IJK.VI) IM'M.irri.V, IIK.VI), OIIUflON, TirrilHDAY, MAY 2, UHH TAOK n - p V ' vV v. DESER I IE T5 C. 0. I. CONTRACTS BE FORK HOARD. PHIch of Piopcify 'riiiimfcrml mid Oilier Hmiii HiinIiicnh Ordctcil Illown New ContnitlH anil Twelvn ll(i'l. (Hietlnl in 1I. llultrtln,) HAI.K.M, April lill Olio of thu liunvluHt crlMtH of ciiutrnctH panned upon ut it muollng of tlni dimurt liiml board fur ninny ywurn relative to tho Central Oregon Irrigation project mid (hit Tumiilo project was turned nut nt a spuria! muotlng of thu liourd. Tim nititlmt iiiiitturH In imIuIIoii to tli oho two proJiiitM wrro IihiiiIImiI iih follllWH! lly luttitr of April G, I 'J IK, Vernon A. Portion ritiiHitul cancellation of iliicil IhniidiI to Marry A. (lummy nniliir (Into of November 'i, ID 17, ami referred to In tho minutes of thu desert let tul bimrd uinlnr (Into of No vember 10, 1!17, mill tliut ii deed In Him thereof liu ImiitDil In Him iiiiiihi of C. M. HriiKK- It appearing that prlnr to thu liwuuiico of deed by thu hoard to Hurry A (lummy n ijult claim ilnoil liml bomi oxoeuted 'liy Harry A. OoMioy to- O. M. ilragg, which quit claim deed had been ru curded In thu county record. It also nppuurH thnl tlio diiml ImudiI hy thu hoard to Hurry A. (JoHtmy Iiiih not boon recorded nml Hint tooth iull claim ilncil ami tho deed tinned hy tho board nro now In thu board's record. It Ih therefore ordered that n deed ho liixiied covnrliiK tho HKU ItWU, lU-17-13, In tlm iiaiilu of 0. M. llruK. Kxteimlon of time In whluh to sub mil proof of reclamation, cultivation nml settlement until Juno 1, 191 It, wn granted K, I., Spencer under C. (). I, contract C03. Thu rulen uml regulation of thu hoard hnvliiK boon compiled with re garding deposition of settlor making proof, certificate of proof wuru or dered lurd to Trunk l.u.Mny under V. (). I. contract "Oil; to llntiit T. MlkkeUon under C. (). I. contract 1022; to Adolph I'otitaluo under C. (). I. contrnut 770. Thu following contract hutweiti tho Central Oregon Irrigation com pany and sultWr were urdHrod ap proved: No. C4GA to Wm. II. UoynoldH. covering tho WV& NlUi, 20-17-13. No. 70 IA to H. II. lUlKttHon. oovor Ini: tho Sl'.W fllV, , iua-17-ta. No. 1112 to Dun A Hlmightor, coviirlut: tho NISV, 8WVi, 2-17-1. No. 1112 to Dan llnurlgHit. cover lid thu 'i NKVi uhiI NW RBW. 2H-1C-H. No, IIM tn Nick Ituclior, covurliiK lot , c-in-ir.. No. 111G to (lortrude M. Foster, covering tho K',4 NWi. KW BW',4. 20-10-H. No. 1 1 II! to (Irovor C. Price, rover HiK thu HWV, NW'J, NV HW4, 2-lfi-H. No, 1117 to Thnuiiu II. Price, cov ering' lot .1 and 4L'-ir-U, No. lllfi to Prank II. Pouter, cov ering thu V!4 NK, W& 8HV;. 20-1C-H. No, UU to Daisy I), Hmltli, cover- Iiik thu NVi HK'.i, 8W' 8KU. 17-1CH. No, 112.1 to Dulriy 1). Smith, cover ing thu BW Ni:i, 17-1CH. Deeds worn onlered IhuuuiI In nc corilaucu with thu law and board regulations um followa: Demi No. -101. to W. J. Wnrnatarr, roverliiK IiiiiiIh umlur C. O. I. con tract c:io. Dmid No, 4 00, to Thomas O. Gur rUon, covurliiK lamia umlur O, O. I, contract 1011, Deed No, C00, to Wonluy J, Smith, ciiviirlni; IuiiiIn under (!, 0, I, con trnut 1 0110. Deed No, 001, to It, K, Keonard, covurliiK IiuiiIh umlur (J, 0, 1. con tract r2:i, l.iinil No, H02, to J. Ilni;uo, cover Iiik IiiiiiIh umlur C, O, I, coiitruct 772, Deed No, r,(KI, in (Jf Hwuiimoii, covei'lihff IiiiiiIh umlur (J, U, I, con tract 708. Deed No. 001, to If lion M. Wliltte more, coverlui; IiiiiiIh umlur U. O. 1. contract 070A, Dmid No, nor,, to TliomiiH (. ThouiiiN, coverlui; luuiU umlur C. U. 1. contract 082. Deed No. fiOO, to (luo( M, Krlck hoii, covurliiK Iiuiih umlur C. O, I, contract 1'i. . Diiml No. r.07, to C. II. Hardy, coVerlm: IuihIh umlur ('. O. 1. con tract :irii. Deed No, 008, to Ouo, Duiker, covurliiK IiiiiiIh umlur C, (). I, con tract 818. Deed No. 010, to (' W. Minna, covurliiK land under C. O, I, con tract 721. Central Orcein Irrigation cinopnny coiitructH Noh. 700A, KH2, 80C, U.'IHA, 040 and 1010 havliiK been cuncelled hy thu company wuru ordered can celled on thu record of thu hoard. Hiipplemcntul agreement to thu followlui: Ontral OreKon coiitructH wuru ordered approved: Nit. 18, held hy V. A. Ilrowu. No, 00, held hy Mr. Ida M. O'llrlen. No. 118, held hy M i:. I.amllH. No. ISO, held hy T. (1. HtuvuiiM. No. 182, huld hy l (1. AtkliiHiiu. No. 370, huh) hy I. II. Konter. .N. 404A, hold by Iluth ltuld Pou ter. Land MnI No, 42 umlur contract of Juiiu 17, 1007, covurliiK ouIhIiIo IuikIh for which an equal area within thu HuKruKatlon Iiiih been cancelled, Iiuh been Hiibtnltted hy thu Central Orison Irrltiutlon company mid thu iuiiiii wau approved by tho hoard. Thu followliiK contract umlur thu Tutnalo IrrlKutlon project wuru or- durud approved: No. 211, In thu iiamu of V. 11. Dlurkor. covurliiK tho NWtf NWU. 17-10-12. No, 213, In tlm nnma of Lorenzo J. Cody, covurliiK thu HK HWU. 0-1G-12. No, 221, In thu n a mo of John K. Ilratuhlll, covurliiK thu NV4 NIC1., 20-10-11, No, 207, In thu namu of Waldutnar I'uttiriiun. covurliiK tho NW't HW'U. 11-lG-ll. 8 GI (). ,M. lll.'ltNK'rr IH .MIST IllSltlS HY di:m:(atio.v kiio.m iiahnky COUNTY HISISKINf; HTATIS All) I'OK INTISH-fOL'NTY ItOAl). CARPENTER'S BOOKS RARREI) IN COUNTY (iiNtKrnplilral ItiNiilcm Am Clnliiuil lo Jlitt o it I'nMiVniiuu Temleiic) I,iiuih Am CllpMil Out. (Prom Thurmlny'n Dally. Cnrpenter'H OuoKniphlcal Itwiler, or at liMHt portion of It, aro burred from thu htIiooIh In DMchutun coun ty, acoonlttiK to thu county nchonl Miptirliituiidont'rt office. Tht work, which comprint mivuii voIuiiihii, Ih In disfavor berauno of lt.1 pro-durman HuutliUHtit, ami wherever It Ih found In thu HchoolH of thu county, a a work of rofureuce, thu Ihuvoh dc Ncrlptlvu of (lermuny an; belnK clipped out. Ono hucIi work Iiuh been found In thu county already hy Hupt. ThoiiipHon uml ordered rum edled mo oh to ho readublu hy tho HtuduntH of thu hcIiooI. An thu work Ih on thu library lists nml obtainable' from thu Htutu library UMoclallon, ll Is not entirely barred, hut JiirI hucIi portion a aru not con nldered true of thu proHunt coiiiIUIoiih uxUtliiK in (lurinuny. ' (Prom Prldny'B Dally.) With a view of lemlliiK Matu old In thu coiiHtructlon of a tituto high way hutwuuu Iloml and IlurnH, O, M. Iluruutt, iiMMlntunt Htuto cnclneer, ar rived In tho city Wcdncmlny nli;lit anil wan met 1iy a delenutlon from Hurim who will take him over tho proponed route, pointing out tlm nd vuntUKUH of hucIi a hlKhway to tho people of Central uml Kotithuru Ore- Kun, YuHturday Mr. Ilurnutt wbh takon over thu DuHcliutUB county road hy T. II. Poloy and JuiIko Wm. T. llnrutH, and tit thu county lino wan turned over to tlm Hums delegation to complete thu trip Inland.. Thu duloKutlou from II urn which mot .Mr. Ilurnutt hero wan compoHml or O. I., HaiiH, J. Vlrll Moon mid Harry Hmltli, all of them entlitmlaHtlc worker for hotter liU;liwnyn mid booMter for thu Htuto road JoIiiIiik Iluml and thu Houthoru city. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Attention WAR IS AWFUL SAYS BREWSTER (Continued from 1'oku Ono.) BEND POTATOES ARE SHIPPED TO YAKIMA FOODS TASTE nCTTER COOKED TODACCO TASTES UETTElt TOASTED Since the day of the caveman, who liked his meat raw, civilization has learned n lot about the scientific treat ment of tho things we oat. Naturally none of us would now prefer to have our meat raw, our o tatoes.as they come from the uround, our coffee unronstcd. And naturally followa tho great dis covery recently made by The Ameri can Tobacco Co. -that tobacco taste better TOASTEDI This wonderful new Iden simple like- all great Inventions was first used In producing the famous LUCKY STRIKE Cigarette made of toasted Hurley tobacco. , Hurley has n mellow flavor, entirely different from tho tobacco usually used (or cigarettes. It Is a pipe to bucconndLUCKY STRIKE Cigarettes taste like a pipe. (From Krlilny'B Dally.) DIhpIucIiik potatoes from Moutnua, which aro ualil not to bo auywhoro up to thu Htnndurd attained hy tho Con tra! OroKou product, a carload of potntouH ratHud near Iluml Ih belnK Hhlppnd HiIh week to TuppoulBh, WUBlllllKtOU, to ho UHUll n B BUUll. C. H. Stunts of ToppenlHh Is tho uhlppur. Mr. HtuutH la n brothor of W. II. Htauta ami Ih hero thlu week makliiK tho purchuso nml suulug to thu ship ment. Hltr nttontlou wuh callod to tho morltH ot tho lloud spud hy Ills brothor, uml utter lookliiK uumplea over ho Iiiih announced that thoy nro far miporlor to tho Montana kind provlnuHly UBOd. MAN FINED FOR KICKING YOUNGSTER (From Friday's Dally.) Wm. Hodumnn was flnad 2G nml costs In Judgo Knatoa' court yostor dny for klckluir tho sou of Mrs, II. Howard. According to thu toBtlmony of Mm. Hownrd uu'd tho child, aov ornl chtldron woro playliiK In tho Btroot nonr whoro Itode'niun wnB dc llvorliiK kooiIh. Ah ho paHsoil thorn thoy nindo rumarkB about him, a nil Hodomnn, hocomlnR ntiigry, cliuaod thoii), cntchliiK tho Howard boy and InfllctliiK thu punlHlimont, Mra. Howard fllod tho complaint on which ho was hallod tioforo tho court, Tho boy was not aorlously Injured. It i;ctB damn InnuHomu nml a letter now and then help out a lot. '"Have had Iota of excitement lately. Havo ncen all kinds of ar tillery duel, n few raids mid was hit and my bend cut a llttlo by a piece of nbrupnel. "Thu AmurlcatiH aro holdltiB a Hec tor on my left and a few nights ago I went over for company and was nrrcntud as a Qcrman spy. Ah I am nil alone, hnva no company mid no one knows mn so you can sco It was not strmiRu I Rot picked up. "Thut'B why It' so darn loneitomo. Henlly, I don't need a thtiiK, Charlie. Am not drlnkliiK at all. Am Riven a quart of wine a day with tho Prunch an rations, but don't drink It. I Blmply don't care for It. "Am navliiK all my coin for war bonds. Hnvu two 1100 bonds now and wnnt two more of tho next Issue. If you folks can unve, so can I, and wo nil must do It a thuro Is a Iiuik. hard Jolt ahead. "I like It hero mid really havo a good time. Am fnt ns a Iior, Tho Pronch nro Hlmply great. You can't IiimkIho how good thoy nro to mo. They would do anything. I can't say for nil tho hoyH over here, hut I um Hiiro nil of thorn want noth Iiik hut mall and tho knowledge you aro all well. "I nm already nllntlng hnlf of my pay for war bonds, mid out of the balance hnvu J SO In my pocket ami am koIiik to allot $20 n month more for war bond. It will leave nm $7 00 uml that Ih nil I need. "Am In lino spirits nml know wo aro going to win wo can't afford to lou. With IttiHsIa practically an aid to thu Ilocho wo huvo n Job ahead. "Tho wnr Ih Blmply hell, yet tho wonderful work done on tho front Ih unitizing. "I llvo In n dugout (much like your cellar), with nix feet of rock overhead, with eight Frenchmen, It is our living, sleeping nnd dining qunrturri. It Ih nbout 12x6x6 nml therefore crowded. Tho air la bad ttt night, ns It is tightly closed on account ot ruh. In tho dny It Is dnrk, hut It'a Hnfo nnd It's fairly comfortable much butter than most Pronch or Americans hnvu. "Toll anyone you ovor hoar say Hint wo should fight in tho U. S. that thoy nro crazy. "Wo had thin war to fight, here or thuro, and thank Ood U'b hero. When ono booh tho hundreds ot cities tho hIzo of Iloml absolutely wiped out, tho buildings simply dust; when ho sees tho womon doing tho nion'a work, sens tho children that huvo no homes nml knows nt tho glrlH nnd womon first rnpod nnd thon klllod that's whon ho cnu thank God It's ovor hero, not homo. "Wo havo u mnn hero, n Pronch- ninu, nml ho Is n pencil ot n mnn to mo. Ills homo town and his homo uro J simply gone; IiIb fathor nnd mother murdered, nnd his flauco first ravished, thon klllod. Whon I roo thnt mnn, don't you Imaglno I fool bettor keeping my folks nnd my friends from auoh treatment than I could if It hnd nlrondy occurred nnd "You can Jimt thank Ood wo nro ovor horo now mid that Now York, Ilostoii nnd boiuo moro places aro not in rutiis nnd our folks nuirdorod. "A raid Is n wonderful thing. It'a gouornly pullod off nt night nnd thon tho hoavona nro all ablazo with urtlllory flro and tho nolso la deafening. We wish to notify the public that on and after May 1 Gasoline and Shop Work will be cash. We are compelled to make this rule owing to present existing con ditions and high cost of labor and materials Furthermore, we would greatly appre ciate it if car owners would endeavor to make their purchases of gasoline and sup plies within reasonable hours. BEND GARAGE CENT-ORE. MOTOR CO. MODERN GARAGE UNIVERSAL GARAGE Not Just Meat But O'DONNELL BROS. Km "Tlm llfo is not bo bad except for 'COMMISSIONER MILLER tho Infantry. They deserve all tho glory when It's all ovor. Tho rest of ub nro necesary, ovon moro so than Infantry, hut thoy stnnd tho hard gaff without Bqueallng. Of courao thoy crab whon they comu In woru out, wot, hungry and cold, but ns Boon nH they gut fixed up thoy aro nt It again. "Just to show you rent patriotism, tho French spend odd nnd spnro mo ments in making souvenirs to sell mid doiinto tho money for tho war. "Cnn we, who hnvo not had our homes nnd property devastated, af ford to do less mid tho French sol dier gets 0 cents a day. "Toll all tho boys to savo their coin to loan to tho U. S. mid help win tho war. "Also tell Percy that I look at ninny thnlgs from a now standpoint; that I am learning to control my touipor, and that I havo no hard feel- lugs aignlnst anyono except tho Ilocho, mid thnt I npologlzo for ninny ot tho things I hnvo Bald. "Can't tell you nbout my work, It Ih sort ot secret in a way. I cnn say this much, that I was tho first American aoldlor In this department to go to tho front. Officers had gono, but I wiis tho first enlisted man. "Tho work Is vory Interesting nnd vory important. Was at an Kngllsh school two mouths boforo I camo up here. '"I Bout you n postal front Now York, also a letter from Franco bo foro this one. "Say 'hollo' to nil tho boys and that I am going to do my very best to help ond It mid beat It bnck to Sis tore, but no mora water Jobs for mo. Whon this war is ovor I hnvo finished lighting. "Thl8 Is a regular novo), but It'a n long tlmo botwoou drinks. Ilest rognrda to Mrs. atst, Frank, Percy, Altkins nnd ovory ono. So long, Cnsoy. SQT. GEOUQK II. BREWSTER, F. Soctlon No. 1, P. O. 729, A. K. F., Franco. "P. S. I will tako bnck ono thing. I would like n bottlo ot Waterman's fountain pen ink or a tubo of Wntorman'8 ink tablets, I cannot buy thorn hero. Cut Tills Out It Ih Worth Money. tc nm?i? tixtp T?nr t "pt?! dont miss 'this, cut out this IS OI ERATING ROLLbK- p encoso wIth flvo cents o Fo(jy " . ,. . & Co.. 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. (From Saturda a Dally.) m wrJUnR nanj0 am, addrcsa C. II. Miller, county commissioner. cIearly. You w, recclve ,n return a Is nlternatlng wfIth Mr. Dlnsmoro of j trial package containing Foley's the Oregon Trunk In tho operation Honey and Tar Compound, tor .i. ..... .ii. .. ,1,. i,. hi), : coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kid of the steam roller on the state hlgh-.Jiey j,, am, po, Ca'thartl Tab. way In tho vicinity of Pilot Uutte. iet8. gold ovorywhero. MEAT HOW ARE THESE FOR SEED PRICES? Fancy Alfalfa - - 22c per 100 lbs Red Clover - - 30c per 100 lbs Mammoth Red Clover, 29c 100 lbs Sweet Clover - 27c per 100 lbs HHi: (JOT GOOD UK8UITO. This honost testimony from n woman who has aufforod should ho hoodod by all afflicted with backache, rhoumatto pains, or nuv svnintom ot kldnoy nnd blnddor troublo: "I havo got such good rosultB from Foloy Kldnoy Pills that I sloop much bettor. Mrs, Chns. Gray, 270 Sixth St., De troit, Mich," Sold ovorywhero. REMEMBER We will only be able to to . furnish seeds nt these prices for a short time Phone Us Your Order That we may reserve your quantity. Bend Hardware Co.