The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, August 01, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAOB a
Central Oregon
I MILLICAN, July 2G. Unfortu-
nntoly. tho Hucklll houso burned Frl
I day. How tho flro originated is not
k fenown, j.a;the Jluckllls wcro not llv-
, ing thoro, although thoy had quite a
, bit of furniture In It.
Mr. Drookft and Mrs. Mary Rosin
and children visited at tho J. J. Hoi
i land homo Friday.
I Mrs. J. J. Holland was on tho sick
I list Friday.
I Alex. Fecal and Frank Llndsoy
I wcro out over Sunday.'
' Mrs. P. D. Johnson and children
wcro visitors at tho A. D. Norton
home Sunday.
L. B. Keller camo out with his car
Sunday, returning to II end Monday.
Ills family returned with hlui to
spend the week.
Ed. Mooro and R. R. Keller were
nt tho Jameson ranch and Hear Creek
' Saturday. Sunday and Monday.
R. R. Keller and children made a
trip to Daro Butte Wednesday,
j Mary Holland called at the Fecal
homo Sunday evening.
Rev. Shoohan came to tho J .J.
i Holland houto Sunday afternoon and
1 held mass 'Monday morning.
f Mrs. Alex. Fecal and nephew Law-
) Tcnce attended mass, beside tho Hol-
, land family, also Durton Davis, who
came out from Uend with Rev. Shee-
lian, and returned to Dcnd with him
" Tuesday.
I L. D. Keller and family visited at
the F. Tauschcr homo Sunday and
Monday morning.
Mrs. Tauschor chopped her thumb
quite soverely Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Tauschcr mado a
trip to Sand Springs 'Monday.
F. E. Leo called at the R. R.
Keller home Tuesday.
C. II. Oroffenberger camo to visit
with his family Wednesday evening
and will return to Prlnevllle today.
Mrs. J. J. Holland visited with
Iss. R. R. Keller Thursday after
i noon.
C. II. Orotfer.berger was a business
taller at the R. R. Ktller home
Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. A. D. Norton and flvo chil
dren dined at tho P. D. Johnson
homo Thursday and spent the after
noon. Tho A. D. Norton family will move
to Bond Monday.
R. R. Keller Is making a business
trip to Bend today.
Mrs. Rosin expects to make final
proof on her husband's desert claim
R. R. Keller mado a business call
Tit the Smith ranch Thursday.
Mr. Smith camo to his ranch Tues
day and is now in full possession.
Mrs. L. B. Keller called at the
Feeal homo recontly
Mrs. J. J. Holland Is visiting with
Jlrs J. E. Going' today
Mrs. Fleming of Bend visited with
her daughter, Mrs. Rosin, and chll
dren recently.
Mrs. Vernon Clovenger made n
business trip to Bend Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Smith were
visitors at tho P. B. Johnson homo
LOWER BRIDGE. July 27. L. A.
Hunt was in Redmond Friday on
Mrs. Frank Newbold and daughter
were shopping In Redmond and Ter
rebonne on Wednesday.
A. S. Holmes was in Redmond
John Calvorloy, who was called on
tho 22nd, wus given u two weeks'
furlough and Ih to go to the remount
station at Camp Fremont, Cal., on
August C.
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Holmes and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Chap
man, Levi Nealelgh, Frank Chapman,
Mrs. Fred Walters and family and
A Vwtor
A Deprture
A Birth
A Death
An Accident
An Illne
Any New Building
Social Function
A Real Eitale Tiantaction
Any ImpiovemenU
Anything that u of Interest
Phone it to
The Bulletin
Mrs. L. F. Rico and daughters wcro
entertained at tho lloskius homo
Tuesday evening.
Haying In tho community Is pro
gressing very slowly because of tho
lack of farm help, also tho rain
caused some delay.
Husband and Wife.
Mrs. Frank P. 'Wood. Box 18. It. F.
'D. 2. Morrill, ile., writes: "Foley
Kidney Pills help mo so much. My
husband also has received much
benoflt from them. Ho was so lame
ho could not stoop over and now ho
feels no pain." La mo back, sore
muscles, stiff Joints, rhoumatlc aches
and pains quickly conquered by Foley
Kidney Pills. Sold everywhere.
Adv. Four chairs at your service at the
Metropolitan. No watting. Adr.
CLOVERDALE, July 29. Mrs.
Nora Parten Is sick with pneumonia.
Arvllln Wilson Is working at tho
Parten home.
Geo. F. Cyrus and daughter Esther
wcro business callers in Redmond
last Thursday.
Lillian Van Matro and Fay Miller
mado a trip to Fullorton's after fruit
Billy Hathway was calling at tho
J. L. Parberry home Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burnsldo and
family were callers at tho Fullcrton
hnmn .Qinnlnv
Mrs. H. C. Miller and Mrs. W. W.
Van Matre nnd dauchter Evclvn were aiHi.HH,
callers at tho homes of R. A. Cutler
and Hillery Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. R. A. Cutler and daughter,
Mrs. J. A. Weston, were shopping In
Sisters Monday.
H. O. Wilson Is helping W. W. Van
Matre with his haying.
The farmers arc finding it hard to
got help for haying.
Ladona Cyrus, Lillian nnd Dean
Van Matro made a trip to Sisters
last Wednesday.
R. A. Cutler is qulto III at present.
Verne Skclton mado a trip to Sis
ters Saturday evening.
Robert Woodworth and Andrew
Scltro are helping George Cyrus with
his haying.
Mrs. Frank Burling Is on tho sick
Van Wilson nnd Curtis Christy arci
helping Skcltons hny.
R. O. Andrus and Sam Raymnod
were Sisters callers last Wednesday.
Mrs. J. A. Matthews was calling on
Mrs. R. O. Andrus last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Matro of
Bend spent last week at tho W. W.
Van Matro home helping with the
Fay and Idella Miller spent Sun
day evening at the Van Matre home.
Mrs. II. C. Miller received a letter
from her son, who is at Mara Island,
last week.
('might ("old tit Palm Uracil.
Southern climate Is no protection
against summer colds. Helen R
Saunders, 620 2nd
Ave., W. Palm
Beach, Fla., writes:
. aateru luiii
?" th.e cAe?1 L r!!v?.1 V10'!
Honey and
Compound." This flnei
uiu ikiimi roiuouy rail uu .ic.ieniimi i
upon to relieve summer colds, hay
fever, asthma and croup.
Sold every
where. Adv.
Mrs. Lona McPherson made a bust
noes trip to Redmond Tuesday.
J. W. Peterson was a Bend visitor
Rasmus Peterson Is hauling baled
hay to Deschutes to ship.
Mrs. W. II. Gray and Mrs. O. E.
Anderson were shopping in Bend
Tuesday afternoon.
Ed. Swalloy was in Bond on busi
ness Wednesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayno Chaso and
Etta Chaso visited at tho Woods
homo Thursday evening.
Rasmus Peterson was In Bend on
business Tuesday.
Mrs. F. B. Baughman was In Red
mond Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Loo Houghtallng and
baby of Bend camo to spend a few
days at tho homo of Mrs. Hough
taling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D,
Antono Ahlstrom was In Bend
Wednesday afternoon.
Wayno Chaso went to Redmond
Wednesday evening to attend a moot
ing of tho homo guard, of which ho
is a member.
Mrs. O. E. Anderson -was In Red
mond doing soma trading Saturday.
Fred c. seeling or Hond camo
down Saturday night and remained
ovor Sunday.
John Gray went to Bend Sunday
night, where ho will get employment
in ono of tho mills.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tansy and Mr.
and Mrs. Innian and daughter of
Bond wero in this neighborhood Sun
day. Antono Ahlstrom was a Redmond
visitor Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs O. E. Anderson spent
Sunday picnicking on Tumalo Island.
Mrs. Hans Mikkolson has been
helping Mrs. Johanson cook for tho
balers this week.
Gust Nolson and Fred Soellng mo
tored down from Bend Tuesday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs, O. E, Anderson woro
Bend visitors Saturday evening.
BEND, R. F. 1). No. 1, July 30.
Thu farmers of this district hnvo Mu
lshed harvesting tho first crop nud
luwo lino prospects for a good second
The regular mooting of the Lndtcs'
Aid of tho Grango hall was held at
thu homo of Mrs. O. P. Dnhlo on
Thursday, Tho aid donated $21. to
tho Red Cross Saturday.
'Mrs. N. C. Hillary, who has been
hero visiting her husband and rela
tives for tho past two weekH, left
Wednesday morning for Wntsonvlllo,
Arthur Harris and sister, Mrs.
Mary Johnson, wont to the High
Desert Wednesday to visit a few days
with their parents before Arthur left
for Maro Island, California, as he
has enlisted In tho Marines nud left
Sunday night.
E. Bedlent has recently purchased
two good milch cows from Mr. Todd.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tay
lor, a baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson nnd
daughter Vota and Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred
Reynolds nnd daughter Ellzahoth
went to Bonham Falls Ashing Wed
nesday nnd tho fish thoy caught wore
enjoyed by nil
Mr. nnd Mrs. Bert Torkclson nnd
children and Emma Lnvlsko were
visitors nt O. II. Caldwell's Sunday.
Miss Myrtle Ncff, who has brcu
visiting with her cousin nud picking
fruit nt Hood River, Oregon, re
turned homo Saturday for a short
stay as alio is expecting to go back
In npplo picking time.
Ruth Ncff spent Sunday night with
Dorothy and Fanny Moore.
Miss Jesslo Stookey has been visit
ing at tho High Desert for tho past
week with her uncle nnd aunt, Mr.
and Mrs Everett Grlnstend.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young nnd sous
Cecil and Elmor wero dinner guests
at Oho IUIoy's Sunday.
Miss Emma Lavlskc. who has been
vIrIUim, with her sister, Mrs. Bert
Torkclson, for tho last month, left
Tuesday for her homo at Astoria,
The usual sorvlccs wcro hold at the
Hocch school houso Sunday. Mrs
Ensor Wigmoro is preaching at that
E. Bedlent and son motored to
- - ., .
."" ) , ', ...
Mrs. Harry Crandcll was visiting
at the homo of Mrs
J. Mnlosh .Moil-
day afternoon
John Thycn moved
to Bend on
Tho Ladles' Aid of tho Mountain
View Union church will be enter
tained at tho homo of Mrs. J. T. New
berry on August S.
Elmer and Cecil Young wont fish
ing Sunday and reported n good
Locomiitiw l.iigturvr Write.
When the kidneys nro not working
proporly, backache, stiff Joints, rheu
matic pains and suffering result.
Georgo McLaln, Turtlo Lake. N D ,
writes: "I am a locomotive engi
neer. I hnd n bad pain In my back
and my bladder action wns very ir
rccular. I took Folov Kldnev Pills
and was relloved in a couple of days.
Sold everywhere Adv.
HAMPTON. Butte, July 27 A
good rain fell In this section last
week and will do much good to crops
and range.
Vic Schreder will have some ryo
which he intends to throah to get hie
seed for next year,
Mrs. J. O. Perry nnd Ted Stsuffer
wit re Hassan cors nn the mail mi a ire
(last Monday.
,, t Mnsslnr tnnlt U'rnv' mtace
for Bend Ust Monday? being en route
to Albany, Ore, to Join his wife, whoJ
hnu ,.,, ,,.,.- -nm nltlii..
Mrs. C. J. Stauffer and children of
Stauffur camo up Thursday and spent
the day with Mrs. Bert Meeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Middle and three
children of Buck Croek came over
Thursday and took Wmy's stage for
Bend, whero thoy Intend to mako
their homo.
Jake Book lest a cow last week.
J. M. Brlckoy Is helping Bort
Mooks ttack hay this week.
Pago StaufTor camo from Prlnevlllo
last Wednesday, being on his way
Mr, McFadden camo very nearly
losing his houso when a spark from
tho stovo started a pleco of canvas on
flro while ho was out at work, but ho
returned to tho houso Just In time
to extinguish the blazo before serious
damago was done,
J. M. Brlckoy Is on the sick list.
TUMALO, July 29. Tho funeral
of tho infant sou of J. C. Silver was
hold In the church nt 2 o'clock lust
Sunday. Itov. Whlto of Bend con
ducted .the sorvlccs.
Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Wnllaro ro
celved word from their son, Charles
Oukcs, who litis boon In training at
Camp Hancock, Georgia, that ho was
being transferred to Virginia and will
soon leave for Franco.
Oliver Dlorker and Frank mado a
trip to Portland and other valloy
points this -week.
And Investigate our priced
before buying your grocorle-s.
Wo can save you money,
MIHIcan. Ore. Telenhonn
Si 4ffl
Mr, and Mrs. II. K. Dayton of Swiss
Home, Oregon, urn Visiting Mr. Day
ton's parent, Mr. nnd Mm. F. 13, Day
ton, Ada Billiard spent Saturday oven
lug In Bund,
Ornvnr Gerkliig, Raymond Church
Ill nud llolbert Wallace attended tho
daneo In Bend Saturday evening,
Miss Catherine Skinner of Portland
Is visiting hur sister, Mrs. J. .M. Grif
fin. Tho friends of 8. It. Gnrklug mid
Miss Ethyl B.ilon will he happily sur
prised to loam nt their marriage
Tho ceremony was performed Satur
day evening nt tho Pilot Butte luu at
ti o'clock, Grover Gerklng, the
groom's brother, and Edyth Bnles,
tho hrido's sister, attended the
couple. Mr. and Mrs. Gerklng left
that evening for Portland, Mrs.
Gerklng Is chief nurse In the Bend
surgical hospital.
Miss Roso Armstrong of Redmond
spoilt Sunday with Ruby Marlon.
Esther Bales of Bond spent Sunday
nt homo.
Misses Rosa Armstrong and Ruby
nnd Lola Marlon attended tho movies
In Bond Sunday evening.
Who is Plorcy & Sons, Tumalo?
V -Adv.
Prepare for tho Hut Wnvn.
Tho hot sun Is doubly dangerous
It there Is n mass of undigested food
In tho stomach, Folby Cathartic Tab
lets glvo prompt nnd sure relief. They
act gently but do their work thor
oughly. They cleanse the bowels.
sweeten the stomach nnd benefit the
liver. For indigestion, biliousness,
bad breath, bloating, gas. Hold every
where. Adv.
Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adv.
PINEHUIIST. July 27. -A haying
hoe took place at the Podorson ranch
Friday and Saturday of this week,
when nbout 10 of tho neighbors
gathered together with pitchforks
and hayracks to shock nnd stack Mr.
Pcdorsnn's alfalfa, Mr. Poderson,
who has been quite 111, Is Improving,
but is not yet able to work In the
Estlii r Dleterlch was a dinner
guest at the F. V. Swisher homo Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spaugh and
daughter Gcrnldluu loft Sunday
morning for Portland by nu to. Mr.
Spaugh had Just returned from Ne
vada, where he spout his vacation
Thoy expect to make tho trip through
to Portland In ono day.
Raymond Wlmer spent Sunday
nftcrnoou as thu guest of Lester
Myrtle Spaugh was ontertnlncd at
tho Bayley homo Saturday and Sun
day. Silas Dleterlch left Inst week to
resume work at tho Shevlln-lllxnn
camp nfter spending n two weeks'
vacation nt home.
Mrs. O. M. Couch wns a caller at
tho Pedersou homo Sunday after
noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry McGulro and
Wnldemar Peterson wore ontertnlued
at tho Spaugh homo Sunday evening.
The cloudy nud rainy weather of
the first of tli (i week was gladly wel
comed by the farmers, although qulto
a few were unfortunate In having hay
in the Holds.
Miss Ethel Snyder has beon on the
sick list several days this week.
Krnont Phelps assisted in hauling
hay nt the Bayley farm several days
this wt-ek.
Mahlnn Couch nud II. MeGuIre
spoilt Wednesday riding for cattlo
and driving them to tho mountains
for summer range.
Mrs. F. E. Dayton nnd daughter
Carol visited Wodneedny at the patrol
house with tholr con and brother
Frank, who Is riding ditch.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. T. Spaugh and
Wllber Spaugh left Thursday morn
ing for their homo nt Roseburg, Ore.,
nftor a month's visit with relatives
hero. They returnod by wny of
Crater Inko nnd Modford.
SJIiih Dleterlch wns qulto seriously
Injured Tuosdny afternoon at tho log
glng camp whon he was struck by n
falling trco. Ills Injuries will koop
him from work for sovornl weeks.
Mrs, (tollman and daughter left
Friday for Yakima, Wnsh., to spend
tho summer with relatives and also
to help In tho fruit harvest.
Lester Snydor was helping Andnr
Hon Bros, during hny harvest this
Chris Poderson -was suddenly
taken qulto sick Saturday ovonlng
nnd Dr. Hydo of Redmond wuh called
to attend him.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clark. Mr.
and Mrs. G. M. Couch, Mnltlon Couch
nnd Mrs. Twocdt attended tho fun
eral of Silver's buby Hi Tumaro Sun
day afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Soarcy and Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. G. Allen of Bend woro
callom at I. E. Wlmor's Saturduy
Mr. and Mrs. Elmor Podorson nnd
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Podorson arrived
from Carrolls, Wnsh., for an ex
tended visit with their paronts, Mr.
and Mrs. C. Pedcrson.
Ernest PholpH and John Bollmnn
Build With
AH Staple Canned Goods have
advanced from 40 to 60 cents
per dozen, with the Portland
market almost bare. Another
equal advance is expected
when the new pack comes in.
Get your supply now at pres
ent prices for the winter.
Bennett-Cooper Co.
left Wednesday for it camping and
hunting trip In the vicinity of Ml.
Jefferson. Mr. Phelps Is soon to
leave for Camp Lewis, having boon
called to report for military duty.
G. W. Snyder, Mr, nud Mrs. D. W.
Dleterlch. C. II. Spaugh, I. E. Wlmer,
Mr. and Mrs. Searcy und Mrs. G. M.
Couch were business visitors In Bond
the past week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Allen of Bend nro
spending tho week-end at tho Searcy
Ivy Snyder spent Sunday with
homo folks.
PLAIN VIEW. July 59. Tim O
D O. club held lis regular meeting
with Mis. Harriett Ward on Thurs
day afternoon, July I!!".. Aside from
a lively business meeting the after
noon was spent knitting. Six pairs
of socks nud two sweaters were fin
ished to send to the lied Cross roonm
this week. The hostess served very
refreshing lemonade. The next met
Ing of the club will he held with Mrs.
Grover Pulllnm In two weeks,
Mr. nud Mrs. A. E. linns and Mrs
Stabile were callers In Sisters Thurs
day afternoon,
Mrs. Charles Sllvls and little
daughter were guests nt the Knicker
bocker home on Thursday,
Misses Itae and Constance Knicker
bocker and A. E. Itnss nud family
wero cninrs In Bond .Monday.
. Mr, nud Mrs. II. T. Hartley were
guests for dlui.or nt tho Box A ranch
Armstrong hns been helping
The Oregon Farmer
Both for the Price of One
Ily a special arrangement with The Oregon Knriner you rim
encore The Oregon Fanner with this mt nt the irice of this
jinper nlone. In other wimN, when yu nuhienli for YOUR
HOME PAPER, or renew your present hulicriitioii, you utu
entitled to
Receive The Oregon Farmer
for the Asking
THE OREGON FARMER is Oregon's Rront stnto fnrm paper, -i
issued every week utul devoted to the Oregon fnrm nnd tho
Oregon fnrm homo, just ns this paper is devoted to tho pooplo
aud to tho intents of thia local community.
This Opportunity May Not Last Long
Robert Glpsun haul hny several days
the past week,
Mr and Mrs, l'iul Kcngglii camped
nt the Glaxo place, near lllsck Butte,
for severul days last week, returning
liomn Saturday evening.
Mrs, II. 0. Fawcett nud son Harry
from La Pllio unit Mrs. C. F Chnlfnii
spent Frldiiy afternoon nt tho A. E.
I loss ranch.
Missis Ida lions nud Wllma Arm
strong were gui'sts nt the Box A
ranch Friday nftcrnoou nud evening.
Minn Luella Burgess Is visiting at
the Hartley homo this week.
Mrs. John Stnhlle has been quit).
Ill the past week.
J. A. W Hcoggln mndo a trip to
the dentist In Bend lust Tuesday
Mrs. S. L. Burgess and son James
are visiting relhtlves In Plalnvlew
this week.
A. E. llnss. G. C. MrCalllster, V.
W. Lovorouz and II. A. Scogglu were
business callers In Bend Inst Tues
day afternoon
James I'ulllam was a caller In
Tumalo last Saturdny evening.
Mr. nud Mrs. A. W. Armstrong nnd
daughter njitl Mr. nud Mrs. II. A.
Scogglu spent Sunday at the hnmn of
J. A. W. Scogglu.
Iff, In tlir, Air.
Windblown pollen, carrying tint
germs that caiiho hay fever, Is abroad
In the Intnl. One reim-dy Is known
to give relief and comfort from chok
ing, gasping asthma nud tormenting
hay fever. Foley's I limey nud Tar
spreads u healing coating on lullamml
membranes, stops coughs nud colds.
Sold everywhere.- Adv.
For farm lnnd loaas seo J. Ryan
Go. Adv.
- -s-