The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, July 18, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    I'AGK 2
Central Oregon
JMILMCAN, Juty 12. Mr. Brooks
nnn Mrs. Kosln and children spent n
social evening at the J. J. Holland
homo Fourth of Juty night, Mr.
Brooks famishing music ou his
J. J. Uolland and family spent
Sunday at tho Rosin home.
L. D. and It. K. Keller wore over
Sunday guests at their respective
W. A. Rahn hauled water for Mrs.
JR. R. Keller Tuesday.
Mrs. P. U. Johnson spent one day
at Bend tho -past week.
And row Tauschor from Portland is
here visiting his iiaronts. Mr. and
Mrs. F. IMuHcher, boforo leaving for
a training camp July 23, having been
dratted. Ho camo Tuosday and will
stay until Monday. Sunday, July 14.
the people of the community will
have a picnic on Pino mountain in
Ills honor
Mrs. L. lt. Kollor and Mr. Denni
son made n trip to Uend Tuesday,
bringing her brother, Andrew
Tauscher, back with them.
Mrs. J. J. Holland spent Tuesday
with Mrs. R. Jt. Keller.
R. R. Keller roturned homo from
Bend Thursday.
Frank Sloan sold his ranch to a
Mr. Smith.
P. D. Johnson has made two trips
to Rend this week.
Mrs. A. D. Norton and children,
Mrs. Van Cievo and Mr. and Mrs. L.
Glcss aro expected back from their
trip to Albany, Oregon, Monday.
R. R. Kellor and family expect to
make n buslucss trip to Dend Satur
day. Benny Groffenbonger is busy plow
ing for W. A. Rahn.
-Mrs. L. U. Keller and children
visited with her parents this. week.
Ed. Mooro has returned from the
hospital much improved in health.
The next meeting of tho club will he
hold -with Mrs. Harriet ward on
Thursday, July 25. The nullt com
mittee requests that all tho ladles
bring their blocks finished to turn In
at tho next meeting. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Donovan and family
of Bond woro guests at tho Pino
Lawn ranch recontly.
Miss draco Rlggs of Redmond has
been spending a short vacation at
tho C, P. Chalfan home.
Georgo Calverlcy was a caller at
tho Klklns ranch Sunday.
Mrs. J. A. V. Scogglu and "Mrs.
Paul Scoggln wcro cntortalucd at
dinner Sunday at tho homo of A. W.
P. A. Powors was a Redmond
caller Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hnss and H. A.
Scoggln wero business callers In Bend
Tho regular preaching services
woro held at tho school house Sun
day afternoon, with Row McVlckor
of Redmond in charge. Services will
be held again the second Sunday in
Mrs. Louzotta Pulliam and son
James were guests at tho Hartley
ranch last Sunday evening.
Miss Graco Rlggs and Kdgar
Heartt were callers in Slstors on Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Scoggln spent
Sunday In the Black Butto country
at tho camp with James Scoggln.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hartley and
guosts have had several delightful
fishing trips recently.
Those at the lawn party last Sat
urday evening wcro most agreeably
surprised when Ray Armstrong gave
nt Fort Rock for n short stay,
W. P. Gift of Deschutes han boon
helping hay at Rnsmm Peterson's.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Alton Thompson
and son of Bend called nt tho homu
of Antouo Ahlstrom Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O, 10. Anderson nt
tended tho movies In Bend Sunday
Ray K. Potter wont to Redmond
Sunday to help during haying on tho
Holmholti place.
Porsons who havo onco used Foley
Kidney Pills profor thorn to any other
modlclno. They glvo relief from kid
ney and bladdor 'troublos, backache,
sharp, shooting pains, rheumatism.
stiff, swollen Joints, soro muscles,
pufAnoHS undnr eyes, nervousness,
"always tired ' feeling and sloep-dls
turning bladdor ailments. Sold every
where. Adv.
Former Mayor
of Birmingham,
Alabama, En
dorses Tanlac
"You Will llimlly Know Mo When
Wo .Moot Again, for I Am (Jotting
Well," Ho Wiltr I'rleiul.
For farm land tosas boo J. Ryan
Co. Adv.
PIXUHUIIST, July 13. -Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Spaugh and daughters
and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Spaugh and
son, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
J. Melton and Mrs. Roy Spaugh of
Crooked River, motored to Prinnvllln
and tho Ochoco project Sunday. Thoy
report a delightful trip.
Ilesslo Snyder wns tho guest of
Miss Rozclta Phelps Sunday.
Mrs. G. M. Couch, Mrs. C. Pedorson
and Mrs. A. J. Hartor motored to
Bond Monday in Mrs. couch s car.
Mrs. Garner, who has been visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Clarence
Phelps, left Monday to accept a posi
tion as cook In one of tho Shovllu
Illxon construction camps.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Johnson were
business visitors at tho Pino Tree
mill Mondny.
Mr. und Mrs. Harry McGutro and
Frank Dayton attended tho Chnutau
qua at Bend Monday evening.
Mrs. Allen wns nn afternoon visitor
at tho J. L. Couch homo Monday.
Mr, and Mrs. Osmar aro spending
several weeks at tho Klllot ranch
during hay harvest.
Tliii tittnt nt ttin ttintvlni
. ..... ... I .J ..Mia. .. tu ut"..n
nn original poem n wmen mo iriais,,8 n0R. hcar(l ,,, our n,tHl 8ovora
oi me young married ioiks were io m.jof tho farmors havo commenced cut-
'" yr milieu u lauivimi.K '"".ting their first crop of alfalfa,
unmarried condition of himself and
comrado and hoping for a speedy
ending of this weary state.
James A. Brlckcy has sold his car to
J. O. Whltaker and will go to Join
the army during this month.
Jake 'Book has sold his hay crop
'to Ir. Harmon of Hampton.
Mr. and Mrs. Walters of Wagon
tire passed through here last Satur
day on Wray's stage, being on their
"way home.
Eugene Pinkus of But,te and Fred
tStauffer wero business visitors here
Jast Thursday.
C. J. Stauffer, who has been work
ing in Bend, came home Sunday for
a short stay. He expects to move his
rfamlly out soon.
Misses Carrlo and Maude Brown
visited at Brookings Thursday night.
lien dieexs is putting up nay on
the Brookings' ranch.
Mr. Hubbard and daughter of Cat
Igw valley passed through here yes
terday -with their cattle, being on
"their way to Bond.
Jas. M. Brlckey came from Bend
last Monday.
For Mlddlc-Agod Men and Women.
Tho kidneys work day and night
to filter and cast out from tho blood
stream Impurities that causo aches
and pains when permitted to remain.
It is only natural theso important
organs should slow up and require)
aid In middle age. Foley Kidney
Pills help overworked, tired and dis
eased kldnoys and bladder. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Is Plercy &
Sons, Tumalo?
Private Harold Hamel, CCth Regi
ment, Ft. Adams, R. I., writes: "I
was troubled with a ibad cough for
three months. I tried Foley's Honey
and Tar and felt greatly relieved. I
recommend Foley's Honey and Tar
and will koep It on hand." Gives
relief from hay fever, asthma and
bronchial coughs. Sold everywhere.
' PLAINVIEW, July 15. A lawn
party was given at the Chalfan home
last Saturday evening in honor of
Mrs. Graco Chalfan and Edgar
Heartt. Mrs. Chalfan and children
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. P.
"Chalfan for tho past three weeks and
plans to return to her home in Port
land soon. Edgar Heartt will leave
,for camp at Port McDowell the 22nd.
The hostess served delicious home
jnado ice cream and cako.
Mrs. Hartley's mother and brother
from Yankalla, Oregon, are visiting
the Hartleys this week,
Mrs. II. O. Pawcett of La Pine
called at the Rosemont ranch one day
last week.
James Pulliam was homo for tho
-week-end from the Pine Tree lumber
Rev, McVlckor and wife of Red
in oiul mado soveral calls In Plain
view homes last Thursday and Fri
day. They were entertained all night
at the A. E. Hoss homo.
The regular meeting of the O. D.
O. club was held with Mrs. Tweedt
last Thursday. Only a small num
ber of club members was present.
TUMALO. July 15. Tho Red
Cross auxiliary met on Wednesday
and Thursday. The ladles aro plan
ning an entertainment to raise money
to buy a knitting machine. We know
that It will be a success.
Soveral of the young folks from
Tumalo attended the dance In Bend
Wednesday evening.
A farmers' picnic will bo held on
the island abovo Tumalo on July 20.
Everybody como and bring your
Mr. Miller and Jess Hartor were
busy repairing the telcphono line
Tho plans arrived this week for
the new Tumalo school building.
Construction will begin soon.
Carl Steffen returned from Seattle
Tuesday, where ho has been visiting
and attending to business affairs for
the past week.
A reception was held at the Club
hall Saturday evening In honor of
Robert Horner, who is here on a fur
lough from the navy. Mr. Horner
camo hero from Philadelphia and ex
pects to sail for Prance early this
Roy Moffltt of PrlnevlIIo spent
Sunday In Tumalo.
Bert Miller took a crowd of young
folks to Bend Sunday evening to at
tend the show.
F. B. Baughman started his haying
Jake Petorson mado a business
trip to Bend Wednesday.
Mrs. Catharine Johannscn and
Mrs. O. E. Anderson wero in Red
mond shopping Tuesday and also at
tended tho Chautauqua.
Jim Bonham and Harold Cook
wero In Redmond on business Mon
day. Ray K. Potter was helping O. E.
Anderson in haying on Saturday.
Geo, Holton of Deschutes was In
this neighborhood Thursday, selling
a hog which ho had butchered.
Watt Jones was a Redmond visitor
on Monday,
Mrs. W. H. Gray and Mrs. O. E.
Anderson wero Tumalo visitors on
P. H. Miller has gone to his homo
Practical Experience Counts
in Developing and Printing Films, and we are
prepared to turn out firstcluss work in a short
time. Our work insures your coming again.
"In at ONE, at FIVE they're done."
WITH SYMONS. The Jeweler. O'Kane BUtf., Bend, Ore.
Miss Ruth Baylcy called on Mrs
MInta Howard Wednesday.
Mrs. G. W. Snyder left for Port
land Friday morning. She took her
small daughter to tho hospital for
an operation on her ankle.
A flno rain visited this section
Tuesday afternoon, which will bo of
great bonollt to all growing crops.
Mrs, Robert Smith attended tho
Red Cross meeting In Tumalo Wed
Harry and Silas Dcltorlch motored
to town Tuesday In Silas' car.
Mrs. C. E. Nichols of Tumalo Is
spondlng tho week-end as tho guest
of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Couch.
I. E. Wimer and son Raymond and
Chas. Spaugh and father returned
Thursday from a thrco days' fishing
trip to Crano Prairie.
Mr. and Mrs. Searcy and son mo
tored to Tumalo on business Satur
day evening.
Several from here attonded the
roceptlon for Robort Horner In Tum
alo Saturday evening. Among thorn
wcro Chas. Spaugh, Violet Spaugh,
Ethel Snyder, Ruth Bnyley, Myrtlo
Spaugh, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Wimer,
Raymond Wimer and Mnhlon Couch.
Mrs. Robert Smith left Saturday
for her home near Spokane, Wash.
Sho Is making tho trip overland In
her car.
Mr. Ward, ono of tho contractors
for tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company, was
a busluiss visitor In Pinehurst Mon
day. Chas. Spaugh and father motored
to Bend Monday to secure repairs fur
his car.
Silas Dcltorlch and sister Esther
mado a trip to Grandvlew Saturday,
stopping at Opal springs on route,
and returned by way of Slstors.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Couch left tho
middle of tho week for a visit with
relatives noar Eugene. They aro
traveling overland In their Ford.
Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adv.
For Constipation anil IMIoiisnrss.
Goo. Jcnner, 410 Labor St., San
Antonio. Tex., -writes: "Foley Ca
thartic Tablots havo proven tho best
Iaxativo I havo taken and I recom
mend thorn to sufferors from consti
pation or biliousness. Thoy should
bo in every traveling man grip."
Relievo sick headache, bloating or
other condition caused by bad diges
tion. Sold everywhere Adv.
POWELL BUTTE, July 15 Mrs.
Ross Bussctt returned from Sllver
dalo, Wash., on Wednesday of Inst
week, where she has been vlsltlnc
hor brother, E. L. Johnson, for tho
past six weeks.
Fred Brown oxporlonced what
might have been u very serious acci
dent Wednesday evening of lust week
when ho struck u match to sco the
gasoline gago on Ills car. Tho tank
caught on lire, also tho gasollno hoso
at Hoover's garage In Bend, and for
a few minutes tho situation was
serious. Howovor, with flro extin
guishers tho (lames woro hqoii under
Ono of tho latest additions to (tin
list of leaders of thought and action
who havo como forward with their
unqualified endorsement of Taulau Is
tho namo of Hon. Frank V. Evans,
former mayor of Birmingham, Aln
ox-state cxamluor of public accounts.
of Alabama, and at ono tlmo editor
of one of tho South's greatest news
papers, tho Birmingham Ago-llurald.
Writing to a norsoniil friend In
Atlanta, Mr. Evans says:
"Uirmlnglinm, Ala , Fob. 2
By thn way. you will
hardly know mo whon wo meet analn
becauso I am getting well and ntrnnir
again. As I told you while In At
lanta last mouth, I have been suffer
ing a long time with gastritis, as thn
doctors call It really n disordered
stomach with consequent constipa
tion, pains In tho shoulders, head
ache, belching, heartburn, loss of
appetite, loss of sleep and fainting
spells. For weeks I could not sleep
on my back.
''Ono week ago, upon recommenda
tion of friends, who tried tho medi
cine, I purchased ono bottle of Tan
lac and began taking It. Since my
second dose I hnvn suffered none of
theso troubles to which I rotor, and
really bollovn I am golikg Io got per
fectly well and strong again. Won't
that bo wonderful nt my ago? -Well,
certain It is that Tanlac Is a wonder
ful mcdlclno, and you know I am not
given to 'puffing' mcro experiments
and am rather orthodox as to materia
"I shall continue tho treatment
with perfect confidence in tho II mil
(Signed) "FRANK V. EVANS."
Commenting on this splendid en
dorsement of Tanlac. O. P. Willis,
International distributor of Tanlac,
"Although the list of prominent
endorsers Is n long one, I recall n
fuw leading names that lend both
dignity and credit to tho entire array.
Some of them are:
"Hon. C. W. Magnum of Atlanta,
for thrco years sheriff of Pulton
county, Gn,; Hon McKonxlo Moss,
Judge of the eighth districts of Ken
tucky; Hon, Moses R. Glenn, superin
tendent of printing for tho state of
Kentucky; Col. Jolrti B. Gains, editor
and publisher. Bowling Green, K:
Mr. C. C. Cooper, president Georgia
Cotton Oil company; Mr. II W Hill,
bank president of South Pittsburg,
Tonn.: Mr. J. P. Carroll, cotton mill
superintendent of Chattahoochee,
Ga.; Hon. A. E. Anderson of Hous
ton, for seven terms sheriff of Harris
county, Texas: Hon. S. S. Shepherd,
ex-rlty councilman of Atlanta, and
many others whoso tinmen havo hero
toforo been given to tho public,"
Tanlac Is sold In Bend by tho Owl
Phnrmncy and In Sisters by Georgo
Altkon. Adv.
We will give you value for
your money in what can be
procured in the markets and
we adhere strictly to all
Food Administration Rules
Baker's Grocery
control, doing llttlo damago to the
car and big tank. Mr. Brown re
ceived somo very painful burns, but
they aro not sorious.
Mrs. E. A. Hussott, Lloyd Bunnell,
Mrs. Reaves Wlllcnxen, Mrs. Cham
bers and daughter Union wero Bend
visitors Wednesday afternoon of last
Miss King of Bend Is visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Brown this wcok.
Wm. Wilson mado a trip to Cres
cent Sunday.
R. E. Davis was a visitor at J. P.
Bowman's residence Sundny,
Miss Margery Young has returned
homo after a couplo of weeks' stay
In Redmond.
i.MIss Pay Bussott returned homo
Sunday ovcnlng aftor a six weeks'
visit with frlonds and relatives in
Sllvordali) and Vancouver, Wash.
Ross BiiNsett has been on tho sick
list tho past few days.
And Investigate our price
before buying your groceries.
We can save you money.
Mllllcan, Ore. Telephone
(Ily UnlUd Prou to The Ilcntl Ilullrlln.)
wounded doughboys profor tho ton
dor euro of women attendants when
on tho oporatlng tablo. For this
reason, tho army Is appointing
women anaesthetists far tho dell-
cato work of administering tho other.
Plftcon already havo boon apolntcd,
tho war dopartment announces, re
ceiving pay and privileges )f first
lieutenant, without, howovor, tho
actual rank.
Only graduato women physicians
aro eligible
Ono cont a word Is all a llttlo
Want Ad will cost you.
The Oregon Farmer
Both for the Price of One
Ily a special Arrangement wllli The Oregon Farmer you can
secure The Oregon Farmer with this paper nt tin pi ire of Huh
paper nMnr. In oilier wnnN, when y mi wtilnrrilm for YOUR
HOME PAPER, or renew your present siihncriptiou, you am
entitled to
Receive The Oregon Farmer
for the Asking
THE OREGON TARMER is Oregon's great slate farm parr.
issued every wuek ami devoted to the Oregon farm and thn
Oregon farm liome, just ns this pajwr l devoted to the hhjiii
and to the intents of this local community.
This Opportunity May Not Last Long
uivi'-s ritoi'.
7no AND ?l.H0 TO HENI)
(Prom Friday's Dally.)
Three of thu mnst'vuluahlo lots In
Awbrey addition to Bend aro to be
como tho property of thn Bend chap
tor of tho 'Red Cross through a con
tribution mado by Henry Llnatcr to
day, Mr. Llnster appeared at thn of
ficii of his agent, J, A. Eastes, this
morning and mado tho announcement
that ho wished to make a donation
of tho property to tho Red Cross, tho
lots to bo chosen by Mr, Eastes, to
gether with Mrs. Blrdsall of tho Red
Cross and two others.
Mr. Llnster was born In Germany,
but In n patriotic American citizen,
having two sous now serving In tho
I'ulted Stales army, He stated this
morning that It wns his desire to
makn a contribution to thn Red Cross
and that perhaps a greater amount
could bo realized from thn property
than from any monetary contribution
which he mlKht ho nbln to make.
Thn lots aro valued at between 1760
nnd 11,000,
(From Friday's Dally.)
Work ou tho Prinnvllln railroad Is
progressing rapidly, nrcordlng to
II. C. Ellis, who made a business trip
to that place yesterday. The steel
has been placed to within about six
miles of tho town, and It Is expected
that It will have boon completed
within tho next ten days, sufficient
material lining on tho ground to
complete thn work,
And Much More Now Than Ever Boforo
If you lmve not tried it here, call
und see how easy it will be to fill
your W. S. S. Hook from the Suv-
ins on Your Grocery Bill.
Wall Street, Bend, Oiegon
R1- -"