The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 30, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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VOl i. XVI
No. in
It FINED $51
.Mcitlug Will llo Held In llcml In
. ! a l o I'Iiiiin for Putting ('(Minly
mi I'.'ntlrrl)' WIiciiII-n IIjimIx
in tho Future.
Notlco to All Flour IMiillern
mill Ilakcrw In DcM'liiitCM
Tm provlilii wnya itml monna
of imtt Itkx Doscliutes county it t
oucit upon n whentlcsa basis n
- mass meeting of nil retailors lu
wheat Dour In (tin rounty In
rolled Tor 8 o'clock Krliluy oven-
Iiik. May H I ht, nt tint rounty
court room In lluuil. Hvery re-
tailor In tho rounty I expected
lo tm present or represented
without rail.
Tim matters to be dealt with
will ho or thn most vltnl mo-
ment to your iintlou and to
- yntiwlf. I)itrliutim county
iiiiiHt take Imuiodliite nrtlon to
kn her high place on the lint
or patriotic counties or Oregon.
Wo can greatly hnlp thu tin-
Mount crisis hy being present
d'li thin ovenlng,
(Blgntxt) KLMHIt McVICKKR.
Asst. Food Administrator,
- II. A. WARD,
- County Agricultural Agent.
. To aid In putting Deschutes county
upon a whtmtltviulnU entirely tol
lowing tho oYiiurir tho'state-fond mi
iiilnlitrntor, a meeting of nlL.tha re
tail morchuiits of tho county will on
hotil In litis city nt tho court house
on Friday ovenlng, Mny .11, to forinu.
Into plan for carrying out tho order
In thin county.
While tho flrnt order of the state
office for nn entirely whnatlesH ra
tion In tho Mat" will' ho ended on
that dnti', It In snnrajly conceded
that unothor oritur, niord In detail,
will he received by thrnnnd It In
tho Intention of ttio mrcltnrri!tittho
county lo prepare theiiiixVrii to work
with tho ittato rood administrator lu
ovory wny possible; tf?
Merchants In llnnd hafv atntod
that It vory llttlo trouble) nerve
tho wants of alio pcoplolujl. An
hooii tm they hnvo I car tied thai wheat
Hour cannot bo purchased oven with
HUliRtltutcM, hut that tho substitute
inum he UMod nloun, thnro In no coin
plaint to offer and tho substitute lit
tiocQttted In good graeo.
irlij'pxpected that merchant from
ovory noctlnii of tho rounty will ho
In attendance nt tho mooting on Fri
day night.
cjovernmknt permits uhe of
itanoe earlier tiiih yeah
on account of lack of
j.'i:i: on KiMtiNfj hanoi:.
Cattlemen nro nlrondy thiowlng
their herds on to tho khuIiik lnnda
of tho DorichutcH national forest, al
though tho purnilt soason Ih not
opened iiudor Kovorntuont rtvtnln-
tlotia until ,Iuno 1st. Ilowovor, on
account or tho scarcity of food on tho
Hprlni; cnttlo ratiKos thin hoiihoii
throiiKh lack of ruin, and tho Im
proved condition of tho national
forest rauifOB ovor tho outuldo terri
tory, nn exception Ikih boon mado
and tho Htncluuou pormlttvd to com
monro KrazlHK tholr cnttlo earlier.
The iituubor of cnttlo nnd uhoop
permits on tliln roaurvo liaa boon
Krontly iuorousod ovor tdnt of pro
vhnia yours, Thla notion haH boon
takon by tho Kovoriunont ih ti war
inoasuru to ultl to utocktnon to In
crcuBo tholr licnlH, nnd la boIiiB fol
lowed out ovor tho ontlro country.
Tin: county ru.MH.
Ilacntisn of tho energy and finance
nocoftfliiry to aid In carrying on tho
war work lu tho county, tho Muter
lair will not ho hold this year, mid
In Its plaro tho county court htm been
imkod to not iiNldo any appropriations
for tho project to tho Itod Cross. Till
wan tho decision arrived at hy tho
stockholders nt n mooting hold tho
latter part or last week, mid just
litado public hy F. I,. Shaw, nocrotury
or tho association,
Tho amount which will ho contrib
uted to tho Hod Cross from such an
appropriation cannot ho determined
at this date. Tho county has pro
vided n fund for fair purposes, hut
according to members of tho county
court, It Is tho Intention or that body
thin year to curtail nil expenses In
this lino m far as possible, and If
any appropriation la mado It will
probably ho for savings a tamps to ho
Issued as premiums.
Sisters Is tho llrst f.ilr association
In tho county to mnko tho announce
mont that thoro will ho no fair this
season, although It In understood
that n similar fooling exists at Turn
olo, nnd It Is not that nn
exhibit will bo hold thoro.
Men Twenty-One
Years Old Must
Register on June 5
ltcltnitloii liny. Widnoa.
day, Juno t, 1'JlS.
Who .Miixt Itelxtcr, Kvry
man resldltiK In the United
StatM, whHther cltlzon or lion-
citizen, who has renehnd tho uro
of 21 years since rtslstrntton
day on Juno nth, ana yoar oro.
IIoiim for ltcuUtiiitldil.
From 7 o'clock u. in. lo 9
o'clock p. m. on It ration
- (ration day, June 6th.
Penalty for Fnlliiro In I ten I
tcr. Up to ono yoar IN JAIL.
Hlrklicos No lUcilio for Not
ItrKUti'i'lni;, If too 111 to np-
penr before your local dnift
board to realster In naraon.
send some competent porsou to
explain circumstance to the
noarii nnd aiitnin ror.lstnillou
card, with authority to till It
out. ThI card, after beltiK
filled nut, must bo returned to
local board by your reproeiitn-
- tlvo, or mailed t.) board with
Htomped Hoir-addreHseil envelope
- for return of registration cor-
Abki'iiro No Kciim for Not
UckIhIcHiij;. I'nnvolduhlu nb-
HPiira from your home district
will not excuse failure to regis-
ter. If you inuat bo uunvotd-
nbly nliHont, (JO AT ONCI3 to
local board nearest to place
- where you bnppon to be. oxnluln
aircuiUHinucOH and rcRltitraUou
card will ho filled out by thla
board nnd kIvoii to you. MAIL
toKOtbor with Htumpod Holf-ad-
ilroHiod onvolnpo for return to
- you of roKlstrntlon cortlilcnto,
to your own locul board. DO
NOT DBLAY, for your roRlBtrn-
tlbn card must roach you homo
local board by Wednesday.
Juno 5,
HojjlHtriitlon Ccitlllcato. Kv-
cry man roKUtorod will bo lvon
n registration cortlilcnto. For -
your own protection, keep this
--certificate with you nt nil Union -
rondy to show on domattdi
othorwlao, you tiro ltnblo to nr-
roHt on suspicion of havliiB
ovndod roclatrntlon.
HolillcrH mill Hiillorn Not to -
HoKlattT. Tho only 21-your-
old nion not roqulrod to regla.
tor nro those nlrondy In tho
' military or nnvnl sorvloo of tho
Unltod Stntoa, Hut mon 21
yonra old who hnvo boo (lis-
ohnrKod from tho military or
nnvnl aorvloo must roRlater. -
I'rlvnlit I'limlllcw .Mint V All Hub-
stlluto- Hnrplti ' Will
Ilo Hlilppvd
(From Hnturllay'a Dally)
All sales of Hour .-In Uond nro
stopped, according to an order Issued
to the mftrclinnts thla morning by
tho county food administrator's of
fice Tho order was mado on receipt
of a telegram from tho atato food nd
mlnUtr.itor which prohibits the sale
of flour by merchant In
tho state
to nny person whatsoever, oxocptlng
bukerliNi nnd logging camps.
Merchants will hereaftdr he per
mitted to carry In stock only such
quantities of flour a will he ttocos
wry to fill the wants of the bakeries
and octtnpN In this section, tho gov
ernment already making the arrange,
litems to ship nut of thn city any
surplus which there may be.
While In the past It has beon pos
sible to purchase Hour on n basis of
one-half Hour nnd one-halt substi
tute, until further notice thla prac
tice Is eliminated entirely. While
tho new order Is only effective until
May 31st, notice has been served on
the food administrator's office hero
that other orders would he forwarded
Immediately, and It Is not oxpoeted
that the purchase of wheat flour by
Individuals wilt ndt 'again be per
mitted until after the harvest this
This action by the fowl administra
tion Is taken to In n mensuro aid In
filling the need of Hour by our nlllei.
The shortage of wheat In Uurope 1ms
become acute and a serlotm proposi
tion, and all possible means are be
InK taken by the national food ad
ministration to Kt the supply from
thla country to Europe rapidly.
Bulletin Opens New Tobacco
Fund Red Cross Aids
Itocently Tho Bulletin closed Its
Tobacco fund, announcing Its Inabil
ity to receive furthor subscriptions
beenuse or tho withdrawal from the
project ot tho American Tobacco
company, with whom It mis oo-
oparatliiK. There Is now nmiounceul
tho opening of the lied Crosa-llulle-!!he
tln tobacco fund, ' through which
subscrlptlotiH for tho purpose of buy
ing tobacco for our soldiers may be
mado. Other Hod- Cross subscrip
tions go to the general fund ot tho
ordor and are used tor all the pur
poses or the lied Cross, Subscrip
tions to the Hod Cross-ltullotlu fund
will bo used for tobacco alone.
Tho sum of ?2fi7 wns subscribed
to tho llrst tobacco fund collected by
Tho Hullotlii. It Is hoped that oven
moro will bo sent In for tho now fund
Just now starting. All subscriptions
will bo reported in tho columns of
Tho Dullctln and the money sent,
without (Inductions ot nuy kind, di
rect to tho uutlonal hendquartors ot
tho American Hod Cross tor tho pur
chnBo of tobneco.
Thu need tor moro tobacco is groat
as will bo booh In tho following letter
from II, D, Gibson, general manager
ot tho Hcd Cross, which has prompt
ed Tho Hullotlii to opon n second to
bneco fund.
Mr. Gibson writes ns follows:
"Tho Hod Cross commission In
Franco Is continually receiving ro-
quests from tho commanding ofllcorsuluu to moot tho increasing domnnd.
tor supplying gront quantities of to
bacco tor tho uso of the American
oxpodltlonnry iorco In Franco. Tho
efforts ot your pnpor nnd othor pa
pers In tho country to socuro funds
ospoclally designated for tho pur
chase of tobacco for our army nbrond
tins made It posslblo thus fnr for the
Rod Cross to respond to practically
nil ot tlioso requests tor tobacco
(From Friday's Dally.)
Confessing to having brought near
ly u hundred quarta of liquor from
tho California lino to Item and other
Central Oregon points, H. A Ollvor
and jt Ilonnlo, who wero arrested byj
Hiionrr ltoborta woilnosday, were
fined I SCO each in Judgo Hastes'
court last night. The flue was paid
nnd 'tho men loft thla morning with
wnrnltwi from tho ahorlff to keep
away from tho city hereafter or suf
fer heavy penalty.
When they wore arrested tho men
gave their names as Joe Mandollno
and (J. Martin, but later admitted
theso to be fictitious. They wore
I(fllA tn ! loll .1 1-.
i ' .? lu"1"' JU" """ a"-r
unvcr waa iransierrou lo mo city
Jail, so that It would not be possible
for the two mon to converse togother.J
Lnto last evening after a severe
questioning by Shorlff Itoberts and
Prosecuting Attorney DeArmond,
Oliver asked that the officers leave
tho room. Ills reouest was gran tod
nnd he Immediately went Into details,
In his confowilon to Mr. DeArmond
and Judge Hasten, telling of the pUr-,r,roven,ent ovor therc- The havo
ehnse of the liquor, the amount sold!Kroal b'B nut0 truckn hauling stuff
and where tho halnnce was hid at ground all the time. They oven have
tho old Uond mill. The officers went ntachlno shops built on trucks. Tho
with Oliver, taking Ilonnlo along, to ; oltl "'I"B la tho French women were
the location confeseed to by the man, j wearing woodon shoos beforo the
. .. ...... n. . ... 'A mfirlfinn liiv t-nt swa. thn.rt Yt,t
anu luuiiu t quarts oi wniSKey i -.. ..,- o-v u.v. ....v, uu.
burled In the sawdust. jnow ,ne dros8 Rood. As soon as we
lionnle was at first Inclined to,wore t,P(l "P to tho docks In France
fight the proceedings against him, tho soldlors camo aboard and got all
but when he learned of tho conros- ot tho tobacco they could as they Just
slon of his companion, pleaded ullty.
llootlcggers In Hend ore finding It luoro or America tne boys atood all
almost Impossible to oscape- the vlg- y tho ship waving nnd saying lve
llnnco of Mio sheriff and prosecuting my rogards to Droadway. It Is bad
attorney's office, this bolng tho third enough to bo thero Just a week, not
caio lu wh'lch conviction has "been sc-'ylnR anything nbout how long-Obey
ettrod by them In the past mouth. jw'H be over there. I think I will
got a higher rating while hero in
FIVE ARE KILLED America. The chief engineer said
txt rvn 4 1-vt urnrnr ho wn8 KolnB t0 rat0 mo as 0,,er or
UN IKAliN KfciUlV englnemau second class. If I get
VATKHLOO.May 29. -Five were that ral,,vK l w,n be conaldored as a
kllltfl and a dozen Injured when the """y officer. It is raining quite hard
Illinois Central passenger train was ,,8re today and awful warm. I ox
nrckel thla morning. The wreck Ptel to hear from you by this time,
vi as caused by a weakened track but " our ,naU "as b80n 88nt to an
where the roadbed had been washed oll,ur sh,') u s- s- Margaret, a sub
out by high water. m0""'" destroyer, at the Azure
: . Islands, about halt way between
without It being necessary to expend
any Hod Cross funds for thla purpose,
"Wo have Just received from our
commission In Franc word that tho
amount of tobacco which we have
been able to supply them with In tho
; I81'1 ' 0' nearly enough to answer
'Knt coll. which we are rec4Hv-
Ing nnd will receive lu the future. I
glo holow some extracts from recent
cabloe rocelvod from our commission
bearing on this subject:
" 'March 7th Not over 300 cases
tobacco In nil our store bouses. Last
month distributed 1,000 coses.'
"'March Kith Hnvo now dis
tributed nil newspaper tobacco nnd
should have moro, I low much can
wo expect monthly.'
"'March 28th Wo uood 175 cases
newspaper tobacco n mouth for each
army division.'
"'April 15th Divisional bodies
our troops scattered detachments
under training ns woll na sick and
woundod nil mnko irroslstlblo de
mand tor moro tobneco. Minimum
needs 175 cases por month ror ench
division, Wo must bo nblo supply
such demand ns wo had this week
when American aviator who recontly
brought down two Hocho machines
In one, dny walked miles In ruin to
got tobacco tor himself and com
rades.' "Wo nro dopendlng on you nnd
hope that It will bo posslblo tor you
to Increase your nctlvltlos in this
Tho need Is gaining as tho numbor
of our troops nbrond grows.' Wo Bin
coroly hope thnt you enn mnko your
endeavors proportionate nnd thai
you will bo nblo to furnish us with
n largo quantity to equal tho needs
ns Indicated to us from nbrond,
"Vory truly yours,
"H. D. aiHSON,"
"Qonornl Malinger,"
TllOOl Hull's TO A I'OKT IN
Jlalph Lucas, a former Ucnd boy
who In fireman on the U. 8. B. Chath
am, has written an Interesting letter
to hla mother, Mrs. S. A. Lucas, In
this city relative to his experiences
In transportation of troops over the
Atlantic to Franco. Tho trip told
about In the letter, which Is pub
lished below, la tho fifth which Flrc
man Lucas has made slnco his en'
trance Into tho navy, about a year
ago. The letter follows:
"Dear Mother:
"I will first tell you about our
trip to , . It la next
to tho largest seaport in France. The
Americans have taken over this dock
since war waa declared and they have
warehouses along the water for about
a mile and then they havo ono main
railroad track that Is built from
to the front or close to where
tho fighting Is being dono and the
goods are unloaded from tho ships
and put In warehouses or on box oars
a'"1 are Hnt r,Eht to the front. The
.Americana are making a groat Im
' 8U0n,etl crazy or Jt- When wo left
I America and France, so I don't
'know when we will get It. To avoid
mny moro trouble thla ship's name
has bvon changed from the U. S. S.
Margaret to the U. S. S. Chatham.
.Two big transports are hero In Ho-
jbokan and oxpect to leave tomorrow
'with soldiers. The lloor ot tho fire
room KOts awfi warm so I had to
get n double thl'cknoss or loather on
m' 8'es to keep from burning my
feet- l 8Went s0 ,nuch thal ray ha,r
us coming out quit fast, out outside
'of that I am all right.
"Your loving son,
'U. S. S. Chatham, caro ot Post
master, New York."
252 iiun Machines
are destroyed
WASHINGTON, May 29. Allied
airmen downed nnd destroyed 252
enemy mnohlues during tho week
ending May 1C, according to war of
floo reports recolved by Urltlsh mili
tary attaches.
Reports from Lakovlow stato that
Jason C. Moore has commenced op
orations on his project for tho recla
mation ot mineral doposlts from
Summer lake, In Lake county, Ore
gon. Tho erection ot n plant will bo
pushed to nn early completion, It Is
said. Mr. Moore's contract with tho
stato of Oregon for mineral rights
in Summor lako requires that tho
plant bo in oporation in six months'
ttmo. Mr. Mooro has paid a deposit
ot J10.000 to tho stato nnd must
mako n further paymont of 115,000
during tho six months' porlod, A
similar contract covorlug Albert lako
has been lost by Mr, Mooro through
failure to mako the initial paymont
to tho stato troasuror. Tho plant
uutlor construction will handlo 100
tons ot soda ash products por month,
nud omploy nbout 20 mon. Tho
product ot tho plant will bo shipped
to Sau Frauclaco,
KrcnU nt Htuto Capital Ilango In
Hcopo From Alan Hunt to Iiitcrent
Over Politics Trrasurcr-
Milp Is Gurti.
(SptcUl la Th Bulletin.)
SALEM, May 29. Tho atato po
lice has had Its first crack at actual
duty, and while at latest reports It
had not bagged Its man, neverthe
less tho tryout has been eminently
satisfactory, say offlclala. Tho flret
target for the police as a constabu
lary organization, similar to tho
famous Pennsylvania state constabu
lary, or tho celebrated. North wea'.
Mounted Police ot the dominion, vrti
Jeff Baldwin, wily desperado and
notorious convict and outlaw. Major
Deich and hla aides were among the
first called in and the chase has been
difficult to say the least. It hap
pened to fall to tho writer's lot to
follow part of the trail which the
pollco bad to go over in tho wlldi
of Western Orogon am no outpost
of tho uncivilized countries present
greater difficulties for raanhuntern
than the mountain fastnesses of
Ronton and Lincoln counties. Den
ton county, homo of the Oregon
Agricultural college, la often thought
of as ono ot tho fairest sections of
tho state, and so a portion ot it k
nut a portion ot It Is thick, heavy
timber, almost untravclcd and pre
senting the best kind ot hiding places
for tho hunted and tho most diffi
cult kind ot tracking tor tho hunters
Stato Pollco at WunlcnN itack.
The moral effect ot tho state pollco
on the Job, however, has boon highly
pleasing to Warden Murphy at the
prison. Every convict In tho place
now knows that, 200 trained mon
will be at the warden's bock and call
In event any kind of an escapo la
attempted, and the entrance of tho
state police on tholr horizon prac
tically eliminates any effort at a
general break, it audi a break was
ever contemplated.
Major Delch also is pleased at the
chance given the mon for some
aotual experience The men went at
tho Job like veterans and only the
smoothest working kind of an out
law could have slipped through their
clutches after he had been almost
surrounded by a seemingly unbreak
able chain. And there Is still a
chance that the state police may sot
him yet.
.Mcixm Has Project Up.
J. E. Morson of La Pine has pa!
up his proposition to the desert land
board for tho reclamation ot hla
La Pine projeot. Tho proposal made
was largely along tho line ot that
which he previously submitted to the
board by letter, and which has beor
published, although his oral propo
sition includes tho west side as woll
as tho oast sldo lands on tho project.
He would have tho state purchase
tho lands and havo the dtstrlct de
veloped undor a special act ot con
gress. Tho matter has been taken
under advisement by tho desert land
board. Purchaso of tho land by the
stato would necossarily prosupposo
au act ot tho legislature authorlzlno
tho uso of tho money for that pur
pose, and consequently nothing can
bo dono in the matter until next year
at least.
Republicans WU1 Control.
Tho legislature, as usual, VIII be
predominantly Republican and prob
ably nt about tho samo ratio as the
Inst legislature. Party lines aro no
moro vory distinctly drnwn in that
body, nud last session tho Democrats
lined up with a whoop behind the
Republicans and aside from tho dis
cussion of a few tuemorlnls rotative
to national affairs, wherein national
party politics cut n llttlo figure, nose
could tell by watching nporatfonc
which was a Republican and which
wns a Democrat. Tho Domocratr
roallze thnt their strength numeric
ally is so small as to mako them a
vory, very tiny minority, and conse
quently thoy nro beginning to line up
with Republican candidates fofDreet
dont and speaker lu order to get
tholr gobblo at tho cowniltfia cake
Complimentary votes for members ot
(Continued ou Pago 4,)