The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 25, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
voi. -vvi.
No. 21
Hk Vvr ('nil, I, Imitation Aitiriiiliiii'tit
Will II" I'ut to TinI Ih'lltiwi
f I'wplo Will Grunt (ho
Amount Nwlwl.
(Hfxlal In 'Hi Itullctln,)
HALH.M, July S5. Htnto Tnx Com.
tnlmiloiinr Galloway and Secretary
Oondlii at thu Mtuto board of control
liuvu slnrtiid on tlin MtUpmuloiis task
of tmeortnluliiR Jtitt how mucli the
vurlou Institutions unit departments
of statu gnvnriiinoiil expect to spend
(lurltif: tho biennial period. TIiIh no
tlvlty cdium about rh u result of thu
ooiiiinlHiilon'n determination to find
out how much money Hi slntu will
himmI to (louiluct IIh affairs ovor nnd
above tho npproprlulloiiH which
-would ho iiormnlly ullowud tinilur thu
operation of tho fi pur cunt. llmlta
tlon nmnmlmunt.
Tho lltllu chunk of work bitten IT
tir thu two officials mentioned will
lio no riwy cud to chow up mid ill
kchI within tho next fow weeks, bo
foro AuKUHt IB to bu uxnet, If thn
ooiniiilixlon Iioh tho figures on tho
lntu It hope to serum thiim. An a
Honernl ruin thrno or four months
urn required Jn souring data for tho
Mr biennial budget, "'"I " tho
Mntnu ground will havo to ho covered,
nlthoiiKh prohahly It will not bo on
mich nn nxtiiiiHlvo scnln for tho tuntn
tlvo budget now unilur wny.
AiiiciiiliiH'iit to TiM.
Apparently tho movo of thn stato
tax couuiilmilon wilt plnco thu U pur
i-mit. limitation amendment on trial
It linn never buforo Ihmiii up to tho
liooplo of tho stato to determine
whullinr they desire to exceed tho
llmllulloii allowed by thn nmnnd
mmit. Koiiio oommunltk'N, such na
lluml, have linen railed uponto net.
niul almost Invariably theyy. havo
granted tho extra munoy asUd for.
Thl Ih nu Indication that .th tnx
payor are no laggards '" "PnrtlnR
money when It comes to n case of
iihiuI. niul tho taxpayers believe that
thu money will bo wull nptuit.
Mow much money tho people of
tho tnl will fool llkn votliiR will
depend largely upon thn tax com
inlwdnn Itself. If that oommlHHlon
proven ronsounblo In ItH ilnmmnlH, no
doubt It will Kiit what It nnkH for.
or at least that U tho opinion of
nniiio of thH mcmburH of tho commu
nion. If It begins slopping ovor niul
granting requests to everyone, nnil
liIncliiK upon Iho ballot nn nililliloual
levy for a amount of funds, tho
whole proposition Ih apt to ko by tho
boards, u"LX,M' legislature plnred In
tho position 1ttho mun with tho
chumiUKiio appetite niul tho beer
CoiiipllcnlloiiH An' PohmIMi'.
The commission Is l't to Hntt It
nolf lit n peculiar position In ondenv-
orliiK to arrive nt nomo llgnro for
tho people to voto upon. 'Ihu last
legislature. In ItH KlutlutifliiH desire
to ilo HiiniothliiK about consolidation
or olliiiluiUlon of commissions, cut
ono coniiiilHHloiiur front tho Htnto tnx
ooiiiiiiUsIoii anil now thoro uro four
ox-ofllclo inumborH niul ono appoint
Ivq moniber. Tho x-ofllclo inoinborM
,Viinj thu Kovuriior, Hiiorfltnry of Htnto
'mil tho Htnto trtntHuror. Theno throo
ttuluut tho four Hi mumbor.
. ' With but four tnutiiliorn on tho
conimlHrtliin tho poHHlbllltlOH of com
jilluutloiiH nro obvloua. It momiH
thnt, In cnHo of n tlo, tho two mom
ImrH who uro luulluuil to balk at any
liropoi.ilH mailo by tho olhor two
iiiuiiiIiiii-h can cniiHO n tloup. Coiiho
iuuntly. whun It coiiioh to iii'Kiitlvliijj
liropomilH, It la nppnrout thnt two
inumborH can coiiHtltuto, virtually, a
inability of tho commlHHloii niul Imvo
1t nil ItH own wny. Hut thoro Ih nnu
noophold OUt Of HIICll llOHHlllllliy.
Kvlilch nnmiH utlll otlior niul poHalbly
onoro IntoroHtliiR oppohunltloH for
ThlH Ih fouiul In tho fact that Tax
CommluBlonor (lallowny Ih nppolnt-
ivo. Ho hohlH his ofllco by vlrtuo of
tin nppolntmont from tho commlHslon,
niul whllo nil throo momborH votoil
to kcop hi in on tho Job, ho could bo
llrad by nny two of tho momborn.
riiiiB, If ho doBlrod to luno up ivltli
TluiB, It ho doBlrod to lino up with
niul nociuno too Htubborn for tho
otlior two, thoy would hnvo tho op
portunity of ouBtlng lilm bodily and
(Contlnuod on last imgo.)
I'llt gMWjMUllMllld. .iliilwniMifc ..Majw.-.!.;.....-.
reservenew I'uti: ih AP
(From Momlay'it Dally,)
Tho Klamuth Iiullaii rcHorvntlmi
forimt llro, which Into lnnt wuok
Hwnpl Into tho nouthnrn boundary of
tho DoiirhtituH national forcHt, Ih now
uiiilor control. N. 0. Jncobxun, forcnt
iiup'irvlior, rnturnod lant nlclit from
tho ncouo of thu lire, and rcportn thnt
It can now bo Imlit without dancer
by n nmall crow of mon.
Tho llro advanced only flvo iiiIIoh
onto tho renervu, Mr. Jncobnuu itntcd
thin inornliiKt nmi thin wiih In tho
IoiIko polo tlmbur, whoro llltlo dam
ago wmi doni), only n Hinall point of
tho yollow pltio Btatul bolm; caiicht,
In llRhttiiK tho fire, more than tun
mlleH of trench wan mndo on n flro
lino of ovor llftuun mllcn. In uvory
limtancn iionitlblo thoio flRhttiiK thu
llro took nilvnntaRn of tho Hand
pniciiiiB ui nut mum in inuir worn.
In several places tho flro wocpliiR
up In thn crnwmi of tho timber
Jumped tho trunchoH. nnd It won
noconnury to back llro to prevent fur
ther nprund,
Another flni on tho roBorvatlon In
RWcopliiR toward thn rcnorvo, but
from tho direction taken by tho tiro
at tho prexunt It will reach thn
boundary nt n point where It can bu
ennlly controlled.
(From Wednesday'1 Dally.)
Local bonrdH bum boon rIvoii mora
prlvlloKos, nccorilliiR to nn order ro
ceiitly loeelved, nnd men Bent from
tho local ImordH of n county to Camp
I.uwIh or otlisr trnluliiK cainpn can
not ho dUcharRud on tho Rrouuds of
hnvhiR ilepeiuloutH If they wore mar
ried after certain Mptnitled daten nn
KHt down by thu war departmuut,
January IB of thin year for the elan
of 1118 roRlntmntrt nnd May 17,
1017, for tho roRlKtmiits of a your
Local hnnrdn nro empowered to
plnco men who uro thu fathurn of
children born Hiihnoqiiont to auoh
marrliiRun In elnnn 2, accordliiR to tho
ruvinud rulliiRn, but If thay nro draft
ed tho camp hoard can do nnthltiR
hut retain thoni. Thu receipt of tho
order, nny tho mcmburH of tho board,
hIiowh to n Krontnr dug roe than nny
liiHtruetloiiH received heretofore the
lutlludo Riven tho local boards In
tho matter of uxomptloiiH on Rrounds
which cannot bo followed by tho
bourd at tralnlnoc ciiiiiph, Min who
nro untitled to deferred clnsnlllcatlon
ihould bo ho llttted before butiiR
nent to tlieHO camps, where It In tin
ponnlblu tor thorn to obtain n din
charRo, If they were not married bo
fore buliiR oIlRlblo to tho draft, no
cordliiR to the nfllccrn.
(Krom Thursdny'a Dally.)
Tho llrnt nrreHt to be mndo under
tho tity'H ordliiuuco pnuaud nu nu
emergency nt tho Juno meeting, pro
viding thnt nil able bodlod mou In
tho city, no matter ot what ngo,
should uugngo In boiuo usotul occu
pation, wiih taken up buforo Judge
10111b ycHtorduy afternoon, Knii
I.uiIuwIk wiih taken In charpo by
Chief ot Police Nixon, who chhrgod
that tho prisoner wan not ongagod In
productive luiliiHtry,
LuiIowIr In hla toatlmouy botoro
tho Judge ntutod thnt ho wub on n
vllt with frleiulH In tho city In an
effort to regain his, health, Ho stat
ed tho visit would tormlunto within
a. bhort time, not more, than two
wooks, mid ho would thou lonvo tho
city for Portland, Upon thla Qvldonco
Judge 13111s contlnuod tho, easu for
ono woolc, nftor which Lodowlg will
bo roqulrod to report In parson,
AIIcriiI I'orn'T (!le- t'p Iiifiiriiiiitloii
I'imIIiik t Arri-Mt of Kmplioo
of lttiiuriiiit In TliU
(Krom Monilny'H Dally.)
Hurt Itoblnnoii, nu umployo at tho
Downing rontnurant, was nrrcatcd
Haturdoy iiIkIU, charRed with being
a dennrtnr from tho United Htalcs
nrmy, nnd In lodged In thu county
Jail ponding thu receipt of Inntruc
tlons from tho wnr department. The
nrreot wan mndo by H. K. Ilobertn,
county nherlrr,
Haturday afternoon Mr. Iloborts
rnculvod Information lending him to
bollovo thnt W. K. Mueller, who Is
now being held In tho county Jail
on n charge of forgery, was n de-
nertor from tho nrmy. Tho Inform
uut to thu Hhurlrr'n ofllco had filvoit
tho dutnlln of tho nffnlr no that It
wan ponnlblu for Mr. Huberts to con
front Mueller with facts, which ho
did and elicited a confession. In
bin confusnlon Mueller, whoso right
nnmo Is Wiiiiro, dinted that In tho
fnll of 191C, nbout 20 men from
Company K, 21st Infantry, then serv
Ing on thn border, had deserted and
madu their way north. Among tho
nnnios of thoso who camu to Hand
itud Central Oregon was that of
Coffin, who tho sheriff later discov
ered to bo Paul Koblnnon, employed
nt tho Downing cafe.
Upon this Information Mr. Iloberts
awaited his chanco and arrested Hob-
. Inson ns ho wan leaving n picture
nhow here. After he had been lodged
In tho county Jail tho man cnnfomicd
bin guilt and gnvo thu name of men
In other pnrtn of thu stnto who weru
In tho party which took loavo ot thu
i army service at that time.
I Information of tho arrest has baen
nent to tho adjutant gonornl'H ofllco
nt I'ortland, nnd the men nro being
hold pending the official qrdor from
tho government. ? "
Now .Stationed u( Camp .larkxin,
Houtli Carolina, mill Will Iteiiialu
Tliero for About Three Montlix.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Confirmation of tho report that
I. lout. II. A. Stover tins returned to
this country from Franco to rIvo In
struction In artillery work nt nn nrmy
camp Is rIvoii In a letter from Lieut.
Stover leculvod by n friend In llond.
According to this lottor, Lieut.
Stover is now ntntloued nt Camp
Jackson, Columbia, South Carolina,
nnd oxpoctH to bo thoro for tho com
ing three moutliH. Ho Is anxious to
roturn to Franco. Just buforo coin
ing lionit), Lieut. Stover wnH with the
nrllllory which backed up tho Ma
rines nt tho II rut attack on tho Huns
nt Chntoau Thierry.
Miunbora of tho Deschutes Valley
Potato! Urowors' association gntherod
nt Tumnlo Saturday afternoon to
picnic, hold n busluoss meeting and
to listen to speeches. Ovor 100 wore
In nttoiidnucu from nil parts nt tho
Following tho bountiful nnd sub
Btnntlul luncheon, business reports
woro rIvou, from which It appeared
thnt mtpmborH of tho association had
received a hlshor price for thor po
tntoos In tho pnst year thnu growers
who woro not mombors. Tho Netted
Com mid Hurbank nro tho nssoclntlon
Btnndnid for Into potntooa nnd tho
lOarly Hoso mid Early Ohio for onrly.
About 01 cars of potntooa were
shipped by the nssoclntlon, of which
tho No. 1 grndo brought hn avorngo
ot $1.25, which "wns "bettor thnu
foddlng them to the stock," as ono
spoakor said.
F, L. Dullard, formerly of tho
Director), of North Irrigation DlMrlrt
'J'nku OtiT IIoIiIIiikm of tlm CVn-
trnl OnKoit Irrigation
(From Friday's Dally.)
BALKM, July 10. Directors of flic
North It ligation district havo reached
nnj agreement to buy nil of tho Cen
tra! Oregon Irrigation company's
rights In tho 70,000-acro Carey net
project near Kedrnond and Hend for
$70:1.000, according to Htato Kngl
iioct John If. Lowls, who has Just
returned from a meeting with In
torentcd parties at Madras, where thu
dial wan negotiated.
,M Whether tho deal will bo finally
consummated is contingent upon
whether thu north unit district ob
tains certification from tho state se
curities commission of tho proposed
bond Ibcuo and also obtains approval
ot tho capital Issues commlttco tor
tho Issusnco of bonds. Uut Htato
Engineer Lewis expressed confidence
In tho plans of tho district and be
lieves they will result In much
groator development In Central Ore
gon. . "North unit comprises 100,000
acres nonr Madras, Metollus and
Culver, now being cultivated by dry
farming methods," said State Engi
neer Lewis. "Water for Irrigation
can bo had by storage In tho pro
posed Ilonham Falls "reservoir, 1C
miles south ot Hend. This Is tho
cheapest and best storage on tho De
schutos rlvor and Is cnpablo ot sup
plying more than 200,000 acres ot
land. In addition to 100,000 acres
In north unit, there are approximately
40,000 acres on tho west sldo of the
Deschutes rlvor noar Tumnlo, 35,000
acres In tho north canal project noar
Iledmond and 15,000 acres of prlvato
land- near I'rinovlllc, which should
como under this reservoir.
)"Au understanding, with the north
unit will eliminate 'tho Central Ore
gon company operating for a profit,
leaving tho settlors In this- basin In
n position to secure Irrigation at
cost, if the various districts can agroo
among themselves as to tho proper
distribution ot the cost ot the reser
voir water. Directors of the north
unit fol hopeful of working out the
Iotro 200,000-ocro project, for which
plans wore preparod by tho state and
U. S. reclamation service In co-oporn-tlon.
"It Is tho hopo of tho directors
that tho Hood water supply can bo
had In tho near futuro, leaving tho
reservoir feature until soma timo in
tho futuro.
"Thoy propose, howover, to do
everything possible to eliminate com
plications so that a clean slate may
bo prosented to tho governmout,
should fodoral credit be made avail
able as a rocoiiHtructlon measure.
Falling In this, It Is tho hope of the
district to enlist private capital."
Settlers on sold lauds ot the Con-
(Continued on last phro. 1
'bureau of markets, who had assisted
' I., ,.nl. ... ..! nt ,1... n .. j m.l.i , l.t.t .A
i.i utiii nuiiv in iiiu UD3UUUIIIUII, i im
ported that tho potato crop this your
promised to bo short, so that tho
association might oxpoct n good
mnrkot for its 191S product.
Other Bpoakors woro K. E. Favlllo,
odltor of tho Western Farmer, and
Walter Plorco of La Orando, Demo
cratic candidate for governor. Hoth
dovotod thomsolvos to wnr subjects
mid onch onded his talk by produc
ing from n handy pocket nnd waving
n small American Hag, Mr. Favlllo,
howovor, put ono ovor on Mr. Plorco
lu tho llaR waving gnmo by digging
up nlso n Hod Cross ting,
Tho plcnlo was hold on nn Island
in tho river above Tumnlo, ono ot
tho most boautlful spots for tho pur
poso yot found lu this Boctlon, Many
proaont suggested that an offort bo
mado to havo tho Island mado into a
camping nnd plunsuro ground for tho
bouollt ot tho pooplo of tho county,
Mirr hv Tin: ciiuitcu.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho fourth Quarterly conference
of tho Methodist church will bo held
at tho church Saturday evening at
9 o'clock. At this meeting tho re
ports for tho year will bo mndo and
tho now officers elected for the fol
lowing year.
Tho church has enjoyed a year of
substantial growth and many changes
havo been made In membership, but
this1 a a wholo remains about tho
Old debts haro been paid and new
obligations havo been mado and met.
Tho salary ot tho pastor was in
creased 300 last fall and this has
required, among other things, much
inoro money to bo raised than last
All war emergencies have been
met also. A large Increase in bener
olonco will also bo noted.
Dr. I'cmberton, tho district super
intendent, ot Tho Dalles will bo pres
ent and preside.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Plans tor tho celebration of Labor
day by the unions ot Hend will be
completed by tho committees, who
aro to report to tho Central Labor
council at tho regular meeting next
Friday night.
At the same timo committees will
bo appointed for tho entertainment
ot tho Stato Federation ot Labor,
which will meet in this city on Oc
tober 11.
(From "Wednesday's Dally.)
(SjxxUl to Th DuUttln.)
SALBM, July 24. C.S.' nenson of
llond was yestorday appointed as at
torney for tho stato land board to
succeed Vornon A. Forbes. Secre
tary Olcott voted for T. W. Myers,
also of llond.
Mr. Honson's appolntmont Is to
continue only daring tho absence ot
Charles Krsklno In military service.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Two now calls for mon t.o entrain
from Daschutes county hnvo boon
made to fill quotas for mon called
by the war department. Four of
these men aro to entrain hero July
29 for Vancouver barrnoks nnd four
additional on August J to entrain for
Camp Fromont, California.
Tho contingent to leavo July 29 Is
mado up of limited sorvlco men, to
bo employed by tho government In
tho Hpruco division, and Includes two
sawmill foremen mid two trimmer
planernion. Tho mon called for this
division nro Otto II. Piotsch, Ing
wnld A. Johnson, Ford W. Cox aud
Hort A, Fuller.
For tho mobilization on August 5
six mon to fill n quota of four havo
boon called by tho local board. These
mon nro to entrain for Camp Fro
mont, California, and will bo tralnod
lu the cavalry division. This Is ono
of tho llrst culla recolved by tho De
schutes county board for mon In this
sorvlco, Thoso who havo boon called
aro; Cyril Alexander, presont ad
dress, Vancouver, Wash.; Lorenzo D.
Hoddlug, proaont address unknown;
Lunda V. Aborcromblo, Portland;
Gordon D. Cochran, Alfalfa; Thos.
II. Coonor. address unknown; John
iA. Calverloy, Lowor Bridgo. Theso
mon will moblllzo horo on August 5,
loavlng for their camp on tho morn
ing ot August G,
CnmiN Show Spirit "Htnr HjmnRled
Huniier" and "Hmllc, Hmllo,
Hrnllo" Aro tlm March'
nlfj Tunc.
- Dcftchute County Men.
Samuel Drown, captain.
- Melvin L. Crow.
Jas. A. Brlckcy, -
- Howard D. Butcher."
- J. F. Scott. . .
- Theo. F. Atwater.
Frank Henderson. "
Floyd C. Perkins.
Lcsllo L. 'McDanlebj!
Burns D. Young.
Mlko It. Fetty. .
Earl L. Powers,
Elrln W. Van Matro.
Claude Vandovert, ,
Wm, B. Gladstone. -
James Morrison. '
Amicus O. Dickinson.
Lloyd V. Powers.
inducted from Other Counties.
- Richard II. "Wise, Corvallls.
Howard W. Holmes, Golden-
dale. -
Ernest Hoe, Tho Dalles.
Fred G. Lottman, Hamilton, -
Mont. '
Leonard Huston, Portland.
Milton A. Newman, Emmctt,
Idaho. -
Enoch Swedborg, Seattle
- Enders J. Hansen, Lakevlew.
Mortimer W. Wagner, Vale.
- Leroy C. Abernathy, Bakor. -
Edgar R. Heartt, Vale.
Roy S. Hartley, Pendleton.
Van C. Cleveland, Jacknon-
vllle, Ore.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Honoring tho 31 drafted mon who
left this morning for Camp Lewis,
ono ot the largest crowds which has
ever been In attendance- at tho now
Bend Amateur Athtotlc club gym
nasium marched round tho UaJi'dast
night to tho strains ot "SmlleJiisHe.
Smile," and escorted tho boys tiTtfe
stago. ,.
Tho roceptlon opened when tfca '
boys were met at tho court house
by a parade ot autos hoaded by the
Bend militia and taken to tho Gym
nasium, whero the crowds awaited
them. As soon as they arrived In
sldo tho building tho throng struck:
up tho "Star Spangled Banner."
Following this, tho officers ot tho
mllltla and soveral young ladles.
leading the march to the tuno ot
"Smllo, Smllo, Smile," with tho
crowd carrying tho refrain, tho boya
wero taken to tho stago and placed
upon It,
Jay-H. Upton ot Prlnovlllo deliv
ered tho address of the ovenlng, con
gratulating the boys upon the part
thoy wero about to play Jn tho win
ning of the world for democracy and
pointing out tho need ot concortod
notion on the part ot thoso both nt
home and abroad to tho work they
havo to do at this time. Mr. Upton
closed his speech with tho romarks
that It was hopod that when tho boys,
again came homo tho homo people'
would bo hotter prepared to receive
thorn than tho returning boys wore
rocotvod at tho termination ot tho
Civil war.
Following Mr. Upton's remarks,
Mrs. Chapman sang "I Raised My
Hoy to Bo a Soldier," following In the
oncoro with "Somewhere In Franco,"
After tho program had bcon given
tho lloors wero cleared and dancing
was enjoyed by all present until a
lato hour.
(From Friday's Dally.)
.Mrs. C. B. Wornstaff ot Bond 1b
tho winner of tho second Rod Cross
horso, it was learned lato this after
noon. Mrs. Wornstaff learned of her
good tortuno whon alio received th
wookly edition ot Tho Bulletin thla
morning, and immediately made her
success known to tho Red Cross headquarters.