The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 26, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
iikni), duhciu'tkh county, ohi'oo.v, tiii ilhday, ,irxn a, iimh
No. 17
Otnmiciicliic Willi I'nMiild In Hid
.MoruliiK. (Vli'hmlloii Will 'n.
Ilimo Until I'u-nliig Miiny
VrlcH Offered.
(From Wednesday's Dnlly.)
Definite platiN fur Hid program for
(Iki Fourth or July celebration have
Iidimi worked out, together with th
prUoa offered, according to an iin
iiouncomoul iniiilii toiliiy by tlm com
nil 1 1 no In charge of (hn work. Aniiti
funilH liuvo been provided for tho no
cnslou itnil commencing nt l In tint
lnurnlttit ami continuing until lain lu
thn evening tlioro will liu events tak
ing place uiiuont roniiuuuusly.
At U o'clock In th" morning tho
imrniln will form and lake In thn
principal strmita of thn city. Thin
parade will b" eiimpiwed of fratwrnal
mill labor organization and IiiisIhom
limine. TIih parade wilt tin followed
by omtlutm on the Hiiililmn rluh
Inwu Ht 10 o't'lork nml it bull game
lintwH.ii Tho Mln'tllii-MUoii Company
ton in nml th Union club will lift
pliiytx) i thn bull jrnrk, cntumHticlug
lit 10:30, completing tho morning's
Thn afternoon, up until 7 oVIork,
will b given ovttr to thn Chautauqua
program, which Include n looturo by
Dr. Arthur Wulwyn F.vnns. nephew
of David l.loyil George on "Whut
Anittrlcn Montis to Mo." Ho con
t rntitH In tolling comparisons thn
weakness unit strength of America
from n Welshman's standpoint.
In tho evening nt 7 o'clock tho
fluid event will I mi hithl. Oregon
ntrrot, between Homl nml Wall, will
tin roped oft for bn occasion. Tho
Hut of events, together with tho
prizes ofTereil, follow:
Blow nuto rnrn nrouiul block--Flrjit
prl, $7:60; accaml ' prize,
Freo-fnr-nll footrace, 410 yards
Klrt prize, $C,
Froe-for-nll race, CO yard Flmt
prize, $6.
Hoys' rnco, under IB yonm, CO
ynrds -Flmt prize, $2.60.
Girls' rami, unclur 16 years,
Flmt prize, $2.60.
Fat men' rnco Flmt Prize, $2.60.
Hank ruco Flmt prim, $2.50,
Potato rnco Firm prlxo, $2.60.
Homo rnco, Iron for nil, on Homl
iitritot, for inuu Flmt prlxo, $10.
Homo rnco, freo for nil, woinon
Flmt prlxo, $10.
Throe-logged rnco First prlxo,
Wheelbarrow rnco Flmt prlxo,
Prlen for I'IoiiIn.
Tho followliiK prizes aro offered In
thn final iIIvIhIoii for tho morning
For tho bunt decorated float, $116.
For tho bout doooruted car, $16.
For tho liOHt work team, $10,
For tho bom Individual character,
JL .MiiUo KntriuitH ICjirly.
It la especially requested that all
organizations or business Iiouhuh
mako thulr ontrnutn uh onrly nn pos
nllilo, ho that tho committees may
liuiko tho prnpor arrangements for
thn assembling of tho parado, 1), O.
, jjMcPhorsoli Ih In charge of part of
tho program nml application should
iTo mailo to him nt tho llend Furnl
turn company. KutrautH for tho
nportH division nro to muko applica
tion to T. C. Carlnml nt tho Ward
(From Monday's Dnlly.)
Ilur hUHbaml having Uud whlln
-omployod by tho HrookH-Scnnlon
Lumber company, Mm. J, O. IiugnllH
Iihh received tho bouollt ot tho group
luHitrnuco policy carried by tho com
pany for tho bouollt of Kh omployod,
Air. IiikiiIIb llod on Juno II. Tho In
eurnnen company wnH then notlllod
nt Hfl Portland offlco uml papora Bent
from thoro to its homl ofllco in Hart
ford, Connecticut. Tho chock for
$1,000 wiih rocolvud horo nml paid to
Mrs, Ingnlls on Friday, tho 2Ut,
jiiakliiu u record for prompt pny-munt,
l.iiinoiito nml Geneva Aro to Hit Or
ganized Today by Mr, Hlrdsitll
-Meolliitf nt Culver,
(From Thurndny's Dally.)
Mm. W. C. lllrcUiill of thn lioml
Chapter of tho Hod Cross loft this
morning for Crook county, where hIio
will hold ;unQtliiKH with tho Mndrnn
branch nml tho Culver auxiliary be
fore her return. Workem from thn
dlntrlctM nt Iimonto nml (leneva will
meet with Mm. Hlrdaall nt Culver
uml urnincnmoutii will bo complotcd
for Hi it orKnnlxntlon of an auxiliary
at enrli of tlumij placiiH,
(From Tuoartny'a Dnlly.)
McotliiK "'Is mnrnlnK for action on
tho recent rccoininendatlotm of tho
lenl udvlnory board for chniiKoa In
draft claimlllcntlotiH, tho local board
placed thn followliiK In Claim 1 :
Melvln I.. Crow, (3uy O. HInifTer, John
K. Cnrnny, Paul A. 8rnKKlu, Italph
II. Fairfax nml Chunoa Amlnmon
lu nddltlou, tho board dwldod to call
In nix rnKlHlrnut now In Claim 2 ho
(Himtt of Inilimtrlal or nKrlcultural
oxninptlomt to Rive evidence an to
their priMenl atntun. Thnnoglnclud
Ado KIiik, Vincent II. Dvrn, Inane
I). Vnddor, llnrry W. Mcdulro, Dow
Duhklna nml Klmor I.. Olnt. Am hooii
an they have linen hoard tholr canoa
will bo rnfnrri'd to tho dlntrlct board
for further action,
OwIiik to tho fact that Claim 1 will
bo oxhaUHtcd In July nml Claim 2 will
then nutomatlcally become Clam 1,
moat of tho othnm In Clag 2 will bo
reclamlrind In Clnna 1 nml tho rout
(if tho caaca rcnubnilttcd to the din
trlct board.
No dcclalon hna been mado na to
tho final dUpoaitlou of caaea recom
mended to bo roclaaalilPil from Clnna
4 to Clnaa 1, It holng tho opinion of
tho local board that tho hlKhcat
claaaincntlon warrntitud by tho rcRU
Intlona for practically all thoaa cuaca
will bo Dlvlalon II of Clnaa 2.
Tho mitotltiKa will bo continued
from day to day until all thoao caaoa
hnvo boon cleared up and tho re
olnaalflcatlon made, nccordliiK to ho
merits of each en no, ruKardloaa of tho
recommendations of tho legal advis
ory bonnl.
Thoaa In attnmlnnco nt tho tneet
Iiik this moruliiK worn Shorlft 8. K.
Hoburta, chairman of tho board;
County Clork J. II. Honor, Hocrotnry,
nml District Attorney II. II. Do Ar
mnnd, Kovernment appeal aKout.
So on Mm Aro Knllittl In MnrlucN
from I .Kill Ofllco In 1'ln.t
Mouth Hero.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
HurKonnt Hrooks, of tho Marino ro
orultltiK Ntatlou, 2ti O'Kuno bulldliiR,
hna a record of seven men for tho
first mouth Blnco tho ofllco was
opened In this city. TIiIh puta tho
locnl ofllco second In recruits for
cltlcM ot this alxo In tho state, with
I .a Urnndo lendliu; with elKht onlim
ments. Hoseburu had four am Au
torln drew n hlnnk.
Jnmen iMcDouuld of IluriiH, aged
20, Ih tho Intest addition to tho Hat
of niwncM. Ho onllated ycHterdny nml
will lonvo tonli;ht for Portland, from
which place ho will bo transferred to
thn Mnro Island navy yard, Mc
Donald, who was registered at Hums,
was rclonticul by tho draft board lu
that city upon n telegram from Ser
geant Hrooks requesting IiIh roloaso.
(From Snturdny'n Dally.)
Tho forest ofllco in this city Is lu
receipt of two 10-meii lire lighting
kits Hont out by tho district ofllco ut
Portland, which nro to bo used by
men lighting 11 ro on tho Deschutes
national forest.
Tho apportionment to this offlco la
n supplomunt ot 11 10-men emerg
ency kits, 38, G-mon ltlta ami 42
2-mou kits sunt out by tho district
office to supervisor)! In Oregon and
Hnven 1,1ml! I'liilKit. Ilavit Itcmi Mailo
In Homl Tiimalo Will llnvn
ComplcliMl Viintu Wltliln
n Hliort Tlmo.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Tho campaign for pledged for tho
purchaso of war savings stamps,
which Is to culminate on Juno 28,
gains In momentum dally and every
Indication today points to complete
success In Deschutes county.
Flmt to report that his district
quota had been reached waa P. H.
Johnson of Mllllcau, In charge of
school districts H and 2fi. Ilecnuso
of tho few settlers In tho territory
nml tho fact that so many of them
wopi working elsewhere, tho quota
waa act at $600, This morning Mr.
Johnson telephoned that pledges
amounting to $CC0 had already been
rocolml ami that K was expected
that ns much as $1,000 worth of
stumps would be pledged before
tho 28th.
Work Is nearly finished In tljoj
Tuinnio districts, aisfi, according to
Fred N. WhIIucb and A. M. McKlnley,
lu charge of district No. 20 Hon
Tano, In charge of tho Sisters dis
trict, reported this morning that his
quota would surely bo reached In a
short time.
.Miiny TnU l.lmlt.
All over llend solicitors hnvo been
busy today nod by tomorrow after
noon it Is expected that tho city's
total will bo known. Kvoryono Is
signing tho pledge to buy tho stamps,
tpntllnnltw im t11tii Mfiritu ttiilrtf
rr ::, ::::; .::.7'z
:r.: '" " . V. ;.
tho city nro demonstrating that they
nro second to noiio In their reply to
tho patriotic call.
One of tho most Important features
of tho city campaign has been the
liberal rosponso to tho call for limit
, , , i i i ...
pledges, seven In nil having already
boon mado. Those who have pledged
thomsolves to take tho limit, $1,000
worth of stamps, maturity valuo, are:
K. A. Sathor. Miss Cora Sather, D. 1-:.
Hunter, It. M. Smith, C. S. Hudson,
J. N. HuntXtr and W. II. Staats. In
addition, T. A. McCnnn Is taking tho
limit ns a part ot Tho ShevHu-Illxon
Company quota.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
At a mooting of tho Potato Orow-
ors' association of Deschutes county,
held Inst night, plnns were formu-
Intod for tho Central Oregon farmers'
picnic, which Is to bo hold In Tuinnio
on July 20. Tho announcement of
tho program and events will bo mndo
nt a Inter date,
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Tho road to Orator lako Is opon to
itrnfllo,' 1fccordlng to Chns. Oood-
kulght ot Prlnovlllo, who, In com-
many with Mrs. (loodlculght. mndo tho
Irlit In frnm Mmlfnnl vnalnritnv nml I
drovo on through to Homl , today, ar
riving horo shortly utter noon, Mr.
(Inodknlght's cur was tho second ono
to go over tho rim road this season.
Mr. Gondkulght reports that all ot
the motorboats nro sufoly stored and
tworo not damaged by tho leu and
tinow, hut that all tho rowboats uml
smnllor craft had boon dnmngod and
It would not bo possible to got the
motorbonts, which nro on an Island,
until now rowboats had boon socurod
or tlio old ouos repaired,
Tho roads nro In good shapo, nml
tho hotel at tho Inka will nccommo
dnto Hiiasts, although everything will
not be completed until uoxt weok.
Hntli Ifmo PI(nIk(hi (n Kxcchh
'1 liHr yuoto, Cllim FnllM O'oIiik
0it by TM IVr Crtit.
I, a Pino .Veil.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
At 1 1 o'clock this morning
L. A. Heed, chairman of tho
Cllno Falls district, telephoned
that his district was mora than
60 por cent. In excess of ita
- quota of $1,000. In nil, $1,666
has been pledged by the Cllno
Falls lieople.
- -----'-
The second Deschutes district to
go over tho top In tho war savings
stamp pledgo campaign was report
ed this morning by A. M. McKlnley
ot the Arnold district, No. 20.
Pledges In oxcom of tho district
quota of $1,000 have been obtatnod
by Mr. McKlnley and his solicitors
and (hers are yet to be seen several
rosldsuts of the district who aro ox-
I pec ted to make good slxed pledges.
Another district which Is sura to
go over the top Is La Pine, accord
ing to word received this morning
from A. A. Aya, secretary of the La
Pine war finance committee. Max
Cunning also reports that Iledmond
will probably exceed Its quota.
In Hand the campaign la rapidly
nenrlng tho close, most ot tho solici
tors planning to finish their work
today. In tho downtown district J.
A. Kastos and his solicitors have so-
and reaulta In proportion aro cxpect-
'cd from tho other teams. One pair
lot solicitors, Mm. W. II. Staats and
Mlaa Morgan, in one ot tho sub-
divisions of tho district captained by
II, A. Miller, this morning reported
over $3,000 In pledges. Ono of these
,. m ,.. ,. ,
tao tut iutvu ntu tit io uivtiwt w mil
a boy under tho ago at which sub
scriptions wcro asked. This was
Hilly Foley, who Is earning tho
money ho is putting Into stamps, and
already owns nine.
Another boost tor tho limit club
en mo this morning whon L. U. Halrd
pledgod himself to buy $1,000 worth
of stamps, maturity value, making
a total ot eight In tho club to date.
Tho First National bank and Tho
Siiovlln-lllxon Company have also
tnkon $1,000 worth of stamps each.
Othor largo pledges aro from tho
Central Oregon bank, $500; ho Homl
WtUo.( Ujjhl & powor Co f ,700
niuj J j Kvea jcoo.
' ' ' '
(From Saturday's Dally)
Wator In tho Deschutes rlvor nt
tho presont tlmo Is tho lowest in
tho memory ot old timers In this
section. While it is not anticipated
that any incouvonlonco will bo suf
fered by tho cities dopondlng upon
tho river for n water supply, powor
plants nro already finding tho short
ago a groat hlndoranco In tho pro
duction of powor, and In tho event
ot tho wator growing leas than nt
present a real damage may accrue,
At tho present tlmo tho Homl
Wator, Light & Powor company Is
taking tho eutlro rlvor In Its plant
In this city to maintain tholr powor,
T, II, Foloy, manager of tho com
pany here, Is out today looking ovor
tho up-rlvor, country with n vlow ot
Increasing tho How, and It is stated
that it may bo nocossnry to tap one
Of tho up-rlvor lakes In ordor to
furnish nn ndequnto supply,
Lack of bhow in tho mountains
ami tho oxtromo dry spring aro sup
posed to bo tho cuuso of tho shortage.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Major C, II. Soil of Ft. Casey,
Washington, Is In tho city on a short
furlough, visiting at tho homo of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rhodes, Previous
to tho declaration of war on Ger
many, Major Boll was ono of the
partners In a hospital at Monroe,
Washington. Ho joined tho medical
corps about a year ago with the com
mission of captain, and has been
successful In receiving promotions
until his raise In rank to major a
short time ago.
Tho major Is a brother-in-law of
Mrs. Khodes.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Forty-four men aro to be sent
from Deschutes county during tho
month of July under two calls Issued
within 21 hours Friday and Satur
day. Sixteen men aro to entrain for
Ft. McDowell, California, on July 6,
according to tho Friday summons,
and 28 are to ontrain for Camp Lewis
on July 22, under the notification
sent out Saturday.
This last call for 28 is one of the
heaviest drafts that has yet beon
made on the county, and will Include
practically all ot the men romalnlng
In class 1 under the former classifi
cation, thero bolng perhaps 20 sub
Ject to the call left in tho class. He
cause ot the falluro of the local draft
boards of several ot tho states to
make their report on tho men ot 21
who registered Juno 6, the order
number drawing for these men has
not yet been made, so they will not
bo Included In tho July quotas. He
classified men aro also held over for
at least 30 days longer, unless a new
ruling Is made.
Twenty-ono men aro reporting to
the local draft board today for en
trapment to Camp Lewis, and 13
more are to leave on Juno 29 for
Vancouver barracks. Theso last arc
limited sorvlco men. Tho men re
porting today will leavo on tomorrow
morning's train.
Ilecnuso of tho heavy stress of
business Imposed upon tho local
board it will be several days before
tho mon will bo named to answer
undor tho July quotas. Chairman
Roberts, Secretary Haner and a sten
ographer are being kept busy re
arranging tho lists and making ready
for tho volumo ot new business.
County Court mid National Korvot to
Work in Co-opcmtloii in Mak
ing: It Passable.
(From Friday's Daily.)
Stops aro bolng tnkon by tho mem-
bors of tho county court, working In
co-operation with tho national forest
service, tor repairing tho Mackenzie
highway. Soveral trees which aro
iiow blocking tno road will bo re
moved and teams and a crow ot men
iput to work tilling in tho bad places.
Soveral cars have already mado tho
trip through to Portland this wuy,
but ropalrs are badly needed to take
caro ot tho heavy summer traffic
which Is expected to coma that way
pn account ot tho closing of tho Co
lumbia highway between Hood UlvJr
and Tho Dalles,
Tho work will commenco within a
short tlmo.
Ow Out Hooks of tho Chnptoi
liOmos for lrIneviHo luul
Klnmntli Fulls.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
L. Tumor, division flold superin
tendent for tho American Red Cross
ot tho Northwestern division, with
oftlcos nt Sonttlo, arrived In tho city
yesterday and spent tho day horo
auditing tho books ot tho local chap
ter. Kvorythlug was found to bo in
food ordor and a compliment waa
tendered tho treasurer, J. O. Rhodes,
on tho efficient manner in which tho
work had beon done.
He loft In tho evening tor Prlno
vlllo and from that point will so to
Klamath Falls.
Think Ho May Ho Able to Scnra Up
KiiourIi VotcH to Overcome
Lead of 118 In tho
(SprcUl to Th DulMlnJ
HALBM, Juno 27. Tho all absorb
ing topic ot conversation among stato
officials the past 10 days or so has
been the tentative announcement on
tho part of Judge Thomas F. Ityan,
assistant state treasurer, that he may'
bo an Independent candldato for tho
stato treasurershlp. It may bo said
frankly 'that very Uttlo ot this con
versation has been favorable to
Judge Ryan's aspirations. The Judge
was skinned out of tho nomination
by O. P. Hoff by 118 votes. It is
understood that ho feels It ho runs
Independently he could scaro up
enough votes from among thoso cast
for tho other tour candidates and
with the goncral following that failed
to vote, as well as from tho Demo
crats, to possibly put him over In
tho general election.
Xo Chance fur Appointment.
Since tho announcement waa mado
the Judgo and his cohorts have been
very, very busy talking confidentially
in corridors and out, and it looks as
though ho might take a flier at IL
Ono rumor has been to tho effect
that his announcing his aspirations
as an independent candidate might
have been to throw a scare into HotT
so that Hoff would ap'polnt him again
as assistant stato treasurer and keep
him on the $3,000 job which ho has
been holding for tho past 'seven yearn
under Kay. If thero Is anything to
this rumor, Ryan's aspirations In
that direction arc predicated on a
wrong promise, because ho has about
as much chance ot being named state
treasurer under Hoff as tho Germans
havo of licking tho Yankees which
is no chance at all.
Xo Shoir for Intlcpcndonts.
This is going to bo a sorry year
tor Independents, If straws indicate
tho way tho wind Is veering. Tho
general advlco, as being handed out
in rather wholesomo gobs by poli
ticians around here, is tor thoso who
seek to run for offlco independently,
pftor they have been defeated for the
nomination, to tako another guess.
A goodly bunch of coin was ex
pended In an effort to put Ryan ovor
for tho Republican nomination for
the stato treasurershlp, and he un
questionably made a good run. But
tho outstanding fact remains that ho
got licked, clcanod and defeated, ami
tho a vera go cltixen hates a poor
loser Thus do tho rotunda politi
cians under tho big dome slzo up the
situation and there is no particular
reason to feel that the general public
throughout tho state has any differ
ent viewpoint.
Another perfectly .palpablo result
of the judge's Inclination to run In
dependently is felt and hoard In a
verbal onslaught directed against
Stnto Treasurer Kay. Nuraorouj
comments bave been made to tha
effect that Ryau's latest move is be
ing engineered by tho stato treasurer,
who Is said to have still budding
asplratlous for tho governorship
somowhero In tho great beyond.
Kny Serais Peeved.
Tho talk Is that Kay Is peoved be-
causo ho has scon his ruachlno, -which
has long been In tho course of con
struction, crumbling Into nothing
ness under his very hands. With
Ryan as tronsuror, Sponco Wortmau
would remain as sealer of weight!
and measures, tho same old active
dnputles would mako tho samo old
rounds Into tho various sections of
tho stato and a bunch ot busy llttl)
workora would bo spreading- 4alcs it
Mr. Kay whllo they wore cavortltij;
about tho state. Thus Madam Gos
sip discusses tho situation and thi
fact that tho odium ot Ryau's aspirt
tlons for nn Independent candidac
is being laid somewhat onto th
shouldurs ot Hrother Kay Is not holj
lug his own political hopes for tl i
futureproviding ho has any. A 1
ot this gossip may or may not b)
truo that is besido tho point. 1
moroly goos to show that tho poop,
do not Intend to bo buncoed out ( t
tholr direct primary law ahd th, i
whon thoy hnvo spoken they lntor.d
that tho speaking shall stand ttr
(Continued on Pago 4,)