IT PAGI3 4 mcxi) rult.kti.v, iiknd oiikoov, tiiuiwday, junk u, huh If News in Brief. (From Monday's Daily.) Kortl Mnn Hctiitn. Tho Kord Mo tor Co. has again sont Kb popular sorvlco mnn into this community to mtiko his headquarters this week at tho Ccnt.-Ore. Motor Co. Whllo Mr. Harroll Is always willing to ho of osslstanco to any Ford owner, the particular reason for his sudden re turn at this tlmo was to help as semble, adjust and d!sp6so of a car load of Ford sedans. At present are flvo Ford sedans In uso In and about Horn! and one each In the neighboring towns, Prinovlllu and Redmond, which speaks well for the prosperity of this country and also shows tho discrimination and Judg ment of tho car buyers. Three months ago there was not a car of this typo In Central Oregon. Tho pcoplo had only to be shown a su perior article and they at onco real ized tho comforts and conveniences of tho Ford sedan. This is tho first nrduplvo carload of, sedans ever .gblpped to a dealer lii Oregon and tho Cont.-Orc. Motor Co. desorvo great credit and success in their undertaking. Considerable mention jyiu oo made in tho other papers undertaking. Slnco his former visit, Mr. Barrell has visited Eastern Ore gon points, traveling continually in his sedan, and reports business good at all points. Roads, while dusty and rough in spots, were such that good progress could bo mado at all times. Goods Kent Out. One carload of dry goods from the Reed-Smith stock In this city which has been purchased by tho Don Marcho of Seattle was sent out by express on Friday even ing and a second car will bo billed out tomorrow. Under tho prevailing high freight rates tho purchasers say that tho express rates are lower and much moro satisfactory, tho ex press company paying for cartago and loading. Kccehc Commission. Mrs. Peter Byborg of this city has received word that her son, George Iiloo quest, had received a commission as captain at the training station at Ft. JUIoy, Kansas. Captain D loo quest is but 23 years of ago and the youngest man to receive this honor at the training station. Sister Mnn Mnrricd. Portland papers last week carried the report of tho wedding of Lieutenant Curtis Bailey and Miss Mary Stuart Smith, which took place on Thursday. Lieutenant Bailey was formerly a resident of Sisters and has been sta tioned at Camp Lewis slnco receiving his commission at the Presidio. by his son, J. h, Wright, was In tho city yesterday on business. J, L. Wrlcht lias boon called by tho local tlfnffl linhVil tri rttnnrt linm uti Ttiitei T2 its nnlrnlii fn rrtt 1 ! I u MtiN Under Control. All of tho rorest ares on tho reserve aro now teported under control by tho forest officials. Two new ones have been discovered, but wore extinguished heforo thoy gained headway. Hero from Prinoilllo J. N. Wil liamson of Prlucvillo, ex-senator, ns In tho city yesterday on business. Ho reports that ho will lake his sheep onto tho reserve within tho next few days. Kinplojcd nt Mill. Frank Rice, a graduato of tho Redmond high school with tho class of 'IS, Is employed as timekeeper In tho box factory of Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company. Court In Portland. Judge W. I). Barnes, C. H. Miller and A. L. Mack entosh, members of tho county court, are In Portland on business connect ed with tho county. Lnrgo Number Attend Funeral. A largo numbor of Bend people at tended tho funeral of Donald Smith, which was held in Redmond this afternoon. Mr. Kclico Hero. R. L. Scheo, manager of tho Prlnovllle Commer cial club, was n business visitor in tho city yesterday. day morning nnd will visit with rela tives In this section until Junu 24, when ho will Join tho men called in tho local draft to report nt that time. Iioro from Redmond, L. jj Smith, former county commissioner, Is in tho city on business from his homo at Redmond. Mr. Smith io ports crops In that vicinity looking extremely good slnco tho warm weather has sot In, Hiijn Auto Truck. W. It. RHoy of La Pine, manager of tho La Pine creamery, has purchased a now Ford nuto truck, to bo used for tho trans portation of croamory products frdm tho factory to Rend. Rot unit from Portland. Mrs Gourgo Snyder of Tumalo, who has boon In Portland receiving medical treatment, hns returned to her homo much Improved. Telephone Line Out. As n result of tho electric storm of yesterday, tho government telephone sorvlco on tho forest resorves has boon badly crippled. , Install Iookout. Forest Super visor Jacobson loft yesterday after noon tor Black Buttcs, where n look out Is to bo stationed during tho Arc season. County Court Returns-. Members of tho county court who have been in Portland for the past four days have returned here, Judge W. D. Barnes arriving this morning, and Commissioner Miller coming In the evening previous. Geologist Here. Dr. and Mrs. F. E. Clements, members of the faculty of tho University of Minnesota, ar rived In tho city yesterday and will remain here today. They are on an extended geological tour in tho In terest of the urilverslty. Forcht Service Man Here. J. L. Peterson, a member of the district forest office at Portland, arrived in tho city this morning on business. Accept Position. Miss Mildred Weeks has arrived in the city and accepted a position as bookkeeper in The (Bulletin office. Miss Weeks is a niece oi u. u, .Mcruursun ui iuid city. (From Saturday's Dally.) W1U Go to Scuttle. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hayes will leave tomorrow morning for a pleasure trip by auto to Seattle, where they will visit for about three weeks. From Bend they will go to Yakima, and cross the range by way of Easton and Blewitt pass on tho Sunset highway. Mr. Hayes states that he will make an ondeavor to make the trip to Yakima, a distance of about three hundred miles, tho first day. Forest Clerk Ieae. G. B. Hollo May, who has been employed as forest clerk in the offices of the Do bchutes national forest In this city, itft yesterday for Spokane, where he will Join Mrs. Holloway, who has en visiting thoro for the past two thB. His position here will be ,y u woman who la to come i .iiigoles. . ro Uluo Hook. B. B. Ran- ......... ,"' f rank, representatives . .. ...ok, the official guide .- Automobile assucia- .. i tWj I., od 'this morning ajifu oral daya here Nr, . ..i .i JU4UB UUU (From Friday's Dally.) Forest Fires Numerous. Forest tires on tho Deschutes national for est havo been numerous during tho past three days, caused by lightning, according to officials of tho depart ment here this morning. No less than eight additional blazes have been discovered by the lookout men, who have been placed in advantage ous positions throughout the reserve. Through tho ability bf theso men to gain knowledgo of tho fires before they have gained headway, all havo been placed under control or extin guished almost Immediately. Work lYogrCNslng. Work on the new business block of tho Bend Hardware company Is progressing rapidly, tho two sido walls being nearly completed, and the rafters be ing placed over a portion of tho structure to permit the moving of the stock to one, side of tho building while tho balance is being completed. HnliiH Help Fanner. Tho light rains of the week have been of great benefit to tho farmers of Deschutes county, according to reports that are being brought Into tho city from tho outlying districts. While tho rainfall was not great, tho moisture served to accelerate the growth of tho newly planted grains and vegetables. Shrlner Here. Z. W. Hungatc, formerly with the Northwest Bank ing and Trust company of Portland, was In town yesterday from his ranch east of tho city. Mr. Hungate is a member of Al Kader temple, Portland, and will attend the Shrlno ceremonials in this city June 29. Marriage License. Tho following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk's office during the week: Charles E. Graves and Ida Parsons, Earl L. Powers and Beulah Cook, Arthur Earl Holmes and May Flower Willard. Horn. To Mr. and Mrs. Paul John Gutflelsch of Kenwood addition, an S -pound boy, Thursday, Juno 13. Horn. To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bartlett, a daughter. SOLDIERS FOR POLITICIANS (Continued from Pago Ono.) namo might bo tacked onto tho board or commission, or whether It files one Hag or another, In tho long run the bills como duo Just tho samo, and tho fact that ono pays for what ono gets Is a maxim written Irrevocably on tho tablets of time. It tho stnto wishes to be a godfather to stud horses, and shower Its parental bless-. fall no doubt would ho n valuabtu asset If flomo of tho spollblndurs that could ho named woro touchod up Uiiilor tho now plan. Gowrnot' on Viicatlon. (lovomor W'lthycomho lint boon away from tho capltol on a vacation ,for a few weeks, visiting his sou Rob. rt at Union and enjoying hlmsoir with his llttlu grandchild. A long drag with his hou's Illness buck In Washington, when for many weeks It was believed tho sou would never survive, along with tho worries of n campaign mid an attack of the grip, all hnvu tended to mako tho govern or's health uono tho best, hut It Is believed ho will bo recuperated and fresh as a daisy upon his return from his trip to Eastern Oregon. Examinations for stnto teachers' certificates will ho hold In tho county seats of each county of tho state from Juno 20 to Juno 29, Inclusive, ac cording to an announcement mado by Superintendent Churchill. The usual subjects will bo covered and In ad dition domestic art, domestic science, drawing, manual training, mechan ical drawing, music, physical culture, bteuography and typewriting will bo subjects to ho given to applicants who deslro special certificates, Idibor Shortage nt A) hint. If you happen to find hoiiiu strange man prowling around your hack yard this summer, don't bo Hiirprlsed; It will probably only ho u loose nut off from the wheel of statu. Superin tendent Stoluor of tho stnto hospital Is finding such great difficulty In keeping umploes at tho Institution, with competition keen for luhor In 1 tho shipyards and war Industries that tho Institution Is operating on a shorthauded basis nnd prolmbly will continue to do so moro nnd more. But two alternatives aro loft -either to lock up all of tho patients tight, Incs In other directions, It must re- or tako n chauco on somo of them membor that paronthood always costs j wandering away. A largo share of money and that babies need shirts i Insane people aro mado worse by rand shoes. Tho only way that money can ho saved Is to merely eliminate and blot out. And history shows that this can't bo dono. So far no ono has pointed out that any of the state activities aro really useless, and all of them aro backed by an lm menso following, that sits ou Its hind logs and howls every tlmo somo pa triotic taxpayer suggests that the being locked up, and tho best euro for them Is sunshine, work and air. Consequently, Superintendent Hlelner Is going to tako a chance and ho ex pects plenty of elopements this summer. C. O. I. Order lliiugi. Final disposition of tho distribu tion schemo for tho Central Oregon Irrigation company's project under Immenso following' own particular (tno onior ot tno pu,c servlco com mission, (From Thursday's Dally.) Infant Son Die. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Newby died last night at the Bend surgical hospital. He was buried this afternoon in Pilot Butto cemetery from Nlswonger's chapel. Funeral Held Today. Funeral services over tho remains of Walter Richards, who was killed by light ning yesterday, were held from the Nlswonger undertaking parlors this afternoon, under the direction ot J. M. Nelson of the Baptist church. The Boy Scouts of Wolf Patrol No. 1, of which the deceased was a member, acted as pallbearers. Return from Portland. A. Mur phy, a former resident ot Bend, but who has been living in Portland for tho past six months, returned yester- stato hobby bo cut out Stories for Newspaper. (hanging If tho new plan of government -- goes through It will mako lots o(!hm stories for tno newspaper ooys, diu, the cost will bo there Just tho samo. Ami tho cost will bo sufficient the next two years. This became evi dent when bids for tho last six months' suppljes for tho present hi onnlum were oponed a few days slnco. Mounting costs Indicated that many of tho Institutions will require deficiency appropriations hoforo tho year Is up. Numerous supplies have inmneil 25 or 30 nor cent, on this intent hatch of bids and whon It Is' considered thoy Jumped 2G or 30 per .t... n nM.l OR nff 1A com. six muniuB uku, u . v per cont. six raontliB before that, and havo been keeping up that ratio for Hftveral six months' periods, It Willi bo soon that expenses of stato gov ornment havo been compounding! with a vengeance and tho taxpayers will havo to handle the freight charges when tho tlmo comes. There will bo considerable cussing over tax receipts tho next few years, but, us a matter ot fact, tho stato officials cannot bo blamed for It. It Is a certain fact they havo heon holding down expenses as economically as possible, and In some Instances have perhaps been too parsimonious. But any householder, who has to pay for groceries, shoes, fuol and the other accessories of a not too luxurious life, will appreciate tho fact that ex penses aro growing and tho state cannot got off any cheapor than a private individual. Tho high cost of living is hitting things with a stiff wallop and appar ently there is no way to avoid it. Might Help Politician. Down In Portland tho other day votoriuarlans of Oregon nnd Wash ington succeeded, so they said, In succossfully removing tho hray from a mule. This Is In itsolf quite a feat, but It might ho put to a prac tical uso during campaigns, and next Issued somo In abeyance. tlmo ngn, Is Tho comtuls- MEN'S SUMMERTIME jc mJljt iHi JL TODAY lite suprenuoy of of our Men' Clotlici ierv i ice i more pronounced than ever. You can readily realise tlie many advantages that accrue to you in these day of uncertain market condition! by reason' of our immenie early purchase', We liave ideal Summer Suit here in a wide variety, Suiti to meet the necdi of men of every build. Constructed of strictly all-wool fabrics in a wealth of new and novel pattern and col- ' or tone. New military styles, double brcaster, semi-uniform fittini coat, two-button sick, model and conservative styles. Straw Hat Time Is at hand, so do not delay an other day, but come and choose before the assortment of sizes and style arc broken. Come early, so that you can ifet a becoming style. Maurice P. Cash ma ii Home of Hart Schallner fc MitVx Clothes slon, In Its order, provided that the distribution plan shall ho subject to tho approval of tho desert land hoard, moaning tho state engineer. When the company sent in Its phut to tho commission, tho commission soul It to tho stato engineer for his ap proval. It U now there awaltlnr. final decision. Tho company ha passed the buck to tho commission, tho commliudon has punned It to tho engineer, and now It may ho shoved buck to tho commission, Tlmo will tell. RUGS Most of the big mills on which we depend for Rugs are closed, or 1 11T 1 1 nave turned tneir looms to tne manufacture of supplies for the Government. As a re sult there is a shortage in the supply of Rugs, and the time is not far distant when there will be none on the market. If you are going to need floor coverings we would suggest that you buy now. Several fine patterns in Axministers are priced in the 9x12 ClTtL f SUMMER FURNITURE a. a , m. Go to Skuso, H. and Roy J., Al' tho latter lau tut where? th Kueoiio. civilian offlpoW tr: I d tho camp which HARVESTING is to bo hol(l(mt the university from Juno 24 untjiirjujy 20, Will Go to Camp Lewie. J. Wright ot Cllhe Falls, accompanied Is druwing near. Prepare for the rush. If in need of u Carrier, Ropes, Forks, Pulleys and Slings, we have made arrangements for supplying your wants. Hardware Porch Chairs, Rock ers Settees, Ham mocks and Swings, are inex pensive. A , rr-. t-tt r a piece or two on porch or lawn will help to make your home more1 comfortable during this warm weather. Porch Chairs, $3.95. Porch Rockers, $4.50. Settees, $2.90 Steamer Chairs, 2.95. Porch Swings, $7.50. UNIVERSAL . . Kange will bake better and wear longer than the average steel range. The cast out like steel and will Universal Ranges are RANGES r iron bodies will not burn or rust hold the heat for even baking. covered by a factory guarantee of satisfactory service, yet they cost no more than the common kind. Your old stove taken as part payment. BEND FURNITURE COMPANY YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD fc .