The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 06, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
vol. xvi.
iu:ni, ii:scin ti:h cor.vrv, oheoo.v, tiihihdav, .11 si: a, wtn
No. M
IVopto of Htutn Will lid Komil In
I'll)' fur Li'gMntiiit Drflrlrnrlisi
t IMt In Hlalo IiiNtJf u
1 tlllllN,
" (HivcUl to Tla llull.lln.)
KALKM, Juno 0. ludlcntlnun now
point (o n disintegration of the
Tightwad club when hu mi minor
iinlsllco comes In noxt ymir. Along
with tin) IiIkIi conI of IIvIiik. tlio IiIkIi
oust of loving nml Urn IiIkIi cost or
n lew other necessities nml luxuries,
t ho IiV(Ii rout of government In loom
liiK nn Hi" hnrlxoii. TIhto Isn't much
lino utlemptliiR to dodge It nml thn
tightwad taxpayer who him groaned
uvery llimt 11 solon tipped tlio amies
n lit t lo with it nnw Appropriation ,
must unravel It Ih nock nml como to It.
Tlio noxt InRlsliituro In koIiik to Iki
tlio moat expensive llltlo ornament
tlinl over iit In loglslntlvn ImlU In
Oregon, nml whlln It In ornamenting
nrotiml It will roiiro vory. vory
deeply Into tho taxpayers' H.ick.
Wnr Tn Mill 1'ln.l.
Tim kIriib urn IiucoiiiIiik very
pointed In tlmt direction. To stnrt
off with tho peoplo themselves nro
oxpeotcd to tnrnUh tlio proluilo for
tho cnrnlvnl of expenditures. At tho
eomltwc election n wnr tnx omnrRoncy
m en urn will be Iiiiiik up on thn bul
lot, which thn first your will rouro
out iiliout 92H,000 of tho people'
momiy If It in Kuril, nml thn yonr there
nttvr thn mini will probably rlso to thn
uool million mark. Ami there Isn't
tuiirh iloubt but tho pooplo will pom
tho bill, nml everyonn of nny promt
nonco who has no fnr discussed tho
measure ngrces that It Mhoulil bo
liaised. Tho mensuro will enro for
all of thn wnr oxlRnnclcs which mlRht
tfrlio Intnrnnlly In the Htnto and
(hern munm to bo n chanco for plenty
of them to nrlso, tho name m plenty
of thorn havu nrlsen no far. It thti
in ca nuro passe 11 will provldo for
nn iiununl tnx levy of nboul 1.000,
000 per. It I iioremiixry to put thin
measure before tho pooplo Iipcauio of
the 0 per cent. Ilmltntlon ntncmlinnnt
which would preclude thn loRlnlnturo
mining any nnch exlrnordlnary
nuiounl without putting tho regular
run of Roviirnmontnl ntTulrii practic
ally out of hiialnciN,
After t tint mnttnr linn been ndjuat
od tho legislature will not have to
monkey with inllltnry or wnr nppro
prlntlou nml will bo rIvoii ii frno
roln to tear Into tho general cotTom
eta fur' nn tho 0 per cent, umemlniont
will nllow. That It will huvo hoiiio
(nil tearing to do Ih becoming nolf
ovlilcnt. Deficiency n( I'mltentlury.
Tho stnto pnultontlnry In trio tlrnt
liiHtltutlon to appear on tho ncono tor
u deficiency appropriation and that
liutltutlnn will nnk for about 167,000
t tho noxt innutliiR of tho omorgoncy
lionnl. Already tho emergency board
linn panned out dtiflcloucy impropria
tions or $;tf)-',500. TIiohd linvo not
been to liiHtltutloiiM, hut huvo boon In
tho main for matters oloaely ulllud
to thu wnr.
It Im exported -that n millibar of
other Institutions will follow milt
after tho prUou gota In Itti Jul) at
tho umergonoy board and It Ih prob-
jublo Hint tho tlrnt thing thn next
IcgliliUuro will huvo to enntond with
will be about a hnir million dollnra
In dalUilonoy warrants. Aflur It gotn
through bunging tho guiiuml fund
with those, It will thon huvo a sntur
nulla or rogulor npproprliitlnn bills
to glnnt over. And tho appropriation
IiIIIh will ho hotivlor than ever ho
fore. Tho Jumplii coats of labor,
material, equipment and Ronoral cur
rout nxpeiiHOH or all HiirtH, which huvo
IHiBhcd tho Htato liiHtltutlniiH Into tho
tloflcloncy cIiihh, will atlll bo on the
Job whim tho next loRlHlaturo meets,
and probnhly throiiRhout tho noxt
lilonulum ut loam. With 'this ract In
vlow It h eniiy to boo whom tho
'tioglaluturo will huvo plenty to Uoop
it luiay In tho regular round or up
jiroprlntlnn IiIUh.
Tronic Legislator to Como.
And tho frorjc loglalutor will bo
thuro with bollH, Who ho will bo
and whom ho will como from no ono
can Buy at this Bingo of 'tho game,
but It Ih n ulnoh ho will bo there,
llo nlwiiya In, and no oiio oxpoctB him
to inlbB tho golden opportunity which
will arise at tho coming bobbIoii.
(Continuod ou Pago 4.)
(from WednPHday'H Dally.)
ArrniiKitiiiniitH for the meetlni: of
tlio OreROii Htutn llaukerH' ussncla
tlon to be hold In llemt on Krldny
nml Hntunlny huvo been complotnd,
nml It Ih expected that thn mnmbom
or thn nnitoclutloii will couunenco to
nrrlvn tomorrow iivnnliiR, An ex-
ten-lyi) proRrnm, IucIuiIIiir ndilreHcii
by prominent hUHlnenn men nml
bnnkorn or the oluto nml from tho
northwoiit, lniH boon nrrnriRcd, to
Rcthnr with tho local proRrnm urn)
rnrnptloiiR to bo held, The following
U tho proRrnm for tho two dnyn:
I'Vlilny .Monilnj;, Juno 7.
Convention colled to order by the
president, K, I), Cunlck, prciililont of
J. W. Cu-lck ft Company, Albnny,
Invocation, Ilov. W. C. Htewnrl,
Addrena of welcome, C. H. HiiiUon,
prenldont of tho I'lrat Nntlonnl bunk,
Ilfiipnniie, K. (I. Crawford, vice
pro-ldcnt of tho Klrnt Nntlonnl bank,
Annual nddromi or tho proaldnnt.
i:. I). Cunlck.
Itoporta or tho aecrotnry nml trona
AddroM, "Trndo Accnptnncoa,'
John Clnmen, vice prealdent or the
Crocker Nntlonnl bank, Han Fran
clico, Cal.
Addronn, "Tho OrnRnn Thrift
I'lnn," J, A. Uexnll, dean of tho
reboot or commerce, OrcRon ARrlcuU
turnl collnRo.
Appointment by thn prealdent or
committees on rciolutlons, nudltltiR
and nomlnatoiiH, .
IVlilny AfttTiiiMdi, Juno 7.
Addro.i, "Monaco of thn Non
1'artlian I.cnRuo," C. C, Chnpniun,
editor or tho OrcRon Voter, Portland,
Addrcsf, "Tho Opportunltloi or the
Northwcit Danker," II. A. Dlanchnrd,
nRrlculturlHt Live Stock State Hank,
North Portland.
Addreaa, "IllRRor Pnyrolla lor Orn.
Ron," A. (1. Clnrk, secretary or tho
Homo Industry Iooruo, Portland,
Addrena, "I.lfo Inauranco nml Its
Itolntlon to tho Federal Estate Tax"
nml Htnto Inhorltnuco Tux," K. It.
HtroiiR. nannltnut mnunRcr Ort'Rou
I.lfo Insurance company, Portland,
IiHduy KvimiIii.
Informal reception nml dance at
thn Pilot llutto Inn.
Hut untiiy .MomliiK.
Trip to mills, IorrIiir camps and
Industrial acntn of tho city.
Hnlunluy ICtiltiK
Kmhlcm club reception nt Emblem
club rooms.
Two nml Oiic-llutf Mile Aro Now
ICeiuly fur KitvIciv Sluiy Ikii
motho Ih OnltTil.
(.From Frlday'B Dnlly.)
Work on tho narrow gauge road
or tho Pino Tree Lumber company la
progressing rapidly, according to ro-
porta from ntllolaU of tho company.
Two and oiio-haU inllim or tho road
havo alrondy boon eomplntud and nn
18-ton Hhay locoiuotlvo haa been or
dered and In oxpeutud to arrive noxt
woek, whon oporatloiiH will com
ineiice. It la now contemplated by tho
company, If tho nflconsury steel can
bo secured, to complete tho rond to
this city ami transport their lumber
hero by this method.
(From Tueadny'a Dally.)
Mrs. F, O. Minor haa returned tho
tlrat ancle of Hour to tho atoreu in
Horn! umlur tho call Issued laat Mon
day by tho county rood admlnlHtra
toVs offlco and tho retail morchanta,
Thla auuouiicomont waa mndo thla
nfternoon by tho Tri-Stuto Tormlmil
company, wlioro tho Hour wna itnkou
by Mru, Minor. Tho company United
n receipt for tho 0-pound bucIc,
which will bo hold with tho com-
puny'u Btock ivt tho ordor of tho sov-
No Action Mkcly Ho Token by tlio
Club on Him kern in Mb
orty lonn Drlvn Trout
fiw HtrrniiiH.
(From Wedni'Bday'a Dnlly.)
That Mend will huvo a Fourth of
July celebration thin your was do
rlilml at tho weekly luncheon of the
Commercial club hold this noon. O.
T. Carmody, W. O. McPhorsou and
II. J. Ovnrturf worn appointed a com
mittee to take chnrRo of tho celebra
tion and arraiiRo Uh details. A com
mittee was also appointed to obtain
the plantltiR or fish in the Deachules
and iiolRhborltiR wntora this yonr(
Presldont Foley nutnltiK C. H. Hud
son, II. W. Bkuno and It. W. Sawyer
un mom bum or the committee.
Outaldo the appointment or those
commltteea tho bunlueas session or
tho luncheon was Riven over to a
discussion or whether or not tho club
should take action In reRurd to those
whose names appeared on thn "slack
er" llxt on tho la it Liberty bond
drive. II. W. Hkune first proposed that
the list should be published by the
club over the name or tho Liberty
loan committee. V. A. Forbes ob
jected to aurli action on the part or
tho club and C. B. Hudson objected
to It on tho part or tho Liberty loan
committee. J, P. Keyoa also spoko
nRalnal tho plan, utrIiir that Instead
or tryliiR to cryatnlllzo such lecllnRS
as had been aroused by the postltiR
or tho yellow stars an effort should
bo rondo to Rot the so-called slackers
buck Into Hue.
T. A. McCann assorted that tho
club Itself wns at fnult In patriotic
work, espcclnlly in not bavins mndo
n Rrentor effort to obtain speakers
on patriotic subjects.
CIosIiir tho discussion, II. J. Over-
turf explained tho work or tho local
ratlnR board ns carried out In the
last campalRn, saying that every man
listed ns n slacker had had a full
opportunity to bo heard. He doubt
ed, however, tho advisability of tho
Commercial club'a Inking tho matter
Mr. Ovorturf also menttonod tho
organlintlon or a county wnr com
mlttco and tho nrrnriRomentH being
mndo to obtain apenkera regularly.
HniikcrV Plans Told.
For tho committee on the enter
tainment or tho coming bnukora' con
vention, A. Whlannnt stated that a
dinner would bo given at tho Pilot
Hutto Inn Friday night, to bo fol
lowed by n dance, tho public being
Invited to both nffnlrs. On Saturday
tho vlsltorn will ho tnkon to tho log
ging camp nml In tho evening entor
tnlno.l nt a dinner by tho Kmblem
club, also opon to tho public. Itestr-
vatlona for both tho dlunor nt tho
Inn nml at tho Kmblem club should
bo mado nt once, It wna nnnuuncod.
A rpQUost wua also mado tor trout
lor tho club dinner.
former lleml Holdout ltoturiiN to
ItiTomo Vlro 1'nv.ldont of
Local Hunk.
(From Mondny'H Dnlly.)
L. M. Fobs, n former well known
rusldont or Ilend, arrived Saturday
night to tako tho position or vice
prealdent of tho Flrat National bank
nnd haa entered on lila now duties
Mr. Fobs cornea from l.cwlston,
Idaho, wlioro ho has boon employed
for tho piiBt threo and a hair yearn
aa district fmlght mid pnsBongor
agent. In that capacity ho has
handled for tho railroad many thou
sand enra ot live stock, frulta and
grains, thotohy acquiring mi expert
knnwledgo ot these Industries which
ho will uao In his now connection for
tho development of tho live Btock mid
grain business of this section,
When rormorly hero Mr. Foas rop
rosontod tho O.-W. H. & N. Co, ns
travollng rrolght nnd pnssongor
agent, occupying tho position for two
years, during which tlmo ho galuod
n wldo and favorablo acquaintance
throughout Central Oregon. Mr.
Fobs' family will Join htm horn lator
hi tho month.
City Council Take Dnmllc Action on
Wnr M.uiHuro Ncnv Flnjj Will
lt Purrlijiseil Wtrt-t
AfteftNiniifii In.
(From Wcdnesdiiy'a Daily.)
All male citizens or Hond, regard
less of their station In life or the
amount or their Income, will be re
quired to go to work at some useful
occupation under tho provisions or
nn ordinance passed by tho city coun
cil nt Ha regular meeting hold last
Thn ordinance, passed as a war
rnouKurc, provides that every man in
tho city who la physically able must
ongngo In some occupation lor nt
least 3G hours each week, and tho
fctatemont that ho la unable to find
employment will not bo nccoptcd as
nn excuse by tho officials. Provi
sions or the ordlnauco covering this
phase or the question make it neces
sary for those unnblo to find useful
employment to uppoal to the city
recorder, who is nuthrolzcd to ob
tain labor for them, which It will bo
required that they accept or suffer
tho penalty named In tho measure
of f GO fine or 30 days In jail or both
tho fine and imprisonment.
Mombors of tho council speaking
on tho measure before Its passage
doclared thut there could be no alter
native. All men must o to work,
and ns tho vagrancy taw of tho city
will not cover tho caso of the idler
with on Income, sotno measure
ahould Tjo adopted that would cover
their particular case.
Mayor Caldwell, in a letter from
Portland, whore he la at tho present
timo, urged upon tho council tho ne -
crsslty or taking action in this mat-j0r a shell is to rail on tho ground
tor at onco. Tho ordinance provides nn(i tako their chances. This Is the
that any ono receiving employment jway Frank Hubbard, a Medrord,
through tho city clerk will not bo re- Oregon boy, explains It in a letter to
quired to work lonfier than tho cus-J.Mg8 Elslo Olsln of this city. Mr.
tomnry hours, and aro to receive tho Hubbard enlisted In tho Marino
prevailing wages. Nothing In tho'corps at Medford, Oregon, Immedi
ordtnanco Is to prohibit a man from'ately after war was declared, Sorgt.
quilting omploymont becauso of a 'upooks of tho Marino recruiting sta
dlsagroomoni with his employer, but Hon In this city having charge of a
othor omploymont must bo secured similar offlco thero at that time, anh
In a stipulated length of tlmo. It being responsible for Mr. Hubbard's
will bo loft to tho pollco force or tho1 entrance Into tho scrvlco which he
city to dotcrmlno who shall come now declares ho likes so well. Tho
undor tho provision of tho ordinance, letter, In part, follows:
and ho will huvo powor to enforce it. I "Yesterday i received your flno
Iluy New l-'lni;. uox t candy and it surely Is good
Declaring that tho flrtg at tho In- and I want to thnnk you so much.
lerMOctlon of Ilond nnd Oregon! Wo very seldom can got chocolato
atroets had outwavod Its usefulness, nnd then tt Is tho French kind, very
n now ting was ordered purchased hitter and costs 1 VS francs a small
and will bo put In placo within n day; bar. Candy novor tnated so good ns
or two.
KtrvJ. AssoKMiient Duo.
Assessments for street work
duo nnd collectors will commenco aomothlng aliout yours truly. Well.
this week to turn thla money Into tli08 " knw. cannot wrlto much,
city treasury. Tho amounts assessed slnco l lnst wroto wo wero um,or
lor tho recent street work are none 8n flro nml believe nio It sum gives and It Is thought by the mem- -vo I"0" fooling. All you will
hers or tho council thnt tho greter,,19r is something whistling through
nortlon of tho total sum will be col- 'r. coming right toward you.
lectod nt onco.
(From Monday's Dally.)
That "America's allies' eo-opera-
tlvo oommlttoo," which Is conducting
:i mall sale ot pencils, tho proceeds
of which. It I announced, will bo
used to aucoor sufferers behind tho
ulltod Hues, lacks tho Indorsement
both of tho stnto council ot dofenso
for Oregon nnd tho Charity Organiza
tion society of Now York wna avorred
In a Btu'emout Issued Saturday by
Captain John IC, Knllock, manager ot
tho Htnto council of dofenso.
"Under tho clrcumatiincos, mid un
til tho organization demonstrates Its
standing to tho satisfaction ot tho
Oregon State Council ot Dofenso or
n similar organization In Its own
stnto, tho stnto council does not up
provo Its solicitation ot funds within
tho atato of Oregon," concludes Cap
tain Kollock'a atntomout.
Many business mou ot thla city
huvo boon recipients ot these pencils,
hut so far na can bo learned no re
spoubo tuts boon mudo to tho appeal
from thla county, mid with tho ac
tion tukon by tho state council ot do
fenso it la likoly thnt tho stocks will
bo roturnod to tho soudora unopened.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
HALHM, Juno 4.- -In an opinion to
District Attorney II, II. Do Armond,
Assistant Attorney Van Winkle holds
that or tho two candidates for county
commissioner for Deschutes county
for tho four-year or long term, tho
ono receiving tho largest number of
votes ia tho nominee. Tho candidate
who failed to designate, whether he
waa a candidate for the long or short
term waa not a candidate, ho holds
further, and consequently tho one
candidate who designated himself as
a candldato for tho two-year term la
tho nominee for that term. A candl
dato who falls to designate tho terms
for which ho la a candldato is dis
qualified altogether.
Tho above dispatch setting forth
tho decision of the state attorney's
offlco unravels tho angle in the re
cent primary election in this county
when Meredith Daliey, Jr., and C. II.
Miller filed for tho long-term com
mlssloncrshlp, J. II. Ovorturf for the
two-year term and E. E. Vnrco, who
mado no designation or tho term for
which ho was a candidate.
Ovorturf and Varco received tho
high number or votes, with Miller
third and Dallcy fourth. The can
vassing board, however, refused to
issue certificates of nomination for
the commlssloncrshlp until the case
had been Bcttlcd by tho state office.
With Varco eliminated Miller is the
Republican nominee for tho four
yea r term and Ovorturf for tho two
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Tho only thing to do when tho
'boys '"over there" hear tho whistle
It does over hero and I want to
thank you again tor same.
"I expect you would like to know-
then tho only thing to do is fall on
tho ground and tako your chances.
I nm getting to bo some good at tho
'fall.' It is Just liko lightning ypu
boo big branchos tall, you hear a
whistling nolso, then a big explosion.
It suroly makes you feol queer and
takes your breath away.
"You don't know, mid you cannot
undorstaud or know how pleased I
nm to got your letters. I am so fnr
away nnd your letters aro so cheer
ful wich so much news In thorn. I
havo been In tho sorvlco nearly a
year now mid hnvo not missed a
day's duty since I havo boon In tho
sorvlco, not alck u day, and thoro
aro vory fow that hnvo not boon alck
nt some timo or othor, mid I think
thnt Is a protty good record.
"I am in tho best branch of tho
service mid am proud to say I am
a Marine."
(From Wednesday's Dnlly.)
Fuuornl sorvlcoa ovor tho remains
of J. IngalU wero h'old yeatorduy
aftornoon from tho family homo in
Hustings addition. Mr, Iugalls death
occurred Monday morning after a
wook's illness or pneumonia. Ho has
resldod In Hond about ono yoar und
loaves a wife, ono son, Hold Iugalls,
and a daughter, Mrs, Slduoy Moser,
No Morn Retail Hale to Ho Mode In
tho County Until After August
1 Compel and Ilakrrlcff
Aro Excluded.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Hnlleiit Feature of Lost Night'
Deschutes count Is whcatless
until August 1st. Dakorles,
hotels, lojglng camps and
hospitals excepted.
Invoice of all flour held by re
tailers must bo turned in by
Tuesday, Juno 4. Flour held
to order ot county food ad
Private families aro asked to
turn in all flour on hand to
storekeepers, who will receipt
for it.
Deschutes county is to go on a
wheatless ration until tho first day
or August, 1918, according to a
resolution adopted by tho retail deal
ers or the county at a meeting held
In tho county court room last night.
Tho only exceptions to ho mado will
bo logging camps, bakeries, hotels
and hospitals, which am already
under government license, hut these
Institutions must buy their flour fron
tho mill or wholesaler, all retail
doalers agreeing to turn in an In
voice ot their stock to tho assistant
county food administrator's office
within Jour days, or on or before
Juno 4th. Tho flour held In stock
by the merchants is to ho retained by
them until some provision is made
for storing it in this city, or until
an order for the stock on hand has
been issued by tho county adminis
trator's offlco.
1'rlvato Families Asked to Give,
A call also has been Issued to all
prlvato families to turn In their stock
of flour to the government to aid In
tho present shortage. Any merchant
in the city is authorized by tho
county food administrator to receipt
for tho return of this flour, and it is
not necessary that tho flour bo re
turned to tho merchant from whom
it was purchased. Methods ot pay
inont for tho flour am to bo worked
out by tho food administration office
Atxiut Thirty at Mectlnj.
About thirty ropresentativo retail
ors from tho different towns of the
county wero at tho meeting, which
was called to ordor by K. A. Ward,
county agricultural agent, after
which Elmer E. McVlckor, assistant
county food odmlnlstrutor, statod the
purpose tor which tho meeting hud
boon called.
Camps Aro Herniated.
Whllo arguments of tho question
from all points ot view woro made, it
was ovldont from tho beginning that
thoso In attendance wero determined
to back up tho government In any
manner advised by Its representative
In this district. Tho greatest point
ot dlsouselou was taken ou tho elim
ination of bakorleo and camps from
tho order, whllo workmon living ut
homo and performing tho sumo labor
ns thoso boarding at tho camp hotels
would bo forced to forego tho usrt of
wheat. Mr. McVlckor stated that
tho county food administrator could
Issue pormlta to nil war workers, but
undor government regulations It
would not bo posslblo for tho retail
ors or tho county to enact a resolu
tion regulating thoso places,
ltllcy Closes Argument.
After almost two hours ot contin
ual discussion tho matter was
brought to n hoad when W. It. KHoy
ot La Pino mado a motion to adopt
a resolution prohibiting tho salo of
flour to any person In tho county
whatever, adding .(hat an lnvolco o(
nil flour now on hand should be
mado and forwarded to tho county
food administrator's office within
four days, all stocks ot flour accord
Ing to tho lnvolco to ho at tho ordr
and call ot tho government. The
motion was passed unanimously,
after which tho following resolution
(Continued on Pago Six.)