UKND nULLRTIK, IIKND OIIKOON, TIIUIWDAV, AUO.UHT 1, 1MB PAORB; VICTOR JUST Mv lly John McCornilck "I Near You Culling Mo" "Flirtation" "Tho Slur lljmngli'il iiomiur" "At Dawning" "A Llttlo lilt of llimvon" "Avo Miirlu" (Hchuliuit) "I Lovn to Mo a Hnllor" (by Jlnrry Lauder) "Missouri Wnltz ( Dancing) "Kiss Mil Agnln" (Waltz) "Aloha On" (by Alum (lluclr) "You'ro n Urn ml Old Flag" "llri'iik the Nown to Mothor" "I Novur Kiiiiw" (from Can a ry Cottagn) "Columbia, tho (loin of tho Ocuiiii" "0 odd Ilyo Broadway, Hnllo Franco" (Accordion Holo) i "Hull Columbia" "Tho Battle Cry of Froodom" "Yoiiiik America, Wo'ro Htrong for You" "Hongs Wo Used to fling In Dixieland" "A Perfect Day" (Trio) "Mothor Mnchron" (Trio) HORTON DRUG CO. THE REX ALL STORE (Smitn.ii It IUtJ 6 Ihit.n) Vattn, panned thro will Hand Mils' morning for that Miction, whuro lip will remain for nnvural days. K. K, Ounloy of IJurriH, accom panied by hln d,uiightar,Ethol, arrived, In tho city IiiHt night for tho purpose of mooting Mrs, OiiKloy, who linn jtiHt returned from an oxtuiidod vlMlt with rolntlvoH In Toxun, Ncwb in Brief. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Witdncidoy's Dolly.) Jity II. Upton Is ovor from Prlno vlllu today. ".Mr. mid Mrs. I., Frlzzoll of Silver Lake nrn In tho city. Ham Fri'dorlcknon of Kit I'luo In n IiusIiiks vliltor In tho city. K. O. Ilulok of Hllvor l.nko In trans nnllng IiiihIiiohh In tho city. Mm. F. J. Warner of Prlnovlllo U visiting with frluudH In tho city. Mr. anil Mm. W. II. Kiittou of llurnn arrived In (ho city hut night. !:. M. Pek of llmiipion raniH In yotttnrdiiy for a short Illiniums visit. II. A. Mlllor rtiirnd lust from it IhirIiikm trip Into Jnn"noii ooutity. H. U. ('iliwll r'liirnml hunt nlr.lit to Vancouver, whuro U u iiikkhI In ithlpynrd work. urty niiiir tho llend Amateur Athlotlc club Kyi'iiinNlum. (From TuwMlay's Dally.) II. A. Mlllr In mnkltiK a buntnoM trip Into Jefferson county. C. II. Duly of Hoar Creek Button In n tho cty toduy on Iiukhom, I.'. II. Hpoo of Sisters wu n hunt iichh visitor In tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mm. M. P. Caidimuti re turned last night from u visit at Gateway, ). II, Gray of I'nullno passed throur.h llend thin morning on hi way to Klamath FallH. K. I'. Jcch or tho Cont.-Oro. Motor company returned Kuiidny from a motor trip to vurloui part of tho state. O. H. Hudson roturnml this morn Iiik from a trip to I'ortlaud and Son Mldo, Mm. HuiIhoii mid their two children will Mpuud a fow weeks at Seaside, (From Saturday's Dally.) Mm. II. C. Kcotl ot l.a IMno li vlnlt Ing In tho city. C. V. Muwk of I'ortlaud In a busi ness visitor In tho city. Mr. and Mm. (!. V. Mundon of Portland aro In tho city. Mr. mid Mm. II. Riley or Stockton, California, nro In tho city. J S MrMonuny of I'ortlnud In reg istered at (ho Pilot llutto Inn. V. Il.ideiiflold or Klamath FallH In transacting business In tho city. P. II, Poliiduxter or Prliiorlllii wan! a luiHlnemi visitor In tho city ester-) day. Harold Norton, Theodore, Walker, I F. . Wulkor. Jr.. or Wmtwnoil, Cal ' and HrookN Walkor or Plodtnout.l Cat., nirlvcd In tho city lattt uIkIiI ' liy auto. Tho party In uiakluK a tour or tho N'orthwoflt (From Wudncnduy Dally.) Will !Vxl Cnttln In Viillo1. Many cattlo will bo fed In tho Dr-Achutc vnlloy durlthK tho winter. Thin In tho opinion or prominent Htocktncn, who havo boon watchlnc tho ranKO Hltuatlou. Practically all or tho hlxh rmiRo Iioh boon burned up by tho drouth, and unlvMi herds aro taken whuro thoro In hay tho owners will havo to dlHpoRO or tho Mock. Mr. 'nioiiipftoii JIct. U, C. ThompNon or McMlnnvlllo, Orexon, and Dr. U, H. WrlKht or McMlnnvlllo wnro In llond lant iiIkIU after Hpend Iiik Novoral weeks In this section on a flNhliiK expedition. Mr. Thompson wuh tho builder or tho Multnomah hotel In Portland. Itnptlkl Women MHi. Tho Hup list Women's union will hold Its regular business mectluK tomorrow afiornoon at tho homo or Mrs. T. II. Foley. All members and friends aro Invited to attend to work on Helglun layottei. VMIm KHiillwN. U. U. Mcltey nolils, cashier of tho First, National hank, left this mornliiK for u visit with relatives In Oklahoma. Up will bo Kono thouj:!i"AuKUNt. 5 Air. WJct, JtfsttirnM. 1. D," Met rotiirneil t)jH morning after a brief visit In Portland. Mm. Wlent will romnlii Jn i'ortlaud for soveral weeks loiiKor. Wliiitl HnrxtitliiK Is On. Wheat hnrvestliiK has commenced In Do nchutes and Crook counties, several or tho farmers having combines at work. In (From Monday's Dally ) Mm. I.. Mlllor or Ilurns was llend yesterday. Floyd Maker of Ilurus Is a business visitor In tho city. Arthur M. Churchill of Portland Is n business visitor In llond, I.leut, I.. F. Hurhazittto mid Mrs. Ilarbnzotto ot Portland aru In thu city. Mm. .Mayors mid Mm. Hundley or llolso, Idaho, aro registered at tho Wright hotel. ' Mr. mid Mm. Otis Ilrnwn or Oak land, California, aro registered at tho Pilot llutto, Hov. Vim WntorH or Portland Is In tho city mid will remain hero until tomorrow night on IiiihIiiohh connect od 'with tho plans for building thu Episcopal church on tho church prop (From Friday's Dally.) P. II. Johnson Is In from Mllllcan today. A. C Durham of Roberts Is a busi ness visitor li) tho city. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Garfield of Htella, Washington, uro In tho city. Dr. Van Waters will hold service Holiday evening at 8 o'clock in Blither's ball. Mrs, Km inn Mlllor of Hums ar rived In thu city this morning for nn extended visit. County Commissioner Miller la up from Kcdmoiid today to attend a meeting or tho county court. U, A. Hradloy and Max Cunning ramo up from Hodmond this mom Iiik on business before thu county court. Mm. It. P. Ycager of Ilurns wan In llond last night. Mm. Yeagur In on her way to Camp Lewis, where alio will visit with her sou for several weeks. (From Thursday's Dally.) F. M. Post of AUuKa Is In tho cltr on business. I.luier Wether of Fife, Oregon, Is a business visitor In tho city. P. II. Johnson of Mllllcan wan n buslnesH visitor In tho city yester day. Mm. II. 10. Michael or Madras Is (n tho city mid will ruinaln hero for so vera I jlnys. Mrs. Phillips of (Irnnd Junction, Colorado, accompanied by her two sons, arrived In tho city last night and will muko her future homo horo. Ooorgo Wullmun of Portland, who ban largo laud holdings at Klamath III YOUR DRUG STORE tflilt r O'KANE BUILDING lli IN I YOUR DRUG STORE REMOVAL ANNOUNCEMENT We are now located in our new home in the R. M. Smith building on Wall Street, ready to seroe our old friends who stood so loyally by us in our old store, and we hope to mahe many new friends, because we can now serve you belter than ever before. Whether you wish to buy anything or not, come in. We will be glad to welcome you. The Peoples Store Agent for R & G CofKtf ud Af9.C P.UltHwiery The Reliable Prescription Drug Store Your Prescriptions will be filled Accurately and Promptly, Just Remember Magill & Erskine (From Tuesday's Dally. Toluol tlio Alnrim-M.- Two moro tnsn havo been added to tho "Dovll Dogs," an tho Unchcs call them, through thu local Dovll Dog recruit ing station, 20 oO'Kano building. James A. Harris of Mllllcan, Oregon, having enlisted and loft for Maro Inland, Cal Hunday night, and Al fred F, Hackney, who has been om ployed by the Oregon Fuel company, leaves tonight for Portland and from thoro to tho training station. Ser geant lirookn states (hat men who arc qualified an machanlcn, linemen, radio and tolcgrahpcrn aro needed In tho Marines, Mr. Cnldncll IteturiiH. Mayor C. 8. Caldwell wllljcavo tonight for Vancouver, after spending a couplo or days In thin city with bin family. Mr. Caldwell In now employed an a sheet metal worker In tho shipyards at Portland. Ho expects to remain thoro for at leant two months and possibly longer. During his absence Clyde McKay, president or tho coun cil, will perform tho duties ot mayor. UuMnw Tiirim Owt Fund-:.- Ad Gustavo yoHtoiday turned over to the local chapter or tho Ited Cross tho sum or 'j, this being thu amount left ns his sharo or Saturday night's wrestling match after his expenses, amounting to 1 12, had been de ducted. Iteturii to Home. Mrs. II. J. Hen nlngs and two nous, who for tho past two mouths havo been visiting Mrs. J. C, Vaudevcrt, Mrs. Honnlng'n sis tor, loft last night for their home, accompanied by Mrs. Vandevort, who will visit in Medford for two weeks. .Mr. Dlmlck Hen. -J. W. Dlmlck, formerly manager lor the Standard Oil company In thin city, but now lo cated In a similar position at Inde pendence, Oregon, Is In tho city spending several days on his vaca tion. Klglit-I'ound Hoy. Horn, on Mon day to Mr. and Mrs. Troy Heaver, ah eight and a halt pound .boy. Mrs. noavcr -wan attended by Dr. Norrls end 'Mrs. J. W. Duller of Portland, a sister or Mr. Heaver. Union 1Su)n Territory. Tho Brick layers, Masons and Plasterers' union has purchased the Crook, Jefferson and Deschutes county rights for the now Porrino vacuum fireplace, a now patent. Moto Into New Home. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. F. Larson aro moving into their npw homo In Plnelyn Park, which han been but recently com pleted. Hero from lUtlniond. J. It. Rob erts, a member of tho firm or Rob erts Lynch or Redmond, was in tho city yesterday on business. Hlx-I'ouml ;irl. A six-pound girl wan born yesterday morning to Mr. HERE'S YOUR HAT WHAT'S YOUR HURRYf Lots of hurry-for good hnts are scarce. Prices nro still on the up. THE GORDON HAT $4.00 Get Yours Now. Everybody wears Caps nowadays but they want good ones Gordon Caps, 75c-$ 1.00-$ 1.25-$1.50 rJk Boys' Caps 50c-60c-65o95c Look Over Our Line of Men's Shirts Wilson Bros. Dress Shirts, at Si .25, $1.50, $1.75. $2.00, $2.50 New Ties 25c-50c-65c-$1.00 STOP AND SHOP AT BPSEHSra WHERE EVERYBODY TRADES and Mm. Walter Strickland, six miles cast or liend. w ARNER BENDS ECONOMY CENTER S Mirro Aluminum Ware EXCLUSIVE AGENCY ALL THAT IS UNIVERSALLY GOOD IN FINE ALUMINUM WARE 5R f mrn ? n1 In the Mirro line is presented an ar ray of Aluminum Ware that rellects standards of qual ity, design, work manship, durabili ty and convenience ALL that liaj been ac complished in the realm of beautiful Aluminum finds new expression in the Mirro line. Aluminum has long been accepted by dis criminating housewives as the attractive, dura ble ware for kitchen and general household use. The Mirro line offers super-refinement to attractiveness and durability. (From Monday's Dally.) WirMN VMt in Portland. Mr. and Mm. L. D. Wiest left Saturday night fro Portland, where Mrs. Wlest will visit for several 'weeks. Mr. Wlest will return some tlmo early this week. Monthly Dnuco Postponed. The monthly members' danco ot the Bend Amateur Athletic club, regularly scheduled for tomorrow night, has ;bcen postponed until next week Mon day. Ncvtllecrnft Meeting. Ncedlecratt club will meet Thursday afternoon, August 1, with Mrs. Geo. T. Sellers at her new apartment in the Bend Athletic club building. Mm. Innbnlt Home. Mm. Frank Indbnlt and two daughters returned this morning from a two weeks' va cation spent in Portland and Seattle. (From Saturday's Dally.) Takes Vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eastes nnd Miss Margaret Schra dcr will leave tomorrow morning for Portland, making tho trip by motor over tho Mackenzie pass. Mr. and Mrs. Eastes will return in a few davs, but Miss Schrader will remain for a two weeks' vacation In Portlnad. KnlUts In Omilry. Clarence L. Clark of this city has enlisted with the cavalry in tho United States army through Sergeant Hnrvey ot tho army rocrultlng station and will leavo here tonight tor Portland, from which place ho will go to Ft. Lawton, Wash ington, for training. Hero from Mlnncsotn. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hlco and daughter of St. Cloud, Minnesota, arrived In tho city this morning. .Mr. Rico has accepted n responsiblo position with Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company nnd the family will make their future homo in this city. Onpturvs Moth, A mammoth moth, measuring at least two Inchon In length, was captured by E. J. Itogors In his hnyfleld near llend and is being held by him until ho deter mines tho genus to which it belongs. Now Pastor Arrixos. Rev. F. L. Horvlg of Portland, accompanied by his daughter, Miss Thclmn, arrived in llend last night, Mr. Iiorvlg has been appointed to fill the pastorate at tho Lutheran church in this city. Installing Mnchlnery. J. F, Smith ot Duluth, Minn., is in tho city and will romaln horo for sevornl weeks lustnlliug now machinery at one ot tho logging camps. III. Clow, JC.50; M. A. Hamilton, $1; T. H. Foley. $1; James Black, 1, and P. B. Johnson, 2. ItctI Crosn I'nrty. A Ited Cross card party and tea is being hold at the Masonic hall this afternoon tor the benefit ot the Belgian baby's lay ette fund. The affair is in chargo ot Mrs. J. C. Vandewert and Mrs. II. M. Grelmer, assisted by several other ladies. Fourteen card tables have been arranged for the entertainment or the guests. In from Mctoliui. Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Hendershott of Portland and Dr. and Mrs. C. V. Littler of Albany, who have been spending the pas,t two weeks on the Metollus" on a fishing; trip, returned to Bend last night ani left today tor their hqmes. Nickcil in France Friends havo received word from Charles Nlckell. formerly proprietor ot the Windmill pool hall in Bend, that ho has ar- rived in France. Mr.' Nickel! left Bend with a draft contingent less; than two months ago. Jncoltscn Goo to Ft. Itock. N. O. Jacobsen, forest supervisor, left this morning for Ft. Rock, where he will attend a special meeting of the Fre-1 mont Stock association, which has been called for tho purpose ot taking up grazing business. Visits wltli Parents. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth II. Minor and Mrs. Minor's, sibter, Miss Lona Provosttof Ashland, Ore., arrived last night and will bo tho guests ot Mr. Minor's parents.. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Minor, tor several weeks. Dr. 1-Vrrcll Leaves. Dr. B. Ferroll left yesterday morning for a six. weeks' or two months' visit in Port land. During his absence Dr. R. W. Hendershott will occupy'tho Ferroll offices in tho O'Kano building. Returns from Runci. Mrs. Mul- ler has returned from tho ranch and, has taken up her work In the hair, dressing parlors. Mr. SliolIu Here. E. C. Shevlfii ot Portland arrived in tho city yester day and will remain horo for soveral days. (From Friday's Dally.) Check for Tobacco Sent. Repre senting tho contributions to tho new tobacco fund for our boys in France which Tho Bulletin is now collecting in connection with tho, American Red Cross, a check was Bent yesterday to Washington, for WQ5Q ThX In cludes contributions as follows: II. (From Thursday's Dully.) Surgical Dressing Workers. Work; In tho surgical dressing department ot tho Red Cross Is bulng dono on Monday mornings a ml nftornoous of Tuesday, Wednesday nnd Friday of each week. Tho tallowing workers wore in nttendanco Wed nesday: Mrs. Cunningham, 'Airs. McDonald, Mrs. Thordarson, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Francis, Mrs. Sandors. Mrs. Terroll, Mrs. Crum, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Lawrouce, Mrs. Olnpp, Mrs. Foloy, Mrs. Norcutt, Mrs. McPhor son, Mra. McCluro, Mrs. Davis, Mrs S. W. Moore. Fleetwood Editor Here. L, B. Charles, editor of tlio JLake County News, published! 'at JFjfewood, was ia tho city yesterday ami Twill remain here for several days. j; v