The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 09, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGH R
m:Xl) MJM.NTItf, IiKNI), OUKGON, Tlll'ltSDAY, MAY 0, 1018
a .
More New Waists
Our wonderful $-1.1)8 values in George lie Crepe Wnists Imve ceilulnly been up
prccijitcci by the women of Homl and vicinity. There's a reiuson. Don't fuil to
see these wonderful vnlucs. Have Ihein in it'll the leading colors.
Give us a reason why the
tire is better and should
be ridden by all
Wlilto lAwn upd Orpimllo WnMi In a !( .V(iiotto Ctopo WiiInI Iii tlio wvy Intent noH
TdlTHir'silk WiiiNi. I.. .. i.l.r irnh'-J V."' lMH '-! '"' "'"! I" "II lv lit ...81.08. 85.00
B H(ttlMS ft I U rt Oft
H (ioh ! (iil'iie WiiMn Iii n pliwhiK ii'vMiihmMH Th" tmumH "''' " JHiMy l In
M llf fetll.U Ik.lfl ....I...... kJ. IIU 1.... ..I ...I.,.. .... . ... . ... ... ....
' " " " r. r--"" mrii-ij in ki j ii"' uric, ipi.lir, is I, tin
Some Boy is Going to Earn A Puncture
Proof Tire. Get Busy, It May be You.
1st. Best Composition Diamond Puncture Proof Tire
2nd. Best Composition . Diamond Unicorn Tread
3rd. Best Composition $1.00 in Thrift Stumps
RULES GOVERNING CONTEST: All compositions to he in before 8 P. M.
Sn.urdny, May 18th. Age itnd name of contestant to be written plainly on out
side of sealed envelope. , Deposit compositions in sealed box at Bend Hardware.
Points Awarded as FoUows:-4US? "SW, &&.
Received another ihipmcnt of our I anions petticoat f- QQ
with heatherbloom top and taffeta flounce, at... P '0
J. C. PENNEY CO., Inc.
Others Follow.
(Continued from Pago One)
of that committee. This may seem
peculiar in licht of the fact that a
public endorsement was given for
Moser. Out tho endorsement was
based upon tho attitude taken by
Moser during the last session of the
legislature on tho anti-picketlng bill.
His followers insisted that Moser was
entitled to the endorsement from the
stand taken there, and so he got it.
Mior Not a Winner.
But getting an endorsement from
labor, and gotting a 'majority of tho
votes of organized labor aro two sep
arate and distinct propositions. No
one oxoects Moser to Eet any nar- may gain blg-leads in ono or
ticular share of the labor vote now. 'sections, but' tho man with
after the primaries next Friday with
tho Republican nomination tucked
safely Into his pocket, unless some
great upheaval occurs within the
next week. Thero seems no possi
bility of an upheaval that could dls
lodgo both of them, so it will be the
wlso gambler that keeps his monoy
In his pocket, If he has a hunch to
bet on any but ono of those two.
Xii Talk Hut With) combe.
This Is tho concensus of opinion
on all hands. In Portland thoro Is
no other talk but Wlthycombo and
Olcott as probablo winners, although
Simpson will get some votes thero
and In Southern Oregon.
nut tho man with the spotted
strength never did have a chance In
a primary election in Oregon, no
In ono or two
Labor likes to vote with a winner strength
and it is conceded on all sides that
Moser is. not a' winner, or anything
like a near winner.
The fact Is that, the wMqsor boom
has "busted," Likewise the Simp
son boom has "busted." The Ander
son boom was nfcver thero to "bust,"
and It is even-predicted by some that
Harley will beat Anderson.
The whole thing, with the pri
maries a week away, slmmors down
to the old story that there are but
two booms for governor now on, the
political market, and these are the
booms for Wlthycombo and Olcott.
One of the other of those two gontlo-
all ovor comes up behind
his loads and fairly gobbles them up
with his little pluralities In every
nrprlnct. Iloth Wlthvcnmlin anil Ol.
cott have strength all over. Thl8!as k '" hc ,H ant t0 Kct lu,lB n
mighty handicap ngalnst them. As
It Is, Gus has fairly talked hlmsolf
out of tho raco and Is no longer a
factor to bo considered.. Those who
have a record as being tho best dope
stem glvo Gus tho fourth place at
the best in tho state at largo, with
hltn dragging along as third or
fourth In Multnomah county.
Woman Dopr It Out.
A woman, who has acquired con
siderable of a "rep" as a "polltlcker"
slnco suffrage camo Into vogue, made
on interesting assertion tho other
day. Sho said that if Simpson could
bo in every town In tho stato the day
before election ho would stand n
good chanco of not receiving any
votes at all. Harley Is ono of thoso
kind of candidates that cause a
shudder to run up and down tho
xplno of tho ordinary citizen when
sizing up tho Astoria candidate nt
close range. It ho could bo placed
on exhibition all ovor tho fitato his
chances would go glimmering. Hut,
real diimngo. Republican lenders
know It, tho editors know it, nml
none of them want Walter.
McXnry (Jowl Republican.
Stanflcld has stirred things 'up n
little by hinting Hint Sonntor Mc
Nnry's Ropubllcnnlnm Is In doubt.
John McXnry, tho senator's brother,
has como back with n rod-hot repudi
ation nf tho Stnnllold urgumont and
has pointed out thnt his brother, the
ttonntur, has n record for Republican
Ism of which any mnn with it party
souse might bo proud. As chairman
of tho Republican central ocmmlttro
In 1910 ho carried Oregon over tho
top for tho Republican presidential
nominee, tho only state to turn the
.trick west of tho Mississippi river.
He was appointed to tho senate by
'a Republican governor, whoso Re
publican principles have never been
called Into question. Ho was form
erly president and one of the orgnn
'izors of tho Young Moh'h Republican
club of Salem and since n moru child
ho has been nn advocate of Repub
lican principles.
Stauflold accused Mc.N'ary of sup
porting West for govornor In the
primaries when ho ran ngnlnst
Doworman. tho Republican nominee
Tho writer, through personal knowl
edge, happons to know that this Is a
more fabrication. Tho Republican
nominee In that campaign had no
staunchcr supporter than Charley
McNary. Tho writer also happons to
know that West know this very thing
when he appointed Charley Mc.N'ary
as Justlco of tho supremo court, and
ho commented upon It nt tho time
This Is no hearsay because tho writer
was in a position to bo personally
familiar with thoso facts, and for
many yoars ho has boon In a position
to know personally that Oregon has
had no staunchcr, truer Republican
than Charley McNary. When Dob
Stanflnld makes the assertion that
McNary Is not a Republican ho does
ho upon poor advice. It may bo said
in nil oandor and fnlrness that Stan
strength will eat up any leads that
Simpson may gathor from a favorite
son standpoint. The result will de
pend upon who has the most strength
all over' Wlthycombe or Olcott.
Thero Is no denying tho fact that
each one of those lust two named
candidates have a fallowing In every
precinct in the state, and Simpson
will have to spend moro money, and
Out Moser will have to shoot moro
hot air, than they have ever spent
men will land right side up with caro'or shot before, ore they ovorcome the
pESCHUTES Countyjhasdone splendidly
- in subscribing to th(rhird Liberty Loan,
and right now we must begin preparing for
the next loan by accumulating the funds.we
can spare, and by depositing idle money we
may have. 4co interest added to such sav
ings will reduce the amount of your next sub
scription that much. You will have earned
it without eflort, and during that time will
enjoy the feeling of safety and preparedness
that nothing but a bank account can give.
We are at you service.
'- i f
i ' f t
Pfte'Fibt NstiohaT'Ba&k'
ilS , v '!'! - '
IIS ' "
19 , M
I I h" r- ( m jf
Hldornuio vote, nltuougli no liasn t a
ghost of n chance for tho nomination,
and If by any chance-ho got It any
rospoctablo Democratic candldato
would oat him alive.
Mud KIIiikIiik f'rwpH In.
Apparently editors of the big pa
pers with Republican leaning are
putting on the soft pedal as much as
posslblo this campaign to prevent
opening running sores before the
primaries which mlxht not heal bo
fore the general election. In splto
of all they can do, soiuo nasty mud
slinging has cropt Into the cum
paign. This Is not truo ho much
among the candidates themselves as
among their alleged friends ,and It
is posstblo that moro than one candi
date may go down to dofeat at tho
coming primaries becauao he hue
been u victim of his friends. Hut
it must bo said to tho credit of tho
big dallloH that tho campaign this
year, at least the last threo woekH of
It, has been tho cloaneHt that has
been waged for mony a year.
Waltor Plorco, who evldontly will
bo the Democratic nomlnuo for gov
ernor, is somewhat of a bugaboo to
tho Republicans and nt all odilH,
whatever huppens, no dycd-In-thn-wool
Republican cares to soo Waltor
in tho cxccutlvo chair, Walter Is a
radical of tho radlcaU and under
right conditions ho might heroine a
formidable contender in tho race bo
foro tho general election If tho Re
publican party Is Huflclontly split by
a nasty pro-primary fight.
Pierto HlronK on "Sob Hlulf."
Walter could almost weop his way
into tho offlco if ho could muster suf
flclqnt audlonces to watch his tears.
Ho has a resonant volco, which grad
ually becomes liquid as ho warms
hlmsolf to bin work as a spollblndor,
and tho first thing tho listonor knows
tho toara are fairly coursing down
his checks, A too-sympathetic listonor
suddenly finds hlmaolf wooplng along
with Walter, and then Waltor knows
ho has speared tho sympathetic lis
tener for his very own. Walter's
tears, and a Ufa sized scrap in tho
Republican primaries, might do some
field would not uiaku tho statement
If ho did not helluvu It, because, lloli
Stanflcld Is sitinri) and nn ono who
knows him has ever uccusod him of
being anything else but siiuuru. He
lias boon misinformed, that Is nil.
Rut Miyono who iiiiHtlous tho Re
publU inlsm of Chnrloy McNary
knows not whereof he speaks, Mc
Nary was n good enough Koptihltcau
to bo president of the Titft-Shenunn
club In 191'.', and u good enough Re
publican to put Hughes over In Ore
gon In 1D1G. A man who cham
pioned those two cnndldntes ran
scarcely bo brought to tusk for his
Mimllck After HMnU-rMilp,
Whisper Iiuh It Hint Dftiilnu 0.
Ilurdlck of Redmond hns speaker
ship aspirations. The whisper be
came rather loud not long ago when
Hurdlrk was In Portland and con
fided as much (o his frliinU. Herb
Gordon of Multnomah and Seymour
Jones or Marlon hnvu similar aspira
tions. Of oourso nil such aspiration
aro predicated upon tho aspirant be
ing first elcrli'd to the legislature
Thoro scimiis little doubt, however.
that Ilurdlck, Jones and Oorilon will
nil fulfill their aspirations to bo
Oordou told friends In Portland
that lie Is quite anxious for tho
speakership Job mid Hint ho bollnvtm
he could et a good following If ho
stepped out after It. Home of hi
friends advised him not to try It,
but whether this dampened his ardor
or not Iiuh not been teamed. Chances
are that ho will ho In tho nice, If hn
In elected. Ho far ho Is (lie only
Kaxtern Oregon man whose name has
beau suggested ns n candidate for
either the speakership of the IIouko
or the presidency of tho senate.
Just as nn iiiMh. A Portland can
didate dropppd Into Malum the other
tiny and was engrossed In conversa
tion with the writer In the rnpltol
lobby. Another candidate eumo
swinging nruttuil the corner.
"What lire you trying to do, get
your mime In the Rend pnpor?" re
marked tho second candidate to tho
first candidate.
"Oh, Is this the man who putti tho
Hull In HiilMlu?" commented tho
first candidate
P r i c 1 1 R i if Ii t to the Penny
Make Your Investments Where
They Will Give You the
Best Returns.
To ifet trie bcit and moit fur your money in
Gruccrie. you mint buy tliem at the Union
Cali Grocery. A trial will convince you.
It PAYS to pay caiti at the Union.
V . 1 1 S 1 1 c l, II end, Oti-gon
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ErSnS5rJ0ffA Ctrtatn' tcs J J'alntiVurnlihei Roofing
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The roof that copes with all conditions.
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Ctrlain-tmhM the ability to resist every form of roof
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Guaranteed B, 10 or 10 year, according to thlclinoi.
C.trtaln-Utd coin let than any other type of roof lint co:t.
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