IlKNI) IJUMiBTIff, IIBtfl), OHKOOtf, TIIUIWDAV, MAY no, 101H PA0E3 t . tf z ir 4 Ncwh In Brief. (From Moniluy'ii Dally.) TlmlM'nvorkoiM Win (Jiu( Tim TlmliurworkiirH dtifimttnl tho Fats In (ho bull Kiiiiio i't tlui hull park yes tiinlny afternoon by u Mcuro of H to (I. About 12 was nuttiul for tlio Hod Cross, Ili'poit on (JrnliiK, .1. (!. Kuhns anil F. II, Norton of tint fnrimt norv- IjMI, Willi llllVO linilll Htlltlllllllll In (tin 'oil Itock district on i):rii7.liu; per mits, nrn In tlui city iimkliiit tliulr report to tint forest ofllco, lloml HiIokh, II. I), llol nor Hociirml tlio l.lburly liimil ilnuiitud to tlio 1 1 oil Crews hy Corporal llnrviiy, recruiting officer In thin city, nt Car tnoily Ilrothnrs lust night. Chances on tlui bond uuioiiiitod to fill), CO, which will bo turned to tlio Hod UroNH. KiiKlno (Ihn Ilitil. A ti omkImo stalling on tlio Oregon Trunk train duo In Intro yesterday morning do layed iiiiNiKiiiKorH rotiirnliiK from I'ortlnuil for four lionrit. Tlio onlno Inieaino disabled nt .Mecca, and It was nftur 8 o'clock luiforu nnotliur wiih secured ntul tlio train could rvsuuiu ltd Jouruiiy. Tour from California. Mr. ami Mm, John It, Itnbb noil Dr. and Mrs. 13. K, Kcott worn vtHltcim In lluml Hun day. Tlio party luivo boon spending tlio winter nl I.oiik IJeach, California, ntul nrn now motoring to their liotnuit nt Wallu Walla. Thoy loft Look Hunch two weeks ago, anil report tlui roads In good condition. HhkImiv nt Court IUhmii. IIckIs (ration of tlio young men of Do ne hut nn county who linvu utlnluuil tlio no of 31 yearn nIiico Juno of Imit ymir will ho bold nt tlio circuit court rooniM In tlio court house, ncconlliiK to members of thn board thin morn ing, Thn doom will open nt 7 o'clock lu thn morning ntul will rimialn opiin ilurliiK thn imtlro day until ti o'clock In thn oviiiiIiik, on Juno f, Itittii'riM m 'I'liiuikiil. Hhorlrf H K. llnborts U In receipt of a letter from Hubert 11. Ilnukln, assistant United Htatea nttornny nt I'ortlnnd, Ihnnk Iiik him for Information submitted In rgnrd to Carl Hwulgln, who won de prived of hl cltUiumhlp papers thero last week. Orders for HwoIkIu's In ternment an nu enemy alien havo boon liiiued, )nil an hn U now under trlnl nl Hoattlo on charges issued by thn government no uctlon will bo token until a finding 1 made In this cant). (From Saturday'! Dully.) ,i War Hmlng HM'lHlo. J, Alton Thompson will commence Monday tlio organisation of war avlngM so cieties In tlio schools of Ilnntl. This nctlon In taken ao that thn Interim will not bo lout among thn students ilurlnK thn vnrntlon month". Mmn to Itiinrli. C. It. Johnson nml family of I'rlnovlllo, who recent ly purchased n ranch on tlio upper Deschutes, hnvo. moved onto thn ulnco ntul will roiiialn tliuro during tho croi SOIIKOII. Itotiirn from I'oitliuiil. Major Jny llitltzniiin, II, W, HkiiHu mid J, Alton Thompson roturnnd thin morning from I'ortlnuil, whuri) thny attended tlio wnr coufornucu on thn 22utl and s.tnl. Uniforms Aro on Way. Uniforms for thn two cDuipunli'H of tlui lloml mllltln hnvo boon ithlppml and will arrlvo hero within a few days, tin cordlfiK to offlciira of tho companies thin morning, Tho guns unit other supplies which nrn to bo furnlsliud by tho stato will arrlvo within u hhort tlino. FMiliitt Pnrly. Dr. Manning, J. I. Amloraoii, ,. Douthlt, Clay Miller nml I). 0. Mcl'hontoii returned Inat iiIkIH from n anvnrnl ilnya' (InIiIiik trip to thn hanilwntura of tho Do- acliutea rlvur. They roport n kooi! catch. KmU VIhII Hero. Mra, J. I. Hnm llton linn returned to bur homo In Han KrnnclHco after n two weeka' vlalt In thin city with her parent, Mr, nml Mra, Jumna W. Aaho. Will VMt (JiianlM. Major Jay HnltKtunu will lonvo early next weok for tho Crooked rlvor brldKO, where ho will nttuml to thn nneila of tho Miuiul of mini iIoIiik Kiinril duty (bore. If tho men uro tloalroui of returnliiK horn n new i;uard will probably be detailed, hut thin will not be done uiiIchh It la abnolutoly nncennnry, nn tho men on gunnl thoro at tho prea out tlino aro fnmlllur with condl tlona nml can nttuml to duty butter (linn would bo ptiiMblo fur new men on tho Job, (Uh-h tit H. DoiIkc II. K. Iluttrey, omployed with tho Orogon Fuel com pnny In thla city, hna been appointed to tho offlenrn' traluliiR camp at Ft. Dodue, Iowa, and will leavo thla ovunliiK for IiIh pont of duty. Mr. Iluttrey received bin credontlnln about three weeka iiko, but waa notl flud ut that 1 1 in i) that bla call would probably not bo Innued until fall. Ha la n Krndunto of thu Mnntownc, Win., military nrhool, from which bin rec nmmeuilntlnu to thu offlcura' trnlnliiK camp waa aunt. (From Friday' Dnllr.) To Work In HlilpynnU Harold (lontiey and Jnmoa Mnln left yenler day for Portland, where they will be employed lu thu ahlpyarda. Will IMix-t OfllrTH. Offlcera of tho Tlmberworkorn for tho cnnuliiK year will bo elected nt n muctlnK to bo held nl Kathor'a ball on Hundny, Juno 2, Ilurim TwcIhth llrf. A numbor of tuncliura of tho Huron achoola came In on tho ataxo yonturdny after noon nnd remained hero ovor iiIrIiI on their wny to I'ortlnnd. Tho Mal heur county nchoola hnvo cloacd. I4MIK for Itrrmertoii. Mlaa Dalay Htewnrt, who ban been employed nt If. C. Kllln ofnen, will lonvo olther thla oven I n k or tomorrow for Ilrom erton, where alio will bo employed In tho ijcovornmont offlee nt tho nnvy yn nl, Itoilmonil H. H. f)iitrll)Ht, Tho hlKh nuhool of Itodtnunil hna contrib uted 110 to tho lloml chapter of thu Itod Croim an tho procneila of n con corl which wmm held In Hedinoml Imit Wedueadny uuilor tho direction of Mra. Cummlnca, War HiivIiikm HorlHy. A Wnr Bav lnr:n Hocluty Iiiih Juki boon formed In HIhIom with .10 meinbera enrolled, no conlluK to V. V. Wnber, who ro turned to llond ycatordny. Mr. Hazel Hpoo waa eluded pruHldoul of tho aoclety mid Mra. l'enrl Duvldaon ducrntury. JoIiin tlio MurlnoN Chorion N. AiiHtln, who hna boon workliiK for tho Hrooka-Hcunlon Lumbur company liore, ban joined tho Mnrlnca through tho local recruitliiK office under tho direction of HurKennt Ilrooka nod will lonvo thin uvoiiIiik for Portland, from where ho will bo trminferrod to thu Mare Inland navy yard, whom ho will umlorKo trnlultii;. Auatln'a homo wna ut Hedrp-Woolloy, WuNhlncton, Hiibxllluli-x Aro Ixmcr. Price of aubatltuto tloura mid particularly cornmual nro nIiowIuk a marked do cllno on tho market of thu mlddlo went, nnd thin decline la bnltiK ro fleeted hero already to aornu extent, though tho present aupply on tho local market wna purchuned ilurliiK March nnd early April, while tho eaaturn prices wero atlll extremely hlKh. hut they nhould bexlu to ro fleet thla docllno In tholr retail price. Ten Qm-HtlotiM Axkiil. Pontur coutalnltiR Inatructlona for nnawerlng tho uueatlotiB on rcRlatrntlon cord for younK men who aro to rcKlator Juno fi hnvo been received at thu local exemption board, Thoro aro too qucHlloua which tho reentrant iiiunt answer. Thoy nro: Name In full mid uko In years; homo nddrnaa, meanltiK placo of permanent real donee, not workltiK nddrcaa; dnto of birth, name of town mid county; citi zenship of reclntrnnt, whether native cltliim of United Htntca, n&turnllzcd, alien, declarant, or citizen or non cltlzun Indian; If not a citizen of United Ktatea, of what country; father's birthplace, Including city, street nnd nation; employer of regis trant nnd place of employment; name and address of nenrent living rela tive; rnco of rcKlntrnnt. -IM IM rmfrt mri It Mt-thn timm Iktttmlttli mlm lilIU HMHAMbml, War Time Economy! Instead of Huyinf! New Clothes, Have Your Old Ones Made Over and Renovated. I Ol'AUANTFK HATIKKAtTIDN AT UKAKONAIILK IMtlCllS Central Oregon Cleaning Works II. HARRIS, Proprietor 1020 Willi Street THE UNIVERSAL CAR Moro nnd moro tho ondotted motor enr grown fltroiiK In popular fnvor. II'h nuturnl, eHpuclnlly with Ford enra, which nro busy runnliiK ovory dny of tho yonr winter nnd miminor tho Ford BorvoH fnllhfully mid prolltubly. Ho for n real Konulno fmnlly car thoro In uothliiK equal to tho Ford Hodnn nt 00C f. o. b. Detroit. SontH tlvo. l.arKi) doors, pinto kIuhh hIIiIIiii; wIiiiIowh, hIIIc cur tains, deeply upholstered aoats, latent, typo vuutl IntliiK wliulHhlolil a enr of rellnod luxury with tho ovorluatliiKly reliable Ford cIiiishIs. Conio In and know moro nbout this uuporlor cur. Cent-Ore-Motor Co. DEND, OREGON MUlTj a (From Thuradny'i Dnlly.) riililni; rnrtlif. A number of flsbliiK parties to Crnno Prnlrlo aro beliiK orRnnlzcd for tho week-end, It bulux reported Hint fish nro bltlnR Kood In that vicinity. PniM-m Ar ComvUtl. Correc tions of tho suvonth nnd eighth rado papora of tho county by employes of tho county school superintendent b offlco will probably bo cotnplotet! to day. KcIiimiU (MokIhk 1'iist. Seventeen out of twonty-ieveu schools of tho county aro already closed and tho balunco will close durltiK the next two weeka. Iloth Terrubonno nnd Sisters finished their school term Inst Friday. Hpcvlul Mooting Ilelil. William 1). Gentry at Chicago will conduct n series of meetliiKS nt tho Methodist church, commencing tonight. Meet ings will bo hold twlco dully, nt 2:30 mid 7:30 each dny and morning nnd evening on Sunday. Work t'oiuinoiiroil. Tho work on i thu now Ilend Hnrdwnro building ibns commenced. Workmen nro re modeling tho front or tho building now occupied preparatory to making tho necessary changes to permit tho building of tho entire block to go ahead without Interruption, nt tho nnmo tlino permitting tho transaction of business in tho old building. Still Hold In Jull. Andrew Long, arrested by Sheriff HobortH na n draft evador from Modesto, California, Is Htlll being hold In jull horo, pending further notlllcatlon from tho Modesto draft board. Tho bonrd has nlrondy wired Sheriff Huberts that tho man Is physically tit mid that ho had not, as Long claims, boon rojected on account of his Inability to rcntl or wrlto, Itoil ("runs NomN Towel. Tho llond chapter baa an nllotment of 300 dish towels which should ho mndo of 100-pound sugar sacks or SO or 100-pound Hour sacks mid hummed mid 80 dish cloths which may bo mndo of manlier slzo sacks, ripped open mid washed hut not hemmed. Plonso contrlhuto thoso ns quickly ns possible. Ilrlng In ouo or ns many moro as you tuny have. Tho Hod Cross Is nskod to till this allot ment not later than Juno 1G, as thoso uro for uso in cantonments only, Aciitiaiiitauco Itciimmt. II. M. a runt, principal of tho high school, mid Sorgomit llrooks of tho Marino roorultlng station lu this city wore todny ronowlng ncijualntnucoshli) and talking ovor old times. Mr. Grunt had provlously soon four yours sorv lco lu tho Marines, aboard tho U, 8. 8, 8. Colorado, and lator at Ilromor ton barracks. Sorgomit Drooks was In tho Borvlco during tho lust two yoars provlous to Mr. Grant's dls chnrgo, both on tho Colorado and at JJromorton barracks, WmWSmFW JmWmSk (KBgMf,, 3r v--- v-;,'i' See That He Never Lacks a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Your fighting man will go to almost any lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man has paid $5 for lets good tobacco than you will tend him in a pouch of Real Gravely Chewing Plug. Only coiU you 10 cenU. Glvo any man die w of Keal Gravrly Pluf, and ho will tell you that' tho kind to lend. Sand the belt I Ordinary plug if fade economy. It eot leia prr 'week to chew Real Gravely, became small chew of ll latta a long while. If you moke pipe, itico C rarely with your fenifa and add little to your amoking tobacco, it will fire flavor improve your cmoke. SEND YOUR FKIEND IN THE V. S. SEHVICC A rOUCH OF CBAVfXV Dottra all arovnJ hr crrr It la tOcooixti. Dttrt all arovnd hr carry It la 10c. jxnxl. A 3c tap wtll put It into kit hand l mar Train's Cmii t Seaport ef tho U.S.A. tl..a"aTrlh.r'a 3ctUmo wllll.balt lohim. tnmt ..l wIU aamiltf aavalooo ami lva yon ciit Icial t!ir(iana k Ia A, aJcMCU. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO., Danville, Vs 71m Paint Puh Ittpi It f'rtih tni Ota i Co ti U not lUat Gntily mthott till PnUtthn Si C44JtblUhd 1 831 M I ARE IN DRAFT Hi:vi:iui .mi-miu.'ils rito.M com- I'ANV It WIMj UK TAKK.V HV ON MAV .'ll MKDI'OItl) MAN A.MONO NL'MIIKU. (From Monday's Daily.) Tho May draft call will make a holo In Cornpnny II of tho Hcnd mll ltln, according to Captain Bhoults this afternoon. About eight mem bers will bo taken from llond, pnrt of them called by thu local draft board and part by other draft boards from other counties, who havo men working In this county who have Joined tho mllltln. C. C. Clevelnnd, ono of tho gunrds at tho Crooked river bridge, has been called by tho Modford board, and will go from this county with tho Deschutes coun ty boys. Drilling of tho men is continuing each week at tho Hippodrome, Com pany II on Monday nights of each weok and Company A on Tuesday nights. Tho men aro rounding out In good shape and aro becoming pro ficient In army orders. No practico has been given In rillo drill because of tho non-arrival oC tho stato sup plies, which are expected to arrlvo In a few days. DR. BROOKS SPENDS SUNDAY IN BEND (From Monday's Daily.) Dr. D. h Ilrooks, president of tho Ilrooks-Scanlon Lumber company, spent Sunday hero going ovor com pany affairs with General Manager J. P. Koyes. Dr. Itrooks camo In on tho morning train from Vancouver, II. C, nnd left to return to Vancouver in tho evening. Something to sellT Advertlso in Tho Bulletin's classified column. WANTS TO 1IKI.1 OTIIKIt MKN. M. W. Taylor. Calvert, Ala., writes; "To Whom It May Concern: I recommend Foley Kidney l'llls, tho best I ovor used. I tried different remodlos, but nono gavo mo relief Iiko Foley's." Thoy restore regular action of kidneys nnd blnddcr and re- llovo backache rhoumntlc pains, sun Joints, sorp muscles. Sold every where W L BE INFOItMAIi DINNKIl AND DANC 1NO I'AKTV 1-TIIST WAV KM III.K.M CLUIt TO GIVK MUHICAI. 1'ItOGItAM SATURDAY NIGHT. (From Monday's Daily.) Plans for tho ontortalnmont of tho Oregon Stato Hankers' association In this city on Juno 7 and 8, at which tlmo mombors of tho organization from all parts of Oregon will bo In attendanco hero, are about worked out, according to membors of tho ex ecutive committee this morning. On Friday Juno 7, after tho main business of tho day has been trans acted thero will bo a dinner at tho Pilot Dutto Inn, followed by an in formal reception and dnneo. At thla tlmo It Is tho aim of the committee to havo all Deschutes connty prod ucts served as far as possible. Saturday will bo given over to a trip to the logging camps and mills of tho county during tho day, and a song scrvlco by tho Emblem club In the evening. W. D. Cheney of So attlo has already wired tho commit too that bo will bo horo to tako chargo of tho ovcnlng's program. four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. No watting. Adr. HKM'S TO KKKP KIT. When tho digestion Is out of order it throws tho whole physical being out of gear. D. V. Hayward, Una dilla, Ga writes: "Foley's Cathartlo Tablets give me quicker relief than anything I have evor tried." Thoy relievo biliousness, bad breath, bloat ing, gas, indigestion and constipation. No griping or nausea. Sold everywhere. Your Furniture Wants of every description can be satisfied in our store. If it's only a kitchen chair you will do well to try us. If it is a bed room set complete we can please you. We carry the LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE Standard Furniture Company Wall Street PICTURE FRAMING Clean House WITH A THOR ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER Thoroughly Guaranteed Keep Your House Clean WITH A THOR ELECTRIC VACUUM CLEANER Save Your Rugs Thoroughly Guaranteed SPECIAL!-During May, $5.00 Down, $5.00 per Month ASK US FOR FREE TRIAL DEMONSTRATION. PHONE 551 BEND WATER LIGHT & POWER COMPANY