IJKND HULLKTIN, BKND, OHKOON, TKIJIttiDAY, MAY 0, IfMH PAOB FEW SUCKERS LEFT IN BEND HTAUItKI) LIHT OI-' IO AN 1IMAI QUAKTKIIH WILL HAVH HUT MCBH THAN DOZKN NAMKH. (Krotn Baturday'a Dally.) Today In tho loot day for subscrlp 'tlonn to tlio third Liberty loan, and out of 744 Itatod bond buyers taknn by tho comnilttoo on questionnaires (horn will remain ban than doion who aro to bo rated with tho yollow aura, according to headquarters thin morning, Tho chairman of tho drlra It now working on a comploto atar Hit which will ho mado public to. night or tomorrow, Thla Hit will Include tho namoa of thoio who have aubacrlbod to 100 per cent, of their rating, and will alao contain the Hat of thoao who haro aubacrlbcd undor thla amount, or who havo not con tributed at all. Thoao who havo aubacrlbod their rating wilt bo Hated with a bluo atar, aa In tho past, thoao of loaa than tholr rating will haro a rod atar oppoalto tholr namca, while tho alackera will bo llatod with a yollow atar. Bond purchasers for May t and 3 at tho Klrst National bank woro: D. V. Maclntoah, fSO; Louis Doonar, $60; Krank Hanrey, IBO; Harry It. lllley, 160; Harold Marsh, 1100; II. II. Hanks, 60; C. A. Htoranson, ISO; Troy II Rarer, S0; Geo. O'Noll, 1100. $271 RAISED B llULLLTIN'H TOIlACfJO FUND ;M)HICH AND FINAL Clil'X'K HUNT (JOVNHNMICNT TAKKH OVKK OUTPUT, (From Thuraday'a Dally.) With tho romlttnnco of tho amount now on hand In Tho Hullotln tobacco fund tho fund cloaca and no moro contrlbutlonn for It will bo rocolvod. Primarily, tho roaaon for tho dls continuance of tho fund la tho fact that Undo Bam haa taken ovor tho ontlro output of Tuxodo tobacco, following hla recent almllar action In reaped to Hull Durham. Durham and Tuxodo woro tho tobacco mak itiic up tho contunta of our kit. Now they aro not nvallablo any mora and thero may bo atlll further chances, making It Impoaalblo to got theio klta altogothor. Furthermore, with tho govern ment taking tho tobacco In thla way It la apparnn that tho aoldlora aro going to bo aupplled aufflcluntly without tho nood of private contrlbu tlona. fllnco tho fund was atartod Tho Hullotln haa recolvod a total of 1271. Kvory ponny of thla aum haa boon forwarded to tho American Tobacco company for tho purchaao of tobacco klta, 1,084 klta in all bolng provided for. On coat a word la all a llttla Want Ad will coat you. HOW ARE THESE FOR SEED PRICES? Fancy Alfalfa - - 22c per 100 lbs Red Clover - - 30c per 100 lb Mammoth Red Clover, 29c 100 lbs Sweet Clover - 27c per 100 lbs REM EM HER-. Wc will only be Mile to to furnish seeds nt those prices for a short time Phone Us Your Order That we may reserre your quantity. Bend Hardware Co. BOARD PASSES ON CONTRACTS HTATK LAND flOAKD AOTH ON O. O. I. IIUHINHHH LANDH IK JORDAN VALLKY I'lLOJBOT AHi: ItKLKAHKI). (flpUI to Th IlulMln.) BALEM, May C. At a apodal mooting of tho desert land board a few contractu of tho Central Oregon Irrigation company wcro panacd upon, and tho board consented to tho relinquishment of certain lands under tho Jordan valloy project. Action wna takon by tho board on these matters aa follows: Central Oregon contract No. 1107, In tho natno of C. C. McNoely, cover ing tho NWU UK 'A, 18-15.16, waa ordered approved. Supplemental agroomenta were ap proved under tho following Central Oregon contracts: Contract 3G8, in tho namo of C. W. Farrar. Contract 370, In tho namo of C. I). Qulnn. Contract 440, In tho namo of James A. Mclvln. Contract C40, In tho namo of Luolla 8. Grlfnn. Deod No. COO, covering tho 8W HKV. 1210.12, waa ordered Issued to Krnest Frank under C. O. I. con tract 1044. RAIN IS NEEDED BY SHEEPMEN flhoepmon on tho High Desert and In tho forest reserve aro foarlng for their spring lamb crop unloss the rains sol in soon, according to Forest Supervisor Jacobaon, who haa just returned from a two weeks' trip Into tho Dcschutoa forest. THIH WIDOW WAH IIKI.I'KD. Mr. A. Waldon, 4 GO Olenn Ave, Fresno, Cal writes: "I had a fovor and It loft mo with a cought ovory wlntor. Foloy'a lionoy and Tar helps ,1110 ovory tlmo. I am a widow CC years old." Nothing bollor for uron clal, nrlp and almllar coughs and colds that hang on. Just flno for croup and whooping cough. Bold ovorywhoro. LEGAL NOTICES THE UNIVERSAL CAR ft la moat Important when your, Font Oar required laeohaalca) attention that you place it la charge of the authorised Ford dealer, be oause then "you are aura of fearing repair and replacement mads with, genuine Ford-mada materials by man wtio know all about Font oara. So brine your Fond to us, wharo satis taction la guaranteed. Prompt, offtolont aarr loo at all tlmea and Ford oara if you wiaU to buy: Runabout, 1611.50; Touring Oar, 1017.50 1I f. o. b. Baud. Cent-Ore-Motor Co. BEND, OREGON BUMMO.NH. J In tho Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for Doechutea County. Frank L. Walt, Guardian, Plaintiff, vs. W. S. Hodman and Grace D. Hodman, hla wife; Marlon Cham borlatn and (Jano Doo) Chamber lain, hla wife: Ooorgo W. Car pouter and Ula Carponter, hla wlfo; John M. Carpontor and Qolda Carpontor, hla wlfo; Tho Flank of Doming, a corporation, Defend ants. To W. S. Hodman and Oraeo II. Hod man, hla wlfo; Marlon Chamber lain and (Jano Doo) Chamberlain, his wlfo; Goongo W. Carpontor and Ula Carpontor, hla wlfo; John M. Carpontor nnd Qolda Carpontor, hla wlfo: Tho Dank of Doming, a corporation, tho ubovo namod do fond an la: In tho namo of tho Stato of Oregon: You nnd each of you aro horoby required to appoar nnd anawor or othorwlso plead to tho complaint filed against you In tho abovo on titled suit on or beforo tho 7th day of Juno, 1918, that dato bolng six full weeks from tho dato of tho first publication of thla summons, and If you fall so to anawor or othorwlso pload thoroto tho plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tho abovo on titled court for tho rollot prayed for In tho complaint, to-wlt: For Judgment and docroo against you for tho sum of I4.8SS.97 prin cipal and interest on tho nolo do acrlbod in tho complaint with In terest on aald noto at tho rato of 8 por cent, por annum until paid; tho furthor aum of $43.73 taxes duo agalnBt tho land described In aald complaint: for the aum of $275 at torney's rooa in tnis auit ana that plaintiff havo and rocovor hla coata and d sburaomenta horoin oxpenaoa: for a docroo foreclosing plaintiff's mortgage and for an ordor that tho land bo sold according to law for tho satisfaction of plaintiff's Judg ment: tli at defondanta and oacn of tlllo, claim or Intorrat In nnd to tho landN dcacrlbed In tho complaint nnd mortgage, to-wlt: Tho U'A of Hoc. 14, Twp, 15 8. of It. 10 Kast Wlllnm otto 'Meridian, Deschutes county, Orcrcon, together with nil tho np purtetmnccs Including wntor rights thoroto nppurtnnnnt, except tho o(iilty of redemption na provided by lawf Hint aald landn and tholr np purtenancon bo nold according to jaw and tho proceeds applied to tho payment of plaintiff's Judgment In cluding taxes nnd attorney feo and nxponses of said snlo and tho excess thornof, if thoro bo any, bo pnld ovor to defendants na tholr interest may nppnar; that If nald lands so sold shall not bring a sufficient sum to pay tho said Judgment of the plain tiff then nnd In that event that tho plaintiff havo deficiency Judgment against tho defendants, W. S. Hod man and Ortico II, Hodman, huaband and wife, for tho sum of such de ficiency. This summons Is served upon you by publication theroof onoo a week for six succcsslvo wcoks, pursuant to an ordor of tho Hon. T. K. J. Duffy, Judge of said court, made nnd dated tho 22nd day of April, 1918. Dato of first publication, April 20, 1018. Dato of last publication, May 30, 1918. 8-13 W. P. MVBrtfl Attorney for Plaintiff, Dend, Oregon. 00124 NOTICB FOIl I1JHLICATION. Department of tho Intorior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 17th, 1918. Notice Is horoby given that Thomas William Todd, of Send, Ore gon, who on Juno 14th, 1911, mado Homestead Entry No. 09124, for Lota 3 and 4, Stf NW4, 8WK, BWU 8KVi, Section 2, Township 20, South, Ilango IS, East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notico of inten tion to mako final three-year proof io establish claim to tho land above described beforo II. C. Ellis, United States commissioner, at Bend, Ore gon, on tho 19th day of Juno, 1918. Claimant namca na witnesses: A. D. Norton, of Mllllcan, Oregon. F. It. Klgcr, of Mllllcan, Oregon. W. H. Heam, of Mllllcan, Oregon. D. E. Davis, of Dend, Orogon. H. FHANK WOODCOCK. 9-13c Register. 011774 NOTICK FOKI'UHLICATIO. Department of the Interior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 23. 1918. Notico Is horoby given that Vernon Clovengor, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who on Juno 9th, 1913, made Homestead Entry 011774. and December 8, 1015, mado Additional Entry No. 012312. for SEU, Sec. 13, Tp. 20. S H. 14 E.: KW SWU. Lota 3 and 4, Sec. 18. Tp. 20, 8., It 15 E. Wll lametto Morldlan, haa filed notice of intontlon to mako final thrco-ycar proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described beforo II. C. Ellis, Unltod States commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, on tho 6tb day of June, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Petor D. Johnson, of Mllllcan, Ore gon. William Heam, of Mllllcan, Oro gon. Fred O. Klgor, or Mllllcan, Oregon. Ivan L. Owen, of Mllllcan, Orogon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 9-13p Register. 010135. NOTICE VOll PUBLICATION. Dopartmont of tho Interior, Unltod States Land Office at Tho Dalles, Orogon. April 18, 1918. Notico la hereby given that Wil liam II. H. Williams, of Bend, Ore gon, who on April 3, 1913, mado Homestead Entry No. 010135 for SV NWU, NWU SWi, Sec. 26. 8E N2U. NEW SE. Sec. 26, Township 20 South, Rango 10, East Wlllamotto Meridian, has filed no tico of Intontlon to make thrco-ycar proof to establish claim to tho land abovo doscrlbed boforo II. C. Ellis, Unltod Stntoa commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, on tho 8th day of Juno, 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses: William J. Uaher, Frederick L. Huey, Theresa A. Bhrlnor, Silvia E. Porras, all of Bond, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 8-1 2c Register. FOODS TASTE BETTER COOKED TOBACCO TASTES BETTER TOASTED Since the day of tho caveman, who liked hla meat raw, civilisation haa learned a lot about Uio scientific treat ment of tho thlnga we eat. Naturally none of us would now prefer to havo our meat raw, our po tatoes aa they come from the ground, our coffee unroasted. And naturally follows the great dis covery recently made by Tho AmerU can Tobacco Co. that tobacco tastes better TOASTED! Thla wonderful new Idea simple like all great Inventions was first used In producing the famous LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette mado of toasted Durley tobacco. Burleyhas a mellow flavor, entirety different from the tobacco usually used for cigarettes. It U a pipe to. UseeaadLUCXY STRIKE Cigarette smsImV aBBssB ssi yym 011A04. NOTICE FOR PUIIUCATION. Dopartmont or tho Intorior, United States Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Orogon, April 6, 1918. Notico is horoby given that Reuben R. Keller, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on May 15th. 1913. mado nomoeteaa entry No. 011694 for SEU Sec. 34, SH 8H Soc. 35, Township 19, South, Rnngo 15. East, haa fllod notico of Intontlon to mako final throe-yoar proof to ostabllsh claim to the land abovo described before H, C Ellis, Unttod States commissioner, at Bond, Orogon, on tho 7th day of June, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Potor B. Johnson, of Mllllcan, Ore gon, John J. Holland, of Mllllcan, Oro gon. Loo Kollor, of 'Mllllcan, Oregon. Burton E. Davis, of Bond, Oregon. 6-1 Op II. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. OI24104, NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATION Dopartmont or tho Intorior, U. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, April 8th, 1918. Notico Is horoby given that Irvln Daughonbauxh, of Mllllcan, Orogon, who on March 4th, 1914, mado Home stead Entry No. 012604, for 8WK, 8octlon 24,NW, Section 26, Town ship 20, South, IUngo 16, East Wlllamotto Morldlan, baa filed no tico of Intention to mako final throe year proof to establish claim to tho land abovo described boforo II. C. Ellis, United States commissioner, at Bond Orogon, on the 10th day of Juno, 1918, Claimant names as witnesses: Frank Perclvall, of Mllllcan, Ore gon. Otis C. Honklo, of Bond, Oregon. Clifton L. Evans, of Bend, Oregon. Ernest R. Edmunds, of Mllllcan, Oregon. 7-llp H. FRANK WOODCOCK, Register. tltlod court for and take a decpM against you for a dlvorco forovor dis solving the bonds of matrimony ex isting between you and tho plaintiff. Thla summons Is Borvod upon you by publication theroof onco a week for six consocutlvo wooks In the Bond Bulletin, pursuant to an ordor of tho Hon. T. E. J. Duffy, Judgfl of said court, dated April 2nd, 1918. First publication, April 4th, 1018. S-llo ARTHUR J. MOORB, Attorney tor Plaintiff. HUMMOSS. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of De- sebtea. Tony Zomprelll, plaintiff, vs. Annua- slata Zomprelll, defendant. To AnnuniUU Zomprelll, bo above named defendant: In tho Name of the Stato of Ore gon, you aro hereby required to ap pear and answer the cocaplalnt In the above entitled suit on or before May 16, 1918, Chat dato being six weeks from tho first publication of this summons, or for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above en- HUMMON8. In the Circuit Court of tha State ot Oregon, for the County of De- schutoa. A. N. Lyons, plaintiff, vs. Myrtla Lyons, defendant. To Myrtle Lyons, the above naaad defendant: In the Namo of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint ts the above entitled suit oa or beforo May 16, 1918, that date being six weeks from the first publication of thla summons, or for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the abovo ea titled court for and take a decree agalnat you for a divorce forever dis aolvlng tho bonds of matrimony ex isting between yoa and the ?laiatlV, and for the sole ears, custody asut control of tha minor ealld of aM marriage, namely, Karl Lyons. Tkls saBaaaona la served uoa 70a by paV llcatlon thereof osoe a week for stx consecutive weeks, pursuant to as order of the Hon, T. K. J. Ia8y, Judge of said court, dated Xarest 28th. 1918. First publication, April 4th, 1918. i-llo ARTHUR J. MOORB, Attorney for PlatatisT. NOTICE. In tho County Court ot tho State ot Orogon, for Deschutes County. In tho Mattor ot tho Eatato of Mary Cyrus, Docoasod. Notico is horoby given that tho undorslgnod was on tho 4th day of March, 1918, appointed executor ot tho last will and testament ot Mary Cyrus, docoasod, by Honorable W. D. Barnes, county Judgo, and all porsons having claims against tho estate are horoby notified to present tho same with vouchers In the! mannor pro vided by law within six months from tho dato ot tho first publication ot this notico at tho office of II, C. Ellis, Bond, Deschutes county, Oregon. Dato of first publication April 18, 1918. WAHRBN DEAN CYRUS. Executor ot the Last Will and Testament of Mary Cyrus. Oe- Brooks-Scanion Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, ShiMgles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of Suodud Sac. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Local Sales Agent, MILLER LUMBER CO. HUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS mJtmmm i 1 Maaufaeturcrs of Iron, Bronza and SaaiStl Caitistf tor Power Transmission Machlndry: Vfool Pipe Fittias. Grata Bars, Agricultural. Mining aa J Saw Mill Machinery. Orasmeat al and Structural Iron. WE ARE PREPARED TO RUSH YOUR ORDERS ON REPLACEMENTS FOR BROK EN .CASTINGS ON ALL KINDS OF FARM MA CHINERY. BEND, OREGON. Business and Professional Cards VERNON A. FORBES LAWYER First National Bank Buildlas Bend :: :: Orecon BL H. DeARMOND LAWISR O'Kana Building, Bend, Oreoa H. O. JB L L I S AUormay-aULaw United States OosaBalasloster First National Bank Building BKND. OREGON W. W, FAULKNER, D. M. P. DKKXIBT Balte -8-lt. O'Kana Building Band, - - Orecon DR. TURNER KTB SPBCIAXI8T, of PorUaad Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire ot THORSON, THJJ JHWHiKR J. 8. MXGKBltETSON, PLTOUUXa AND HKATUfa 117 Minnesota Street. Bstisaates Cheerfully Furalsasd Jobbing Promptly Dose. 1' III Pnoae Blatk 1311 Jjm A. THOMAS, A. A. XA. Architect 3-4 O'Kana Bulldlag BHND ... OHHGON I Vlfl O. P. N1SWONQBR. Bead, Ore. UNDKRTAKKR Toanaed Kmbalmer, Faera Director. Paeae Bed 431. Lady As. DR. R. D. 8TOWBLL Nanrapatblc PbysleUa Over Logan Baxaltura Oa. Wall Street Hours U I Pfcact Red 480 I ' .LI J THE UNITED WARS HOUSE COMPANY Biw mU Pnft4Ucv GtMnl Cm- W tarry OU. GwtUa, Btu, FUac, 84H MmU, Bum, Bum Ml tera. Eastes-Anderson Farm Land Co. Irrigated Farm Lands a Specialty GENERAL, INSURANCE Fiat Ntol Baak Dulldiag l24po(Sbe(i Bnd, Ortgoa SaltZmaH & lOllinS RecharffinirandELtWoS All Work Guaranteed. Recharging and Electric Work Newport Ate. and West U St. 7-lia 'TTi iiirr-n-'Trran 1 ir Tt ;miini'.aii