BKND TJUIJiETIN, I1KND OltKflOtf, THURSDAY, JULY 1W, 1018 page . r i r nr. . NOW IN SEASON! Sheep Dip Sheep Tonic Kreso Dip Poultry Tonic Fly Oil , Dr. Rolicrta' Veterinary Preparation! u'?V Men' Preparation , International Stock Preparation. " J J 5 ' Security Stock Remedies ,. .'1 HORTON DRUG CO. TUB REX ALL STORE (iunn Hftl ft lluhn) LOCAL NKWS ITEMS (From Wednesday's Dnlly.) Tom Cronln of Powell Huttu In In thp city on IiiihIih'Hh, .. Mr. mid ,MrH. II, It, Perry, of Tho DuIUh aro In tliii city. :. II. Hm It li of l.nkuvlnw l n busi ness visitor In tlm rlty, II. 0. FuWeOtt or I. Pine li it bull news visitor In tho rlty, Wlllliim Warner of Portland I In tint tl'.y, rogUtorod nl thu Pilot Butte. Mian JiiiiiiIo htovoim of I'rliiMvllli) has .tccopled it position at tho I'llot llllttn. li. F. Iliirtlnml of I'ortliuiil, n ce. moot contractor, In In tho city on IhinIiium, MM4444M4'M444Xt)M44 NEW SUCTION FEED Sharpless Separator The faster you turn the faster it skims F. DEMENT & CO. 5 'Cbc Pitfcntd Stock Store I Groceriea I lardvearc . X4444444444444444444444444 T. :. KIhoii of tlm Klllson-Wlilte Chiiutiiiiqiiii service h In tlm city on business connected Willi tho com puny. Mini Alma Huhl, who ban been visiting with friends In Powell Butte, lull th Jm morning for her homo In Rltr.vlllu, WiiNliliiKton. Dr. Vmidovort reports tlm birth of nil eight-pound boy to Mr. nnil Mrs. Hurl Torkelsou ut their ranch llUIHU II VII JIlllUH OUHt of town tli Is morning. Mr. nnil (Mm. 11. Peterson of Port- Innil arrived In tho city thin mornlm; mul will ruinnln horn for several days looking over tho country with u view of locating hero. fMIss Viola Osborno of Burns wnH n vlnltor In thu city yesterday. Walker BiihwoII of Hpokmio is vInIIImk nt tlio homu of Mr, and Mrs, II. K JlrookH. Mrn. F. It. Hill returned to Bend with lior daughter, Jlrn, K, 0, Fnrls, this morning, mul will live burn with her. ' Mrs. llurton Onoy of La I'luo Ih In thu city, staying nt tint Hotel Wright, whom hor little iiou Ih uiiriunfolng medluil tniatniMiit, William (i, Cox In now either In Franco or about to start for thorn, according to a lottor received from lilm recently. M, J. Nash of WfiHCO, Oreton, Is spending several iluyK In tho city transaotliiK business matters and making Huvortil fishing expeditions. Mrs. J. A. Mlltonborgo ami Miss Kstolln Iloguo of la I'luu Hpunl Hun day evening In thin city previous to tlii'lr leaving for Portland, whoro thuy will vfnlt for several days. (From Tuesday' Dally.) C. I,. (IIhI of Sisters Ih n business vlnltor In thu city, Mr. and Mm, Alex, Wlllroxon of Powell llutto aro In tho city. II. 11. Mlllur of North Bond, Ore gon, I In tlm city on business. Alfred A. Aya wan a business vis itor from I.a Pliiu In tuwu Monday uftnrnoon. N'. (1. Jacolmon. foroHt Hunorvlaor. bit thin uioruliiK for tho Fort llork dlitrlci on a tour of lnvi:ntli:ntloii. John Kiihim. of tlm forcat nurvlo. loft thin mornlm: for tho Cruncout dUtrlct, to bo cono for acvoral dayi. M. J. N'anb. who bun Imhiii Kiiiind Iiik thu pawl two wvukH In thin county lookliLjc over farm IuikIh, Iiuh re turuml to bin homo In Waxco, Oregon. H. W. Mooru. HUiiurlutiMiiluut of tlu llcnd ai'hooU. bu ronteil thn H. C. Cnldwull hoiiHii, mat to thu Hold icbool, mid will inovii In on AukuhI 1. Mrn. Caldwell uIuiik to leuvu noon to Join Mr, Cnldwull in Vancouvur, whuro bu Ih workltiK In a Mhlpyard. (From Mouduy'H Dally.) Or J V. Ouary of HuriiH wiih a btiklneHH vlHltor In thn rlty today. We Are Going to Move Antl we are tfointf to aik our many friend and patroni to help u mov. We know you'll do it, becauie you made it poiuible for u to outtfrow our preient quarter in the thort ipace of about a year and a half. We are tfoinif to make it profitable for you to help ui move. Many leaionable tfoodi will he priced lower than ever. Hero Aro Just A Few of tho Many Bargains Chlldrun'n fiut block ribbed Cotton lloao, polr IHo Woiiidii'ii fimt bbick Cotton IIoho, pair I no Womon'ri whlto Cotton lloao, pair Io Cliltdritu'H hIimiviiIoiih Cotton VuhIh, oach,.... inn Chlldron'H HlcovnloaH Cotton Union 8ultB....7, i!5o Woiikiii'h HleovuleHH Ribbed Veata HJo Woiiioii'h whlto rlbbod Cotton PantH .... two Woiiiuii'h Apron DrcsHOH, lino quality K'UKliain mul por raluH ... .....lHc, (fl.lH, ijtt.UI) mul up Womon'H llotidolr Capn, all colorH u:ii and IHo VV NVonion'n Combination Sultn, flno cotton crcpo and batlsto.HTn (llrla black Huttoon llloouioni ntiu and (iKo Womnn'H lino whlto MuhIIii Sklrtn, luco and oinbroldory1 trlmmoil lHc Chlldnm'H Itompura of beat quality wasbablo matorlal8..linr-nHo Llttlo boya Wash .SultH, inado of lloncb cloth mid rIiik- hauiH. .. . i INo and Ijil.IH Womon'H whlto MuhIIii (Iowiib 7ne, H7o and l)7o (llrlH1 DroHHCH, mailo of duo quality bIiikIuudb In plaldH, atrlpu uud Holld colorH; all bIxch, 4 to 14 yourw....lli)c, nHc, 7Hc, ijtl.lH Whlto Middles, with colored collars M...l)Ho mid tjil.lH lllack Battoon PuttlrontB ,...H7o lllack cotton Tnffota Pottlcoata HHctlHo (HiiKbatn and Qhautbray Pottlcoata -IKo mid OHc Hiiparato SklrtH of lino wool Hortto, mohair and poplins, navy bluo, bluck ami fancy nilxturoa i?2.()5, ijtil.OO and tjl.tiH Woiuuu'h and iiiIhhoh' Summer DruaHoa In all tho now wash- ublo matorlalH - i?l.lS mul l Porch .DrosHOB In porcalim and KlvKhaniH..tjit,lHl t.ilH mid ."5 Womun'a two-ploca Wash SultH, In nil tho nowimt modola. Flbru Hllk Swoutor Couta 9I.7H uml Jjttl.no Como early. Iloro Ih your clranco to Havo and buy War SavliiKa BtmnpH. Wo nro nil doInK our bt, In In Ih hU The Peoples Store (From Baturday'B Dally) Mrn, K. CbrlHtlau of I'rliievlllo vUltlm: In thu city. Tom Crouln of Bllvur Lako Ih hiiHlnuNH vlnltor In thu city. Frank FoHtur of Prlnuvlllo Ih tho rlty IraiiHnctliiK hunlneBH. 11. IC. Wallaco of Walla Walla a micHt at tho Pilot llutto Ion. Hurl P. Updyku wiih In from homo on tho Motollus yesterday. Walt! mint r PotorMon of Tumalo waH a hunluuiin vlnltor in tho city yc-Hter- day. Mr. mid Mrn. C. D. Ilrauun of Portland aro roslnterod at tho Pilot Jluttn. Mr. ami Mrn. A. J. Carpoutor, MIrh Lena Mattlco, MIkh I.onoro 8nod:raH and Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Martin, alt of Vancouvur, comprlHvd mi auto party prrlvltiK In tho city liml nlKbt on their way to Central Oregon polnta. Thoy will visit Crater Uako park be fore their return homo. (From Frldoy'a Dolly.) F, C. llryun of lleckley, OreRon, Ih reKlatered at tho Wrlcht. Mm. F. Horuo and daughter of l.a Pine aro registered at the Hotel Cozy. O. W. Noblu of Prlncvlllo was In the city yesterduy tranHactlng bUHl IIUHH. C. W. Alton of Allendale on tho Molollupt waa n bualneaa vlnltor In tho city yenterday. Dan Welling of tho Helslng resort on the Metollus was a buslnusH visitor lit thu city yesterday. Mr, and Mrs. P. II. Wilson and Mr. and !nt. J. O. Wilson of Dry Lako aro In tho city visiting with frlcndn. J. WcHluy'Ladd of Portland, who has been spending ncvcral days on n flsbltig trip on the Mctollun, loft yes tordity tor IiIh homo. (From Thursday's Dally.) Mrs. It. W. Kick of Portland Is In tho city. A. W, dowan of UuniH Is In the city on business. It. I.. Wells of Beattlo Is registered nt thn Pilot llutto. Pryor Barnes of Hums Is trausac lug business In tho city. C. !.. Miller of Ft. Itock la trans acting biiMlnens In thu city. Mr. mid Mrs. II. M. HuuderHhott of Portland nro In thu city. Flru Warden llowmau haa roturnnd from a IhisIuosh trip to La Pine. Dr. II. S. Huffum and K. K. llurrum of Walla Walla, Washington, aro In tho city. J. P. KoyeH and T. A. McCann re turned this morning from a business trip to Portland. II. It. Shumwuy came In this morn ing from Vancouver, wboro ha la sorvlug In tho medical corps. News in Brief. (From Wednesdays Dally.) TinvelliiK I'lelftbt Aftit ltrrr. Hoiiry K. Poulterer, trnvollng freight agent of tho Oregon-WaHhltigton itallroud mid Navigation company, arrived In tho city this morning mid will remain hero for Huvera! day looking over tho freight prospect from this Mcctlon for this fair. Vernon Ciirlon Improve, Vernon Cnrlnn, son of Mr. and Mrs, T. W, Carlon, who wan Borlously scalded last Thursday by falling Into tho ex hauHt from tho machinery at thn Sanl'ary laundry, l much Improved, While bis wounds nro still very pain ful, he Is resting easily. Voilrrn ut ltel CrnMN Tlin fol lowing women reported yoHtorday for work at tho sowing department of the lied Cross; Mrn. Farrell, Mrs. Kmlth, Mm. Micas', Mrs. Hamil ton, MrH. Ilreest, .'iiiiily Court ln Heloll The county court has been In sosslon dur livs thu entire duy on routine busi ness. Children Much lmprovel. . Tho two children of William Mabaffey, who havo been quite 111 during tho past week, nro much Improved. ItetuiiiH from Kulrtu. II, II. Do Arirnud, district attorney, returned this morning from Hulem, where he has been for several days on business. Dr. Turner, eye specialist of Port laud, will bo In Ileud aguln Monday and Tuesday, July 29-II0, at Thor nen5 Jewelry store. Consult him. Don't forgot the date. 20-2 lc rrr (From Tuesday's Dally.) Hlowr In Washington. That li. A. "Dutch" Stover Is back In Washing ton, I). C, from Franco Is the news contained In a message from Captain Ooorgo 8. Young to II. C. Kills re ceived this morning. Through Judgu Kills, Captain Young wired his con dolences to tho families of V. A. Forbes and Italph Polndexter, stating in Ills message that Lieutenant Stover "Just returned and looking fine," Joined him. Lieutenant Stover has boon nerving In France since last fall and iiono of his friends here havo been advised of the cause- of bis re turn. Itetiirus from Miilfonl. Miss Klslo Olsln has returned to this city after spending tho past thrco weeks visiting with her parents and rela tives at Med ford. Mlsa Doris Foster of Portland, a teacher In tho Dcnd schools, who has been visiting with Miss Olsln at Medford for tho past eight days, returned with her. Miss Olsln'n mother and brother brought tho, party over In their car and will return to Medford tomorrow morn-Iiik-m lVtv Home Vep'tiihlr. There Is a Wlde-Hpread complaint of Inability to securo good home grown vege tables this year. Usually at this tlmo thorn la mi abundanco of many va rieties, especially poas. Growers aro uuablo to furnish theso in any con siderable quantities becauso of the damago dono by tho aphis and bo ciiusu of tho ravages of worms. Such vegetables as havo thus tar appoared on thu local market havo been chief ly California grown (llkey for friends of Herbert J, (1 llkey have re ceived word from bliu that ho is about to leave for France. Ho la a first lieutenant In the engineers' re- servo corps. Ho was last In Ilond In September, 19H, when ho was em ployed as mi engineer on the Tumalo project. I'M i In Aquarium. About thirty trout, ranging in length from six to ten Inches, havo been added to tho collection In tho auuarliim nt tho Pilot llutto Inn, Considerable trouble has been experienced In tho past In having tho fish llvo for any length of tlmo. MANNHE1MERS' STORE NEWS! ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL Ladies9 New Oxfords In Gray Kid, Louis Heel, nt $5.50 In Russian Calf, Louis Heel, at $5.50 In Patent Leather, Louis Heel $.75 A to D width. You ihould ice thee itylei at once as our stock is limited and they will not last long. '- ' fev 8-inch Ladies' White Canvas Rubber Soled Shoes, nil sizes. Special at $1.05 Our Bathing Suits Excel for Quality for Style Ladies' -.84.25 to $10.00 Men's.$2.25 to $8.00 Misses -..$2.25 Hoys'.. SI. 15 to $2.25 New Fall Models Royal Worcester and Bon Ton Corsets Have Arrived Let our Coraetierre fit you properly to the model belt adapted to your figure. Priced at $1.00 to $5.00 Also Excluiioe Agtnli In Bend for the Famous Cossar J Corsets .$2.00 to $10.00 STOP AND SHOP AT fflftSKKSPE WHERE EVERYEODY TRADES Itecelves Broken Ami. "Billy" Foley, one of the carriers on Tho Bulletin city route, received a broken arm Sunday' while attempting to crank a Chevrolet car. Despite his Injuries, he carried his paper route last evening. Murrlnl ut The Dulle. Carl Bern hard and Miss Lodlo Latin of Bend were married at The Dalles on July 11. They will bo at home to their friends after August 1 at the corner of Hunter and Slsemore streets. 0Kni Xew Office. K. 0. Stadter, an attorney, formerly of Portland, Oregon, has opened offices In the O'Kano building. (From Monday's Daily.) l-'orRcr Held 0er. F. .W..Wenge, alias F. W. Mueller, who was bound over to tho grand Jury In Judge Kastes' court Saturday charged with forgery. la still in tho county Jail, and will remain there until the grand Jury sets, bring unable to furnish bail. Kvldenco has como to the of ficers during the past four days, con sisting of ovor one hundred dollars In checks Issued by the prisoner, many of them In hla own nami, writ ton on the First National bank, In which he had no funds, and four i.vnnr.. vn.nn i.. forgeries. Tho checks range In value (? w ARNER BEND'S ECONOMY CENTER S I July Sale of Middy Blouses This popular garment has been placed on Special Sale for the remainder of the month at , ; , , 20 Discount J from $2 to $30. Will filve Picnic. Tho Sons of Norway and the Swedish Ordoj of Wasa havo completed plans for a picnic, which is to be held on Tumalo creek, near tho brick yard, on Sun day, July 21. Sports and games Mill bo eu&aged in between tho members of tho two orders. All are Invited and nutos will leavo tho Union club, commencing at S o'clock In the morning and continuing until late In tho forenoon. Works In lla fields. Tho first Bond man reported as workiug in tho hayfleldB to help out in o present labor shortage Is Councilman C. V. Silvis. Mr. Silvia put. In tho day yesterday working nt the Lily dairy ranch and doing everything with hay that n real farm hand does. 'Ah a result his muscles are so lame today ho can hardly mako out a new insurance policy, but he feols mighty good. Would Take. Up Homestead. Miss Junnlta and Vllo Whltten of Kenne wick, Washington, aro In tho city looking ovor tho country with n -view i to taking up adjoining homesteads somowhoro In tho county. I'lrt-j Under Control. Forest fires on tho resorvo, eight 91 which wore roportod Saturday, aro nil uudor control, according fo nil announce ment made by tho forest office this morning. IteiMirt nt ltctl Cross. On Thurs day aftornoon, instead of tho regular missionary mooting, tho Baptist women aro asked to report at Red Cross sowing headquartors, Flslilnij Ws GihmI. Soveral fish ing parties returning lata last night from tho various fishing haunts In tho county report having had excep tionally igood luck Sunday. Work Keltic; ltiLshod. Construc tion' work on tho additional Jlqor which is being added to the now Bend Ilardw'nrq bulling. b progreel Ing rapidly. (From Saturday's Dally.) Comfort Kits Out. Tho comfort kits, a special order of 110 which has been filled by the Bend chapter of tho Red Cross, were shipped out today. Attendance at the sowing room continues good, but with tho addition of new machines tbero Is still plenty of room for workers. Those in attendanco yesterday were: Mrs. French, Miss Klxora French, Mrs. Ryan, Miss Pattle Ityan, Mrs. Cashman, Mrs. Carmody, Mrs. O'Laughlln, Mrs. Sphler, Mrs. Logan, Mrs. Brosterhous, Mrs. Inman, Mm. Tweet, Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Hudson. Hot urns from Portland. Clay Mil ler has returned from Portland, whero be enlisted In the- naval re serve. Mr. Brook Itctuni. Mrs. H. IC. Brooks has returned to Bend after spending several weeks In Portland. (From Friday's Dally.) To lteiort Tuesduy Monilnp:. Workers In the surgical dressing do partment of the Bend Red Cross aro requested to report for work on Tues day morning of next weak instead at Tuesday evening, as previously re ported. The cuttors will report In the forenoon and tho other workers in tho afternoon. Appointed Quartermaster Ser jeant. H. J. Overturt has been ap pointed quartermaster sergeant in the training camp which is now be ing held at tho University of Oregon at Eugene. He was the first Beud (man attending the camp to rccelvo an appointment as non-commissioned, officer. VNIts un Metollus. Dr. and Mrs.. II. M. Hendershott of Portland and Dr. and Mrs. Van! Littler and son. of Albany passed through Bond yes terday on their way to the Metollus, where they will spend several weeks.. Dr. Hendershott Is a brother of Dr.. R. W. Hendershott of this city. Covert VUHh Jlcrv. Glair Covort,. president ot tho International Union of Tlmberworkors, is in Bend and will remain over Sunday in order to attend tho meeting of the local union on that day. Mr. Covert reports tho union as steadily Increasing in membership. MLsi Allen In City. Miss C. L. Allen of Los Angeles arrived in Beud yesterday morning and will remain, here for about four weeks as thn guest of her niece, Mrs. J. B, Hoy burn, Miss Allen Is also tho aunt ot II. K. Allen ot Brooks-Scanlon. llelgiun Fund Aid. All those who aro interested in aiding In any wny toward tho Belgian baby layette, fund, either by making clothing or contributing monoy or materials may recolve information by phoning Mrs. V. A. Forbes. Hero front San Pedro, Edward Lyons, a mombor of tho medical corps, statioued at San Pedro, Cali fornia, arrived in tho city this morn ing on a furlough, and will remain here for about two weeks visiting with friends. Hero from Oregon City, Mra. Herbert A. Borkman. and daughter Barbara arrived this mqrnlng from Oregon City and wjjlvjsH hero foe seyoral weeks, haguegtajpf herU- tor, Mrs. 'J. M, Lawrence. -