The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 30, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Tim following nro (tin bllla allowed
nt thi) May 2, 1018, term or thn
tiniuity court for DrschutoH county:
Paul II, Pownra, circuit court
reporter 70.00
Good Road Madilimry Co.,
Monarch road roller... .1 ,025.00
Glnaa A I'rudliummo Co., hup-
jiIIiih rlnrk'it office 1M.27
V, Dmnnnt & Co,, auppllca (or
Jiill 2.70
Owl I'liiirmncy, supplloa coun
ty nfflrim lO.Ofl
Mlllor Lumber Co., lumber
runil work 1.11
W. J. Wooil, ronil work . . . It. 00
Cont-Oro Motor Co , repairs
to auto (H. K HotinrlN) 17T..00
Do, ropnlra to unto imil
Ntlplll'H fi.OO
J, Alton Thompson, ntipt.
kcIiooIh, supplies, otc 17. CO
Kllliiwn Ktntlonnry A. J'tg.
Co., niipplli'i naaoaaor's of
llco ... .. 18.30
Hkuso Hardware Co,, auppllca
court h mi nn 11.01
E. J. IlriK'ilnn, nuto hint J. K.
Warner case ... 3.00
L, A. Iloathmnn, nuto hire
(order of A, A. Anderson) 2.50
Alex. Amnions, nerving sub
poena, sheriff G.G0
Pacific Tel, k Tel, Co., siirv-
Icon (aupt. office). . . . 2.75
Hlniulnril Oil Co , gnaolliin
nnil oil for truck 70.43
K, H. Ilrndley, witness fora
Juatlco court ... 1.80
It. A Atnmoiii, do Hlatti vs.
J. W. Conrad . .. .. 12.40
Chnn, Houston, serving sub
poena ... 10.20
V. (1 Ramaower, rond nop-
pile 2.25
Crook County Journal, type
writer paper, clerk 7.00
J. II. Ilitner, irnlr.lit, chirk. . 0.45
Ilniix'iii Map ft it. 1. Co., sup
piles, nuni'iiaor'a office 10 41
llciul Preas, supplloa, county
offices . 22.75
Mrit. Harney Conaway, wit
iinas fees Htnto vh. Cnld
woll (jimtlco court) . . 12.70
duo. it. Ilnrclny, nuto hlro
Prlnovlllo, llnunr and
Crnndall 12.00
(Ilium & Prudhommo Co., le-
Kit! blanks, sheriff 'a offlco 2.31
llond Oarage, work on ahor-
IfT'n nuto . 21.35
(I. It. Iliircluy, nuto hire, pro-
(Inrtnnn cnc 50
W. K. Flruer & Co.. Ink for
mimeograph, aupt 'a offlco 3.08
W. I. Vandovort, serving
nuhpnrnns nnil deputy . . . C5.50
I'- II, Johnaon, nerving sub-
poonna 24.80
limliotiK A Co., auppllon
clerk" office :. 12.15
A. II. Horn, road work, brick
ynrd ronil 19.00
llond Lodge No 130, Janitor
pcrvlcn (Cnniidlnn offlcor'a
mooting) 3.00
C. I,. MrCnuloy, rcglatratlon
of doctor) 1.40
J no J. CunnliiKlinm, nuto
hlro (Insanity caao) COO
Crnndnll & Roberta, auditing
county book - . . 250,00
W. I). IHrnes, Insanity hear
ing nnil ittppltoa court
room ... 2. CO
L. A. W. Nixon, arrcat of
Leslie Molnicfi 2.50
C. L. (lint. aorvlng summons 4.80
Warren Hrown, preparing
coploa of registration curd 35.00
Russell Orndlng Mfg. Co.,
rond uinchiuory 290.40
V. Dykstrn, grand Jury wit
nosa, circuit court 10,00
Martha II. Dykntrn, do ... 10.00
H, W. Morrill, do 15.40
11. H. Ilrndloy, do 11,80
Milton Janes, do 10.40
A. V. Poolo, do 8.20
I.oo Rlgga, do 12.00
Ilnruny II. Connwny, do 9.40
Itnlph Cnldwoll, do 2.00
William Clnrno, do 7.40
Allen NoIhoii, court wltnuiis,
circuit court 14.00
John Mllllorn, do 12.80
Dnvld Wonvor, do 10.40
II. D. YiiuiiK, tlo 13.20
Clnrnnco Ilnrvoy, do 14.00
K. O. FnuKlit, tlo 10.00
J. T. HoiiHton, do 12.00
II, C. Wnrnor, do 18.00
(lordon Wnrnor, do 18.00
A. I.oonnrd, do 7.00
lloopur Dyor, do 7.00
W. It, Jordan, do 7.00
II. B. Smith, do 7.00
H. V. Morrill, do 4.00
It. H. Ilrudliv', do 8.00
KM Wilson, do 21.00
Alox. AmmonH, do 22,40
John U (litrHko, do 8.00
J. C. llounton, do 29.40
Curl Smith, do 49.20
At. II. Jniii'H, do 0.00
JnniOH Hoyco, do 21,80
II. II. KIlKoro. do 22.00
Illll llurKOtt, do 37.00
OhiiB. IIouHtou, do 0,80
A. V. J'oolo, do 10.00
J. II. Minor, do 2,00
Oncur Mllllcnn, do 80,00
Joo llitnlfltor, do 7.40
MrH. I'. II. JohiiHon, do 9,00
Mm. W. W. OrliiBtoud, do 10.20
1 B. I.oo, do 10.20
Itny llruHHllold, do fi.80
W, II. Unrkor, tin 10.00
ChnrloH Kolth, do 20.00
Ilnrnoy II. Cnnnwny, do 11 40
Not Just
Meat But
llnrry Morrloon, do 11,40
A. Lonnnrd, do , 7.40
(5. C. ICIIno, do 10.00
Pock CrolKhtoii, do 15.00
Kd. Mooro, do 19,40
U. H. Ilutihnoll, do 10.00
Wllllnm Clnrno, do 4.00
A. I.. Mackintosh, do 0.00
It, II, Cnldwoll, do 2.00
It. II. Cnldwoll, do 4.00
MrH. LouU Hchmorl, do 7.40
I B. ICiilp, do 4.00
I.ovl McCnulny, Juror circuit
court 7.40
Mnrndlth Ilnlloy, Jr., do 14.00
Clnudn I, MniinhnliiKir, do.... 0.00
11. 0. Illnckwoll, do 9.00
J (). McKliiniiy, do 14.00
Krnnk Ilodyfnlt, do 13.00
H. W. Morrill, do 18.40
(!. B, Hamilton, do 3.00
J. II. Minor, do 0.00
II HolKCHnn, do 25.40
W. K Fryrmtr, do 41.20
B. W lllchnrdnon, do 0.00
(luy McCnlllHtor, do 42.00
W. II. Crnwford, do 3.00
A. J. Ilnrtnr, do 41.00
Mlaltio Onrnor, do 3.00
V. 0'I.niiKlilln, do 3.00
l H. ItohnrtH, do 43,40
II. J. Murphy, do 3 00
W. II. Crnwford, do 3.00
B, V. Wnrd, do 9.00
Frnhk I'orclvnl, do 43.00
11. I' Mlntnr, do 39.00
JntiitM Union, do 3 00
John J Cunnlnxlinm, do 30.00
W. T. Colvor. do 3.00
(iuy II. WIIhoii, do 42.00
It II. Ilnyloy, do 37.00
Win. B. Sonrcy, do 47.50
B. I. LoRnn, do 42.00
A 0. Allan, do 0 00
II. J. Ovorturf, do 30.00
J. W. Day, do 9.00
J. C. IthodcH, do 0 00
11. M, Smith, do 9.00
M. I'. CnHhmnn, do 33 00
Lynch & ItohnrtH, nupplloi for
county patlnnt 0.25
I'nclOc Tol & Tol. Co., tolo-
phono unrvlco for county
JuiIko 3.85
Pnclflc Tol. A Tol. Co., tolo-
phono unrvlco circuit court 2.70
M. A. I'nlmor, cnhlnot work
circuit court 17.50
I,. A, W Nixon, coimtnhlo
fiicH JtiRtlcn court 1.50
(loo. It Ilnrclny, auto hlro
nhorlff offlco 14.50
Heed-Smith More. Co., imlmi.
for court houno 17.86
Jon I nn en, npoclnl Juror, cir
cuit court 3.00
Bd HnWiirHon, do 3.00
I). V MncklntONh, do 3.00
II Ijithnm. do 3.00
W. II f'oblo, do 3.00
T. II. Foloy, do 3.00
C A. Wnrnor, do 3.00
J. V. Arnold, do .. . 3.00
J. II. Ilnnnr, Htnmpcd on-
volopcH ..... 05.04
II (tnd HnullnR Co., Armenian
incntliiB nt lllppodromo 7 75
Itmlmond Iloipltnl, enro of
county pntlontH 102.90
Do 12.00
MnKlll A Bnklnn, Huppllrn
for flhnrlft nnd county
phyalclnn 11.25
MbkIII A Briklnn, nupplloi
for clnrk'n ofOcu C.60
A. U. Wrnvor, deputy ahorirf 7.40
(loo, II. Ilrynnt, wltnrtH, Htnto
tb. Wnrnor 2 00
W. KcrgUHon, deputy sheriff 13.00
Olnrni A Prudhammo, record
blndara, trnnacrlblnR 40.00
Do . 120.00
Hny 11. Canterbury, raKlttrn-
lion of (doctor 14 50
Frank II. Dayton, do 3.30
J. A. Wlllcox, do 1.70
C. II. Irvlu, burial of county
patient 8.25
F, Dnmont A Co., Rrocorlos
for Jnll 40.90
Wnntworth A Irvlu, nupplloi
for road work 7.50
Dr. II. Forroll, res'latrar'a
feca 14.25
Dr. J F. HoBch, do 3.75
(loo. B. Altkou, do 1.00
B. I.. JohnaoM, do 76
P. II. Johnnon, do 70
W. (I. Fordhnm, do 25
It, II. Fox, road work, Slatora
brltlKo . . - 0.00
llaymond Holler, rond work
La Pino rood 24.00
Wm. Hunt, do 80,60
J. J. CunnlnRhnm, do 100.00
C. B. Dunamore. do 39.00
B. II. Whltmoro. atanoKrnnh-
ur county court 15.00
Huzol Mnnion. dork. ahurlff'H
ofllco 75.00
8. B. Roberta, nhorlff. npoclnl
Borvlcea 50.00
BIhIo M. Olnln. atonoKrnphor
dlatrlot uttornoy 35.00
C. P. NlawoiiiKer, oxpenHO
funornl county patient ... 35.00
II. II. Clow, Janitor Horvlcus,
April 05.00
Mra, Carllo Peckhnm, tcrIh-
trntlon oloctor 40
C, J. Mnthunn, truck driver,
rond work 170.00
Ilnzol Putnoy, rocordliiK
clerk'H offlco 76.00
Arvllla Murphy. lo 05.00
II, 0, Illnckwoll, nuto hlro,
Nixon nnd linrnca 3,00
WoHtorn Union Tol. Co., war
board tuloKruina 10,32
II, II. DoArmoud, totocrniiiH,
16,55; transcript, $3,00 , 8.55
Andrew Nlrachl, rond work,
Tumnlo 21.00
Itnlph Polndoxtor, wltueuH,
Juatlco court 1,50
J. A. BnstoH, Juatlco foi)H...v... 9.00
Bllzaboth Mcdovurn, do 1,50
J, I). DavldHon, Juror luiiuoat
cnao 1,00
A. WhlHiiant, do 1.00
J. 11. AndorHon, do 1,00
A, J. OokkIus, do 1.00
II. II. lloach, do 1,00
II. P. Mnnion. do. 1.00
li, A. W. Nixon, connttiblo
fooa, Juntlco court .. ...... . 5,00
J, A. BntH, JiiHtlco court
fnon . , , 15.06
IlniiHon llluo Print Co., plain
for nRHOHHor ... , 5.04
Wm. P, DowuIuk, niiial
tlcketn, prlHouorH 110.00
Do, monlH for Jurorn 0.86
llond Witter, M:lit A Power
Co., IIkIiIh for court houno 13.00
OIiihh A Priidliommo, Judg
ment roll HttpplliiH 337.40
Pnclflo Tol, A Tol. Co., tolo-
phono Hervlco, clerk 9,24
Do, trnnHuror .. .. 2.26
Do, iiHHCiiaor 2,26
Do, Hherlrr 12.35
A. I.. Macklntonh, commln
alnnnr fooa and mllunK'i. ... 40 80
C. II. Mlllor, do ... . 70.30
IIIIIh allowed nt the Mny 8, 1918,
torm of county court, for DoachutOH
Miller Lumber Co, lumbor
for rond work . . 33.37
Loo Keller, rond work Htatu
highway . . .. 0.76
W. II. Crnwford, work for
hoallh officer . . 8.00
C. W. Hooch, work Hour
Crock road 16.00
It C. Colvor, do 18.00
II. C. Hilton, do 7.50
M. W. Clinao, do 3.76
L, J. HooborKor, do 5.26
llond CnrnKo, auppllea for
ahorlffa enr 05.29
II. O. Kennnrd, waturmaator
for April 95.58
Lynch A Itoborta, mjppllcH
for county hoapltal 1.25
Mnnnhelmer liroa., Huppllea
for Jnll 1.00
(llnaa A Prudhommo Co.,
Huppllea for election 30.00
J. I). Ilutlnr, huppIIch for
county honpltnl 21.80
J. F. lloach, enro of county
oaaea .... 30.00
W. J. DavlK, two bridge aljtna,
ronda 4,00
M. C. Hnrtrnnft, atenoKruph-
or anrvlcn 30.00
Mra, Oortrudo Clovoland,
mnrklnK 8th Rrndo papcrn 9.00
Tum-a-Lum Lumber Co.,
lumber for ronda 40.35
B. B. Vnrco, registration of
doctors 3. CO
llond OarnRe, rhh and repairs
to nuto, rondn . . . 30.30
C. V. Silvia, aorvlcca aa Juror,
11 (lays 33.00
B. II. Whltmoro, supplies,
clerk'a offlco 10.30
Pilot Ilutte Inn. moala for
Jurora 27.10
J. II. Ilauer, transcribing
for April ... 220.00
II. A. Miller, acrvlcoa ns
Juror, 13 days 39 00
H. II. Stockman, supplies for
court hounn 2 40
Cont-Oro Motor Co., Huppllea
school Hupt.'a car 13.50
Do . 43.37
J. Alton Thompson, expenses
aupt.'a ofllco 20.95
Skuao Hardware Co., supplies
for court house . .. 2.77
Associated Press, thrift cards
aupt. offlco 6.00
Lola Simmons, stenographer
county JihIro .. . 00.00
Cont-Oro Motor Co., supplies
sheriff's auto ... . 4 40
Farmers Null. Tel. Co , tolo-
phono, shnrlff'n offlco .. . 1.25
W. ForRusotf, HorviiiR papors
Juvonllo court . . . 3.30
Clarence Harvey. witness
grand Jury . .. . 10.OO
Ilend Fumlturo Co., supplies
court houso and Jail 114.00
C, II. Mlllor, commissioner's
expenses 3,7c
II. A. Koudall, supplies for
road work . .... 35.03
W. A Pickett, road work
Dlst 16 45.50
Pacific Tol. A Tel. Co., tolo-
phono circuit Judge, $2,25;
county agricultural. $1.40 3.05
Do, lolophono county Judge 3.95
B, II. Whltmoro, expenses,
clerk's offlco 5,95
Cont-Oro Motor Co., supplies
aupt.'H car, Fob. and
Mnrch 08.07
Heat & Harris, supplies
aupt.'a car 23.40
Mra. J. C. Vnndovert, work
aupt.'H offlco 9.00
Pnclflc Tel. A Tol. Co., tolo-
phono aorvlco, aupt 3.86
llond Press, treasurer, 50c;
luoii itdmlnlHtrator, $5.50;
brief circuit court caao,
$25.00 31.00
llllla allowed nt the May 15, 1918,
torm of county court, for Doachutos
II. A. Jnrrnrd, rond work,
Dlst. 11 4S.00
F, II. Porry, rond work
Pilot Ilutto 14.00
llonton Cook, do 15.75
II. A, aoanoy, do 7.90
B. W. HichnrdHon, do 10.00
D. II, NlawotiRor, do 30.00
W, I). IlnmoH, cash advanced
county poor 25.00
B. F. Smith, nuto ropnlr.
sheriff nnd aupt 17.50
Chna. Woavor, witness circuit
court 4,00
Muuz Hardware Co., road
supplies 19.85
J. Scott, road work, Dlst. 15 5.25
OliiBH A Prudhommo, hooka
for sheriff's offlco 3.05
Hoy a I Cafe, moala for prison-
ors 3.15
H. S. Towuo, road work Dlst.
14 . 12.00
Amy Ingrain, stenographer
school aupt 15.00
Waldomnr Potorson, rond
work, Dlst. 11 11.00
Jim Domnro, road work,
Dlst. 15 8.00
PIUNBVILLB, May 27. On Juno
1G Prlnoylllu will witness tho inaugu
ration or Its froo mall dollvory serv
ice. This ndvicu waa received by
Poatmnstor J, W. lloono nnd ns n
result applications will bo rocolvcd
for tho currier positions at tho post-
Mrs. A, Waidon, 4G0 Olonn Avo.,
Fresno. Cnl wrltos: "1 had a rover
and it left mo with a caught ovory
winter, Foloy'a iionoy and Tar helps
mo ovory tliuo, I am a widow 00
yonr old," NothliiR bottor for bron
clal, grip and similar couchs nnd
Icolda thnt Iinng on. Juat flno for
croup nnd whooping courIi. Bold
NOTK'i: TO CUi:i)IT()IW.
In tho County Court of the ftnto of
Oregon, for Deschutea County.
In tho Mnttor of tho Batnto of Mrs,
llorthn Htownll, Docenaod.
Notice la horohy given thnt the
undoratgned was on tho 8th day of
Mny, 1918, appointed administrator
of thn catnto of tho above named do
coaaod by tho county Judgo of Do
Bchutoa county, Oregon.
Thoroforo, nil poraons holding
claims against tho estate or said do
coaaod nro hereby notified to present
tho Hume duly verified according to
law at the offlco of H, II. DeArmond
In tho O'Kano building, Uend, Ore
gon, attorney for the administrator,
within six months from tho date of
tho first publication hereof.
Date of first publication, May 10,
It. I). 8TOWBLL,
Administrator of the estate of
Mrs. Ilertha Stowell, De
ceased. . 11-1 6c
Dopnrtment of tho Interior, United
States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, May 3, 1918.
Notice Is hereby Riven that Oeorge
8. Itoberta of Mllllcnn, Oregon, who,
on February 2, 1914, made Home
ntend Kntry 012490 and April 23,
1915, mndo Additional Bntry No.
014770, for 8BU, flee. 8, NBVi, Sec.
17. Township 20 South, Kango 15,
Boat Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of Intention to make final
throe-year proof to establish claim to
tho land above described before H. C.
Kills, United States commissioner, at
llond, Oregon, on tho 26th day of
Juno, 1918.
Claimant names aa wltncasea:
Vernon Clevengor of Mllllcan, Oro
Ron. Peter H. Johnaon of Mllllcan, Ore
gon. Ivan L. Owen of Mllllcan, Oregon.
Frank Spc.icer of Mllllcan. Oregon.
Department of tho Interior, United
Stntca Land Offlco nt Tho Dalles,
Oregon, Mny 3, 1918.
Notice Is hereby given that Thomna
W. Vnndovert of Ilend, OroRon, who,
on March 13th. 1911, raado Home
Htead Entry No. 01522. for W4
NBVi Section 19, Township 20,
South, IlanRo 11 Bast Willamette
Meridian, has filed nojlco of Inten
tion to mako final five-year proof to
establish claim to tho land above de
scribed before II. C. Bills, United
States commissioner, at Ilend, Ore
gon, on tho 20th day of June, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses:
M. J. Main of llond. Oregon.
Potor Scggllng of Prlnoville, Ore
gon. Joseph Hoffman of Ilend, Oregon.
Itnlph Caldwell of Ilend, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the Stnto or
Oregon for Deschutes County.
Frank L. Wait, Uunrdlan, Plaintiff,
vs. W. S. Rodman and Grace B.
Rodman, h'.s wife; Marlon Cham
borlaln and (Jano Doo) Chamber
lain, his wife: Ceorgo W. Car
pontor nnd Ula Carpontcr, hla
wlfo; John M. Carpenter and
dolda Carpontor, hla wife; Tho Bank
of Doming, a corporation, Defend
ants. To W. S. Rodman and draco B. Rod
man, hla wlfo; Marlon Chamber
lain and (Jnno Doo) Chamberlain,
his wiro; Goongo W. Carpontor nnd
I'la Carpontor, his wlfo: John M.
Carpontor nnd Golda Carpontor,
hla wlfo; Tho Bank or Doming, a
corporation, tho above namod de
fendants: In tho nnmo of tho State of Oregon:
You and each of you nro heroby
required to nppcar and answor or
otherwise- plead to tho complaint
filed against you In tho abovo en
titled suit on or boforo tho 7th day
of Juno, 1918, thnt dnto bolng six
full, wooks rrom tho dato of the first
publication or this summons, and If
you fall so to answer or otherwise
plead thereto tho plaintiff, for want
thereof, will apply to tho nbovo en
titled court for tho roller prayed for
in tho complaint, to-wlt:
For Judgment and docreo against
you for tho sum or $4,855.97 prin
cipal nnd Interest on tho noto de
scribed In tho complaint with In
terest on said noto at tho rata of 8
por cont. por annum until paid; tho
fnrthor sum or J43.73 taxes duo
agnlnst tho land described in said
complaint; for tho sum ot $275 at
torney's fooa in this suit and that
plaintiff hnvo nnd recover his costa
and disburHomonts herein expended;
for a docreo foreclosing plaintiff's
mortgage and for an order that the
laud bo sold according to lnw for
tho satisfaction ot plaintiff's Judg
ment; that dofondnnts nnd each or
tltlo, claim or Intorest In nnd to tho
lands descrihod In tho complaint nnd
mortgago, to-wlt: Tho NH of Sec.
14, Twp. 15 S. or R. 10 East Wtllam
otto Moridlan, Deschutes county,
Oregon, together with all tho np
purtonancos Including wntor rights
thereto appurtenant, except the
equity of redemption ns provided by
law; thnt said lauds and their np
purtennncna bo sold nccordlng to
law nnd tho procewla applied to tho
payment or plaintiffs Judgment in
cluding taxes nnd attorney foo and
oxponaea or snld anlo nnd tho oxcoss
thoroor, If thoro bo any, bo paid over
to dofomlants ns tholr interest mny
appoar; that It snld lands so sold
shall not bring a sufllelont aunt to
pay tho snld Judgment or tho plain
tiff then nnd in that ovont that tho
plaintiff hnvo doflcloucy Judgment
against tao defomlnnts, W. 8. Rod
man and Qrnco B. Rodman, husband
nod wlfo, for tho sum or such de
ficiency. This summons Is served upon you
by publication thoroor onco a week
for olx Buccoeslvo weoks, pursuant to
nn order of tho Hon. T. B. J, Duffy,
Judgo of said court, mndo nnd dated
tho 22nd day of April, 1918.
Dato of first publication, April 25,
Dato of last publication, May 30,
8-13 W. P. MYBIta
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Ilend, Oregon.
Notice la hereby given that the
undersigned has filed her final ac
counting In the County Court of De
schutes County, Oregon, and that tho
Judge of said court has fixed Friday,
Juno 7, 1918, at 10 o'clock a. m at
tho county court room In llond, Ore
on, aa thn tlrno and placo for hear
ing objections to and tho settlement
of said accounting, and all persons
Interested are hereby cited to appear
at said time and place and show
cause If Buch exist why tho said final
accounting should not bo allowed
and tho undersigned discharged from
her trust.
Dated and published first time,
May 9, 1918.
Executrix of Last Will and Testa
ment of liana A. Johnaon, De
ceased. 10-13c
Department of tho Interior, United
States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles,
Oregon, April 17tb, 19-18.
Notlco la horoby given that
Thomas William Todd, or llond, Ore
gon, who on Juno 14th, 1911, mado
Homestead Entry No. 09124. for
Lota 3 nnd 4. 8 NWV4. 8WU
Brooks-Sc anion Lumber
Lumber, Lath, Shingles,
Building Material, Kiln
Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish
Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO.
Manufacturers of Iron. Bronze and Serai-Steel Castings for
Power Tranimumon Machinery; VooJ Pipe Fittings, Grate
Ban. Agricultural, Mining and Saw Mill Machinery, Ornament
al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH
Business and Professional Cards
First National Bank Building
Bend :: :: Oregon
O'Kano Building, Bend, Oregon
II. C. L L 1 S
United State ConmilitaloBer
First National Bank Building
Suite 8-8-10. O'Kano building
Bend, ... Oregon
1.111 .
EYE Sl'EClAIilST, of Portland
Visits Bend Monthly,
Watch Paper for Dates,
or Inquire ot
Rastes-Anderson Farm Land Co.
Irrigated Farm Lands a Speciulty
Fint National Bank Dullding 124 Ottgoo Sbert Brad, Orgoo
lfrmnn & fnllinc EXPERT Buttery Repairing,
OailZmail a tOlllllS RecharffinffandElectrlnVVnrL
All Work Guarttuteed.
8W4 SBtf. Boctlon 2, Townahlp 20,
South, Itango 15, East, Wlllamotto
Moridlan, has filed notlco of Inten
tion to mako final throe-year proof
to eatabllah clnlm to tho land above
dcacrlbod boforo If. C. Bills, Unltod
States commissioner, at Hond, Oro
gon, on tho 10th day of Juno, 1918.
Claimant namoa aa witnesses:
A. D. Norton, of Mllllcan, Oregon.
F. If. Klgcr, of Mllllcan, Orogon.
W. II. Itoam, of Mllllcan, Orogon.
I), B. Davis, of Ilend, Orngon.
9-1 3c Reglater.
Department or tho Interior, United
States Land Office at The Dalles,
Oregon, April 23, 1918.
Notice la hereby given that Vornon
Clovnnger, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who
on Juno 9th, 1913, mado Homestead
Entry 011774, and Decembor 8,
1915, mado Additional Entry No.
0I23I2, for 8EV4, 8c. 13, Tp, 20.
8.. R. 14 E.: EV4 8W'i, Lota 3 and
4, Sec. 18, Tp. 20, 8., R. 16 E. Wll
lamotto Meridian, has filed notlco of
Intention to make final three-year
proof to eatabllah claim to tho land
abovo described boforo H. C. Ellla,
United States commissioner, at Rend,
Oregon, on tho 5th day of Jane,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Peter B. Johnson, of Mllllcan, Ore
gon. William Ream, or Mllllcan, Ore
gon. Fred O. Klger, or Mllllcan, Oregon.
Ivan L. Owen, or Alilllcan, Oregon.
, 9-1 3p Register.
117 Minnesota Street.
Estimates Cheerfully Furnished
Jobbing Promptly Done.
Phone Black 1291
2-4 O'Kane Building
O. P. N1SWONUER, Bend, Ore.
Licensed Etubalruer, Funeral
Phone Red 421. Lady A sat.
Naprapathlc Physician
Over Logan I-urnlturo Co.
Wall Street Hours 9 to 5
Plioue Red -KKJ
SUraa an4 rrwtJln, CtiMtat Cam
nkla Mtich-nU. '
W t.rry OU. CaUn, Br, Flour,
EUlt HU, Uuu, Ua u4 Vui.
Recharging and Electric Work
Newport Ate. and Wwt flth St.