msyn iiullkti.v, hkxi oitKflo.v. Thursday, .iulv ih, hub PAOK T ""VKfcs CAN POOD AND PRESERVE- THE- NATION All Canning Steps Important; Wise Ganners Heed Every Rule ' '(I(PI)I)iImk. K dipping In n cold watnr lialh In ndvlcd for tho product, llm moment ho tniK of lilnnchod mnturlul Ik takun from tlm bolllnp wutur nluiiKn It Into u vessel of elonn cold watnr tho itolrinr tho bettor. Allow It to ro mnln In tlm cold wntor only (or tho tlntn Mpnolflod, I)n not nllnw It to !(umk In tho cold wntor. Piu-kltiK dm Jnr. Remove front tho wntor bath tho Jnr and covorn which must huvn lioon bollliiK for nt lonnt ir mluutoH, An quickly ns pohhIMo puck tho blanched (iiml dlppi'd) product Into tho bollnd Jars. J'nck quickly nnd carefully, untriK n Hut mill nnrrow wooden piiddlo or woodnn spoon Kllnilnntn nil hubhloii. Puck Unfitly tiut not mo fiH to in null or crush tho prodtirt, I'lll tho Jnr to within ono-linlf Inch of tho top with hot brlno or water or Julco If yon urn caunltiK vuKoliiblcit, or with hot sirup, fruit Julco or iiioroly clciui hot wntor If you ii ro rnunliiR fruit, Dlrcctloim for iniiklivK brlucit mid sirup tiro Inrliid od In the btillntln on cuiiiiIiik Issued for frco distribution by tho U. H. du imrtmcitit of nRrlrulturo. I'urtliil KciilliiK of Ihi-n. As enrb jar In flllod nnd whllo It in mill hot plnco u rublmr rlim ulonrmod In boiling soda nnd wntor on tho Jnr. Kcrow down tho boiled top, If n screw-lop jnr In uhciI, but do not Hrrow It tight. If Rlnmt-top Jam 11 ro used put on rover nnd slip wlro ovor It, but do not promt down tddo spring. Do not dolny In putting tin tops until llio Jnr mid top nro root Do not seal Jar it tight nt thin ntago. Tho packed product will expand noinuwhnt when tho Jnrit nro bollod (processed), nod thnro must bo an outlet for tho expanding air. Ait ench Jnr I purtlally sealed put It bnck In tho hot wntor bnth from which ioiiio of tho hot -water bait boon ro moved nod In whlrh cold water linn been nddnd until tho watnr In merely warm. Do not put cold Jnrn directly Into hot water. Thny will crnck. Try to hnvo filled Jars ud tho wntor In tho bnth about tho name tompornturo at tho ttnrt. Fill und pnrtlnlly him I all tho Jam nit rapidly an poioilhlo nnd placo thorn In tho bath. Heo that when all arc In tho wntor comes ovor tho tops of tho Jarit. Tut ii tight cover on tho vessel to loop tho ntoani around tho top of tho Jam. Allow tho Jam to remain In tho tolling water for tho tlmo specified for tho product. Ilogln counting tho tlmo for processing when tho water u rou ml tho Jam In tho watnr bath iitnrtH to boll, Honllng tlm .Jnrn. llemovo Jnrit from tho bath at tho und of tho canning porlod prescribed fur tho pnrtlculnr vegetablu or fruit. Inntnntly clnmp tightly or screw down tho lid on onch Jnr iih it Ih taken out. Mnko curtain thoro la no leak, Htoro Jnrn to root In a tlrnft-froo plnco. TchI for lonkn ngaln next dny. If nny Jar shown nny .signs of lonkn replace fnulty rubor, cap or contalnor, nnd roboll, WIhto only Ono Period of Ilollliij; In Required, If tho product Ih ono that can bo canned by n hIiirIo porlod of boiling In n hot wntor bath, your product, If lightly Healed und thoroughly cold, Is'tiow roady for utorngo. Whom only ono boiling Ih roqulred, Hcrow top, clamp-top or nolf-Honlliig con tulnera or cnim can bo uhuiI. Hmh'Iii1 CoiiHltleral Ioiin. A fllnglo porlod of processing In tho wntor bath Iiiih boon found gun orally Hotlnfiictory for tho canning of frultH nnd hucIi acid vegotablo ns toinntoofi. Lima Iiouiih, pons, corn nnd cortalu nthor vogutablos having a high protein content, or which, be cause of their thick conslstoncy, do not allow tho heat to ponotrato to tho contor roadlly, nro moro dlfll cult to storlllzo, nnd honco, whoro tho hot wntor bnth Ih uhoiI, olthor by tho Hluglo-coutluiiouH or by tho iutorintttont procoHH, a small percent ngo of Iohh by Hpollogo inny bo ox jioctcd, Hnwovor, acrupulouH euro lu tho selection, preparation nnd processing of thoHO productH will ro diico this loa'a to a ml til muni, A ulnglo-porlod processing with Htoam umlor proHsuro of 10 to 15 oouikIh, In a prosauro cauiior or oookor, Ih strongly rocommondod for tho handling of buoIi productH, for by Its ubo loss duo to lnsutflclont Htorlllzntlon may ho largely elimin Iiitonnlltent ladling, For tho uomiflt of thoao to whom tho Intermittent boiling or process ing may not bo, familiar, It may bo explained that this consists merely of placing tho cans or Jars of matorlal iMaMnrrtfcliWwranMtfL.'TT!WiiB iiw 1 'SMJMfeaudjaiK 7iald!l!BBaV 7irl i". ZiMt IBaV HBfeHnriflHlB9BHr' fCi'iiSf to bo treated lu tho boiler or canner ond boiling for tho required length of llnle on ench of three successive days, Ily many this Is considered a safer procedura than tho uso of a single long period of boiling. If you employ thin method, when tho Jars are being given tho second und third boiling treatments, you should loosen tho clamps or unscrew tho lids nllghtly just before you placo them again lu tho boiling wntor. Tighten covers at the end of each boiling. As tho seal of tho Jars is loosened slightly during each boil ing, tho metal-capped Jars, some times called "hermetic" jars, arc not suited to Intermittent work. Jnrs with self-senllng wlrc-clamped tops SUMMER LAKE WILL " SOON BE EXPLOITED SALKM. July 1C I'romlio that If tho waters of Summer lake con tain valuable mineral deposits they will bo worked to their utmost Is hold out In communication!! received by Governor Withycombe from II. C. Pendleton of Oakland. Cat., and re ferred by tho governor to tho state land board. Mr. Pendleton Is now experimenting with samples of tho waters, an ho Ih allowed to do so by tho newly announced policy of the board, whoroby It will rofuso to sign contracts extending to any person or firm an exclusive right to experi ment with waters and their deposits. This policy ban been decided upon becnuso of tho largo number of ap plications received, nnd if nny expert mentor gooH to tho extent of being nblo to start actual operations tho board will then bo In a position to close tho deal. Mr. Pondleton, who fliibmlts n strong letter of recommendation from John Ii, Davie, mayor of Oakland, writes Governor Wlthycombo that ho Ih trying to build up n soda iihIi plant nt Hummer Inko under Jason Moore's loaso, nnd that ns ho gets into tho work ho finds many possibilities of dolny owing to tho Hcnrclty of labor and machinery, nnd thnt while ho Is not discouraged ho will fool moro like going abend If ho can count on tho support of tho state executive de partment. Tho lottor from tho Oakland mayor nayu that Mr. Pendleton Ih ono of tho community bulldern through whom Oakland has boon ndvnncod as an In diiBtrlnl nnd commercial center, and ho is crodttod with bringing to thnt city tho I'nrr-McCormlck Terminal company nnd tho Chevrolet Motor Car compnny, Mayor Davlo doclaroH thnt Mr. Poudlotnu will fulfill to tho lottor anything ho undertakes lu Oregon. TWIMi WOHItY AVIMIF.LM. (Ily Unltisl I'rns to Tlio Ileiul llullctln.) WASHINGTON, July 15.- Five quartu of homo canned frultH and vogotablea per month for nil winter for ovory Amorlcnu isn't a bad war time proHpoot, la it? Thnt'H tho program tho dopnrt inoiit of agriculture la fostering in ita "can-tho-food" propaganda, Throo thousand domouBtrntora nro In tho Hold, nil ovor tho producing dis tricts, showing moil, women and chlldron how to can ami dry tho surplus aunimor food, to tho oud that 1,500,000,000 quarts may bo put up at homo this summer. nro most satisfactory to uso In'lntor mlttont canning. Hnvo your screw top Jars for packing fruits and to nintooH, which require hut ono porlod of boiling in a wntor bath outfit. Cunning in .Metal, Wash tho cans carefully nnd scald with boiling wator to mako cortalu that they nro absolutely clean. In tho caso of cans, 'prepare tho product tho samo us If It woro to bo packed In Jars, Fill tho cans. Holder on tho tops, leaving open tho small hole In center of tho cap, i:liautlng Filled Cans. Lower tho filled cans Into tho boiling water to within ono Inch of tho top. This treatment, in from three to eight minutes, will drivo tbiualr out of tho cans through tho pin holo. This exhausts thorn nnd tends to prevent later swelling or bulging from Insldo prcssuro. Do not lot tho cans stay nny longer than necessary to drive out tho air. Jlolllng (I'iik-coxIhc I'IIIimI Cans. llemovo tho exhausted cans, tip tho air Jiolo with solder, then pro cess In boiling water or In a water snal or steam-prossuro canner for tho tlmo specified for the particular product nnd for tho particular outfit. Iiulletlns Issued for free distribu tion by tho department of agricul ture, Washington, I). C toll nil about canning in cans as well us in glass Jars. Homnthlng to soil? Advcrtlao in Tho Bulletin's classified column. KNUTE BJORGE RECEIVES FINE Jl'ItY FINDS HIM (JUIITV OF TIIK .MANL'FACrnti: OF I.NTOXIt'AT. i(j i.igi'oitH in ins iiomi: IX IWKIC ADDITION. (From Friday's Dally.) Knuto Iljorgo, who with his son, Lara Iljorgo, was tried boforo a Jury of six man In Judgo Hastes' court yesterday afternoon, was declared guilty of manufacturing intoxicating liquors. Tho Jury brought in a vor dlct of not guilty for tho son. Kx tremo leniency, because of his age and condition, was recommended by tho jury for tho man convicted. Iljorgo was arrested on Tuesday afternoon when Sheriff Roberts, ac companied by two special ngonts of tho state, John T. Corcoran and T, H. Fnnton, searched tho homo of tho dofondant and discovered nearly 50 gallons of homo browed beer lu all stages of making. In tho testimony yesterday after noon tho offlcora declared that whon they ontorod tho homo they found a trap door in tho tloor of tho houso and on opening this discovered near ly 100 quart bottles of boor. In nu othor lift In a soparato room 55 pint bottles woro discovered. Dcaldes this thoro was n largo quantity of tho material on tho stovo and in tho Bottling jars which hud not boon bottlod. Iljorgo stoutly maintained that tho hour was not being manufactured for Bale, but for homo consumption, and hla nttornoy, W. P. Myora, dla claimed that it was as highly In toxicating as loproaontod by tho prosecution, II. H, Do Armnnd. Iljorgo confessed that his son Lars had had no connection lu tho manu facture of tho nrtlclo. In hla explanation of tho largo amount of tho bovorago found on hla promlaos, lljoiigo dcclarod that aomo of It was ovor two years old. Sontonco wns. Imposed by Judgo Kaatoa this morning, Iljorgo bolng flood in tho sum of $50 oud costs, tho coats amounting to porhnps ?15. Lnrs DJorgo, tho son, will now bo tried on a chnrgo of having Intoxicat ing liquor -within his possession, uut this caso will not bo hoard until tho prosocutlng attorney's offlco has had an aualyals of tho product, FOREST FIRE NEAR SISTERS DfJH.NTD OVKH AKKA TWO MILKH IN LKXOTIf VKHTIJKDAY BO.MK IIOMF.HTKADH IN DANOKIt I'UIVATi: OWNKI) TIMIIKH. fFrom Monday's Dally.) A forest fire, ono of the largest which has broken out In tho county this season, Is raging In Township M, Itango 10, In tho Sisters district. Tho fire, evidently caused by light ning, broke out on Saturday evening and although a crow of men was sent to the sceno early yesterday morning from Itedraond, before night It had burned over an area moro than two miles In length. Several homesteads In tho vicinity are threatened, and It is feared that possibly some have already been consumed. The fire Is burning In state and private timber, and many timber claims In this Hcctlon aro owned by local men. Ono cent a word is all a little Want Ad will cost you. County Filings. Deschutes County Abstract com pany's report of Instruments filed for record In Deschutes county July 12, 1918: Huttlo Soldier to Marshall T. Green, quit claim deed, 1. J. O. Hagan to J. A. Stare!, war ranty deed, J 10. J. A. Starel to Chos. II. Ilolfe, war ranty deed, J 10. K. Ii. Knox, shcrirr, to Chas. S. nensou, sheriff's deed, WV4 SEU, 8Kt 8Wi. Sec. 1; NEH NWVi Sec 12, T. 20, 8., It. 10 E. W. M. Tho Ilend Co. to Seventh Day Ad ventlst church, warranty deed, $1. C. A. Adams to S. A. Gottcr, war ranty deed, Itcdmond, $10. BROTHER BILL IS BACK IN BEND (From Friday's Dally.) After many miles of travel, In which ho has visited practically every chapter of tho lied Cross In Eastern and Central Oregon, Brother 1)111, tho famous Hcd Cross sheop, who began his career In Ucnd last March at tho atato sheepmen's dinner, ar rived In Ilend on yesterday morn ings' train from Tho Dalles, under the caro of tho American Express company. No ono at tho present tlmo can tell doflnltcly the amount of money Dill has brought Into tho Hod Cross funds. It Is known that beforo leav ing the county moro than $15,000 dollars had been added to tho Ucnd chapter funds through his sale. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon,, for Deschutes Countv. In tho Matter of tho Estnto of Jcsolo Hollo Thnyer, Deceased. Notice is horoby gives that tho undersigned was on tho 12th day of July, 1918, duly appointed executrix of tho last will and testament of Jessie Hollo Thayer, deceased. All persons having claims against tho estate aro hereby notified to present tho samo duly verified In tho manner provided by law wltliln six montns from tho dato of tho first publication of this notlco nt tho ottlco of H. C. Ellis, in tho First National Dank building, lloml, Deschutes county, Oregon. Dato of first publication, July IS, 191S. MABEL K. STllINGEIt, Executrix of the-Last Will and Testament of Jessie- Hollo Thayer, Deceasod. 20-23c NOTICE. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Ed ward C. Penrose, Deceasod. Notlco la horoby gives that tho undersigned was on tho 12th day of July, 1018, appointed administrator with tho will annexed of tho cstato of Edward C. Ponroso, deceased. All persons havlihg claims against tho estnto aro horoby notified to present tho samo duly verified in tho manner provided by law within six months of tho dato of tho tlrst publication of this notlco at tho offlco of A. J. Monro, In tho Log Cabin building, Bond, Deschutes County, Oregon. D.Uo of tlrst publication, July IS, 191S. II. C. ELLIS. Administrator with tho Will CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND irffrSS BRAND X.ADIRS I Atk yr lraUt for CUM DIAMOND URAND riU.3 UOLD metallic boxes, seaii Ribbon. Tako no oiub. Iliur.tll 1 .k tar T-L J1?J ft "M3 Sol" :uns-Tim a A in Kkd uJA ea vrtta uiuew H.r.H.iAV .CHt?a.Tmi V DIAUIINU 1IUANH ri I.I.S, lor IWfDlT-nTO year) regarded Dot, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS vffi EVERYWHERE gggj Annoxod of tho Estato of Ed ward C. Ponroso, Deceased, 20-23c SUMMONS. In tho JuBtlco Court for tho District of Bond, Deschutes County, Ore gon. Mary E, Hoover, doing business as tho Universal Garage, plaintiff, vs. F. P. Drako, dofondant. To F, P. Drake, tho abovo named dofondant: In tho Name of tho Stato of Oregon you aro horoby ro qulred to appear and answor tho com plaint In tho above entitled action on or beforo August 8th, 1918, that dato bolng six weeks after tho first pub lication of this summons, or for -want thorcof tho plaintiff will tako judg ment against you for 114.24 with In terest thereon at 6 from Jan, 1st, 1918, and tho costs and disburse ments of this action. J. A. EASTES, Justice of the Peace. A. J. MOOIIE, 17-23p Attorney for Plaintiff. y POUND NOTICE. Notlco is horoby given that the city of Bond has taken up tho follow ing described live stock, to-wlt: Ono bay marc, about 7 years old, brand II bar through top on left hip. Ono black mare, about 4 years old, brand Ilx left stifle. The cost of re deeming said II vo stock will be $1 per day in addition to tho actual cxponso of keeping, together -with the cost of this advertisement and all other necessary expenses. In caso of fall uro to redeem on tho part of owner, said live stock will bo sold as pro vided by tho charter of tho city of Bond on July 27th, at 3:00 p. m at tho city pound. L. A. W. NIXON, Chief of Police and ex-Offlcio Poundmaster. Adv.-183-20-21 SUMMONS. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for tho County of De Brooks- Scaialon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Standard Sac. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS i Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Casting for Power Tranimisiion Machinery: Wood Pipe Fittings, Grate Bars. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament al and Structural Iron. , WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards H. H. DcARMOND LAWYER O'Kane Building, Bend, Oregon H. O. JCLLIS Attomey-at-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite 6-8-10, O'Kane Building Bend, ... Oregon DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits .BendlVIonthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or luqulro of T1IOUSON0 THE JEWELER THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL. INSURANCE Fiat Ntbnl Bank Building 124 Oregon Sticrt Btm), Oregon schutes, C. S. Hudson, plaintiff, vs. John W. Ilakor, Alllo N. Baker, also known as A. N. Baker; William Snoll, Itcdmond Bank of Commorco, a corporation: Goorgo W. Wlmor, trustoo, and C. W. Ehret, O. N. Ehrot and H. Ehret, co-partners doing buslncsn under tho firm name and stylo of Ehrot Bros., de fendants. To C. W. Ehrot, C. N. Ehrot and II. Ehrot, co-partners, doing business under tho firm name and stylo of Ehret Bros.: In tho Namo of tho State of Oregon, you arc horoby ro qulred to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In tho above entitled suit, within six weeks after tho dato of tho first publication of this summons, to-wlt: On or boforo tho 9th day of August, 1918, and it you fall so to do, for want thoroof , the plaintiff will tako Judgment against you and wilt apply to tho court for tho relief demanded In tho complaint herein, to-wlt: For a decree that the plaintiff Is the owner In fee simple of tho SW of Soctlon Twenty (20), Township Sixteen (16) South of Rango Elevoa (11) East, W. M., Deschutes County. Oregon, and that tho defendants barn not, nor either of them, or any other person, other than tho plaintiff, any right, tlllo, estate, Interest In or ilea or claim upon the said real property, or any part thereof, and that plain tiff's tltlo to said real property bo silenced against said defendants and each of them, or any persons claim ing any Interest therein, and for suck other relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this summons Is mado upon you by publication thereof la the Bend Bulletin for six successive weeks by virtue of an order mado by T. E. J. Duffy, Judge of tho abovo en titled court, on the Cth day of Jane, 1918. Date of the first publication, June 27, 1918; laat publlcatloa August 8, 1918. 17-23c VERNON A. FORBES, Attorney for the Plaintiff. Postofflco Address; Bend, Oregon. BEND, OREGON. J. E. ENGEBRETSO.V, PLUMniXG AND I1EATINO 117 Minnesota Street, Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. I Phone Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kane Building BEND ... OREGON O. P. NISWONQER, Bend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady AmL DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Nnprapathlc Physlciaa Over Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 6 Phone Red 483 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Slow and Farwsrdlnr, Gnrtl Cn. intuitu UtrthioU, W cri7 OU, CmUh, Bngar, FUxw, Salt VtU, nnt, Ucn nai Lart.