DEMI IJULLKTIN, 11KNI) OHKOON, TIIURHDAY, .JUNK 20, 11H PAOH t V 4 k COUNTY COURT 1 PROCEEDINGS Chtlnm nllowml liy tho County Court of HoRchutwt County nt tho Juno r tonn, 101 H: OIiikn ft I'rudhutumn Co,, registration curds, clork'n ofn:o Z, no (Units ft 1'ruillioinmn Co,, lo- Kftl blanks, clerk's ofllco,. 1,80 W. O, Mulohott, doIlvorltiK liullot boxes , in, 30 titnndnrd Oil Co,, khh for county earn, roads , 1 05.24 Mm, It, II, Vorhoon, nuroo for county piitlunt 21, CO LMIIUtr Lumber Co,, lumber for roiiiln 70,51 UroKou Fuel ft Transfer Co,, storage county truck, romln 22, CO It. Jl. Doynrmond, K" for county cars 4MB Win. Clnmn, wltnoitn foes, Justice court 30,00 11. II, l)n Arrnoml, district nt- tornuy expenses 0.70 Thro, Auiii), Juror circuit court 0.00 Mnlvlu (llllott, uuto hire. sheriff's officii 3.00 Oregon Trunk Ity rental of abed nt Redmond COO Htnndurd Oil Co,, gas for county truck 50.18 rioyd Howell, witness circuit court 0.00 Thou. C. KwIiik, deputy nn' Hcniior 130.00 TIioh. C. KwIiik, cnrryliiK doo- tlnn nituniH 21.00 W. (1. Fnrdhum, ilo O.oo O. ('. Vnmlnvnrt, ilo 4.00 (I, ('. Palmer, ilo 1.70 J'nnl II. Wiggins, do 4. CO M. W. Knlckiirborkiir, curry ing ulnrtlon returns nml registration of electors 4, CO C, I., (list, carrying uli'cllon returns 5.40 L. A. Hunt, ilo 0.20 Joo. II. MnrOregor, carrying election return anil regis- trntlnit of electors 10.40 Ino. O. Hmti'.wlck. ilo. 5. 80 Y. A. Illco, cnrryliiK election ri'tuniM O, K. Anderson, ilo I.. V. Clnrkii, ilo - l.oo Young, ilo 1'. II. Johnson, do 8.00 1.90 3.30 2.80 C.C0 1'. II. Coffey. lo 0.70 llurr Hluok, ilo 12,70 C ('. Viindovort, deputy as sessor 124.00 (loo. (1. Hedgwlck, mom&or canvassing bonrd 19.00 C. I.. Cut, returning ballot boxes C. A. Adams, services for election Isaac Murtlii, hnll runt, vice tlon J. (I. Redmond, registration of election Warren Kurthlna, hnll rout, election It. II. I.nven. ilo W, II. Crnwfonl, ronil work.. W, II. Crnwfonl, tonm for ronil work IrwIu-lloilNon Co., supplies for school nuit J. I). Davidson, Judge of election J. K. Arnold, do Ashley Forrest, clork of elec tion Walter KurKi'Hiin, do C V. Hllvls, do Jotujili KlDvutiH, JiiiIko of oloc- tlon . K. It. HoKln. do K. V. Ward, clerk of election Y. N. Van Mntrii, do I.. I). Wlinit. do 1), V. Mackintosh, Judge of election J. W. Nnlly. do II, It. linker, clork of oloo- lion J. K. Itnliiiiy, do Minnie K. Chiiitiiun, do J, ('. IthndfM, Judgo of oluo- tlon II. (1. Fnrrls, do K. II. Well, clork of election Johmii W. Day, do O. llmikln, do H. C. Caldwell, JuiIko of election C. J. I.ovorott, do ChtiH. I). Ilrown, clurk of election O. C. Morgan, do W. C. Stewart, do M. (1. Coo, JuiIko of election John Thyon, do Mm. K. I Black, clork of election CIiiih, Klpehoii, do L. 8. llrlfllii, do W. (I. Fordhnm, JuiIko of election J. (I, Redmond, do J. O. HiiITuiuii, clork of oloc- , tlon Daisy II, .Stephenson, do Mutllo A. Clark, do W. I Vandovort, JuiIko of election Mm. Nollln Mnckllu, do Fred A. Hhomiuost, clork of election Annie M. HhonquoHt, do Luther Mntko, do a. C. I'nlmor, JuiIko of oloc- tlon 1), A. Houdon, do F. W. (lallnghor, clork of oloetlon lllehurd I), Joikih, do O, It. Iliiakln, do I). I,. WIbkIhh, JuiIko of oloe tlon - Paul I). WIkkIhb, do Martini 10. McNahh, clork of oloetlon : ' 5.00 11.50 5.00 2. CO 5.00 5.00 2.60 IOC. 00 10.32 fi.OO COO COO COO COO coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo coo COO COO coo coo coo coo 0.00 0.00 0.00 coo coo (1,00 coo coo coo coo coo 0.00 coo 0.00 0.00 0.00 coo coo coo coo 0,00 coo coo 0,00 coo illottlo B. Hearth, do 0.00 JCdlth V. Oakos, do 0.00 P. B. Dayton, JuiIko of oloe tlon 0.00 P, V. Hwlahor, do 0.00 O. P, IloeKor, clerk of oloo tlon J. O. StlloH, do JIarry MeOuIro, do .. 4t, J, Skolton, JuiIko of oloo tlon coo coo coo 0,00 1. Van TaHHol, do 0.00 llubort A. HcobkIu, clork ot election C00 J. II. BlkhiH, do G.00 M, W, KnlcUorbockor, do...... 0.00 J, I), llowinan, JuiIko of oloe tlon coo II, K. Alton, do 0,00 Arthur Tompltiton, elork of oloetlon 0.00 K, If. BdKltiKton, do 0.00 C. h. dint, do 0.00 I A. Hunt, JuiIko of oloetlon COO T. A, Voddor, do 0.00 A. H. Holmmit clork of elec tion 0.00 dim K. HlndlK, do COO It. B, Towno, do C00 Hvnrott Purr, Judo of elec tion 0.00 Alum MeClny. do COO Unorgfi P. Blllott, clurk of oloetlon 0,00 Harriot Ilnlnton, do 0.00 (loo, II. MncOn-Kor, do 0.00 (loo. (). H'ldiswlck, JuiIko of oloetlon 0 "0 Jnrod W. Monro, do 0.00 I.. H. Hobnrtii, clork of oloe tlon 0.00 l,iiwl W. Warnor, do COO l W. Znmwnlt, do COO V. A. Illcn, JuiIko of oloetlon COO (loo. Ij, DnliRon, do 0.00 Ma bo I W. Kondnll, clork of oloetlon 0.00 Corn I,, Chnprnnn, do COO (Irnco II. Morao, do 0.00 John T. Pnrk, JuiIko of oloe tlon 4. 0.00 Prod P. HnwRon, do COO Itobnrt P. Coopor, clork of olnctlon 0.00 .1 A. HtriiM, do 0.00 II. A. Homholt. do COO Olnf K, Andemon, JuiIko of oloetlon 0.00 W. K. Vnn Allon, do COO W. P. (lift, clork of oloetlon COO M. M. Whlttnmoro, do COO Mnbol Connoly, do COO Akiiob Clnrko, JuiIko of oloe tlon 0.00 C. II. Hollowny, do COO Prnnk Tnltl, clork of elec tion 0.00 Will I'orry, do COO l V. Clnrko, do COO C. W. Hooch, JudKo of oloe tlon 0.00 It. K. Crimea, do COO It, C. Colvo'r, clork of oloe tlon ... 0.00 Albert Wornatnir, do 0.00 YoutiK, do COO Win. Mnckoy, JuiIko of oloe tlon 0.00 Mm. AiiKUHtn Bvana, do COO Mnry V. Kollur, clork of oloe tlon 0.00 Vornon ClovetiKor, do COO P. II, Jnhnann, do COO P. II. Coffey, JuiIko of oler- tlon COO O, (). 'KIiik, do COO H. W. Morrill, clork of elec tion COO Chna. Outnolnch, do COO (!hna lloor. do COO rllurr Illnrk, JuiIko of oloetlon COO V. Hchredor. do coo Thoa. C. BwInK, clork of oloe tlon A.. COO Kltner M. Peck, do COO II. It. IIokuo, do COO I), V, Mackintosh, roKlatrn- tlnn lictora 1 80 Prnnci'ft Thompaon, ninrkliiK elKhlh Krndo pnpem 0.00 Prnneca Thompaon, do. . .. 18.00 10, II. Whltmoro, oxponaoa clork'a otdco 7.20 i: I rnn or II, Whltmoro, nton- oKrnphor county court 15,00 Mm. P. H. Prnncla, murkliiK 8th Krndo pnpora 15,00 llnxel Putnoy, rccordliiK clork'n ofllco 75.00 Arvllln Murphy, do C6.00 J. II. Ilnnor, trnuacrlblnK, Prlnnvlllo k 230.00 Ilend Wntor, MkIiI ft Power Co., IlKhta court houao and lull 16.70 II. II. Clow, Janitor' aalary CC.00 l.yln MePaddon, wltnixiH cir cuit court 21.40 Prnnk Porclvnll, deputy na- aoaaor 140.00 llnxol Mnnlnu, elork, HhorlfT'n offlco 7C.00 P. II. May, clork, nHaoaaor'n ofllco 4CO0 W. (I, Itnmaowor, rond aup- piles C76 Weatorn Union Tel. Co., tolo- Krnnm locnl board C43 J. I). Ilutlor, nuppllort for hoa- pltnl 12.90 A. A. Dlcklnaon, rond work, Dint. 11 COO Wnllneo Dunn, do 13.50 Pnul II. Powom, trnuaerlpt Wnmor cnao 25.66 II. C, llnrtranft, HtonoRrn- phor, food admr. 30,00 China ft Prudhommo, htful hlunka, clork'n ofllco, 1.13 Pnclllc Tol. ft Tel. Co., tolo- phono nliorlrr, $11.15; clerk, $14.00 25.76 Do, circuit JuiIro 2,85 Do, naaosaor 2,86 Do, county JuiIro 8,00 C, M. McKny, oxponaoa treas urer's offlco 37.00 W. P. DowrtliiK, inoala for prisoners 95.00 HkUHo Hdw. Co., nuppllea for court boiiHo 79,15 W. PorRUaou, deputy ahorllT 2.00 W. PorKuaon, Justlco court TfeoH . 5,60 Chan. HtiKhoa, do 14.10 I. DoVoddor, do 21.90 J, A. KaatcB, do 23.00 I. A. W. Nixon, do 13.50 Pacific Tol. ft Tol. Co,, tolo- phono achool aupt 3.40 Ullu Morao, Borvlcoa oxautlu- Iiik board 12,00 Mildred Mormlorf, do 12,00 I.oIh Blminona, HtouoKrnphor achool aupt 00.00 Ilend QaraRo, kh for county cam, road work 89.34 Lynch & UobortH, supplies for county patients" ." 11,05 P, N, Abbo, wood for rondB 7.30 C, J. Mathonn, driver county truck 219.00 M. B, Hopor, road work, Hod- inoud 29.25 J, Alton Thompaon, oxponaoa school aupt 20,00 Btalo M, OIbIii, HtouoKrnphor district attorney 36,00 II, W, Holmes, road work, Ilond 32.00 llort Wilson, do 32.00 W. II. Palmor, do 4 24.00 Win. Hunt, do 40.00 B. J. Collan, do 28.00 L. J. Korstotor, do 6,00 J, J. Cunningham, do 130.00 O. B. Dunamoro, oiiKluoor, road work 114,21 It, J, MeCnnn, lottorltiR bal lot boxoa 10. 20 C, P. Hooker, rout on bldx Tumnlo election 6,00 H, Porroll, aorvlcea county lihynlclan 50.00 O. P, .Ileckor, doputy naaea- nor 120.00 Htnndnrd Oil Co. kiiii for county truck CO, 35 Loo YoutiK, cnrryliiK ballot boxen 7.50 Hurt A. Harrln, nuppllea for CunuliiRham 4,70 Ullbort'a (Irocory, nupplloa tor Kuard, Crooked rlvor 93,20 C. B, Hamilton, nupplloa county truck 30.00 Vornon A. Porhoa, IcRnl aorv- Ico Honolulu county cnao 500.00 Ilend Ilullotln, prlntltiR, $90.00; Juntlco, $6.50 96.50 Do, election 197.11 Do, clork'n offlco 24.33 If. II. Do Armouil, oxpennea dlatrlct nttorney , 6.94 II. Latham, rent of Hippo- dromo for Ounrda G0.00 Ilond Hulletln, auppllea ahor- Iff'a offlco 37.76 Do, auplloa achool aupt..... 26,75 Ilond GnruRO, nuppllea nlior lrr 'a car 63.79 ItomltiRton Typewriter Co., carbon mid rlhhonn, clork'a offlco 10.00 Jleiid Purnlturo Co,, auppllea for Homo Uunrd 28.86 Do, wuko for Homo Uunrd C3.00 C. II. IlnKKOtt, rond work 7.50 A. II. Davenport, do 33,00 If. O. ParrU, Juror circuit court 9.00 C. II. Miller, commlsalouor. ., 112.25 W. I). Darnell, oxponaoa Port land and return 28.30 All kinds of hldci, fum, polls, wool bouRht at UrlKK' Second Hand Store. DAN(Ji:iW OP CONHTII'ATIO.V. NoKlected conatlpatlou may cauao plica, ulcoratlon of tho bowola, up pondlcltla, uorvoua proitratlou, par nlyala. Don't delay trcatmont. Host remedy In Poley Cnthartlc Tableta. Do their work auroly, caally, :ontly, without Injury to atomach or Intona tlnnl llnliiK. Contain no hnblUform Iiik druKa. Pino for fat folks. Sold ovorywhoro. PARIS LIKES LIFE AT MARE ISLAND (Prom Tuesday's Dally.) Mrs. It. 8. Paris of this city has re cently received a letter from Mr. Pnrli, who Joined tho Marines throuRh tho local office horo under HorRoant Ilrooks, and who Is now lo cated at tho Maro Island tralnlnK station. Hu nays: "Wo hnvo arrived snfoly on tho Island, but It will bo a fow 'days beforo wo tnko tho final exams. This Is a mlRhty clean and nlco placo to bo In nml I think I am KolnR to Ilka It lino. I hnvo been In tho detention camp over since I ar rived and do not know Just how Ioiir .wo will bo held horo. Wo tako a allRht examination every day. "Then Is n flno bunch of boys horo nnd tho food Is very Rood. Wo will not Kot our uniforms until after tho final exams. There Is such a bunch of boys com Iiik every day nnd about 200 are now waiting to tako tho oxnmn." Mr. Paris ntatoa furthor that there nro movies nt tho camp, nod that on tho day following his wrltliiR, Juno 3, n bull Kamo was played, supposedly between teams choson from tho men In train Inc. WATER MASTER JOINS THE SPRUCE DIVISION (Prom Prlday'a Dally.) Harry I. Konnnrd, water master for Deschutes, Jefferson nnd Crook counties, with headquarters nt Prlno- vlllo, Is In tho city today nnd states that ho has boon tendered tho posi tion na equipment man for tho gov ernment In tho spruco division, and will leave on Saturdny, Juno 22, for Raymond, Washington, where ho Is to bo Htatloned. Mr. Konnnrd la not yet certain whothor ho will bo enllstod In tho army of spruco division workers or will rcniatn In civilian llto, tho only orders received by him boliiR those to roport for military duty. Ho Is now making an effort to have aomo ouo oiiKagod lu his placo ns water master. LEGAL NOTICES 010U.T7 11)01! NOTICB OP COXTKHT. Depnrtmnnt of tho Interior, Unltod States Laud Ofllco, Tho Dalles, Orogon, May 24, 1918. To Alhort Itodd ot Alfalfa, Oregon, Cnntesteo; You nro huroby untitled that Law rence Walchor, who gives caro of A. J. Mooro, Ilond, Oregon, as his poatofllco address, did on April 26, 1918, lllo In this ofllco his duly cor roborated application to contest nnd Hoouro tho cancellation of your homo stoad entry, Serial No. 010267, mado May 2, 1912, for B&, Soctlon 10, Township 19, S ltango 15, B. WIN lamotto Meridian, nml ns grounds for hla contest ho nllogoa.thnt I am Informed and bollovo and therefore stnto that said Albort llodd aban doned said laud tho day ho Iliad on sumo nnd for maro than six months Immediately thereafter; that ho has uovor boon on said land or resided thoroon nor mado any cultivation thoroot or improvements thoroon since tho day ho fllod on tho sumo or nt nil; that ho still abandons Bald land; that Bald absence and aban donment is not duo to hla employ ment In tho military service, ot tho United States lu connoctlou with operations In Moxlco or along tho borders thereof or In tho wnr with (iennnny or any of tho National Ounrds or othor organizations ot tho several HtntcH, You nro, therefore, furthor notl flod that tho said allegations will bo tnkon ns confessed, nnd your said entry will bo canceled without fur thor right to bo hoard, either before thin office or on appeal, If you fall to file lu this offlco within twenty days nftor tho POUIITH publication of this notice, as shown below, your utiswer, under oath, specifically re sponding to theso allegations of con tost, together with duo proof that you have served n copy of your an swer on tho snld contestant either In person or by registered rnnll. You should ntato In your answer tho name of tho postofflce to which you dcslro futuro notices to bo sent to you. H. PKANK WOODCOCK, Mediator. Dnto of first publication, Juno 13, 1918. Dnto of second publication, Juno 20, 1918. Dnto of third publication, Juno 27, 1918. Dato of fourth publication, July 4, 1918. 16-18p 01171.!. NOTICB POIt PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, Unltod States Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 21, ,918. Notice Is hereby given that Alva Kllpatrlck or Ilond, Oregon, who on April 2C, 1916, mado Homestead En try No, $14743 for BA (Bast Half) Section 31, Township 19, South, Ilango 14, Bast Wlllamctlo Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make final thrco-yenr proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described be fore H. C. Bills, United States com missioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on tho lOtOh day ot July, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: David C. Ilogcm ot Mllllcan, Ore gon. Howard P. Dyer of Mllllcan, Orc Kon. William A. Golden of Mllllcan, Orogon. Jackson C. Cllngan ot Mllllcan, Oregon. 14-lSc II. PKANK WOODCOCK, Register. 0037.1. NOTICB POIt PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, Juno 3, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that Mary L. Rosin, nsslgnco of Clifton M. Rosin, of Ilond, Oregon, who on Oc tober 23, 1911, made Desert Land Bntry No. 09575 for Lots 1, 2. Sec. 4. T. 20, 8. It. 1G, B., and Stf 8BM, Sec. 33, T. 19, 8., It. IC B. Willam ette Moridlan, has filed notlco of in tention to mako final desert land proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described beforo II. C. Bills, United States commissioner, at Ilend, Oregon, on tho 2Gth day ot July, 1,018. Claimant names at witnesses: Alwyn P. Leo of Ilend, Oregon. John Holland of Mllllcan, Oregon. Loulso Plemlng of Ilond, Oregon. Arthur Fleming of Bond Oregon. 14-18p II. PKANK WOODCOCK. Register. NOTICB. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orogon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of tho Application of Ous B. Stndlg, Geo. P. Cyrus nnd John W. Gottor. tho board of di rectors of tho Squaw Crook Irrl cntlon District, for n Judicial ex amination nnd judgmont of tho court ns to the regularity nnd le gality of tho) organization of said Squaw Creek Irrigation District, nnd tho regularity nnd logallty of tho proceedings and acts of tho Board ot Directors of said Squaw Creek Irrigation Dlatrlct, and of tho proceedings of tho Board of Directors ot said Squaw Crook Irrigation District pertaining to tho election nuthorlilng tho Issue nnd snlo ot bonds, nnd of tho regu larity nnd legality of said bond election In tho sum ot $125,000.00. To tho Squaw Crcok Irrigation Dis trict nnd to all freeholders, logal votors and nssossmont payors within said district, and owners of tltlo to land within said district, and to any person or porsous Inter ested in tho proceedings ot said district or In tho issuo and salo ot bonds nnd any othor Indebtedness Incurrod by said district, and to each of you: In tho Name of tho Stato ot Oro gon: You nnd each of you aro here by commanded nnd required to np pear nnd answer tho petition ot tho petitioners, tho Board ot Directors ot tho Squaw Crook Irrigation Dis trict, fllod herein against you, and each ot you, in tho nbovo entitled court nnd cause on or before tho 12th day ot July, 1918, In tho court room of tho nbovo entitled court In Bond, Deschutes county, Oregon, and If you fall so to nnnoar nnd demur or answor, or otherwise plead within said time, said potltlonors or plain tiffs will apply to tho court for tho rollof prnyod for lu tho petition on lllo heroin, tn-wlt: Por n doeroo ot this court to tho offoct that tho snld district Is duly and legally organized under and pur suant to tho laws of tho Statu of Orogon; that all elections hold in said district, both for tho formation nnd organization nt tho district nnd for tho Issuanco ot bonds, havo been hold In tho manuor provldod by law and nro valid, nnd that tho acts and proceedings of tho Board of Directors in connoctlou with said district havo boon regularly and legally performed and aro valid, and that all Indebted ness Incurrod and nil warrants issued nnd obligations outorcd Into by said district nro logal nnd binding upon said district, and that tho authoriza tion by said district ot tho Issuanco ot bonds In tho sum ot $126,000.00 for tho purpose ot acquiring control and ownorshlp of tho Squaw Crook Irrigation systom, Including all lands nnd wutor rights necessary to bo ac quired In connoctlou thorowlth is in all things local and rogular, and for any othor nnd furthor rollof ns to tho court may soom Just and equit able In tho promises, (Seal.) J. II. 1IANBK, 13-16c County Clork of Deschutes County, Oregon. II. H. DB AKMOND, Attorney for Potltlonors, Bond, Oro, NOTICB TO CItBDITOIW. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho Mattor of tho Bstnto of Mrs. Bartha Htowcll, Dccoancd, Notlco la horoby given that tho undersigned wan on tho 8th day of May, 1918, appointed administrator of tho estate ot tho abovo named do ceased by tho counter Judgo of De schutes county, Oregon. Thoroforo, all persons holding claims against tho estato of said do ccasod aro horoby notified to present tho sarno duly verified according to iaw at tho offlco of II. II. DoArmond In tho O'Knno building, Bond, Oro gon, attorney for tho administrator, within nix months from tho date of tho first publication hereof. Dato of first publication, May 16, 1918. K. D. BTOWBLL, Administrator of tho estato of Mm. Bortha Stowcll, De ceased. 11-lCc 012400 011775 NOTICB FOK PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, United Statca Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 3, 1918. Notlco is hereby given that George 8. Roberts ot Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on Pebrunry 2, 1914. made Homc- Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds ef Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suadud Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturer of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Catting tor Power Traninjumon Machinery: VooJ Pipe Fittingi, Grate Ban. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES J E KGEUUKTSO. ILUMmxa ANU nKATINa L A A fc 11? Mlnncgota Strcot. First National Bank Building , . . ,, ... Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Don(1 :: :: Oregon Jobbing Promptly Done. j Phono Black 1291 tt tt t 4-nnTAvn LEE A- THOMAS, A. A, IA. H. H. DeARMOND Architect jj a AV V K II 2- O'Kano Building . BEND --- OREGON O'Kano Building, Bond, Oregon I . L n O. P. NISWONQER, Bend, Ore. I 1 UNDERTAKER H. O. JDLLIS Licensed Embalnier, Funeral Attorney-at-Law Director. United Statos Commissioner Phone Rod 421. Lady Aset. First National Bank Building I I BEND, OREGON '" ' - I 'm mm . ' "I I DR. R. D. STOWELL i Naprapathlc Physician Ovor Logan Furniture Co. W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. Wall 8treet Hours 9 to 6 DENTIST; Phono Red 482 Suite 6-8-10, O'Kano Building " - ... Oregon (MHHIH rTr THE UNITED WARE- DR. TURNER I H0USE COMPANY EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, 8,,"M " """V' "" - . . I. . f.n. -I..., . nlwtAB MtrcKfcnti WatdiJPaper for Dates, w. ntT7 0 CMUffl 8aw Flw or Inquire ot Bali uu, Ian, iumm b4 Lm. THORSON, THE JEWELER Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL, INSURANCE Firit National Dank Building 124 Oicgoa Street Bend, Oregon Qolfom JPr Pnllmo EXPERT Battery Repairing, OailZIlian tt tOlllllS Recharging and Electric Work All Work Guarautoed. stoad Bntry 012490 nnd April 23, 1016, mado Additional Bntry No. 014776, for 8B, Sec. 8, NE, Sec. 17, Township 20 South, Ilango IE, Bast Wltlnmotto Moridlan, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final throo-yoar proof to establish claim to tho land nbovo described boforo II. C. Bills, Unltod Statos commissioner, at Bond, Oregon, on tho 26th day ot Juno, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Vornon Clovcngor of Mllllcan, Ore gon. Peter B. Johnson of Mllllcan, Ore gon. Ivan L. Owon of Mllllcan, Oregon. Prank Spencer of Mllllcan, Orogon. 11-lEp II. PKANK WOODCOCK. RoRtster. 01.-22 NOTICB POK PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 3, 1918. Notlco Is horoby given that ThosiaJ W. Vnndovort of Bond, Orogon, who, on March 13th, 1911. made Homo stead Entry,, No. 01522, for W NE' ScctlOh 19, Township 20. South, Rango 11 Bast Willamette Moridlan, has fllod notlco ot Inten tion to make final five-year proof to establish claim to the land above de scribed beforo II. C. Ellis, United States commissioner, at Bend, Oro gon, on the 26th day of Juno, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: M. J. Main of Bond. Oregon. I'oter Segsllng of Prlnoville, Ore gon. Josoph Hoffman of Bend, Oregon. Ralph Caldwoll of Bend, Oregon. 11-1 5c II. PRANK WOODCOCK, Register. BEND. OREGON. Nowport Ave. and West 0th St.