The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, April 25, 1918, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    ntctin nuTiT.wriN, ihsS, oiikgon, tiimimuay, wium art, iiftU
paok Foun
The Bend Bulletin
KMnbllshcd 11)02.
An tndopondont nowanapor stand
ing for tho square deal, clonn busi
ness, clenn polltlca nnd tho best In
terests of Hond and Central Oregon.
Ono Year U.GO
BIx Months .7G
Throo Months 60
(From Thursday's Dally.)
"For some tlmo it looked llko wool
was going to bo tho issuo In tho sen
atorial campaign, but when It was
shown boyond question that tho -wool
growor rocelvod only from 40 to G5
cents n. pound for his wool, and tho
consumers and knitters had to pay
from 4.50 to $7.00 a pound (or
yarn, tho charge of profiteering on
tho part of tho wool growers foil
Tho foregoing itom has boon going
tho rounds of tho stato press for tho
past fow wocks as a part of the alibi
nolng offorod by a woll-known enn
dtdato for tho Itopubllcan nomina
tion for senator. It seems to us that
if folks wantod to bo wholly honest
about thla thoy would ascertain
something about tho costs put Into
tho finished product by tho men who
aro selling at $4.50 and up per
And then they would nnd out
somothlng about tho individual who
is not mentioned in tho paragraph
quoted tho speculator who buys
from tho grower nnd sells to the
manufacturer. How much did ho
pay for his wool and what was the
"spread" botween tho post to htm
and "tho prcsont market prico" at
-which ho Is -willing to sell?
Profiteering on tho part of wool
growers is not tho question. The
question is whether or not there was
profiteering on the part of a candidate.
Senator McNary's prompt answer
to tho Commercial club's Inquiry con
cerning the aviation camp Bites In
Orogon shows that ho Is right -on tho
job. A man who Is right on the job
is a good man to keep there.
In Jefferson county a patriotic as
sociation is obtaining the names of
all Jefferson county boys who aro in
sorvico and providing a Jefferson
county sorvico flag. A good idea.
(Continued from Page 1.)
Many of them wore slaughtered as
thoy marched, and thoso who es
capod tho saber and iguns of tho sol
diers only wandered to utarvo or die
of privations lator on. Ho named
ono instanco -where out of a com
pany of over 200 of those deported
two years later 20, tho sole surviv
ors of this contingent, arrived in
Egypt. Other instances similar were
given where tho refugees bad found
their way into Persia and a fow Into
tho city 'of Jorusalom, whore thoy
aro being cared for by the English,
who now have control of the city.
Following tho talk of Prof. Win
gate, J. J. Hundsaker, stato chair
man for tho Armenian relief In tho
stato of Oregon, told of tho work
which had already been done In this
stato to aid in tho caro of tho ref
ugees, and made a special appeal to
tho people of Bond to do all In their
power to aid in raising the quota of
$3,000 or to double it if possible.
Oregon sent ono check of $70,000 to
the headquarters of tho society In
Now York late last year, and has
been sending an average of $1,000
dally since that time, ho said.
J. J. Haner, county chairman, told
the moetlng of tho plan which was
to bgfollowed in raising tho quota
in this county. It Is the idea of tho
commltteo horo lie said to tako the
listings for the Liberty loan and send
out to oach ono listed an especial ap
peal, specifying tho amount which
they aro entitled to glvo to help aid
in tho work of raising tho necessary
amount. This -work will be com
menced Immediately and tho efforts
to ralso tho $3,000 will not bo sus
pended until tho task is accomplished.
F. J.-Kirk of Egll wasa bUBlnesB
visitor in tho city this morning.
Orovor II. Oerklng of Tumalo was
& business visitor in tho city today.
A.soven and a halt pound girl was
lioru to Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Hall on
q. A Gibbons and Jack Choates
of Riley wore in Bond today buying
euppjips for tuolr ranches.
' Mrand Mrs. James It. Richardson
elj kytlo are be parents of a nlne
yoWdibpy, born Tuesday, April 16.
Mr. and Mra. 11. M. Btoffemiait
leavc-thls evening for Seattle. Wash,,
Whoro thoy intend to make their fu
turo homo,
John II, Coylo of Walla Walla la
In tho city looking nftor somo busi
ness connected with his real estate
holdings here.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Shrtnor, who
hnvo boon spending tho winter In
Portland, recently drove In by auto
to spend the summer here.
Mrs. C. C. Allen and two children
of Tombstone, Arizona, arrived In tho
city Thursday evening nnd will leave
this ovcnlug. for Tumalo to Join her
husband, who has been thoro for sev
eral months.
A party composed of Mr. and Mrs.
G. Jones and two daughters of Dallas,
Texas, spent Friday visiting In tho
city. Tho family is making tho trip
by automobile to Seattle, whoro thoy
will visit with friends.
Ono cent a word Is all a llttlo Want
Ad will cost you.
(From Saturday's Dally)
That water In tho Deschutes river
will bo lower this year than In 1915,
which was a record year for low
water, was prophecied by F. F. Hon
shaw, of tho U. S. geological survey,
who has, been horo this week making
stream measurements and checking
up on conditions. Mr. Henshaw has
visited this section for tho purpose
Political Announcements.
I hrbr knnoant my cndIJy (or the
Btpablkmn nomination for th offlec of Countx
CcromlMknr. ubjrct to th approval of th
Rtpublkan votr at th primary to b held on
Mar 17, 1U.
I htrtbr announr- mrIf candidate to
tawed mrlf In th offl of County School
SuprrinUndtnt for Dcxhutrt county, aubjfet
to the approval of the Brpublkan voter In
the primary election to be held May 17. 191$.
I hereby announce ray candidacy for the
Republican nomination for th office of County
Judcc. aubbject to th approval of th Re
publican voter at th prlroarie to b held on
May IT, 1918,
I hereby announce ray candidacy for the
Republican nomination for th office of County
Commluloner. abject to th approval of the
Republican voter at the primary to be held on
May 17. U 18.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the
n.MiKtU.11 tuimtnatlnn teiw tk ntnm nt fnuntv
Treasurer, ubject V th approval of the Re
publican voter at the primaries to d nem
on May 17. 191S.
I hereby announce ray candidacy for the
Republican nomination for the office of County
Clerk, aubject to the approval of the voter
at th primary to be held May 17. 191S.
I hereby announce my candidacy for the
Republican nomination for the office of county
clerk, aubject to the approval of the voter at
th primary election to be neii on ay 17.
1918. If nominated and elected I promUe the
aam careful attention to the dutle of my
office a given In the jwut.
Fifteen Years Ago
This Week
J. M. Lawrence him linen commis
sioned notary publto for tho statu of
Oregon, and Is now rondy to do any
and nil kinds of notarial business,
TUo Deschutes Uumliar company
has completed Its now snwnttt and
planing mill. Thoro Is a largo forco
of men at work and tho mill will lin
turning nut lumber In earnest In
about ton diiyn.
(Jus Reese; the. young man who
was 111 with smallpox at thd Caldwell
ranch, about 27 mles east of hero,
dlod last Friday. As far as Is known
this Is tho only caso of smallpox and
tho only death resulting from It to
occur In Deschutes county this year.
During tho past ten dnys Hovoral
pralrlo schooners loaded to the hubs
with household utensils and kids
have passed through Hond oi thotr
way to Southwestern Orogon. Homo
of tho Croat Central hot air, mer
chants have Induced these aulsguldcd
folks to scok for Jiomes. In.Uifc Coos
Day region. They nro passing ,up the
best part of Oregon and aro going to
a place whoro a mosquito has a hard
tlmo to oko out an oxlstonco.
Mr. Tucker of tho Haystack sotllo
mont, nccompantod by a neighbor,
enmo through Ulond yestordny on his
way to tho Meadows for a load of
hay. It seems to bo a caso of carry
ing coals to Nowcastlo to haul hay
to tho Haystack country, but tho
festlvo, long-eared jackrnbblt played
havoc with tho hay crop In that sec
tion nnd tho peoplo thoro feel lucky
It they don't havo to haul hay moro
than 76 miles.
A largo forco of men stnrted to
work on Wednesday felling- timber
for tho P. D. D. Co.'s sawmill.
Shorlock Holmes Bteffa left today
for tho Tumalo on tho trnll'lff a bold
bad man wanted hero by the 'author
ities on a caso of assault and bat
tery. Mr. Stofta had a small arsenal
concealed somewhoro about his per
son and wo untlclpato no dlro results
to Btoffa.
"Word has reached us of tho death
of Miss Kate Holfrlch In Portland.
A. J. Hubblo of Gray Butte, In thu
Haystack country, brought In on
Tuostlay a flno load of fresh vege
tables of all descriptions for Dad
West's market.
Reed-Smith Mercantile
frequently in tho past fow years.
According to Mr. Henshaw thoro
was vory llttlo snow In the moun
tains In tho past wlntor compared
with other years, and much of tho
molsturo that fell at different times
wenj Into tho (ground Instead of re
maining to run off in tho spring and
summer. On this account the river
promises to bo low and to make pos
sible serious difficulty with both
Irrigation and powor production.
iff M
You9 re at
lied with style &
service is the H. S. k M.
label in Men's Wear
whether it's for dress,
business or general util
ity, men are now look
ing closer than ever in
to the quality of the
clothes they wear.
You'll get "vnluo received" when you buy from us. Tho
fullest guarantee of service back of every garment wo
Yes, wo fit them all -tho stout, tho long, tho short,
tho thin and tho average No ono Ih overlooked in our
selections of clothes for men and young men.
Boys' Suits, Hand Tailored the Famous Woolley-Boy Brand
A splendid variety of patterns for you to select from.
If you want your boy to look wpll his part, como In and
try on ono of theso suits. Thoso aro not ordinary boys'
suits, with no stylo or fit. Tho Woolly-Hoy Suits am
acknowledged tho best fitting, tho best madu suit on
tho market.
Ages 4, C, G, with Washable Collars
3.00,, 0.00
Uoya' Hand-Tailored Suits, G to 10 Years
tf.-i.00, tfd.OO, $7.r0
Hoys' Knco Pants, 6 to 10 Years
85c, $t.oo, $i.ur$, $i.:m, 1.50
Hoys' Knew Pants, 10 to 17 Years
Brtc, tfl.OO, $1.23, 81.115, 81.50, tf'J.OO
Itvnd's Clothier
Homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes
Florshelra Shoes Duchess Pants
Deschutes County's
Largest Storo
Deschutes County's
Largest Store
JAt your service today and always,
with an immense stock of the best
merchandise the market can afford.
NEW ARRIVALS in Coats, Dress
es and Tissue Ginghams.
Our Notion Counter is
loaded nt the old prices.
Wo havo all kinds of
Men's Belts from 50 centa
to $1.00.
White Goods Suit Cases
If you have not been
through our White Goods
Department come at once
as they are going fast.
Men's' Suits just arriv
ed. JuBt the thing for
summer. $25 Suits for
' U. S. Army
Just the thing for sum
mer. They just fit the
foot and they wear. They
are light on the foot.
Price $-1.90.
We have some good pat
terns left yet at bargain
prices. If you are in need
of a nice Silk Dress come
while the coming is good,
as the patterns are going
fast at $1.50 to $2.50 the
Our Suit Cases arc
about 25 cheaper. If,
you do not believe it, com
pare prices.
a r g a i n
Be sure to visit them.
You will find something
new to choose from each
Watches Watches
$1.00 to $25.00
If you are thinking of
making a present on grad
uation day, what is nicer
than a Watch, Ring or
Scarf Pin or Brooch? We
have them at prices that
will surprise you.
Look at our counters
of Underwear. They arc
last year's prices. Not
much- left. We have some
for you if you come for it.
Only Two Days Remain
Of Vote and Gold Offer
(Continued from Pago 1.)
largest sum of money In now sub
scription payments wins tho 2G In
.Tliri'o Moro Dnjs.
Tho fact that only three moro days
aro loft on tho big snoclal offer is
creating a whirlwind of excitement
amoiiK tho candidates In nil sections,
nnd evory day witnesses enormous
changes In tho standings of tho can
dldntos. Ono candidate is at tho top
of tho list today nnd tomorrow half
a dozen othors will havo passod her.
Porwni'ranrH Vmnt,
This Is truly a raco whoro porso
voranco counts and no candidate can
rest on hor laurels simply becauso
sho Is In tho lead one dny. Kvery
candldato who has been In tho lead
Iiiih found that sho has had to hustlo
with all hor might to keep hor posi
tion for moro than ono day, and If
hio laid off for a slnglo dny numerous
othors had hor completely outclassed.
All fully realize tho advautago
they will gain by working during
this porlod, and all aro hustling sub
scriptions from friends, acquaint
ances and strangors with a vim that
could bo Induced only by such a lino
array of prizes as Tho Dulletln is
offering tho workers.
Tho standing of candldutns today
Includes all votes recolvod up to 8
p. m. yesterday.
N'oto that only a fow subscriptions
will onablo any candidate, now at
tho bottom of tho list, to equal and
oven surpass tho leudors. Now Is
tho tlmo when u fow good strokes
will Homl you ahoad, and onablo you
to cross the winning Una, Think
what It moans to win In this cam
paignthen OO AITKIt IT.
Iitiiro HulmcrlnllmiN,
Candidates may find In soma cobcs
friends -who wish to holp thorn in
tho campaign by subscribing for
Tho Dulletln, but aro already taking
a paper which Is paid In advance
and do not dcslro to rocolvo more
thnn one paper In their homo at the
samo time. Tho management has
nrrangod to accopt and Issue votes
on nil such subscriptions and tho
papor to start at any future dato tho
subscriber may designate.
Hark HiibNcriptloiis.
In nnswur to tho many Inquiries,
wo wish to stnto that back subscrlp.
tlons count for votes tho samo as
pald.ln-advnnco subscriptions. For
exampln, If your subscription Is In
arrears six months and you pay
twelve months your tlmo Is extended
six months or twnlvo months, from
expiration and votes Issuo accord,
Ojmmi Hidilng.
For tho benefit of thoso who aro
not nblo to get to tho office durliiK
business hours, the campaign depart
ment of Tho Ilullotlu will rtmmlu,
opon ovoulngs until 8 o'clock. '
Cut Till Out It Is Worth Mono.
DON'T MIfltJ THIS, Out out thin
slip, enclose with flvn cents to Foley
& Co., SK3G BhofAiild Avo Chicago,
III., writing your numo and address
dearly. You -will rocolvo 1n return
a trial packago containing Foloy'it
Honey and Tur Compound, for
coughs, oolds nnd croup, Foley Kid
ney Pills and Foloy Cathartic Tub
lets. Hold ovorywhoro. Adv.
Prices Right to the Penny!
We ask you lor your business nt n guuruntced saving
to you. We will do our part, will you do yours? We
especially solicit the orders of people who in the past
have found it necessary to '.send away to the Portland
mail order houses for their supplies.
The Union Cash Grocery
Phone Black 1701 Bend, Oregon
Not Just
Meat But
W . ' L
y-fi ,