I'AGR S UKN'I) llUIiljirriN. DKNl), OUKtiOX, TIll'lUSDAV, .MAY 110, llltH STORE CLOSED ALL DA Y "Maurice p.- cashman The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes FLORSHEIM SHOES DUTCHESS PANTS JFOREST FIRE DOES BUT LITTLE DAMAGE Tho flro which was raging between I, a Pino and Ft. Rock tho latter part of last week did but very little dam ago to tho area over which it burned, according to the members of the forest service, who have returned after several days in that vicinity, in which thoy worked to get tho blaze under control. Tho area covered about six hun dred acros, but owing to the lack, of underbrush there was little trouble in fighting it and kcepltvg It confined to tho region whoro it was first started. Wo buy all kinds of hides, pelts, furs, wool. Hrlgtg-s' Second Hand Store. 37tfc EIGHTH GRADE M MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30, 1918 At first, Memorial Day was a day of memories; the graves of the brave men who gave their lives in the Civil War were decorated with flowers; a sign that a grateful people had not forgotten the supreme sacrifices these men made. t THEN the day gradually became a popu lar holiday; games, sports, picnics, were more important than heroic memories; the original idea of the day was in danger of be ing lost. Now we have come to a time when Me morial Day can be, and should be, consecra ted anew; when we may look back with rev erence upon the victorious past, and forward with courage and determination to a victor ious future; . Let us make the day a time when we renew our declarations of loyalty to the great cause of which our country has always been , the foremost champion the cause of Human Liberty. We shall "do our work, whatever it may be, with a better spirit, if we keep that idea before us. C. 0. 1. INSTALLS II ifimmummimtmmmmm mmmmwimrt'Wir)iw0mmm ft I COMPANY COMl'LIKS WITH OK l IlKIl OF Pl'HI.U MKKVIt'F. COM MISSION FOIt DISTIlllirtlON 01' i WATF.lt TO NKTTLKItH. .. NOTICE! . Second installment on Third Liberty Loan Bonds will be due May 28th, 1918. Owners of $50.00 Bonds should pay 20co, or $10.00. , Owners of $100.00 Bonds should pay' 20cot or $20.00. Payment should be in the Bank on or be fore May 28th. The First National Bank BEN.QREGON wM' jjfflfM IXKVK.V OUT OK FIFTKH.V AUK I'ltOMOTF.I) INTO IIIUII SCHOOL FOL'K OTIIKUS Alti: CONDI-TIO.YKD. F.loven out of fifteen pawing with high honors and tho othor (our eon dltloned Is tho roconl ostnbllshod by tho eighth grado claim of tho Held school, which took tho county exam ination hero last wook. County Superintendent J, Alton Thompson, In speaking of the sue coss of tho pupils tint) aftornoon, stated that tho record wan an envi able one, and duo almost entirely to tho efforts of Miss Cane, principal of tho Hold school, and to Miss McClay, their Instructor. Tho record conflicts favorably with tho examination of Decomhor when but two members of the class passed tho test. Tho names of tho successful can didates aro as follows: Loydo Hlak loy, Mario Catt, Loulso Inablt, Wi nona Klelnfeldt, llelon Mahonoy, Ervln McNeil, Huell Orrell, Hllzaboth Veltum, Wilbur Watklns, Francis Whltlock, Howard Watson. Those conditioned worn: Agnes Johnson, Houlah Hannlster, Ema Lou Myors, Guy Smith, Tho following high school pupils worked off conditions: Ilonald Sol ium, grammar; Mildred Iloovor, grammar; Saphrona Morris, grunt-mar. (SpwUI to Til Itulletln.) HALKM, May 24,--Wolra nro now liiHtnllod on tho Coutral Oregon Irri gation project to nit water users but about CO ami thoso aro being com pleted and aro expected to bo ilntslu'd before tho HcaRon Is far advanced, according to u statement Junt sub tutttcd to tho public sorvlco commis sion through tho desert land board by Chlof Kiigtnoor llotllloltl. This Information Is u part of that fur nished at this tlmo In lino with thu I order of tho commission handed down In Decomhor, which ordered the company to tile a plan of system atic distribution of wnter for Irrlgn ( (Ion of tho lauds of tbo various set tiers prior to tho opening nt tho Irri gation season of 1918. Tho datn Just tiled 's very uxteuslvo and covers ' practically every phase of tho situa tion on tho Central Oregon project. hwterlilp by District Sliouii. Tho matter tiled Includes n print showing tho tracts cultivated, occu pied and schodulcd In receive water and tho ditch rldor's beats. Another statoment shows tho present owner ship and nercago for tho Iledmond, Deschutes, Ilend, Alfalfa and I'owoll Ilutto districts. A wolr list of the Pilot Ilutto and Coutral Oregon canals divided Into 1C beats Is also Included. , Tho lists show tho lateral, owner, length of weir, Irrigable acres under tho weir, second feet required, re quired height above the weir nod the basts on wh'-ch allowance Is calcu lated In a few en huh allowance for loss has lie "n allowed between tho , settler's wolr and his laud. In addi tion aro Included sample page of 1 record of gaugo readings, containing all data on tho weir lists, and also tho station diverting from tho main canal, contract number, Irrigable acres, namo of patrolman, gaugo j height for each day, May 23 to 1 August 30 and tho corresponding dis charge) In second feot, tho average dlschargo lu second feet andathu to tal dlschargo In second feet. Water i:rry 7 14' Dii. "Wo now have 43 rotations In I force under the Centra"! Oregon canal 'and 72 rotations In force under tho Pilot Ilutto canal." states Mr. Ited Held In his letter of transmittal. "Wnter Is usually required every IS ; days, but on account of water lining required for domostlc uso the periods aro figured 7 Ms days between, which 'enables tho settlor to (III his cistern and Irrigate n portion of his ground, usually ono-hnlf. Those nro nearly all confined to bonds under two see ond feet, as most of tho settlers' ditches will not 'carry a larger head and to a fow users under each lateral a constant head being maintained nt the head of tho lateral. "Ah the rotation expands, entire laterals can bo Included lu tho rota tion with lucroussd saving of wnter. Itepnlrs were bogun onrly last fall, after tho settlers wero through using water and every avail able man was used. The structures nro In good condition and tbo system Is lu excellent repair for tho greater part, but owing to tho difficulty of procuring labor u few portions of tho system have not boon covered, Tho labor situation effects nil branches so thut It Is difficult to secure and rotalu ditch riders mid offlco help." Much in oro datu Is Included In tho roport, which Is very comprehensive. Uh M .i. . v itimm w Tr nv." $ In Fashion's Mirror. Tir.ATHF.Uni.OOM ltlkou i.flt llio llrt illo tmln. cm, tuil tt llm miiii pu.t, Jcci kuviiitf tlul t Vrollll vMU lu iIicid Dtfunixiiy Hh.m, lUttln'ililii'xn ouuIl tlU fur r l nm tlilnl tin em. W lnvn iMiiiiluiiUiittphiV lfifur rltlcw4t lrMrlni'iii tinLy uf tin l.tt.t llli.nbliiu ciUuiit, Conn in i.ii k limn. Tuffotti Petticoats me rvniw rum w wr-iimwN PETTICOA TS Received another shipment of Petticoats in Heather bloom, talleta flounce with hcatlierbloom top, unci Die all silk in a big assortment of plain and fancy colors. Gingham Petticoats '89c Mack Sateen Petti coats 98c Ileathorbloom Petti coats in a big range of colors t , . .$1..19.$1.98 Silk flounce Petticoats with licatherbloom to in plain and changeab colors . $1.98 Taffeta and Mcssalinc Petticoats in p 1 a i n, changeable and flower ed designs $2.98-$3.i)S-H!)8-$r.i)0 Plack Silk Petticoats in extra sizes $...08-$5.00 White Muslin Petti coats (J9c.98c-$1.'19.$1.98 Don't fail to see our line of Silk Sweaters. Beller" J. t. JTliNNtY CO., IHC. Qlhew follow Irrigation District pertaining to'CDy of Deud on the 3rd day of Juno tho election utitnoruiug Hie Issue nt 3 p. in. nt the city pound Highest cash price paid for all kinds of hides, pelts, wool, furs, at Drlggs' Second iHaiyl St,ore, 37Jfo GERMANY ISSUES DANES ULTLMATUM (lly Unltrl Prnu to 'nm Html Ilullitln.) WA8IIINOTON, May 20, Oer- many has soul an ultimatum to Don mark to withdraw Immediately from tho allied trade 400,000 tons or Danish bottoms offered for the trans portation of needed products from tho United States to Oreat Ilrltaln. Tho hows leuked out when tlio Dan ish shipping mission arrived In this country. NOTK'K. In tho Circuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon, for Deschutos County. In tho Mattar of tho Application of Oils K. fltadlg, Oeo. F. Cyrus and John W. (Jotter, tho board of di rector of tho Squaw Crook Irri gation District, for a judicial ex amination und Judgment of tho court as to tho regularity und la guilty of tho organization -of said Squaw Crook Irrlgutlon District, and tho regularity and legality of tho proceedings and acts of tho Hoard of Directors of said Squuw Crook Irrigation District, and of tho proceedings of tho Hoard, of Directors of ould Squaw Crook nod sale of bonds, and of the regit larlty and legality of said bond election lu Die sum of 1 126,000.00. To the Squaw Creek Irrigation Dis trict and to all freeholders, legal voters and iishumuiioui payers within tut Id district, and owners of title to land within said district, and to any person or persons Inter ested In tltH proceeding of said district or lu the Ishiih and sale 'jf bonds and any other liidnhtednu-M Incurred by said district, and to each of you In tho Name of the Stato of Ore gon: You and each uf you nro here by commanded and required to ap pear and answer the petition of the petitioners, the' Hoard of Directors of the Squaw creek irrigation Dis trict. (Mr,i be re In iigalust you. and each of you. In tho above entitled court ami cause on or uoiorn ino 121 h day of July. 101K. In tho court room of tho above entitled court In llond, DosrhutiM county, Oregon, and If you fall so to appear und demur or nnswor, or otherwise plead within said time, said petitioners or plain tiffs will apply to tho court for the relief prayed for lu thu petition on file herein, to-wit: For a decree of this court to tit effect that the salt! district Is duly and legally orgnnlzl under and pur suant to tho laws nf tho rftato of Oregon; thut all elections hld In said district, both for tho formation and organization of tho district ami for the Issuance of lioiuU, have bOeu held lu tho manner provided by law and aro valid, and that tho nets and proceeding of the Mourn of Directors In connection with ssld district have boon regularly and legnlly performed and nre valid, and that nil Indebted ness Incurred and ell warrants Issued and obligations entered Into by said district nre logal ami binding upon said district, und Hint the authoriza tion bv said district of tho Issuance of bonds lu tho sum of $12G,000,Qjf for the purpose of acquiring control I und ownership of tho Squaw Creek Irrigation system, Including all lands mid water rights necessary to bo in quired In connection therewith Is In nil things legal und regular, mid for any other und 'further relief as to the court may seom Just and equit able In tho prumisoM. (Soul.) J. II. IIANICIt, 13-lSe County Clerk of Doschutes County, Oregon. II. II. DK AllMONI), Attorney for Petitioners, Mend, Oru. L. A W NIXON. Chief of Pollen and ex-Oflklo I'ouiidniftstur. CLAKSIFIItn ADVKIITISICMKM-H I Olt kali:. TOM 8AI.K ClIKAP On wuy terms, 240 acres whuat land, Improved, near Madras, Ore.; fi-yonr louse on 100 udjolnltijc. See or wrlto owner, J. M. Olson, ICC Adams Place, llond. h'8-13p FOIt HALH Onod gentle driving mare, harness and buggy. Also potatoes for now feed, j'rloo rlgUt, Loo Nlohorsoii, near ('range tin It.- 03-130 FOIt HALF, Onlviw -and M!luu hares. Wrlto Ilox IC3, lleml, Ore 7H-13.14p FOIt SALIC 1 good milch eows, R head of steers, 3 bond heifers, I Kconomy cream separator, 460-lh. capacity, $30. O, D. Norton, .Milli on n. 02-12-1 4o FOIt HALK 1 ( head of cattle and nun work Imiii. II. A. (losuoy, Union barber shop. Phono 2171. 10-lllfo FOIt HALK Mhko ftffor for lot 10, blk. 22, Park addition. Ilsud; lb to bo cash, hal. 2 years at (. II, IJrtimmell. car llolenu Hotel, () den. Utah. 03-10-liip FOIt HALi: Flftepn bond of good Jrsy cows. Homo fresh now, balance trssh In fall. Association tested. Vuu Morse, Itedtnond, Oro. 31.7-1 dp FOIt HALK -Why homostond when you ran buy it doedod ranch nu the Tumalo project, 100 aores, for If; per acre? Home and. barn: good outside range. Address Lock Ilox 2, Tumalo, Ore, 02-Ctfo TOU HALK ICQ ncros on tho river. . 2fi inllos soiitlijjof Ilend. Well) located for stock or dairy. L.' Corbln, II. 4, 'Oregon City. ' 71-R-lOp LOST AND FOUND. POUND NOTIOK. Notice Is hfiroby given that tho City of Ilend hns taken up tho fol lowing described live stock, to-wlt: One red und whlto cow, dehorned, brands, lazy K right Hide, JAN con nected left shoulder, both oars ernnnrul utiil Htillt In (lift! 1)11(1 red heifer about ouo your old, earmarks same us cow, unions ir any untie clphorablo. Tho cost of redeeming . i.i iivi uiu.lf will lui HI (III niir ilav In adtlltloA to the actual expense of keeping uhd the cost of advertising and all other necessary expenses. In casp ni aiitiro to reneem nu pun in nwnnr. milil llvn Htock will bo Hold as provided by the charter of tho IJSTHAV NOTICH 4 yourllng rnlvos branded 2 S with bar underneath. Notify II. A. (losuoy, Union barber shop, Phono 2171. K3-13-ICo LOST- Put black lop coat In wrong car Tuesday morning. Finder kindly notify llulletln. 00-1 3p Brand Directory FltANK PKIK'IVAMj MIIIIciui, Oregon, adv.SOp A & Might side; right oar crop ped; wattle right hind log. II. L. TONi:, Hlhters, Oro. udv.lOOo P. II. JOIINHON, MIIIIciui, Oregon. tJIFor Maintaining and Beautifying the Lawn as well as irrigating we have all the necessary equipment, consisting of SPHAYEJIS, NOZZLES, HOSE, LAWN MOWERS, GRASS CATCHERS, Lawn and Garden Seeds. SKUSE HARDWARE CO.