PAflK a 1IKN1) MIM.KTIN, 11KNI) OUKUON, TIIUIIHDAY, JUNK 0, 1D1H Central Ores Neighborhood News -" ------ jUARGARITE CRUMB BRIDE OF CORPORAL DEND It. P. D. No. 1, May 27. Tho mnrrlsgo of Miss Margarlte Crumb ot Uond to Corporal Charles E. ltoyor, formerly of this district, who Is now stationed at Camp Lewis, was sotcmntxed on May IS at Olym- attending tho commencemont oxer pia. Wash. Tho grooru is in training iclsos ot the Hedmond high school now nddlo that was made for him recontly by Hninley company ot Pcndtton. Messrs. P. and Alox. I.ovoreuB loft hero last Wednesday for Tho Dalles to be .with their sister, Mrs. Weaver, during hor operation alio was to undergo on Prlday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. P. Chalfan spent a delViJitful week-end at Hedmond at Camp Lewis. Tho couple will llvo nt Olympla Mrs. Young and daughter nro hero trom Canada, visiting tho former's sister, Mrs. LaM.ty, nnd also her son, Moso Voau, who Is In tho first draft. Mr, and Mrs. Hicks nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Sandors ot Bend wore Sunday visitors nt tho Prcd Reynolds home Miss Myrt! Neff will leave for Hood Itlvor, Ore , Wednesday morn- Tholr niece, Grace KIrrs. Is u mom ber of this year's graduating class. Hoy Hoss nnd liny Armstrong wore callers in Sisters last Friday. Mrs. A. W. Armstrong and grand dnughtor Wilmn nnd Mrs. 11. A. Scoggln spent Prlday afternoon with Mrs. Alex. Lovcronz. Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hartley nnd Hay Armstrong attended the open meeting of tho THIIcum club nt Turn ln. She will visit with Mrs. Neil's nlo Prlday cvonlng. Mrs. Hartley cousin, Mrs. L. Lapc, nnd also stay .and Mr. Armstrong assisted In the and holp during tho straw borry and cherry season. A farewell Jarty was given Chester E. Mooro at his homo Sunday even ing. The ovcu'ng was pleasantly spent in playing gamos and conversa tlon, nftor which light refreshments program ns members ot tho mixed quartette. Messrs. Ilalph Dunn nnd Harry Morrison of Ilend wero guests of Paul Scoggln on Sunday. Mrs. Orover Pulllam spent Satur day night and Sunday with hor sis- wero served. Chester will leave ter. Mr. Alex. Lovoronz, Monday night for Camp Lewis. Prom WJlma Armstrong was tho guest thero no expocts to icavo ror Franco 0f Ida Hoss last Thursday. noon. Those present wore: Mr. nnui Mrs. Lee Young, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Denser, Mr. nnd Mrs Honton Cook, Mr. nnd Mrs. Autls Mooro and fam ily. Misses Dona, Grace and Georgia Cook, Walter Cook, Cecil and Elmer Young C. L. Smith has recently bought the old Barto place. Mr. lieigemen and Mr. Erlcksen attended tho Good Government league in Ilond Tuesday night. Myrtle and Eunice Neff woro din ner guests at C. L. Smith's Sunday. The J. W. Womstaff place has been rented again to Mr. Deadlont ot Rend. William Amos has moved to Bend and expects to Jio called to the colors soon. Several ot the farmers are work ing on sink holes In the Central Ore son canal. The water will bo out for several days. motored to Suttlo Inko nnd Mo tollus for n day's fishing Inst Sunday. Thny roport a very good catch. Mrs. (1. M. Couch nnd Mrs. Twoel woro pleasant callers nt tho homo of Mrs. I). W, Dloterlch on Wednesday. Tho crops In this vicinity nro look Inn exceedingly well, considering the unfavorable wo.vthor. There nro In dicattous ot n good crop ot berries anil small fruits, Tho Tllllcum society of Tumnlo met with Mrs. Harry Mcllulie on Saturday afternoon tor the early oloetlnn of officers. Mrs. MclSuIre, Mrs. Hartley nnd Mrs. llookmiiu woro. hostesses. Mr. nnd Mrs, James Dawson nnd muui.v nnn uniui wiuum in uiu luinm, of I. E. Winter on Sunday, C. It. Spaugh and family attended tho opon mooting ot tho Tllllcums nt Tumnlo on Prlday ovonlug, I Harry Dletorlch Is putting In quite nn ncrengn of potatires this, year and expocts to help Undo Sam In tho production ot food tor our s.ilillurs l Mrs. McGuIro and Mrs. Hartley of Sunnjsldo wero calling In our neigh borhood Sunday, soliciting funds for tho licit Cross. Mrs. G. M. Couch was n caller In Ilend on Friday to gut some dental work done. Mrs. Lucllo Clnrkston ot Pullman, Wash , arrived at the home ot lir parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Howill, for a short visit. Hor brother Charles hns bneii called for service In the nrmy nnd expects to lenvo for Nun couver tu a few days. Those writing nt the eighth grade examination on Thursday and I'rl day wore: Durwnrd Howell, X Hie Hanson, Geo. Dloterlch, Lester Sny der, ami those taking tho seventh grade examination wero: Vlol-'t Spaugh, Myrtle Spaugh, Hnym mil Wimer. Hobort McKee, V.ilo Mc.N.ihb, IloHsle Snyder nnd Itoxelln I'lu'.ps Among thoso attending business matters In Ilend the past wook wrro Ms. Phelps, Mrs. Swisher. Mrs King nnd daughter, Ethel Graham, C II. Spaugh nnd Hlaln Dovors. Nat King, who left hero sonn weeks ago fir Southern Oregon to look for n location, has returned more pleased than ovor with our sun shine of Eastern Oregon. While away he- visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mi Alllster, former residents ot this place. All kinds of hides, furs, pelts, wool bought at Hrlggs' Second Hand Store. Misses Hachaol nnd Constance Knickerbocker camo from Kciul to spend Saturday nnd Sunday at home. Miss Grace Hlggs arrlvod In Plain view Saturday after her year's wosk In tho Hedmond high school. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Armstrong nnd Miss Wilmn and Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Scoggln spent Sunday at the J. A. W. Scoggln ranch. Mr. Seeley of Portland will speak at tho school houso Tuosday evening. May 2S. A good nttondanco Is de sired. ' Dorothy Taylor has returned to1 now SHE IIAMSIIED IIACKACHi:. her home In Ilend attor visiting Mr8- K(n K Kleppe, Averlll. wook with Wilmn Armstrong. .i i... t ...... J. u....i,. . , . ,,. r. .1111111., nilius. i nun lit , ,iii,,- - P. A. Scoggln. Mrs. J. A. N. Scog-Jum ,roe weoka nt ono ,tn(,t two1 gin. A. L. Hoss nnd A. . Armstrong u.nU- nnnther tlmn. fnp rheumatism, - woro Ucnd business callers the paBt !..., vi,lnnv tmulilo nnd jrot no rollef friend, Mrs. L. II. Keller, before polu-lnlso nu nrgHiil-lr-K dHvi-lopniPiit rlub i ,iyih& ommmiu .svphfx' trWmKM 3m -" B 4H v2&t All I llMIMMIMUBMNSriLBBB etter than metal ? Ccrtain-teed is fnst taking the plncc of mctnl roofs, not only because of the scarcity and high cost of metal, but Certain-teed Roofing A tufimer In every important roofinc quality. Mctat canlly nntj anil ills intcuratcs from atmospheric ascs. Ctrttiiti-tttJ cannot rust und its uspliult base makes it practically immune tu any form of corrosion. Metal absorbs heat and transmits it to the interior of a btiilillnc Ctrla'm-Utd insulates against heat and cold, and makes tho building cooler in summer nnd warmer in winter. Metal must be painted frequently. Ctrt.i!n-ttt. alvcs years of weather proof service practically without any upkeep expense. It noliy tn wind or 1101111. Cirtatn-titt fully deadens louml ftmn inch inure!, Melil It not wfely guranteed. Ctrt.iin-ftt li aluoliilely guarantee d S, 10 ur 15-yean, accotdinj to thtcknex. and acliully civci longer icrvicc than Id guatantce. Metal ti a dlicct drain on military matertali. Ctrtam-tuJ U undo principally of wane tagi and rui'lalt materials nhich have no military uie wlutcvcr. Crran-rccibi pravod Its cfflcloncy nnd economy for every kind of roof ins; sorvice factories, uorchouiej, hotels, stores, farm buildings, outbuildings, etc. Ctrtaiti-trtJ more economical and more efficient In srlce than mcul or fir tlhir type of roof OrMii-. U llio licit quality of roll roofingit cmts no more to lay than ordinary roll ruoCui; and Lull much longer. Cold by dealers everywhere. Crrtatn-teed Products Corporation Offlc and We.bou., In Ik IMnclnal Cill.i ol Amiilca Manulacturart l Ctrtain-tttJ i'alnta Vainith Roofing Certain-teed Products for sale by Bend Hardware Co. Bli ISD week. Mr. and Mrs C. L. Smith motored SAYS IT ACTED LIKE A CIIAIUI., "J-aJ?,J150ffi ?tTl iS"ln"my Alf.lf. C.M r..-,. nr nl.l. hlnK nnr-l.t nf'AlW.aS USe WHOIl I fCOl p.llll 111 m to Alfalfa Sunday, Rev. Morrison's sermon was en joyed by quite a number Sunday. Ho 'will preach at tho Mountain View school house again next Sunday. Mr. and Mm. A. Neff were visitors at tho Sutton; ranch Sunday. Tony Jiloen has rented h!s place cast of Dend to Mr Humes. Mr. Moen and family will move to Red rock mill, whore he is employed. Walter Cook called on Ray and Roy Neff Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Smith called on Mrs. Morris Chase Sunday. For farm laud lotos aee J. & Co. Adr. Ryan DIME SOCIAL SWELLS WAR FUND PLAINVIBW. May 27. Tho dime nodal given by tho O. D. O. club at the Hoss home last Saturday evening added a llttlo more than $6 to the war relief funds of the club. Three dollars and alzty cents ot this amount was received from selling tickets for b sack of sewed woolen rags that had been donated to the club by a friend to help in raising a little moro money. Emuiett Knickerbocker drew tho lucky number. Games of cards, special stunts and a short program helped to mako tho evening pass very quickly and pleasantly. 'Great ex citement prevailed for about ten minutes when everyone entered Into a game of Indoor football. A tie Mrs. Malcolm Vought left for Port Kamo was played, the final score be ing 2 to 2. Some of the contestants ibelleve it takes about as much wind for this sport as it does to play reg ular football. After tho games a light lunch and coffee wore served. The regular meeting of the O. I). O. club will be hold noxt Thursday, May 30, with Mrs. J. A. V. Scoggln. At this time the ladles will tie com forters for Mrs. Scoggln to add a little to the club funds. James Pullfam returned home last Mo. day after working for about six woekB for the Ochoco Construction company near Prlneville. Ho started to work for the Pino Troe Lumbor company last Wednesday, land on Tuesday after spondlng about a -month at their home ranch. Mr. Vought will Join his wife In Portland this vcek. .Lloyd Hoot, who has spent tho winter working for H. T, Hartley, left recently to work at tho Pine Tree Lumber camp. Mrs, Dookman of Sunnysido called on a number ot Plainvlow friends last Monday. A. K. Ho3S, P. W. Loveronz, G. C. McCaHJotor and Mr. Stahllo wero business callers in Redmond last "Wednosdny, I OUKUB UT WUIUB MillCIl IIUIKIBI Ul ,...!.. Unt.t ..........!. ...... M,!a ., ,..nlK- nr nf nn nhllln. I "" a'" u UIJ l.v-l w ato nature. All the moro reason for using a reliable remedy. Mrs. Mar garet Smalo. Dlsbop, Calif., writes: "Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a grand remedy. Suffered from n cold last week, used the medlcluo and it acted like a charm." Sold everywhere. LOWER BRIDGE HONORS SOLDIERS LOWER DRIDGE. Juno 1. The Lower Drldge peoplo observed Me morial day with a program and picnic dlnnar which was held at the Drldge. Roy. McVickors ot Redmond delivered the memorial address. The music by tho school chlldron was en joyed by all. The school chlldron woro on a hlko to Dig Falls. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. Fuller were Dend visitors on Tuesday. Darwin Walters and Marlon Hos kins were in Redmond Monday. Mrs. L. F, Rico and daughtor were shopping in Bend Wednesday. C. F. Hoskins and Omar woro in Prlneville Friday. A. H. Heaver ot Dend was a Lower Drldge visitor Thursday. A. I). Chapman returned Wednes day from Tho Dalles, whero ho underwent an operation. His health now is Improving fast. Naomi and Marlon Hoskins were in Hedmond Saturday. The Lower Dridgo Tolophone com pany held a meotlng at tho school houso Thursday overling. A contract for Vedders to continue as central was slgnedr G. E. Stadig was In Hand Tuesday. Mrs. Doles installed a telephone at his home Friday, Mr. Minor of Dtnd was at Lower Drldge Thursday. A. I. Wright hauled two truck loads of seed potatoes out to Mr. Dolotj Wednesday. HAMPTON BUTTE NEWS LETTER On my return began using Foley mg nor nusiiniiu at Hinuit yvssii Kidney Pills; found Immedinto r?-Snu, returned to iienu sun.iny even ing. C'hns. Groffcnborger, MIsa Theresa Garske, L. II. Koller and family nnd Mdrs. Frank Farrand and sou Milton called at the It. It. Koller homo Sun day. Mr. Garsko was a caller nt tho It. It. Keller homo Monday and Wednes day. Mr. and Mrs. John Holland, Alex Fecal nnd Frank Lludscy spent rfun day In Ilend. returning tho samo day. They mado tho trip In Mr. Feeal's car. Mrs. Leo Koller was n caller nt the F. Tnuschor. It. H. Keller and J. J Holland homes Monday. C II. Groffcnborger railed on school business at the R. It, Keller homo Tuesday. School board meeting wan held last Saturday night, also a meotlng In tho Internal of an Irrigation project for this icallty. They uppolntud n cnmmltlo to look Into tho matter, PINEHURST MAN PURCHASES FARM PINEHURST, May 2!5. Jamss Dawson has purchased too farm of Mr. Todd near Plainviow, consisting of ICO acres ot well Improved farm ing land, and n.xpects to inovo there soon with his family to rwlde. We aro very sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and family from our neigh borhood. Mrs. D. W. has boon on tho sick list for tho last few HAMPTON IIUTTE, May 31. Gladys Mocks and Lcta McFaddcn called on Agnes Schrcdcr last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stnuffcr and daughter Idamao ntitocd through hero on their way to Ilend to attend tho commencement exercises ot the Dend high school. V. Schroder mado a business trip to Dend last week. Miss Glennlo Lund was a passen ger on tho mall stago Tuesday on hor way homo to Portland. Sho com pleted a successful term of school at S'.auffer. Royco James made a trip to Hamp ton today. Jimmlo and Hannah Hrlckcy woro Duck Creek visitors one day this week. Mrs. Pert Mcoks called on Mrs. Stauffor Saturday. Georgo Houston of Ilend passed through hero Saturday on his way to Stauffcr. Mr. Hasslor, who has beon work ing near Prlnevlllo, passed through horo yesterday on his way to his homestead at Stauffcr. Miss Agnes Schrcdcr called on Mrs. M. W. Sheppard last Saturday. I, II KHIer rnmn out from llud I' II Oroftenlnrgor w. nt to lltud ' riiurmUy vMt:r-M In i:t his family WediiMMlay with Mr. and Mrs. IV. and Mary Holland to ipMil tho day In the IntiTi'st of school hulnM i n"ii imiay. Miss Theresa Gantkw went to Hand Thursday. Mr. (lurskr mado a business trip to llnml Monday, returning Wednesday. After n long absence, Hoy and Walter Keller aro ngaln able to ill tend school. Mr. Drunks called at J. J Monday. IInn Keller spout Monday night with Mury Holland. Ilrnnlo Groffenborgnr wan ,1 visitor nt thu Holland ranch Thursday. Thomas Going visited with lionnln Groffenbnrger Wednesday. Tho East End school closed Tues day with a very good program lvnn by tho plplls and was attended by. Mosdames I, Going, A. Fecal, F. Tauschor, G. Cook, L. II. Keller and J. J Holland. . ' Thoinus Going was awarded thn medal, his standings for tho year nvoraglng the highest ot nil tho pupils. Mary Holland visited nt thu L. II. Kttllar homo Thursday. Florence Renin railed at tho It. It. Keller homu Thursday. Mrs. M. M. Hubbard and Mrs. Owau went tn Mr. Hubbard's slater's hoiUAsteail Thursday, whloh U muir HolUiiVltiiu Allon homestead. Mrs W. II Ilea 111 nnd daughter Florence railed on Mrs. Goo. Roberts Tlutrsduy evening. 1W Mrs. Henm Is busy getting ready for it couinuiplated trip to California In tho near future. Unfortunately, Edgbert Dyer had a great loss Monday, when his houso and ovr-rythlng In It burned down. Another misfortune was tbal L. P. Honnoy's had toft their piano at tho Dyer homo nnd It ntso burned, H It. Keller called at tho Sloan ranch Sunday, (Continued on pago C.) Highest cash prlco paid for all kinds of hides, polts. wool, furs, nt Drlggs' Second Hand Storo. 37tfc Who is Plorcy & Sons, Tumalo? 4p Adv. HAD K'ID.S'EVH LAID HI.M I'P. A slight kidney Impairment tuny lead to dropsy or Hrlght's illsfcitHe. Don't neglect It. Frank Miller, Hlng ham, Utah, writes: "Was troubled with my kidneys so bad I could not work. Tried many kinds of medi cine whleh did me no good. Than I triad Foley Kidney Pills; now feeling as good as I ever did baforo." Hold everywhere. MRS. JOHNSON IS REGAINING HEALTH MILLICAN, May 31.- P. II. John son visited with his wifo nt the hos pital Saturday overling. Mrs John sun Is getting a!o very nicely and Is expected home next woek. I. L. Owen, Fred Klgor, A. I). Nor ton, J. J, Holland, L. I). Keller and It. It. Keller wero Sunday gmsta at tholr respective homes. 1 zs.--J J, -m. ' iafc "y - 'y- - m.a Clean House f with a THOR ik rwart "u r. VM. '1 I IV.J Keep Your House Clean with ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER Save Your Strength Thoroughly CJimrantced THOR ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER Sape Your Rugs Thoroughly Guaranteed SPECIAL!-During May, $5.00 Down, $5,00 per Month ASK US FOR FREE TRIAL DEMONSTRATION. PHONE 551 BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER COMPANY Mra IpatiW rjirrninl nnil nn Mil- WCOkS, IlUt at prOSOnt writing laitnn ramo mil nltli lh Vmaru KVIInr slightly Improved. Saturday night to visit with her C. II. Spaugh and daughters ""'-- - - Paul Scoggln JuBt recoivod his flno Mr. and Mra. I. E. Wlmor and son Practical Experience Counts in Developing and Printing Films, and we are prepared to turn out firstelass work in a short time. Our work insures your coining again. ' "In at ONE, at FIVE they're done." CENTRAL PHOTO CO. WITH SYMONS, The Jeweler. O'Kane DUt'.. Bend. Ore. w s STOP! Anil Investigate our prices iicforo buying your Krocerlos. Wo can huvo you money. P. B. Johnson's Milllcuri. Oro. Telephone BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS L BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINGS ' VALUE ABOUT . $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 STicK? BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. . v eh ja