo new men of her sons; has welded all classes' Into ono glorious whole. And I can't help saying that tho doc tors, sisters, and nurses In the English hospitals, aro angels on earth, I love them all and can never repay tho cure und kindness shown to me. For tho rest of my llfo tho Red Cross will bo to mo tho symbol of Faith, Hope und Charity. After four months In tho hospital, I went before an examining board and was discharged from tho service of his Britannic majesty ns "physically unfit for further war service." After my dlschurge I engaged pass age on the American liner New York, and after a stormy trip a cross the At lantic ono momentous day, In tho haze of early dawn, I saw thu statue of lib erty looming over thu port rail, and I wondered If vYIX PKUJJI I MUM jyj CHICHESTER SPILLi DflAND ' 8, . ' . tADIKfl .k T.r U,M(t. for CIII-CIinS-TUR s A IAMOHD UkAND nM.fl in Kkd aii Cold metallic boxcf, iealeil with tllut Kltlbon, TAKM XO OTUBK. SiialTurW Brasdtl 4 Mk tor CMI.CHtff.TCM V DIAMOND HU1NU FII.LS, for twcutT-Bra yciri tc girded ilt, Safest, Alwijrt Suitable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS JUL ftHRfETM It W' lyiffvA.- DIAMOND ?5?$L TIMK TJUUD EVERYWHERE Sfffi "over tho top with (ho best off lucR nnd glvo them hell," And ovijit then, though It may sown nlruugo, I wuh really sorry not (o ho buck In thu trenches with my mules. War Is not it pink ten, hut In it worth while cituso llko ours, mud, rats, coo lies, shells, wounds, or death Itself, uro fur outweighed by thu deep sense of satisfaction felt by the man who docs his bit. There Is one thing which my ex perience taught mu that might help thu boy who muy hnvo to go. It Is this anticipation Is fur worse than tlou, lit civil life it mini stands In nw of the mnn above him, wonders how ho could ever fill his Job. When the tlmo comes he rises to the occasion, Is up and nt It, uud Is surprised to llnd how much more easily than tie uiitlclpnted ho tills his responsibilities. It Is really so "out there," Ho Iiiin nerve for the hardships; the Interest of the work grips him ; he tliuli relief In the fun uud comradeship of the trenches und wins that best sort of happiness that couiu.t with duty well done. 'XHH CND. . OREGON LIFE MAKES PAYMENT SPEEDILY (From Tuesday's Daily,) Cheeks coyrlug the llfo liisurunro pnyabbi to tho buuullclarhis of Vernon A. Forbes mid llnlph V. Poludexter wore received this morning by Ash ley Forrest, local agent of the Ore gon Llfo, from tho homo ofllco in Portland, Tho payment wus nimbi with the company's custoliiitry speed. iieeordlnit to Mr. Forrest, proofs of claim having been received In Port- laud on Mouduy and tho ruocktt malted out on the sumo duy, arriv ing hero lust, evening- NEW EQUIPMENT FOR POSTOFFICK (From Friday's D.illy ) Intensive ri pairs aro being mad" to tho Interior of the postofllen this, week, tho first shipment of moilDrit postofllco fiulpimut being rei-Mlveil Wed ii on day, uud succeeding ship ments am expected to nrrlvo dally. Now desks, mulling stands, vaults mid cabinets are being Installwl, re placing tho old methods used. Tint new equipment will greatly furllltnto tho handling of tho mull through lit Bund office. ARMY OFFICERS TO INSTRUCT MEN (From Saturday's Dally) For the purpose of Instructing; draft registrants on military matters. Including Insurance, and allotments, and physical qualifications, ottlcurw from tt.o National army at Camp I.'iwU will bo In Bond on Friday ovouliig, August 2. A meeting hax been catted by tho local war board of nil draft registrants In tho county to bo In attendance, nt the circuit court rooms, tho hour not yet bolm: determined upon, but to bo an nounced later. PRINEVILLE ROAD IS NEARING COMPLETION (From Saturday's Daily.) Ralls wore laid to the depot alto In Prlncvlllo on tho now Prlunvllli mad yesterday, tho train having en tered the city tho dny previous As a result of tho completion of tho,, f railroad, Prluuvllto Is to hnvo a cele bration, tho dnto of which will ho announced wltjilu u short time. Only . Lemon Oil is re quired by the Government in genuine lemon extract Crescent contains nearly three times that amount. No wonder Crescent Lemon tfoes farther requires less and does not bake out like cheaper extracts. i It will pay you always to ask for i Crescent Better Extracts (C-XS) MS' p 1