BKND I1ULLKTIN, IJKNI) OREGON, TIIUIWDAY, JUNK IB, J01H PACK 7 ' c M ' FIRE MARSHALS SUBMITREPORT BEND SORELY IN NEED OF PROTECTION. Ailvlso Miuiy ClimiKH -WmoIiiI Kino. (Ion HImmiIiI Mo (.'iilled to I'nc vltlo I'Nintl to Knp Up ; . I 'In) Department. (From Monday's Dully.) Flro protection In lluml linn woefully neglected, according boon (o a ld-pago report of tlm conditions ox IittliiK horn submitted to llarvoy Wells, state II ro marshal, tiy Hop utloN (Jiio, W. Mokes and Gilbert Allen, who recently spent several days In tills city lookliiK Into the matter of flro protection. Tim report on submitted to tlm ittuta ofrlco him uImo been forwarded to tlm II ro pro tection committee of the Commercial club, II. K. Allen, Clyde McKay, president of the city council mill Flru Ohlef K, O, Nixon, with the request from Fire MiirMlml WoIIh thnl Home action be taken no he "vluws the condition nn serious nud should have Immediate attention," ('nn tin Kindly Itriiii-dled. The report lend off with nn Intro ductory of novum I huudri'd words Hiving the location find population of the city, together with the Indus tries, kind of buildings, fireproof nud otherwise, nnd comments on the possibilities In the following: '"Mm ellmatla conditions are dlenl. Its prospers nn n commercial and In dustrial center are very promising, nnd nil that preventi It miikliiK with the rltlo of the flViit claim In every respect In the Inadequacy of Kh lire fighting fncllltliM, nud thin dolln Uoney can, nud no doubt will, be easily remedied. "Under the provisions of sections 1 nnd 2 of chapter 18 of thu llend charter, It In tho duty of the city onunrll to provide way and tnuntiN for the equipment and maintenance of a Dre depiirtinent. In fulfillment of thin public trust the city council not nnldi fG.tuu for the lire depart ment, water nud light for the year 1UI.S, or IU.0 per mouth. DurltiK the month of April thu city IlKhtliiK cost 1272.88; street sprinkling, $20. Of.; monthly charge for fire hydrants, 94; a total of f 393.93. Till leaves a balance of I Br.. 07 for fire protection, but from thla amount 926 per mouth In paid for IiouhIiik the chemical imglue In a garage, nnd the remainder, $21.07, In for the up I keep of the lire department. Under thu extraordinary condition of the dungtr from fire, It would seem the better part of wisdom on thu part of thiHie In authority to provide Itn iiiedlate. relief from the lire hnsard delinquency, nud If necessary call u peclnl election to provide funds for tho emergency, ItiNtend of courting (llMtnitor by pursuing thu formalities of thu budget system." i:lfitliiK (.'oudltloiiN. ineir vuii ueru arc uiiumurntou nn follows: Firm Tho electrical ordluniice, which requires u 11 wiring to be In utalled as per tho National Under writers' electrical code, has not been properly enforced. Heroud There la no ordinance prohibiting anyone from doing It Ih own wiring, Third Tho ordinance prohibiting tho erecting of metal chimneys l not unforced In tho rcHldonco district. Fourth- Nn ordinance regulutlng tho use, handling or storage of gosu lh(o or tho regulating of dry dunn ing plants. Fifth Many places whoru nHhes were kopt In wooden boxes nud car tons, defectlvo lluos, ptpoH and HtovuH. Thesu ooudltloiiu would not bo per mitted to exist If n system of Inspec tion wuro adopted. Hlxth No ordinance prohibiting tho parking of vuhlcles or the block ing of lire hydrants within tun feet of sumo. Seventh No ordlnnuco prohibit ing sprinkling during thu lighting of flro, livery garden hone in uho dur ing thu lighting of lira greatly ro dticoH tho prossurn, which at this time cannot bu uparud. lOlghth Tho city Is without a, lire nlarm system, Ninth Thu wooden wntor mains do nut permit of sufllclout pressuro to copo with n II ro of any magnitude, Tenth Flro hydrants In n doplor nblo condition nnd wo nro unnblo to Hud whoso duty It was to keep liydrontH lu propor condition, Eleventh Tho city Is practically without any flro provontlon ordl naucoH, Twelfth Wo also find Hint tho city has an onorgotlo flro chluf, but, owing to tho numerous official posl- ,,... t.n lil.lii n...l tint linilit ilin IIUJ1B IIU llWIlin, ,.IV1 ..... l,ll, MIU backing that ho Is ontttlod to from tho city's council, ho Is somewhat Handicapped, Many I'miiio lliilldlngK, "It must bo borne In mind that llend faces a calamity oi account of many frame buildings." continues tho report, "Immediate steps should bo taken for tho reorganisation nnd bettor equipment of tho (Ire depart ment. Tho bugaboo of high taxes In Invariably held up t prominence and the customary watch dog of tho treasury gets busy and unfortunately tho department Is expected to got along with what was purchased when tho town was perhaps one-fourth or one-half the present size. And why? All to keep tho taxes down. This policy, experience has proven, Is the worst of false economy. It Is only after the citizens have paid thu price over several times lu flro losses that they will realize that It might be well to oo about (getting hotter equip ment for tho flro department." lUvouimrudntloiiN of Drputliti. After n thorough Investigation of tho conditions the following recom mendations are made: 1, That sections 1 and 2 of chap ter 18 of thu city chartur should re ceive the Immediate attention of tho council to provldo ways and moans for tho establishment of a permanent flro department, even though It bo necessary fur thu calling of a special election. 2. That n building be erected to house volunteer firemen, flro equip ment and pollco department, with provision made for sleeping accom modations for not less than four fire men, :i, That n volunteer flro deport ment be organised and that when the chief and other officers of tho depart ment have been selected, the council should by ordinance give tho chief official authority and that the chief of the department bo held responsible to tho council for the fire department equlpiin-nt and that ho make n writ ten report to the council at least once every CO days, showing the con dition of equipment under his charge as well as making nuy suggestions for thu betterment of tho department that he deems necessary to make, 4. That it company be established at I.lnster and lllllcrest streets for the purpose of protecting the Ken wood district. ri, That n company bo Installed at Greenwood avenuo nud Fifth street to protect stockyards, roundhnuio nud foundry. C. That a company bo Installed on Illvurslde, near tho Horn! Wntor, l.lxht & 1'owor compuny. This com pany could back up thu auto com I any and would protect the llend (louring mill and be within easy reach of thu business portion of thu city. 7. That n company bo placed on Cascade street, botwuen Wall and llnnd streets, to protect tho southern district, the Hold school and gym nasium. Ily thu proscribed location of the above designated companies, they ceu hi all converge to thu business center In case of a conflagration. 8. That tho uecossary minor equipment bo Installed without delay and that It consist of the following: 1,000 foot of standard 2 ',4 -Inch hoso, threo hosu Jackets, two shut-off nozzles, ouu revolving collar nozzle, one heavy straight-way gate valve, 2'-luch, otio two-way plain Siamese, ouu Detroit door opener and same can bo used as n hose clamp, two 12-foot plko poles, ono trussed CO- foot extension ladder, 100 foot of -luch mnulla rope, ono crowbar. In tho rorommondatlou of the above named cqulpmont It la tho de sire to show what Is really essential for tho department If It hopes to cope successfully with a flro. 0. That nn alarm system bo es tablished by Installing n whistle at tho UrookB-Scaulon mill, this whlstlo to bo largo enough to bu hoard at all points lu tho city. That tclophono Borvlco bo connected with boiler room ho that whlstlo may be blown Imme diately upon receiving tho tolephono nlarm. 10. That the city bo divided Into nt least four districts and bu numbered 1, 2, .1 nnd 4 with a separate whlstlo signal for each district. As a sug gestion, tho signal for district No, 1 could bu ono long and ono short blast; district No, 2, ono long nnd two short blasts; district No, 3, ono long nnd throo short blasts; district No, 4, ono long and four short blasts; and for n goiiornl nlarm, throo long blasts, ropoatod nt intorvuls of n fow socoiida. 11. That stnudplpes bo Instnllod whore needod, for tho purposo of sup plying tho stroot sprinkling depart ment with wntor nnd nn ordinance bo passod prohibiting tho uso of flro hydrantB for any othor purpose than II ro. 12, That tho flro hydrants bo reg ularly Inspected ami kopt In good working condition. That caps bo kopt on 'takn-offa when not In ubo nud that no obstruction bo pormlttod nearer than 10 foot of n hydrant. 13. That on ordlunnco bo enacted prohibiting tho ubo of flro hoso for nny othor purposo, That all equip mont of tho flro dopartmont bo placed MIVII, IH t,U ,,U UJ!M lUIUIIl 1JU JHIIUUU in tho solo custody of tho flro chlot nnd that nothing bu taken from nny station or used without n written or dor from thu flro chief, 14. Tlinl till lifiMA nflnt lirtltiir used nt n flro, bo thoroughly washed nnd dried before being put on cart for sorylco. Flro Hiuurd. 15, That section 32 of ordinance 71, relating to chimney supports, bo ro amended as to requlro all chim neys to bo built from thu ground up. 16, That nn ordinance bo enacted and enforced requiring that whon more than flvo gallons of gasollno Is kopt In tho city limits by nny person, parsons or firm, except when In tank of xasollno-propellod vehicle, that It bu properly stored underground, and that whon less than flvo gallons of gasoline bu kept within thu city limits by nny person, persons or firm, that tho same bo contained In an Im proved motitl safety can. 17. That thu council adopt such ordinances ss nro necessary to elim inate tho hazards which produco fires through carelessness. (A copy of such ordinances will bo forwarded upon request.) 18. That an ordlnnuco bo enacted and enforced requiring that all mer chants In tho flru district provldo themselves with trash boxes, same to bo lined with metal or one-fourth Inch asbestos and provided with tlght-nttlng cover of like material for tho keeping of their rubbish and waste matter, and that an arrange ment bo made that tho contents of such boxes bu collected and disposed of at least once each week. 11). That an ordinance bo enacted prohibiting tho parking of automo biles or vehicles or tho blocking of flro hydrants In any manner for n distance of at least 10 feet. 20. That an ordinance bo enacted prohibiting tho citizens from using their garden hose for sprinkling pur poses during tho period that tho fighting of n flro Is In progress. 21. That the chief of tho flru do partmont, when necessary, cxorclto his authority as an assistant to thu stato fire mnrshal In tho enforcement of flro prevention measures. That ho nlso enforce tho state law requir ing flru drills to bo held at least ouco each month by all schools, both pub lic and private. 22. That an ordlunnco b6 enacted and enfotcod requiring modern In stallation of dry-cleaning establish ments, especially In the flro district. D.VNGKILS OF CONSTIPATION. Neglected constipation may causo piles, ulcaratlon of tho bowols, ap pendicitis, nervous prostration, par alysis. Don't delay treatment. Hcst remedy Is Foley Cuthartlc Tablets. Do their work surely, easily, gently, wituoul injury to stomach or linens llnal lining. Contain no habit-form-lug drugs. Flnu for fat folks. Sold ovorywhore. COMMUNITY SINGING AT CHAUTAUQUA Slnotng Together Unifies Communities. "Let the Nation hlng and It will be Cfltuu united mid victorious." Thu "Community Slug" Idea, which Is to bo featured nt Chautauqua on the ilfth day, has been spreading throughout America In over-widening circles slncu the outbreak of the war. The "Com munity King" Htlmuliites n feeling of solidarity. An entire community lift- Mr. and Mrs. Elchhorn. lug Its voice In song strikes u note for harmony of uiiderHttiudlug and mutual good will, Tho communities that will slug together will lenrn to net together, iiml lu war time, more tluiii nny other, wo need thin tinluciitlon of our people. Mr. anil Mm. ICIchhorn hnvo unusuiil talent mid ability us "Community Slug" leaders. They lmvu been In thu work for years niuP stand ut tho top of their profcsHlou. THIS PAPER REPrtESErUED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING DY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIEt t V it "'fe SHEEP STEALING CHARGE PREFERRED Curl Crawford Arrntleri on Complaint of W. V. Ilroivii Hearing Tinliiy. (Fom Saturday's Dally.) Cnrl Crawford of StaufTer was nr rostcd yostordoy nftornoon by Sheriff Koborts and charged with stealing 13 head of sheep, on n complaint sworn to by W, W. Ilrown. Tho crime Is alleged to hnvo boon com mitted late last fall, Crawford is bclrvx held awaiting his preliminary hearing, which occurs this nftornoon. Highest cash prlco paid for all kinds of hides, pelts, wool, furs, at Urlggs Socond Hand Storo. 37tfc All kinds of hides, furs, pelts, wool bought at lirlggs' Second Hand Storo. LEGAL NOTICES OM7l.'t. NOTICK lOll IMIHMCATIO.V. Dopartmont of tho Interior, United States Land Office at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 21, ,018. Notice Is hereby given that Alva Kllpatrlck or llend, Oregon, who on April 2C, in 15. made Homestead En try No. $14743 for K (Bast Half) Section 31, Township 19, South, Itange 14, Bast Wlllamctto Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to mako flnol three-year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described bo foro H. C. Bills, United States com missioner, at llend, Oregon, on tho lOtOh day of July, 1918. Claimant nainos as witnesses: David C. Ilogcrs of Mllllcan, Ore Bon. Howard F. Dyer of Mllllcan, Oro Kon. William A. Golden of Mllllcan, Oregon. Jackson C. Cllngan of Mllllcan, Oregon. 14-lSc H. FItANK WOODCOCK, Itoglstcr. 057r. . NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tho Interior, United 8tote Land Offlco nt The Dalles, Oregon, Juno 3, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that Mary L. Rosin, assignee of Clifton M. Rosin, of llend, Oregon, who on Oc tober 23, 1911. mado Desert Land Bntry No. 09575 for Lots 1, 2. Sec. 4, T. 20, 8. It. 1C, B., and S4 8BU, Sec. 33, T. 19, S It. 16 K. Wlllam otto Meridian, has filed notlco of In tention to mako final desert land proof to establish claim to tho land above described boforo II. C. Bills, United States commissioner, nt Bond, Orogon, on tho 26th day of July, 1918. Claimant names at witnesses: Alwyn F. Leo of Rend, Oregon. John Holland of Mllllcan. Oregon. Loulso Fleming of llend, Oregon.' Arthur Fleming of llend Oregon. 14-lSp H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. I NOTirn. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Orogon, for Deschutes County. In tho Matter of the Application of Ous E. Stadlg, Goo. F. Cyrus and John W. Cotter, the board of di rectors of tho Squaw Creek Irri gation District, for a judicial ex amination nnd judgment of the court as to the regularity and le gality of the organization of said Squaw Creek Irrigation District, nnd tho regularity and legality of tho proceedings and acts of tho Hoard of Directors of said Squaw Creek Irrigation District, and of tho proceedings of tho Hoard of Directors of said Squaw Creek Irrigation District portnlnlng to tho election authorizing tho Issuo and salo of bonds, nnd of the regu larity nnd legality of said bond olectlou In tho sum of J125.000.00. To tho Squaw Croek Irrigation Dis trict and to all freeholders, legal voters nnd assessment payers within snld district, and ownors of title to land within said district, and to any person or porsons Inter ested lu tho proceedings of said district or In tho Issuo and salo of, bonds and any othor indebtedness ' incurred by said district, and to each of you: In tho Namo of tho Stato of Ore gon You and each of you aro horo-i by commanded and roqulrod to ap pear and answer tho petition of tho petitioners, tho Hoard of Directors of tho Squnw Creek Irrigation Dis trict, filed horoin against you. nud each of you, In tho abovo entitled court and causo on or boforo tho 11' tli day of July, 191S. In thu court room of tho abovo entltkd court lu Rend, Deschutes county. Oregon, nnd If you full so to appear and demur or answor, or othorwlso plead within said tlmo, said petitioners or plain tiffs will apply to tho court for tho rollof prayod for In tho petition on fllo horoin, to-wlt: For a docrco of this court to tho effect that tho said district is duly and legally organized undor and pur suant to tho laws of tho Statu of Orogon; that all oloctlons held in Bald district, both for tho formation and organization of tho district nud for tho issunuco of bonds, havo been hold In tho mannor provided by lnw and aro valid, and thnt tho acts and procoodings of tho Hoard of DIroctors in connection with said district huvo boon regularly and lognlly porformod nnd aro valid, nud that nil Indebted ness Incurred and nil warrants Issued and obligations ontored Into by said district nro lagal and binding upon Hald district, and that tho authoriza tion by said district of tho Issuauco of bonds In tho sum of $125,000.00 for tho purposo of acquiring control and ownorshlp of tho Squaw Crook Irrigation system, including all lands nnd wator rights nocossary to bo ac quired, in connection thorowlth Is in all things logal and regular, and for any othor and further rollof nn to tho court may soorn Just and cqult ablo In tho promises, (Seal.) J. II. HANRU, 13-lGc County Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon, II. If. DB AltMOND, Attorney for Petitioners, Dend, Oro, NOTICTJ TO CIIKDITOIW. In tho County Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutes County, In tho Mattor of tho Bstato of Mrs,. Ilortha Stowoll, Deceased. Notice In horoby glron that tho undersigned was on tho 8th .day of May, 1018, appointed administrator of tho cstato of tho aboro named do ceased by tho county Judgo of Do schutes county, Orogon. Thoroforo, all porsons holding claims against tho cstato of said de ceased nro hereby notified to present thu same duly verified according to law at tho office of II, H. DoArmond In tbo O'Kano building, llend, Oro gon, attorney for tho administrator, within six months from tho date of tho first publication horcof. Dato of first publication, May 1C, 1918. It. D. 8TOWBLL, Administrator of tho ostato of Mrs. Hcrtha Stowell, De ceased. 11-lGc OI 21 ( 01I77B NOTICK roil rUIIMCATXO.V. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, May 3, 1918. Notlco Is hereby given that Georgo 8. Koberts of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on February 2, 1914, made Home Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lnth, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring nnd nil kinds of Finish SASlOkND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suadud Size.. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMDER CO. HUFFSCHM1DT-DUGAN IRON WORKS Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Casting for Power Traniminion Machinery; Vood Pipe Fitting!, Grate Ban, Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND. OREGON. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES L A V Y E It First National Dank Building Bond :: :: Oregon H. H. DeARMOND L A VT Y E K O'Kano Building, Bond, Oregon II. O. ELLIS Attorney-at-Law United State Commissioner First National Bank nulldlng BEND, OREGON W. W. FAULKNER. D. M. D. DENTIST Sulto 0-8-10, O'Kano Building Bond, Oregon DR. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire of THOltSON, THE JEWELER Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL INSURANCE Fint National Bank Building 124 Oregon SUcrt Bend, Oregon Qoltimon JR- Pnllmo EXPERT Battery Repairing, OailZmail Ot MMinb Recharcinir and Electric Work AH Work Quarauteed. stead Entry 012490 nnd April 23, 1915, mado Additional Bntry No. 01477C, for SEVi, Soc. 8, NB, Sec. 17, Township 20 South, Ilango 15, Bast Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of intention to mako final throe-yoar proof to ostabllsh claim to tho land above described boforo II. C. Bills, United States commissioner, at liond, Orogon, on tho 25th day of Juno, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Vornon Clevongor of Mllllcan, Ore eon, I'otor II. Johnson of Mllllcan, Oro gon, Ivan L. Owen of Mllllcan, Oregon. Frank Spencer of Mllllcan, Oregon. ll-15p II. FItANK WOODCOCK, Register. oir,22 NOTICK FOR I'UIUifCATIOK. Department of tho Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Orogon. May 3, 1918. Notlco Is horoby given that Thomas W. Vanderort of Dend, Oregon, who, on March 13th, 1911, mado Home stead Bntry No. 01522, for W NB't Section 19, Township 20, South, Itango 11 Bast Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of inten tion to mako final flvo-year proof to establish claim to tho land above de scribed boforo H. C. Bills, -United States commissioner, at Bend, Ore gon, on tho 26th day of Juno, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: M. J. Main of Dend, Oregon. Peter Seggllng of PrlnovlIIo, Ore gon. Joseph Hoffman of Bond, Oregon. Ralph Caldwell of Dond, Oroson. 11-lCc II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. j. k. KNGKimirrso.v, 1'IiUMIllNG AND HEATING 117 Minnesota Street, Estimates Choorfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. Phono Black 1291 LEE A. THOMAS, A. A. IA. Architect 2-4 O'Kano Building BEND ... OREGON O. P. NI8WONOER, Bend, Ore. UNDEKTAKEIl Licensed Embaltuer, Funeral Director. Phono Red 421. Lady AsaL DR. R. D. STOWELL Naprapntlilc Physician Ovor Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to E Phono Red 483 THE UNITED WARE HOUSE COMPANY Blorat and FirwanUnr, Central Ca miuloa UtrthanU. W carrr Oil. CaaaUna, Boar, VUmr, Bait UcaU, llama, Baeaa ana Lard. Recharging and Electric Work Newport Avo. and West 0th St.