The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 06, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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l'AOB n
One Step
(A Dimly)
ALOHA-OE - - - -
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
J, M, Martin of Lit I'luu l truunnct
Ing ImihIiii-hs In tlio city.
A. Hurrl of Kliiiimtli Falls I a
htiNliii'iiH vlHllor In tlio city.
J. Alton Tliompnoii lutt yeittordny
ntturuooii on n buHluoit (rip to La
1.. A. Hunt ntul Ohm Htfldlg of
Lower Ilrldgo uro In h city on busl-
J. M. Johnson of Ynkltnn, Wash
ington, who lnm Ihicii looking after
business Intormtti In this city, re
turned to his homo yesterday.
Mrs. Chnrln Hullor nod daughter
of Prescoll, Washington, arrived In
tho city ItiHt nlKht to Join Mr. Hullor,
who In otnployml with thu lloimult
Cooper company.
Mr. ami Mm. i:. It. Lewis of llurn
arrived In tho city yesterday. Mr.
Lnwls loft thin inornliiK for a several
weeks' visit In I'ortlmiil, unit Mr.
Lewis returned to llurns,
(From Tuesday's Dully.)
Mrs. M. K. Crystal of La Pino In
visiting In tho city.
Mr. and Mm. II. II, KIlKoro of Sink
aro visiting In tho city.
Mm. Hhorlork and Mm. Malloy of
TalHlny a ro In tlio city.
, 5 J? Miss 11. Mlllor or Portland Is regis
torod nt tho Pilot llutto.
Mr. ntul Mm. W. II. Wolllngford or
Portland aro visiting In Iluml.
Mr. ntul Mm. M. I., Ilnblm of King
City nro guests at tho Pilot Ilutto.
Mm. Wallace II. Mnrtyn or Port
land In visiting with MIm Marlon
I.nwrenco, nnd will romuln ror sov
oral wuakH,
Mr. nnd Mm A. W, Athoy or On
tario, Oregon, accompanied ly M. B.
Dolling, arrlvod in thu olty thin
iiiornliiK hy nuto nnd will visit In tho
county ror mi v oral days.
wore In tho city Uuiiduy registered
t tho WrlKht.
Mm, Burali Ahol, Mrs. Jnrry Mooro
mid dauKhtur Kiithiirlno or Itudinoud
worn lu town Knturdny.
Wni. II. Hayes, Prominent Stock
inan ot Hllvor Lako, wni trmiHactltiK
business In tho city Saturday.
Mm, A. I.ucaii Iihn returned to ,'ior
homo at Prlnovlllo after spending
several dayn with friend lu thin city.
Dr. II. F. Smith or HuriiH, accom
panied by Mm. Hmlth, visited with
friend In thin city Hundny, leaving
early Monduy morning by auto ror
(Front Huturdny'H Dully.)
1 Jl. C. Heott or Lu Pino In a IiiisIhohm
visitor lu tho city.
Mr. uml Mm, J, M. Hoyoi or I'ohI,
Oregon, nro lu tho city,
MIhh Myrtlo Hliort of Opal In visit
ing with friends lu tho city.
11, K, llondonion or Hllvur Lako 1m
a business visitor lu Ilend,
Mr. mid Mm. 0, D. Plank or Port
land nro visiting lu tho city.
H. B. Itoliorls, county HhorlfT, inndo
u trip to tho high dosort yesterday.
I'liurloH L, llatcholtlor of tho U. H.
geological survey In lu tho city on
government business.
Mr. and Mm. T. J Cofrman or Oak
lund, California, uro lu tho city, regis
tered nt tho Pilot Mutto,
Mr. mid Mm. John Cyrus mid A.
Allot) mid M. Itlcrom or Prlnovlllo
woro visiting In tho city Thumduy.
N. (I. Jacobson, forest supervisor
for tho Doichuti'N national forest, Im
on an official trip to tho Kant Lako
Mr. mid Mm. Air. Mnrolf or Tllla
tnook arrived In tho city yesterday
mid will spend several dayn horo
lookltiK over this miction. They may
decide to locato hero.
Dr. Tumor, uyo specialist or Port
laml, will bo lu Mend again Wcdncs
day mid Thumdny, Juno ltt-20, at
Thorson' Jowulry iitoro. Don't rail
to commit hi in about your eyes and
kIunhch on Oiomo datt'x. On account
of tiorloim llliiosH In bin family Dr.
Tumor wan uitublo to krop bin lutit
otiKaKiimont In llond, but will pool-
tlvuly bo thuro on abovo datoii.
News in Brief.
' (From Monday's Dally.)
Mm. Kvn l.n Pollotlo or llcdmond
pout Knturdny In town with frluudK.
W. It, McDounld of Mohawk wni
a bunlnoHH visitor In tho city Butur-
Mm. K. K. (Illlnnwator of Pout
Hpottt tho wouk'Ciid with frlotuU In
thu city.
' Mm. Ilnruoy Markoll and daitRli-
tor Fraud woro In town Saturday
from (IM.
J, V. JohtiHon mid W. II. PoHt of
fjI'OHl, OroKon, uro IiuhIiiuhh vlNltom
In tho city.
Mr. mid Mm. J. M. HnyoH of Pont
(From Saturday'! Dally.)
V. D. Itoblnol of Hllvur Lako Ih
lu thu city.
J. W. WIInoii or Hummer Lako le
in thu city on builmwii.
Con O'Connull or Hllvur Lako It a
buRluum vliltor In thu city.
Dan HoIhIiik or Mutnllun In a bull-iM-rnt
vlnltor lu tho city today.
Mm. A. l.ucnH or Prlnovlllo Is In
thu city vInIiIiik with frlondu
J. P, Koyps linit rittumod from u
short business trip to Portland.
John Htoldl rottiruud this morning
from a short business trip to Port
D. K. Iluntur has rctururd to his
homo horo aftor a busluuss visit In
John I Inyo or Hllvor I.nkn arrived
In tho city yvnlurduy mid will spond a
oouplo or days horo on business.
Arthur Norcott mid Calvin Smith
lutt Inst night ror Ouliro, Ore., whoro
they have work with government sur
veyors. W. It. Illloy or l.n Pino, who at
tended tho tneotlliK of the retnll deal
ers lu this city Inst night Is spending
today hero on business,
J. 0, Hummer of Tho Dalles ar
rived lu tho ulty yoHtorduy mid will
rumalii in this section for somu time
looking over thu county with a vluw
or locating.
II. V. Sawyer, T. II. Foley and W.
D. Ilnrnus returned on this morning's
train from Portland, where they havo
been attending tho statu war savings
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs.
J. l.tndijulst and C. I,ludiiilst or Salt
l.nko City arrived lu tho city yes
(erdny by nuto, and nftor spending
several days lu Deschuton county on
a fishing expedition, will leave for
Portland mid other northern points
In Oregon and Washington,
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Cooks Am Wmitril. Cooks aro
wanted In tho Marino corps, accord
ing to Horgeant Ilrooks. Eighty aro
I needed each month lor tho overseas
service, aim mo local oiucu is maKing
an special nppenl to men qualified
to enlist for this department. The
pay at thu commencement of train
ing Is hu same as that received by
thu private, but Is increased nftor
thu recruit line been assigned to duty.
Enlistments nro also open In tho sig
nal corps branch of tho Marines.
Death Vs Accidental. Tho death
of Mlko llntchltn, which occurred
Monday evening, wns an accident, ac
cording o tho jury's verdict at tho
coroner's Imjuest held yesterday
afturnoon. Witnesses from The
Hhovlln-Hixon camp appeared and
gave the details of tho runaway cam.
Thuso drawn on tho jury were:
Frank N. Ullbort, U K. Shepherd, It.
II. Hlate, C. A. Dlndgett. It. M. Ingnlls
and Frank Masslngalo.
I'MiIiik Party. A party composod
or A. I). Anderson and Poto Vlbbcrt
or (latoway, II, W. Caard or Madras
nnd W. II. Ilobson or Agency Plains
arrived in Horn! yesterday alter
spending sovornl dnys on tho Do-
tchutes river on a fishing trip.
Injun Knee. J. C. Ilhodus this
morning rosumod his duties nt the
Ilond Park company after being con
fined nt homo for soveral dnys with
an Injured knee.
County Court Mwts. County
court wns In session part of this
morning and this afternoon, working
on routino business.
united In mnrrlngo by Ilov. W. 0.
fltownrt, tho Impressive ring cere
mony being used. Tho brldo was
(nstfully attired lu n bluo travollngi
suit mid carried a beautiful hotinuot
of Amorlrnn Jlrldo rosebuds. Tho
groom Is n well known young stock
man of thu Tumnlo section, son of
Mr. and Mm, J. A. W. Hcoggln. Tho
brldo Is a dnughter of Mr. and Mrs.
M. W. Hkeel and tho sister of Mayor
(loorgu linker of Portland. Alter n
short honeymoon the happy oouplo
will bo nt homo at 'the Hcoggln ranch.
Iiuprotew Itexort. Fred Hhintaffor,
owner of the resort nt Pnullnn nnd
East I.nke, Is in tho cHy attending to
business. Mr. Hhlutnrrer reports con
rlderablo snow In tho vicinity of
Paulina lake, and will commence this
week breaking a trail Into his resort.
Ho In making oxtenslvo Improve
ments at tho springs this year, In
stalling now buildings and enlarg
ing tho bathing facilities.
Will Hoon I, on io for Franco.
Word received by Miss Klslo Olsln
from Miss Mario Illodgctt, who re
cently left to join hospital unit No,
id, Is to tho effect that thu unit ex
pects to bo mobilized In Now York
In tho near future, after which It Is
expected it will go directly to Franco.
Miss Hlodgutt Is now at Camp Lewis.
VMtN ultli HUter. Mrs. A. J.
llemmlugs and her two children ar
rived Sunday evening and will spend
tho summer hero with her sister,
Mm. J. C. Vandevcrt.
(m- to Idaho. Miss May Ritchie,
who has been teaching school in this
city, loft for her homo at Nnmpa,
Idaho, whore sho will visit during tho
summer vacation.
Works nt I)c-jMt. D. II. Williams
lins urrlrcd In tho chy and will com
mence his duties at tho Union depot,
as clerk.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Quiet WtHtdluj; Solemnize. A
qulot wedding was solemnized at thu
homo of Mr. mid Mrs. Louis Dennett,
when Paul A. Scoggln or Tuiualo and and will remain hero until alter that
Doris L. Skeol or Portland were' (Into.
(From Monday's Dally.)
noon tho marrlago ot Wnlfrld Rcsaro
and Miss Krma Elizabeth EmmcU
was solemnized at tho homo or tho
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. G.
Emmntt, 12C Adams place. Tho ring
ceremony was used, Ror. J. M. Nel
son, pastor or tho Haptlst church,
officiating. Carl Olscn attended tho
groom and Miss Isabel Emmctt, sis
ter of the bride, acted as bridesmaid.
Mr. and Mrs. Ilesare will rcsldo in
their own homo In this city.
Itellmi'il Iiimiiic After wander
ing about tho city for several hours
yesterday afternoon and evening,
during which tlmo ho cntored the
homos of several prlvato families, a
man who claims to bo from Montana,
but giving no namo, was picked up
near tho depot by tho night officer
and is today held In tho county jail
awaiting an Investigation into his
sanity. Ho will glvo no Information
regarding himself and acts In a de
ranged manner.
Ctirrrclloii of Error. In a roport
of tho wedding of Miss Susie Kalley
to Mr. Melvin C.lllett. Inst Wednes
day, it was announced that tho cere
mony wns held at tho homo of tho
groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. CSlllett.
This was an error in tho report as
handed to Tho Ilulletln. Tho young
peoplo woro married at the homo of
Mm. QlllcCt's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M."J. Kclley.
Mr. Cheney ArrUow. W. D.
Cheney ot Seattle, who Is to have
chnrgo of tho musical program of
tho Emblem club on Saturday even
ing, Juno 9th, during tho cntortnln
ment for tho Stato Hunkers' associa
tion, arrived In tho city yesterday
See our window display of Infants'
VVeiirublcs find Accessories
Viintn Pinlcss Vests nt 50c to $1.50
Vim tit Abdominal Hands 35c
N:mta V Hands at... 35c, 45c, 50c-75c '
Vanta Knit Nigbties, each $1.35
Our stock of Infants' Dresses, Bonnets, Un
derwear, Hosiery, is mdst complete. Also
Dryers, Ivory Novelties for tfitts, Bibs,
Stork Pants and Sliceting, Crib Pads, etc.
New Models in
Georgette Waists
have just arrived
Colors white, fiesh, nile, bisque
pray, at.. $5.50, $5.95, $6.50
Crepe De Chine Waists now at
. $3.75, $4.50, $4.95, $5.45
New Voile Waists marked now at
$1.25 to $2.45
Worthwhile Values Trustworthy Merchandise
Women7 s Undermuslins !
Brassieres--Luce and Embroidery Trimmed
nt -'5c, flfic, 58c
Form Fit Brassieres-All Sizes 50c, 75e, 91.00
Corset CoversGood Quality White Muslin, Lace
ami Embroidery Trimmed .-Wic, 50c, 75e and up
Camisoles White and Ilesh colors, Crepe tie Chine
and Italian Silk, ribbon or lace trimmed. 1.'J5 up
Envelope Chemise In endless variety, made of soft
mulls, line long cloth or silk, white or llesh, some
are lace trimmed, others all hand embroidered
,it 51.25 to $11.08
Bloomers Hest quality cotton crepe. Ladies' sizes
flOo: children's 25c. Fine Silk Mull and Italian
Silk S1.H8 to SH.25
COMBINATION SUITS of extra quality Lontf Cloth, cm-
broidery and lace trimmed. Very ipecial ----- 75o
II our goodi iq not entirely uliiftcloty kftci you hve lilea hm home. Return
" lliera to ui. We'll telund yoor money cheerfully,
1 S Cents
Will Install Paraphernalia. C C.
Klncald of Portland, who will have
chargo of tho Installation of the
bowling alleys, billiard and pool
tables In the new .gymnasium build
ing of tho Ilend Amateur Athletic
club, arrived In the city Sunday and
will remain until tho work Is com
pleted. MrctH DiiiiKliter Hero. Mr. and
Mrs. W. T. Cowan of Stauffcr ar
rived In tho city Saturday night and
on Sunday mot their daughter, Mrs.
Ida Kelly of Oakdale, who is to spend
several weeks visiting with them at
tho Cowan home.
Mnrrlme License.. Marriage li
censes Issued by tho county clerk's
office on Saturday woro: Dorrls L.
Skeel and Paul A. Scrogglns, Ernia
Kllraboth Emmelt nnd Walfrld He
saro, Musa Murphy and Kred H.
All Oier Top. A new map of tho
counties going ovor tho top in Ore
son In tho recent Ked Cross war
drivo shows a total ot all of tho
counties in with tho exception of
Lane county, which has but a per
centage of 92.
FI1111I for Mistreating Wife.
Georgo Wood was arrested Saturday
and lined 50 In Judge Eastes' court
on a chargo of mistreating Mrs.
Wood. The complaint was Issued by
Mrs. J. I. Rothgeb, a neighbor.
County Court ti Meet. The coun
ty court will bo In regular session on
futuro home of tho contracting par
ties In Kenwood, was solemnized tho
wedding ot Miss Clare E. Watlenburg
and Mr. Wilbur H. Hudson, with tho
impressive ring ceremony of tho
Methodist church. Doth tho brldo
and groom aro favorites In Dend.
Miss Watlenburg having been an in
structor in tho Central school, whllo
Mr. Hudson Is assistant postmaster.
Only the Immcdiato friends of 'Mr.
and Mm. Hudson wcro In attendance.
After tho ceremony tho guests sat
down to a delightful luncheon, pre
sided over by Mrs. Stephens, who
acted as hostess.
Tlinbenwirkcrs KIcci. Election of
officers of tho Tlmbcrworkers for
tho coming year will bo held tomor
row afternoon at 2:30 at Sather'a
H-lncU long IiiiiiiIIo Kry Pan
(l-incli handle! Howl Ktralner
Aluminum Cako Turner
Heavy Wire Hoop Stiver
ot Kgg Heater
Kiianielel l)lpH'r
Heavy Wlro Potato Masher
Dust Pan
llreail Pans
Cako Paiw
Pall 8lo Wash Hoard
Largo Grater
lldiio or Aluminum lliuidlo
Paring Kntfo
Ilroad Kuifo
iMnch Paint UruNlt
Scrub Hnish
Whitewash Hrush
Iron Holder
Soap Tray
Sink Stop t
Ton el Hunt
Vtv SeaU
Wlro Clothes Lino
Scrtnv Drivers
Key Holo Sann
2-iuart Knumelcd Pans
a do. Spring Clothes Pins
Quart Measure
(From Saturday's Dally)
rnrenell Dinner. A farewell din
ner was given at tho Methodist par
sonago last evening in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. F. S. Francis, who left this
morning for Camas, Washington,
whoro Mr. Francis has been appoint
ed as principal ot the high school.
Tho foaturo of tho evening was a
basket lunchoon, nftor which a social
tlmo was held. Mrs. .McDonald, In
behalf ot thoso present, told ot tho
appreciation and esteom In which tho J
couplo was held by tho church mem-j
bora, Mr. Francis as church organ
ist, nnd Mrs. Francis for her help
along many lines. In token ot tho
appreciation and affection Mr, and
Mrs. Francis woro presented with a
hand-tinted photograph ot tho
"Threo Sisters."
Quiet Homo Wedding. On Friday
ovonlng with Rev. W. Clyde Stowart
as tho officiating clergyman, at tho
Be careful of the
Baby's Food
in the summer time
We have nil the
Approved Brands
for young and
Juzl Remember
Magill & Erskine
For Maintaining and , Beautifying
the Lawn as well as irrigating we have all the
necessary equipment, consisting of SPRAYERS,
CATCHERS, Lawn and Garden, Seeds.
And hundreds of other things as reasonably priced,
We are headquarters for 5c-10c- 15c and 25c goods.
t on A' V
v JX-J-Af I M 1 C ' 1
i ii i i i ' i ' ,