The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 20, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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Kodak Printing and DeveloDincr mai!Ul & LrSKine
. , , , . . O'KANE.HUILIHNG
(Prom Thursday's Dally.)
tMIwi L. Jones of I'ortlnml Im In
tlio city.
J. T. Kcnrim of Stnylon Im n busi
ness visitor In (ho city.
J. A. Hmlth of lllnlock Ik a busi
ness visitor In (ho city.
M, I.. I'yatt of Alfnlfi wan (rans-
nctlru: business In the city yostorday.
0". II. KrlckNHti of Hour Crook
IJuttOH Ih a business visitor In (ho
K. (1. Woodward, circulation agent
of (ho Portland Telegram, Ih In (ho
city on htmlnoHH,
A. Parker, who has boon a roal-
ditiit of lltiml for (ho past (wo yearn,
loft (hid inornltii; for Klurnuth Falls.
Mm. F. A. Rico and nan Frank of
Umlmond aro In (own today on busi
Mm. C. J. Hoik will leave Saturday
morning to npund (ho nummcr with
Jiur daughters, Mm. F. I). flecker of
Kallspell, Mont., and Mm. J. II. Hull
of Seattle.
M. Van Tassell and mother, and
Mm, A. W. Mendenhall of Opal City
wore In Ilend yesterday on a -hopping
Andrew HtronwjulBt, who has been
visiting In Ilend for tho pant two
weeks looking over property Inter
ests here, left this morning for Port
(From Wednesday's Dnlly.)
F. K. Dayton of Tumulo U u bml-
iiiimh visitor In tho city.
John A. Marsh of Tumnlo In n
business vlnltor In tho city.
Mm. Tom Junklmt of Hums Ih In
tho city vlrtltliu; with friend.
KM Wilson anil J. II. ltaimom of
Mold aro In tho city on bualnvM.
K, (I. Carroll und wf of Hun
Francisco nro vWltlug In the city.
Mr. ami Mm. K. Jonnnton of Pen
dleton am visiting with friend In
tho city.
Mr. and Mm. Fred Wullaro of
Tiiiunlo were In (lend yestcrdiiy vult.
ItiK with frlundH.
Frank HufTiiinn and E. T. Hlaytnn
of I'rliievllln wero hunlniiNN vUllnr
in tho city yoMurday.
a W. Jl. Darttett of Kedmond Ih In
tho city looking nfter busluus mat
ters ul tho court hou.o.
f Mr. und Mm. Allen Wllcoxnon of
J'owell llutti) were In tho city yen
terduy vIhUIiik with friend.
(From Tui'Hriny'n Dully.)
' Win. Harvey ol l.akevlow in a
hunliHMH vUltor In tho city.
Mr. and Mm. II. II. Kllxoro of
Kink nro vIhUIiik In the city.
M. It, ItoberlH of Alfalfa wa In
(ho city yenterduy traiiHuctliiK bunl
nenn. Itev. (1. Ii. Dobgon of Kedmond
wiih In tho. city yenterduy vUIiIiik
with frlendH,
Mm. Kuto IJuhthoumtr, who liaa
been vUltliiK In Portland for hoiiio
i me, Iiiih roturni'd to her homo In
Win. Hlckey hf. AnKelei, who
ban been HpondliiK novonil day. In
thlH city, left hint nlKht for Klamath
Falln, and after n itliort vUlt (hero
will return tp bin homo.
Mm, I., Illouiit and Mm, A. 11.
Olmntcad of Fremont urrlved In (ho
city yoMterdny und will remain here
until thlH ovenliiK, when (hey ox pert
to moot relatlveH who aro to arrive
on tho ovonhu: paHHoiiKcr.
(From Monduy'H Dully.)
W. ('. Derrl.k or llrothem In In tho
city on btilnenH,
A. V Poolo of I.u Pino In a biinl
neHH vUltor In tho city,
Leo Moore of Prlnevllln In a bunl
ihhi vliiltor In tho city.
W. .'. Holllmthead of l.n Pino I a
biiHlnoH. vUKor In (ho city.
Mr. and Mm. C. V. Heed of Pendlo
ton uro In tho city vbiltliiK with
Mr. and Mm. John A. Mlly of
WnterburK, Conn., aro kuciIh at tho
Pilot Jlutte.
Mm. J. A. Kent of Pendtnton, ac
companied by her daiiKhter, MUh
Mnrjorlo llent, Ih In tho city.
T. . Color of Mllllcnii, accom
pnnli'd by bin non, T. K. CoIiir, Jr.,
wan In tho city today truiiKactlnK
(From Katutduy'g Dully)
C. T. Way of Prluevlllo Ih u vUltor
In the city.
(.', H. Mltz or .Silver Lake Ih hero
on bunlnoHH.
K. It. DuvIh of Prlnevlllo wuh In
Mend yeitorduy.
Karl Dpdyko of Mutollun Ih In tho
city on biiHlnoHH.
(Mlnton CiioinliK of Lakovlow Ih In
tho city on buHlnoHH,
Mm. Luclnn KkII of Silver Lake
U In the city on u visit.
H. K, lliima of MlunenpollH Ih reRli
terod at the Pilot lluttc.
J, C. Dod-iwt or Silver Laku Im in
(ho city traiiHactliiK buHlncns'.
Mm. Clelaud of l.ukovlnw Ih In (be
city, reentered ut (bo WrlKlK hotel.
N. K. LIvliiKHtou o( Kedmond "was
IraiiHactliiK bunlnoHH Ju tho city yen
terduy. Mm. Mabel Parker or Silver I.ako
was vlnltlnjt with frleiulH In Ilond
MIsh DorrU Foster loft thin morn
Iiik for Portland, where uho will
visit for about two wookn.
truiiHiicdnK biislnew In the city.
P. D. Itceder of Silver Lake wan
In tho city yenterday on buglnesit.
W. D. IlaniCH will leave thin even
I in; for a biiHlncNH vIhU to Portlund.
Dan HelnliiK of Metollun wuh u
biiHliieHH vlnltor In the city yenter
duy. Mr. und Mm. J. H. Lane of Sliver
Luke aro vInKIiik with frlendH In tho
Jamen Vurco or llrothem wan In
(hit city yenterduy traiiHucdnj; bunl
noHi. T. K. Dayton and Albert Miller or
Tumulo were vUllom In tho city yen
Mm. It. I. KIchurdHon and MIsh
Irouo IllchnrdHon of HuriiH wero In
tho city yoitterdny.
Mr. und Mm. K. L. Shutter of Twin
Full. Idaho, aro In the city lookliiK
over hoiiio property with a view of
locating here.
Plan to Prove
Famous Ideas
CMMr'N Itcmurkiiblo .Mcillrlno Ac-
rinliilii(- Wonderful IU-koIIh
In I"imIIiik Cities.
IlcfprrltiK (o tho vlnlt to Portland
and other western clllon of Mr. L. T.
Cooper, tho millionaire philanthrop
ist mid lecturer, who has commanded
nucli wlde-Hpnxid Interest In tho Kant
with bin heulth theories und cele
brated medicine. Tanluc, B. C. Harris
bin representative, recently nald In
Portland r
"ThoiiHandH of tho mont prominent
peoplo In Cincinnati, Cleveland, Den
ver, Salt Lake City. Detroit, Louis
ville, Dalian, Atlanta, Memphis and
other cities, where his celebrated
medicine ban been accomplishing
such remarkable results, are even
more enthusiastic over Tanluc than
Mr. Cooper himself.
"Ah previously stated, Mr, Cooper
contends that nine-tenths of tho dis
ease! and III health of tho average
(From Friday. Dally.)
Mr. and Mm, W. A, llolton of La
Pino nro In tho city,
It. H. WillluiiiH of Silver Lake la
June 28th is National
War Savings Day !
Pledge yourself to buy wisely und save wisely.
In order to iimkc it easier for our friends and
patrons to buy War Savings Stamps wo will give
away free a Quarter with every $5.00 purchase
made in our store between now and June 28th.
Our stock of Women's Wearing Apparel is High
Class, :Up-to-the-Minute in Style and priced so reas
onable that tourists from such cities as Portland and
Seattle wonder how we do it.
Agent for R & G CoricU nd Atmor.PIite.Hoilery
In Copen, Maize, Apricot, Purple,
Kelly Green, Old Hose. Priced
from . ... $5.45 to $11.75
Just received
in the popular plaids, trimmed
with Kepp and Organdy Collars,
Some with Patent Leather Kelts.
Priced from $3.50 to $8.75
Here Are Two Values
You Cannot Overlook; ,b. '.
YORK GINGHAMS, 27-Inch Stan-arJ Qualityi'8
Good Pattern! at leu than preient whole- QCrt ,-J
tale coit 7LtOj JU.
PERCALES 35-i'nch 80x80 Percale. worth
35c a yard Priced at 25c yd.
Sale of the Sather
Stock of Royal
Worcester and
Bon Ton Corsets.
We bought this well
known stock at a real
money saving figure and
now you get the benefit
Sather's $5.00 Corsets $3.50
I 3 ---. A . r v It '.
ft. ----J4. '
Kl Sather's S.50 Coi-sets $2.50
Y Sather's $2.50 Corsets ,.---$ 1.50
I Sather's $2.00 Corsets $1.25
Sather's $1.50 Corsets $1.00
CflTo the former Reed-Smith and
and Sather's and our own customers
we will sell, commencing Saturday,
June 22 and ending Sat, June 29
A Good Standard 27-inch Fast
Color Dress Gingham at a yd. 1 5c
(Limit 15 yards to a qustomer)
poraon Is duo to a catarrhal condi
tion, which produces faulty digestion
and Improper assimilation of the
"In a recent Interview, Mr. Cooper
wa asked If Tanlac would relievo
kidney trouble, liver complaint,
rheumatism and a dozen other ail
ments, and In this connection said:
" 'As I have repeatedly said, my
medicine acts directly on (ho mu
cuous membrane, stomach and blood,
nrnniiinir from them the Impurities
and toxic poisons, and rendering to
them a strong, neauny cunumuu.
I urn convinced that tho stomach
rni-iilntf.H llin rnntlltlhn of tho blood.
and is (he fountain head of health
or disease, as tho caso may be. My
medicine is intcnucu primarily lor
Ihn rnpiitatlnn nt tho Ktomach and
catarrhal inflammation, but It Is no
uncommon thing for persons who
have used It to come to mo and ex
plain that It has relieved them of
rheumatism and many other ail
ments, not generally recognized as
having tholr origin In stomach
"The ingredients or medicinal ele
ment which make Tanlac come from
many remote sections of the earth
tho Alps, the Pyrcnnes, Uusslan Asia,
Wnai iniiipn. mnnninin states near
tho Kocky mountains, Mexico and
Peru aro among tno points irom
which the principal parts of the
preparation are auiamcu. in ine
principal laboratory of the Cooper
Medicine Co., Inc., under the effi
cient direction of a chemist of note.
those medicinal herns, roots ami
barks are assembled in the rough and
painstakingly developed so as to at
tain that hgh standard of efficiency
shown by the uniform preparation
Tanlac Is now sold In Bend by Owl
Pharmacy. Ady
cheap. K. B. Stowe, IJcnd, Ore.
FOR SALE HO shares Arnold Irri
gation Company and Pino Forest
Irrigation Company water stock.
Less than cost. Can be used on
homestead (aken up under Denham
Falls segregation. J. Ryan & Co.
FOR SALE Standard bred trotting
stallion. Write P. O. Ileal, Sisters.
Ore. 'l-16-17p
FOR SALE 14 head of cattle and
one work team. H. A. Goaney,
Union barber shop. Phono 2171.
FOR SALr3 Fifteen head .of good
Jersey cows. Some fresh now,
balanco fresh In fall. Association
tested. Van Morse, Redmond.
Ore. 34-7-lGp
FOR SALE Why homestead when
you can buy a deeded ranch on
the Tumalo project, 160 acres, for
$5 per aero? House and barn;
good outsldo range. Address Lock
Dox 2, Tumalo, Ore. 92-Gtfc
FOR SALE 160 acres on the river.
25 miles south of Dend. Well
located for stock or dairy. I.
Corbln, R. t, Oregon City.
FOR SALE New cream separator,
WANTED Good pasture with water,,
for team. Inquire- Modern Oarage.
' 62-lCp.
FOUND 23x4 tiro on demountable
rim. Apply U. S. Forest office.
Brand Directory
MllLlcan, Oregon.
Right side; right car crop-
'o V pea; wattle rignt bind log:.
O Tl T.. TOVP. UU.HI rv-
- adv.lOOq
Mllllcnn, Oregon.
Hero's tho Ford Sedan a mighty corafortablo
car for every day of the year. Has most oujoyablo
refinements combined wllh all (ho utility of tho
touring car. Flnoly upholstered almost luxuri
ouslywith pla(o glass sliding windows, It Is cool
In hot weather while dry and warm In fall and
wintur. It is (ho regular slniple-to-handlo and
evor-endurliiB Ford chnssla with a bon-ton body
tho family car that not only pleases with Jts com
fort but saves money in low first cost and after
operation. Let us givo you a demonstration.
Cent-Ore Motor Co.
Can Mako Immedlato Dellvory.