The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 30, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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VAflH ff
10c CAKE
Wash and Dye Your
Waist al one and sainfc
Rcxall Toolh Paste .. 25c
Jonlccl Face Cream 50c
Jonlcel Combination Cream, 5flc
Jonlccl dale 25c
Violcl Vanishing Cream . . 50 c
7 for $1.00
(From Wodneaday'a Dally )
', I). It. Miito of Itlley la n bialucsa
j visitor In tin) city.
10. H. Hudson Id ft thin inuruliiK fur
n business trip to Portland.
J. J. Kllluxnr uf Redmond In a
I liu hIii ('mi vlaltor In tin) city.
1). M. Hinlth of McMIiiiivIIIi. Ore.
Igori, Is transacting business In tho
C. h. Hponcor of Shearer arrived
In thn city yesterday anil Intends to
tiiakn thin lila homo.
Minn 1 1 ilil n Williams, who ban
boon it in ploy fd an teacher at Fro
iiiont, Iiuh returned to her hoinu at
Yamhill, OrcKon.
Miss Jlolen Ogdeu, who hai boon
teaching school In Fort Hock ilUtrlct
durliiR thu past school year, was. In
tho city yiiHtnnliiy, stopping ovur hern
on her way to her hiitnii In Portland
There is Sentiment as
Well as Real Value
in the official blue
illlll A new lot of our
Hill 16 for 15 ccnti.
(From TucHiliiy'H Daily.)
Mr. mill MrH. Monroe of I.nkovlow
aru In tho city.
Mm. Myrtlo II, Mnylln or I'rlnglo
Falls Ih In thu city.
Mm. W. A. I'liiinninr of Fart Hock
In u ueal at thn Wright.
II. L. Bollinger of Fullbrldgo In a
bUHlriosa visitor In thu city.
Mr. and Mm, J, A. Illanchard of
Oregon City aro visiting In tho city.
Ci'cll Holllugahed of l.a IMiid trans
acted business In thu city yeatrrday.
Mr. anil Mm, John F. Ma lion or
llurnn worn visiting in tho city yon
terday. ' '
II. 0. Colo- und 11. A. 'Stono or
Washington, fl. C aro rcglsferod at
thu I'llot llutto Inn.
Mm. T. 1.. Jones returned last
nlKhl from n work's visit with her
uuronls at llakur City.
Mr and Mm. Italph Armstrong and
Mr. Hoburt Osborne or Culvitr aru lu
thu city visiting with frlmidi.
.II. J. Ovorturf loft thin mornlnjc
attached to a tfift.
Let tlie railuation
tfift be of jewelry,
ometlilntf to last I
lifetime and always I
brintf remembrance
I of the first bi event
lf (I .i i i II
in the boy a or ifirl Illlll
life. A watch, tie
pin, cuff link, chain
for the hoy -a
ll wrist watch, laval- I
tier, lingerie claipi,
brooch, itring of
pearli for the girl.
Larson & Co.
At tlie S;n n( llie Dig Clotk
143 Orrgon Street, Und, Ore.
1 1. Store Willi Ciood Good.
for n trip Into Juffumon county
tho Intercut or thu Ited Cross.
Jusl Remember
Magill & Erskine
(From Monday'! Dally.)
Mm. T. J. Evans or Paisley Is in
tho city.
K. E. Owsley or Uurim In a business
vlaltor In tho city.
C. W. WlUon or I'rlnovlllo spent
Sunday In thin city.
E. I. Iloydon or Hummer I.ako In
a business vlaltor In thu city.
C. F. Parkloy or Fleetwood wan a
business vlaltor lu tho city Saturday.
Mm. J II. Illanchard or Oregon
City I In Item visiting with friend.
J. A. Morrott of Prluovlllo wan a
Saturday business vlaltor in thu city.
Mr. and Mm. llnrber of Alfalfa
were visiting with frlundH In thin city
Saturday aftornoon.
II. J. Ovurturf returned ynaturday
morning from I'ortlund, where ho at
tended a meeting or tho Pacific CouHt
Defense league,
Forest Hupiirvlanr Jncnbsnn, nc
coinpiuilud by W. II. WrlKht, re-
turned Saturday evening from u trip
Into tho Sisters district.
Oeo. It. Ilockinan of Fort Itock,
who ban boon transacting business
In I'ortlund, passod throuKh Hond
yesterday, un routu to hla homo.
i:. J. Hourk or I'rcaton In a busi
ness vlaltor In tho city.
Mr. and Mm. I. I.. Hagon of Pen
dleton aru visiting In Iluud.
Fred Hhlntuffur of Kant Lake la a
business vlaltor lu thu city.
V. It. Illley of La Pine was a busi
ness vlaltor In tho city yesterday.
Mr. and Mm, T. A. Mollck and ctill
dron arrived In Hond Innt night and
will niuko their homo hero.
Lake M. llecktcl of I'rlnovlllo ban
returned to hla home after spending
aovoral days on a fishing trip on tho
Mm, E. 8. Ilcnton loft thin morn
ing for her homo In Portland, Hho
haa been spending acveral month
wjth frlunda at Hums.
Mm. It.8. Farla, accompanied by
hrr mother, Mm. F. It. Hill, will
leavo Sunday mornltiK for Portland,
whnro they will vtnlt for aovoral
ntoppliiR at tho Cozy.
Itobert (lathorKooil of La Pino In
lu tho ilty on hiiNltidHH,
0, ('. MnrrlHon of Humnior Lnko In!
In tin dly on hiiHlmmH,
Alder It. .nehnry of Oreon City
Ih rcKlMtered at tho Wright.
J, M Hohortn of Alfalfa wnn a
hiiHliieni vlaltor lu the city today.
Frank L. Walt or CincuiIu Lock
In lu tho city trannautliiK biialneafl.
Mr. and Mm, Cheater Dalton and
ramlly of lluriiM aro vlaltliu; In tho
Mr. and Mm. Win. Thoriipaon of
Hurnn urn roKlatered at thu I'llot
Mlaa Ivn Cox and Mian Krtn Scott
or Kukviic vlaltcd In Hond yenterday.
They left thin morriliiK for Crencent.
V. M. Smith, who ban been em
ployed In tho nawmlUn In thin city,
left thin inoriiliiK for bin homo at
McMlnnvllle, where ho will remain
until he baa recovered from liijurlen
received no vera I dayn a;o.
Deputy Stuto Fire Marshal II. II.
Porneroy arrived laat night rrom
Pendleton on biinlncan connected
with tho department. While hero he
muy join DoputloH Stoken and Allen
lu fin lulling the nurvey or Hond.
State Engineer John II. Lewis wan
bore for a few bourn lant night be
roro taking tho night traln'ror Port
land, Mr. Lowfn arrived lato In tho
afternoon with a party which bad
boon Impeding Irrigation projects In
thu eaatetii part of tho ntatc.
News in Brief.
(From Friday's Dally.)
L. J. Nance or (Irandvlow
business vlaltor In tho city.
Joseph and Linn Wilson of Slaters
woro visitors In tho city yesterdoy.
J. J. Klllngar of Ilodmond was a
business visitor In tho city Thursday,
. L. K, Smith, Jerry Mooru and Al
bort Mohler weru up from Ilcdmond
yesterday afternoon.
II, J. Ovorturf left this morning
for Portland, whore ho will attend a
meethiR of tho Pacific Coast Defense
Lester Dickinson or Dorr arrived
In tho city yesterday ami continued
his journey to his homestead at llem-
ated today.
F. W. Walter, who bus bad tho
prlnclpalablp or tho Sisters school
for tho past winter, returned to Hond
yesterday to spend tho summer.
Max Crandall arrived this morn
ing from Prliiuvlllo nud will audit
thu Hchool dlxtrlct records and do
further work on thu county records
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Mr. and Mm. Fred Kgll of Silver
Lake lira In Oiu city.
C. J. O'Conuoll or Silver Lako Is
In Hond on business.
Jou Wilson or Sisters Is In tho city, land for tho past weok, will Join thu
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
V. II. Miller lUtuniH. C. II. Mil
ler, county commissioner, who has
been lu Portland lor several days,
where he attended tho war conror
oncc last week, returned to Hend this
Mother Die. M'is Dorrls Foster,
who has been tea' nlng at Tho Shev-lln-lllxon
camp, was called to Port
land through tho serious Illness or
her inothcr, and word has since been
received here or tho lady's death.
IUmI CnHH Diuiro. There is to be
a Ited Cross dance given at Tumalo
on Friday evening at the Agricul
tural hall. All or tho proceeds or
the affair aro to bo donated to the
Ited Cross and the affair deserves the
patronage of all.
Ilwl ('nn llrncflt Success. The
vnudevlllo show given at the Liberty
theatre yesterday afternoon and last
night for tho benefit of the Ited Cross
was a decided success. A large
number or people were In attend
unco at both performances, anil the
class of entertainment given was ap
preciated by all.
Kiitcrtnlii Mm. luN. Mm. S. A.
Hlakcly entertained In honor of Mm.
S. M. Davis ut her homo last even
ing. Mrs. Davis U 79 years or age,
but despite her yoars spends all or
her sparo time In knitting for the
Hud Cross and teaching others. The
evening was tukon up with a musical
program, after which refreshments
wCro served. Those prosont wore:
Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Wager, Miss
Oenovlovu Wagner, kmorson Stock
woll and .MNs Honnle Stockwell, the
hostess and Mm. Dav'.s.
Attend (inforviir It. W. Saw
or and T II. Foley of Hend, Denton
Hurdlck or Itedtuond and Alfred Aya
or Ia Pino left Tuesday evening for
Portland, where they will attend tho
mooting or tho war savings stamp
workers, which is to bo held today.
Judgo Harnes, who has been In Port-
7 Pairs Children's Ribbed Hose M AA
9 Women's JJlc Union Suits J1 A
Men's $125 Dress Shirts ' tf-j fA
(5 Yards 20e Chnmbrny Shirtinrr Ji tj
Wc Turkish Towels-heavy ribbed (1 ff
HOxM), li for pl.UU
lxt Yards Bleached Union Linen M AA
Crash Toweling for pJL.UU
4 Yards U5c Romper Cloth M AA
Men's 75c Knit Union Suits, for M AA
Dollar Day only, 2 for .PW
One Lot Sl.50 and $1.75 Corsets M AA
broken sizes, for Dollar Day piUU
Men's $1.50 Bib Overalls tfl AA
One Lot Ladies' 51.25 and $1.50 M AA
Parasols for I.UU
delegation. The purpose of the con
vention Is to launch the month's
campaign to culminate on pledge
day, June 28, when It Is expected to
put Orogon over the top for its en
tlro war savings stamp quota or f 17,
000,000. O'lIIett-Kelly Nuptinli. A quiet
wedding took place at the home or
Mr. and Mrs. Glllctt when their son
Melvln was married to Miss Susie
Kelly on Tuesday evening, May 23th,
at 7 o'clock. The impressive ring
ceremony was performed by Rev. W.
Clydo Stewart or tho Methodist
church. The bride was very becom
ingly gowned, while the groom wore
a blue serge suit. The newlyweds
left on the evening train for Port
land, where Mr. Glllett will enlist in
tho Marines. Miss Kelly has been
In tho employ or Warner's and her'
many friends wish Iter a roost happy
Journey In the union or wedlock.
(From Tuosday's Dally.)
Storvs Arc 'loscl. All or the
stores or the city will bo closed on
Thursday, May 30, Decoration day.
I-'Iiik Window
Work ProKTCMlng. Work on tho
new Bend Hardware block is pro
gressing rapidly. Already tho foun
dation has been completed and tho
brick walls are now being put 1a
More for Marines. Sgt. Brooks,
In charge of. the Marine recruiting
office, reports another momber for
the U. S. Marines as having signed
up and will leave shortly for Maro
Island. This is the fifth recruit to
Sgt. Brooks' credit In less than two
weeks since tho offlco was opened
Farewell I'urty Given. A tango
number of the friends of Rev. and
Mrs. Brono gathered nt the Norwe
gian Lutheran church last night in
a farewoll reception given In their
honor. A musical program and
speeches were tho main events of tho
evening, following which a luncheon
was served.
Visits With Brother. Mr. and
Mrs. T. A. Sather and two children
of Hutchinson, Minnesota, are In
Bend visiting at the borne of Mr.
Sather'a brother. 17. a. Rnthnr nf hi
r..i.. ri i I " -" w- -
.,,-,. wilIUJIUKl..,, Mr On,,, ., l
Ilia (Inna . ,l.n .. 1 1 1 .....V. ...i.u I -..v,, .u la u
, ...u ..ha u, ,u lilies luhcmur wiih rnnhor In
lin.l r l.l. -. .... ---. .
7m. T. . , ., m wu,MW,0Kon or Washington, and will
at Mannhelmer's Is attracting more;,earo wthn ft 8h(jrt tfa
than passing attention. Tho flags j,and and SeaU,0 t(look
tiiu uocu uo u uaiKKruuuu lor an ex- i flpM8
ccpnanaiiy tasty shoe display.
(From Saturday's Dully.)
F, J, Malotio of Mllllcan Is a busi
ness visitor lu tho city.
Why Not Wear A Brassiere l?l
that will wear? Come in and see the new models
we've just received . 25c-35c-50c-68c-$1.00
Fancy Lingerie Bloomers LW.'Bi'iS
Hesh colors $1.38 to $3.25
locatlon in
in tho country
I these two cities.
Your Wants Supplied
Armi Kli'iLi iiifc ,br (ishinK u,wl cHinpiiiK
aillll aildnl Ullllb complete in every detail
belted has four pockets with (laps, and has regula
tion chevy chase skirt $7.95
Separate Skirts of Khaki-oS'",
desired, two full patch pockets and belted at the
waist $2.25
The Peoples Store
The Stork ThatSelijs For Less
Agent lot Aimor Plato Hoileiy Agent foi R & G Corieti
Mid-Season Sale
of Millinery
All $6.00-$7.00-$8.00 Hats, $5.00
from $1.25 to $3.00
All $5,00, Hats, - - - - $4.00
All $4.50 Hats, -'-..- $3.50
All $4.00 Hats, - - - - $3.00
All Hats Included
None Reserved
50c and up
summer weight, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 ,
same old price ,
still going at reduced prices
. u.
The Store That Seh The Pace