The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 01, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    PAGE 4
itRyn mn.Mjrny, hknd qnicgoN, Thursday, augubt i, mm
The Bend Bulletin
Kstnbllshed 11)02.
An Independent 'nowsniincr atnnd
tag fur tho squnro tlcnl, clcnn bus!'
Bess, clean politics nnd tho boat In'
terests of Bond and Contrnl Oregon
Ono Year . $2.00
Six Months 1.00
Thrco Months .50
' i.i i. -i-
(By Wm. Hamilton Otborot.)
My now neighbor Is a man of un
certain ago ho looks forty, but prob
ably Is thirty-five. Ills manner Is
youthful however, and ho Is very
vigorous and frco and easy -with his
"No, sir," ho said to mo ono day in
tho car, "no, sir, I didn't ratso my
boy to bo a soldier. Not by a long
I shook my head. "This kind of
talk at this time," I warned him,
"is a bit dangerous, isn't it? Maybe,
though," I went on, "you haven't any
boy, and, therefore, ho couldn't bo a
"Haven't a boy," he exclaimed,
"you bet I have. I've got three of
"How old aro they?" I queried.
"Seven, flvo and three," he re
turned promptly.
"Then," 1 remarked, "you were
only Joking."
"Not on your life," ho came back
nt me, "I'm dead earnest about this
thing. I didn't bring those boys into
tho world to fight. Listen. Italy has
been at war with Turkey since 1911.
Soven long years. Boys that were
eight yea re old in 1911 aro filling up
tho ranks today. Do you think 1
-want that for my boys. Do you think
I want my three little boys to grow
up Into a. ton years' war. Not on
your life. I'll do all that's In ray
power to prevent It. If every civilian
In this country would do everything
In his power to prevent It, tho thing
would be easy. Listen. I'm strong
for a two years' rar, or a three years'
war. That's going to clean us up
that'll put the kibosh on Germany
onco and for oil. That's what I call
rapid firo business. We can clean up
inside of two or three years In this
war. We're quick, wo Americans.
Quick, when we go to it. Well, all
we'vo got to do here at home is to
back this war, hot and heavy now.
Then thero'll bq an end to It. But
if -wo don't, goodnight. If we back
it up now "
"By backing It up you mean?"
"Money. That's the thing that
talks. A llttlo of tho cream off the
top. A little self-sacrifice now or a
-wbolo lot of 'necessary hell later.
Listen. Look forward ten years from
now. Suppose there's still war. What
will it mean to you? Your little kids
of today all over there all getting
killed. Your wlfo and family sick
-with deprivation. Your Income neces
sarily taxed down to one-third of its
eizo. This whole people, this govern
ment, even slaves. Sounds funny,
don't It? Slaves to what? To Ger
many? No slaves to war. Do Ave
-want a war that is going to last so
long that the mark of Its heel as It
grinds us down In the rolro Is going
to show and bo left for two or three
generations? Do wo want that? Wo
can have it If wo want It. We can
havo It easy enough. We can all sit
back and say: 'America will win the
warl' She will, if that's all -we do
about It Just say that. She will win
But hero's what I'm Interested In:
Is she going to win at the end of two
years or at tho end of ten? At a
cost of twenty billions or a hundred
billions of dollars. At tho loss of a
liundred thousand men, or five mil
lions? That's what Interests men.
Now, I want Just what every man in
America wants. He wants to -win this
war and ho wants to win it quick.
Every man In this country, and every
man's family, will be In this war
somehow or other, at some time. I
don't mean In tho trenches I mean
in tho grip of war, and what it means.
All right. If every man in this coun
try will realize that If we all 'got in
now wo can get In quick and make a
quick finish, that when wo'ro saving
ourselves from a few years of holl on
earth if ho would only realize that,
he'd get in quick. He'd put every
cent, every dollar ho possibly could
spare ho'd make every monetary
sacrifice to win this war."
I'retty good 'philosophy, I thonght.
Was It all talk. Not a bit of It. I
discovered that this man and his
young family, with tho prldo of pa
triotism shining In their faces, for
ovor a year havo been denying them
selves everything save tho absoluto
necessaries of. life. They have, In
fact, been putting their livelihood,
their cowfprtablo living, into this
war. What for? So that his little
boys won't have t,o grow lip Into a
long war, so thaj his ylfe may In tho
future havo WbVg' jfp'eat -so hat
othor American' fa'm'l'iies' in 'tho fu-
turo may lmvo onqugh lo llvo on.
It struck mo thftl It everybody I if tho
country could hoar this mnu talk, nnd
tho way ho said It, and could know
tho surprising nnioiint of wnr savings
stamps and thrift" Rtamps, and Lib
erty bonds that ho nnd his llttlo
family hivo purchased, tho rest of
us would -begin to -wako up nnd como
to his way of thinking that if wo,
your nnd I, would nil of us Jump Into
this war quick, wo could soon get t(
over with nnd llvo happy ovor nftor,
It wo don't, wo'ro llablo to havo tho
hool of war upon our nocks for years
to como. America will win tho wnrj
but whon, at what cost, at tho loss
of how many lives? Tho nnswor
rests with you. It rests with mo.
It tho Commercial club is looking
tor something to do, wo suggest that
It obtain as comploto n list as possible
of tho mon who havo gono to wnr
from Bend, dlvldo the names up
among tho members, and then let
each member of thoclub write n
letter at least onco a week to the
men on his list. Tho names could
bo rotated so that tho same soldier
got letters from different members as
the weeks went by.
To tho soldier in tronch or in camp
letters from homo aro tho most pro.
clous nnd tho most hcartonlug things
ho can havo. Wo have boon told
that by every visiting soldier and wo
havo read It time nnd again. While
wo aro making arrangements to havo
our own Interest spurred by Weekly
talks, why not plan to keep up tho
spirit of our boys by doing something
actfve ourselves?
Limited to Thrco Pounds Per Person
Per Month Purchases Must'
Ho Made Onco Kuril
Fall Merchandise Now Arriving !
Largest and Best Varieties Ever Shown
in Central Oregon
Every tlmo you read, you pur
chasers of Liberty bonds nnd war
savings stamps, of what tho United
States is doing in France in build
ing wharves and railroads, or delug
ing the Gormnns with gas or shelling
them out of position with big guns
or snrapnel, or ot bombing their
arsenals or cities, or of tho groat
work our army and our navy, or of
the building of ships here, or of any
or all of tho great or small achieve
ments of America, hero or abroad or
on tho seas, you buyers ot Liberty
bonds and war savings stamps truth
fully can say, "I had a hand In this";
"I contributed to this"; "I am help
ing do this"; "It is part my work."
(Harney County Tribune.)
Yesterday we paid tho city of
Burns for a license to conduct a
printing office in Burns for the last
half ot tho year 1913. Although
the print shops of Burns are com
pelled to pay a license to do business
the clfy uses a form tor this purpose
printed In tho office of Bushong &
Co. ot Portland, who do not havo to
pay a licenso to conduct their busi
ness or do not pay a centot taxes to
this city.
News in Brief.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Two Join Marines. Clalro J.
Douglas and Charles D. Joseph yes
terday Joined the Marines at tho lo
cal recruiting station, 2C O'Kane
building, and left last night for their
preliminary training at the Maro
Island navy yards. Both of the re
cruits wero but 18 years of age, Mr.
Douglas' homo being at Miilican nnd
Mr. Joseph giving Oregon City as his
place ot residence.
Rod CrosH AVarkcrx. Tho follow
ing workers reported for duty yes
terday at tho sewing rooms of tho
died Cross in the Koeppen building:
Mrs. Gllson, Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Lamb,
Mrs. O'Laughlln, Mrs. Schanks, Mrs.
Newby, Mrs. Whitlock, Mrs. Gove,
Mrs. Fox, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Hor
ton, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Spencer, Mrs.
Beebe, Mrs. Holman, Mrs. Howard,
Mrs. Landfaro, Mrs. Moss.
Futlicr Is III. C. E. Niswonger
has received word that his father Is
seriously ill at Tho Dalles and Mr.
Niswonger expects to leave elthor this
evening or tomorrow for that placo.
One cent a word Is all a llttlo Want
Ad will cost you.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Commencing tomorrow norulng,
no sugar can bo purchased In Do-
schutes county In any quantity what-
over unless a card is first signed by
tho purchasor. This aunouncomotit
went out In tho form of a letter from
tho county food administrator's of-
Ilco Into yestorday afternoon.
Mr. Hartrantt In an Interview
stated that tho action taken was
necessary for tho conservation ot tho
sugar nupply.
"Tho sugar situation in tho United
States Is ono that domands our ut
most attention," ho Bald, "and be
causo soma aro not Inclined to llvo
up to tho regulations It lias becomo
necessary that somo method of check
tug sugar sales bu Introduced. Such
a method is being worked out for tho
entire state, but until that method Is
perfected tho county will ubo Its own!
card, supplies of which wero mailed
to tho grocers of tho county this
afternoon, to go Into effect Immedi
ately upon receipt."
Those cards aro lo bo used by the
grocers in making all sugar snles,
both for family consumption nnd for
canning purposes, nnd must he signed
by tho head of the family, nnd In the
Instance where tho houses are num
bered tho street nddross must b
shown on tho card.
Intent of tlic Curd SjMeiii.
Tho purpose of tho card system,
according to Mr. Hartrantt, is to
keep a check on tho amount of sugar
sold In the city, at tho same time
preventing tho purchasers from mak
ing a purchaso at ono storu on ono
day and going back and repeating tho
performance at another placo ot busi
ness on the day following. Under
tho card system, tho head ot tho
family is entitled to hln purchaso ot
sugar each woek, at tho averago of
thrco pounds per person per month.
When tho purchaso Is made tho num
ber of persons In tho family mint
bo given, and a weekly allowanpe
will bo sold, no more.
AVill Hnvo Double Check.
Tho card system elves a double
check on tho sugar sales In tho. coun
ty. If tho head of the family pur
chases three pounds of sugar ono
week and does not como back again
for a number of weeks, tho food ad
ministration will bo able to deter
mine whorls cither hoarding sugar or
living without it. In tho first in
stanco prosecution Is apt to follow,
immediately, and In tho latter In
stance tho purchaser would bo com
mended for tho forebcaranco.
.Sugar Situation Acute.
The sugar situation in tho natltfn1
Is serious, Mr. Hartrantt declared.
Under orders recolvt'd by him from
tho state food administrator's offl'co
yesterday, no sugar will bo issued on
pormlt during tho month of August
for any purpose whatever, elthor to
wholesalers, camps or hotels or prl
vato Individuals, without first receiv
ing a permit from tho national offlco.
How long this order will remain in
effect Is not known, hut it is safo to
say such a condition will last during
tho entlro month.
Following Is tho form of card
which is to bo signed:
P. O Dato
Upon my honor, I certify that this
purchaso of. pounds of sugar is
mado upon tho express understand
ing that there will not he used In
my household moro than threo
pounds of sugar nor person per
Buy early is our advice. Don't wait too long. The prices on these commodities
ure going sky-high. Our today's quotations are VOfi lower than they will be
-, ' sixty days from now.
"Make Good" is the
Keynote of Our Store
We assume all responsibility for our customers' satisfaction. We
don't want any one's money who doesn't feel that he gets full
value for it. We mean to insure your purchase.
The True Meaning of Fit--rjrC-t,;?!!:.
the manner in which they conform to the lines of your figure you'll find it well
developed in our clothes. We carry your fit and siv.e slims, stouts, stubs or longs
Hom of llurl
Scht.ffimr CO. Mrx
supply of sugar, based on a consump
tion ot three pounds per person per
month, except on special permission
of tho United Stntcs food adminis
trator. I ngrco to continue on this
plan until tho food administration
advises that tho sugar situation has
been relieved.
No. In Family.....
(Give Head ot Family.)
' "uiniiuu.v. .roni Pago Ono.)
. s . .
I agreo not to hoard sugar, and ex
cept for canning purposes, ot which
my supply at present Is not moro than
25 pounds, I havo not now and will
not at any tlmo havo In my houso or
undor my control moro than a week's
will not bo out a cent for that, 'part
ot tho program, j.
Tho taxpayers will hnvo to foot
tho quarter of a mill tax, to bo sure,
but had tho Pierce plan gone through
tho taxpayers would havo had to
ralso a million a year, whllo now tho
.uncomplaining automobile owners
ore standing tho gnff, nnd aro glad
to do It If thoy sco good roads in
.But whatever happens, tho good
pooplo of Central Oregon may rust
assured that every effort will bo
mado to Jimmy up thu. $6,000,000
road bond hill and If it is Jimmied up
It is altogether probable that Central
Oregon can whistle for trunk lino
roads for tho noxt 20 years to como.
That is about tho size ot tho situa
Knst mid South Join Hand.
,At last Eastern and Southern Ore
gon aro beginning to got together
on a political proposition and If they
pull this off successfully It may be
tho Initial move In u lot of political
alignments In tho future which may
greatly chango tho complexion of po
litical affairs In tho state generally.
Thoy aro now preparing to Join
hands on tho hill to establish normal
schools In Eastern and .Southern
Oregon. It Is to bo granted that thoy
havo tackled tho problem nt a hard
tlmo. With war emergencies facing
tho statu It will require Homo tall
NORTH PORTLAND, Aug. 1. Two hundred nnd fifty
cattlo received. (Market steady.
Prlmo steers, $11.75012.25; good choice, 10.75 11.71!;
medium to good, $9.50010.75; fair to medium, $8.5009.50;
common to fair, $5.5008; choice cows and heifers, $8
8. 50; medium to good, $G 07.50; fair to medium, $50fi;
cannors, $305; bulls, $5.5007.50; calves, $8. 50011. DO;
stockers and feeders, $0 08.
Four hundred hogs recolved. Market Hteady.
Strong prlmo mixed, $18.25 18,50 medium mixed,
$18018.26; rough heavy, $1C.7517; pigs, $1C10.50;
bulk, $18,25.
No sheep received. Market steady.
East of mountain lambs, $13 14; vailoy lambs, $12,50
013; yearlings, $9.50010.50; wethers, $8,5009,50; owes,
Central Oregon Bank
argument to convince many of the
hard bonded old Individuals who
make up tho population of this grand
old stnto that normal schools should
be reopened during tho war. Hut, If
tho battle is won under such adverse
conditions, it will all tho mom show
Central nnd Eastern Oregon what a
political power they might become
for each other's uses, It they could
get together In tho future.
Complaint often has been made
that .Multnomah county nnd tho
Willamette vailoy havo held the bnl
nnco ot power, nnd unquestionably
this Is truo, and would remain so
for a long time, to come If thoy stuck
togothor. But thoso two sections
can't always stick togothor, which
means that a combination of Cen
tral and Southern Oregon that would
stljk together would bo a winner
Somo tnl&'of such a 'lineup was
mado prior to tho last primaries In
tho apparent congeniality of Stan-
field and Simpson, tho mllllonulre
voto getters. But conditions outside
of tho Knst nnd South combination
militated against those two worthies,
nnd as a result tho finish can bo usod
ns no good criterion upon which to
baso tho possibilities of a political
lineup between the two sections.
Perhaps tho normal school bill will
bo beaten. But If It Is It will prob
ably weld oven donor together the
Knst and South factions nnd may
bring forth somo Interesting political
developments in tho yet unopened
1m I'olletlo mi lmlcHiidiit,
Our old friend Aleck La Foljotto
ui .uuriun county, won attained n
stnto-wldo reputation during two Hes
sians of tho state senate as tho grand,
est tightwad or all, and who was de
feated ut tho prlmnrios for renomlnn
lion, has got tho Independent boo
buzzing In his head, nrcordlng to re
ports, Aleck Is n redoubtable figure,
and so tight Hint when ho winks his
oyos they say that tho skin all over
his body wrinkles up Into llttlo curll-
cules. In tho Inst session Aleck hnd
n particular hobby or picking on Mix
Cornelia Marvin, stnto librarian,
Humor has it that she in turn picked
on him during tho last senatorial
contest, and consequently his po
litical career was nipped In tho bud.
Aleck bragged of tho fact that hit
hadn't rend a book for tho past 27
years, nnd Intimated that If every
one else pursued the same nourm
they might become ns affluent, a
wise nnd as popular as he, during:
the noxt 27 years,
But ho Is not satisfied with tint
results nnd Is about to become an
Independent candidate for tho sen
nto, If Damn Rumor Is not provurlcat-
lug. It will ho an Interesting race,
ns Marlon county Is the original
homo of tho biped known ns llio
tightwad. Over hero an appropria
tion hill has about as many friend
un a Belgian orphan has In Berlin.
No doubt some day Marion county
folk will scaro their llttlo children
Into fits by telling them to go to
hod or tho next legislature will pass
un appropriation bill.
How they ever happened to turn
Aleck down under tho circumstance
Is beyond (ho guesses of oven the
wise. Aleck certainly ployed their
game with all of tho eclat and bong:
swat of tho gnat unread. Ho tram
pled upon pet measures of all klndit
that had any money attached.
throughbut tho entlro session
limbered himself up about 15 time
per day, by slowly pulling from ii
ri'iir pocket a muchly crumpled pam
phlet which contained flgurJs twin
which Alerk deduced that It dldnjj.
cost as much to run tho state library
nt Olympla ns It did nt Salem durlug:
the preceding blenuluin.
Tho tightwads tuny rnlly for Altaic'
and put him ovor. Hut, as has been
said before, this doesn't look like an
Independent's year.
And Incidentally, It has been pretty
woll reported around hero that
Thomas F, Ryan has decided lint to
attempt to defeat IlufT for tho
treasurorshlp by tho Independent
routo. This doesn't como from Ryan
or his friends, but Is u persistent
rumor, nnd so persistant thnt thuro,
may ho something to It.
Homo do suy thnt tho publication
of Ryan's famous pru.prlmnry letter
hiiM something to do with tho decision.
i Ii i
V. 8. Vu Adialnlatratlbo.
'Sides savin' fats en wheat, wo
got tor suve uugnr. Do bos' way
ter save sugar In ter uso syrupa on
A nice ii'l pltchor full or 'lasses
convoyed by a (loot or buckwheat
:nkes is ono or do boa' ways to
"got crost" wld do. sugar projlck,
en It oaves wheat 'flour too.
Wsll Street, Bend, Ore
go n