WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. M VU. XVI. HUM), DKHCHI.'TKH t'OUNTV, ORKOO.V, THIIWDAV, AVGVHT I, HUH No. 22 - SERVICE FLAG IS FOUR CALLED IFISH HATCHERY EMPLOYES NOT TO SIGN CARDS RETURN MATC ROAD BOND BILL RAISED AT MILL FOR SERVICE MAY BE MOVED FOR NORBECKWILL BE FOUGHT i v 73 STARS ON FIELD OP WHITE. Manager Koye anil Lieutenant liar iuiUi Deliver Ailrtrrtmm v., Mat Not VH. Com- 1 i plrtn. (From Tuesday's Dally.) A inhl Ilia alienm anil applutisn of overs! hundred workmen, both men and women, from tho Hrooks-Hcniilou mills, tho company service flng, can tnlnliig 73 stars, wuh raised at 1 o'clock thin afternoon. Prnrodlng tho raining of flm flag, Mr. Koycx, mnnngor of tho Ilrook. Hcnnlon company, mndo n speech to thu men, In which hn stated thn pur poso for which tno ling hntl boon niailn, dosing hid rnmnrkr, by Intro ducliig Lieut. lUrlmtolln of tho snnl tary division of tho Lo"nl Legion, who, an an opening to bin remarks, dcclnrnd Hint every man represented by tho stnrs on tho Dag wns a paten tlal hero. "Potenllnl because thnro will bo limn In Krnncu who never bnvi) tho opportunity to illNplny tho host which lit In thorn, hut wo nt homo know that It In tho American itplrlt when that iniin In put to (ho tiHtt that ho inmiMiri'M up with tho bravest am) most courageous, anil therefore every man who steps forth under tho Htarn ami Htrlpe In a hero, wlicithiT ho linn tho opportunity to display It In bnttla or not." Cuntluu liiK. I. lout. llurhnxolln told of thn need of tho work thnro In to bo dnna nt homn by each anil every innn who In employed in tho lumbering Indus try of tho country, declaring that 7G per emit, of thn lumber now niniin fnctiiri'd I'vuntunlly, If not directly, IIiuIh It way Into government unit. Tho ceremony, commonctnR nt 12:G0 o'clock, continued until after 1, Mnnngor Keycs mated at tho con climlon that It wun not believed that Hie 73 stnrs on tho ItnK represented tho trim niiinber of men who had none from tho company' anrvlco, a llioru wore we vera I who had entered tho varlntiN branches boforo n roc rd of their linino hnd been kept. For thlH rmiNoti tho names of those represented by tho nUrs will bo post ed In iiud about tho nt II Ih, and men hnvliiK knowledge of tliono wIiono nitnin do not appear nro tn maku It known to thn compnny and tho nil illtlnnnl stnrs will bo added, Thero wn ouo colored Rtnr, repre. minting nun of tho workmen who hnd bean killed while In tho service of lift country. Tho II UK In today Hunting beneath Old (Jlory on tho compnny ling polo, but will bo taken down tonight uud xprend on tho wnlli'of tho ofllco. MILLER LUMBER CO. BUYS FUEL COMPANY (From Wodnosdny's Dnlly.) Aiiuouiicemeut of tho purchiiHo of tho business of thu Oregon Fuel com i:my by thu Miller Lumber company wns mndo today. Tho fuel bunlnem will bo taken over by tho now owner tomorrow and conducted horenftor from tho Miller Lutnbor compnuy of llco nt thu comer of Wall uud Frank tin streets. O, 13, Hamilton, owner of tho Oro ,lon Fuul compnny, li hoIIIiik It Is Inislnrss at tho proMont tlnio bocnusij of IiIh Intention to enlist for tho war ns noon aa possible. WHERE FACES ARE REMADE (Ily United Pre to Th Jlcn.t HulUtln.) LONDON, July 31. In Bldcup, Kont, thuro Ih n hoNpltnl which do votes ItHulf entlroly to troatmout of UnJurlOH of tho fnco. Boldlora enter tho hospital with tfaccH smashed boyond recognition, "Vory fow visitors nro ndmltted, and iiiOBt of tho men would rather dto than moot their friends and rolatlvos, Doctors and nurses, work untiringly lit tholr efforts to ropnlr tho ravagos of shrapnel and high explosives, -so that Hoonor or lator tholr pntlonta can fnco tho world without causing boholders to ohuddor lit horror. Ofton (ho troatmout takes mouths, uml won who nro perfectly sound physically Just hldo thomselvoB away thoro until tholr fucos nsBumo somo momblanco of QoiI'h imago, will hi: kntiihhd in .miicha.v ioal training at hk.nhon polytkoiiniu in portland TO REPORT AUGUHT in. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Four men from Deschutes county nro to report to tho llonson I'oly techntc Imitltutn In Portland for mo chanlcal training on August IS, under an order received by tho locul draft board this morn lux. These men havo tho chauco to volunteer tholr services, tho only requirements be ing a grammar school education or Its equivalent. Tho order received Is ah follows: "Complete tho eutralnment for I'ortlnnd, Oregon, of four men who hnva had at leant a grammar school education or Its equivalent or who havo tho ability to rend or wrlto nnd havo nt leant four yearn of school education and who havo sumo apti tude for mechanical work to report to tho commanding officer at thu IleiiHon Polytechnic Inntltuto on Au gust Hi for Instruction ns auto me chanics, blucksmlths, enrpoutors, elnctrlclnns, mnchlulsts, plumbers and sheet metal workers. Only white men physically qualified for gonornl mllltnry servlco will bo In ducted under this call. Hut no regis trant of thn clnss of 1918 can bo In voluntarily Inducted until nil avail able reglntrantn of tho clnsn of June, 1(117, In any locnl board tins been ex- hnusted, Qunllfled reentrants should bo urged to present themselves for voluntary Induction. When tho reg istrants voluntarily present them selveN tho boards may Induct tho qualified men until their allotments havo been filled. Tho volunteer period will continue until August C. If on A tut unt 7th a sufficient number of volunteers havo not come forth to fill your allotment your board will commence to select In fcquunco n sufficient number of qunllfled men from within clnss 1 to fill tho allot ment, deducting tho voluntary induc tions. No train routings yet re ceived." JUDGE BARNES AND MISS WILSON MARRIED (Vmiwny IVrfonueil lit Home of tlm Hrldo In KchwimkI Addi tion. (From Mondny's Daily.) County Judge W. D. Harucs nnd Miss Cornelia Wilson were married Into this afternoon nt tho homo of Miss Wilson's mother, Mrs. K. 1). Wilson, In Kenwood. Itev. W. 10. Vnn Wntors performed tho ceremony. Hesldes Mrs, Wilson, tho only guests present wore her dnughtor, Mrs. II. K, Allen, uud Mr. Allen. In August Judge and Mrs. Ilnrucs will tako n trip to tho const. Passed a Perfect Examination, but Born Too Early (From Friday's Dnlly.) 10. IS. Alderman, n fnrnior noar Ilond, uml for ninny years it roaldont of Soattlo, has boon in Portland several days trying to hi nccoptod In any capacity In tho U. 8. sorvlco. Ho Is it vet-' ornn of tho Spanish-American war, nnd Undo Sam wants to glvo younger men n chnnco to bag thn knlBor, "It looks lllto tho farm for mo," sold Mr, Aldormnn. 'ttly only son Is nt tho front and I would llko to bo Boniowhoro within it hundred miles ot him. I passod 100 por cont. In spite of flvo wounds and it llttlo fin ger shot off, but I was born a llttlo too oarly to suit Undo Sam. I could go In tho Can adian service, but not without foroswoarlng mysolf ns an Amarlcan oltlzon, and I just can't do that. I tried 'om out in Soattlo and then down hero, - but it Is no go, No Franco for mo," and tho votoran Btartod to tho dopot to buy Ills ticket for Ilond,- PorHnnd Journal. TUMAL0 SITE WOULD. BE PREFERABLE. Cltl.eiiH of H4miiI May Ontrlbuto to KkponiUM Incurrnl In Chungfiitf location Flnli ly lU-uily for lutkrut. (From Monday's Dally,) Ilamoval of thn state fish hatchery from its present location on tho De schutes to a site on Tumnlo crook' wns proposed by Muster Fish Warden It. K, Clnnton when hero on Satur day, Mr. Clanton's Ideas on thu sub ject will bo Incorporated In n lottor to tho Commercial club, It being nacoisary to enlist tho aid ot that organisation It tho project Is to bo carried nut. Conditions at tho present hatchery havo so changed sluco Its construc tion, because of tho creation of tho logging pond, that it has becorao uocossary to find somo otlior location If tho hatchery is to bo conducted at Its desired efficiency. Tho slto on Tumnlo creak', where It Is crossed by thn road running west from tho brickyard, was looked over by Mr. Clnnton while Ikto nnd pronounced Ideal far tho purpose llccnune of tho depleted stnto of tho fish nnd game commission's funds It would bo necessary to rnlso tho money needed for tho change, amounting to about $1,S00, locally. Tho fish troughs would bo furnished from tho present hatchery and tho maintenance would bo taken caro of by tho tuto. Mr. Clanton's Idea was that tho hatchory grounds could bo mndo a show spot for the pooplo ot Ilond, being roadlly accessible and having groat natural beauty. Tho matter was discussed Inform ally by Mr. Clnnton with a number of local sportsmuu and tho assur unco was oxprosscd that tho town could ralso tho necessary funds. Iloforrlng to fish planting in this section this year, Mr. Clanton said that thoro woro now at tho Uend hatchery about 200,000 fry. Ot th'cso ho expects to place about t0, 000 in Croscsnt, Odoll and Davis lakes, from which tho egB wero taken. Tho ro malndor would be available for plant ing in any of the lakos and stroams selectod by tho sportsmen of this section. It might also bo possible, Mr. Clanton said, to ship In nno or two carloads of fry from HonuovHIe, but railroad conditions ware un curtain and It wns posslblo that the transportation of tho fish car over tho railroads ot tho statu might bo ended at any time. With Mr. Clnnton on Saturday was W. K. Hartley of Tho Dalles, deputy gamo warden. They loft Saturday night. NEW SWIMMING HOURS AT B.A.A.C. GYMNASIUM (From Wednesday's Dally.) Announcement was mndo this morning by Mrs. Fnrls of tho II. A. A. C, ot n change In tho schedulo for swimming hours for womoii. In tho future Tuesday and Thursday after noons will bo given ovor to thorn, from 2 to 3 women with small chil dren being pormltted tho uso of tho tank, tram 3 to -1 ladles only and from. A until fi tho Junior girls. Com moncIn& this evening, womon will bo given tho tnnk from 7 until 0, and tho men from 0 until 11:30. This ruling Is eftoctlvo oach wook. REGISTERED MEN TO MEET FRIDAY Army Officer Will Instruct Tlient Uo- Kititllnjr Military I.ifo Held lit Gymnasium. (From Monday's Dally.) For tho purpose ot Instructing tho draft mon In tho essentials ot mili tary llfo, togothor with Insurance, physical fitness and other army ro qulromonta, an otflcor from Camp Lowls will arrlvo horo on Friday of this wook. Tho mooting will bo hold at tho 11. A. A. O. gymnasium nt 8 o'clock that ovonlng, and it is ro- qtiuatort that all drafted mon bo in nttpndanco. Tho mooting wob an- noiincod Saturday to bq hold nt tho circuit court rooms, hut has since boon chajvgod by tho war board, NOT ASKED TO AGREE TO STAY ON JOB. ItcjMirt of Huch IU-tiirfiiiet HtiiWrd to Iks Without Foundation MIm- umli-niLundliiK ut Kmploymeat fk-rvlco (.'nunc Humor. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho roport recently circulated to thn effect that all employes of tho local mills will bo required to sign cards ugrcelng to remain In their present situations until tho war is ovor Is declared by officials ot tho mills to bo wholly without founda tion. Nothing ot tho sort is or has boon contemplated by tho mill com panies or by tho department ot labor, which is In charge ot tho now federal employment service. According to tho report, which has been current In tho past few days, this card system was to be In stituted on August 1, and as this Is tho dnto on which tho federal em ployment service assumes chango of tho omployment business so far as it affects unskilled labor, it Is be lieved that u misunderstanding ot tho new federal activity Is tho cause ot tho roport. Asldo from tho fact that tho now omployment sorvlco does not con template any such card system as has bcon reported Its general plan Is vory vaguely understood hero. Tho fol lowing explanation is from Tuesday's Oregon Journal: "A revolution In employment sorv lco will occur In Portland, ns well as throughout tho United States, next Thursday. Tho federal employment sorvlco will nssumo cntlro control of all labor employment In every war work plant employing more than 100 men. HerotlTo control will apply principally to tho shipyards. VLnbor pirating will bo placed under tho ban by tho new order anil no employer will bo allowed to lure mon away from another by offor of largor wsges or moro attractive con ditions. "Employers In non-war work ore pormltted to continue recruiting un skilled labor whoro they can find It. An employer In wnr work is not pro hibited from employing an unskilled workman who comes to him volun tarily uud such employers may also maintain their own labor recruiting bureaus, but thoy cannot uso the commercial employment ngonclos. Wur Work Dofliutl. "Wnr work ns defined by tho Pnltcd States employment servlco moans: " 'Tho manufacture of products or erection of structures directly or In directly supplied to somo department of tho govornmont for uso In connec tion with tho war. " 'Indlroctly supplied' Includes goods dollvured under sub-contracts to government contractors. " 'For tho purpose of this pro gram tho making of products which may ultimately bo used for wnr pur poses, but which nro not to bo deliv ered olthor directly to tho govern ment or to somo contractor who uses thorn in producing, or as n part of, products to bo delivered to tho gov ernment, Is not considered war work. " 'Ruilronds and farms nro en gaged In war work to tho extent that uiulor this program thoy nro to bo protoctod from all recruiting by othor iudustrlos.s "Tho labor recruiting program of thu govornmont ultimately will in clude aklllod labor. Tho explanation why tho govornmont docs not assume ut onco control ot tho entire labor situation Is given as follows: lie-ins With Unskilled Labor. " 'Tho problems ot handling tho labor requirements ot tho many thousands ot plants engaged In war Industry aro so vast that It Is Im possible for a now organization to tako them nil oyor at onco. Tho be ginning is mndo with unskilled labor bocnuso tho shortage Is moro acuto.' "Tho first oxtonslon ot tho pro gram will covor skilled labor in which it Is most evident that tho supply is less than the demand," j:vknt kchkdulkd to taki: I'IiACK AT GVMNAHIUM 5IO.V J)AV, AL'fJUHT 12 WILL I IK TO FI.MHIf, TWO OUT OF TIIHHK. (From Wednesday's Daily.) Monday, August 12, Dend -wrestling fans will hr.ve tho opportunity of witnessing at tho Gymnasium a roturn match between Ad Gustavo, middleweight wrestler, and Young Norbcck ot Ellcnsburg, Washington, present holder of the light heavy weight championship of the Pacific Northwest. The match will be to a finish, no tlmo limit, best two out ot three falls. Tho match Is the outcomo ot the contest last Saturday night, when Norbock failed to down Gustavo twice in 00 minutes. This match, although a limited one, was a fast one, considering the handicap. Nor beck In several pounds heavier than his opponent, Gustavo depending upon his greater speed to bring him victory. Ho will go into training within tho next tew days and prepare himself for tho event. GUARD COMPANY URGED FOR BEND (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho formation of a national guard company In Dend was urged at tho luncheon of tho Commercial club this noon, and the assistance of the club requested In obtaining the organiza tion. A Whlsnant presented the matter to tho club, pointing out that with a national guard company hero an armory might bo expected and various other benefits. 'Mr. Whlsnant's remarks were sup plemented by Captain E. M. Durkc. who strongly urged that the club do everything it can In furtherance ot tho suggestion, saying that before, tho war Is over such an organization will bo needed. President Foley will nunounco later tho names ot a com mittee to reprosont tho club in the mntter. Earlier In tho meeting Captain Ilurko spoko on tho remarkably fine moral hgleno record being made by tho Orogon draftees. So striking wero tho Oregon figures, he said, that tho government had taken notice of them and was now going out on a tremendous work of Improving con ditions in civil communities for tho bcnoflt ot draftees and the returning troops, as well as tor society in gen eral. To show tho relative value ot men In tho army, Captain Ilurko closod his speech with a story ot an army captain who refused to trade "one mule skinner for two bankers and a lawyer," bringing roars ot laughter from his audience. Another vory interesting speech was made by A. It. Sweet, a Spokane mining oitgtnoor, who has Just made an inspection of tho Oregon Nitrate company's property at Sheep moun tain. Tho property looks promising, according to Mr, Sweet, who de scribed It as a secondary deposit formed by leaching. Tho geological situation Is such, ho said, that to prove out tho values ot the deposit it Is necessary to spond a small amount ot money. Tho surface looks good and tho ono quostlon Is whether tho rtopostt goes docp. It It does It is valuable; It not It la practically worthless. A comparatively small sum will bo sufficient to make tho test, and ho suggested a hopo that tho test bo mndo tor the dovolopmont ot a natural rosourco, such resources bolng tho things on which tho pros perity ot a section depends. In oponlng tho mooting, Manager Ovorturt read a lottor from Carl A. Johnson urging that tho club take action to procure tho flro protection recommondod by tho stato flro mar shal. Mr. Ovorturt also pointed out tho Importance ot making an effort to obtain Btato aid on tho county roads. Tho lattor matter was re ferred to tho road commlttoo and tho forjnor to n commlttoo to bo appoint ed In place of tho oxlsttng committee, which was discharged by President Foley tor failure, to got results. EFFORT TO BE MADE TO HURT EFFECT. I.'ncrnle of tlio Measure Will Hpead Greater Tart of Time In liobbylnu at Kalcm During; the Itr! latlro Houston. (8pUl to Tht Bulletin.) SALEM, Aug. 1. Kvoryono la Central Oregon Is familiar 'with, this historical fact that the people la 1917 placed their stamp ot approval on a legislative act known as the JG, 000, 000 road bond bill, and that they did it over the bitter protest ot the same forces that woro aligned against tho measure in tho legisla ture. It also Is a historical fact, but ono not so well known, that I. N. Day of Portland and a lobbyist named Shumway, who operated for the Grange-Farmers' union-Union Labor combination at the legislative scssloa nearly had a fist fight In the lobby ono day and harsh words passed be tween them. Fists woro doubled and blows deftly parried for a brief mo ment, when friends Intervened. Shumway then declared to Day that the pooplo would tramplo on the $6,000,000 bond bill and repudiate It, The peoplo didn't do it. Hut Shum wya declared at tho time that war was on betweon the bill and his forces. Maku Ilond a Rome. Now It also is a well known fact that tho $6,000,000 bond issuo pro vides for a system of roads radiating out of Dend which will make that the Rome ot Central Oregon, if the program Is carried out to completion. it might bo ot interest to Dend peoplo to know that tho old sores still rankle among tho forces that hurled all of their efforts against tbo bonding bill to defeat It in the 1917 legislature and to defeat It at tho special election of the samo year. They failed, but the failure rankles, and tho old wounds won't heal. Delegation Must ll Pruned. Consequently thero Is a quiet, but well deflnled, move on foot to at least pull the teeth from tho bill and as a word ot warning, if tho peoplo of Bond wish to bo tho Homo ot Cen tral Oregon, with all roads leading: to it, It Is up to that section to see that its legislative delegation comes down to Salem primed to combat a move to smash tho bill and put It out ot business. Tho forces contemplated taking a swat at it at the November election this year, but tor somo reasons these plans miscarried and the bill still stands. Hut no ono who Is friendly to tho good roads program should fcol that tho opposition is lulled to sleep. Another angle to this fight Is tba fact that Walter Plorco, then a mem bor ot tho stato senate, but now a candldato tor governor on tho Demo cratic ticket, fought tho $6,000,000 road bond bill, tooth, toenail and tears, and had a special bill all ot his own which ho tried to put over and couldn't. If Waltor by any chanco happens to become governor it Is a sate bet ho will use all ot the powers ot his office, and will exert all of, his influence with tho lobby ists who crowd tho corridors ot the capltol, to put a crimp in tho $6, 000,000 road bill. Thoro -will be plonty ot spirit and dash against tho bill. Even it Wal ter isn't governor ho will bo back la tho senate and will probably put up a big scrap anyway. If tho bill stands, Central Oregon pooplo can fcol pretty well assured that tho original program will be carried out, in tlmo at loast. Two years moro will mako over $13, 000,000 in cold, hard cash available to carry out tho stato road program, and this will practically do tho work that was slated under tho $6,000,000 bonding act. This money will come from tho $6,000,000 lssuo, tho Ileau Darrott bonding iasuo, tho match funds from tho federal government, tho automobile funds and tho quar ter ot a mill highway tax. Auto 1 fundi es Highwuy Funds, It has been determined now, b youd a reasonable doubt, that the automobile license- fund will more than handle, tho $6,000,000 bead issue and that the taxpayers at large (Continued on page i.)