The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 09, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    Mun nuiiijmiv, mn, ohmoon, thuiwday, may , itus
"Over the Top
By Ak Anerlcan Soldier
Who Went
Mochlnt Ganntr Sitting tn Franc
(OoyjrllhU 1J1I, tj Arthur Uoj Bum)
Llttenlno Post.
It was six In the morning when wo
arrived nt our rest billot?, and we were
allowed to Bleep until noon; that Is,
if we wanted to go without our break
fast. For sixteen days we remained
'' 'nv ;
our hearts RtooiT still.
A dhrk fonn suddenly loomed up In
front of me; It looked ns Mr ns the
Woolworth building. I could hear
the blood rushing through my reins
Herod the gninbtcrs lined up. Severn!
'Jocks' got their money for emerging
unfoly, but tha ones who clicked It
weren't thero to pay. Tho artillery
men had never thoiiKht It out that
nnd It sounded ns loud ns Niagara '"? lhoso Bcottles wero bound to
fnll be sure winners, no matter how tho
Forms scorned to emerge from tho ',u,w- 'o tip from me,
darkness. Thero wero seven of them 'w et with n Scottle, 'cause you'll
In nil. I tried to wish them nwny. 1 1 ,08 '""'
never wished hnnler In my life. They
11 ' itiiniiy
SBBBBaoeijaaeB fJ&r .j
muttered n few words In German and
melted Into tho blackness. I didn't
stop wishing either.
All of n sudden wo henrd n stumble,
a muddy splash, nnd a muttered "Don-
ner und Kilt sen." One of tho Koches
had tumhled Into a shell hole. Neither
of us Inughcd. At that time It didn't
strike us ns funny.
About twenty minutes after tho Ger
mans had disappeared something from
the rear grabbed tno by tho foot. I
nearly fntnted with fright. Then n
welcome whisper In n cockney accent.
"I s'y, myte, we'vo come to relievo
Wheeler nnd I crawled back to our
trench; wo looked like wet hens nnd
felt worse. After n swig of rum wo
were soon fast asleep on tho flro step
in our wet clothes.
Tho next morning I was ns stiff ns n
poker nnd every Joint nehed llko a
bnd tooth, but I wus still alive, so It
did not matter.
Entrance to a Dugout.
In rest billets, digging roads, drilling,
nd other fatigues, and then back Into
tbc front-line trench.
Nothing happened that night, bnt the
next afternoon I found out that a
bomber la general utility man In a sec
tion. About five o'clock tn the afternoon
our lieutenant 'came down the trench
and stopping In front of a bunch of us
on the fire step, with a broad grin on
his face, asked :
"Who Is going to Toluntccr for listen
ing post tonight? I need two men."
It Is needless to say no one volun
teered, because It Is anything but a
cushy Job. I began to feel uncomfort
inblo as I knew It was getting around
tfor my turn. Sure enough, with another
igrln, he said:
Enipey, you und Wheeler are due,
(so come down into my dugout for In
structions at six o'clock."
Just as he left and was going around
ja traverse, Fritz turned loose with a
'machine gun and the bullets ripped the
sandbags light over his head. It gave
roe great pleasure to see him duck
against the parapet. lie was getting a
taste of what we would get later out
In front
Then, of course, It began to rain. I
knew it was the forerunner of a mis
erable night for us. Every time I had
to go out In front. It Just naturally
rained. Old Jupiter Pluvius must have
had It In for me.
At six we reported for instructions.
They were simple nnd easy. All we
had to do was to crawl out Into No
Jinn's Land, lie on our bellies with our
ears to the ground and listen for the
tap, tap of the German engineers or
sappers who might be tunneling under
No Man's Land to establish a mine-
head beneath our trench.
Of course, In our orders we were told
not to be captured by German patrols
or reconnolterlng parties. Lots of
fcreath is wasted on the western front
giving silly cautions.
Ah soon as It was dark, Wheeler nnd
( crawled to our post which wns altout
halfway between the lines. It was
mining bucketfuls, the ground was u
tea of sticky mud and clung to us like
We took turns in listening with our
ears to the ground. I would listen for
twenty minutes while Wheeler would
be on the qui vlve for German patrols.
We each wore a wristwatch, and be
lieve me, neither one of us did over
twenty minutes. The rain soaked us
to the skin and our cars were full of
Every few minutes a bullet would
crack overhead or a machine gun would
traverse back and forth.
Then nil firing suddenly censed. I
whispered to Wheeler, "Keep your eye
skinned, mate; most likely Fritz has
a patrol out that's why tho Boches
have stopped firing."
Wo wero each armed with a rlflo and
bayonet and three Mills bombs to be
used for defense only.
I had my ear to the ground. All of
a sudden I heard faint, dull thuds.
In a low but excited voice I whispered
to Wheeler, "I think they are mining,
IIo put his car to the ground and
In an unsteady volco spoke Into my
"Yank, that's a patrol and It's head
ing our way. For God's sako keep
I was as still as a mouse and was
scared stiff.
Hardly breathing nnd with eyes try
ing to pierce the Inky blackness, wo
waited. I would have given n thou
Hand pounds to liuvo been safely In
any dugout.
, Then wo rilalnly beard footsteps nnil I money, So when thojiatfajlon was tqz
Battery D 238.
The day after this I received the
glad tidings that I would occupy the
machine gunners dugout right near
the advanced artillery observation
post. This dugout wns n roomy affair,
dry ns tinder, nnd real cots in It.
These cots fund been made by the
K, E.'s who had previously occuplea
tho dugout. I was the first to enter
and promptly mnde n signboard with
my name nnd number on It nnd sus
pended It from the foot of the most
comfortable cot therein.
In the trenches it Is always "first
come, first served," nnd this Is lived
up to by all.
Two It. F. A. men fltoyal Field ar
tillery) from the nearby observation
post were nllowed the privilege of
stopping In this dugout when off duty.
One of these men. Bombardier Wil
son by name, who belonged to Bat
tery D 238, seemed to take a liking
to me, and I returned this feeling.
In two days tlrao we wero pretty
chummy, and ho told me how his bat
tery In tho early days of the war had
put over a stunt on Old Pepper, and
had gotten away with It.
I will endeavcr to give the story as
far as memory will permit In his own
"I came out with tho first expedi
tionary force, and, like all the rest,
thought we would have the enemy
licked In Jig time, and be able to eat
Christmas dinner at home. Well, so
far, I have eaten two Christmas din
ners In the trenches, and am liable to
at two more, the way things nre
pointing. Thnt Is, If Fritz don't drop
a 'whizz-bang on me, and send me to
Blighty. Sometimes I wish I would
get hit, because It's no great picnic
out here, and twenty-two months of It
mnkes you fed up.
"It's fairly cushy now compared to
what It used to be, although I admit
this trench is n trifle rough. Now,
we send over five shells to their one.
We are getting our own back, but In
the early dnys It was different. Then
yon hnd to take everything without
reply. In fact, we would get twenty
shells In return for every one we sent
over. Fritz seemed to enjoy It, hut
we British didn't; we were the suf
ferers. Just one casualty after an
other. Sometimes wholo plntoons
would dlsappenr, especially when n
'Jack Johnson' plunked Into their
middle. It got so bad thnt a fellow,
when writing home, wouldn't ask for
any cigarettes to be sent out, because
ho was afraid he wouldn't be there to
receive them.
"After the drive to Paris was turned
back, trench warfare started. Our
general grabbed n ronp, drew a pencil
across it, and said, 'Dig here.' Then
,i went hack to his tea, nnd Tommy
untied himself witlt a pick und shovel
and sturted digging. He's been dig
ging ever since.
"Of course wo dug those trenches nt
night, but It wns hot work, what with
the rifle nnd machine-gun fire. The
stretcher bearers worked harder than
the diggers.
"Those trenches, blooniln' ditches, I
cnll them, were nlghtmnrcs. They were
only about five feet deep, und you used
to get the backache from bending
down. It wasn't exactly safe to stand
upright, either, because as soon as
your napper showed over the top a
Sullct would bounce off It, or else come
10 close It would make your hair stand.
"We used to fill sandbags nnd stick
them on top of the parapet to make It
higher, but no use; they would bo
thero about nn hour and then Fritz
would turn loose and blow them to
bits. My neck used to be soro from
ducking shells and bullets.
"Where my battery was stationed n
hasty trench hnd been dug, which
tho boys nicknamed 'Suicide ditch,'
and, believe me, Yank, this was the
original 'Suicide ditch.' All tho others
ore imitations.
"When a fellow went Into that
trench it was nn even gamble that he
would come out on n stretcher. At ono
time n Scotch battalion held It, and
when they heard tho betting wns even
money that they'd come out on
Btretchers, they grabbed all tho bets
In sight. Like n lot of bally idiots, sev
eral of tho battery men fell for their
game, nnd put up renl money. Tho
'Jocks' suffered a lot of casunltlcs, and
tha prospects looked bright for the
Battery men to collect some ensy
"At ono pnrt of our trench where
n communication trench Joined tho
front line n Tommy hnd stuck up n
wooden signpost with threo hands or
nrms on It. Ono of tho hands, point
ing to the German lines, read, 'To Ker
lln;' tho one pointing down the com
munlcntlon trench rend, To Blighty,'
while tho other snld, 'Suicide Ditch,
Chnnge Here for Stretchers.'
"Fnrther down from this guide posi
tho trench rnn through nn old orchard.
On the edge of this orchard our bnt
tery hnd constructed nn udvnnced ob
servation post. Tho trees screened It
from tho enemy nlrmen nnd the roof
wns turfed. It wasn't cushy llko ours,
no timber or concrete re-enforcements.
Just wnlls of sandbags. From It a
splendid view of the German lines
could be obtained. This post wasn't
exactly safe. It was a hot corner,
shells plunking nil nround, nnd tho
bullets cutting lenves off tho trees.
Many n time when relieving tho slg
nalcr nt tho 'phone, I hnd tn crawl on
my belly llko a worm to keep from
being hit.
"It wns nn observntlon post sure
enough. Thnt' nil the use K wns. Just
observe nil dny, but never n message
bnck for our bnttery to open up. You
see, nt this point of tho lino thero
were strict orders not to flro n shell,
unless speclnlly ordered to do so from
brlgndo headquarters. Kllme me, If
nnynno disobeyed thnt command, our
general yes, It wns Old Pepper
would have court-mnrtlnled the wholo
expeditionary force. Nobody went out
of their way to disobey Old Pepper In
thoso days, hecnuso he couldn't be
called n parson; he wns mora like n
pirate. If at any time the devil should
feel lonely and sigh for a proper mate,
Old Pepper would get the first cnll.
Facing tho Germans wasn't hnlf bnd
compared with an Interview with that
old firebrand.
"If a company or battalion should
give way a few yards agnlnst n su
perior forco of Boches, Old Pepper
would send for the commnndtng offi
cer. In about half an hour tho officer
would come back with his face the
color of a brick, and In n few hours
what wns left of his command would
bo holding their original position.
"I have seen an officer who wouldn't
say d n for a thousand quid spend
five minutes u intv and
when lie returned it e llow of language
from his lips would make a navvy
bluh for slmme.
"What I am going to tell you Is how
two of us put It mer on the old semap,
nnd got awiiy with It. It wus u risky
thing, too, because Old Pepper wouldn't
have been exactly mild with us It ho
had got next to the game.
"Me and my mate, n hid named Har
ry Cassell, a bombardier In I) '13$ bnt
tery, or lance corporal, as you call It
in the Infantry, used to relieve the
telephonists. We would do two hours
on and four off. I would be on duty
In the advanced observation post.
Whenorer this happened MO captain
would froth nt the mouth nnd let out
n volume of Old Pepper's religion
which used to ninko mo love him,
"Every bnttery has n rnngo chart on
which dlstlnctlvo landmnrkn nro noted,
with tho rnngo for eneh. These land
marks nre called tnrgets, nnd nre num
bered. On our bnttery'H chart, thnt
rond was called 'Target IT, Knngo
(WOO, 51 degrees .10 mluutes left.' D 2IW
battery consisted of four M.CV howit
zers, nnd fired a Ill-pound II. K. shell.
As you know, II. M. means 'high ex
plosive,' I don't llko bumming up my
own battery, but wo had a record In
the division for direct hits, nnd our
coys wero just pining away ror n
chance to exhibit their skill In tho
eyes of Fritz.
(To Ko Continued.)
four chairs at your service nt the
Metropolitan. No watting. Adv.
(Continued from Pngo Two.)
Alox. Foenl nnd Frank Mndsoy
went to Bond Mondny, returning
Tho II. II. Cnnnwny family is leav
ing for Arlington, Oregon, to Join
Mr. Connwny, who Is employed nonr
there. P. II. Johnson moved a load
of housohold goods to Bond for thorn
Mrs. Connwny nnd threo children
wore visitors nt tho A. I). Nortlu
homo from Sundny evening until
Mrs. J. J. Holland called on Mrs.
H. It. Keller Tuesday.
Wnltor and Itoy Kollor called at
tho Win. Itenm homo Thursday.
Chits. Grorfouborgor nnd sou Hon
nto returned from Prlnuvlllo Tuesday.
A. Ii. Norton, Frank Sponcor nnd
Fred Klger woro homo over Sunday.
Mr. Mockl nnd II. Dyer nro em
ployed on the Fred Klgor plnco.
'Mrs. A. D. Norton and two chil
dren called nt tha P. 11. Johnson
homo Thursday.
Mrs. Vornon Clovengor and chil
dren wero visitors at tha P. B. John
son homo Mondny.
Tom Going called at tho J. J. Hol
land homo Saturday.
- (Sfff
, 0imf """"""a-a-a Sij eeeeeeertvv-Cfc ."MrKr
I zzzr-rs&z-'trx
PLAINVIEW, May C Tho regu
lar mooting ot tho O. D. O club was
postponed for ono week so that as
many ot tho Indies as posslblo could
attend tho Hod Cross reception at
Bond givon for the nurse, Miss Iliad
gctt, who Is soon to sail for Franco.
Tho following club members attend
ed tho rocoptlon: Mrs. Hartley, Mrs.
Pattorson, Mrs. Hobs, Mrs. Arm
strong, Mrs. J. A. W Scoggln, Mrs.
Chalfun, Mrs. Powers and Mrs. II. A.
Tho O. I). O. club will meet with
Mrs. F. A. Powers on Thursday after
noon, May 0.
Mrs. Hartley attended tho lied
Cross mooting in Tumalo Wednesday
Hay Armstrong attended tho club
danco In Tumalo Saturday evening.
Four cars of peoplo from Plain-
viow enjoyed a picnic on tho Do
schutes river bolow Tumalo Sunday.
A fine fry of trout caught by mom-
while ho would be nt tho other end of Jbors of tho party made tho sumptu
the wire In the battery dugout signal
ing stntlon. Wo were supposed to send
through orders for the battery to fire
when ordered to do so by the observa
tion officer In the advanced post. But
very few messages were sent. It wns
only In ense of an nctunl attack that
wo would get a chance to earn our
'two and six a day. You see, Old Pep
per had Issued orders not to fire ex
cept when the orders came from him.
And with Old Pepper orders Is orders,
nnd mnde to obey.
"The Germans must have known
about these orders, for even In the dny
their transports and troops used to
cxjiose themselves ns If they wero on
parade. This sure got up our nose,
sitting there day after duy, with fine
targets In front of us but unable to
send over a shell. We heartily cussed
Old Pepper, his orders, the govern
ment, the people at home, nnd every
thing In general. But the Bodies
didn't mind cussing, and got very care
less. Bllme me, they wero bnlly In
sulting. Used to, when using n ccrtuln
road, throw their caps Into the air as
a taunt nt our helplessness.
"Cnsscll had been n telegrapher In
civil life and Joined up when war was
declared. As for roc, I knew Morse,
learned It nt the signalers' school bnck
In 1010. With an officer In tho obser
vation post, wo could not carry on tho
kind of conversation that's usual be
tween two mates, so we used tho
Morse code. To send, one of us would
tap tho transmitter with his finger
nails, and tho one on the other end
would get it through tho receiver.
Many nn hour was whlled away In this
manner passing compliments back and
"In the observation post tho officer
used to sit for hours with a powerful
pair of field glasses to his eyes.
Through n cleverly concealed loophole
lie would scan the ground behind tho
tain A by name, hnd a habit of
talking out loud to himself. Some
times ho would vent his opinion, snmo
as a common prlvnto does when he's
wrought up. Once upon n time tho
cnptuln hnd been on Old Pepper's staff,
so ho could cuss und blind In tho most
npproved style. Got to be sort of a
habit with him.
"About six thousand ynrds from us,
behind tho German lines, wns n rond
In plain viow of our post. For the Inst
three days Fritz hnd brought compa
nies of troops down this road In broad
daylight. They wero never shelled.
ous dinner a big success
Paul Scoggln was a caller In the
Black Butte country last Friday.
Mr. Stahllo mado a trip to Sisters
8. C. Caldwell of Bond spont Satur
day at tho A. E. Hoss ranch.
Clifford Ward has boon qulto sick
but returned to school last weak
aftor a two wooka' absence
Newell nnd Glenn Van Tassel
missed sovoral days of school recent
ly on account of sickness.
Misses Itachael and Constanco
Knickerbocker spont tho wcok-ond at
tho Pino Iiwn ranch.
A. E. Hoss- returned homo Friday
after a threo days' trip to Baker,
Mr nnd Mrs. Hnrtloy and son
Jack attendod tho play given by tho
eighth grado of Tumalo Friday even
ing. Mrs. Hnrtloy's nephow, Donald
Hallowoll, was ono or tho actors.
John Calverloy of Lowor Bridgo
was a Plalnvlow visitor rocontly.
A. W. Armstrong, Dick Doty and
II. T. Hartley woro callers In Bond
Guy McCalllster, A. E. Hoss and
F. W Lovoronz mado a business trip
to Bond Monday.
Tho school pupils am planning to
give a flno program Tuesday aftor
noon to colubrato tho last day of
school for this term.
Miss Edith Smith Is to spend a
short timo with her sister In IlurnB,
Oregon, before sho goes to spend tho
summer witn nor parents in wubii-
Rov. McVickor will hold preaching
services at tho school house next
Rnndav afternoon. May 12.
M. W. Knickerbocker, II. A. 8cog
!n and Jim Elklns woro Sisters
callers Saturday.
Every family requires a safo and
rollable cough and cold remedy. Mrs.
John Pottor, 20 Bhupo St., Mt. Ploas
ant. Pt.. writes: "I havo used
lan trenches, looking for targets Foloy's Honey and Tar for colds for
finding many. This officer, Cup- yfin"nn!! highly recommond It o all
a ,v nm i,n,i i... ..7 If families." Contains, no opiates.
Chocks bronchial and grip coulis,
croup and whooping cough. Sold
ovorywhoro. f
(From Saturday's Dally,)
J. J. Hoydar, who has boon agent
for tho O.-W.Il. & N. and Oregon
Trunk roads horo for some, tlmo, has
boon transferred to Vancouvor,
whoro ho has boon mado freight
agent for all of tho railroad com-
wircii : uuis mm jroucn OI
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plun
You Sent Him
A man's first Impulse is to sharo a good thing.
Real Gravely Plug has been spread all oyer Amer
ica simply by tho Gravely user offering a amall chew
to his friends. Tobacco like that Is worth sending.
It means something when it gets there.
Give aiy man chaw of Rl Gravely Fhif.aml fas will tell
you that's tha kind to ml. Sand tho beat!
Ordinary plug U fall economy. It cots lata per weak to
chew Real Gravely, became email chew of It laala lona
If you amoke a pipe, dice Gravely with your knife ami add
little to your smoking tobacco. It will give flavor Improve
your tmoke.
Dealer all around here carry it In 10c pouchea. A 3c.
stamp will put it Into Ida hand la any Training- Camp or Sea.
port of the U. S. A. Even Moyr Ihare" a 3c aUmp will take
it to him. Your dealer will aupply envelope aad give you
official directiona how to addreaa It.
7Ae Patent Pouch Aaepe it Frt$r and Ceeui anil Good
"it U not K,al Gravity without thia Pnotmctlon Simt
EatabllaHed 1S31
panics ontorlng that city.
Mr. Hoydar will bo succeeded In
this city by 0. A. Johnson, who has
boon general agont at Astoria for a
number ot years. Mr. Johnson wilt
nrrlvo In Dnnd In about two weeks
to tako chargo of his now duties.
Tho work In tho moantlmn Is being
handlod by his subordinates.
M. W. Taylor, Calvert, Ala.,
writes; "To Whom It May Concern;
I recommond Foley Kidney I'JIls, thii
best I over usod. I tried different
remedies, but notio gavo mo relief
llko Foley's." They restore regular
action of kldnoys and bladder and re
lievo backache, rheumatic pains, stiff
Joints, soro musctM, Sold everywhere.
on the job to give you efficient
service nt the shortest notice.
Here to see Hint yon get a cor
rect fitting in thckindoffrht.sses
you need, here to stay nnd back
up every bit of work I do.
With MYHO.V II. SY.MONH, O'Knno Hulldlnic
Your Hauling
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with light truck or passenger car
will pay operating expense
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