The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 06, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 0
Red Cross Subscriptions
Not Yet Reported in Full
(From Saturday's Daily.) Lillian Keith, $2; I). Keller, B;
Roturns from Bovcrnl of the county cinudo It. ICclloy, ?5; M. J. Kclloy,
towns regarding their subscriptions
to tlio second wnr drive of the Red
Cross hov not yet been received by
tho treasurer, J. C. Rhodes, nnd for
this reason n complete return of tho
amount subscribed by tho county Is
not yet avallnblo.
Tho following list of names, which
has been compiled by the manager's
office in this city, represents a por
tion of tho subscribers from tho
Qcnd district. No complete list has
yet been mado up, and it Is expected
that sovcral days will elapse before
such a list Is available.
Incomplete LNt of Cash Subscribers.
W. Abcrnathy, $3; Mrs. Cora Ad
dlnk, ?2; G. J. Addlnk, $2) Kathryn
Addtnk, $1; John Adlln, $5; A. G.
Allen, $2.G0; Gilbert V. Allen, l;
Wm. II. Amos, $1; N. Anderson, $4;
Mrs. II. B. Aycrs, 60c; American
Qakcry, $15; Anton Aunc, $25;
Theodora Aunc, $2.50; Mrs. Thco.
Aunc, 2.50.
L. B. Balrd. $25; Geo. D. Daker.
52; Maker's Grocery, $5; G. I.
Barnes, $1; Mrs. A. E. Dnrtlctt, $5;
Wm. Heaton, 91; Geo. Ilecker, $2;
Bond Bulletin, $45; Bend Hardware
Co., $75; Bend Surgical hospital,
$2; Bend Garage, $10; A. Bernard,
1; Best & Harris, $10; Wm. Black,
SI; U. G. Blackwell. $2; Richard
Blackwell, 1; M. I. Bode, $2; II. D.
Bolser, $5; G. Borden, $1; E. J.
Brccdcn. $1; Mrs. L. E. Brceden, $1;
F. F. Brcsst, $1; Hllah Brick, $1;
G. C. Brlggs, $5; K. P. Brostcrhous,
$10; Mrs. O. Brosterhous, $2; C. D.
Brown, $3; Mrs. C. D. Brown, $3;
M. Floyd Brown, $1; Fred Brown.
$1; W. Brown, $3; G. B. Bryant, $1;
J. H. Buchholz, $1; Mrs. May Buck,
51; Henry 'Burton. $11.92; H. E.
Buttrey, $5; J. W. A. Busch and
wife, $2.50.
W. J. Cameron, $5; Al. Campbell,
$1; Olive Campbell, $2; Grace Cane,
$2.50 Veronica Cane, $2.50 Bay It.
Canterbury, $5; Carton & Martin,
$2; Dennis Carmody, $25; E. T. Car
rol, $5; C. R. Cartrell, $1; Paul
Caruso, $1; Cash, $1; Cash, $1; John
Cass, $2; Catholic Ladles' Altar so
ctcty, $10; Central Oregon Bank,
$100; Minnie Chapman, $2; P. C.
Chase, $3.50; Chllders-Armstrong,
$10; Goo. Chllds, $2; H. L. Close,
Si; H. H. Clow, $5; Club Cafe, $5;
Walter Clublne, $1; Ward H. Coble,
$5; Mary E. Coleman, $5; Dr. Con
r.arn, $C; Cozy Hotel, $10; Mrs. John
Creaon, $1; W. M. Crewe, $1; O. S.
Crowe, $1; J. J. Cunningham, $10;
O. Curry, $1; G. E. Curry, $1.
Fern B. Dana, $1; C. A. Daniels,
$5; Anna Davidson, $5; II. H. Da
vies, $15; H. E. Davis, $2; Leland
Davis, $1; N. G. Davis, $2; Miss Fay
DeArraond, $1; P. H. Dencer, $3;
Gertrudo DeShaw, $5; R. H. De
yarmond, $2; B. Dlshan, $2.50;
Louis Dooner, $1.50; Louis Dooner,
?2.G0 C. P. Dorian, $5; L. Doughlt,
$5; Wm. Douglas, $1.
W. M. EdwardB, $1; If. A. Eggle
ston, $1; Fred EUenburg, $2; Mrs.
James Elliott, $2; Dave Engle, $1;
M. D. Enloe, $1.50; Emll Erlckson,
II; O. Erlckson, $1; P. A. Erlckson,
$5; Helen Erskine, $1; Estebenet &
Ktokoe, $5; J. A. Equals, $5; J. "E.
Faerbe, $2.
la. M. Fairbanks, $1; D. F. Far
rand, 2; Mrs. M. Farrand, 2; J. H.
Farrell, 5; Dr. B. Ferrell, 225;
J. F. Fink, 5; Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Fitxgerald, 2; O. W. Fogg, 2; T.
II. Foley, $12.50; V. A. Forbes,
$55; W. F. Foren, $2; Ashley For
rest, $2.50; G. W Foster, $2.60;
L. L. Fox, $5; Marie Fox, $2.60;
Stuart T. Fox, $5; Chas. 11. Francis,
$2.50; Mrs. F. S. Francis, 2; John
Francis, 2; J. S. Frazler, 2; E. G.
Frleberg, 5; H. Frog, 1.
M. Gales, 1; Mrs. M. Gales, $1;
W. L. Gardner, 1; Fred Garoutte,
$1; L. H. Gerblng, $1.50; L. II. Gcr
blujr. 1; 3. O. Gibson, 2; N. E.
Gilbert, 5; S. Gilflllan, $1; Tho
Golden Rule, $5; H. A. Gosney,
f 5.30; R. B. Gould, $5; G. Green, $2.
Clara Habiokost, $2.50; Chas. H.
Haines, $10; T. S. Haines, $1; E. W.
Haley, 50c; G. B. Halloway, $1.50;
Sergeant R. Harvey, $50 Liberty
bond; J. Hamilton, $5; J. C. Hamil
ton, $3; M. A. Hamilton, $2; Mrs.
M. A. Hamilton, $2; Nelson Haney,
ill; E. E. Ilanna, $2.50; J. L. Har
rington, $2; 11. Harris, $2; Montello
Harvey, $1; C. H, Hauck, $1; J.
Hawkins, 1; C. W. Hays, $2.50; C.
W. Hays, 250; E. Heath, 1; J. J.
Holnen, $1; J. R. Helfricb, $3; H. E.
Fellemn, 2; J. L. Henderson, $1;
O. C. Henklo, 5; May Hothorn, $1;
J B. Hoyburn, $6; Mrs. E. B. 'Hous
ton, $1; W. H. Hudson, $5; II. W.
Hunt, 1; D. E. Hunter, $50; J. N.
Hunter, $50; G. B. Hutton, 50c.
W. D. Ingall, $3; Mrs. J. S, Innes,
?2; Innes & Roberts, 3; Mrs. J. L.
Ivy, 12.
Mr. nnd Mrs. II. O. Jackson, ?2;
?7ra. M. B. Jackson, 1; Harry Jayno,
?D; Henry Jonson, $10; Carl Jolin-
t::)n, 3; Geo, B. Johnson, 1; Mr.
$B; Dr. R. 1). Kutchum, $5; Joe
Kline, $3; Miss Mildred Kline, $2;
Knights of Pythias, $100; Ivan It.
and Louis G. Knotts, $2.50; Mrs. 11.
O. Kooppen, $1; Frank Kox, $26;
Mrs. Kroegor, $2; A. J. Kroonort,
E. C. Lnndlngham, $3; Kddlo Lan-
..- to. T XI t u.......n.t tin. II W
Lee, $5; Honry Lombrecht. $1; M.
Lemke, 50c; Leverett-Flsch Co., $5;
N. E. Livingston, $2; O. Logan Candy
Co., $10; Geo. Luton, $1.
It. S. McClure. $5; Fred McCor
mlck, $2; II. McCoskrle, $2; G. A.
McGee, $1; J. H. McGee, $5; Carl
McQhco, $5; Zada McGregor, $5;
Mrs. Mcintosh, $2. B0; Harvey Mc
Kcnzlo, $2.60; Mrs. Genovlove, Mc
Laurln. $1; C. C. McNcoly, $1; Noal
McPhorson, $2.50; L. M. Reynolds,
$5; D. V. Mackintosh, $2; Mary
Maclay, $1; M. S. Mngeo, $5; K. P.
Mahaffey, $5; Mrs. E. P. Mahaffey,
$5; Mannhelmcr Bros., $37.50; By
ron Mnrkham, $2; Miss Nell Markle,
$1; B. F. Mays, $2; Paulino Mender,
$2; II. E. Michael. $2; Miss C.
MIghtscalcs, $2; Clay Miller, $2;
Mary F. Miller, $1.50; F. O. Minor.
$5; G. W. Model!, $3; J. F. Mogan,
$5; W. C. Montgomery, $1.70; Frank
Moore, $1; H. J. Mooro, $2.50; W.
T. Mullarky, $20; R. II. Muncy,
$2.50; Mrs. It. II. Muncy, $2.50; T.
W. Munlon, $; Mlko Murge, $5;
Thos. Murphy, $5; Eva M. Myers, $1;
James Myers, $1; W. E. Myers, $2.
Jas. W. Nally, $2; B. F. Neely, $2;
August Nelson, $10; W. G. Newton,
$2; Frank Ncy, $5; C. P. Nlswonger,
$5; L. A. W. Nixon, $5; C. W. Nolo.
$1; Dr. R. L. Norrls, $4.
C. A. O'Brien, $1; T. C. Ohlomoyor,
$1; Frank O'Laughlln, $5; Axel.
Olson, $1; Geo. O'Ncll, $12.50; H. C.
O'Nell, $2.
Wm. C. Page, $2; Pacific Tel. &
Tel. Co., $50; Geo. Paddock, $4;
M. A. Palmer, $5; R. W. Palmerton,
$5; Frank T. Parkor, $2.50; Ger
trude Parker, $2; W. F. Partlnl, $1;
Belle Pattorson, $1; E. L. Payne, $1;
Grace L. Payne, $1; Harry Peck,
$lf Julius Pederson, $5; J. C. Pen
ney Co., $25; P. A. Pclker, $1.50;
Catherine Phillips, $1; Mary Jane
Phillips, $2.50; C. Plowman. $1;
Mrs. A. G. Powell, $5; Mrs. II. J.
Power, $2.50; A. M. Pringle, $25.
H. M. Randolph, $2; Alice M.
Rasmussen, $2; Mrs. A. M. Ray, $1;
Reed & Hortnn, $25; R. I. Rein, 50c;
James Richardson, 50c; Mae Rltchey,
$2; Geo. S. Roberts, $1; It. J. Rob
erts, $10; W. J. Robinson, $5; Mrs.
Geo. Rood, $1; Royal Cafe, $5.
E. A. Sather, $25; A. L. Sayo, $1;
W. H. Scherneshorn, $3; Margaret
Schredcr, $1.50; Arthur Schilling,
$2.30; Glenn Searlo, $5; Poter Sea-
strom, $5; L. E. Saeley, $3; Sydnoy
Selmle, $1; Dudley Shaw, $2.50;
L. A. Shaw, $3; Rev. Luke Sheohan,
$10; John Sherrer, $1; II. F. Shoe
maker, $5; Grace Shoults, $3; C. V.
Sllvis, $5; R. R. Sleight, $2; II. R.
Smead, $2; C. L. Smith, $1; Clint
Smith, $1; E. A. Smith, $1; Harold
Smith, $1; J. Chas. Smith & Co., $6;
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Smith, $12.50;
E. G. Snyder, II; Frank South,
$2.50; Mra. Olivia Southmayd,
$1.50; A. D. Spauldlng, $2.50; W.
R. Speck, $5; Florence Spencer, $1;
Ralph Spencer, $2; Geo. Sphler, $1;
C. G. Springs, $1; H. M. Stephens,
$5; Hazel Stevens, $5; J. A. Stevens,
$2; C. A. Stevenson, $6; W. II.
Staats, $50; C. A. Stevenson, $14.75;
S. H. Stockman, $5; Alice Stockman,
$3; Elgin Stokey, $2; Geo. Stokoe,
$1; Dr. R. D. Stowell, $2.50; Miss
Sullivan, $1; Maurice Sutton, $2.
Joe Taggert, $2; Harry Tamman,
$2:50; James S. Taylor, $2; Martin
Terrell, $2; A. W. Thomas, $1.50;
Nora Thomaaon, $1; E. M. Thomp
son, $10; Miss M. A. Thompson, $6;
O. II. Thompson, $24; F. Thordar
Bon, $5; Chas. Thornthwalto, $10.
Frankio Ungersma, $1; United
Warehouso Co., $75.
Albert C. Wagner, $1; J. L. Wal
ton, $5; F. L. Watklns, $2.50; Lonna
Waugh, $2; II. A. Weaver, $2; Mr.
and Mrs. L. D. Wlcst, $C; C. F. Whlt
more, $20.20; Eleanor Whltmore,
$2.60; L. C. Whltted, $5; Mr. Wig
more, 26c; Mrs. Winters, $2; Carl
Wodeckl, $1; Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Worthlngton, $1; J. M. Wray, $2;
V. P. Wray, $2; Wright Hotel, $5.
Earl Vandemark, $1; A. J. Vol
turn, $1.
C. J. Zimmerman, $2; J, Zoll, $1.
Crowe, $4; J. K. Cooper, $1.
Joaso W. Day, $6; R. 8. Dart, $R;
II. II. DeArnioud, $25; Frud Dick,
$5; 11. A. Dlckcrxon, $6.
J, A. Hastes, $2B; A. K, Edwards,
$6; Mr. ami Mrs. 11. C. Kills, $60;
Chas. A. Esllek, $5.
Mrs. Frank Farrand, $B; Dr. W.
W. Faulkner. $15; Mr. and Mrs. W.
Ferguson. $3; A. L. French, $10;
Mnxliut K. Fish, $B; Jack Francis. $1
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Galthor, $10;
Nolan II. Gilbert, $26; Mis F. Oil
son, $2.
11. R. Iltmklns, $4; Mrs. Ray liar
por, $B; R. C. Harris, $1.60; Sophn
Hauck, $1; J. II. llanor, 126; Goo. F.
Hoover, $20; Dr. R. W. lleudorshot,
$10; C. S. Hudson (First National
bank), $160; C. S. Hudson (De
schutes Inv.), $25; A. II. Horn. $60;
C. S. Hudson, $60; Rose Huuuell, $1.
Frank Inabnet, $10; Geo. Inse
maun, $1; luncs-Davidtton, $20.
Norman G. Jncobson, $5; Gerald
Johnson, $5.
Knights of Columbus, $26,
Harrison Latham, $10; J. Kdw.
Larson, $25; A. F. Larson, $26 R. 11.
Loven, $5; W. P. Myers, $2; W. C.
McCuston, $10; Maglll & Erskltto.
$25; Miller Lumber Co., $25; J. II.
Miner, $10; A. L. Mackintosh, $16;
Hazel Maulon, $5; Dr. W. G. Man
ning. $15; F. II. May. $25; II. P.
Man Ion. $5; Bornlco Morgnn. $5; Ar
villa Murphy. $1.50; L. S. MeKoy
nobis, $10; R. P. Mlntor. $30; G. C
Morgon, $1; Clyde McKay, $10.
C. E. Nichols. $5.
O'DonnolI Bros., $37.50; Owl
Pharmacy, $50; 11. J. Overturf. $26;
W. W. Orcutt, $1; Elsie M. Olsln, $5;
Hugh O'Kane, $25.
J. Snow Parmluter, $6; D. 11.
Pooplos, $10; Haze! Putney, $1.50;
A. L. Pomorvlllo, $5.
Rocd-Smlth Merc. Co., $75; P. R.
Ryan, $5; J. Ryan, $25; S. E. Rob
erts, $10; J. C. Rhodes, $10; J.
Ryan, $10.
K. E. Sawyer, $
Smith, $10; Skuse Hardware Co.,
tin imt .;. ) vST''f
cti lr(l k ( fifr "r
ttf thlp It rn.lftCT tSMoT
Mft Grant fStSrC
i i HHmk
irr" LSr.&Jk1 MSH"i1 I i
'WSKrMm '
r'-A-m PA
Br "
Uncle Snm vv513 Umul Illm
Real GRAVEJLY ChcwlE(j PIuo
In n Poucli froin Vctu
Tho U. S. Mnil'i will ronch nny r.'.nn in
Undo Snm'fl Service, Whun you nend hint
tobacco, lot it bo flood tobneco- tobneco
worth ncr.tlipfr nil thnt lonjf wny t!to flnt,
comprcssotl plug of Ronl Gravely,
Glvn nny hahii i rliiw of Rrnl Grnvrly Plun, nnd
lia will toll you itmt't tho kind to eml.Sptitl tlm lirtll
Ordinary plujj U falio rcomimy. It coitn Ina per
wrrl to chnw Itvnl Gravely, bucamo atuiull cliow ol
It lnt n lone wliUa.
If ynu imolte plp, alien Grnvoly with your linlfo
nnd ndd n 111 tla to your (motility lubacco. It will (jlro
flavor Improve your imolte.
end Yourt rnir.Ni in tiii: it. , bkhvicu
a roucu of juavi:i.y
D,.l.n nil ornuml hr carry ll In IOo, jvut,a. A 3f.
lamp will jmt It Inln !! liamU In mnr Tralntnw Cainti S iwi I
nf lli U.S. A. i.n "nr lhr" a 3. itimn wll( Una II In
lilm.Yr.ur tUalrr will lUDDlyanvklctM auJ i;Uu vuui..lcl.! JLji
lionf liuw lo atlJrtM il.
7A Patmnl feh A,., it Vvfnatnt Clitin mnti Cnntl
It i nor lital Gravity iWMnnl Ihn I ivtKttun Scitl
CatablUhoi! mm
Arthur K. ' ' 1RH"n ' atteuii tno aiivuiii camp
muiHiiiK ai roruanu
Mr ICnfar mill umi mill f.itnMIa
-- ... . ... A . --... .-... .... ...
::&; Alice u. apaiuing, i.uu; intend going to Uio vnlluy tho lotli
Dwlght Stafford, $1; John Steldl. ' of June.
$20: Dalsoy K. Stuart. $10: V. J. vn11 miorton trom lower Hijuaw
Sproat, $5; Lois Si
Studio, $10; Chas
C. Stewart, $g; .m. it. symons, .
Uuart, $10; Vv. J. " runuriuu irum inwur niju
Dimm, B. pum Creek was In town Wodnonday.
3lmmons, $6. hlltol ca Kw)p miU) ft ,rp t ,,(
s. Slpchon, $5; .jand last week and purchased n F
J. Alton Thompson, $5; O. A.
Thorscn, $10; Lee A. Thomas, $10.
Dr. J. C. Vandovort, $15; L. N.
Van Matro, $6; H. K. Vincent. $10.
Tho Warner Co., $12.50; W. It.
Wilkinson, $20; Ouy Wilson, $6; S.
Whitfield, $1; J. C. WooiIb, $1.
C. II. Young, $5.
Four chairs at your servico at tbr
Metropolitan, tto waiting. Adr.
Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land
loans. Adv.
Walt Oruham and family were
down from tho Dranton saw mill.
Mrs. Howell and son Henry loft
Sunday for Culver to visit a week
with her nlcco, Miss Lucy Tolhert.
William Wilson was ijulto ill again
Friday night.
(C01 tinned from Pawa One.)
Incomplete List of Pledge Kubscrlp
tioiiN. Mr. and Mrs, August Anderson,
$5; Alworth-Washhurn Co., $250;
J. D. Anderson, $5; Cortley Allen,
$5; J. F. Arnold, $5,
Irene names, $10; Miss Flo nerg,
$1; Rend Flour Mill Co,, $50; W. A.
Ream & Son, $10; Donnott-Cooper
Co., $50; P. F. Beaulleu, $10; Rend
Press, $25.
Mauiice Cashman, $25; A. E. Mra. Johnstone, $2; Geo. A. Cook, $2; Central Oregon Motor Co,,
Jpnoa, $10; J. Joseph, $2. $12.50; P. II. Coffey, $10; F. T.
was adopted and signed by thoso
"Whereas, At a meeting of tho
retail flour dealers hold In Ilend,
Oregon, on May 31, 1918, it has been
unanimously voted that tho dealers
present or represented, will make no
retail sales of wheat Hour between
now nnd August 1st, excopt to hos
pitals, bakeries or logging camps,
"Wo, the undersigned, hereby ex
pressly do become parties to such
resolution or agreement.
"Ho it further resolved that all
merchants who now have flour In
stock will involco the samo within
four days, and that said invoice will
be tendered to tho county food ad
ministration to bo forwarded to tho
"Ilend, Oro
"W. C. McCUISTON, Bend, Oro.,
"MOHLER & DOTY, Redmond, Ore.,
"W. II. HOBBS, Redmond, Oro.,
"N. II. OILBERT, Bend, Ore.,
"Redmond, Ore,,
"W. R. JtlLEY, La Pine, Ore.,
"Redmond, Ore.,
"L. B. BAIRD, Bend, Ore.,
"G. W. HALES, Tumalo,
"P. A. ERICKSON, Bend, Oro.,
"M. M. MILLER, Terrobonno, Oro.,
"O. MOE & SONS, Bend. Ore.,
"VELTUM & CO., Bond, Ore.,
"F. DEMENT & CO., Bend, Ore,,
"Bend, Oro."
Sheepmen Not Included.
Sheep camps In tho county aro not
to bo Included In tho list to receive
flour. This matter camo up for dis
cussion, but it seemed the general
opinion that tho herders had ample
time in which to bako substitute
bread, and an effort to pass tho reso
lution with these camps on tho list
of those excepted failed. It Is, how
ever, to a largo extent left to tho dis
cretion of the food administrator's
office whether or not they are to be
recognized, and If a special ordor
from tho stato offices places them
on an equality with tho logglngj
camps they will be Included.
"Summer colds" tiro not hard to
break up, coughs and hunrsencss are
easy to got rid of, If you will take
Foley's Honey and Tnr Compound.
Mrs. Mary Sogdam. 282 Maple Bt..
Perth Amboy, N. J writes: "It
helped my throat; never had any
thing better." Slightly laxative.
Contains no opiates or narcotics.
Sold everywhere.
CLOVKRDALE, June .1 Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Beard and family have
moved to tho Throo Creek mill,
whore Mr. Beard has work.
Charloy McAudrews Is working
for E. E. Hesse.
Mr. nnd Mrs, Bort Hodsnn nnd
daughters Alothn nnd Junnltn mo
tored to Bond Saturday to attend
tho circus.
Henry Beard Is tho purchaser of a
new Ford.
Mrs, W. W. Van Matro was call
Ing on Mrs. A. E. Peterson Friday
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Fryrcar mado
a trip to Bend Saturday.
Geo, Golden of Redmond delivered
a new five passenger Ford to R. I.
Aiidrns last Wednesday.
Tho Council club hold Its last meet
ing last Friday night until fall. The
following program was rondorcd:
Songs, "Ovor Thoro" and "When
Yankoo Doodle Learns to Parloi
Vous Francals, by Ladona Cyrus,
Gladys Parborry, Fay Mlllor and
Lillian Van Matro; recitations by
Louise Andrus, Thelma Zumwnlt and
Dorothy and Jennie Boyd; dialogue
"Llttlo Red Riding Hood," by ten
little children; dlaloguo by Idella
Mlllor, Harold Kllno, Vorn Skelton
and Doan Von Matro.
Several families from Cloverdalo
wcro fishing Sunday,
Harold Kline and John Gotter
autoed to Bend Saturday night to at
tend tho circus.
Viola Mlllor, Jcbb Scott, Gladys
Parborry and Van Wilson attondod
tho Red Cross dauco given at Tum
alo Friday night,
Mr, and Mrs, Henry Beard and
family from Throo Crook mill Hpont
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Green
Dean, Lillian, Clarn nnd Carol
Van Matro woro dinner guests nt tho
Mlllor homo Sunday.
Tho Cloverdalo kcIiooI will close
with a acliool picnic on Squuw creek
next Friday, Juno 7.
J. E. Aldrlch and daughtor Wini
fred spent Saturday in Bond,
Mr. and Mrs, Tom Arnold and Mrs
Frank Arnold nnd daughter Freda
loft Wednesday for California to
visit. Thoy are making the trip in
a touring car.
Mr. and Mrs. Greon Board and
Frank nnd Mr. and Mrs, Murk Partcn
motored to Bond Saturday.
Viola Mlllor and Lillian Van Matro
wcro shopping In Bisters Thursday.
Something to soil? Advertise in
Tho Bulletin's classified column,
Troubled with rhoumatlsm, kldnoy
or Madder affections? You need
Foley Kldnoy Pills. Mrs. Frank P,
Wocl, R. F. D, 2, Morrill, Maine,
writes: "I found relief as soon us I
began taking Foley Kidney Pills My
husband nlr received much beuellt
from th i) in. Ho was laiiii), cutild not
stoop over; now feels 110 pain " Bold
SISTERS. Juno 2. Mrs. Frank
Arnold and daughter , Mr. and Mrs,
Tom Arnold motored to California
Wednosdny to visit friends and rela
tives. P. II. D.ivls has purchased a Furd
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Allen from
Allondnlo were In town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Farthing went to
Redmond Tuesday on business.
Mr and Mrs. Arthur Temnletoii
leave for California Monday for their
new liomu
Fred McKluuey and family nnd
Inez McKluney wore Ashing nt the
lakes Wednesday
Mrs. Donnls and Mrs. Knnrh left
Shoes for Real Service
'- 1,. ,l.. i jm .1. ' rjrj,LajAuj-au
1 mm -i.l . 11 . -m T 1 II . -
War Time Economy!
Instead of Ihiyinjj New Clothes, Iluve Your Oltl Ones
Made Over and Renovated.
Central Oregon Cleaning Works
II. HARRIS, Proprietor
102(1 Wall Street
on the job to give you efficient
service at the shortest notice.
I lere to see that yon get a cor
rect fitting in the kind of glasses
yon need, here to stay and back
up every bit of work I do.
With MYHON II. SYMONS, O'Kane Htilldlng-
Moro nnd morn tho enclosed motor car growH
strong In popular favor. II'h natural, especially
with Ford cars, which aro busy running ovory
day of tho yonr wlntor nnd mimmor tho Ford
serves faithfully and profltnbly. 80 for a real
genuine family car thoro is nothing equal to tho
Ford Sodan at C9C f, o. b. Detroit, floats live,
Largo doors, plate glass sliding windows, silk cur
tniiiH, deeply upholstered seats, latest typo venti
lating windshield a car of roflnod luxury with tho
ovorliistlngly reliable. Ford chassis, Come in and
know moro about this miporlor cur.
Cent-Ore-Motor Co.