I'AOi: 6 11UND HUM.liTIX, lir.NI) OIUHJON, T1IU11HDAY, JUNK 0, IIMH RUNAWAY CAR I 9 One Way to Show Your Patriotism- CAU EOF DEATH May be you don't soe tbe connection be tween serving your eountry and buying clothes; there is one. It's the same thing as when you serve by observing meatless or wheatless days. You'll not help win the war by substituting poor quality for good, nor by buying in o r c h a n d I s o which Is choaponcd by adulteration, Just because It's low priced. You'll not help win un less you spond your mopor carefully; being nuro of what you got for it. 10 w prico and real ocono-my don't go to gether theso days. When you consider tho cost of wool and then look at so mo of the very low priced clothes, you have to Wonder what they can be made of. Tho best way to buy clothes Is to get all-wool fabrics, and tho o t h o r things you got when you buy such clothes as ours. i r . 14 ONE KILLED AND ONE INJURED. v N xi l - fc Truck ("ww of Tho Sliillii-lllvn ("omimny 1.onon Control of Con- t ruction Curt Near IaWK'hk Oinip. FOR THE MEN MR, MANi Wltnt arc you paying for your wearing apparel? Our Men's Department it overflowing with REAL VALUES. If you liavant nlreaily vm'ted tltli department come in and ice what you can ave on good, rcliuble merclmnJue. zm? Vv ivj A 1 n &-;. 'v Copyright Ilart Scbaffncr & Marx M. P. CASHMAN The home of Hart SchafTner A: Marx TWENTY-ONE TO GO FROM THIS COUNTY (From Saturday's Dally) Twenty-ono draftees aro to be called from Deschutes county to fill tbe Juno quota of tho call for 275, 000 isauitd by Provost Marshal Crowtfer. This word was received by Tho Bulletin this afternoon, and is much lower than the report issued by tho Oregonlan that 58 men were to be called. No official notification has yet been received by the local draft board. County Filings. Deschutes County Abstract com pany's report of Instruments filed for record in Deschutes county June 3, 19X8: W. M. Wilson to J. M. Roberts, warranty deed, $3,828. J. M. Iloborts to F. G. Atkinson, warranty deed, $1,000. Dora D. Park to Eugene C. Park, warranty deed, 1. State of Oregon to C. P. Becker, deed. Northwest Townslte company to Edward S. Sayres, warranty deed, $1. Northwest Townslte comapny to Frederick C. Youngblutt, warranty deed, 1. Northwest Townslte company to W. II. Sharp, warranty deed, $1. Northwest Townslte company to Wm. Ralph Downer, warranty deed, 11.00. Northwest Townslte company to Henry F. Linge, warranty deed, 11. Northwest Townslte company to Doyd II. Fuller, et a!., warranty deed, $1.00. Northwest Townslte company to Ann M. Klest, warranty deed, $1. Vnrtllfo, rPwi'naltn nnmnnNK A iw.uv Awi..a.v vuiu'Hli; fcw Thos. II. Sheridan, warranty deed, $1.00. Same to same, warranty deed, $1. KnllMK In Murines. Earl Miller or Sisters yesterday enlisted In tho Ma rino corps through the local recruit ing office under Sergeant Brooks, Ho loft last night for the Mara Island training station. Mr. Miller Is Just 21 years of age, and by his enlist ment yesterday escaped the registra tion required of men of his age which Is being held today. 3 v 3 -- i NOTICE! Second installment on Third Liberty Loan Bondswas due May 28th, 1018. Owners of $50.00 Bonds should pay 20$), or $10.00. Owners of $100.00 Bonds should pay 20, or $20.00. Payment should be in the Bank at once. The First National Bank BEND. OREGON (From Tuesday's Dully.) Mtko llatchlln Is dead nud Ous Fisher Is In tho St. Charles hospital with u compound fracture of tho leg na n result of an acctdont at Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company camp Inst night shortly after quitting tltno when two Hat cars loaded with trnck laying material crashed Into a log ging train. A crow of 20 mon under tho fore manshlp of John Ktttilson had bo en laying stool for n now logging road In tho timber about two miles from tho camp. When quitting ttmo cnuio tho men climbed onto tho Hat curs with their tools and started tor camp. which was several hundred foot lower than tho point at which operations woro being conducted, nud depended on tho grade to carry them down without motlvo power. Shortly after starting, tho brakes on tho front car broko, and tho cars commenced gaining momentum. Seeing tho dan gor they woro In, Klttllson gave the order to jump, and all of tho mon complied, with tho exception of llatchlln and Fisher. Those mon re mained on tho cars, Fisher staying until they wcro about n mile from where tho first mon Jumped, when he, too, took n chanco and sprang on Into tho timber besldo tho track, llatchlln, who seemed unablo to com prehend his danger, remained until tho runaway cars struck tho logging train near tho camp and was Instant ly killed. Other membora of tho crew fol lowed tho cars as fast as posslblo and picked Fisher up from besldo tho track, whoro ho was lying"" uncon scious. A carrier was Improvised by tho mon and ho was taken to camp. A few minutes later tho othor men arrived with tho body of llatchlln, and tho dead man and tho Injured were brought to Uend, whoro Fisher was taken to tho St. Charles hos pital. Members of the crow this morning stated that It had been tho custom of the men working on tho track-laying gang to rldo tho flat cars to camp each evening, Instead of walking, and also to get tho needed material for the following day. No one antici pated an accident and ono would not havo happened had tho brake on tho first car remained Intact. When tho main part of tho crew Jumped off at tho foreman's orders tho cars were not moving over flvo mllos per hour. Datchlln was an Italian by birth, and all of his relatives, with the excep tion of two sons, who arc also work ing in tho woods, Ilvo In Italy. It Is not known whether his wife Is living or not. Men's Work Sox H)fi oil! !(-! no Min's DrosM Sox Ill )& c inU.1r-1 Hod and llluo 'Handkerchiefs t !.'' White llnndkerehlors ne-ltif-il.tu Khaki Pants lHr-!i'.ll Work Pants $l.ll.ijM.!M Wink Shirts ... IOi-llt-lHi-.l,ll Dross Shirts II-IH--ISH . Il llluo Bargo Hulls fjUiMIIMHI l,7n.Hlil.niM?'J 1.7.1 Staple and Novelty Milts tftUMl lit (U7.no Union Label Hulls illl.7n-l.7n.iS7.ni WORK SHOES for wear, $2.98, $3.90, $4.98, $5.90 YOU CAN DO BETTER AT J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc. WE LEAD Others Follow. 197 BUSY STORES POTATO CROP HAS UPS AND DOWNS (From Tuesday's Dally.) O. A. C. BXPKMMBNT STATION, Corvallls, Juno 4. A sorles of ups and downs Is obsorved In the prog ress of the potato Industry of tho county by Prof. O. It. Ilyslop, bond of farm crops of the Oregon experi ment station. "Usually a large yield Ih associat ed with low prices, followed by smaller plantings ronultlng In smaller crops and higher price," ho says. "This encourages tho growers to take another plunge in putntoos, and tho oxcohs plantings ospoclally lu good years produce an onormoiu ovur bupply and accompanying low prlcos, '"Tho yeur 191C wnd a Npleudld potato year In Orogon, but not In tho states oast of tho Hocky mountains. Our largo surplus from rather a largo acreago was dlupnsod of at rather high prlcos. In 1017 many people, stimulated by tho high prlcos pro cured for tho preceding yoar's crop, spent consldornhlo sums of money to buy high priced seod and grow po tatoes, although this station advlsod beans and corn instead. This hap pened all over tho United States, CHICHESTER S P!US DIAMOND o ORAND Jf(sv5 -. 0r?flPd W " o 00' LADIES! -r Aik;r Umirftt.t for CIII-ClIKS-THRB UlilUUflU UKANU i; Cold metallic boxes. Bib ton. Takb mo otsiek. II.M.l.t and uk tar CHI ItlAMONI' IlItANIl ril.LS, for tweotr-flra yeart regarded a liett.Halot, Alwayi Sellable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ii,i, in nil i) aoaA icaled with Illue .CUKH.Tf.US V with the result of an abnormally low prtco and difficulty In marketing. "This yiHtr according to precedent will bo n year of small planting In Oregon. Travels nud observations lu many sections Indicate that the planting wHI bo small. There Is still tlmo to plant some of tho seed po tatoes that aro loft and to mako tho planting cheaply because seed can be easily secured. Tho Oregon Agricul tural collngo recommends liberal plantings for litis. They may bo planted up to July 1st, and oven Intor It tho Juno rainfall Is good. Pota toes on lower Columbia overflow lauds havo been successful uven when planted after August 1. Something to sell? Advertlso In Tho Ilullotln's classified column. 0II7..'i. NOTIl'i: I'Olt PL'III.H'ATIO.V. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 21, ,918. Notlco Is horohy given that Alva Kllpntrlck of Uond. Oregon, who on April 26. 10 1G, made Homoetoad Kn try No. $14743 for KH (Knst Half) Section 31, Township ID. South, Itango 14, Kast Willamette Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final throe-year proof to establish claim to ttie land abovo described bo foro II. C. Bills, United States com missioner, at Ilond, Oregon, on tho lOtOh day of July, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: David C. Hogors of Milllcau, Ore gon. Howard F. Dyer of .Mllllcnn, Oro Ron. William A. Golden of Mllllcnn, Orogon. Jackson C. Cllngan of Mllllcan, Oregon. 14-1 8c II. FKANK WOODCOCK. Ilcglstor. OD.17.1. NOTIt'i: FOIt PUBLICATION. Dopartmont of tho Interior. United States Land Offlco at Tho .Dalles, Orogon, Juno 3, 1918, Notlco Is horoby given that Mary L. Itosln. assignee of Clifton M. Ilosln, of Mend, Oregon, who on Oc tober 23, 11)11. made Desert Laud Kntry No. 09K7G for Lots I, 2, See. 4. T. 20, H. It 10, :., and H,4 BKU, Hoc. 33, T. 19, S., It. HI 10 Wlllum etto Meridian, has filed uotlro of in tention to mako final desert land proof to estnhllsh claim to t It t) laud nbovn descrlbod before II. C. Kills, United States coiumlsslnuor, itt Iteuit, Oregon, on tho 2Uth day of July, 1918. Claimant names at witnesses: Alwyu F. Leu of Houd, Oregon. John Holland of Mllllrnn, Oregon. Louise Fleming of lloud, Oregon. Arthur Fleming of lloud Oregon. 14-lBp II. FUANIC WOODCOCK. Register Classified Advertisements Mm kali:. FOIt BALK Clli:AP--()no hay horse, true nud geuOe, seven years old, wnK'ht about I 400 pounds. In quire at Auno'n feed barn. 23-Hp FOIt BALK Two fresh cows. Dur ham type, six and seven years old. D. W. Deltorlrh, four miles west of Tumalo on I, K. Wlmer plnce. 28-14-lSp FOIt SALK Team, wagon nnd har ness, cheap. . W. Wltto. Call at Krlcksou's store. 291 4p FOIl BALK Calves nnd llelUn hares. Wrlto Ilox 4 03, Ilond, Oro. 78-13-Hp FOIt BALK 3 good milch cows, 6 head of steers, 3 head holfors, 1 Kconomy cream separator, 4G0lb. capacity, $30. O. D. Norton, Mllll can. 02-12-Hc FOIt BALK -14 head of cattlo and ono work team. II A. Oosney, Union barber shop. Phono 2171. 19-lltfc FOIt BALK Mako offor for lot 10, blk. 22. Park addition. Ilond: M, to bo rnnh, hat. 2 years at (i'r. 11, llrummnll, rant Helena Hotel, () lieu, Utah. 0.1-1 0-1 (ip FOIt BALK Fifteen head or good Jersey cows. Homo fresh now, balance fresh In fall. Association tested. Van Morse, Kedmoiid, Ore. 34-7.1 Dp FOIt BALK Why lioiunstonil when you ran buy a deeded ranch on the Tumalo project, 100 acres, for $fi tier ncroT House 11 ml barn; rood outside range. Address Lock Ilox 2. Tumalo, Ore. 92-Ctfo FOIl BALK - 100 acres 011 tho river. 2fi mllos miiitli of II'MmI. Well located for stock or tlnlry. L. Corhln, It. 4. Oregon City. , . Jt-R-lP WANTKD. WANTKD-Hmall second-hand sep arator, lu good condition. Addross itt llulletlu. 21-14-ir.p WANTKD llaneh work hy nil round reliable murrlod man, ago 33, Amerlcnu, understands stock of nil kinds. Thos Doyls, It. F. I)., No. 3, Ilox 26, llelllughum, Wash. 25-1 4p I.OHT AND FOUND. TAKKN UP -3 old sheep nud 3 lambs; painted brand T on back. J. O. I lagan, te, ((,ck mill. Ilniid. Phono I8F2. ID-Up KSTItAV NOTICK4 yearling calves branded 2 B with bar underneath. Notify II. A. Oosney, Union harbor shop. Phono 2171. 83.1 3-1 Go FIIANK PKHCIVAI.L 'm Mllllcan, Orrgon. adv.SOp A 6" Itlght side; right ear crop ped; wattlo rlicht hind leg. II. I TONK, HUutn, Orn. adv.lOOo P. II. JOIINKON, Mllllrnn, Oregon. Refrigerators Warm wcatlier has conic at last. Don't allow food that is expensive and scarce to spoil, for u good refrigerator will save its first cost in one season. Consider, too, how much more appetizing are summer foods when served cool and fresh. A small family size refrigerator, built of Eastern ash, all white enameled interior, with two removable shelves can be had for Jiuw muuii iiiuii; $19.50 1 i;uui mill 1 1 can. $19.50 Suit Cases and Bags A stock of medium priced Hags and Suit Cases is now being unpacked. These are not the expensive kind but come in a variety of styles and are priced from $1.95 to $12.50 Hoosier Kitchen Cabinets The Hoosier was designed by experts in domestic science. Every one of the many features embodied in this cabinet is a practical time and labor saver. Why not make yours a modern kitchen by installing a Hoosier. Terms as low as $1.00 Per Week HOOSIER CABINETS BEND FURNITURE CO. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD RANGES J& EVERYWHERE S3SSS ' '4