BEND BULLETIN, IIKND dllKOON, TIIU1WDAV, JULY JMJ, UHH TAOK 7 CANDY MAKERS PLAN CAMPAIGN MANUI'ACTUIIKIW TKIjIj IMIIIMU Till TRUTH ABOUT Till; TANDY SITUATION, HIIOVVINO TIIKIK COHU.MPTIO.N OK HIHJAH HMAIiL. ' (From Tunnilny'H Dally.) Tho candy mnkorn of OroKon nro plnnnlmt to toll tliu Konurnl public tho tacts nbout tlio cnmly Imluiitry mid about en tidy an n food product. Dun to in itcli iiilMUHluriitamlliiK ami to a lack of a doMiiltii knnwlodKo of tlio tncts, tlio candy Induntry linn liocjt lirounht to tlio vnrgn of colUpno. Ask tho avornno tnnn or wotnnn liow much sugar goos Into tlio inak Ins of randy nnd you will dud thut It In tlio mineral opinion that all tho way from 2Gtf to 60 icons Into candy making. Thin linn 1ml many pnopln to bo lloro that If tho candy factories wore ittlll furlluir restricted or pomilhly put out of tiuslnnns tho nuicar short ugo problem would ho solved. Hut this Is not correct. Vat fnm using 26'i to CO1,, the randy Industry uses soimtthlng less than H of tho sugar used In this country. "Eton If thn ontlro amount wore cut off front candy making, thn nuicar stltuatlon would not bo icroatly to llovud. Tho candy makers contend that all should iharn altko In thn saving of nuicar. Thny havn already given un til It hurts. Thnro la no morn pa trtotlc body of men than thn in on In tho candy business and they havo gladly given up their supplies, but thny now fool that tho Interests of tho country call for a doflnlto knowl dgo of tho facta. Tnoplo muit rrallzo that thn candy Industry alone annot navn nnotiKh nuicar to solve tho problem. Many pnopln, without knowing thn facta, havn foil that candy could bo curtailed and tho vroblom solved. Hut factn nhow that thn placo to navn nuicar whoro It really countn In In thn homo, from now on, Figures nhow that out of thn 84 pound normally unod by oach person In tho Unltnd Htaton In ono year, linn than 7 pound nro used In candy, whllo GO pound nro uncd In tho homo on tho tnbln. Tho sav 1iir of 10 per cent, in thn homo In nearly equal to tho saving of 100 pnr ennt. In tho candy Induntry. Candy maker bnllovo that a fair in I n dud public, with thesn factn In mind, will bo willing to holp nhnra tho ntrnln to tho ond that tho big Induntry IjuIU up throuKh many yearn can nurvlvo and go through without furthor curtallnmnl an tho curtail ment now In coming to tho point whoro tho future of tho Induitry In looked to with foar. It In bollovod by iho candy makorn that an tho gonornl public com en to learn of tho high food valuo of candy and olao realizes tlio lengths to which thn induitry hnn already gouo that xulluf will not bo withhold. Tho series of ndvortlnomontn now running in Tho Hullollii In thn method of expression selected by tho candy makorn nn n moans to cunblo thorn to got tho full facta boforo tho ?iubllc. BEND OFFICER WINS COMMISSION (Krora Monday's Dally.) JAMI LEWIS, Tncoma, July 22. Songonnt Albort L. Zachorlas, of the tvchobl for cookn nnd bakors, was commlwilonod a nocond lloutonant In tho Quartormnntor corps of tho Na tion urniy, according to u tologram rocolvod today from war dopartmont. Lloutonant Kacharlas has hla homo lu Ilond, Ore. Ho Is dotallod far duty with a bakery company at tho Pro dldlo. Mr, Zachnrlas woh formerly offlco innnngor for tho Unlvorsal garngo In thin city, nnd loft horo about six months ago, County Filings. f DoHchutCH County Abstract com pany's report of luutrumoutH niod for record lu Douchutos county: U. B. to Elijah I. Spnrks, pntont. Stato of Orogon to Theo, Olson, flood. Chos. L. Mond to W. Hogan, war ranty flood, 10. Orogon Trunk Rev. Co. to Mrs. M. A. Porter, warranty deed. Tho Bond Co. to Frod Soollng, warranty dood, 21, Tho Bond Co. to Dragon Mlrlch, -warranty dood, SI, Ellai S. Payno to Thoa. J, Quigloy, warranty docl, 1,200. Ono cont a word Is all a little Went Ad will cost you. OVER THE TOP WITH EMPEY (Contlnuod from imgo 0.) (lormnn trench Is unoccupnfu?' Any wny, wo got careless, hut not no care less thnt wo sung pntrlotlc songs or rondo any unnecessary noise. During Iho IntcrvnlH of falling ntnr shells wo curried on with our wlro cut ting until lit Inst wo succeeded In get ting through tho Oeriniin hnrbvd wire. At thin point wo went only ten feet from the German trenches. If we wcro discovered, mi were like rntn In n trim. Our wny wnn cut off uoI'jx wo rnr nlong tho wlro to tho nnrrow liuie had cut through, Witt) our hearts In our nmuths wo walled for the three tup nlgnnl to runli tho Herman trench. Throo taps had gotten about hnlfwny down tho linn when nuddenly nliout ten to twenty Gorman ntnr nhelln wcro flrod nil nlong tho trench nnd Innded In thn barbed wlro In ronr of un, turn ing night Into day and nllhouettlng un galnnt tho wall of light rnndo by the flares. In tho glaring light wo wero confronted by tho following unpleasant scene. All nlong tlio German trench, ot about throo-foot Intervals, ntood big I'runnlnu guiirdmnnn with his rifle at the nlm, and then we found out why wo had not been challenged when the mnn nneezed nnd thn bnrbed wire bad been Improperly cut. About three feet lu front of thn trench they bad con structed n nlnglo fence of bnrbed wlro and we know our chance were one thousand to ono of returning alive. Wo could not rush their trench on ac count of thin necond defenne. Then In front of me tho challenge, "Unit," given in nngllnh rung out, and ono of thn flnent things I havo over heard on the wontern front took place. From the middle of our lino somo Tommy nnnwered tho challenge with, "Aw, go to h 1." It must have been the man who had nneezed or who had Improperly cut tho barbed wire; he wanted to nhow Frits that he could die game. Then came the volley. Ma chine gunn wero turned loono nnd sev eral bombu were thrown In our rear. Tho Itochn In front of me wan looking down hln night. This fellow might have, under ordinary circumstances, been hnndnome, but when I viewed him from the front of hln rifle he had tho t-obllnn of childhood Imagination rele fatrd to the nhade. Then came n flanh In front of me, tho flsro of bin rifle ond my head ncemed to burnt. A bullet had bit mo on tho left nlde of my face about hnlf nn Inch from my eye, nmnnhtng the cheek ttoncn. I put my hand to my fnco nnd fell forwnrd, biting the ground nnd kicking my feet. I thought I wnn dy ing, but, do you know, my pant life did not unfold beforo mo tho way It doen In novels. Tho blood wan ntreamlng down my runic, nnd tho pnln wnn awful. When I came to I nnld to mynelf, "Kmp, old boy, you belong In Jersey City, and rou'd better get back thern as quickly is possible." Tho bullets were crocking overhend. I crawled a few feet back to the Oer tusn barbed wlro, und In a stooping no iltlon, guiding mynelf by the wire, I ivrnt down tho lino looking for tho lano wo hud cut through, lleforo reaching this lano I came to a limp form which neemed llko n bug of ontH hanging over tho wlro. In tho dim light I could nee thnt Its hands were blackened, nnd knew it was the body of ono of my mnten. I put my hand on his head, the top of which hnd been blown off by n bomb. My Angers sank Into tho hole. I pulled my hand back fall of blood nnd brains, then I went crnzy with fear nnd horror nnd rushed ilong the wire until I came to our Inne. I hnd Just turned down this lano when something Innldo of me seemed to say, "Look around." I did so; a bul let caught mo on tho left shoulder. It did not hurt much, Just felt ns If some sne hnd punched me In the back, nnd then my left side went numb. My arm was dangling llko n rng. I fell forward !n n sitting position. Hut nil tho fear bad left mo nnd I was consumed with tngo nnd cursed tho German trenches. With my right hand I felt In my tunic for my flrst-tild or shell dressing. In feeling over my tunic my hnnd enmo In contact with one of tho bombs which I curried. Gripping It, I pulled the pin out with my teeth nnd blindly throw It towards tho German trench. I must have been out of my head, because I wnn only ten feet from tho trench nnd took n chnnco of being mangled. If tho bomb had failed to go Into tho trench I would huvo been blown to bits by tho explosion of my own bomb, Ily the flnro of tho explosion of tho bomb, which luckily Innded In their trench, I saw ono big Ilocho throw up his linns nnd fall backwards, whllo hln rlllo flow Into tho nlr. Another ono wilted nnd fell forwnrd ncross tho BundbngH then blackness. Itenlldng what u foolhardy nnd risky thing I hud dono, I wnn ngnln Belted with it horrlhlo four. I drugged myself to my feot nnd run mndly down tho lano through tho bnrbed wire, stum bling over cut wires, tearing my uni form, nnd lacerating my hands nnd legs. Just ub I wiih nbout to reach No Mnn'u Lund ngnln, thnt snme volco loemed to say, "Turn around." I did so, when, "crock," another bullet caught mo, this tlmo In tho left shoul der nbout one-hnlf Inch nwny from tho othor wound. Then It wus taps for mo. The lights went out. When I ciiino to I wus crouching In a nolo In No Man's Land. This shell holo was about throo feet deep, so that It brought my heud a fow Inches bolow the level of tho ground. How I reached tftls hole I will never know,. Oermap -lypwrltors" wero traversing back niiil forth In No Miin'H Land, Iho, bul lets lilting tho edge of my kIicII holo und throwing dirt nil over me. Overhend shrapnel wus bursting. I could heur the fragments ship tho ground. Then I went out onco more. When I rnmo to everything wus alienee nnd dfirknerm in No Mini's Lund. I wus soaked with blood und a big flap from tho wound In my cheek wus hang ing over my month. Tho blood run ning from thin flap choked me. Out of tho corner of my mouth I would try and blow It buck, but It would not move, I reached for my shell dressing und tried, with ono hand, to bnudiigo my face to prevent the How. I hud on awful horror of bleeding to death nnd wiM getting Mry fnlnl. You would Imvo Inughed If you hud seen my luillerous attempts at bnnduglng with ono hand. The pains In my wounded shoulder wero awful and I wus getting sick nt the stomach, I guvo up tho hundnging stunt us u bad Job, und then fainted. When I camo to, hell wus let loose. An Intense bombardment was on, and on the whole my position wus decided ly unpleasant. Then, suddenly, our barrage censed. Tho silence almost hurt, but not for long, becuuso Frits turned loose with shrapnel, mnchlno guns, and rlflo Are. Then all nlong our line came a cheer nnd our boys enmo over tho top In a charge. Tho first wove wos composed of "Jocks." They wero a magnificent sight, klltx, flapping In tho wind, burr knees showing, nnd their bayonets glistening. In the first wave that passed my shell hole, ono of tho "Jocks," an Immense fellow, about six feet two Inches In height Jumped right over me. On the right and left of ma several soldiers In colored kilts were huddled on the ground, then over came the second wave, also "Jocks." One young Hcottlo, when ho came abreast of my shell holo, leaped Into the air, his rifle shooting out of his hands, landing nbout six feet In front of him, bayonet first, and stuck In tho ground, the butt trembling. This Im pressed mo greatly. Hlght now I can see the butt of that gun trembling. The Hcottle made a completo turn In th air, hit tho ground, rolling over twice, euch time clawing nt tho earth, and then re mained still, about four feet from me, In a sort of sitting position. I called to him, "Aro you hurt badly, JockT but no answer. Ho wus dead. A dark red smudge was coming through his tunic right under tho heart. The blood ran down his bare knees, mnklng n horrible sight On his right side he carried his water bottle. I wus crnxy for n drink and tried to reach this, but for the life of mo could not negotiate that four feet. Then I became unconscious. When I woko up I was In an advanced flrst-nld post. I nsked tho doctor If wo hnd tnken the trench. "We took tho trench nnd tho wood beyond, all right," ho said, "ond you fellows did your bit; but, my Ind, that was thirty six hours ngo. You wero lying In No Mnn's Lund In thnt bully holo for u dny nnd n hnlf. It's a wonder you tiro ullve." He nlso told me that out of tho twenty thut were In the raiding party, seven teen wero killed. Tho officer died of wounds In crawling buck to our trench nnd I was severely wounded, hut ono fellow returned without a scratch, with out uny prisoners. No doubt this chap wus tho ono who hud sneezed and Im properly cut tho bnrbed wire. In tho ofllclnl commuulo,uo our trench raid wns described as follows: "All quiet on tho western front, ex cepting In tho neighborhood of Gom mecourt wood, where ono of our raid ing parties penetrated Into tho German lines." It is needless to say that wo had no use for our persuaders or come-alongs, as we brought back no prisoners, und until I dlo Old 1'epner'a words, "Per sonally I don't bellevo that that part of the German trench Is occupied," will always come to mo when I hear somo fellow trying to get away with a fishy statement. I will Judge It accordingly. (To Do Conttnuod.) FROM A JUHTICK OF TIIK PKACK W. II. Hill, J. P., Dotrolt, Tox writes: "I usod Foloy Kidney Pills and say unhesitatingly that of nil I havo usod thoy aro tho host, and have dono tho work whoro tho rost failed." Ilackacho, rheumatic pains, soro muHclos, stiff Joints and too frcquont uladdor action aro symptoms or Kiu noy trouble. Sold ovorywhero. Adv. EMPLOYES WILL RECEIVE BACK PAY (From Monday's Daily.) Somo $3,000 lu back pay will bo disbursed among tho omploycs ot the Orogon Trunk Btatlonod at Ilond In tho noxt fow days. This roprosonts tho pay tor tho months from Junuary to May, ordered paid railroad om ployos on tho recant adjustment ot wagoa, Tho mon to boitoflt huro In cludo train mon, station mon, soc- tlon hands and mombors ot tho mo chanlcnl dopartmont. TEUFEL HUND POSTERS AT MARINE OFFICES "Toufol Hund." tho Gorman nlck- namo .for tho Amorlcan Marines, Is tho loading display lino on tho now Marino recruiting placards and pOBt- ors rocolvod by tho local room Ulna station. Donoath this tho Marino bulldoir Is shown chasing tho Gor man dnschund. Tho last lino, por haps tho most attractive on tho poator, Is "Dovll Dog Recruiting Sta tion, 2G O'Kano Building." ARMYRULESARE DRAWN TIGHTER SEW HPKCIKICATIONH FOR TIIK IIKIGIIT AND CIIKHT .MKAHUUIJ MKNT .MUHT HIIOW PIIOOK OK AOi: OF APPLICANT. (From Saturday's Dally.) Conditions and rules under which rnon under or over draft ago aro to bo accopted In tho sorvlco aro being drawn tighter under each now ordor Issuod recruiting districts, according to a bulletin received by Sergeant Harvoy of tho army- recruiting sta tion In this city. Undar tho now tabto or height, weight and chest moasuroment, ap plicants who aro below 03 Inches In height will not bo accepted. At this height tho applicant must weigh at loast 116 pounds, with a chest meas urement ot 30 Inches, mobility of two Inches, Hereafter no applicant under the registration ago will bo accepted un less ovldonco Is produced that ho Is over 18 years of ago. Klthor a cor tlflod copy of birth certificate bap tismal record or school certificate must bo produced, and In caso none of these aro available, then an affi davit from tho parent or guardian. All ovldonco of ao must bo forward ed by tho recruiting officer to tho district offlco. All applicants must now havo tbreo serviceable masticating teeth, both uppor and lowor, and so opposed as to servo tho purpose ot Incision. In alt, an applicant must havo 12 serv iceable natural teeth, six ot which must bo molars and six Incisors. Fewer nt Health ItroorU Tills Year. Incrcasod expenses in traveling and at health resorts will keep many hay fover and asthma sufferers homo this summer. Foley's Honey and Tar Is recommended as a satisfactory remedy ,f or hay fover and asthma. It heals and soothes, allays Inflamma tion and Irritation, and cases tho choking sensation. Sold everywhere. A dr. RAISE MONEY FOR THE RED CROSS TiiK-oMVnr at Hcondlnnvlan IMcnic Net Hum of 917.2.1 for tlio Local Cliaptcr. (From Monday's Daily.) Savontoon dollars and twenty-five cents was raised on the outcomo ot a tug-of-war at tho Scandinavian picnic which was held on Tumalo creek yosterday afternoon. Two teams picked from among those prcsont contested tor supremacy, and tho nudlenco mado wagers on the outcomo, tho winners turning over their winnings to tho Red Cross. Thoro wero a largo number ot poople In attondanco at tho picnic during tho ontlro day and until lato in tho evening. Sports wcro held, tho contesting teams bolng chosen from tho Norwoglun and Swedish so cieties. T'408o making up tho winning team in tho Red Cross tug-of-war wero H. D. Uolser, Carl Youngrcn, N. Hagon, R. Wlok, A. II. Tagt, J. Tagt, C. Ilirkund, N. Skjorsaa, O. Carson, W. F. Shoults. Tho monoy was tendered to tho Red Cross chapter today by O. Han sen, LEGAL NOTICES NOTICK. In tho County Court ot tho Stato at Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Mattor or tho Estato of Jesslo .Hello Thayor, Deceased. Notice Is horoby gives that tho undersigned was on tho 12th day ot July, 1918, duly appointed executrix ot tho last will and testament ot Jesslo Dollo Thayer, deceasod. All persons having claims against tho ostato aro horoby notified to nrcsont tho samo duly vorlfled In tho manner provided by law within olx months rrom mo unto ot tho first publication ot this notlco at tho offlco ot H, C. Kills, In tho First National Hank building, Ilond, Deschutes county, Orogon. Dato ot first publication, July 18, 191S. MADEL K. 8TRINGRR, Kxoeutrlx ot tho Last Will and Testament ot Jesslo Hollo Thayor, Dccoasod, 20-23c NOTICK. In tho County Court ot tho Stato ot Orogon, for Deschutes County. In tho Mattor ot tho Estato ot Ed ward O. Ponroso, Docoasod. Notlco Is horoby gives that tho undoralgnod was on tho 12th day of July, 1018, appolntod administrator with tno will annoxod ot tho estato at Edward C. Ponroso, deceased. All porsoua hnvliiig claims against tho cstuta aro horoby notified to prosont tho snmo duly vorlfled In tho manner prqvldod by law within six months of tho dato othe first publication ot this notlco at tho offlco ot A. J. Mooro, In tho Log Cabin building, Ilend, Deschutos County, Orogon, Dato ot first publication, July 18, 1918. II. O. ELLIS, Administrator with tho Will Annoxed of tho Estato of Ed ward C. Ponroso, Docoascd. 20-23c HUMMONH. In tho Justlco Court tor the District of Hond, Deschutos County, Oro gon. Mary E. Hoovor, doing business as tho Unlvorsal Garago, plaintiff, vs. F, P. Drako, dofondant. To F, P, Drako, tho abovo namod defendant: In tho No mo of tho Btato of Oregon you aro horoby re quired to appear and answer tho com plaint In tho abovo entitled action on or beforo August 8th, 1918, that dato being six wcoks aftor tho first pub lication ot this summons, or for -want thoroof tho plaintiff will tako Judg ment against you for f 14.24 with In terest thoreon at C from Jan. 1st, 1918, and tho costs and disburse ments of this action. J. A. BASTES, Justlco of tho Peace. A. J. MOORE, 17-23p Attorney for Plaintiff. FOUND NOTICE. Notlco Is horoby glvon that the city of Dond has taken up tho follow ing described live stock, to-wlt: Ono bay maro, about 7 years old, brand II bar through top on left hip. Tho cost of rodoomlng said llvo stock will bo $1 per day In addition to tho actual expenso ot keeping, together with tho cost or this advertisement and all other noccssary expenses. In caso of falluro to redeem on the part of owner, said llvo stock will bo sold as provided by tho charter of tho city of Dend on July 27th, at 3:00 p. m., at tho city pound. L. A. W. NIXON. Chief of Police and cx-Offlclo Poundmaster. Adr.-183-20-21 HUMMONH. In tho Circuit Court of tha State of . Oregon, for tho County of De Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Sundtrd Sao. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers oi Iron, Broaxc and Semi-Steel Casting! for Power Tranmiiion Machinery; food" Pipe Fittings, Grate Bars. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament .1 and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards H. H. DeARMOND LAWYER O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon H. C. JC L L I 8 Attoraeyat-Law Catted BUtea OoBtmlsoloner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DKNTIST Suite 8-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon DR. TURNER EYK SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire ot THORSON, TID3 JEWELER THIS PAPER REPRESEflTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE UII.KII.VirB Eiaaj.MMit.iti i,h,iit;ki GENERAL OmCES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIEf Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE firrt National Daak Buildup 124 Owgea Stmt Dead, Ortgea schutes. C. S. Hudson, plaintiff, vs. John W. Dftkor, Alllo N. Dakar, also known as A. N. Dflkcr; William Bnoll, Redmond Hank of Commorco, a corporation: Goorgo W. Wimor, trustoo, and C. W. Ehrot, O. N. Ehrot and II. Ehrot, co-pnrtnera doing business under tho firm name and stylo of Ehrot Bros,, do fondants. To C. W. Ehrot, C. N. Ehrct and H, Ehrot, co-partnors, doing business undor tho firm namo and style of Ehret Bros.: In tho Namo of tho Stato of Oregon, you aro horoby ro qulrcd to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in tho abovo entitled suit, within six wooks attor tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or bofora the 9th day ot August, 1918, and If you fall so to do, for want thoroof tho plaintiff will tako Judgment against you and will apply to tho court for tho rollef demanded In tho complaint horeln, to-wlt: Tor a decrco that tho plaintiff la the owner In feo slmplo of the 8WU ot Section Twenty (20), Township Sixteen (1C) South ot Rango Eleven (11) East, W. M., Deschutes County, Orogon, and that tho dofendants harm not, nor either of them, or any other person, other than tho plaintiff, any right, title, estato, Interest In or Ilea or claim upon tho said real property, or any part thereof, and that plain tiff's title to said real property b sllencod against said dofendants and each of them, or any persona claim ing any Interest therein, and for sac other relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication thoroof tat the Dend Dullotln for six nuccesatra) -weeks by virtuo ot an order made fcr T. E. J. Duffy, Judgo ot the abovo ea tltled court, on tho Sth day of Jose, 1918. Date of tho first publlcatUa, June 27, 1918; last publicities August 8, 1918. 17-23c VERNON A. FORBES. Attorney for the FUlntl. Postofflco Address; Bend, Oregon. BEND. OREGON. J. E. ENaEIlRETSON, PLUMBING AND UEATINQ 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Choertully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. Phone Black 1291 LEB A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano BuUdlng BEND ... OREOON O. P. NISWONQER, Bend, Ora. UNDERTAKER Llceaaed Embalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 431. Lady Ast I DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapathlo Physician Over Logan Furnlturo Co. Wall 8treet Hours 9 to E Pboae Red 482 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY BUras ssd rnrdio, CtnusI Ca bUjUd UtrthanU. W carry OH. GaMtln, Boot, Fkr. Bill Mull, Huu. Bacaa as4 Lara.