The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 06, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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"Over the Top"
By An American Soldier
Who Went
Machlnt Gtmntr Sitvlng In I'tanc
(Uuijrillit,lJI7br AltnirUuf Muilwj)
On Hli Own.
Of cnunm Tommy eiinnot iilwiiyM ho
producing plnys under lint lint mIiIIo
In rest Mlli'tN lnt Iiiih nuiucroiiH other
vii)H or niniiNlni; himself. Hit In a
Krcnl Kninhler, lull never piny for
InrKtt smites, (lenernlly, In cneh ciiiii
puny, yon will find n rejrulnr ('iinllohl.
TIiIm innti hnulis ni'iirly till llui piincs
of ehnnro mill In iiii tunllNptitnl uutlior
lly on the rules of kiiiiiIiIIiik. When
ever llit'ri! In iiii iirKimii'iil iiiiiouk tint
TominlPN nliinit Hiiiint iiurerlulii point
iin to whether llotixliton In ciillth'd to
Wnthlus' sixpence, tint mutter In luhcii
In the rtM-iik'nlxi'il iititliurlly uinl IiIm do
clftlon In filial.
Tint two limit popular kiiiiii'H nro
"Crown nnil Anchor" mill "House."
Tin' piirnpheruiillit tiHed In "Crown
nml Author" consists of a piece of eim
viin l wo fuel hy ihrcii feet. TIiIn Ik
divided Into hlx ctpuil wpnircs. In tlnNit
wi'inre arc painted u chili, itliimonil,
licitrt, spnde, crown, ami an anchor,
mm device to a iipiiire. There nro
three illce lined, enrh illcit marked tlni
mime iin I lie enliven, The hunker ct
up liU Kiimhllm.' mitllt In tint corner nl
n Mllet nml MnrtM hiillylnmliiK until n
vrmvil of TommlcN pithem nrounil;
then the pinie MtartH.
The TommleN place Ih-Ih on the
inure, the crown or anchor helm;
plnycil the mont. The hunker then
rnllN IiIn three illce nml colleetN or pnyN
out iin the mint may he. If you play
the crown nml our nhutri up on the
dice, yon eel even money, If two kIiow
up. you receive two tonne, nml If three,
three to one. If the crown tine not ap
pear anil ou have del on It, you lone,
mil no on, Tho pcrccuttiKo for the
haulier In hinto If every wjiuirit l
(ilaycd, hut If the crowd In partial to,
ny two wiuarcif, he Iiiin to (runt to
luclr. The hnnhcr Kciierally win.
The name of "JIoiino" In very popular
alo. It takcN two men to run It. TIiIn
nine coiikImn of numeroiiN mitutrc of
cnrilhoanl coutalntm; three town of
nuniherx. the niitnherN to a row. The
numherN run from one to ninety. Kuril
cnnl hat a illlTercut comhluatlon.
The I'renrh "cMiimlnitN" In the vll
Iiikcn are open from eleven In the morn
ItiK until one In the afternoon In ac
cordance with army order.
After dinner the Tmnmtc conurc
Kate at thcuo tilaccN to drink French
lieer at a jieiiny a glua ami play
t -"A MKin n tho catmnlnet In nulll
oentljr crowded the proprietor of the
Hoinio" pimn Ret huy ami, n they
term It, "form a kcIiooI." TIiIn coihiInin
of Klns around nml Helling cnriU at
n franc enrh. If they have ten In the
Nfhonl, the hnckcm of tho gotno de
duct two friinc for their trouble and
tho winner get eight frnucN.
Then the gnino Mart. Knch huyer
plncc IiIn card hefore him on tho In
hlc, II rut hrvuking up mntchc tutu tlf
tern piece.
One of the hark em of the game hn
n aiunll cloth hug In which are ninety
enrdhonrd quitrc, each with it nutn
her printed thereon, from one to nine
ty. Ho mpK on the tnhlo and eric
out: "KycN down, my lucky hid."
All iioIho ccaiH-H and every otiu In at
(cut Ion.
The croupier plucca liln hand In the
Img and driiWH forth u uuiuhcred
N(Uiiro ami Immediately ciiIIn out tho
iiumher. The iiiiiu who owiih the curd
with that particular iiumher on It,
covitn the miunni with a match. The
one whii cover the llfteen nuinhorx on
IiIn eard llntt hIiiiiiIh "Houxe," The
other hacker Immcdhitcly coiiicn over
to htm nml vcrlllcN the card hy calling
out the iiumlierH I hereon to the limn
with the Iiiik Ah each number Ih
called he pIckH It out of the oiicn
picked from the hug uud nyn, "Right."
If the count IN right he hIioiKh, "MoiiHe
correct, pay (he lucky gentleman, nml
m'll him u card for the next pcliool,"
The "lucky p'ntlciiiiin" ueneially liuyN
one uiiltNri he Iiiih a mixer trace In
IiIn clnn.
T.'ieu another collectlnu Ih made, a
hcIiooI formed, and thoy curry on with
the Kiiuie.
The caller-out him many iilchiiniueH
for the uiimherH mich iim "Kt'lly'a Uye"
for one, "'h Kloveit" for eleven,
"Clkketj -click" for lxly-Mx, or "Top
of the house" meaning ninety.
The (,'uiue Ih houuHt ami ipilto en
joynhle. HomellmuH you have fourteen
iiumlierH on your card covered ami
you are waltlnc for the lfteeulh to he
called. In mi ImplorliiK voice you call
out, "t'omo on, YViitkhui, chum, I'm
HWentliiK on 'Kelly'H Uye.'"
WatkliiH Kciierally rcplltt-H, "Well,
keep out of a draft, you'll cutcli cold."
Another pimu la "I'oiitoou," phiyed
with ciiiiIh; It Ih tho hiiiiiu hh our
"Illuck Jack," or "Twenty-one."
A card k'iiiio called "llia" Ih iiIho
popular. UhIiik ii ciinIiio deck, the
r denier 'Icii'.h each player three cariln.
, ' It lu Nlinilar to our poker, except for
tho fact that you only use three clirdH
uud cannot driiw. The deck Ih never
uliullted until a mini hIiowh three of a
kind or a "pillu" aa It lu called. Tho
value of thu lunula are, high card, u
pair, a run, a lliiHtf or three of u kind
or "prlle," Tho limit Ih k'cucrully n
penny, no It Ih hard to win a fortune.
The next In popularity Ih a card
Rhiuu called "Nap." It Ih well iiiiiued,
Kvery time I "Inycd It yi to nlee.
Wli'.m ami nolo whlHt urn played hy
the hlKhhrnwH of Ihu compauy,
When Ihu winibleni tire of all other
Kniiioh they try "Hanker uml Ilrokur."
I npent u week trylnu to teach Home
of the TommlcH how to play poker, hut
hecaiiNii I won Ihlrly-llve fraticN Ihey
declared that they didn't "fuwney" the
Tommy playn few card KitmeN; the
Keiiernl run never heard of poker, eu
chre, hovcii tip, or pinochle. They have
a MMimt Nlmllar to pinochle called
"Itoyal lle.hiie," hut few know how to
play II.
Oenerally there ant two deckN of
canlN In a Hcctlon, uml lu a Hhort time
they nro no dogeared and Krensy, you
can hardly tell the ace of HpadeH from
the ace of heartN, The ownerN of theHe
d'eckii flometlmcN lonileHceiid to lend
them after much coiixIiik.
Ko you hcc, Mr. Alklim Iiiin IiIn fun
mixed lu with IiIh hardship ami, con
trary to popular belief, the rank ami
file of the llrltlxh nriny lu the t rendu'
Ih one IiIk happy family, Now lu Vir
ginia, at school, I wiin fed on old Mc
(luffy'N prliimry reader, which khvii me
mi opinion of mi Knllshniau about
eiUiil to a 'TO Minute Miiii'h hacked up
hy a Hlnn Kelucr'N. Itut I found Tom
my to ho the best of iimteN ami a Keif
tlemaii through and thriiiiKh. lie never
; thlnliN of knocMiii; his olllcerN. If one
mukcH a costly mistake and Tommy
pnyN wllh his blood, there In no Keii
ernl condemnation of the olllcer. lie
In Just pitied. It In exactly the same
iin It wiin with tint I.IkIiI Mrluade at
llalaclava, to say nothing of Calllpoll,
Neuve Chapolle and l.oos. I'erNoually
I remember u little Incident where
twenty of iin wire Kent on a trench
raid, only two of iin returning, hut I
will tell thin story later on.
I said It wiin a big happy family, am)
so It In, hut as lu nil Imppy families,
there are servants, no lu the ltrltlsh
army there are also xervatitN, olllcerN'
MvrvNiitM, or "O. S." uh Ihey nro termed.
In the American army tint eoniiiion
name for them In "dog robbers," Krom
a conl roveiy In the Kngllsh papem,
Winston Churchill umde the Mute
incut, hn far as I can remember, that
the olllcerN' serwiulH In the ltrltlsh
forces totaled nearly two hundred
th.iUNiiml. lie claimed that this re
moved two hundred thousand excep
tionally imod ami well-tnilned IlKhlers
from the actual tiring Hue, claiming
that the oil leers, when Neleclliig u man
for sen tint's duty, fceiierully picked the
man who had been out the longest and
l.tiew the ropes.
Hut from my observation I find that
a large percentage of the servants do
go over the top. hut behind the Much
they very seldom engage In digging
parties, fatigues, parudcN or drills.
TIiIn work U as necessary iin actually
engaging lu an attack, therefore I think
It would be wife to say that the all
round work of the two hundred thou
sand In about eual to llfty thousand
men wUo nro on, dtrnluht military du
ties. In iiumcrotu Instances, olllceni'
rervntitN hold tho mnk of laiico-corpo-rah
and they assume tho Name duties
nml authority of a butler, tho one
stripe giving him precedence over tho
other servants.
There are luta of amusing Htorlcs
told of "O. 8."
One day one of our majors, went Into
tho Hcrvnnts' billet uud commenced
"blinding" at them, sajlng that his
horse had no straw uud that he per
sonally knew that ntnnv had been In
sued for this purpose. He called tho
lancc-corHrnl to account. The cor
poral answered, "lllluio me, sir, tho
straw wiin Issued, hut thvro wasn't
enough left over from the servautH'
beds; In fnct, wo had to use hoiiio of
tho 'ay to VI p out, lr."
It Ih needless to say that tho serv
ants dispensed with their voft boils
that particular night.
Nevertheless It Is not the fault of
the Individual olllcer, It Ih Just the sur
vival of a ipialut old ICngllsh custom.
You know an Kngllsliiimn cannot ho
changed In u day.
Hut tho average Kngllsli olllcer In ii
good sport. He will sit on u tire step
uud listen respectfully to Private
Joui'h' theory of the way tho wur
Hhoiild he conducted. . This war Is
gradually crumbling tho ouco Insur
mountable wall of caste.
Von would he convinced of this If
you could see King (leorgo go among
Ida men on an Inspecting tour under
lire, or pause before a lit t lo wooden
cross In hoiiio i-hell-tonsed Held with
tearn lu IiIh c.vch iin he reads the In
Kcrlptlnn. Ami a little later perhaps
bend over u wounded iiinn on a stretch
er, patting him on the head.
More than once In a hospital I have
Heeit a titled Hod Cross nurse fetching
uml carrying for u wounded soldier,
perhaps tho one who In civil life de
livered tho coal at her hack door, To
day she does not shrink from lighting
Ida fan or oven washing hla grimy
Tommy ndinlroH Albert of Helglum ho
cause ho Is not u pusher of men; he
leads them. With htm It's not u caso
of "take that trench," It la "coino on
mid wo will take It."
It Is amusing to notice the different
characteristics of tho Irish, .Scotch uml
Kngllsh HiildlerH. The Irish ami Scotch
aro very Impetuous, especially when It
comes to bayonet lighting, while tho
Kngllshman, though a trlllo Blower,
thoroughly does his hit; ho Is more
methodical and has tho grip of a hull
dog on a captured position, lio Is
Blower to think ; that la thu reiiFon why
lio never knows when ho Ih licked.
Twenty minutes hefore going ovor
tho top tho Knglluh Tommy will Bit on
tho llro step and thoroughly examine
tho mechanism of his tillo to see that It
la In working order and will llro prop
erl.v. After thla examination ho la But
.lalkd uud tcutly Ui umil thj Doejics
Hut the Irishman or Hcolchinnn Kit
on tint lire step, his rlllo with bayonet
fixed between IiIh knees, tho butt of
which perhaps In sinking Into the mud
the holt couldn't he opened with n
leiim of horses It Ih ho rusty hut lot
spits on his sleeve ami slowly polishes
his bayonet; when (his In done ho also
Ih ready to argue with Krltz.
It Is not necesKiiry to mention Hie
colonials (tho Canadians, Australians
and New .ealnndeis), the whole world
knows what they have done for Kng
hind. The Australian and New Zcalandcr
In termed the "," taking the
name from the first letters of their of
llilal designation, Australian and New
Zealand army corps.
Tommy divides the (Jerman nrmy
Into three classes iiecordliig to their
lighting abilities, They rank as fol
lows : Prussians, Havarlnns uud .Sax
ons, When up against a Prussian regi
ment It Is ii case of keep your impper
below the para nit ami duck. A bung
bang all the time ami u war Is on. The
Havarlans are little better, hut the
Kiixoiin tire fairly good sports ami are
willing occasionally to behave iin gen
tlemen ami take It easy, hut you can
not trust any of them ovcr.oug.
At one point of the line the trenches
were about thirty-two yards apart.
This sounds horilhle, hut lu fact It was
easy, because neither side could shell
the enemy's front-line trench for fear
shells would drop Into their own. This
eliminated artillery lire.
In, tliesij trenclu'ij when mjj enlnst
the Prussians ami Huvarlaiis, Tommy
had a hot time of It, hut when the Kiix
oiin "took over" It was u picnic; they
would yell across that they were .Sax
ons and would not lire. Iloth sides
would stt on the parapet ami curry on
a conversation This generally consist
ed of Tommy telling them how much
he loved the kaiser, while the Saxons
Informed Tommy that King (Seorge
was a particular friend of theirs and
hoped that he was doing nicely.
When the Kaxoim were to he relieved
hy Prussians or Havarlans, they would
yell this Information across No Man's
IjiiiiI ami Tommy would Immediately
tumble Into his trench uud keep his
head down.
If an Imgllsh regiment was to he re
lieved hy the wild Irish, Tommy would
tell the Saxons, ami Immediately a vol
ley of "Donner uml Hlilxens" could
ho hetird and It was Prim's turn to get
a crick In IiIh hack from stooping, and
the people lu Herliu would close their
Usually when an Irishman takes over
a trench. Just hefore "stand down" In
tho morning, he stlcku his rltle over
tho top. aimed lu the direction of Her
lln, and engages lu what Is known n
the "mad minute." This consists of
firing llfteen shots In a minute. He
la not alining at anything In particular
Just sends over euch ihot with a
prayer, hoping that nn of his strays
will get some ismr unsuspecting Prltx
In the nnpper hundred of yard be
hind the lines. It generally docs; that's
tho mison tho Heches hate tho man
from ICrln's Isle.
The Kaxnns, though better than tho
Prussians and Havarlans, have u nasty
trait of treachery In their makeup.
At ono point of the lino where tho
trenches ere very close, a stnko was
driven Into the ground mldwny be
tween tho hostile Hues. At night when
It was his turn, Tommy would crawl
to this itako and attach some London
papers to It, while at the foot ho would
place tins of bully beet, fags, sweets,
and other delicacies that ho had re
ceived from Hllghty In tho ever looked
for parcel. Later on Frits would come
out and get these luxuries.
Tho next night Tommy would go out
to see what Prlti put Into his stocking.
Tho donation KPtiernlly consisted of n
paper from Herlln, telling who was
winning the war, some tinned sausages,
cigars, nml occasionally a llttlo beer,
hut n funny thing, Tommy never re
turned with the lu-vr unless It was In
side of him. Ills platoon got a whiff of
his hrenth oiu night and tho offending
Tommy lost his Job,
Ono night n T' ."B English ttergennt
crawled to the stake uud as he tried to
detach the (icrimiu paper n bomb ex
ploded nml mangled him horribly. Fritz
had set u trap uml gained another ,1c
tlm which was only one more black
mark against him In the hook of this
war. From that time on diplomatic re
lations were Hovered.
Hcturntng to Tommy,- I think his
spirit Is best shown lu the questions ho
asks. It Is never "who Is fjolng to win"
hut nlwnys "how long will It hikot"
(To Ho Continued.)
Wo buy all kinds of hides, pelts,
furs, wool, Hrlgurs' Second llund
Storo. 37tjc
Neglected constipation amy cause
pllos, ulceration of tho bowels, ap
pendicitis, norvous prostration, par
alysis. Don't delay treatment, llest
roinedy Is Foley Cathnrtlo Tnhlsta.
Do tholr work surely, easily, gontly,
without Injury to stomach or Intous
tlnul llnliw. Contain no huult-form-lug
dnis. Flno for fat folks. Sold
0. D. 0. CLUB
ui.ainvirw. Juno 3. A lnrco
nthorlnK of lndlea attomloil tho
rogulnr moc-tlng of tlio u. u. o, otuu
hold with Mrs. J. A. W. rJcoggln
'IMiiii-niliw nflnrnonn. MllV HO. TWO
(lullts for Mrs. Scogglu woro tied lu
n Bliort tuno anil auor a uvoiy nuai-
noss niootlUB tlio lauios onjoyen n
light lunoh aorvod hy tho hostoss.
Mm Unniniii win mnilo chairman of
tv comiulWoo to direct tho efforts of,
tho ladles townnl nmkliiK n club ijullt
uud as many as possibly can nr
nskod to donate a block for tho ipillt.
At this meeting knitting mnturlnlH
for Ivo pairs of socks and ono
Hwoater for thn Hod Cross was dis
tributed A larger quota will he
knitting In 'ho near future. Ono new
member, Mls-i Constanco Knicker
bocker, was received Into thu elub.
Mrs, M. W. Knickerbocker spent
thn first part of tho week In Horn!
nttoiiiPng tlio graduating exercises of
tho flfticl high school. Hor daughter,
Miss Itnchuel Is u member of the
graduating class.
F, W. Levercnz returned from The
UnlloN Tuesday, hut was callod hack
with his family and Mrs. Alex. Lv
orenz Wednesday to attend the fun
oral of his sister, Mrs. Lucy Weaver.
Max, the only child of tho Into Mrs.
Weaver, earno to mako his homo with
the F. W. Leverenz family.
Mrs. John Htahlle was 111 several
days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Ward and
Grace Itlggs of Hedmoud spent the
week-end at the Chalfau ranch.
C. F Chalfau and party and A. K.
Hobs and family enjoyed a fine fish
ing trip to tho Motolfus rlv(,r Hunilay.
Kuough Mali were caught to make a
good fry.
Paul Armstrong Kcoggln war
quietly mnrrlnd to Miss Doris Hkoel
of Portland last Ksturday evening,
June 1. In Head t the home of the
groom's sister. Mrs. Louis Hennett.
II. T. Hartley ami family attended
tho h'-r circus In liend last Saturday.
A. W. Armstrong; nml family, Paul
ficoggtii, JHines Piilllam, Mr. and
Mrs. M. W. Knickerbocker and Miss
Constance, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. .Scog
glu and Mr. nnd Mrs. II. T. Tart ley
matin a large representation from
Plulnvlew at tho Hod Cross dance
In Tumalo last Friday evening.
Kmmutt Knickerbocker spent last
woek In llund with his sister, Miss
Mr and Mrs. J. A. W. Seoggln
spent last Saturday In Hund, return
ing to their home Sunday morning
with Louis Hennett.
A. W. Armstrong and family nnd
Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Seoggln found
splendid fishing on Buttle lake Bun
day. A hit; catch of fine, largo trout
was made.
Regular preaching services will ho
held at the school house next Sun
day afternoon, June 9, at 3 o'clock.
Ilev. McVlcker Is the pastor In
Notice Is hereby given that tho
City of Hand has taken up the fol
lowing described live stock, to-wlt:
One red and white cow, dehorned,
brands, buy H right side. JAN con
nected left Bhouldor, both cars
cropped and split In left; ono red
heifer about ono year old, earmarks
same as cow, brands It any unde
cipherable, Tho cost of redeeming
said live stock will ho fl.00 per day
In addition to tho actual cxpensa of
keeping and the cost of advertising
and nil other necessary expenses. In
caso ot falluro to redeem on part of
owner, said live stock will bo sold
ns provided by tho charter of tho
City of Hcnd on tho 3rd day of Juno
at 3 p. m. at tho city pound.
Chief of Police and cx-Offlcio
In tho Circuit Court ot tho Stato of
Oregon, for Doschutos County.
In tho Matter of tho Application ot
Cus 10. Stadlg, Geo. F. Cyrus and
John W. Cotter, tho board ot ill
rectors, of tho Squaw Crook Irri
gation District, for a judicial ex
amination and Judgment ot tho
court as to tho regularity nnd le
gality of tho organization ot said
Squaw Creek Irrigation District,
nnd tho regularity and legality or
tho proceedings and acts ot the
Hoard ot Directors of said Squaw
Crook Irrigation District, and of
tho proceedings ot tho Hoard of
Directors of said Squaw Crook
Irrigation District pertaining to
tho election authorizing tho issue
nnd salo ot bonds, and ot tho regu
larity and legality ot said bond
election In tho sum ot 1125,000.00.
To tho Squaw Croek Irrigation Dis
trict and to nil freeholders, legal
voters nnd assessment payors
within said district, and owners
of title to laud w'.thlu said district,
uud to any person or persons inter
ested lu the proceedings of said
dUtrlct or lu the Issue and sale of
bonds and any other Indebtedness
Incurred by said district, ami to
each of you:
In the XuniB of the State of Ore-i
Ron: You and each ot yon nro here-1
by commanded nnd required to ap
pear nnd answer the petition ot the
petitioners, the Hoard of Directors
of the Squaw Creek Irrigation Dis
trict, filed herein against you, and
each ot you. lu the above entitled
court nnd cause on or beforo the
13th day of July. 1018, In the court
room of the above entitled court In
Henrt, Doschutos county, Oregon, and
If you fall so to appear and demur
or answer, or otlicrwtso pionit witntn
said tlttio, said potltlouors or plain
tiffs will npply to tho oourt for tho
rellof prnyod for In tho petlttou on
lllo heroin, to-wlt:
For n decree of this court to tho
effect that tho said district Is duly
and legally organized under and pur
suant to tho laws ot tho State ot
Oregon; that all elections held In
said district, both for tho formation
and organization of tlio district nnd
for tho Issunuco ot bonds, have been
hold In tho niannor provided hy law
and nro valid, and that tho acts nnd
procoodlniis of tho Hoard of Directors
In connection with said district have
boon rogularly nnd legally porformod
and nro valid, and that all Indebted
ness Incurred nnd nil warrants Issued
and obligations outorcd into hy said
district nro legal nml binding upon
said district, and that tho authoriza
tion by said district ot tho Issunuco
ot bonds in tho sum ot $125,000.00
for tho purposo of acquiring control
and ownorshlp of tho Squaw Crook
Irrigation system, Including all lands
and water rights nocossary to bo uc
qulrod In connection tliorowlth Ih lu
all things legal and regular, and for
nny other nnd further relief ns to
tho court may soom Just nnd eqult
ablo In tho promises.
(Seal,) J. II. HANKIl,
13-lfic County Clerk of Deschutes
County, Oregon,
Attorney for Petitioners,
Ilond, Oro.
Ill tho County Court of thn Stato of
Oregon, for Deschutes County,
In the Matter ot tho Kstato of Mrs.
Hertha Ktowell, Deceased,
Notlco Is hereby glvon that tho
undersigned was on tho 8th day of
May, 1918, appointed administrator
of tho estato of tho abovo named do
conned by tho county Judgo of Do
schutes county, Oregon.
Therefore, all persons holding
claims against tho estato of said de
feased aro hereby notified to present
tho same duly verified according to
law at tho office of H. H. DoArmond
In tho O'Kano building, IJe.nd, Ore
gon, attorney for tho administrator.
within six months from tho date of'
tho first publication hereof. '
Data of first publication, Mny 1C,
1918. i
Administrator of tho estate of
Mrs. Hertha Stowell, Do-;
ceasod. 11-lfJc
(III 77.
Department of the Interior, United
States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles,
Orogon, May 3, 1918.
Notice Is hereby given that George
S. Itoberts of Mllllcnn, Oregon, who,
on February 2, 1914. made Homo-
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Lumber, Lnth, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring nnd all kinds f Finish
COMPLETE STOCK of Sundird Size.
Local Sales Agent, MILLKR LUMBER CO.
Manufacturers of Iron, Bronze and Semi-Steel Castings for
Power Transmission Machinery; Wo oil Pipe Fittings. Grate
Bars. Agricultural. Mining and Saw Mill Machinery. Ornament
al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH
Business and Professional Cards
First National Bank Building
Band :: :: Oregon
O'Kano Building, Bond, Oregon
II. C. h L I 3
United Stntca Commissioner
First National Hank Building
Suite G-S-10, O'Knno Building
Hend, ... Oregon
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Dates,
or inquire ot
Eastes-Anderscm Farm Land Co.
Irrigated Farm Lands n Specialty
Firtt National Bank Building 24 Oregon Street Bend, Oregon
ltoman & f aHiiiq EXPERT Battery Repairing,
OailZman tOllinS Recharging and Electric Work
All Work Guaranteed.
stoad Kntry 012400 nnd April 23,
1015, mndo Additional Kntry No.
01477C, for BBH, Sec. 8, NB, 8oc.
17, Township 20 South, Ilnnga IS,
Knst Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to mako final
thrne-yoar proof to establish claim to
tho land abovo described beforo II. C.
Kills, United States commissioner, at
Ilond, Oregon, on tho 25th day of
Juno, 1918,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Vernon Clovongor of Mllllcnn, Ore
gon. Peter U. Johnson of Mllllcnn, Ore
gon. Ivan h. Ow?n of Mllllcan, Oregon
Frank Sponcor of Mllllcan, Oregon.
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Offlco at Tho Hallos,
Oregon, May 3, 1918.
Notlco Is hereby glvon that Thomas
W. Vandevort of Rend, Orogon, who,
on March 13th, 1911, made Itomo
ntoad Kntry No. 01522, for W4
NKV, Section 19, Township 20,
South, Hango 11 East Wlllamotto
Meridian, has filed notlco of Inten
tion to mako final five-year proof to
establish claim to tho land abovo de
scribed boforo II. C. Kills, United
States commissioner, at Hend, Oro
gon. on tho 2Cth day of Juno, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
M. J. Main ot Uond, Oregon.
Peter Scggllng of Prlnevlllo, Oro
Ron. Joseph Hoffman of Ilond, Oregon
Italph Caldwell of Hend, Oregon.
117 Minnesota. Street.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
Jobbing Promptly Done.
Phono Blaok 1291
2-4 O'Kano Building
O. P. NISWONGER, Bend, Ore.
Licensed Embalmer, Funeral
Phono Red 421. Lady Asat
Naprupathlc l'hjfclclun
Ovor Logan Furniture Co.
Wall Streot Hours 9 to 5
Phone Red 4H2
Newport Ave. and West 0th St,
I O Starnfc and Forwarding, Rtntral Com- i
' m uUibn Mtrthanu.
f D V' carry OU. CaMUn. Bor, FUur,
I I Salt Ucats, Uacaa, lUcon and Lard.